#i found the arsonist thing funny anon so don't worry you aren't the only one LMAO
celestial--abyss · 3 years
Hello! If it’s alright with you, I’d like to request a Genshin Impact matchup! Hopefully they’re still open lol- (btw I am amazed at the quality and speed you are putting this out at wow-) I prefer guys but honestly you can do whatever you want I don’t really mind. Go. Be free- I believe I am INFP and a Libra if I’m remember correctly, but I have a terrible memory so honestly who even knows at this point. Not me because I’m not checking lol- Fair warning that I almost forgot to give that I’m just following my train of thought here and it’s more like a train wreck of thought so I apologize in advance for the seemingly unrelated and inevitable rambling. It be like that sometimes 😔👌 My only real defining physical traits is that I’m really tall and have to wear glasses because my eyesight is garbage lol. I’ve been told that I’m smart, funny, and helpful, but I don’t like initiating interaction with people unless we’re already friends because haha trust issues go brrrrrr- I’m pretty loud with people I am friends with though, and I’m almost always joking since I hate being serious. My sense of humor is usually nonsense no one else can understand or can be pretty dark, which can cause some problems because apparently people don’t like it when someone says “oh yeah that arsonist on Thursday morning was totally me I was looking for my keys you know how it is”. Totally unreasonable if you ask me. I thought it was funny. I can’t stand when people don’t understand what I’m trying to tell them when I’ve already made it as simple as I can, or people who doubt what I know/what I can do. Also people touching me, but I can tolerate it if it’s someone I really like. If someone touches me without warning though I will hit them out of reflex before I even know what’s going on, so, uh, yeah- I prefer staying indoors since I overheat easily, and can’t see when it’s bright. (I also get sick when it rains, which is actually the only reason I have time to write this. It was raining really hard this morning and I had to call in sick since I was in so much pain lol- I mean it’s over now but I’m not about to go in at this point so shhh I was never here lol) I like to play video games (especially friendly competitive games or strategy games), listen to music, and collect shiny things or things I find funny because I am a crow apparently lol. I am going to stop now because I just realized how long this got I am so sorry- I tried to warn you 😔 anyway take care of yourself have a nice day okay bye bye-
send us a bit about you + a fandom and we’ll do a matchup!
hi, kai here! thank you anon, we try <3 /p you have a lovely day too!
i match you with...
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hu tao !
↬ hu tao is often regarded as weird or creepy, but she’s really got a heart of gold, and that comes out a lot when you two are together
↬ your shared sense of humour often leaves others clueless or slightly concerned, but hu tao is glad to finally have someone except xiao to banter with
↬ when she goes out, she collects shiny things she finds and keeps them to give to you
↬ hu tao is very warm, and i mean that literally. as in body temperature warm. she’s like a radiator, and when it’s particularly warm out she likes to joke that you could toast marshmallows over her
↬ her cooking skills are hit or miss, but if it’s raining she’ll do her best to make you some hot soup in an attempt to help with the rain-sickness
also under consideration :
↬ xiao, kaeya
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