#i feel like they SNIFF out whatever actually works and then REMOVE IT WITH GREAT HASTE BECAUSE GOD FORBID WE HAVE JOY AND DIGNITY IN THIS
the-stove-is-divorced · 8 months
i wish apple updates, ANY UPDATES, that change one small thing in the worst way possible while giving you no option to take it back, already having taken my info, my data, my privacy, now demanding what little joy and dignity I have left, a very much i hope you perish with fire on your skin and water in your lungs with the knowledge no one will ever love you and no one has.
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vvitchering · 3 years
32. “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.” for bobadin?
This is my first time writing for this ship and my second time writing Boba so I am FEAR (TM) but I think I actually like the way this came out?????
~ It’s been a month and a half since the beroya had come to stay at the palace. Six since the loss of his child and his creed. Boba doesn’t like to think about what Din had been doing to himself in the time between handing his son over to the jetii and when Boba had finally managed to track him down halfway across the galaxy. He hadn’t known Din long at that point, but anyone could have seen the defeat and hopelessness in his posture and demeanor. 
If Boba had taken any longer to find him, he isn’t sure there would have been much left to find.
Given purpose once again as a hunter and personal guard for the usurper king of Tattooine, Din is flourishing. Now, Boba counts on him almost as much as he does on Shand. She may be his right hand, but Din is as close to clan, aliit, as either of them are going to get and that means something to Boba. They’re both orphans, survivors from a scattered culture; and in every word of mando’a they speak to each other, every nostalgic smile, every instance of innate understanding, they grow a little closer. 
Things have been going well, possibly too well, suspiciously well. So while it isn’t a complete shock when Din begins to pull away again, it still hurts. They haven’t shared a meal in days. The mats laid out for combat practice have gone unused. Din hovers at the edge of Boba’s vision when he absolutely must make an appearance and he all but evaporates like a desert breeze the second he’s no longer needed. 
Din begins to stay out on hunts for longer stretches of time. He reports the relevant details on his return and disappears again until he’s summoned. His absence burns like acid but Boba tries to give him his space. He doesn’t know what he’s done to offend the man, but it’s clear there’s been a shift in their relationship and if he doesn’t want to lose the wayward beroya yet again, he’s going to have to do something soon.
He gets his chance one afternoon after he’s yelled at his court to disperse and he’s made his way to the chambers they use for exercise and weapon storage. Din is already there, moving through his forms, beskar spear in hand. His movements grow stiff and unnatural the moment he realizes he has company and Boba feels the last of his restraint snap.
“Do you have some issue with me all of a sudden?” he asks. Din flinches like he’s been struck. 
“Have I offended you in some way? Made you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome?”
Din fidgets with the spear and shifts his weight from foot to foot as if he’s debating making a break for it. Boba frowns. He’s never pressured Din to go helmetless, he knows he finds a certain kind of comfort and familiarity in keeping that part of himself intact, but he finds himself wishing for the umpteenth time that Din trusted him enough to remove it in his company. 
Right now, it feels like just another impenetrable barrier between them.
“No, it’s not that.” Din finally responds, tilting his head as he speaks in that curious way of his.
Boba moves closer, motioning for Din to continue. They’re having this discussion, no matter how much Din looks like he’d rather take off running. Whatever he’s hiding, it’s hurting them both and Boba can’t, won’t, stand for it any longer. He’s come to value Din’s companionship in a way he’s quickly realizing is frighteningly irreplaceable. The thought of losing it permanently sends cold shivers up and down his spine in a way nothing else ever has. 
Boba sets his jaw. Despite the avoidance techniques Din has been favoring lately, he is still Mandalorian, as is Boba. They will clean the air as their kind have done for centuries. 
Boba lunges. 
The attack catches Din completely off guard and they fall to the mat covered floor with a muffled clatter. Din loses his grip on the spear and it rolls away out of his reach. He struggles under Boba’s weight in a weak attempt to avoid being pinned down, but Boba has him just where he wants him. He leans almost his full weight onto Din’s chest, keeping him down, and presses his forearm into Din’s throat. He takes care not to press too hard; he wants to subdue and restrain, not hurt. 
Din inhales raggedly but goes obligingly limp, unwilling to fight back. It’s like the fire that they’ve both worked so hard to kindle has left him again. Cold fear zings through Boba, mingling with the adrenaline from their short lived tussle and he feels sick to his stomach as he realizes this might be the last time he’s allowed this close to Din. 
“Tell me. Please.” He begs. And it is begging. How far the mighty Boba Fett has fallen, pleading with a no-name beroya from some backwater covert for forgiveness for some unknown slight. He’d fall even further if it meant he could keep Din by his side just a little longer. 
He can’t see Din’s eyes behind the dark of his visor, but he can feel the strength of his gaze. He can feel him tense again beneath him as he registers Boba’s pathetic pleading. There’s a moment of complete stillness before the world tilts and Boba gasps for breath as Din manages to swap their positions and slams him into the ground. It’s not gentle. There’s force in his movements, real intent, and Boba would sigh in relief if he hadn’t just had the air mercilessly knocked from his lungs.
“I have lost everything in my life that mattered to me,” Din begins, and his normally calm voice is edged in steel. “My home. My family, twice over. Everything I had left fit inside a storage locker in my ship and that’s gone, too.” 
“You’re not the only one who’s lost things, Din.” Boba reminds him gently.
Din laughs miserably. He’s shaking slightly, Boba can feel the tremors where Din is pressed against him. 
“Sometimes I think I’m cursed.” Din says quietly. “I never get to keep anything important. My creed, my ship, the kid, everything I loved...” He trails off, viciously biting off what sounds like the beginning of a sob.
Din’s hold on Boba loosens significantly as he falls apart and Boba takes the opportunity to grasp at Din’s wrists, gripping them lightly but securely. He’s not great with words and even less so with comfort, but he can do this at least. He can anchor Din, help him weather the storm he’s fighting through, and see him safely back to shore.
“I pulled away because I thought if I ended this myself before it turned into anything it might hurt less than waiting for something to come along and end it for me. Cut something out of my life on my own terms for once, you know? Couldn’t do it, though.”
“Ne’johaa, I’m not finished.”
Boba swallows his interruption and stares up at Din pointedly. 
Go on. Get to the point of all this. 
Din takes a measured breath and then lets it go. 
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified. I don’t want you to be another thing I lose. I won’t survive it. Not again.”
“Oh. Is that all?”
“Is that all...Boba--”
“Now it’s your turn to shut up. C’mere.”
Boba shifts his grip to hold Din by the forearm with one hand while the other slides up over Din’s shoulder to pull him down by neck. Their helmets clink together at their foreheads and the sound echoes through the chamber. Din makes a short shocked sound and throws his free hand down beside Boba’s head to support himself but makes no attempt to pull away. 
“I’ve lived through far more than my fair share of hardship in this life. You don’t get to look like I do without having survived some absolute shit situations.”
They’re separated by the metal of their helmets, but Boba would swear he can feel Din’s warmth seeping through.
“If this is something you want to pursue,” he continues, “I’m amenable to that. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere any time soon, verd’ika.”  
Din makes a strange wheezing noise somewhere between a sob and a laugh and sniffs loudly before collapsing slowly on top of Boba in an exhausted but relieved heap. 
“Not that I’m not enjoying you sprawled out on top of me like this, but do you think we could relocate to a more comfortable surface? A training mat isn’t exactly an ideal place for a cuddle.” 
“Trying to get me into bed already? You’re shameless.” Din laughs, clear and true, and it’s the sweetest sound Boba has heard in a long time.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, do a writer a favor and reblog! Likes are nice, but they don’t get this story out there for more people to see. I’m also toying with the idea of putting this one up on my ao3. Thoughts?
mando’a words beroya - hunter Ne’johaa - shut up verd’ika - literally “little soldier”, used here as an affectionately insulting term of endearment as its usually used for little kids
(I really like Mando’a as a language, I think its fascinating, and writing a ship that consists of two Mandalorians gives me the perfect excuse to WAY over use it because I barely ever get to. I apologize for NOTHING. I wasn’t expecting this to be so long. I’m fully planning on coming back to this when I have fresh eyes and revising and editing some parts where the pacing feels a little off!)
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chonkyycheol · 3 years
Hey Buddy, Hey Lover
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Pairing: Minghao x you
Genre: friends to lovers , fluff
Never in your life would you have imagined that you can call someone like Minghao yours.
A/N: unedited, probably tons of errors >< do let me know what y’all think of this!!
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You met Minghao in an art exhibition. You were assigned to look after that particular exhibition as there weren’t enough manpower on ground floor which you agreed to happily. You were standing by the entrance when this tall, skinny but super good looking man came up to you. Honestly you were starstrucked by his visuals like woah.
“Hello do you work here?” His voice is so soft and soothing you almost forgot what he asked.
“Hello Sir, yes I do work here, how may I help?” You have a friendly smile reminding yourself that you’re working not here to ogle at this cute man.
“Yes actually erm, I have a few questions in regards to this exhibition and the artist can you help?” He gave a smile.
“Yes sure! I’ll walk you through the exhibition while answering your questions” you answered happily.
As the two of you walked through the exhibition, you learned that his name is Xu Minghao and was surprised at how well the you of you clicked and wondered if he felt the same. You would honestly love to have a friend like him, someone who would go to different art exhibitions with you and do other arts stuff together.
Soon, the ‘tour’ came to an end and it was time for him to go.
“I hope I was helpful and answered your questions fully!” You were sad tbh, knowing that you probably won’t see him again and you have no guts to ask to exchange numbers and was also afraid he would reject you and find you weird.
“You’ve been a GREAT help really! Thank you so much for all the information! Do you.. perhaps want to exchange phone numbers so we can keep in contact?” Your eyes widened and you didn’t know how to react, “ I mean as friends as we both have a lot in common and I thought we could be friends!” Minghao quickly explained.
“Sure, what’s your number?”
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That was the backstory of how the two of you met a year ago. You and Minghao became close friends who would hang out occasionally to go to different exhibitions or galleries and you would head over to his studio where the two of you would paint on canvasses and hang them around the studio.
You would be lying if you say you didn’t imagine Minghao as your boyfriend in multiple occasions, but you would always force yourself back to reality with the fact that he probably wouldn’t have feelings for someone like you.. well that was what you thought.
Minghao on the other hand has been observing you and by the time he realises, he was already falling for you and your imperfections. Albeit being an observant person, he could not read you fully. He knows what you like, what you don’t like, your angry face everything but your feelings towards him.
Do you like him as a man? Or strictly as a friend? It was killing him because he has made advances towards you such as opening the car door for you, fetching you home from wherever you are, going stargazing with you. He does not understand how you could be so dense or if you were pretending to be dense.
You would always fight to make payment because you didn’t want minghao to always pay for your meals or tickets to places and the two of you would sometimes have an argument over this, and today was another one of these days.
“Minghao please just let me pay you paid the last meal!!” You begged as you tried to catch up to him.
“Y/n i said it’s fine I want to do this, I want to treat you good food and bring you to nice places!” minghao sighed as he opened the car door for you.
“Money isn’t easy to earn how do you survive if you keep treating your friends?” You frowned, genuinely worried about him just spending his money like this on his friends.
Minghao paused, “friends? who said I treat you the same as how i treat my other friends?”
“Then what do you treat me as? BFF?” you gave a confused look.
oh my fucking god how is she so dense.. minghao thought as he got into the car.
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You stepped into Minghao’s place and placed the groceries on the dining table and helping him to put away the stuffs into the refrigerator. You had given up on trying to pay for this meal and made a silent promise to yourself that the next meal or ticket to an exhibition will be paid by you.
“What do you want to eat for dinner?” He asked as he paces around the kitchen.
“hmmmm i’m craving for rabokki (ramyeon + tteokbokki)”
“okay can you get the rice cakes in the refrigerator for me?”
You passed the bag of rice cakes to him and watched him silently from the back.
Why is he so attractive I don’t understand?!
“yes! why what happened?” you tried to act cool and as if you weren’t just daydreaming about him.
“Can you help me chop the chives and onions?” Minghao asked.
“sure,” you walked to the table counter and began cutting the chives beside Minghao while he focuses on the spicy rice cake sauce in the pot.
You were so focused on chopping that you didn’t notice Minghao moving behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you into a back hug, head resting on your shoulders. Your eyes widened as you tensed up and dropped the knife you were holding.
“Hao..?” You whispered cautiously. He hummed in response sending goosebumps down your spine from the vibration.
“What are you doing..” you placed your hands on his in an attempt to remove his arms around you but to no avail. In fact, he only tightened his arms around your waist pulling you even closer to him if it was even possible.
Minghao buried his face into the crook of your neck and took a sniff, “you smell good.. makes me not want to let you go.”
You blushed furiously and quickly turned to pushed him away from you. He then placed his hands on the counter behind and trapped you between his arms. You dared not make eye contact with him, afraid that you might faint.
Minghao studied your face and stopped to stare at your lips. He bit his lips unconsciously as he slowly leaned in. Noticing his actions, you shut your eyes tightly and leaned as far back as you could. He cupped the side of your neck to prevent you from moving before placing his lips on yours gently.
Your heart felt like it was going to actually burst as you felt his soft lips moving against yours as you stood rigid. That was your first kiss and you had no idea what to do at that moment so you just let him do whatever.
He pulled back a little and gave you a cute smile, “do you know how long I’ve dreamt of this?”
“I- wha?” You blushed, again, making him giggle.
He gently brushed your hair behind your ear and caressed your cheek with his thumb.
“You’re so dense you know that?”
Offended, you retorted back, “hey I’m NOT dense!”
“Yeah? If so why don’t you know that I have feelings for you all these while?”
“Uh.. what?”
“Nevermind. You’re mine now~” Minghao sing-songed.
“I never agreed~” you teased back.
Seeing his face change to a sulky one, you can’t help but laugh and cupped his little face and give him a peck on his lips.
“I’m joking.. I love you~”
“I love you too 🥰”
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quidfree · 3 years
can you Please write the scene with bakugou's piercing SGDHEFEH the concept is too funny to me !!!
anon you’re lucky 報復性熬夜 is a concept i am firmly attached to so here i am at 1 am rattling this off instead of getting my beauty sleep. please excuse the standard of writing as a result
by the second day, katsuki is seriously considering agreeing to todoroki’s earlier and ambiguously sincere proposal that they play i spy.
he doesn’t know what it is about this particular job that’s so unbearable. no, scratch that- of course he knows what’s unbearable; it’s sat right next to him on a too-small chair in their too-small room staring impassively out of a too-small window. but he’s been thrown into so much shit with icyhot you’d think he’d developed some kind of immunity by now, the way vaccines microdose you on viruses so you can resist the real thing. call katsuki an antivaxxer, he guesses, because he has overdosed on todoroki ever since he met the asshole and he’s still not ready for how far up the wall he’s driving him when they’re stuck together for two straight days without a breather or any contact with the outside world.
cards on the table: stake-outs aren’t his thing. he does them just fine, fuck you very much, but he doesn’t like ‘em. why would he? they’re some ungodly blend of extremely boring and extremely tense, where nothing happens right up until way too long into it and then everything goes to shit unprompted. it’s rare he ever gets called in on jobs like this- people tend to assume he lacks the temperament for it, for one, and for another he’s too useful to lock away for days on end. it’s only because their suspected target is so insanely volatile and dangerous that it’s the two of them waiting for her to show her ugly face- no one else is even allowed in the perimeter. which is fucking fine, but he just wishes the cops would get their shit together for once and actually have the proof ready by the time they call the pros in so he doesn’t have to wait before he goes in guns blazing. instead they talked some bullshit about how critical of a stage this was and blah blah fifteen years of (obviously mediocre) work had gone into setting this trap, etc etc. the point is that it’s led to katsuki stuck in the world’s most disgusting little apartment, staring out of a splintered window for two-going-on-three days with no one but the world’s most annoying prodigy to keep him company. the place is such a dump they’re sleeping on mats in sleeping bags. it’s like fucking UA summer camp, and at this point he’d take the kidnapping over the waiting.
day one wasn’t so bad, right up until he realized there would be a day two. day two is bad from start to finish. they’re supposed to take turns on watch but there’s fuck all else to do except sit on their phones, and katsuki can only quote tweet so much dumb shit before he gets bored. he can’t talk to anyone outside because of confidentiality bullshit, and there’s no point checking work shit when he can’t do anything from where they are. so it’s either silently watching the warehouse or talking to todoroki, and todoroki is a fucking terrible conversationalist.
the thing with icyhot is this: katsuki doesn’t hate him, okay. like, he hates him, but also not really. they’re, at a push, maybe, sort of, friends. verging on close ones. not that he’d say so, but after the amount of dramatic self-sacrifices and final stands against a joint enemy they’ve endured he can’t really muster the energy to argue otherwise. todoroki’s tolerable, sort of maybe. usually katsuki borderline likes working with him, because if nothing else he’s good at what he does, and they know each other too well to be anything but in sync in the field. if they were doing almost anything else he’d be relieved at the choice of pairing.
they are not, however, doing anything else, and todoroki still fucking sucks at talking like a normal person. when he’d woken katsuki up for his shift of night-watch he’d loomed over him ominously like a fucking ghoul and said, voice belying no humor: “do you think plants can feel pain?”
there’s fucking nothing to talk about. anything interesting is essentially vetoed because it’d inevitably distract them from the whole intent observation thing, and katsuki hates small talk on a normal day but especially when todoroki’s doing his ‘alien attempting earth dialect’ bit and asking him about weather or the tokyo transportation system or whatever. so they just sit in semi-silence and occasionally go on very stupid tangents katsuki is glad no one can witness and remain overall bored out of their fucking skulls.
by day three they’ve already exhausted i spy and also the alphabet game and hangman, and katsuki draws the line at tic-tac-toe. todoroki looks implacable as always but his eye has started twitching a little. katsuki tries to think of literally anything that could plausibly take up their time and not take their eyes off the window, comes up short. twister is not a good idea even ignoring their lack of a board. shop talk is so very tempting, but he’s not losing this villain and wasting two days’ suffering because they get carried away on some long-winded discussion, so that’s not an option either.
“how’s your ear?” todoroki says, and at first katsuki thinks he’s really fucking lost it if he’s started asking after the wellbeing of his individual body parts, but then he remembers the last time they saw each other katsuki was throwing himself into the path of some jackass with a trumpeting quirk who nearly blew out his eardrum, so he guesses half ‘n half’s not entirely insane yet. he shrugs, shifts in his chair.
“fine. couldn’t hear shit from it for like three straight days, though. and my balance was fucked.”
“it hasn’t scarred at all.”
“yeah. lame place for a scar,” katsuki says, flexing his fingers absently. they’re all of them more roughed up than they were at UA, but talent and good healers have kept him mostly intact, give or take a few big nasties like the time he got gutted in first year or his near loss of an eye around graduation. privately he suspects genetics have dealt him a good hand, what with his gene donor’s perfect skin, but then todoroki doesn’t have that excuse and he’s not scarred anywhere ugly except the obvious, though katsuki could point blind to most of the nasties he’s accumulated under his suit.
not that he thinks about what’s under todoroki’s suit. god, he needs to get out of here.
“i don’t know,” todoroki is saying now, thoughtful. “a lot of people have ear-scars, no? from piercings.”
“that’s different,” katsuki says, immediately contrarian, even as he thinks about it. by the warehouse a truck stalls, but then moves on, lessening his momentary excitement. “most people don’t let that shit heal. unless you’re a moron there’s no point getting a hole jabbed through your ear if you’re not sure you want it.”
“would you?” todoroki asks, mildly curious, and taps his ear where katsuki can see him in the window’s reflection. “get a piercing, i mean.”
“what’s it to you?”
todoroki rolls his eyes at him like he’s being pointlessly difficult, which he maybe is a little. “i don’t know. i think it would suit you.”
“yeah?” katsuki sniffs, mollified and trying not to show it. it’s always a mistake to let icyhot know when his obvious ploys are working. “been thinking about it?”
“i can hardly sleep at night for thinking about it,” todoroki deadpans, which makes katsuki scowl and stomp down on the extremely unwarranted flush crawling up his neck in response.
“fuck off. i guess i’d do like one or two.”
“really? you always say no to tattoos.”
“that’s different. i don’t trust some asshole to draw a fucking infinity sign on my knee or whatever. sticking a hole through an ear is hard to fuck up, and you barely register it after. if you get a shitty tattoo you have to think about it all the time.”
“if it’s easy then why don’t you have any?” todoroki asks, but he sounds genuinely curious more than like he’s trying to catch him out, so katsuki thinks about it honestly.
“don’t have the time. ‘s not like i can really afford to pencil in an afternoon to the nearest parlor or whatever just for that.”
“i read you can pierce your ears with a needle.”
“i guess i haven’t fucking thought about it that much, then,” katsuki grumbles, forever irked by todoroki’s smart mouth. problem solver his ass. the guy goes around making problems for everyone.
they sit in silence for a beat, watching the breeze rattle the wooden planks barricading a window opposite them, and then he thinks needle, and does some very quick mental arithmetics to reach the conclusion that todoroki is probably also landing on, judging by the way he blinks when katsuki briefly glances his way. 
he thinks about the job, and how close he’d come to throttling todoroki during i spy, and the great dawning nothingness ahead of them for fuck knows how long still. at the very worst, they have to start moving with a needle in his ear. 
“pass me your medikit.”
todoroki does, but when katsuki unzips the pack he shifts. “it’d be easier if i did it.”
“it’s not rocket science,” katsuki mutters, considering the needle critically before glancing back out of the window. “'s not like i give a shit about precise location.”
“i’m just saying i wouldn’t have to go in blind. and you can keep watch while i do it.”
“or you can keep watch while i do. same shit.”
todoroki only shakes his head, because unlike some people who shall not be named he is not so incredibly psychosexually attached to offering help where it isn’t wanted. “fine.”
katsuki eyes the window, squints at his ear. tissue’s the best bet- he thinks he could probably manage cartilage fine, but on the off chance they have to drop everything and run he doesn’t want to accidentally snap a bone and start the fight inconvenienced. lobe it is.
“wait,” todoroki says, just when he’s focused, and then reaches over without removing his gaze from the window to press two fingers to the needle, tip going blisteringly red-hot before he releases it. cauterised. their kit’s sterilised anyway, but katsuki grunts his begrudging thanks, repositions himself. 
“wait,” todoroki says again, and this time katsuki can’t help but turn to glare at him where he’s still watchfully staring outside.
“fucking what, icyhot?”
“two seconds,” todoroki promises, gaze flickering his way for half a second with something like self-effacing amusement before he turns his eyes dutifully away and reaches his other arm around to pinch his ear, which flares cold so quickly katsuki hisses even as his cheeks heat. fucking weirdo.
“could’ve just said,” he mutters, ignoring his not at all jumpy pulse to refocus on the task at hand as todoroki does that obnoxious lip-twitch thing that means he’s smiling internally. 
physics dictates that he keep his wrist at an angle if he wants the needle to come out right, so he does, braces and jabs. it goes so easy he almost doubts his own success, not even the slightest twinge of pain ensuing. he twists for good measure, removes the needle, watches tiny beads of blood emerge from the piercing. 
well, that was anticlimactic, katsuki thinks, retrieving an anti-bacterial wipe for the needle, and then pauses, staring at the window.
“what the fuck am i supposed to put through this?”
todoroki’s mismatched eyes go gratifyingly wide in the window, and for one spectacularly braindead moment two of the world’s most outstanding pro-heroes stare at one another in a shitty broken window with equal amounts of retroactive dismay. 
“um,” todoroki says, or as close to ‘um’ as todoroki will ever say. katsuki wishes dearly he was still of an age where he could throw him through a wall. then his eyes focus elsewhere, sharpening with what could pass as professional focus but is mostly naked relief. “um.”
um in-fucking-deed. by the warehouse, a door has just opened a sliver.
“you owe me a fucking earring,” katsuki declares, but so fast it lacks any aggression, already halfway out the window by the time he finishes speaking, atrophied limbs reviving with an ecstatic chemical burn as fresh air hits their faces. 
god. if he ever gets stuck on stake-out duty again he’s sleeping by himself under a parked car or some shit. 
they make disgustingly quick work of the fight, in the end, days of pent-up frustration and skull-numbing boredom leaving them so bursting with power that it’s almost embarrassing for the villain, but when the first kow-towing police officer reaches them full of praise and suggestion that they handle another job he has queued up they chorus a ‘no’ so violent the guy actually jumps. 
todoroki’s not so bad, katsuki thinks fondly, watching his face slide into frigid blankness with absolutely no idea of how shitless he’s scaring the officers around them. it’s almost enough to make him forget to kick his ass for the enormously shitty banter he’d had to endure vis-a-vis his still-bleeding ear throughout the entire tragically short fight.
almost. not quite. who even knew there was a ‘gay ear’?
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sugoi-writes · 4 years
Okay! Could you possibly write about ichi having a bad day (it could be for a bunch of reasons) and he’s so exhausted but his s/o comes home with a stray kitten they found & it brightens his day so they keep it? PLEASE
Absolutely! Thank you for the adorable prompt! 
It would be one thing, Ichimatsu thought, if today was just inconvenienced by one, simple thing. But it wasn’t.
Ichimatsu was late to work the second time this month. And of course, that was followed by some pretty heavy scolding from his boss. It was a major pain, but bearable. 
It really wouldn’t have been that bad of a day if Ichimatsu’s laundry had dried properly… however, with his luck: it did not. And so, on a day where he was already stressed from being late: he had to wear uncomfortable, wet clothes to work. Maybe this wasn’t so bad on it’s own, Ichimatsu thought, as he recounted his day.
But of course… on top of that, there was so much more. How could he forget his wallet today, of all days? He didn’t pack a bento box in advance, and Y/N worked the night shift, so they couldn’t really do much to help him. Besides, he would have felt like trash for bugging Y/N. And so, he figured he would just order from somewhere on his lunch break. And this would have been fine and dandy… if he remembered his wallet.
And come lunchtime, he was left with either skipping lunch, or being late to work again to get some food from home. So of course, he chose to skip a meal. 
By the time he got off work, in his irritating work uniform, he was starving and very hungry. And by this point, Ichimatsu had forgotten that he did not have his wallet. He was all set, ready to go to one of his favorite restaurants… when reality hit him again. He scolded himself once more, and excused himself before he was seated. But, OF COURSE, why would the bad luck stop there? 
The sweet, sweet cherry on top of his awful day was the waiter that bumped into him, sending coffee (hot, scalding coffee) directly onto his gross uniform. Ichimatsu could only thank whatever force was at work in the world, for not burning him with this fresh, spilled coffee. 
So there was Ichimatsu, fuming quietly at his horrid day. His fists were clamped tightly, his fingernails digging into his palm. He couldn’t even wrap his head around every little thing that inconvenienced him today. 
This entire day, he thought, was retribution for all of the good things that were happening lately, especially after ESP Kitty passed away. Between finally proposing to you, snagging a cheap apartment, and having some more days off to spend with you, Ichimatsu’s life had been going well. Too well. He knew this day would come… but not so soon. 
He took a calming, deep breath, unclenching his fists as he slowly opened the front door to your shared apartment. 
“I’m home…,” Ichimatsu called out unenthusiastically, kicking off his shoes with a huff. His shoulders immediately slumped deeper as he realized that his socks had holes in them, “…great…”
Ichimatsu was quick to remove them as well as his jacket, before he heard a familiar chime from the other room,” Welcome home~!” 
Ichimatsu’s features softened at the sound of your voice, before he frozen. He heard the sound of soft mewling, followed by Y/N shushing whatever it was. He blinked, curiosity getting the best of him as he made his way towards you voice. You called from the kitchen, your voice rushed,” J-Just a moment! Wait right there. I haven’t finished your surprise!” Ichimatsu stops, blinking as he tensed up.
“…surprise…?” Ichimatsu calls back, his brows raising with intrigue. You follow up his question quickly, fumbling with something in the other room,” Agh– yes, yes, a surprise!! J-Just sit on the couch and wait for me there!” 
Ichimatsu chuckles, shaking his head as he slumped back to his natural posture,” Actually, I’m going to take a shower… I kind of need it.” Ichimatsu starts shrugging off his shirt, unable to shake the feeling that you had more than just a little surprise. He dismisses his thoughts as you hum in approval, your voice once again ringing cheerfully. 
“Okay! Your surprise and dinner will be ready once you’re out!” 
Ichimatsu rolls his eyes. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little weary. If he was in store for a lot of surprises, he might just explode. Who knows what would happen, after everything today?
But before he could bog himself down anymore, he made his way to the bathroom and prepared for a warm, calming shower. 
The sound of the shower running was your cue that it was safe, and you eagerly smiled to yourself. 
“He is going to LOVE this…,” you whisper quietly, holding up the adorable kitten you were hiding from Ichimatsu. You nuzzle the purring kitten’s nose with your own, earning the tiniest of meows. You giggle and hold the kitten in your arms, his bell jingling on his pastel purple collar. 
“He’ll remember you, yeah~?” you chime to the kitten, who was content with being snuggled in your arms. The kitten you rescued was a stray you saw on a walk to the park. Ichimatsu was with you, and was shocked to see a kitten so adorable on its own. He was almost sure it was domesticated with how it approached the two of you, begging for pets and food. 
Of course, Ichimatsu was still recovering from the loss of ESP Kitty, and was hesitant to bring him home. So you both made sure to give him lots of treats and love before going on your merry way. 
But here you were, two weeks later with that same kitten. You had taken him to the vet to get fully checked out and vaccinated. By the time you signed adoption papers, you were all set and ready to go with your plan to cheer up Ichimatsu. 
Your chain of thought broke when Ichimatsu yawned, stepping out of the bathroom with heavy, tired footsteps,” So you wanted me to wait on the couch, right?” he practically rumbled, his voice settling into a low, sleepy tone. The shower had helped him relax after all. 
You call back to him, hiding the kitten behind your back just in case,” Y-Yeah! I’ll bring you dinner in a second. I made some yakisoba for tonight!” 
You couldn’t see him, but you could hear the change in his voice when he responded,” That… sounds really nice. Thank you, baby…” Ichimatsu practically whispers, surprised. You grin to yourself, walking towards the living room,” …but fiiiiirst…. your surprise!” 
You held back your excitement as the kitten mewled again, almost spoiling the surprise. You asked your boyfriend to close his eyes, which he does without hesitation. You walk until you’re right in front of him, and ask him to hold out his hands. 
Ichimatsu does so, weakly, as if reaching for something. You thought this was perfect, as you gently raise the kitten towards Ichimatsu. When the kitten mewls and starts wiggling around, Ichimatsu’s eyes rip open. 
And then, all at once, his heart swells at the sight before him. An adorable, sweet orange tabby is trying to get to him, recognizing his scent. Ichimatsu immediately takes the kitten as gently as he can, trembling as a blush swiftly spreads over his cheeks. His eyes are watering as the kitten starts to sniff his face, before licking the tip of his nose. 
“ Y…You didn’t…,” Ichimatsu whispers, a smile slowly stretching across his face. 
“I soooo did~” you mock, practically dancing in place while watching Ichimatsu’s reaction. He shakes his head, laughing quietly before cradling the kitten against his chest. You can see his shoulders shaking, as he tries to hold back his laughter and happy tears. 
“Y-You know he needs to be taken to the vet soon, though. I want to be sure he’s–” You cut Ichimatsu off as you start playing with his hair, sitting by him on the couch. He sighs into your touch, practically purring. 
“Already taken care of. He’s a strong, healthy boy. And we won’t have to get anymore vaccines for a few months. We just have to wait until he’s a little bigger,” you coo gently, while Ichimatsu starts wiggling his fingers. The kitten excitedly starts to play with Ichi, making him beam happily. 
Ichimatsu looks to you, before giving you a very quick, but sweet kiss. His blush only intensifies,” …thank you, Y/N. Thank you for doing this… I… I didn’t have the best day today… but, with you two… I think we can turn that around,” Ichimatsu admits sheepishly.
You chortle, leaning over and peppering his damp cheeks with kisses,” The night is young~ And this baby needs some attention. So we can definitely help you work through your stress from today~” you reply. You reach over and start petting the top of the kitten’s head, making him purr and relax. Ichimatsu looks to you again, nodding softly. 
“What should we name him?” he asks you softly, looking back to the bundle of fluff in his arms. You smile as you continue to shower him with sweet affections, your hands resting on his shoulders,” Up to you~”
Ichimatsu sighs, and looks to the little, feisty tabby in his arms. He laughs, almost yelping in surprise as the kitten starts nibbling on his fingers,” …I think… we should name him Inferno.”
You blink at him, almost laughing,” You think so? Like Dante’s Inferno?” you ask, before Ichimatsu blinks. 
“Well… I was thinking Inferno because of how feisty he is… but… Dante is cute, too” Ichimatsu admits, smiling with you as you both continue to play with your new friend. When Ichimatsu repeats the name, he blinks slowly, as the kitten continues to play with the both of you. It must be sticking already, you thought.
“Well… Dante, then?” you reply, looking to Ichimatsu for his approval. Ichimatsu nods, chuckling,” Y-Yeah… Dante sounds good.” 
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darkmulti · 4 years
Dr. Park
Doctor!Seonghwa x intern!female reader
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⚠️Warnings: dirty talking, oral (fem receiving), overstimulation, anal, slapping, spanking, spitting, choking, cum play, degradation, sadist!seonghwa
Poorly written medical stuff. Don’t kill me!
If you want to read the story but not the smut I will put *** at the smut part. Let your imagination take over after that❣️
Some people may consider this non consensual sex so
“Oh look at you all knocked out and snoring. Mind toning it down, you’re waking the patients up.”
Your friend Wooyoung enters the room with a bottle of water in hand. He climbs the ladder and lays down next to you on the bunk bed.
“What’s wrong doll?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“What’s wrong princess?”
“Don’t call me that either.”
“What’s wrong baby?”
Your hands cover your face in annoyance.
“You are one annoying mother fucker.”
“I know babe. But you know who’s more annoying? Seonghwa.”
A groan left your lips. Even hearing his name was tormenting.
“He really worked you to the bone, didn’t he?”
“Wooyoung I’ve been up for the last 72 hours being his personal assistant. I’m an intern. Here to help and treat people. Not to be his little, fucking assistant. I don’t know why I had to get assigned to him. All he wants me to do is get his lunch, or coffee. He even told me to go fetch his car. I am not a fucking chauffeur!”
You said in an indignant tone.
“There there, my poor little Y/N.”
The male laughed at your frustrated state, pissing you off even more.
“Shut up, you’re not helping. Now if you excuse me like I said, I haven’t gotten any sleep in the last 72 hours, so if you can please leave that would be great.”
You close your eyes once again until you feel two arms wrap around you.
“Wooyoungieeeee! Please let me sleeeeep!”
You whine at the man who now fully had you in his embrace.
“Shh, you’ll sleep better like this.”
You comply and relax your body. Your arms were making its way to snake around his body, until your pager went off.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”
Hurriedly you get off the bed and grab your laboratory coat, quickly putting it on along with your shoes.
“See you later Wooyoung!”
You rush over to the MRI room to see Seonghwa sitting there, observing the screen.
“Took you long enough.”
He spat out in a displeasing tone.
“Sorry, I-”
“Save it. Sit down.”
You sat down on the chair next to him and join his eyes on the screen.
“She has a brain tumor.”
“Malignant Astrocytoma. She said that she couldn’t see out of her right eye. We have to run some tests to make sure.”
Seonghwa sighs and presses the button to tell the lady that it’s over.
“Y/N you’re in charge of telling her.”
“Complain one more time and I’ll give this case to another intern. As a doctor this is your responsibility. You can’t throw a hissy fit when something doesn’t go your way.”
A stern look places on his face. His hands gather the scattered papers and taps it on the desk into a neat pile.
“This afternoon. It better be done or else I’ll give the case to Wooyoung.”
Satisfied with his words he gets up and leaves. Your fingers tangled into your hair, slightly tugging on it in frustration. Seonghwa was just taunting you at this point. For his own amusement.
You get out of the room and go downstairs to get lunch. With your heart racing in your chest, anxiety took over you.
This afternoon?
Your eyes scan the cafeteria and you catch Wooyoung digging into his sandwich. You speed walk toward him and drop your tray on the table.
“I need your help.”
At that moment Wooyoung was just about to bite into his sandwich. His eyes look into yours and he freezes.
“Right now?”
“I-I don’t know! Seonghwa pulled me back to reality. How am I supposed to tell a lady she has a brain tumor? Or how am I supposed to break the news to people that their loved ones passed away? Wooyoung I don’t have the heart to do this job!”
“Sit down and calm down. If you want I can come with you.”
“Seonghwa said I have to do it this afternoon and he’s gonna be there too. But I’m just scared.”
“Hey listen.”
He puts his sandwich down and holds your hands.
“I will be right there behind you for extra support. Someone needs to tell them, and when you’re no longer an intern it will fully be your responsibility. The first times always the worst time.”
After reassuring you he went back to munching on his sandwich.
“You’re right. I have to practice.”
“Exactly. It’s unfortunate, but it’s also our job. Hopefully we can get rid of it.”
Weight lifted off your shoulders after talking about it. While enjoying your lunch you practice your speech with Wooyoung.
Thirty minutes later you found yourself standing in front of her door. Seonghwa walks up behind you and looks at Wooyoung.
“What’re you doing here? This is Y/N’s case.”
“Uhhh, I just wanted to hear more about this case. You know, learn more.”
Wooyoung makes up a bizarre excuse and Seonghwa rolls his eyes. He enters the room first and you and Woo follow.
Shivers run up your spine and you sharply inhale.
“Hello Ms. Gilbert. The MRI scan showed a mass on the left side of your brain. We’re predicting that it’s a Malignant Astrocytoma, but we have to run a couple of tests before we’re sure.”
She asks with tears in her eyes.
“No it’s a tumor. If you came to the hospital any later, it would’ve lead to cancer.”
You respond.
“Can you, Can I call my family.”
“Of course, we’ll tell the nurses right away. But do you have any questions?”
“Is it removable?”
“We’re not exactly sure with what we’re dealing with, but once the test results come back in, we will have you fully updated and guide you through the procedure.”
The woman sniffs her snot up and then covers her mouth.
“That’s all. Please leave my room.”
Your head lowers down. Seonghwa and Wooyoung walk in front of you and you walk out, closing the door gently.
“Didn’t know you had the gut in you.”
Spoke Seonghwa.
“I didn’t either. Now if you excuse me I have to do more research about this case.”
After responding you walk away, only to be yanked back.
“There’s nothing to do research on. We have to wait for the test results. Go home and rest. You have to come back at 7 o’clock for the event. All interns are expected to be there.”
Seonghwa looks at you and Wooyoung, making sure it went through your heads.
“Finally. You’re telling me to go home.”
Seonghwa chuckles at your response and leaves both of you there.
“I guess I’ll see you this evening?”
“You know it!”
You playfully push Wooyoung and you both went your separate ways.
As soon as you arrived home, you showered and slept for four hours. Your feet were throbbing and your hands were aching. The recharge of energy was everything to your body.
While groaning and regretting life decisions you get up, and slip into a classy, black dress and flats. You straighten your hair and do your makeup lightly, so you don’t attract too much attention.
You turn off all the lights and leave to your car.
Upon arrival, you see Wooyoung outside talking to other interns. He was dressed in a classic tux, looking like a groom. Wooyoung was indeed a handsome, young man. But not your type,,,,,,, maybe.
You park your car and get out, locking it afterward. Wooyoung walks over to you with his hands in his pockets.
“Well, you look stunning.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself.”
“What’re you talking about?” He says in a whiny and offended tone. “I always look good.” He huffs.
“Yeah yeah whatever. Let’s go inside, it’s cold.”
Wooyoung protectively puts an arm around your waist and guides you inside to where the event was taking place.
“What kind of event is this anyway?”
You ask Wooyoung
“I think they’re other doctors from other hospitals here. There are some new interns here too.”
Your eyes scan the room until they stop and meet Seonghwa.
He was talking to this other girl, who seemed rather close to him.
“Does Seonghwa have a secret wife or girlfriend that we don’t know about?”
You say jokingly, and gesture towards Seonghwa.
You whisper yell.
“I meant it jokingly Woo. Is that actually his ex?”
“Yeah. Never knew a heartless man could get married. Oh well, anything is possible.”
Wooyoung grabs two drinks from the table and hands one to you.
“They’re serving alcohol in a hospital?”
“It’s not alcohol, it’s juice.”
You two were making small talk and started talking to the other doctors and interns until you saw Seonghwa signaling you to come over. You quickly excuse yourself and make your way over to Seonghwa and his apparent ex wife.
“Oh so this is Y/N. Your new girlfriend.”
Her sentence took you by surprise. Why was Seonghwa telling her that? Has he told more than one person?
He discreetly nudges you to go along with it and you do.
“Uh, yes I am. May I ask who you are?”
“Ex wife of Seonghwa. Shocked that he didn’t tell you about me.”
“Yeah I prefer not to talk about my ex wife with my girlfriend.”
Seongwha says in a rude manner.
The woman smirks and questions you again.
“Who was that man that you walked in with?”
“That was my… brother, Wooyoung.”
“Oh, I see. Best of luck for you, Seonghwa is a hard one to deal with.”
She winks and clicks her tongue at you. Then lavishly walks away into the crowd. You turn to Seonghwa and say
“You better have a good excuse for why you told her that we were dating.”
Seonghwa grabs your wrist and pulls you into an empty room.
“Heyy, let me go! And turn on the lights!”
Your ears perk up when you hear the door lock.
“Seonghwa, I’m sure whatever you have to say can be said with the lights-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Seonghwa backs you up against the wall. He cups your cheeks and before you could protest he shoves his tongues into the back of your mouth. His lips danced against yours and his hands went underneath your dress to tug on your underwear.
“Take them off.”
He pulls your dress up and you slide your panties off. You whimper at the cold breeze hitting you wet lips.
Seonghwa bends down and picks up the panties then, displays it in front of your face.
“Black, lace panties. My favourite.”
He places it in your mouth, before kneeling down and spreading your legs.
“Look at this dripping cunt. Who are you getting this wet for?”
A cold slap lands on your pussy, making you jump up.
“Is it for Wooyoung? You two have a thing together, right?”
Before you could answer Seonghwa’s warm tongue lays on your clit, making your walls clench around nothing. His hands placed onto your thighs and held them open, while flicking his tongue onto your clit.
Your hands push his hair back and you spread you legs wider for him.
“Seonghwaa~ Don’t fucking stop!”
Ignoring your order he stops and spanks your ass.
“It’s daddy, you filthy cunt.”
He gets back up and takes the panties out of your mouth, which was drenched in saliva. Throwing it behind him, he starts to suck on your exposed collarbone, and makes his way up to your jawline.
“Open your mouth.”
Seonghwa grabs your jaw and pulls it down. He spits in your mouth and on your cheek. He pushes your jaw back up and demands you to swallow it.
You gulp it down, and try not to think about it.
“Such a nasty little whore you are.”
The ball of saliva glides down your cheek, until Seonghwa’s fingers rub it all around your cheek, making it feel sticky and tight.
“Come here whore.”
He pulls you towards the recovery bed and bends your body over it.
“Wait! Please be gentle I haven’t had sex in a really-”
He pulls your hair back and spanks your ass, making you yelp.
“I’m a sadist sweetheart. I don’t do anything gentle.”
Without warning the man rams into your asshole, and you struggle underneath him. The sudden stretch felt like lava was being poured into your hole.
You yell desperately while tears run down your cheek.
“I guess we’ll try anal another day.”
He takes his massive cock out of your tight butthole and slides it into your pussy.
You faintly whispered out.
Seonghwa grabs one of your legs and places it on the bed, so it was easier to thrust. He grabs your hips and starts relieving all his stress and anger. He grunted and growled your name and whispered sinful things to you.
“You have no fucking idea how long I’ve been waiting for this. My cock pounding deep inside your pussy. Only my cock can make you scream and cry. I’ll prove it to you slut.”
Seonghwa went a little bit faster and gripped onto your hips a little harder, slamming in and out.
He knocked all the thoughts and concerns out of you. All your stress and worries suddenly disappeared. You’ve never felt this happy in your life. Finally having nothing to worry about. This is what you needed. You needed someone to own you, someone to punish your negative mind.
“Faster daddy! Please I’ve been such a bad girl!”
You beg.
“Oh my baby girl wants more? I’ll give her more.”
Seonghwa makes his thrust short but hard, causing all the air to knock out of you.
You scream and move your hips against his cock, feeling your orgasm approach.
“Daddy daddy daddy daddy please! I’m gonna,,,,, oh fuck I’m gonna.”
Seonghwa pulls out making you collapse and cry.
“Holy shit! Fuck fuck fuck! Daddy! Why did you do that?”
You hiss and your hips start humping on nothing. You wanted to yell at him so badly, but didn’t find enough courage or energy to do so.
“I don’t allow bad girls to cum. You have to beg me to cum, slut. My cock is superior. It’s better than any other cock. You have to cry underneath me and beg if you want MY cock and cum to fill you up. Got it?”
“Yes daddy”
You said like a good little sub you were.
“Good. I don’t like repeating myself.”
Seonghwa picks you up off the floor and lays you on the bed. He places your legs on his shoulders and angles his cock to thrust right into your gspot.
You wince and your legs kick up, feeling your lower abdomen being really tight. It didn’t take Seonghwa long to notice your distressed state. He leans in, close to your face and spits on it once again.
He grabs your neck and chokes you, while his hips started heating up and eventually started pounding into you. His balls swung back and forth hitting you cunt each time, making you even more needy. With his other hand he slaps you across the face making you sob out again.
You loved this. Seonghwa had his way around you and now your under him, while he pounds his 8 inch dick into your throbbing pussy.
“Fuck daddy. Daddy can I please cum? Ow fuck please!”
“Little girls don’t swear. Try that again.”
He spanks your ass and kneads it afterward.
“Daddy, can I please cum? Pretty please!”
“Good girl. Go right ahead.”
You shake underneath him as you try to ride the best orgasm of your life. Feeling an intense tickle starting in your abdomen, then moving out to your whole body. Your muscles clench and you sharply inhale and you squeeze the cum out of you. Once your cum covers Seonghwa’s veiny, thick cock, your mind goes blank and you release your muscles. Trying to find yourself you release your breath and quiver underneath the man.
“Fuck babygirl. Look at your sensitive state underneath me. You looked destroyed.”
Seonghwa cums flows into you and he takes his cock out of you, so it could breathe. You didn’t respond to him, as you were still feeling a little overwhelmed and exhausted.
“I’ve never orgasmed in my life.”
Seonghwa looks at you and raises his eyebrows.
“I told you my cock is superior. It can make anyone feel good. Why do you think my ex wife is running back to me? She misses this good ol cock.”
You chuckle at his statement and think about how you’re gonna get out of here.
“Seonghwa I can’t feel my legs.”
“Well, that’s too bad. I guess I have to take you home with me tonight.”
Oh I’m so sorry for not posting for so long. I have a busy week and loads of homework so I’m probably not going to be too active. I hope I can get request done by the end of this week though. Also this was a request and I hoped you liked it❣️
Xoxo, N❣️
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remmushound · 3 years
Curse of the Clans part 9!@selfindulgenz @scentedcandlecryptid @starsha-k-luna
Leonardo opened his eyes. He tried to move his arms, both feeling like lead and refused to listen to him. Only once his senses returned to him in full did he realize why his arms felt so heavy. He gave a low growl as he struggled against his binds, though after a few seconds realized it wasn’t worth it to waste his energy. Not when he was already so exposed to the elements. Looking around, he realized he was moving, being pulled along in a wagon down a bumpy, snowy road. He found his odachi not too far from him, but out of his hope of reach with his current predicament.
“Hey you!” The badger boy from before scrambled over to meet Leonardo, “You’re finally awake!”
Leonardo’s brain blanked for a moment. “Skyrim…?”
It didn't seem the badger heard him. “Usagi! He’s awake!”
The cart stopped moving. Usagi? The cart gave a dangerous groan as a new weight jumped up into it, a tall silhouette standing over Leonardo. At first, the figure seemed almost black against the brightness of the sun, but he soon leaned down close to Leonardo’s face to sniff at him.
“Hey, at least buy me a drink first!” Leonardo took the opportunity to finally get a good look at the yokai.
The rabbit was as pure as the snow around them, his eyes like rubies in the winter banks. His ears seemed like they wanted to sit naturally lopped, but were held erect by a blue ribbon at their base. The tips of the ears fell down to half the length of the rabbit's body and Leonardo couldn’t help but laugh at how outrageous it looked on the otherwise slender rabbit. Like the badger child, the rabbit had no definable hair on his head; none that was separated from long fur at least. The rabbit reached down with a massive paw, cupping Leonardo’s face to manipulate him like the turtle was a puppet. The fur of the rabbit was a soft tickle, his paw pads rough and claws well-kept and short. Overall, he looked more like a marshmallow than a threat.
“So, are you gonna tell me where we are, or are we gonna have a Romeo and Juliet moment?” Leonardo smirked, “And if so, can we do this whole thing without dying or is dying part of the package?”
“Who are you?” The rabbit yokai said, his serious voice betrayed by the cute twitching of his nose. “You’re obviously not from around here. No reptile in his right mind would be tromping those woods in this kind of weather. Last time I saw a reptile was almost a hundred miles south of here. So…” The rabbit traced a claw across Leonardo’s neck almost like the blade of a knife, “I can only assume you Are ninja...”
Leonardo bided his time to further look over the rabbit that was called Usagi. He wore robes that Leonardo had only ever seen on his father or in the old family pictures that Splinter hid in boxes under his bed; Leonardo wasn’t meant to look at them, but he often found himself pulling the pictures out and imagining what life might have been like if they had been alive to support Splinter through his mutation. The rabbit, though his fur was soft, had well-defined muscles in his arms and even more so in his legs. Across one of the rabbit’s ears was a sharp cut, not unlike the slash Splinter had, except the scar seemed to jump from his ear to his cheek, as if whatever had dealt the damage had hit both in the same blow.
Leonardo smiled. “Well, judging by the kimono and the way you wrap your ears, which I assume to be a homage to the traditional chomage, and the language barrier thing, I’m going to assume I’m somewhere in Japan. And those muscles and scars of yours tell me you’ve seen plenty of fights in your days, but with how silky smooth your fur is, you’ve definitely been living in comfort recently. And as for your mention of a reptile being this far north, I’m a mesotherm, so the cold never bothered me anyway~”
Usagi’s eyes just kept growing wider and wider with every word Leonardo said, nose scrunching up at the Frozen joke. That only made Leonardo more confident in his declaration.
“Judging by all of this, and those katana on your back, I’m going to guess you’re a samurai. Like. Me.”
Between blinks, Usagi had one of his katana free and was pressing the blade of Leonardo’s throat. Usagi leaned close to whisper
“I have never seen a samurai with a mask such as yours…”
Leonardo didn't move. “Then you clearly haven’t seen many samurai. My name is Leonardo, and I’m just really lost. I could use some help.”
Usagi considered Leonardo’s words. He removed the blade and replaced it in its sheath. “I am Usagi. I can take you as far as the next town but no further.”
Leonardo bowed his head gratefully. “That is all I ask.”
Usagi turned to jump out of the car.
“Actually…” Leonardo called after him, “I don’t suppose you could maybe, I dunno, untie me for the ride over.”
Usagi stopped mid-jump, giving the slightest tilt of his head so that Leonardo could see only one red eye. “You’re a very funny kappa.”
Leonardo lost track of how long they walked— or, in his case, was pulled. He knew they started in the day and walked long into the night and judging by the moon it had to be nearing midnight by the time Usagi finally pulled them off the road and into a field to rest. Usagi climbed into the wagon and pulled up a long, wooden pole on each of the four corners, unfolding a tarp to lay across the poles and act like a roof.
“Ah. Ye old caravan.” Leonardo laughed, “Fancy.”
Usagi offered Leonardo no interaction other than a judging side-eye.
“Why are you judging me? I’m right!”
Usagi continued his silent work. He pulled two boxes out from a storage under the wagon’s floor, opening one to reveal two pathetically small fish surrounded by half-melted ice and in the other an assortment of berries that looked well past their prime eat-by date. Usagi pulled one of the fish and tossed it to the badger cub, taking the remaining berries for himself. The rabbit sat lotus-style and the badger cub was quick to follow.
“Hey, you. Niño. I never got your name.” Leonardo called.
The cub was too lost in his frozen fish to hear or care.
“It’s Nuriyuki.” Usagi answered for the cub. “He’s not very social.”
Nuriyuki gulped down the rest of his fish, cleaning it down to the bone, then immediately started to whine. “Usagiiiiii. I’m still hungry! And I’m tired of fish!”
Usagi gave a soft sigh, pawing absently at his assorted dried berries. He reached into his pocket and produced a few loose coins, counting them under his breath. “I promise we’ll get you fresh meat when we get to town.”
“But I want it now!” Nuriyuki stomped his foot.
“You must be patient, Nuriyuki.” Usagi said.
“Uh. Am I gonna get fed too?” Leonardo asked, leaning forward.
Usagi popped a berry into his mouth and chewed slowly, savoring what remained of the juices. “I’ve heard that kappa can go months without eating. Surely you can last until the next town over.”
“But I’m staaaarving!” Leonardo whined even louder than Nuriyuki, “Can’t I just have a little bit of berries?”
Usagi kept eating.
“What about that other fish? I saw two fish! I’ll eat frozen fish, I’ll eat anything!”
Usagi kept eating. Leonardo could swear he was even smiling a bit.
“Come onnnn! This is a very cruel and unusual punishment!”
Usagi stopped eating, one of his ears perking to attention and twisting backward.
“Just get me something, anything! I’m desperate!”
“Shut up.” Usagi growled.
“I’ll give you a massage— I give great massages! I’ll tell you my best joke!”
Usagi gripped Leonardo’s shoulders roughly and shushed him. “Be quiet! I hear something…”
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paganinpurple · 4 years
A Feline’s Family - MariChat May 2019
Hi guys, sorry for the lateness of all this. It's been like 18 months since MariChat May 2019, but as you all know I was struggling a lot last year and of course, everyone knows that 2020 has been ~A YEAR~
I've just been more overwhelmed and anti-social than ever and it's taking everything to keep me going to work and eating throughout everything.
Buy Me A Coffee?
Chapters (If there’s no link, it’s not written yet)
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31
Day 21 - Cold Night
“Feeling any better now, Kitty?” Marinette called as a blond head appeared through her trapdoor. The answer became intuitively obvious as the rest of Adrien rose up into view, a thick blanket covering his shoulders and obscuring the pyjamas he was wearing underneath. As he shuddered with a sudden chill that he was sure only he could feel, he sucked air between his teeth, refusing to let them chatter, lest he worry her.
“Still cold,” he said, fighting the stutter that threatened to surface. “I used up all the hot water,” he continued with a guilty glance up at her, “and got frozen again when the cold came through. So, that was fun.”
She couldn’t help but giggle as his grumpy cat face returned, his lower lip sticking out. She quickly tamed it as another shudder wracked his body and this time the chattering sound made itself known as well.
“Oh! Here!”
He was only beginning to register her words with his last chill-slowed braincell when she flung her arms around him, her gentle hands rubbing up and down his back to share her warmth. He remained stunned – frozen (ha!) in place – even as Tikki and Plagg appeared in his eye line.
“You should ask Plagg to transform you,” Tikki told him, “the suit might not be able to heat you up exactly, but it helps hold onto whatever heat you already have or gain as the night goes on.”
“Yeah great, Sugarcube, just volunteer me and all my energy instead of letting me sleep tonight.”
“Oh shusht, you. It’s a-” -she glanced at Marinette briefly as the girl pressed her face against Adrien’s chest- “-comfort thing. So enough complaining.”
Despite his misery, Adrien chuckled –partly at the exchange in front of him, partly from his giddiness at his proximity to his Lady– until a small sneeze reverberated through him, another threatening to follow. He quickly pulled away from Marinette even though internally he was protesting the idea, already craving another hug. But since he wasn’t sure yet if he was just feeling cold or had caught a cold, he didn’t want to risk infecting her.
“I, um, don’t think it’s a great idea for you to sleep downstairs tonight,” Marinette said when his sneezing had passed, her teeth worrying her lower lip, “The window guy didn’t finish the job today like he promised. There’s probably a horrible draft in there.”
“Yeah. Guess it’s a good thing your dad was suspicious and put off moving my bed earlier.”
It was true. The plan had been to move some of the bare basics into his finished room as the window fitting was completed. He could sleep there at night while they speed-decorated it during the day and hopefully his case worker would be appeased. They all really wanted to avoid any further issues she had with the two teens sharing a room.
But instead Tom had approached Adrien this morning and said he thought he should give him an extra night or two “just in case.” Adrien had frowned as he supposed Tom must have been wary of the contractors promised timescale, though he had thought that was odd at the time. The guy had seemed like a total professional and as far as he knew, had only been held up today by an abnormality in the wall which made sealing the facing more difficult than expected.
“Oh,” Marinette said flatly, “That’s…good.” She chewed her lip harder and he winced a little in sympathy even as he fought back another sneeze.
“Kid, I just checked your bed, and it is freezing over there,” Plagg said, dashing between them, “The window must have been open earlier or something. You do not want to sleep over there tonight.”
“You just don’t want to have to work to keep me warm,” he grumbled, sniffing back another sneeze as he spoke, “So tell me Plagg, where am I supposed to sleep?”
“Duh. All the heat in this place rises, so-”
“Oh!” gasped Tikki, suddenly catching on, “Marinette’s skylight is practically airtight. No heat escapes unless she opens the vent to let it. So, her bed is the warmest of all!”
“Tikki!” Adrien shouted, scandalised. He looked back to the girl standing in front of him and immediately noticed how she refused to meet his eye, instead glancing at a random spot on the floor. With her feet turned inwards slightly, and her arm reaching behind her to grip the opposite elbow, timidity radiated from her with every breath.
“Actually,” she started, turning her head a little towards him, but still not quite meeting his eyeline, “I was thinking the same thing.”
Adrien’s pupils shrunk to tiny specs, even as the rest of his eyes seemed to enlarge to fill up the remaining space on his face. He watched as she shuffled in place a little, enchantingly nervous but eager for his response.
“Are you…asking me to…take your bed?” He watched, fascinated, as the pink hue across her cheeks darkened and spread out further.
“It’s the warmest place in the whole apartment,” she said to his shoulder as she continued with her miniscule attempts towards eye contact, “and it’s where I sleep. So, I can always help keep you warm too.”
He blinked rapidly and a wonderfully cosy blush spread across his cheeks briefly before the heat was absorbed by the chill of his skin. “I am trying so hard not to make the kind of comment that usually gets me throw off buildings,” he admitted bluntly.
She choked on an adorable little snort-laugh and her eyes finally inched up the last of the remaining distance as he joined in, their rising giggles harmonising together beautifully. A tickle in his nose gave him a brief moment of warning and he turned his head away in time to prevent himself from sneezing all over the laughter-flushed girl in front of him.
“Aw, poor kitty,” she cooed, running her hands through his damp hair, even as her face bloomed with heat, “Tell you what. I’m gonna go make a hot water bottle for you. Head on up to bed and get bundled up. Plagg, take care of him while I’m gone, will you?”
“Can do, Spots,” the little black creature answered and the two of them watched as their other halves disappeared through the trapdoor together. Plagg turned back to his charge with a satisfied smirk, “You heard the lady, up the stairs to bed!”
“Oh my God,” the teen said in sudden awkward terror, “I’m really gonna share a bed with her tonight.”
Plagg rolled his eyes at the squeak of his voice and gave a long-suffering dramatic sigh, but his fond smile gave away the true affection he felt for the boy. “Yup,” he said as he started to gently push Adrien towards the ladder, only stopping when the stunned boy began to climb upwards on autopilot.
He managed to crawl across the mattress, and it was with a little assistance from the kwami that he got under the pink covers, blanket still wrapped around him beneath them. His mind was running a million miles a minute and he hated the foggy way his thoughts were forming because of how cold he was. He knew Marinette considered the two of them best friends on a completely different level than either of them saw Alya or Nino, but this was pushing those friend boundaries more than usual. The two girls could share a bed, or the two guys and it was fine, but this? A boy and a girl sharing a room was considered odd enough. His case worker had insisted he get his own room, or he would be removed from the Dupain-Cheng’s care, so for him to sleep on the same mattress as Marinette? Under the same duvet?
“Doesn’t she realise just how this is gonna…I mean, Plagg, isn’t she freaked out? She knows I like her. Does this mean-” he coughed awkwardly to break off his thoughts before he voiced them, “Isn’t she worried about sending me mixed signals or something?”
“Oh, my Me,” Plagg groaned, a phrase he had taking a liking to after it had made Adrien laugh once during a conversation about Plagg technically being a god. The small creature facepalmed with a sigh, “Kid, please tell me you’re joking. If you can’t see that Spots has it bad for you by now, then I don’t know how to convince you.”
The warm blush that swam across his face once more was a pleasant change to his frozen state. He smiled softly as Plagg’s words sunk into his heart deeper and deeper, drowning in the gooey affection they caused there.
“I was worried I was just imaging it,” he mumbled softly, “I still think I might be.”
“Uh huh. And I’m that pleasant white fluffball pooch from down the street.” His tiny paws came up to rest on non-existent hips. “She’s crazy about you. Tikki thinks she’s just scared to tell you in case you suddenly change your mind. I think she’s just awkward as heck and has no idea how to bring it up.”
“So, you think that I should-”
The trapdoor opened and Adrien clamped his mouth shut as Marinette reappeared, pyjama clad and looked delectable with her hair splayed loose across her shoulders. She took a moment to turn out the lights before she ascended the ladder rungs and joined him.
A blossoming of warmth spread out across his chest as she shyly pressed a hot water bottle into his arms. He smiled as he took in the calico design on the cover, and the nervous way the girl tried to adjust herself to get comfortable, clearly very aware of his presence so close beside her.
“This is nice,” he said with a short sniff.
“Yeah,” she whispered with a shy smile, eyes pinned to the pillow beneath her.
“Rest of me still feels cold though.” He smiled as she finally glanced at him properly. “Could I get a hug to warm up?”
She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she considered it. “Will you transform first so you stay warm?” she asked.
“Plagg, claws out.”
The light from his transformation hadn’t even faded fully when she snuggled into him, her face tucked into the crook of his neck and the cosy calico pressed into his chest tightly by her own. He wound his arms around her as hers in turn settled against him. He considered tucking a leg around her own but stopped himself before he took that step, fearing it might have been one too far.
“Did Plagg take care of you while I was gone?” she asked and the feel of her breath against his neck made him shudder in a way completely unrelated to his temperature.
“Yeah. Yeah, he was great really. He talked with me for a change instead of driving me crazy, so I guess that counts as exceptional care.” Her giggle reverberated through him and he decided he should get sick more often.
“I’m glad,” she said, her calf unexpectedly sliding against his and tucking under it loosely, as his heart stopped briefly, “I was w-worried he might make fun of you over this.”
“This?” he squeaked, clearing his throat quietly before he continued, “Nah. He was actually…really helpful. Cheered me up a bit as well.”
“Rea-” -She gave a loud yawn- “-lly?”
“Yeah. He said something to me, you know?”
“Mm hmm.”
“He told me that I’m not imaging some of the things I’ve been wondering about lately.”
“He said that you…Marinette? You know I like you, right? Uh, love you, actually.”
There. It was the first time since their identity reveals that he had said it out loud. He exhaled heavily. She didn’t respond.
“So, I need to know, do you like me? The same way that I like you?”
He pulled back enough to glance down at the girl snuggled against him. Her brow furrowed adorably at the loss of contact and her arms loosely pulled him back in towards her. She had fallen asleep at the moment of his emotional vulnerability and all he could think was that she was the most gorgeous creature alive. The view warmed his heart even as he shuddered at another sudden chill.
“Hmm. Purrs,” she mumbled sleepily, and he realised she was right. The sight of her and the feel of her arms around him had elicited a deep rumble in his chest.
Giving into the happiness he felt in the moment, despite the lack of an answer to his own internal dilemma, Chat replaced his head on the pillow and allowed the sleeping girl to cuddle into him tighter. He sniffed away the discomfort in his nose and gave into the soothing rumble and their mingled breathing as he fell asleep.
Buy Me A Coffee?
Hope you enjoyed!
Shouldn't be too long for another chapter. Next one's already written. Bit of editing...next weekend, I think. Gives me more time to write some more for other chapters too
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cheswirls · 3 years
you won't remember / i won't forget  [ 1/2 ]
[this ended up being my creative project october, wholly inspired by dakumes' old art. its 10k each half so be careful if you have a 'read more' extension. rip mobile users ig. thanks again @hoo-kie for letting me ramble abt this one !]
he brings daisies, today.
sabo takes them warily as they’re pushed into his arms, careful of the iv in his right hand. the bouquet is lovely, the white petals fresh, like they had just been picked, and the yellow centers seeming to stare up at him, warm color nice and inviting, bringing a hesitant smile to his face.
after a moment he bends down to sniff them, and closes his eyes at the smell, his mouth falling open to breathe it in. “they’re lovely,” he murmurs, just loud enough for the room’s other occupant to hear.
“they’re your favorite,” is his reply, and sabo’s shoulders tense at the information release.
“o-oh,” he stammers, holding the bouquet at a distance. he works to keep his face neutral, but it’s hard, his former wary smile quickly wanting to morph into a full-blown frown. it’s not that he doesn’t doubt that it’s true -they smell amazing, so it must be to some extent- but more that it was being handed to him as fact, presented as evidence of something he wasn’t ready to believe.
“here, let me take them,” his visitor says, reaching out to grab the flowers. his callused fingers brush against the backs of sabo’s hands and the blond bites down on his lower lip at the contact. “i should’ve brought a vase or somethin’, that was my bad.” he either doesn’t notice sabo’s obvious discomfort or is blatantly ignoring it -both options are equally possible- and he moves to set the bouquet on the windowsill, open now that the blinds had been drawn.
sabo folds his hands in his lap, having nothing better to do with them. he stares at the scars, at the bandaids covering fresh marks, and runs his thumb over one until the motion begins to irritate where his iv was stuck.
his visitor -ugh, he really should stop calling him that. he had a name, it’s just that sabo never bothered to remember it. but when he turns back to take a seat on the edge of sabo’s hospital bed, the early morning light reflects off his visitor nametag, and sabo reads the name again: ace.
“are you feeling any better today?” he asks, and sabo moves his gaze away once again.
“i guess,” he mutters. ace’s face falls at the dismissive attitude, but he doesn’t leave. it bothers sabo, but another, very small part of him feels warm. he does his best to tune it out.
he looks up again to find ace watching him, and lowers his eyes, examining his clothes instead. his window didn’t provide a great view, so this was his only real way to gauge the weather. 
if he had to guess, it was cold. ace was in a red coat, scuffed up here and there but otherwise looking rather nice. his boots were honey-tanned, the laces done up loosely so that the tops flopped open. they had more signs of wear than the coat, so if sabo had to guess, he’d probably had them for some time. 
sabo reaches a hand up and pushes his fringe out of his face, sighing. the movement causes ace to lean forward.
“have the nurses said anything new?”
what’s it to you? sabo wants to bite out, but he withholds his tongue. “they haven’t been by,” he mutters instead, which was partially true. they hadn’t been by, since ace was last here, that he could tell. but his bandages weren’t frayed anymore, from his constant picking, and his iv was near full. it was odd-colored, too, which would probably explain why he couldn’t feel anything apart from a low thrum from his head. his ankles felt freer, too, brushing against the low-grade cotton of the sheets, which probably meant the wrapping around them had been removed.
he hasn’t looked yet. he’s not sure he wants to.
a low knock on the open door gets his attention, and sabo looks up as one of the nurses wanders in, lowering her hand and raising a clipboard.
“mr. portgas? i’m here to take your vitals, if you’re ready.”
ace blinks, then stands. “do i need to-?”
the nurse glances to him as she takes a seat on a stool at sabo’s bedside. “you can stay,” she tells him, smiling. “as long as it’s okay with sabo.”
they both turn to stare and sabo drops his eyes to the mint green of his hospital shirt. “sure.”
this nurse looks familiar, but they had been rotating his room, so if he was told anything important about her, he’d already forgotten. she’s gentle as she takes his left arm to push on a bp cuff, but with a sort of carelessness that leaves her nails scraping on the bandages. he hardly notices, though, and that’s when he knows for sure he’s on some kind of morphine. 
she finishes after a few minutes and sabo leans his head back against the pillows as she scribbles down a set of numbers. he doesn’t care, but she tells him he was normal anyways. the news seems to satisfy ace, if anything.
he glances to the window as she leaves and accidentally meets his eyes. they’re dark when he’s turned away from the light like this, but sabo can still tell they’re grey. he turns away quickly. it really was too early for this.
as if agreeing with him, ace’s stomach grumbles and he places his arms over it in a hurry, cheeks colored. “uh, guess i forgot to eat before coming in,” he mumbles. he straightens after a moment, nodding to the door. “‘m gonna grab something real quick. you want anything?”
by ‘something’, he means whatever he can find from the vending machine at the end of the hall. at most it’ll give sabo a few minutes of respite. he purses his lips. “they have me on a regulated diet,” he reminds ace, like he didn’t already know.
ace grins, moving around the bed and throwing his hands into his coat. it spreads at the edges as he draws his arms taut, resting just below his hip. “you could sneak it. a little wouldn’t do you any harm.” but he shrugs, giving up before sabo could protest. “i’ll be right back.”
sabo grips the sheets hard as ace slides the door shut. a part of him never wants the other to come back; another part of him knows he always does.
sabo takes a risk and curls his legs under the thin sheets. he holds his breath as he slides the blanket down, removing them one by one. the pants he was given were the same bland mint as his shirt, and they cut off at the top of his calves, leaving most of his lower leg exposed. now that the bandages are gone, he can see the obvious rope marks at his ankles, skin still badly discolored but no longer open. he breathes deep at the sight, gasping before he remembers he’d been withheld air, and then closes his eyes and works to steady his breathing.
he folds his legs up more and reaches a hand down to brush against the gnarled skin. even as light as he is, it’s still very sensitive, and he ends up pulling away quicker than he’d like. he frowns at the sight, curving his legs the opposite way to view the other side. it’s the first injury he’s seen, the others always wrapped up. he’d been too anxious to remove the simple bandaids after their presence lingered for a few days, nervous of what he’d find. when he picks at the wrapping on his arms, it’s fixed before he can get anywhere, smoothed down like he hadn’t bothered in the first place.
a quick inhale gains his attention, and sabo looks up to see ace just inside the room, hand still on the doorknob. he pulls a long face and reaches out to drag the blanket over his feet, hiding the marks. then he moves his legs until they’re pressed against his chest. but the pressure ends up causing discomfort, and sabo wonders not for the first time just what his shirt was concealing. he huffs and ends up sliding his legs straight again. they catch the edge of the sheet and push it back, revealing the marks again as his legs lay bare.
ace comes closer, sliding into the chair at sabo’s left, and his eyes swivel from the injury to sabo’s face, watching him closely. “do they hurt?” he asks after a minute.
“no,” sabo answers, letting the air settle before replying. he wants to divulge more, say something about his light touch irritating them, but another part of him vehemently doesn’t, and he chooses to trust the logic of the latter.
ace sits quietly for a while, and sabo realizes it’s the first time he’s seen any of his injuries either. 
“how?” he speaks up, loud in the silence. he swallows, because that had been impulsive, but ace is looking at him, and he can’t take it back now. “how did i get them?”
ace’s expression becomes pained, and he turns away, looking to the wall. his hands, resting calmly on his thighs, move to entangle, and sabo watches as they restlessly fumble. his eyes narrow.
“do you . . really want to know?”
sabo blinks, caught off-guard by the question, by the hesitance in ace’s tone. after all this time, after revealing little random nothings about the blond, now he was stalling on something he actually-
“tell me,” sabo demands, teeth gritted.
ace’s grey eyes catch in the light as he turns back to look at sabo, alarmed. they grow lax after a moment, and he nods, sullenly glancing to the door before giving sabo his full attention. “restraints.”
sabo blinks at the concise reply, furrowing his brow in irritation. he’s quick to smooth it out, bringing a hand up as the pain hits. he doesn’t know what to think. it was vague, but ace spoke like it was supposed to be significant. “restraints,” he echoes, voice bland. 
ace’s hand is reached out, but he drops it as sabo glances back up. “yeah.”
sabo suppresses the shiver in his body. him being succinct suddenly scared sabo more than anything. if he was hesitant to disclose what all had happened, well . .
just how bad was it?
“mr portgas?”
sabo moves his book further down his face to see a nurse at the door. he lets it fall face-down into his lap, giving her his attention as she moves into the room. she looks familiar, with her straight black hair, but sabo can't place her.
“i’m here to take your vitals,” she says. sabo nods and she takes a seat at his bedside, setting a clipboard down on a small table she rolls closer. she picks up a pulse monitor first and places it on sabo’s index finger.
when she's all done she tells him he was normal today, then leaves him to his reading. sabo picks the book back up but his gaze is caught on the stack of progress sheets on his door, and he finds himself wondering what all they said, if they disclosed anything he wasn’t already aware of.
the book is good. he’d acquired it the other day, and after removing the bookmark someone had left in it, he’d worked on it for a long while. he was almost halfway through now. 
his mind wanders as he flips the page, wondering if he could ask the staff for another one. he’s not sure who this one belongs to, but he’ll have to return it. he wants to do that much.
“do you like it?”
sabo is startled as his visitor walks into the room. ace, he reads off the nametag. he frowns, realizing he hadn’t processed anything, and flips back a page. “it’s fine,” he mumbles, though he knows his progress spoke for itself. 
ace moves to occupy the rolling chair the nurse had just been in. “do you want me to get you another one?”
sabo frowns deeper at this, but doesn’t look up from the pages. “no, that’s okay.” he didn’t want ace to give him anything. though, he thinks, glancing to his right, the flowers were nice. they were in a real vase now, getting light from the open window. they made the room smell good. less like ointment and antiseptic, something that didn’t make his nose burn.
ace doesn’t say anything else. he’s content to sit beside sabo as he reads, as the sun tracks higher and then lower into the sky, and the daisies begin to wilt from lack of light.
ace is lounging on a chair near the window, hands steepled, eyes turned toward the skyline. his legs are extended on the floor, only the backs of his heels touching the tile. he’s wearing the boots again, and the color is faded today, like frost had covered the top and had yet to melt off. 
sabo observes him when he’s finished his book, last page still open to give the illusion he was reading. he drops the act when a nurse wanders in, holding up two cups of yogurt. sabo closes the book so it lies backwards on his thighs, then swings the overbed tabletop so it rested at an angle, closer but not exactly over him. 
her hair dips over her shoulder when she reaches forward to hand sabo his lunch. he deposits both cups onto the table, then reaches back to take the plastic spoon from her grip. her nails clip one of the bandaids along his finger, and sabo blinks, a stern sense of deja-vu washing over him.
“if you can’t finish both, you can put one in the fridge over there,” she says, pointing to a mini fridge in the corner of the room, squished between the wall and a table of basic medical supplies. 
sabo nods, wondering how he’s never noticed it before. she moves from the room after that, her long, dark hair fanning out over the back of her scrubs. the door shuts before sabo moves to open one of the tabs on the yogurt.
“you’re done with the book?” ace asks quietly, while sabo’s mouth is full. it’d been easier to ignore the eyes on his back when he wasn’t talking, but at least now, sabo doesn’t have to verbally respond, nodding instead.
sabo doesn’t trust ace, not yet, but the staff clearly seem to, so when he’s halfway through with the cup he puts it down in favor of the book, holding it out to him. “will you give this back?” he requests. 
he doesn’t miss the way ace’s face drops as he reaches out to take it. he’s not sure how to interpret it, so he chooses not to, moving to finish his yogurt. he starts feeling funny at the end, so he sets it aside with a couple bites left, rolling his tongue in his mouth to try and work the feeling away.
ace is still sitting there, neck almost level with the back of the chair. his legs are bent, now, and both feet are firmly on the ground to hold himself in place. sabo doesn’t feel bad. he tells himself this. but, ace had been there all day, refusing to leave for anything. his mood was starting to wear on the blond.
“here,” sabo says, holding the second yogurt cup towards him. “you can have this.”
ace blinks, but stretches out an arm. it lingers there, both of their hands on the cup. “you’re sure?”
sabo shrugs, withdrawing. “i don’t want it.”
ace must know something he doesn’t, because he smiles as he brings the yogurt close. “thanks,” he says, but his smile crooks as he pulls the tab. his eyes wander to sabo’s spoon and the blond follows his gaze there, jerking a hand out to shield it from view.
“no,” he stresses. “get your own.” he jerks his hand to the table against the wall. “use one of those.”
ace’s shoulders are shaking with contained laughter, and he gets up with a jerky bow, too-long arm folding behind his back. “as you wish,” he purrs, and sabo doesn’t know how to feel about that. ace moves over to the table, humming as he looks everything over. his smile hasn’t left his face, but his brows grow pinched as he wonders what to use.
sabo regrets giving him the book, if only because he misses having something to do with his hands. it was good, too. he’d read it again if it was his own, especially because he wasn’t able to pick up on the lead’s motives, for some reason. 
ace wanders back over to his chair with a tongue depressor, moving the seat close so that he can rest an elbow on sabo’s table. sabo glances at him again and then leans back into the pillows, staring up at the ceiling.
“i don’t even know you,” he mutters, one hand wandering up to clench his shirt, right where his heart is.
ace stills, food forgotten. “sabo . .” he tries.
“i don’t even know you!” his voice raises, but it’s not a yell, not yet. it’s enough to make ace go quiet, though, and he turns to face him. “why are you even here? why don’t you go somewhere else? i-” he cuts himself off as he feels his eyes water.
“my name is ace.” he sets the yogurt on the table, then pushes it aside to move closer to the bed. “i’ve been coming here every day for-”
“i know,” sabo interrupts. “i remember when you’re here.”
ace’s eyes widen. “that’s . . good. i’m glad.”
sabo fists the blanket tightly in both hands. “i’m not.” his eyes narrow. “you should go.”
ace looks pained, but he stands without argument. “if that’s what you want.”
sabo’s heart hurts as the door closes. he thinks it might hurt more than all his physical injuries, but he just can’t figure out why.
he’s propped up when he first wakes, not nearly as lucid as he should be. his eyes adjust to the room easily enough. it’s partially dark, the blinds half-open to let in the setting sun’s light. he puffs out a breath, face screwing up at the weight on his chest.
when he glances down, he finds himself bound in a blanket. stringy blond hair moves into the edge of his vision. he thinks, for how long it appears, it was weird how short it felt on the back. if he reached behind, he’d find a bald strip barely covered by the longer strands. but before he can, there’s a loud noise to his left, his earlier motion not going unnoticed.
“sabo!” a voice says, and he looks up to see someone in a hospital gown moving quickly to his bedside. “thank god you’re awake,” he says, looking close to tears, and he climbs up on the edge of the bed, one knee buried into the mattress. rough hands move up to cup his face, and he blinks, stunned by the emotion he’s greeted with. he inhales sharp, vision swimming, and leans out of the hold, bringing a hand to his forehead. his fingers bunch around tight bandages.
“sabo?” the voice comes again. “does it hurt? i can get the nurses. here, there should be a button-”
he reaches out and grips the other’s hand before he could press anything, one eye still screwed up. “i’m . . . overwhelmed,” he manages to say, slowly voicing his thoughts, sure he would be able to process them this way. the other settles down, nodding in understanding.
“you had surgery. they said you would-”
“no,” he grounds out. he drops the hand and gestures between them. “this.”
“what do you mean?”
“you know me,” he says, opening both eyes now to see the puzzlement cross the other’s face. “i can see that. but you aren’t-” he breaks off. “i mean i . . .” he trails off, shaking his head, eyes downcast.
“. . don’t.”
they tell him his name is sabo portgas. sabo doesn’t have anything to go off, so he takes what he’s given. he has a visitor, they say, from the room next door. his name is ace. he wanted to see sabo before he was discharged.
“it’s okay,” he hears ace tell the doctor, before he comes in. “i’m not worried. i’ll help him remember.”
“i admire you attitude, but it won’t be that easy,” the doctor warns. ace says something in a voice too low for sabo to hear. the doctor sighs. “remember to take care of yourself, too.”
“gotcha!” ace says, and then he’s pushing the door open. sabo watches him warily. 
ace smiles until he shows his teeth and moves until he’s sitting at sabo’s bedside. “hey! feel any better?”
sabo gestures to the morphine drip. “i don’t feel anything, i assure you.”
ace laughs, his lips barely parted. “sorry for scaring you last time. i-”
“last time?” sabo mumbles, face screwing up in concentration.
ace’s morphs into one of disbelief. “you don’t . . remember?”
“i was told ace was coming but.” he shakes his head. “i’ve never met you before.”
ace’s eyes dim. then they glimmer, and he moves closer, setting both hands gently on each of sabo’s shoulders. he thought he could take this slow, but if he was regressing, if would be better to go all out from the beginning. “hey, sabo,” he says, voice so assertive it has blue eyes locked onto his in an instant. “i love you.”
sabo sits there for a while, until the air stings at his wide eyes. he thinks he’s forgotten to breathe in his shock. “you -what?!” his lips purse, affronted by the casual intimacy. 
“i love you,” ace says again, leaning back. sabo is even more confused as he says it again. “i have for a long time, and i always will.” his grip tightens, crumpling the thin material of his hospital gown. “if you remember anything from today: remember that.”
and sabo does.
he remembers well into the night, long after ace has left, shooed out once visitor hours had ended. he falls asleep for a bit, and when he wakes, body sore, room dark, he still remembers ace’s determined look as he said that phrase sabo felt was misplaced.
he slams a hand on the call button before he can be sick. it’s a long night.
he shows up again first thing in the morning. sabo has to read the visitor tag for the name, but he remembers the face, and it makes him nervous, wary. ace is being far too assertive for someone in sabo’s position, and he’s unsure if he can trust him. he doesn’t know anything about him, so it’s hard to place his intentions. 
sabo supposes he could try and learn, but it’s far easier to close himself off instead, to put some distance between the two of them. he wanted to know more about himself before he got to know the person claiming to be in love with him.
“hey, this green doesn’t look bad on you!” ace says one day, making a frame with his fingers to capture sabo in. he blinks up, distracted, and ace’s grin morphs. “dark blue would look better, though,” he admits. “too bad they don’t have it.” he leans back. “i’d bring you some, but uh, i just can’t afford it right now.” he perks up. “one day, though! before you leave, i swear it.”
“right,” sabo says, frowning. ace catches on, sitting back up straight.
“you okay? head hurt?”
“i like blue?” sabo mumbles, ace straining to hear the words.
he blinks when he does, nodding. “yeah. it matches your eyes,” he admits.
sabo lifts a hand to his face, wincing at the strain it puts on the iv. “my eyes are blue?”
ace jumps to his feet, and sabo shifts, eyeing him oddly. he holds a finger up. “wait here.”
he’s gone before sabo can reply that he’s got nowhere to go.
one of the nurses comes in, ace trailing her. they’re both smiling. “i hadn’t realized you never saw,” she admits, words directed to sabo, though he doesn’t know what she means. she takes out a small pocket mirror and places it in front of sabo, until he’s reached out to hold it in his own hands.
his reflection stares back at him. when he blinks, cerulean eyes blink back. his face is pale, too pale. there’s a bandaid on his cheek. he moves the mirror higher and cards a hand through his hair. it’s definitely seen better days. 
he hands the mirror back. “thank you.”
she shakes her head. “thank ace. he’s the one who brought it up.” she waves. “let me know if you need anything else.”
ace waves back, settling again on the edge of the bed as she leaves. “they’re pretty,” he voices, and sabo looks up again. 
“my eyes?”
“your eyes,” ace clarifies. “they’ve always been pretty.”
sabo blinks, feeling drawn away from the conversation. he could’ve handled it, but the last part got him, the insinuation that he didn’t know if he could trust.
“you’re wearing the same clothes as yesterday,” he blurts out, because ace is still staring at him but he doesn’t want that conversation drawn out.
ace looks down at himself, then lets out a meek laugh. “it’s all i have right now,” he reveals. “but i’m working on it.”
sabo has no idea what he means, but he doesn’t move to question it. he doesn’t care enough yet.
the next time ace comes in, sabo’s bandages are unraveled from his arms. the edges are bloody, and there are red partial fingerprints staining his right arm. he’s still dragging his fingers down his left, unbothered as the stitches come open, blood seeping from the long cut running down his inner arm. 
ace drops his package, and it lands on the tile with a loud thunk. “sabo!” he frets, instantly by the blond’s side, forcing him to stop. “you can’t do that! you’re opening them! doesn’t it hurt?”
“i wanted to see,” he murmurs, focused on the feeling of ace’s hand wrapped around his bloody one. “they would never let me see. i’ve been trying, i think.” he shakes his head. “it doesn’t hurt.”
“that doesn’t matter!” ace snaps, and sabo blinks, ripped from his daze. “you can’t hurt yourself like this,” he tells sabo, using his free hand to hit the call button. “it won’t get better if you keep messing with it.”
“what’s-? oh. oh no, sabo.” a nurse comes in and hurries over, turning sabo’s left arm gently in her grasp. “you shouldn’t mess with these. you’ll only make them worse.”
sabo frowns, offended. “i only wanted to see what they looked like.”
“you can do that once they’re all better,” the nurse assures him. she looks across to his other arm, and her gaze softens. “let me get some water and i’ll help you clean up.” she glances to ace. “stay here?” watch him? she doesn’t say, but she doesn’t have to. ace nods, hand clasped tight around sabo’s. 
“it doesn’t hurt,” sabo mumbles, after she’s cleaned the blood off and prepped the needle with anesthetic. 
“just in case,” she tells him, inserting the needle. ace watches her work as she sews up sabo’s left arm, holding onto his right. they switch as she preps another needle with local anesthetic, and sabo looks very bored as the same process is repeated on his other arm.
ace doesn’t relax until both of sabo���s arms are bandaged back up. sabo is the opposite, growing more taut as his wounds are hidden from him. again. 
“where did i get these?” he holds out his arms for emphasis. ace purses his lips, and that drives sabo up the wall. “you know!” he accuses. “you know and you’re not saying anything! you have to know how frustrating that is. do-” he pauses, a thought dawning on him. “was it you?”
ace’s expression changes immediately. “no,” he breathes, and sabo almost feels bad for accusing him, but it makes sense, too.
“you were involved, then,” sabo surmises. “that’s why you’re here -you feel guilty.”
“sabo, listen to me.” ace moves closer, and sabo flinches, forcing him to stop short. “you have the wrong idea.” he leans back again, and his hands go to the hem of his shirt.
sabo watches as he raises it, revealing the bandages wrapped around his ribs. he can see the bruising peeking out from the edges of the white. or, grey, more like. sabo imagined it’s what his own would look like, if the hospital staff wasn’t so vigorous in changing them out. he mellows out, just a bit.
“i was there, but i didn’t -i would never hurt you,” ace stresses. “i was with you. you just ended up with more damage than me.” he bites his lip, hard, his eyes no longer on sabo. “i’m sorry, for that. if i could switch our places, i would, i’d do it in a heartbeat.”
sabo is silent for a long time, mulling this over. 
“maybe it’s a trauma bond,” he suggests, and ace blinks rapidly.
“sorry, what?”
“we went through the same experience, and now you’re attached to me.” sabo shrugs. “it happens.”
“wh- no.” ace shakes his head. “sabo, no, that’s not it. i’ve been with you long before that. what happened was unfortunate, but it-”
“then what is it?!” sabo yells. “what are we?” his lower lip trembles, and he forces himself to hold the tears back, even as he feels his eyes burn. “just tell me already,” he says hoarsely, barely containing himself.
ace comes close again, sitting on the bed, grasping for sabo’s hand. he nods, several times, like he’s working himself up. “my name is ace portgas,” he says slowly, voice breaking.
sabo’s world shatters.
ace is out getting food when sabo decides he’s had enough of this small room. he pulls the iv out and presses down on his bandaged wrist until the bleeding has stopped. then he swings both legs over the edge of the bed, back turned from the window. he plucks the handful of electrodes from his skin and gathers himself in the new quiet of the room. he could do this. he could stand-
the door bursts open right as sabo as settled his hands on the mattress to hoist himself up. he looks up, alarmed, as several people rush in and stop short.
“i- uh.” he blanks, caught off guard. “i just . . want to walk around. if that’s okay.” he mumbles the last part, right as he spies ace just inside the door, expression fading to something unreadable. 
“oh, sabo,” one of the staff says, voice hushed. they move forward to gather the disconnected electrodes from the ground. “you should ask about things like that. it should be fine . . ?” they turn to the others for confirmation.
another one steps up, nodding. “let me go get the doctor.”
they all slowly disperse until only ace is left, wandering in. ace portgas. 
“they’ll get worried if you’re unhooked from the machines,” he says, bending down in front of sabo. sabo searches his face, but he can’t find any resemblance to his own. they weren’t family. they weren’t blood, which meant . .
he tsks, turning his head away. “i wasn’t going to leave,” he mutters. “not like i have anywhere to go.”
ace’s eyes widen, and then relax, as he does his best to put on a brave face. “you will,” he promises. “i’m working on it.”
sabo isn’t sure what he means, but the doctor comes in before he can question.
“portgas!” he says, and the greeting is a sting in the already-burning cut. “heard you wanted to walk around. that should be fine, you’ll just have to take your iv with you. hm? ah, let me hook it back up.”
he’s very patient, not mentioning the earlier incident, or growing disgruntled at the fact his iv was leaking. sabo sits there silently as he places the needle back under his skin, nods in satisfaction, and leans back.
“don’t push yourself. you can use the iv stand as balance, but if you need a wheelchair, i’ll issue that, too.” his lips quirk up. “walking around will be good for you, though. it’s a little early, but i suppose you’ve been here long enough.” he stands back up. “i’ll get someone to bring in slippers. just sit tight until then.” he winks, and sabo nods, trying not to feel guilty.
the slippers are the same mint green as the rest of his hospital garb. sabo feels a stab of disappointment, but he’s not sure what color he wishes they were instead. they slide on easily enough, and after wheeling the iv stand around -and under surveillance- he grabs onto it to slowly come to a stand.
his legs shake. it’s not too bad, the nurse tells him. he takes a step forward, and another, the iv stand rolling along with him. she tells him he’s good enough to go, and sabo nods, concentrating, gaze trained on his feet.
“ace can take you around, make sure you’re doing okay,” she says, and sabo’s stomach drops. he suddenly doesn’t feel like going, but he forces himself to move anyway.
“fine,” he grunts, already at the door.
“if he can’t make it back, please don’t try to carry him,” the nurse tells ace quietly. “we don’t want to upset your ribs, and we have plenty of wheelchairs.”
ace frowns. “but that’s more romantic!”
“it’s not if you both end up collapsed,” she chides, and ace relents.
sabo’s not very far away from the room when ace catches up, hovering on his free side. “anywhere specific you wanna go?”
“take me to the vending machine you like so much,” is sabo’s reply.
ace looks taken aback. “well i’m not in love with it or anything.”
no, just me, he thinks, then slams down on that thought and stuffs it somewhere he doesn’t have to think about it. 
it’s at the end of the hall, illuminated in a dark corner. sabo looks at the rows, but nothing catches his eye.
“you want anything?” ace asks, leaning back against the wall.
sabo shrugs. “i don’t know what i would like.”
ace grins, fishing a dollar bill from his pocket. “i gotcha,” he says, head thrown over his shoulder as he steps forward to insert the money into the machine. he presses a couple buttons and sabo watches as a red package falls. 
ace pops it out and rips it open, gesturing for sabo to follow. they move until they’re sat on a bench, a large window covering most of the wall next to it. sabo sighs in relief as he releases his hands from their deathgrip on the cold steel. he would never admit it, but he was getting tired.
when he turns to glance at ace, smiling cheekily, he finds he doesn’t need to, which irritates him. ace resists laughing and nudges his shoulder, getting him to hold his hand out. he pours some of the candy into his palm, and sabo frowns down at it as the fruity smell assaults his nose.
“i probably can’t have this.”
“no one has to know,” ace says, shrugging. he pours some straight from the bag down into his mouth, and sabo shrugs, copying him, while he presses a purple one to his lips.
his eyes pop. it was startlingly good. he immediately throws another in, this time green. “these are good,” he voices, and ace laughs from beside him.
“too bad they don’t have the blue skittles.” ace grins when sabo stares up at him, questioning. “they’d match your eyes.”
sabo strangely feels like he’s heard something similar. he can’t place the conversation, though, and his interest dies. “these are good enough,” he insists, lifting his hand to pour them all into his mouth. he chews slowly, the fruit combination strange but not unpleasant. “thanks,” he mumbles, almost too low to hear, when he’s done.
unfortunately, ace’s hearing is extremely good, almost unreasonably so. “no problem,” he says, shoulders relaxing. 
they stay there until the sun starts sinking. ace has to ward sabo off from climbing the stairs to a new floor, convincing him to leave that for another day. they make it back to the room with little issue, though sabo is loath to admit he’s a little out of breath. 
“your blood pressure is a little high,” one of the nurses notes later on that night. “must’ve been a good walk.”
sabo bites down on his tongue, just hard enough to keep from saying anything. his mind wanders back to the candy he’d indulged in, and he resists rolling his eyes. he knew there would be consequences.
he strangely finds himself not caring as much as he should.
sabo’s attention, much to ace’s despair, is stolen by another book. he’d gotten this one from ace himself. reading it is good -it puts him at ease. even better now that he can read it over time, no longer forced to finish it in one sitting. it had been a shocking discovery, but a good one, when the nurse had wandered in to see sabo starting from where he’d placed the bookmark. he was beginning to retain things better, the doctor said. it was a sign of progress.
it was a welcome one.
ace is fiddling with his phone by the window. he’d started to come in with it more lately, no longer worried about having the blond’s sole attention. sabo could admit he was growing more comfortable in ace’s presence, though it had more to do with the way ace was acting around him, and less so with what he was supposed to be with sabo in the past.
ace’s phone rings and sabo glances up. ace frowns down at it, meets his eyes briefly, and then looks to the door. he sighs after a moment, accepting the call, and moves over to the far corner of the room, not quite leaving, but close. he talks low, and sabo turns his attention back to his book instead of struggling to overhear.
“i don’t sell anymore,” ace says, a little louder, and sabo blinks, finding he hadn’t processed any of what he’d read. he gives up, staring blankly at the pages, and drops the book entirely when ace ends the call.
“what was that about?”
ace has the decency to look contrite, slumping over as he takes a seat in the chair. he waves sabo off, though, not wanting to divulge this -especially with their location.
“you’ll remember eventually,” he mutters.
sabo crosses his arms. “i’d like to remember now.”
ace turns to look up at him, expression pleading. “sabo, you really don’t need to know right now,” he insists. “i’ll tell you some other time, okay?”
sabo huffs. he picks his book back up, and he doesn’t speak to ace for the rest of the night.
ace doesn’t come in one morning. 
sabo waits, then chides himself for thinking like that and spends the morning reading.
“no ace yet?” his nurse questions, as she takes his vitals. he shakes his head.
it’s not until sunlight is flooding into his room that sabo realizes he was still expecting the raven to waltz in. he was on the edge of his seat, literally, and he finds himself unable to concentrate on anything the longer he’s left alone.
he goes on a walk instead, pacing one side of the hall several times. he pauses near the middle as he catches wind of a conversation, pressing himself into the shadow of a doorway. 
“it’s a shame, really. he’s getting better, it’s obvious to see.”
“i know, right? even though he’s been here a while, it’s not like he’s fully recovered. such a shame they won’t cover the bills anymore.”
“gotta had some for other patients, i guess. the year’s not over yet. and accidents happen all the time in the snow.”
“did you hear what was happening next?”
“i think social services will pick it up, though i’m not sure. it’s complicated, since he’s not alone.”
“it’s not like he has a place to go, either. those two are so young. they’re not even twenty!”
“it really is awful. i just hope something changes for the better. they don’t deserve to end up back on the streets.”
sabo moves further down the hall, no longer willing to listen. he had a pretty good idea of who they were talking about. it stung, but he got it. he’d gathered enough hints over time, he just hadn’t wanted to form that particular conclusion.
he stands in front of the tall window at the end of the hall until his legs ache. then he trudges back to his room, not stopping for anything, even when one of the nurses calls out to him.
“oh, sabo, there you are! you have a visitor.”
he braces himself before entering the room. no doubt it was the social worker coming to take over his case. 
he’s only pleasantly surprised to find ace waiting for him. just ace.
“you came,” he says, slightly elated. 
ace turns on his rolling chair, smiling wide. “sabo! i was wondering where you were.”
“where i was?” sabo scoffs, though it’s mostly in jest. ace’s attitude is infectious, he finds, moving closer.
ace laughs. “right, sorry. i had some things to take care of today. but you’ll never believe it!” sabo’s close enough now that ace rolling to meet him catches him off-guard, which makes it easier to get knocked off his feet, landing on ace’s legs instead. he grips the pole of the iv stand tight.
his breath is caught as ace wraps his arms around his middle, pulling him closer. “the most amazing thing happened today,” he insists, either unaware of sabo’s growing flustered state or choosing to ignore it. “and i got us a place to stay after you get out!”
the words ground sabo, more than anything. he calms down enough to process it, but instead of being overjoyed, he grows somber. “so it’s true. w-” he bites his lip, unable to continue to speak, and switches words. “i was homeless.” he frowns. “am homeless.”
ace’s arms tense, then loosen, around him. he breathes soft, tickling sabo’s neck. “not exactly,” he murmurs.
“tell me,” sabo pleas.
and he does.
he tells sabo how they spent nights with friends, and then at shelters, when they moved. how ace picked up money here and there, and sabo found odd jobs he could get without a permanent address. how they moved around, until their car broke down here and they’d abandoned it. how things had been tough, but after a bit, they always managed to have a little cash to spare. how they had a place, a really small one, until they got caught up in the accident. and then after that, there hadn’t been anywhere to go back to.
“until now,” ace finishes, pulling sabo closer. “if you want to,” he adds, and this close sabo can detect the waver. 
“i have to get better first.”
“i know that. i meant, like . . after.” ace finishes in a mumble. sabo snorts, shoulders shaking from laughter, and he releases his hand from the pole to grab at ace.
“yeah. i would like that,” he admits.
ace looks up, stars in his eyes. “really?”
“you didn’t think i’d say yes?”
“i was worried you wouldn’t,” ace confesses. “i mean, you still don’t . . . remember everything. anything,” he amends. 
sabo thinks on that for a long time before answering. “i missed you, today,” he starts. “i tried to tell myself it didn’t matter, but it did. you’re right: i don’t remember anything. but i can tell i meant a lot to you. and, uh.” he ducks his head. “you mean a lot to me, now. and not because i knew you before. it’s because . . . well. because of all the things you’ve done for me, since i woke up.”
ace’s lips are clamped, his eyes glassy. it takes him a minute to regain the composure to speak. “even if you don’t remember-” he looks away, unable to hold sabo’s gaze, but he finds it again, before finishing. “it’ll be okay. promise.”
sabo blinks, finding he knew exactly how much that took ace to admit. he starts nodding his head, but finds he doesn’t like the mood, anymore. he smirks down at ace instead. “you sure? what if i end up-”
“nah.” ace shakes his head, laughing again. “you’re stuck with me, now.”
sabo finds, just a little bit unsurprisingly, that he’s okay with that.
sabo covers his mouth as he turns to see the nurse in the doorway. ace looks up with an easy grin, laughter dying down. “yeah?”
“the doctor is ready for you, if you’d like your checkup now.”
ace nods. “that would be great. just give me a minute and i’ll be right out.”
the nurse hums in response, sliding the door shut.
ace comes to a stand in a hurry, snaking a hand under sabo’s blanket to leave the half-empty skittles bag hidden there, top twisted shut. sabo snorts, dropping the hand from his mouth, and finally swallows the last of the blue ones. 
“i’ll come back when i’m done!” ace promises, moving to the door. sabo rolls his eyes.
“visitor hours will be over by then.”
“it’ll be quick! or i’ll sneak back in.” he winks. “but you didn’t hear the last part.”
“go,” sabo hums. ace waves on his way out, and sabo rolls his eyes again, but ends up doing the same.
he takes the skittles bag out and begins to unwrap the top, then decides against it and stuffs it under his pillows, instead. the sun is pretty low in the sky, now.
he hadn’t asked ace, he realizes. what the checkup was about. he could garner the basics, but it would be nice to know more.
he puts a hand to his chest, where he can feel the bandages through his shirt. they’d let him see it, the other day, while they were changing it out. even after all this time, it was still mottled with bruises, all in varying shades of colors. some had recurred, from what he’d gathered, but most of them were well on their way to healing.
he wonders if his injury is reflected on ace, or if it would be worse.
before he can vow to ask, he ends up falling asleep. he wakes up and the sun isn’t out, anymore. the light is dim, but it’s artificial. the lamp in the corner, he realizes.
there’s a hand carding through his hair. sabo makes a noise, turns his face up, and it stops.
“hey,” ace says, softly. “i didn’t mean to wake you.”
“you’re back,” sabo murmurs. 
“i told you i would be.”
“you did.” sabo blinks, trying to shake off sleep as he works to sit up, eventually settling on his elbows. “how did it go?”
“pretty good.” ace waves him off. “no issues.”
“what is it?”
ace wants to clam up, but he feigns ignorance instead, knowing sabo would catch it. “what’s what?”
sabo sits up further. “your injury. you said it was better than mine, but . .”
“oh. uh.” ace turns away, tilts his head back. “are you sure-”
“i’m sure,” sabo says, sat up all the way, now. he crosses his legs, leans closer. “if i can’t know about mine . . i’d like to know about yours.”
“yeah,” ace breathes. “okay.”
he shrugs his coat off, then tugs his shirt up, off, and over his shoulders. he no longer has the wrap on, so the damage is laid clear before sabo’s eyes. ace moves a hand over everything, explaining.
“i was stabbed in the lung.” he shrugs off sabo’s incredulous expression, pointing to a thick scar. “it wasn’t serious or anything. sounds a whole lot worse than it was. most of the damage came from a few ribs i cracked -that certainly made breathing a bitch. the rest is just bruising, though it’s mostly lower on my ribcage.”
sabo’s lips downturn. “how were you literally stabbed and i had it worse?”
ace reaches up to tap the side of his own head. sabo blinks.
“really, sab, i’m fine. i’m just glad you’re fine. i’m glad you’re alive.” he shrugs, working his shirt back on. “at least those guys aren’t.”
“they’re dead?” sabo utters, expression open. 
“yeah. some gang managed to break in, wanted revenge for something, i didn’t catch it all. anyway, we obviously weren’t with them, so we were left alone.” ace huffs out a hollow laugh. “though, that also meant they didn’t call for medical help. had to do that myself.” he drapes the coat over his back and tugs his arms through the sleeves. “anyway, it’s all over now. you don’t have to worry about any of it.”
sabo wonders, not for the first time, how ace manages to imply so much without actually revealing anything. he’s ripped from that thought as ace stands back up, eyeing the height of the moon through the window before moving to close the blinds.
“gotta go,” he says, waving to the door. “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“yeah.” sabo leans back, only now aware of how tired he is. “see you.”
a man comes in with ace one day. he introduces himself, but sabo doesn’t bother to commit the name to memory. he’s a social worker, says he’s helping ace find a job. a real job, he specifies, and sabo isn’t sure if there’s an implication he’s supposed to get. ace looks disgruntled by the jab, but he doesn’t argue it.
“well, sabo, it appears you’ve entered a peculiar period in your recovery.” he folds his hands in his lap. “in short, the hospital is no longer willing to pay your expenses. they’ve passed the bill over to us.” he gestures to himself only as he says this, but sabo is still nervous. until his next words, that is. “you don’t need to worry about paying anything back. we’ll take it from here until you’ve recovered. all i ask is that you give your very best effort to the things i tell you to try. that sound good?”
“yeah. sounds good.” sabo hesitates for a moment, then adds on “thank you.”
“you’re welcome.” he smiles. “there’s no need to thank me, though. this is my job.”
sabo shrugs. “still.”
“well, i appreciate the sentiment. ace has told me about your amnesia. the surgery you underwent was a tricky one, it seems. according to the staff, you seem to have almost healed up, physically. you haven’t appeared to regress any, on that account. and your anterograde amnesia is pretty much nonexistent. if you’re willing to progress, there are some options for you.”
sabo isn’t sure how to reply. he must sense that, because he offers something else.
“on that note, have you thought about undergoing any exercises to help recall your memory?”
“i guess i hadn’t thought that was an option.”
“it most certainly is on the table, if you would like to try it,” he offers.
sabo doesn’t even have to think about it. “that sounds great.”
“glad to hear it.”
sabo gets the bandages around both arms removed early one week. it’s weird at first, having the skin so exposed to the air. the scars aren’t pretty, either, despite how well the tissue had healed in light of his constant picking at them. he grows self-conscious about it before too long, and takes to draping the loose blanket over his shoulders whenever he’s in the room, pulling it down so it hung over both arms and left his hands free to do tasks.
the first day ace writes it off, but the second he chalks it up to temperature and shrugs off his jacket to throw it around sabo’s shoulders instead, pulling the blanket down to his lap. 
sabo blinks a few times, startled into silence by the gesture. it’s not until ace moves back to his chair that he reaches up to pull the jacket closer, basking in the comfort it offered. 
“thank you,” he says, pulling his arms through the soft sleeves. the cuffs came down to his fingers, but they were stretchy, so he didn’t mind.
ace shrugs, glancing out the window. “it’s getting colder, now that the new year has passed,” he notes. “snowing more, too. if you get cold, you should tell someone. they’ll do something about it.”
“oh.” sabo bites down on his lip to keep from huffing out a laugh. “yeah, sure. i’ll remember that.” he tugs the cuffs further over his hands, then fusses with the blanket thrown over his legs. even if ace did misunderstand, the intention was nice.
he takes the jacket back before he leaves, ushered out by the staff after visitor hours had ended for the night. sabo wraps himself in the blanket and pulls the sheets over his legs. his fingers dig into his arms, press against the raised scar tissue.
ace comes back early the next morning and throws his jacket around sabo before doing anything else. he leans close to adjust it, and for once, sabo sits calmly and lets him do it. it’s not until he’s pulling on sabo’s arm, skin pressed into the space around his scar, that sabo reacts. it’s entirely unintentional, but his heart stutters and his chest stops moving and ace notices, of course he does, pausing to loosen his grip.
and then, as if it clicks, he slides his hand around until his thumb traces the scar line. sabo sucks in a breath and ace puts one leg on the bed to slide closer, grabbing both of sabo’s arms, now.
“you’re okay,” he murmurs, face close but eyes on sabo’s injuries. sabo lifts his own from where ace is smoothing his skin to gaze into clear grey. the nearness doesn’t escape him.
ace glances up, just an instant, just enough to catch sabo staring. he sucks in a deep breath, stills his hands to grip just a little harder, and leans forward to press his forehead to sabo’s. his eyes are trained on the blond’s mint gown. “you don’t like seeing them,” he voices.
“no,” sabo replies, after a moment. his pitch is unsteady. 
“i’m sorry i-”
“it’s okay,” sabo tells him, barely above a whisper. “you helped. thank you.”
ace pulls back, and then he’s slowly pulling sabo’s arms through the sleeves of his jacket, until the whole thing hung loose on his thin frame. ace bites on his lip, tries not to think about how much weight sabo had lost here, tries not to think about how he can’t solve the problem, because there’s no clear solution to scars, and no right answer to give to reminders of pain.
it’s snowing when ace has to leave. sabo tugs the jacket off and gives it back, unwilling to let him go without it on underneath his coat. he pulls the blanket around him and tries not to think about how nice it would be to hold onto it. 
ace doesn’t know what to think. sabo hadn’t shied away from the rope burns on his ankles, or the thick cuts on his hands, or the gash on his cheek from the last bandaid to have come off. he’d seen the bruising on his chest without giving rise to panic, and made peace with the welt above his collarbone. so what is it about this one that had him so worked up? 
ace stops short as the elevator dings and doesn’t move to exit when the doors open. was it that he was associating subconscious feelings with the scars? maybe he couldn’t recall the event, but were the emotions from that day slowly starting to come back?
the doors close and ace jerks a hand out to catch them, digging his phone out as he passes through. 
sabo’s face scrunches as he inspects the simple package thrust at him. his forehead creases, and it’s visible, for once. it no longer hurts, either, which is why his headwrap was finally removed. 
“okay,” he mutters, letting the package fall into his hands. he flexes his fingers to push the jacket cuffs to his wrists, then pushes the box open. inside is a mass of dark blue fabric.
sabo blinks, the creases leaving his face, and looks up at ace. “what’s this for?” he reaches in to bury his fingers into the plush knit, pulling it out and unfurling it as ace replies.
“well, your head is better. at least, the front part is, so i thought we could celebrate.” ace chews on his lip as sabo lifts the scarf. “here, let me.” he climbs onto the edge of the bed and takes the scarf from sabo’s hands, not sure why he’s nervous but feeling this incredible need to do the task himself. he loops the scarf and moves it over sabo’s head, careful to avoid the back of his skull as he pulls it down, loops it again, and ties it at the back. he’d been half right: the front part of sabo’s skull, where his brain had impacted, was completely healed. but he’d suffered a major injury on the back, and it was still sensitive there, from what he’d gathered. ace is very careful as he ties the scarf off, then sinks back on his knees, stomach settling when he takes the view in.
sabo is looking down at the scarf, one hand reached up to rub the knit between his fingerpads. “that was quick notice,” he mutters.
“i told you i would bring you something blue before you left the hospital.”
“i’m not leaving toda-” sabo pauses, mouth open. “you did?”
“you probably don’t remember,” ace offers with a sigh.
sabo’s lips tremble. “i’m so-”
“no, please don’t!” ace insists. “it was- i mean, i told you while you still had short-term memory. it was my fault.” he shrugs. “it was more like a vow to myself, if anything.”
“okay,” sabo says, moving over the syllables slowly. “it’s nice.” he drops his hand. “thank you.”
“is the color okay? i tried to get one dark enough-”
“it’s fine,” sabo interrupts, eyes lidding. “seriously. thank you.”
ace opens his mouth again, but no words come out as he walks himself through the facts. sabo waits patiently, setting the empty box aside. he leans back against the pillows, tugging the knot to the side so that it didn’t rest right on his neck. ace works through everything and comes to a slow realization. 
“your favorite color was navy,” he says. “before . .” he doesn’t finish. “it’s not anymore.”
sabo turns his eyes away, down to his lap, where he’s unconsciously brushing a thumb over the jacket cuff. he moves away from the dark red to the bright, saturated ruddy of ace’s coat. “no, it’s not.”
ace really doesn’t know how to feel, and sabo interrupts his inner turmoil with a question before he can get sucked too far into it.
“is that okay?” he does his best to smile when ace’s eyes turn on him. “if i change . . will that be okay?”
ace snaps himself out of it the instant he realizes how fragile sabo’s expression has become. he doesn’t know what compels him to do it, but he’s suddenly leaning close to sabo, both hands gentle on the sides of his face. sabo’s eyes are wide, and then ace is kissing him.
he makes a noise and ace jerks back, hands falling away. “sorry!” he apologizes. “i- sorry, god, i’m sorry, i don’t know what-”
“it’s okay.” sabo’s voice is quiet. ace drops his arms from when he’d been scrubbing his face, hair now a mess. sabo isn’t looking at him. “it’s okay, really,” he says again, but the tension hasn’t left his shoulders, and ace needs a distraction before he screws up more.
he raises his fingers to form a frame, sabo’s head in the middle. “you still look the best in blue,” he says, willing to ignore the waver in his voice. “way better than the green they stuck you in.”
sabo snorts, and slowly, the earlier mood begins to unravel. he forces himself to relax. “i’ll take your word for it.”
“do. it’s fact.”
“because everything you say is always true.”
ace sobers at this. “it is.” he waits until sabo is focused on him. “with you. ever since you woke up.”
sabo has to swallow before he can answer. there’s still a bob in his throat, just like there’s still a phantom feeling of chapped lips on his own. he manages to speak through them. “i know. it’s why i decided to start trusting you.” he reaches forward and ace reads his intention, catches his hands in his own. “you’ve been here,” he almost breathes, voice very quiet. “even when i didn’t want you to be.” he pauses when his voice cracks, taking a moment to collect himself. “you never left, and you never lied, and you never let me forget you were supporting me.” he squeezes, and ace squeezes back. “and i’m sorry, that my memory went away. but i’m here, right here, and i care about you now. and i won’t let anything change that.” he smiles, his next inhale shaky. “and i know you won’t, either.”
ace can’t help when the tears run down his cheeks. he doesn’t move to stop them, only sniffling, and bringing their joined hands to his chest, and then bending forward again, gathering courage.
sabo moves his head off the pillows to meet him.
sabo’s assigned social worker interrupts ace’s excited rambling to politely ask him to leave the room. sabo’s smile falls when it becomes just the two of them. he’d never been able to read this one, though that might have more to do with him being the first outsider sabo had met. his social circle had been restricted to the hospital staff that attended to him, and ace. even if sabo had been proficient at reading people in the past, his limited interaction had taken some sort of toll.
“sorry, he didn’t do anything wrong,” his caseworker assures him, sensing the animosity. “he’s been very assertive, though, and i haven’t had the chance to ask your opinion.” he leans forward in his seat. “do you want to go with ace? there are other options, if you decide you’d be better off apart.”
sabo takes a minute to process this. he knows it’s only being asked out of concern, but his first intention is to take it the wrong way. he works to settle himself, and then figure out a rational response.
“i think,” he begins, “that. even if i can’t be sure ace isn’t fabricating the whole thing, it feels wrong to assume that, now. and it feels right to be with him. i only have his word to go off of, yes. but i can tell we’re meant to be together.” he shrugs. “i- i know that doesn’t sound very convincing, and maybe i’m not fully convinced myself, but i’ve been having these feelings, and the doctor said that even if the memory associated with it doesn’t return, the emotions that surface are still real.” sabo stops before he can ramble too much in that direction, looking back up. “i do want to go with him.”
“you’ve convinced me,” he hums. “even if you haven’t fully convinced yourself.” he leans back. “one more question.”
“are you sure you still want to remember?”
again, sabo takes some time to organize his thoughts. he comes to a conclusion that is startlingly succinct. “whatever happened before, i promised i wouldn’t stop caring about him. i’m not willing to hold myself back on that regard.”
his caseworker smiles. “works for me. how about we start psychotherapy monday?”
part 2 | notes
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slash-em-up · 4 years
In Sickness and In Health: The Collector x Reader
I just needed a little hurt/comfort today m’kay?? 
The first indication you had that something was wrong was the heavy, warm pressure of a body next to yours.
Not that you hadn’t fallen asleep with one there; but normally you woke to find the sheets and pillow next to you ice-cold, having been abandoned for other ventures hours prior.
Not so, today.
You blinked into the too-bright morning light and shifted to peer over one shoulder at the man next to you.
Asa look terrible.
You’d seen him bruised and bloody and burned before but the sight before you was completely new.
He looked as pale as the bedsheets, except for his nose and cheeks, which were bright red.
He snuffled rather pitifully in his sleep and your eyebrows flew into your hairline.
This had never happened before… You knew it was juvenile; but you honestly didn’t think that Asa could get sick. He just always seemed so untouchable from the things that ‘normal’ people had to worry about.
Being as careful as possible, you scooted away from the sick man and out from under the comforter. 
Asa let out a series of wet coughs as you tip-toed through the bedroom door and down the stairs. You winced - seriously hoping he had a bottle of NyQuil hiding somewhere around here… He was definitely going to need it.
Burkhart and Hellstrom were already awake, and wagged their tails happily when you walked into the kitchen, opening the sliding glass door to let the pair out to do their business while you brewed a pot of coffee.
The sound of a loud THUMP and quick footsteps had you flying back up the stair as fast as you could.
You paused as the sound of retching reached your ears from the hall bathroom, and you sighed deeply before walking into the room.
Asa was bent over the toilet, grasping it roughly as he vomited into the bowl.
Hurrying over, you gently touched his shoulder, hoping to comfort him; but instead were met with a flinch.
The sick man jerked away, looking blearily up at you - normally keen, black eyes now cloudy and feverish - before his gaze widened, and he flew back towards the bowl for a fresh round of vomiting.
 You circled around so you were in front of him, making sure to telegraph every action as you quietly spoke sympathetic words to Asa and rubbed his shoulder, moving slowly to caress his spine as he continued to heave into the toilet.
When he quieted a bit you flushed the mess away - never removing your hand from Asa’s back as he began to shiver violently.
You filled a nearby glass with water and leaned in, offering it to Asa, who didn’t even acknowledge that it was there.
“Come on hun, can you move?”
Asa groaned and pushed himself into a tired lean against the wall.
You grasped Asa’s chin and moved his face so you could look into it.
One of your hands reached out to wet a hand towel in the sink and softly clean the mans sweat and sick-covered skin.
Normally you wouldn’t dare to take liberties with Asa like this; but he was so clearly out of it, and your caretaker instincts were screaming at you to help him.
Asa’s eyes closed at your careful touch, and he leaned in to your body like you were magnetized.
“…cold.” he whispered. 
His voice was gravelly and tired after his run-in with the porcelain god, and you sighed, running a hand through his sweaty hair. You offered him the glass again, and this time he accepted it - you tilted the water carefully, trying to keep it from spilling over the drained man.
“I know you are, sweetheart, you’re sick - I’m gonna help you back to bed, okay?”
It was a testament to how completely out of it Asa was that he didn’t fight you as you wrapped an arm around his solid chest, lifting as much as you could while he rose slowly on shaking legs.
He was still shivering terribly, and you moved as quickly as possible to get him back into bed and under the covers. 
Once you arrived, you sat Asa on the end of the bed and quickly unbuttoned his sweat-soaked shirt, pulling it from his shoulders and replacing it with a soft teeshirt from the nearby dresser.
 His shoulders shook as another round of coughing started, and you grimaced along with him - imagining just how awful that must feel on a raw throat.
You pressed a hand against his shoulder and let him fall back into bed.
Walking back around, you efficiently flipped the heavy comforter over Asa’s quaking form and began tucking the fabric tightly around him.
He was half-asleep by the time you’d finished, and as you silently moved to close the curtains you thought you could hear a quiet whimpering coming from the shivering form on the bed.
God damn. 
Well, there wasn’t much to be done about it until he was feeling a little better.
Walking back downstairs you let the dogs back into the house and called in to work, letting them know you needed to stay home and take care of your sick boyfriend.
Next you called the university, letting them know Asa wouldn’t be coming in today and probably not tomorrow. The secretary you talked to sounded pretty skeptical, which just sharpened your resolve to make Asa rest, even if you had to tie him to the bed.
You moved from bathroom to bathroom in the house, looking for the supplies you’d need. Frustratingly, all you could find was a thermometer - still in its package - clearly a forgotten purchase.
No flu meds, no cold meds… For a man as much into preparation as Asa was this seemed like a silly oversight.
Oh well, at least you’d be able to tell if he had a fever - not that you really needed a thermometer to tell you that. The burning skin that had pressed against yours had been indicator enough.
You found an unopened box of chamomile tea in the pantry and quickly brewed up a glass, knowing that a post-vomit sore throat was nothing to sniff at.
You gingerly opened the door to the bedroom to leave your offering by the bedside table.
“What - cough - what are you doing?”
You jumped slightly, turning to see squinty black eyes watching you from the bed.
“Hey, how are you feeling?”
Asa pursed his lips and gave a scratchy “Fine.”
You raised a brow in disbelief; but let it slide for the moment.
“I’m just leaving you some tea for your throat…”
“Because I’m sure after your rendition of ‘The Exorcist’ you’re feeling a little parched…”
Asa looked up at you contemplatively for a moment, as if considering what to say next.
“I don’t need to be coddled.”
You paused, looking at Asa, who was conspicuously looking anywhere but at you.
“…I know you don’t… but it’s OK to want to be…”
Black eyes flicked up to meet yours briefly before moving away again.
“Just while you’re sick?”
Asa groaned and rose slightly on his elbows. 
“I’ll be better by tonight- you don’t need to waste your time on me.”
You snorted.
“It’s not a waste if I want to do it. Come on - what did your mom do for you when you were little?”
Obsidian eyes blinked.
A shake of Asa’s head made your heart break a little. You’d never gotten the full story of what happened with his family - just that they’d died at some point during Asa’s youth - no more, no less. He clammed up immediately whenever the topic surfaced.
“… Well, she should have. Now I guess I gotta show you how great being sick can be!”
Asa groaned and sunk back into the pillows.
“I think I’m going to be sick again…”
You rolled your eyes.
“Oh come on, it won’t be that -“
Wide shoulder began to heave with the first signs of incoming vomit, cutting you off.
“Oh, shit!”
You scrambled out of the way as Asa flew past you and back towards the bathroom.
OK, failed attempt #1. 
You hustled yourself back to the bathroom and mentally made a note to go grab a pot from the kitchen. 
Involuntary tears were streaming down Asa’s face by the time you entered the small room.
He hung his head, trying to avoid your gaze while still being violently ill with great repetition.
By the time he was down to a thin bile he was sobbing and choking with each heave.
Sitting at his side, you had returned to your gentle rubbing and comforting words - not sure how much was actually making an impact; but wanting to be there anyway.
You remembered having been terribly sick yourself in the past, but someone had always been there with you - making sure you were alright, holding your hair back, whatever you’d needed - was this the first time someone had done that for Asa?
Instead of leaning back against the cool wall as he’d done after the first round of vomiting, Asa collapsed to the side, too weak to do more than slide off of the bowl.
Immediately springing into action, you pulled the limp man away and up onto your lap - Asa was a broad, tall man and you mentally gave yourself a pat on the back that your visits to the gym were paying off.
Tears were still running unhindered down Asa’s pale face, and he feebly raised a shaking hand to try and wipe them away.
“Fuck…” a muffled moan came from behind Asa’s hand, and you couldn’t help but give a quiet chuckle. 
Asa rarely swore, and it always felt like you were hearing something you weren’t supposed to when he did.
“Come on, tough guy. Back to bed.”
The light teasing had the effect you were hoping for - Asa’s watery eyes gave you a mild glare. At least he was semi-responsive now. So much better than being completely out of it like he had been earlier.
Another shuffling trip brought you both back to the bedroom, and Asa was soon cocooned back under the sheets.
“I’m gonna make some chicken noodle soup. You need to stay hydrated, and the electrolytes from the salt will help too…”
You paused.
“I don’t want you to - I don’t need you.”
An angry huff left your lips. Your patience with Asa’s reluctance was reaching its end.
“Yeah, you kinda do.”
Asa’s indignant gaze met yours, and you were quick to raise your hands in surrender.
“And that’s OK. It’s OK to need people sometimes.”
Swallowing harshly, Asa spoke once more.
“I don’t - I don’t need anyone. I never have. Go stay with a friend and I’ll call you tomorrow.”
You planted a hand firmly on your hip and glared over the bed at the sick man.
“Shut up Emory.”
Asa’s eyebrows rose.
“I’m not leaving your stubborn ass, and at this point I don’t think you could make me even if you really wanted to. Now get over yourself and let me make you some god damn soup.”
Asa gave a half-hearted snarl at your tone; but did nothing more than mutter something probably unflattering under his breath.
“And drink your tea.”
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mimiswitchywrites · 3 years
Not A Burden: Chapter 6
TW: SH references, attempted s****de and references, child/s***al a**se references (not graphic but enough that could be triggering).
Begins by exploring the events that lead to her attempt and period typical h***ph*bia
Master list or read on AO3
1.8k words
If you want to be tagged for updates, message me or comment!
Miriam had not had the best of lives, there was no way to sugar coat that (and oh, how she had tried.) She had grown up with the weight of being different on her shoulders, but it took years to figure out what it actually was that separated her from the others her age. She tried to play with the girls in her village, bringing them straw dolls and small outfits made of leaves, but they could never truly connect. Children have an innate ability to sniff out otherness and will turn away those that aren’t right in the blink of an eye with not an ounce of remorse.
Her father tried to fix her, whispering about how he just wanted to help her fit in to stop her crying out. And still, she was turned away. Eventually, out of options and with too much pain tied to the village, she ran away. If she couldn’t find a place at home, she would find one elsewhere.
And thus, a cycle began. From her seventh year of being, she moved from village to village, trying to get by. She discovered a love for baking and would find work on farm and in kitchens whenever she could. She would stay for a few months, maybe even a year or two if it were a particularly nice place, and then pack her up her belongings and move on. By her twenty fourth year, she was exhausted. She hadn’t seen her father since she was a mere girl and yet he followed her everywhere she went in the faces of strangers. His voice was in her ear as she tried to sleep, hands ghosting her skin at every opportunity. He was even in her dreams, rest something she hadn’t truly experienced in years.
She figured out the root of her different-ness as a young teen, and it loomed over her head like a particularly nasty storm she couldn’t outrun. People were not as accepting outside her village as she had expected; it was nothing but childish naivety.
On occasion, she would wake in the bed of some tavern wench or village leader’s daughter, beautiful woman pressed into her side, and she would cry. She would cry for the child she should have been, for the life she could never live, for this life she could not sustain. Even if she were somehow never found out, she still could not get over her own prejudice.
If there were anything she remembered about her father (she had done her best to drown her memories of him in mead) it was his lessons. He taught her the ways of the world, as a father should. Lesson 1: women are whores and witches, they cursed men to end up angry and alone as her mother had with him.
Lesson 2: Royalty was a con to make the rich richer and the poor penniless.
Lesson 3 (the most important): Man would not lay with man and woman not with woman – that was only for those on the isle across the great ocean.
She tried to convince herself that he meant little to her, but he was her father, and it was so difficult to unlearn all his teachings, even when they were against a huge part of her being.
A few times, she forced herself to ignore her mind and body and would sleep with men. The first time she did of her own intent, she was thirteen, barely a woman. He was the son of her host. She liked the way they could joke with each other and the warm feeling she had every time he said something nice to her, so she assumed that the feeling towards him was love. You touch the ones you love, that’s what her father would say as her lifters her skirt. They committed the act a few more times before she broke down, tearing at her flesh where the boys’ hands had lain and wanting to crawl from her skin.
She left soon after.
The second time was after a long night in the tavern. She encountered some of the royal guard and, after they flicked a few coins at her, she got on her knees and let them have their way with her. She could see her father’s face among them, floating in the background, but she let them finish before breaking down - she was always considerate like that.
In total, she had allowed eight men to enter her (and another five that she hadn’t) and nothing seemed to change. The coil in her stomach still only unwound with a woman and her flesh would crawl every time she removed her underclothes for a man. She had tried drink and the berries that made her mind spin, but nothing made her comfortable with the act. Nothing but the feeling of a soft breast under her hand.
She was disgusting.
And so, hope far from reach and scoring knife in hand, she made her way through the woods. She accepted that she couldn’t be the way she wanted, the way that she should, and so she gave up. She opened her arms to the darkness.
And then she opened her eyes to see light.
And she was trying so hard to keep it together. She was good, trying not to pick at wounds and not giving in to the thoughts that reminded her where each knight kept their knives. She took the sleeping draughts and tried to allow her body to heal, even if it meant seeing His face each night, feeling his fingers work their way past hair and skin. She was even sneaking out of a guarded castle in the dead of night to go on a picnic with someone she had only met a few days ago. She was doing her best at being normal, to have fun as others her age might, but all she could think about was how much like a date this was and how much that wasn’t what she wanted.
Miriam was not good at saying no.
They arrived in the meadow just outside the city limits and Lancelot was quick to lay down the blanket and light the candles Juliana had supplied. The orange glow reflected in Miriam’s eyes and he struggled to draw himself away from them, hand dying to cup her cheek. Instead, he set out the food on the napkins.
“Lancelot,” she began, smile growing, “this is too much, you didn’t have to.”
“But I wanted to, for you.” He took a deep breath and hesitantly placed his hand over hers. Their eyes met, his face flushing, before she pulled her hand away to look through the rest of the basket. While short lived, his hand tingled from where hers had rested under it. He could practically feel his heart double in size as she watched the glee on her face upon discovering the sticky buns.
“Did you know,” she began, mouth full of bread and hand covering it in an attempt to be more polite, “that I am a baker? Was, I guess.” He didn’t, obviously, but nodded for her to talk about it more.
“When I was young, I spent a few months with this elderly woman. Her body was frail, and she could do very little, but she was determined to bake, and she decided that, if I were to stay with her that I must learn to bake.” She took another bite. “And so I did and, I know this must make me sound obnoxious but I am darn good at it too!” She laughed as if it were an outrageous statement.
Her laugh was beautiful, Lancelot found himself thinking. He loved the way her eyes lit up and the corners creased. She covered her mouth each time she did it, he had noticed. He wondered what her lips looked like behind the shield and, briefly, what they would feel like against his.
“I am sure I could talk to the Cook and we could see about getting you some work in the kitchens.” He offered, not sure if he was over stepping. From the way her she leant forward and she looked intently at his face, he realised he hadn’t.
“You would do that for me?” He nodded and, after debating internally for a second, Miriam put her hand on his as he had earlier. “Thank you, Lancelot.” He stared at their interlocked fingers, blushing once again. He could do little more than smile at her.
The sun had begun to rise by the time the pair made their way back to the castle. They had talked, and laughed, and listened to the earliest birds, and watched as the clouds travelled in front of the moon. Lancelot found himself gently touching her arm or shoulder or hand whenever he could, his heart warming and breath hitching as she made eye contact with him. Miriam told him why she had been late (and profusely apologised for making him wait for her) and how her and the King were on better ground. He promised to be nicer to Arthur in training that day.
Finally reaching the top of the final spiral staircase and laughing as quietly as they could about the dozing guard they had scared, Miriam pulled her arm out from where it was hooked onto Lancelot’s. He looked down at her, eyes flickering down to her lips. They were a beautiful red from where she had been biting at them all night. He brought his hand up to her cheek, taking a step towards her. He watched her as her eyes widened as they darted between his arm and face. He took a final step, closing the gap between them and, oh so slowly, lent in, eyes fluttering closed.
Miriam was frozen in place. She wanted to pull back, to tell him that she had a lovely night but that wasn’t what she wanted to happen, to remove his hand from her cheek, but she couldn’t do anything. Luckily, she didn’t have to. Merlin barreled out the door, almost crashing into the pair (Miri was glad that Lancelot had such a steady grip on her for that or she would have toppled down the steep, stone stairs.)
Merlin’s eyes opened wide, and brows shot up. His mouth curled into a smirk as he eyed the couple, and their slightly disheveled appearance from lying on the ground for hours. “And what time do you call this, madam?” he directed at Miriam, crossing his arms in a faux authoritative manner. She was still in shock, mouth opening and closing as she tried to form some sort of defense. He laughed, moving to the side and beckoning her in. She ducked under his arm and closed the door behind her, leaving Merlin alone with the knight. She would much rather face Gaius’ wrath than whatever would come next in a conversation with Lancelot.
The old man in question was sat at his bench, working on some weird blue mixture. He looked up at her arrival and lifted the eyebrow. She sighed, lying face down on her cot and pulling the blanket over her head. He shook his head at her motionless form and turned back to his concoction.
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Please, keep me. (Good Omens)
It took me forever to finish this chapter and the one after it, I meant to have them done for Halloween and it’s January... nevermind. If anyone is interested in starting from the beginning, you can read the entire fic so far here. 
Part 20
The whole business with the books and the attic had been forgotten quite quickly, possibly a little too quickly for Crowley’s liking, but he found he didn’t seem to mind. He found he could put up with quite a lot of his angel’s shenanigans as long as there were kisses involved for him.
And kisses there were indeed, as Crowley found himself scooped up and curled around Aziraphale’s shoulders and his head held in two hands, being peppered with affection all over his snout.
“Hello, my lovely little thing,” sighed Aziraphale heavily, simply holding Crowley close to his face and giving another great big contented sigh. “I feel as if I haven’t seen you in an age,”
Crowley knew what he meant. Any time away from each other seemed to go on forever, like he was living a completely separate reality away from his angel’s touch, and then slipping back into his true life, the one he was meant to be living. Aziraphale breathed in again, nuzzling his face into Crowley’s neck coil before pulling back to smile at him dazzlingly.
“Someone’s been sliding around in the dust, haven’t they?” he smirked, eyes twinkling.
Crowley looked down, but couldn’t see any traces of dust on himself, his scales gleaming as usual.
“You smell a little...well, metallic maybe?” continued Aziraphale, going in for another sniff. “Maybe a hint of… oh, what is that? Woodsmoke?”
Crowley gave a half hearted shrug, moving to wind himself once more around Aziraphale’s neck and hide himself under the angel’s chin. It didn’t work, as Aziraphale simply unlooped Crowley’s tail from under his armpit and ran his nose along it.
“Hmm, it’s an interesting aroma, whatever it is,” he concluded. “But perhaps not as nice as your normal smell,”
Can we just change the subject , thought Crowley morosely. He had already spent enough time as it was trying to hide the new additions of starlight that had been leftover on his scales when he had transformed; he was less than pleased that he had overlooked the leftover influence of the furnaces.
“Well, anyway, let’s get a wiggle on, shall we?”
Aziraphale checked his pockets for his supplies, ink, quill, paper, checked once more for Crowley, and then they set off.
The morning turned out to be a little dull, with Aziraphale actually attending to his duties as expected for once. Crowley tried to stay present, listening to all the gentle things Aziraphale would say, either to himself, Crowley or to the books. When there was nothing to comment on or share with Crowley, Aziraphale would lapse into thoughtful quietness and then slip a little further into humming to himself. His throat rumbled gently as he hummed, and with the gentle rise and fall of his chest Crowley found himself being lulled to sleep.
He woke to a little squeeze of Aziraphale’s fingers to the coil of him that roughly translated to his armpit - his rather ticklish armpit - and immediately gave an involuntary little squirm. His head popped up so quickly from where it had been tucked into Aziraphale’s collar that he bumped himself on Aziraphale’s chin.
“Oh goodness, sorry my little thing, did I startle you?”
Crowley gave another little squirm, moving as to tuck away his more sensitive spots as he blinked away the sleep. They were in one of the more chaotic corners of the Library, where the unusually black lacquered bookcases were much closer together forming narrow corridors, absorbing the feeble amount of light that the orbs threw out. There were a few candles dotted about in sconces at shoulder height, the flickering light showing the spiderwebs that criss crossed the narrow pathway, the books slowly being cocooned in the darkness.
“It’s a little spooky, isn’t it?” said Aziraphale in an excited voice, lifting a hand to push a web away from his face as he tiptoed a little further into the darkness. His wings were gone again, once again folded away on another plane so he could forget about even pretending to look after them, the poor things. Crowley mused on what it would be like to offer to groom them for him, when he realised Aziraphale was speaking again.
“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come down here with a duster in hand to tidy up, but I simply can’t bring myself to do it,”
Aziraphale ducked under another larger web which spanned the space between two towering bookcases that seemed to loom down. He straightened, thinking he had successfully avoided the web, but then gave a small splutter as he went face first into another one directly behind it.
“Urgh, really!” he complained, lifting a hand to remove the web from his face and spit it off his tongue. He turned towards the centre of the web, still fussing the web from his curls, and gave a cross look to the occupant.
“I don’t mind you making your home with the books, but you know how I feel about walking through them!”
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yungimmortals · 3 years
moving day | joel & jade
date: august 17th, 2021 summary: yeah that’ll be one vegetarian everything but the kitchen sink (“and yes that includes pineapple, thank you”) pizza
Jade dropped her overfull suitcase on the ground unceremoniously. He’d move it to the bed in a bit, since he planned on living out of it for the next three weeks, but for now she was interested in exploring the cabin that looked like nobody bothered to clean since it was last lived in. With pillows, blankets, and cushions strewn about into some sort of half-collapsed fort, it was at least cozy, despite the need for a bit of a revamp (and definitely a dusting).
The twins had been directed here by Chiron, who seemed less than excited about their arrival. He was probably informed of their stunt by the messenger gods that kept track of them, and the fact that they’d gotten him a PARTY PONIES: OHIO AQUATIC DIVISION shirt didn’t seem to lighten his mood very much. Whatever, Jade was still wearing his. Still, the centaur was nice, and polite, and let them know that this was the cabin that they’d be staying in, and if the twins wanted to find their siblings, most of them lived together in town. That’s right, siblings. Of course Jade was excited at the prospect, but part of her was nervous to meet them. Was one sibling not enough? What if they thought he was weird or didn’t want to interact with him? Whatever. She pushed the thoughts from her brain as she took a seat on her suitcase and let out a huff. “I can’t believe we went all the way to West Virginia and didn’t even see Mothman. We’re going back, since we’re closer than before.” He picked up a pillow to hold to his chest. “I want him to lay eggs in me like I’m a caterpillar and he’s a wasp.”
Ducking out from under a sheet that was tacked up between a wall and the corner of a long-unused bunk, Joel let out a low whistle. "Look how cool this place is, buddy." He reached up to scratch the chin of the bearded dragon perched on his shoulder. Where Jade had brought his stuff in before exploring, Joel had practically bolted into the cabin, ditching his suitcase in favor of exploring the place he'd be calling home for the foreseeable future. 
 He came to a stop in front of a wall of photos in the corner. Or what had been a wall of photos. The paint was discolored in places, sun-bleached from being covered for so long, he guessed. Here and there, a few stubborn pieces of tape still stuck to the wall. There were only a few photographs left and the sun had done a number on them too. "Jay, come check this out," Joel called, gingerly removing a photo from the wall as his twin entered the cabin. 
 When he didn't immediately come over to see the very cool thing he wanted to show him, he wandered out of the half-collapsed fort and back into the cabin's main area— just in time to hear Jade's Mothman discourse. "Oh, eugh. Gross. You would." Joel nudged her shoulder with a laugh. "I'm totally down to go back, just...give me two weeks before I have to get back in a car. My legs thank you in advance. They be achy. Oh, hey, look at this." Remembering the photograph in his hand, Joel let it flutter down to Jade's lap. "Think these were the other kids Chiron was talking about? Sure is a lot of 'em. They can't all be...right? Right?"
Jade grinned up at Joel as he bumped into him. He’d been hoping for a bit of a shudder, but he'd said far worse to him, so it was no surprise that Joel wasn't too off-put. "Yeah, I'm good not having to drive a couple hundred miles to get a bed and a shower." He stretched his legs out in front of him, grabbed the photograph that Joel had given him, and stood, inspecting the picture as he folded over, stretching out his back. "Hmm. You're wondering how much our father, who art on Olympus, got around?" Jade straightened up and twisted his neck to the side so that he could crack it, then reached up to scratch under Toothless's chin. 
 "I don't know. You think they're all here?" Jade held up the picture so that the two of them could inspect it together. "Maybe some moved away? And..." She pointed at two of the faded faces. "Are those the freaking clones? No way I'm related to a clone." He cracked a smile and then pointed at Joel. "Unless twins is a cover up. Who's the original? I call it."
"A shower!" Joel crowed, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He lifted the collar of his shirt and took a sniff— yeah he was definitely (over)due for one. "Remind me to do that after we get settled. But heck, we're so close to the moth, the man, the legend. That'll be an easy trip when we feel up to it again. Maybe next time Toothless will pull his weight on the trip, eh?" When Jade cracked his neck, Joel made a face at the sound, as if he hadn't done the same exact thing the moment he'd extricated himself from their car. "He's a god, obviously, he fucks. Weren't the Greeks all about hedonism? Oh snap, that is them!" This was directed at the photo in Jade's hand, faded faces smiling up at him from the no-longer glossy picture. His smile mirrored that of his twin. "I'm the original, you broke the mold. Too cool for us all."
Jade barked a “ha!” at Joel’s description of Mothman, her eyes bright as she looked up at him. “Yeah, and then the Romans created stoicism to balance them out. All killjoys. Definitely do not fuck.” She pointed at Joel and bared her teeth in a grin so wide it was practically a grimace, her eyes crinkling up. “Of course you’d say that. I say I’m the original, you just improved the structure. Better posture, more muscle mass, but you sacrificed the most important part.” She stuck her tongue out. “My excellent personality.” 
 She stretched her arms behind her head as she yawned. “What do you say? We scope out the sibs before we sink our teeth in? Find out what they’re like?”
"Definitely not," he agreed with a laugh. "Hey, these muscles were hard work. Chopping wood really bulks you up. That and carrying Mrs. Wainwright's great dane for a mile when he gives up halfway through our walks but I have to get him back to her house somehow." Joel stuck his tongue out at her in return. "I could never hold a candle to your winning personality." 
Switching his attention to the photograph again, he shrugged one shoulder. "Might be a good idea. I dunno, I'm up for it if you are. Although, I've already got the best sibling right here." He slung an arm around Jade's shoulder and gave her a squeeze. Truthfully, he was excited to meet more potential siblings if there were any to be found. But at the same time, he had Jade. And the two of them had only ever really needed each other. Judging by the state of the cabin, he assumed any of their other relatives lived in town, if they'd stuck around at all. "Think they're all weirdos?"
“I never said they weren’t,” Jade replied breezily. “But that heart... maybe I am the clone. I would’ve left the dog to find his own way home. What can be programmed more easily, empathy for Scoob or a cool ass personality? Robots can be cool...” He trailed off as he considered each of the different options, as if he were actually wondering which of the two of them was a clone. 
“Well, duh, same.” Jade laughed and reached around Joel so that he could pinch his side. He were nervous, but the prospect of something new was so tantalizing it made him ignore the fear of rejection. He snorted. “If they’re related to us, I’d put money on it. Plus, you know, clones and jerks without shadows? Sounds like the right kind of weird.” He ground his teeth together as he grinned once more.
Joel jostled Jade, laughing. "Now, c'mon. You couldn't leave ol' Scooby behind.  He would've howled all sad as you walked away. Robots are cool. You a robot?" He made a surprised sound at being pinched, swatting Jade's hand away. "Truuuue. Y'know, it was the shadow that got me. What were the odds, honestly. I thought we were the only freaks like that." He snapped some finger guns at his twin. At the same time, his stomach growled loudly. "Unpack then food? Food then unpack? I wanna head into town to explore. How expensive do you think it is around here? I've got—" From his pocket, Joel produced a piece of lint, a very crumpled five dollar bill, and the drachmas they'd been gifted. "I've got enough. You hungry?"
Jade snorted and rolled her eyes, a crooked smile clear on her face. "And I would've turned my music up." She shook her head, as stiffly as she could managed and blinked at two different times with her eyes. "No. I am. Hu-man." She smiled and shook her head. "Nah, I knew there were others out there, I believed." When her stomach growled in response, she laughed. "I'm liking option two. We can check out what food they have out in town? Two birds?" She raised her eyebrows at Joel.
"That's some chameleon-type shit," he said matter-of-factly, then flicked a coin from his hand at Jade, trusting them to catch it. His flannel was already tossed over the corner of a bunk and Joel snagged it. Pulling it on over his PARTY PONIES tee,  he surveyed the cabin once more. His expression turned wistful. This would be home for them. This strange town filled with more strange things in one place than they had ever seen before. Joel was desperate to get out and explore. He nodded at her. "Yeah, that sounds solid. Two birds, one drachma. And maybe an extra large pizza."
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Sick (Todoroki x Reader) Birthday Special!
Pairing: Todoroki x Reader 
Genre: Fluff (fluffed myself into devastation again)
Summary: It’s your boyfriend’s birthday, but unfortunately you’re feeling less enthusiastic about it because you’re sick as a dog.  So what happens when the birthday boy finds out you’re in less than top condition?
Inspo: Me, myself, and I bc I was sick this past week (and I’m still not over it), and this Tik Tok bc I’m a loser.
Word count: 1,698
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
I decided to combine a birthday special with an idea I had about a sick reader that I was going to write anyway because softboy Todo is the best Todo (besides the ones where he’s flirty but that’s different)
Don’t judge me for being on Tiktok, my cousin was showing me all the cosplayers and I was sold, the cosplayers are so talented, I’m really jealous T.T.  Not to mention there’s actually some really great fanfic fodder floating around there, so don’t be shocked if I post some others inspired by Tiktoks.  Anyway, enjoy the story!
I feel like I've been run over.
Every muscle in my body is either aching or stiff, my nose is stuffed, my throat hurts, and my body is cold and hot at the same time despite wearing flannel pajamas.  At random times last night, I woke up between whatever snipets of random dreams I can remember.
In short, I feel miserable and I've only been awake for 10 seconds.
I was hoping it wouldn't get to this point.  Two days ago, I started taking vitamin C supplements because I felt the tickling scratchiness starting up in my throat, and yesterday I was out with the Deku squad in the cold because Uraraka wanted to go to some wings place in the city in the freezing cold.  Never did I think it would escalate to this.
I blame Denki.  The idiot was coughing like a dog all over the place.
At first, I'm happy it's a Saturday and I can probably just lay in bed and sleep all day.  When I finally gather enough energy to roll over and look at my phone, I feel infinitely worse.
Fuck. It's January 11.
Today's Todoroki's birthday.  And I'm sick.  What kind of twist of fate is this?  I wanted to take him out to eat or go to an arcade or something just to spend the day with him, but it takes too much energy to get up.
I huff, guilt eating at me.  I have to do this, for my baby.  Kicking the covers off, I slowly roll up to sit at the edge of my bed, wrapping myself in my blanket and trudging to the bathroom.  The soreness in my limbs beg me to go back to bed, but I repeat the mantra, "For Shouto, it's for Shouto " to keep me going.
As soon as I see myself in the bathroom mirror I whine.  My face is so pale that my dark circles are more prominent, emphasizing my obvious lack of good sleep.  After I complete the strenuous task of brushing my teeth, I shuffle back to my bed and faceplant down at the foot side since I'm too tuckered out to get in properly.  I'll wait for Shouto to come after breakfast.  I'll just go back to sleep, I persuade myself as I drift off.  Maybe I can ask him to only spend half a day so I can come back and sleep, I'm sure he'll understand...
After some time, I'm startled out of my half slumber by a soft knock at the door.  "Love?  Are you awake?  It's me."
I smile at my precious angel's manners.  "Coming, just give me a sec."  I gather all my strength and try not to make it look like I'm dying on the inside as I open the door.
There Todoroki stands in his casual clothes, his endearing, ever-neutral face present as usual.  "Good morning.  You weren't down for breakfast, did you eat already?"
"No, not yet, I just woke up," I answer, my voice slightly hoarse.
His brows furrow.  "Did you drink any water yet at least?  They say it's good for starting your metabolism in the morning."
I shake my head.
He studies me, his heterochromatic eyes scanning me up and down in my blanket-clad state before scrutinizing my face.  "Did you sleep well last night?"
"Not really..."
He crosses his arms over his chest and steps towards me, making me take another one back.  "You know I don't like it when you don't take care of yourself.  You know what that means."  A dark aura washes over his face.
I cling to my blanket and screw my eyes shut, somewhat afraid of him when he gets like this.
A warm hand comes down on my head.  "You feel warmer than you're supposed to, the heat's radiating off of you.  Not to mention you're pale," he comments.  He removes his hand.  "Get back to bed, you're not going anywhere today."
"But it's your birthday, I wanted to spend the day with you," I cough at the end.  The muffled noise and the pain in my ears that follows males me realize my hearing is shot along with everything else wrong with me.
"We can spend the day in bed together," he argues, pushing me gently down to recline.
I groan at how stubborn he is.  "Can't we go out for half a day?  I promise I'll rest later."
"No," Todoroki dismisses tersely, refitting the blanket across my sheets.  "We can save that for tomorrow, you need rest."  He places a gentle kiss on my forehead and pauses.  "That's definitely a low to mid grade fever.  Can I trust you to stay here while I gather some supplies?"
I blink.  What.  "Yes, I'll stay put," I surrender.
After almost half an hour, Todoroki returns, awakening me from my slumber with arms full.
"What the-"  I eye the huge pot in his hands and a tote bag hanging off his arm.
He set the pot down on the floor.  "I took the liberty of making you chicken soup with some ginger for your throat.  I also brought some medicine for your fever, a box of tissues, a humidifier, some nose spray for the congestion, a bag of cough drops, a thermos of water, a carton of orange juice-"
I whine out loud like a child, feeling a huge rock of guilt on my chest.
"Is something wrong?  Are you in pain?"  His affectionate gaze flickers to me in worry.
"You're killing me, Shouto!"
He sits next to me on the bed, brushing my face with his fingertips.  "Did I do something wrong?  I'm sorry-"
"No, it's not you," I sigh.  "I just feel so bad.  Today's your birthday, and here you are taking care of me because I got sick instead of doing something fun.  I'm terrible."
His fingers brush my hair off my forehead.  "Love, it's not your fault that you're sick on my birthday-"
"Yeah, it's Kaminari's," I interject with a pout.
Todoroki chuckles.  "I'll fix him later.  I don't need anything special, I just want to spend time with you.  Besides, you being ill gives me the perfect excuse to stay by your side all day."
Warmth blooms in my chest at his loving words.  I sniff, "You're too good to me."
He kisses my forehead again.  "I'm fully expecting the same treatment if I ever get sick as repayment."
A heart-melting smile cracks across his face.  "Kidding, Love.  Just finish your soup and let me take care of you.  That's more than enough repayment."
The rest of the day passed in a comfortable blur.  Todoroki fed me soup by the bowl every few hours for my meals, made sure I drank water throughout the day, and gave me orange juice to drink.  "You need the Vitamin C to help your immune system work," he says.  All day, he wrapped us in blankets as we binge-watched shows and movies on my laptop while regulating my temperature with his quirk.  He catered to every need I had from my stuffy nose to my muffled hearing.  He even started massaging my sore muscles to ease the dull pain.  My heart couldn't feel fuller knowing he willingly nursed me back to health when he could've been doing something more fun or at least productive.
"Shouto, don't you want to at least go train today?" I ask.  "You don't have to sit here with me the whole day."
His hand around my body squeezes tighter.  "I'd rather be here with you than train."
I weakly hit his chest.  "You sound slightly obsessive."
Todoroki's cool fingers absently play with my hair, brushing my cheeks.  "If you fall asleep, I'll step out for a little so I don't bother you."
After a moment, I tilt my head up at him.  "I want to give you your gift at least.  It's in the top drawer."
Quirking an eyebrow, he gets out of bed and opens my chest of drawers.  "You didn't need to get me anything."  He pulls out a thin, black cardboard box on top.
"I'm warning you now, it's kind of stupid, but I didn't know what to get for a boy who already has everything," I admit, nervously watching him sit back next to me and open it.
Inside is a simple string bracelet with two silver balls flanking a golden Sun symbol.  Todoroki takes it out and immediately puts it on his right wrist to admire it, though his expression is blank as ever.
"I know you don't wear jewelry, but I wanted to keep it simple.  Besides, it's actually a couples set," I nod over to my bedside table.  "Mine is over there."
He surveys the mess and locks eyes with a bracelet of similar design except a silver crescent moon is in the middle.
"You get the Sun one because you're my precious sunshine boy," I chuckle before coughing to clear my throat.  "Sorry, that was really cheesy-"
Todoroki cups my face and seals my lips before I can finish.  I almost kiss him back instinctively, but I pull his hands away.  "Shouto, I'm sick-"
"Thank you."  A soft smile appears across his features and his eyes glint in affection, washing me over in warmth.  "I'll wear it every day, when I'm not training so it won't break."
Before I can respond, he tackles me in another kiss, sending my heart into a frenzy of irregular beats.  His kisses are sweet yet searing, pouring all of his love as he moves against me, clinging to my body like a lifeline.
When Todoroki finally pulls away, my head spins, but I can't miss the grin on his face as he caresses my cheek.  "I love you," he whispers.
And just like that, my heart feels squeezed again.  "You're gonna get sick."
He pecks my nose.  "At least it's from you."
I bury my face in his chest, heat rushing to my cheeks and ears.  "I love you too, you big dork."
The rise and fall of his chest and his soft touch in my hair lulls me to sleep in his arms, a smile on both of our faces.
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wildroseofarran · 3 years
Looking for Kelly || Leslie, Cameron, Pete, Henry, & Kelly || February, 2020
Cameron: Cam stared at his phone for a moment, debating if he should send the text he'd typed out. He'd sent Kelly a few texts since their last meeting, some pretty nature pictures and a selfie where he grinned from ear to ear while some geese clearly chased him in the background, but there was no response. He'd thought their last encounter had gone well, but Kelly was such a hard man to read that there was a chance he didn't enjoy himself as much as Cam did that day. He wasn't sure if this was a hint he should be taking, but he decided to send the text anyway.
{Text to Witchy Bitch} Hey Leslie, any chance you've heard from Kelly at all? I haven't heard from him in a while and just wanted to make sure he was okay.
Leslie: Leslie felt his phone go off, but chose to ignore for the next ten minutes. Customers were in a positive flux, and Myrtle's niece was stumbling. Ten minutes became fifteen, became thirty. When he finally had a moment to himself, his first response was an apologetic explanation. Then finally, to actually read the message.
{Text to Incredible Hulk} I haven't, but I've been meaning to look in
{Text} Wanna come with me to the pub tonight?
Cameron: Cam had to resist the urge to pace as he waited for a reply, and after about 20 minutes he tossed his phone to the side and decided to take Zeus on a run to burn some energy. 40 minutes later he returned, panting and a little less high strung as he picked up his phone. He was relieved to see Leslie's text and quickly responded.
{Text} Yeah sure, I'll feel less weird going with you than I would going by myself  we haven't spoken since we last hung out so I didn't want to bother him if he wanted to be left alone.
Leslie: Leslie didn't want to tell Cameron about his feeling. It could have been due to a number of things, but his stomach only churned with thoughts of Kelly. He trusted his intuition above all else.
{Text} I'll be off work in an hour. Meet you there?
Cameron: {Text} Okay! I'll meet you there
Cam waited about an hour before he hoped on his bike and drove to the pub. Once there, he removed his helmet and leaned against his bike as he waited for Leslie to arrive.
Leslie: Leslie was waiting outside. The weather did not permit his usual jacket, which he had brought to work. Now tied around his waist in a bulky mess.
The witch looked up from his phone with a diluted smile.
Cameron: Cam pushed away from his bike when he saw Leslie arrive, and approached him with a smile.
"Hey stranger, you alright?"
Leslie: "I'm alright." Which was not a lie. He was alright, but still...
"Have you ate?"
Cameron: Cam tilted his head, taking note that Leslie's response lacked the usual enthusiasm, but he decided not to question it at the moment.
"Nah, wanna grab food after we're done checking up on him?"
Leslie: Leslie remained oblivious of Cameron's notice.
"Have you tried the food here? Almost never fried food." Which was something around here.
Cameron: "I haven't, I'd be down to try it! I just had a couple drinks the last time I was here."
Leslie: "There's some people I need to introduce you to." The owner, for one. Quite a fetching man to anyone with eyes. A voice to make the blind swoon. Not his sailor, but perhaps someone Cameron would spare a wink.
Leslie headed for the bar, pausing only for a moment to cast a quick glance. No Kelly in sight.
Pete: Kelly Rose was indeed noticeably absent from the pub tonight. In his place was Pete himself, serving drinks alongside June while a heavily pregnant Stella sat drying off glasses.
"Oh hey," Pete called when he spotted Leslie. "Fancy seeing you here. Whatcha having?"
Cameron: "Alright," Leslie had a habit of introducing him to the most interesting people, so suddenly he was a little more excited than he should be.
Once inside, his initial glance around did not spot Kelly, and he tried not to look as disappointed as he felt.
Leslie: "Um." Quick introductions. He waved a light hand over the eager-looking Cameron.
"We'd like Kelly. The other half of this ‘we’ is Cameron. Cameron, this is Peter." One of those names which highlighted his unusual accent.
Pete: Pete smiled warmly at Cameron, though some of the brightness had gone. "Nice to meet you, Cameron. Welcome to my pub. As for Kelly, things seem to be about the same, I haven't heard anything different from Bridget. Can't tell if the whole no news is good news thing applies to a situation like this."
Leslie: Leslie blinked. "What - What do you mean? Bridget? Kelly's in hospital?"
Cameron: "Leslie, you gotta start telling me when the friends you're introducing me to are so attractive," Cam offered Pete a playful wink, thought his smile was more warm than flirtatious as he nodded in greeting. The smile quickly faltered and he looked between the two, suddenly worried. Kelly was in the hospital? He yearned to ask questions, a lot of them all at once, but knew the answers would come on their own.
Pete: Pete's brow furrowed. "You didn't--? Oh. Ah..." He looked around for a moment before feeling his sister's hand on his shoulder.
"Go on up," she said, casting an apologetic smile at Leslie and Cameron. "June and I got it."
"Are you--?"
"Yeah, go. I'm fine."
"Okay. Why don't ya'll come on up?" Pete said to them, nodding toward the open side of the bar. "We'll talk in my office."
Leslie: Leslie looked between them. Offered a subtle greeting smile to Stella.
"Hey, Stell. Thanks."
Pete: It was returned. "Hi, Leslie. You and your friend go ahead and follow Pete. There's no privacy down here."
The office was on the second floor of the pub, accessible only through the door behind the bar. It was warm and comfortable and distinctly masculine, decorated with dark wood and rich earth tones.
Save, of course, for the light grey cat tree in front of one of the windows, which currently held two sleeping cats.
"Have a seat wherever," Pete would say once he closed the door.
Cameron: "Thanks," Cam nodded to Stella as his smile sombered, and he followed Pete to his office. When he saw the cat tree he drifted towards it and its occupants, and he made a soft clicking sound with his tongue to get their attention. Whichever cat roused he let sniff his hand before giving it a gentle scratch, if they seemed amenable to it. Then he turned to look at Pete, happy to stand for now. If he sat the anxiety would set in, because he could sense something was off.
Leslie: Leslie followed behind Peter and took the offer of a chair, leaning forward to rest his forearms on his knees, giving his full attention. A lesson in various coping mechanisms before Peter's very eyes.
"What happened?"
Pete: It was the orange and white cat who roused from his nap to greet the visitor. He sniffed the hand, rubbing his squashy face against it once he deemed it safe and worthy.
Pete smiled briefly. "He likes you," he said to Cameron as he sat on the edge of his desk.
He had no idea how to approach this. How much should he say? How much could he say? Kelly was such a private person, the last thing Pete wanted to do was overstep or betray his trust.
Then again, these were people who cared about him enough to come look for him and check on him; Pete couldn't leave them with nothing.
"I got a text from a friend one night after closing time telling me that they'd heard something weird coming from this direction. Sure enough, when I came to check on the place, I found Kelly collapsed in the alley. He was in a very bad way."
Leslie: "He was assaulted?" Someone as strong as he imagined Kelly to be, beaten to the point of collapse put a cold brick in his stomach. Was his wound so great, he wondered, and felt a tinge of guilt.
And then he wondered something else.
"What night was this?" Because, without any doubt in Leslie's mind, there was only one type of creature capable of rudely handling a Fera.
Cameron: "He's got good taste," Cam smiled as his fingers moved to scratch at his new friend's chin. His fingers stilled for a moment as Leslie said what they were both wondering out loud, and then they resumed their pets as he listened quietly from where he stood.
Pete: "It's looking that way, yeah. Sheriff's looking into it." Which made him feel twenty kinds of terrible. He hated having to lie but what other choice was there? He couldn't very well tell Peabody or Parker that Kelly was a werewolf.
"It was this past weekend. Saturday night." Not quite the truth, not quite a lie.
Leslie: Peter didn't have to lie. Leslie's eyes were planted on the ceiling, putting forth a calendar in his distressed hasty thoughts.
"...I see."
Cameron: Cam felt something in his chest tighten.
"Is he hospitalized?" Cam finally asked, unaware of what either of the other men might be thinking.
He didn't know Kelly was a werewolf, so to him, his friend had simply been attacked. He always had a feeling that Kelly was more than he said, and regardless he was huge, so it made Cam wonder what had happened to overpower such a man.
Pete: Pete nodded. "I took him and they admitted him right away, rushed him into surgery. He was in the ICU for a couple days. As far as I know he isn't anymore."
Leslie: Leslie forced himself back to the room and those within it. While he was quite fond of Kelly, he well aware of Cameron's budding relationship, whatever it was shaping into. Cameron was in this room, not Kelly.
"I'll see to visiting hours." Henry Brozek would be his first call walking out of Peter's office.
Cameron: "I want to go with you," Cam said quickly, and he paused in his pets of the friendly cat. He turned to look at the other two, his expression almost forcibly blank.
Pete: He offered Cam a reassuring smile. From what he'd been told Kelly wasn't quite out of the woods yet, but having some visitors that weren't him would do him good. Even if he wasn't awake.
"Ya'll go on."
Leslie: "At this hour?" Leslie hadn't stepped foot in a hospital in years. Ignorant to what was and wasn't allowed. He'd assumed visiting hours would have been midday.
Still, he got to his feet. "Thanks for this. I'll see you real soon."
Cameron: Cam could easily sneak them into the hospital, but perhaps he'd save that for a time when he was alone.
"Thanks," Cam nodded to Pete. He gave a slight smile in return and then held the door open for Leslie to step through.
Pete: “Bridget isn’t working today. Whoever’s on duty will let you see him for a second if you say I sent you.”
Pete nodded. “No problem. Sorry I couldn’t give you better news.”
Leslie: "I've got someone in mind. Thanks again, Peter."
Leslie took the stairs at a gallop pace, screen between him and a clear view as he searched for Henry's number. Had he kept it? He never threw away a number, not even those he should.
The phone was pressed to his ear, looking over his shoulder for Cameron as he exited the front door.
Cameron: Cam kept his eyes forward as he followed Leslie, very obviously deep in thought. It was hard not to let the twist of anxiety grow to something more, but he knew seeing Kelly would help him figure out how he felt about... Whatever this situation was. He had so many questions, and knew he'd probably get no answers as quickly as he wanted them. He followed Leslie out the front door and took a slow breath, letting the burn of the chilled air settle in his lungs.
Henry: It would take a good number of rings, but eventually Henry Brozek would answer his phone.
Leslie: "Hey, Chippy. Are you at work right now?"
Henry: "Uh, yeah, why?"
Leslie: "My friend and I want to look in on Kelly Rose."
Henry: "Okay, um, visiting hours ended about twenty minutes ago but I'll tell you what. If ya'll can get down here quickly I can let you see him for a little bit. Just ask for me when you get here."
Leslie: "Is he - nevermind. Thanks, Chippy. We'll see you soon."
Cameron: "Could I ride with you?" Cam asked quietly once Leslie hung up the phone. He glanced over at it bike to avoid looking at Leslie. "If you don't mind dropping me off here later to pick my bike back up? I just.... Don't want to drive at this exact second." He clenched his fists to hide the slight shake in his hands. He hated hospitals, but he wasn't about to let that stop him from going to see Kelly.
Leslie: Leslie looked back at Cameron as he pocketed his phone. "Yeah. Yeah, of course." Keys were absently-mindedly tossed between hands.
"He's alright," he said, climbing into the driver's seat. "He's going to be alright." It would appear he was speaking more to himself than to his passenger.
Cameron: Cam followed Leslie quietly, and when they reached the car he took his seat on the passenger side. Cam's hands curled tightly back into fists and he nodded as he stared out the front window.
"Yeah..." But there was no confidence in his voice.
Leslie: As much as Leslie wanted to, he would not reassure beyond the hopeful sentence. Whether Kelly was in recovery or not mattered less than what could potentially be done in his aid.
At least, that was the repetition of Leslie's thoughts as he threw the Jeep into park. As expected of a tourist fishing town, the hospital was all but vacant.
"As it should be," he muttered under his breath, stepping out into the unwelcoming February night.
"You alright, Cam?"
Cameron: Cam listened to his own repetitive thoughts on the way to the hospital, and it wasn't until the car came to a stop that he returned to himself. With a blink he jumped from his seat and tried to use the bite of the cold air to stop himself from trying to will his mind to be somewhere else.
"Sorry- I'm... I'll be alright. hospitals- or parts of them- I hate hospitals, let’s just go with that," it was all too much to address right now, and he didn't want to make this about him. They were here for Kelly. He'd figure out how to process this when he saw Kelly.
"I'm good, I'm good," he tried to give Leslie a half smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. He nodded towards the doors. "Lead the way."
Henry: With visiting hours over, the hospital was even quieter than it normally would be this time of year. The waiting area was empty. Only the rare page broke through the quiet.
But even so, the receptionist was sitting at her desk, chatting with a nurse and ready to help anyone that might come in.
When the two men entered, they would be given a friendly smile and asked, "Good evening, can I help ya'll?"
Leslie: Cameron was given a soft pat to his elbow. "We won't be long." He could have said more. 'I'm with you. It's for a good cause.' It seemed enough of a given.
Leslie approached the desk with the best smile he could muster. Honest in its intent at the very least. A glance of regard to her name plaque. His smile widened enough to crease the corners of his mouth.
"Hi, Tiffany. I'd like to know if Henry Brozek is available."
Cameron: Cam took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. I'll be fine," he gave Leslie a smile, this time with a little more confidence. "I just want to see Kelly. I can definitely endure a hospital for anyone I care about." His smile warmed as they approached the receptionist and he stopped beside Leslie, and looked between the two as they talked.
Henry: Tiffany smiled and nodded. "I think so, yes. Have a seat and I'll page him for you."
It being a slow night, Leslie and Cameron wouldn't have to wait long for Henry to appear. Even so, he looked a bit more somber than he usually did.
"Hey," he greeted.
Leslie: Leslie took to leaning against the nearest wall. Silence filled what normally would have been pleasantries until Henry's arrival. Climbing his thirties and still he looked just like a boy scout.
"Chippy," he greeted. "Hey, thanks for this. This is Cameron, by the way. Cam, this is my buddy Henry."
Cameron: Cam took a seat and stared at the ceiling until Henry arrived, and then he rose quicky from the chair when he heard footsteps approaching.
"Nice to meet you. Thank you for letting us do this." He offered a hand in greeting.
Henry: Henry smiled and shook Cameron's hand. "Nice to meet you too, man. Sorry it's not under better circumstances."
Speaking of which....
"Before I take you to see Mr. Rose, I've gotta ask. Has someone warned you?"
Leslie: "We just came from Peter's. We have the bare minimum of information. How bad is he?"
Cameron: Cam felt his heart sink at Henry's words and his expression returned to the blank one from earlier. He shook his head slightly.
Henry: Henry blew out a long breath. "I can't give you specifics, it's against hospital policy. All I can say is he's stable for now but he's, well. He sustained significant injuries."
Leslie: "Is he conscious?" At this point, that's all Leslie needed to know; the rest he could sort himself.
Cameron: Cam simply stared at Henry, and let Leslie ask the questions for them both.
Henry: "Right now he's sedated to keep him comfortable."
Leslie: "Is it alright if we look in on him? We won't disturb him."
Cameron: Henry's words rang hollow in Cam's ears. For a moment it was as if someone were shouting them down a long, darkened tunnel in Cam's direction.
Sedated. To keep him comfortable.
Cam swallowed, and, with a snap, he was back in the waiting room with Henry and Leslie.
Henry/Kelly: Henry glanced over at Tiffany. She was focusing very intently on her screen and pretending she didn't hear a single word that was being said. Sweet girl.
He looked back to Leslie and Cameron and nodded. "Just for a minute, or we'll all get in trouble. Follow me."
They would be led toward the elevators and taken up to the third floor.
It was even quieter and emptier than downstairs, due both to the hour and the time of year. Without the tourists in town getting themselves into trouble, they had more empty beds. Less strenuous shifts. Less staff on call. It was as close as a hospital could ever get to peace.
Kelly's room was halfway down the hall to the right, door open. Inside, a bedside lamp served as the only source of light apart from the glow given off by the various monitors surrounding the bed. Their beeping was the only sound apart from Kelly's soft labored breathing. As for Kelly himself...
A week's growth of beard covered a face that was noticeably more gaunt than the last time either would have seen him. Scars that he made an effort to conceal in his everyday life were thrown into stark relief by the low light. The same light also helped mask, however marginally, the myriad of bruises in various stages of healing all over his body. Some were all but black, some starting to inch toward healed yellow.
An IV kept him fed. An oxygen mask helped him breathe.
Leslie: Leslie reserved his feelings for the time being. The last thing Kelly needed was thrown emotion. Still, turning into the room, the sight caught him off guard like a forgotten stair. Someone or something had managed to inflict such damage to a credible creature. It was humbling, infuriating even.
"Thanks, Chippy. We uh, we won't be long."
Cameron: Cam was completely silent as they entered the room. The last time he'd seen someone in a bed like this, he didn't want to think about what had happened, or send that energy to Kelly.
Instead, he focused his energy on the present, and wordlessly moved to the side of the bed after a grateful nod to Henry.
"Who did this to you...?" Cam whispered softly, and his fingers curled into fists at his side to resist the urge to reach out and touch Kelly's hand. They'd promised not to disturb Kelly, and he meant to keep that promise as well.
Henry/Kelly: Henry nodded and clapped a hand on Leslie's shoulder. "Don't mention it. Seriously. I can give ya'll about five minutes then ya'll are gonna have to say goodnight for now." He left them to it.
There would, of course, be no answer from Kelly. He was lost to peaceful unconsciousness, aided by the medications being used to manage his pain. There was nothing Leslie and Cam could do to disturb him unless it was magical.
Leslie: Leslie circled the bed to the opposite side. His first thought was consciousness. Wondered if Kelly was aware at all of his situation; wondered if he could feel their presence. Some function of his species.
"I'm gonna put my hand on him." For some opaque reason, it seemed necessary to state his intention. A slow hand came to rest on Kelly's forehead. Eyes closed with a wince.
Cameron: Seeing Leslie reach out made Cam's resolve not to touch Kelly waver, and he reached out to gently touch Kelly's hand with the tips of his fingers. He noticed the wince and bit his lip as he looked at Leslie with concern.
Leslie: "Just...feelings." He didn't want to elaborate. The utter mangle of Kelly's body, the invasiveness of surgical tools, knives, threading. So far away from everything familiar and harmonious. He wanted to hear Kelly's disapproving voice again. To see him as far away from this place as possible.
He pushed his intent into his hands. What meager little wounds could he discreetly heal he would tend to. It was not enough, but he had to do something.
"I'm helping with - where I can. Not much, but..."
Cameron: Cam crouched down next to the bed and slipped his fingers into Kelly's hand to gently hold it. It made his heart ache with the lack of reaction to his touch. Not that he expected any, but it still hurt.
"If I find out who did this..." he murmured quietly, more to himself than the other two, "...I promise to make sure they can never do this to anyone again."
His thumb traced a small circle on the back of Kelly's hand.
"At least...  at least you can do something. No matter how small..." He said to Leslie, and looked up to give him a half-hearted smile.
Leslie: "Don't let that be what you walk out of this room with," murmured Leslie. "That's not the kind of energy he needs. Remember how we met. What you said to me."
He could feel every little tear. Horrid scar tissue. There was no belief in this hospital. His magic was dim. If only he could bring Kelly home.
Cameron: Cam opened his mouth as if to argue, but slowly closed it as he thought better of it. While he thought this was different, this wasn't an accident but an intentional and malicious act of violence- this wasn't the place. Leslie was right, Kelly didn't need that. He needed positivity. He needed support.
He stared down at Kelly's hand in his own and gave it a smallest of squeezes.
"Alright Kelly," Cam tried to imagine Kelly upright in the bed, giving him that subdued half smile Cam had grown used to. "You'd better get better..." He swallowed, "... I know you will. I'm going to visit you every day until you do." Even if the future didn't hold what he wanted, Cam wasn't psychic after all, he had to believe there was going to be a Kelly there- free of this hospital bed and this place. He focused all of that hope into his touch, squeezing again as softly as he dared. If Kelly couldn't hear him or respond, Cam hoped he could feel it, somehow.
Leslie: Leslie opened his eyes and waited. He understood how defensive someone could be under such strained circumstances. Felt similar disappointment and anger with reckless people. Cameron had been there for him. Charles and Tristan gentle anchors. Support which needed to be paid forward.
"How much do you believe in what I do?" A pause, checking the door for Henry. "These places are suffocating, sterile. I need your assistance, love."
Cameron: "I believe in your magic as much as I believe in my own powers. I've seen you at work," Cam reminded, and he looked to Leslie as he stood up.
"Of course, what do you need?"
Leslie: "Just talk to me. Tell me the first time you witnessed magick."
Cameron: Cam paused and tried to think back to the first time he witnessed magick, something not based in a mutation or specific power.
"Before I could heal myself, my friend- who is basically my mom- I stopped by her place since she invited Lucien and I over for family dinner. I got into a tussle on my way there, and showed up beat to all hell. I had a black eye and a fierce road rash from getting tossed down a street- I wasn't wearing my usual gear, and had bandages up my arm. She used this ointment and worked her magick on my wounds when I showed up, she didn't even hesitate to help me. She basically healed me to almost good as new. I was sore, but that was it... It was amazing."
Leslie: Ointments? Interesting. Leslie gently smiled, squeezed Kelly's hand and slowed his breathing. Cameron's belief was strong. Even Kelly, despite unconsciousness, was a node against the consensual reality. Just a little more...
The prickling at the back of his neck warned him. He could offer nothing further. Not here.
"Is she a witch? This woman?"
Cameron: Cam shook his head. "She's a Druid."
Leslie: His brow furrowed. "Are you... Was that Bronwyn?"
Cameron: Cam gave Leslie a confused frown. "What?"
Leslie: "The druid. It was Bronwyn? From the Charles' Christmas party?"
Cameron: Cam nodded. "Yeah, that's her."
Leslie: "I could really use her help in this matter. My mother... perhaps both. He just shouldn't be here."
Cameron: Cam nodded. "Do you want me to call her? I can try to reach her now...?" He wanted Kelly to be free of his place as quickly as possible.
Leslie: "Tomorrow. Henry will be back any moment. We'll come back tomorrow. We'll think of something."
Cameron: Cam looked down at Kelly, and as soon as his thoughts dared dip towards the negative, he instantly chased them away. He gave Kelly's hand another squeeze.
"We'll be back tomorrow for you. We're gonna get you out of here," Cam whispered, and tried to focus all of the positive energy he could into his touch. Tomorrow. There was hope for tomorrow. Then he released Kelly's hand and turned to Leslie. "We should get going then, yeah?"
Leslie: "Yeah." But not before whispering a blessing in Kelly's ear. May your dreams be peaceful. May you find the strength within yourself to heal, as is your nature. Luna will not turn away her child. You are not alone.
They needed to leave. Henry didn't deserve trouble on their behalf. Still, the nurse would be given a quick and fierce hug of gratitude.
Cameron: Cam offered an awkward hand to Henry once Leslie was done with his hug. "Thank you, for letting us see him."
Henry: Henry had been about to go get Leslie and Cam when they came out of Mr. Rose's room and saved him the trouble.
He returned the hug and accepted the handshake. "No problem. Sorry I couldn't give you any longer. You should be good to come back tomorrow during visiting hours. You'll be able to have more time."
Leslie: "Thanks, Chippy. I'll give you a ring tomorrow."
The walk out of the hospital was slower than he would have liked, but he couldn't bring himself to quicken the distance between himself and Kelly.
"I miss my coven," Leslie said to the stars. "I don't - I don't like this feeling."
Cameron: Cam was quiet until the automatic doors of the hospital closed quietly behind them.  He inhaled the evening air in slow, even breaths, but despite this, he could not stop the bought of nausea that swelled in his chest and pressed at this throat.
He hated hospitals. Hated how sterile they smelled, how cold and empty they felt, how the bland walls and white tiles and pressed scrubs and- all of it- bolstered memories that clawed at him and crawled just beneath his skin. He was going to have nightmares tonight, and an intense wave of guilt washed over him as he felt relief- relief that he no longer had to walk those halls tonight, yet his friend remained trapped inside.
"Would your coven help with this sorta-"
With a sudden turn, Cam nearly ran into the alley beside the hospital, doubled over, and vomited onto the pavement with a heave that brought tears to his eyes.
He quickly wiped at his eyes, and then his mouth with the back of his hand, and he straightened up to try and collect himself.
"Would they- would they have helped with something like this? Why- why aren't you around 'em?" He asked, keeping his eyes downcast as he hoped to avoid the subject of his current nausea.
Leslie: His mother's coven, without a doubt would have come to his aid. His creation with Belmira, that was a different matter.
But that conversation was pushed to the side as Cameron fled for privacy. The unsavory sound which followed swelled his concern.
How could he ignore that?
"Let's...get us home first. Come home with me, okay? I'll get you some tea."
Cameron: Cam suddenly felt tired, and a part of him wanted to refuse Leslie's request. It'd be easier just to get shit faced, pass out, and hope the nightmares don't take him. Unfortunately, he knew that wasn't the right way to do things, and he was fairly sure Leslie wouldn't let him.
He could taste bile on the back of his tongue.
"Alright..." He said quietly, and he rubbed a hand over his face as he returned to Leslie's side.
Leslie: "Okay?" Just an extra confirmation. An arm wrapped around Cameron's shoulders for comfort or steady. Whichever Cameron needed more would be the excuse.
"To answer your question, yes. A gathering of awakened can resist the strength of consensual reality. I'm not with them anymore because I chose to leave."
Cameron: When Leslie touched him, Cam couldn't control the way his body flinched. His skin crawled at the contact, but another part of him knew he didn't need to recoil, that there was comfort there. So he forced himself to lean in, to gently grip the back of Leslie's shirt so he wouldn't pull away.
"No..." he answered honestly, but he didn't have the heart to elaborate. He could walk though, and started to move in the direction of Leslie's vehicle.
"What's awakened mean? Why did you leave?" Anything to keep Leslie talking so he didn't have to.
Leslie: "People that are aware of... their capabilities. Of magic. That the world is much bigger than what the majority believe." There was no sense in subtlety with Cameron. He had nothing to hide from him.
"I left because I needed to find my way again."
The passenger door was opened, waiting for Cameron to settle before closing.
Cameron: Cam settled into the seat, and as he waited for Leslie to jump in the driver's side, he scrambled for more questions. "Where you lost with your magic or something?" He asked. He had no idea how any of it worked.
Leslie: Here, Leslie would wait until the engine warmed. Some answers required a moment to breathe.
"Or something. Some in my coven were going down a dark path. I was among them."
Cameron: Cam stared out the front window, and quietly debated his next question. "How'd you know it was a path you didn't want?" He asked finally. "Do they just... Let you leave?" He could remember when he left the Brotherhood, it didn't go over well.
Leslie: Leslie started down the parking lot and out onto the small road leading out of town.
"It wasn't a - a greater good path. The ones in stories, where the villain does what he thinks is just for the better of humanity. It was viciousness for the sake of progress. It was wrong and it felt wrong."
A moment of silence stretched, caught up in memories. "Sorry, uh, I didn't give them any choice. I just packed my things and I left." Not a lie, but more a paltry summary of the experience. "I had a run-in with just one."
Cameron: Cam nodded. He could understand that too. When he was told to let children die in a burning building, he knew in that moment that it was wrong. It all felt wrong. He wondered what kind of strength it took Leslie to leave, and it made him admire his friend that much more.
"So... They don't normally just let you leave then?" Was what Cam assumed Leslie meant by that answer. "How'd... How'd that run-in go?"
Leslie: "There's no crime in leaving a coven. A real coven. That is, it's not a cult." Fingers rubbed against his lips. "I'd say poorly, for both of us."
Leslie turned his smile on Cameron. One for the sake of a pleasant atmosphere. "Enjoying the interview?"
Cameron: Cam felt a pang of guilt at that.
It wasn't hard to tell he was steering the conversation away from himself, but he knew that Leslie was also extremely perceptive. Cam wondered if that was a part of his abilities as a witch, like when they'd first touched.
"Sorry..." Cam said softly, and looked down at his upturned hands, laid limply in his lap. "I do actually want to know about you, and witch stuff- your coven..." which was all true, Cam found witches fascinating. In his avoidance he didn't mean for his questions to seem disingenuous, or like he was trying to grill the other for information.
Leslie: "You can ask me anything." Simply stated, but honest. Eyes fixed to the road while feeling for Cameron's knee to squeeze.
"Do you need a distraction? A uh, story?"
Cameron: Cam reluctantly reached out and gave Leslie's arm a squeeze, making sure to avoid direct skin contact. If he was going to tell Leslie what was on his mind, he wanted it to be out loud.
"Sure, a story would be great," Cam nodded.
Leslie: Leslie considered the possibilities. Opened his mouth, closed, tried again.
"When I lived in Charlotte, I met a girl named Belmira. Told ya about her, I think. She became my best friend overnight. Could hardly understand her through her accent. She's Portuguese. I was just a kid, but I was obsessed. I wanted to speak to her in her language. She's Verbena, like me. Dabbles in Matter as well. Makes her far more special than me. Can turn a rock into a tomato, and vice versa. Never has to want for anything. It... It'll go t'your head, that combination. Did go to her head. But when we were kids it was fun! So much fun. But, heh, when spells didn't go our way, I can - I can still remember the sound she'd make when she was frustrated. This little... like a squeal? A sound like what you'd imagine Barbie would make, kicking her foot out."
Cameron: The further into the story Leslie got the more the little smile on Cam's lips grew. It was a good distraction, and with it came more questions.
"Sounds cute..." Cam hummed, and from his past he remembered a few little ticks like that from people who made him smile.
"You said it went to her head... did something happen to her? Or just... magic like that is easy to... let change you?"
Leslie: "Power changes people, even good people. It doesn't have to be a negative change, but change is inevitable. Could call it growth." As though alone, he nodded to himself, shook his head. "Maybe it's the application. My father said it would go to my head when I produced my first flame. Said I was toying with one of the most dangerous spheres."
Leslie took a breath, took a left turn. "Some people can alter time. Go back, forward. Set themselves on repeat. Takes a toll in their body and mind, makes them feel godlike and behave the same. Some people have luck in the palm of their hands. Cockiest sonofabitches you'll ever meet. But...combining Life and Matter, living and inanimate, it did something to Belmira. That was her deadly combination. When she realized she could hurt someone without any obvious consequence, that was it. In an instant she was someone else."
Cameron: Cam slowly brought a leg to his chest and perched his foot along the edge of the seat. His arms wrapped around the leg and he leaned forward so he could use his knee as a place to rest his cheek while he listened to Leslie talk.
"Magic sounds so..." he wanted to say 'dangerous' but with the nature of his own life, that seemed a hypocritical statement, "alluring. In some crazy ways...." He frowned a little. "I don't know anything about magic but... it sounds like application. It's like mutants and their powers. You might be able to do something dangerous or hurtful, and your choice not to do that, or to use your abilities to help others, is what determines whether or not you're a hero or a villain. Or just- someone tryin' to live your fucking life. Doesn't have to be as dramatic as all the stuff I do..."
Leslie: "My father, Clive, builds houses for a living. He blesses every home. He brings tonics to work for his employees. Ones for health and good energy. He cares. My mother, Hazel, owns a tea shop. About the oldest form of the craft there is. What ails you? She's got a potion for that. A prayer. She could easily brew a potion to maim, murder, spill secrets. My parents never went down that path."
Cameron: Cam's smile softened.
"They sound lovely..." He squeezed his leg just a little bit and relaxed again. "Like the kinda witches I'd like to meet. Like you." He sighed and let his eyes close for a moment. "I wish I had abilities like that. Stuff that helped people directly. Stuff that was more than just me... I dunno, physically altering my surroundings." Stuff that would let him help Kelly. "Dunno why your dad said fire was a bad path to follow. You helped with that car when we met..."
Leslie: "You can do anything, Cameron. If you believe in the magic, you can use it. It's that simple. I'm a witch. If you believe anyone," he chuckled.
Cameron was given a quick glance. Almost home.
"You're a hero, love. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. What Clive said is true, or can be true. I suppressed the fire, but had that been an enemy? Could I have enraged it?"
Cameron: "Wouldn't that be a sight huh? Seein' me do some magic..." Cam laughed a little, and he quietly wished the weight on his shoulders would ease.
"I try to believe that," he said with a nod as his eyes opened again, and he gave Leslie a small smile. It was hard to believe, when there were plenty of things he'd done what weren't very heroic.
"Probably... coulda tried to hurt the guy responsible, but you didn't," Cam pointed out, and he gave Leslie a curious look. "Any particular reason you call your dad by his name?" Cam did the same thing with his own father, but it was because they were estranged.
Leslie: "Just something we've always done. Father is his title, but it's not a name. He's Clive. She's Hazel. Feels more personal."
Cameron was given a gentle smile in return, one with sympathy and restraint.
Finally, his dirt road. His little A-frame to the left. The crunch of gravel like a welcome home chorus.
"You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. I dunno about you, but I'm beat."
Cameron: Cam nodded slightly.
"I guess I could see that. If it already has that positive context, I could see how that'd work," He could never see himself using his father's name in a respectful manner.
"I... I dunno how long I should stay. Unless you've got something to knock me out cold into a dead-ass sleep, it's probably not wise for me to stay...." He could just picture himself accidentally destroying one of Leslie's rooms mid-nightmare.... and with a churn in his gut he realized this might not have the smartest of ideas. He was exhausted, but this feeling in his chest usually meant he was in for a bad night. He could pull an all-nighter, they had to get Kelly tomorrow, he had to contact Bronwyn...
Leslie: Keys were gently rolled between his hands. "Can I let you in on something? I have a little... gift, you can call it. People sleep better next to me. I promise you, for what a promise is worth, it's not sexual. I'll stay up if you'd prefer, or outside of the covers, or under them. You look a foot in the unconscious door."
Cameron: Cam stared at Leslie's hands, and for a moment debated turning down his offer.
"I'm not worried about it being sexual," Cam shook his head. He'd sleep with nearly any of his friends if asked, if only for the fact that it'd mean more to him than the experiences with the random men he usually invited into his bed.
Not that this would happen with Leslie, and in a way that was a different kind of comfort.
"I dunno how potent that ability is... but, if I do start to have a nightmare, can you promise to leave the room until it's over? I don't want to accidentally hurt you," he'd never be able to forgive himself if he did. He stared down at his hands. "You don't have to stay up either. It's just- if it starts to happen it'll start slow so you'll probably wake up before it gets crazy. I can fix the room after I wake up."
Leslie: Leslie watched, wishing he could understand what he was feeling, why he was feeling it, what was it about the hospital. He had his own reasons, but no reason was enough to make himself sick.
He pulled himself from his thoughts, shook his head as he asked, "You wouldn't rather I wake you?"
Cameron: Cam rubbed at his arm.
"You could try, but depending on where I'm at in the nightmare- waking me up only means I'll be conscious, but most likely not able to recognize where I am... basically a PTSD flashback." He explained quietly. Now was the time to tell Leslie why he was so uncomfortable. Now would be a good time to explain why he threw up once they left the hospital. He just had to....
"I... spent almost a month in a mutant experimental facility. It's like... a fucked up science lab where they abduct you, and run experiment after experiment on you. You don't exist to the outside world, so they... literally do whatever they want. There were no windows, so I measured time by when I was conscious and was, or wasn't, in pain.
It was perfectly white. Perfectly sterile. The doctors wore lab coats. The attendants wore scrubs. I wore scrubs when I wasn't being ripped open. The machines they hooked me up to beeped in the same ways. It smelled just like a hospital."
He fiddled with the hem of his shirt.
"I haven't been in a hospital since then. Leaving Kelly there..."
Leslie: Leslie turned to press his back against the Jeep door, giving Cameron his full attention as he explained what he'd been wondering. Not a mind reader, just decent at reading the atmosphere. Another of Cameron's talents, perhaps.
What followed sickened him, and it showed in his eyes, the wince of his cheeks, the stillness of his hands.
"Those places diminish faith, belief in anything other than what they can offer. It kills my magic. It's why I needed your help. You're strong, Cameron, despite what's happened to you."
Leslie offered his hand. "He won't be there long. We'll find a way."
Cameron: Leslie had become a trusted friend. He had an energy about him that made him easy to trust, despite the short time they'd known each other, and at this point, with the night that could be ahead, he deserved to know what was on Cam's mind.
Cam nodded in silent agreement, but in moments like this, when something dark and uncomfortable clawed just beneath his skin, it was hard to truly believe it.
He reached out an took Leslie's hand to give it a squeeze.
"Logically I know it's not the same place. I know the intent is different and he's not going through some... fucked up testing- it's just... the similarities..." he shuddered, and his grip tightened on Leslie's hand for a moment. "I just reacted, and it's hard not to go back there, to be right back on that table- to feel like I'm betraying Kelly somehow. I always end up with nightmares when I go back to that place..." He shook his head and took a slow, deep breath.
"We'll get him out. We'll find a way," he nodded, as if trying to convince himself of Leslie's words by saying them out loud, and then he let go of Leslie's hand so he could pop open the door beside him.
"Could- do you have any tea- or something? Something I could drink before we sleep?"
Leslie: Leslie remained still, offering a calm energy as Cameron continued. He could squeeze his hand as tightly as he needed; aware the intent was connection, not pain.
"You're reacting to trauma. That's natural. Please don't be ashamed. You understand what's happening."
He took a deep breath for measure, something for Cameron to imitate by will or subconsciously.
The Jeep locked behind them, Leslie headed around to the backyard. Motioned for Cameron to follow.
"Of course. Regular tea, or my kinda thing?"
Cameron: Cam shrugged at that. It was hard not to feel... shame, or embarrassment, over not being able to sleep around others for fear of hurting them in his sleep.
Cam slipped from the Jeep and followed behind Leslie.
"I mean... what do you recommend?" He didn't drink tea often, but it sounded really nice at the moment.
Leslie: His pace slowed, waiting for Cameron to join him.
"On average, how many hours of sleep do you get?"
Cameron: Cam moved to walk with Leslie, and he shrugged.
"Depends. If it's a good night, maybe 6 hours. Bad nights mean I get like 2, if I sleep at all, and there's no nightmares." He shrugged again. "So I guess, 4 or 5- on average."
Leslie: A nod. "And do you have a preference in tea at all? Peppermint, earl grey, chamomile?"
Cameron: "I love mint, and chamomile is good too," Cam took a step towards Leslie as they walked, and he leaned into his friend.
Leslie: Leslie thought nothing of draping his arm around his shoulders. Just smaller, and yet Cameron felt so tall.
"I have just the thing. Valerian root. Smells, so you'll drink that, first. Hazel has just the recipe. Then some...mm... passionflower and lemon balm. I can make you a peppermint and chamomile tea in the morning."
The backdoor was unlocked. Opal yawned and stretched from her bed. Greeted with a soft hello.
"So tired you are. Want my shoulder?"
Leslie knelt, waited patiently as the little white ferret climbed his shoulder and around his neck like a breathing scarf.
"Opal, meet Cameron. We're gonna help him sleep."
Cameron: "You're the expert, I trust your judgement," Cam conceded.
As soon as he spotted Opal, Cam's eyes lit up, and when she finished settling into Leslie's shoulder he slowly approached and offered her his hand to sniff.
"Hello! You are adorable, my god. If you're helping, I'm guaranteed to sleep through the night."
Leslie: "She's a good girl. Wants under the covers and on my chest. Unless Tristie's with me. Then she wants his hair. That man is a sea creature."
Leslie slowly turned back to the small kitchen, taking a few tins from the shelf as he passed. One in particular not so pleasant. A smell one might consider very good cheese or very bad feet.
Even Opal grimaced from her perch.
"A spoonful to put you to sleep. Two spoonfuls for pleasant dreams."
Mixed with a small squeeze of lemon and warm water from the tap.
"Give that a minute and sieve with this." For now, he'd put the kettle on.
Cameron: "I have seen his hair, and that is completely understandable Opal," Cam greed with a nod, and he gave her a tiny scratch between the ears.
He grimaced with her at the smell, and he gave Leslie a look that clearly longed to ask if they could skip that one. "I gotta ingest that?" He asked in a soft whine as he waited.
Leslie: "Here." A slice of lemon was offered, gestured to his nose. "Trust me when I say this'll help. Hazel made that brew concentrate so you don't have to suffer an entire cup."
Cameron: Cam pouted, but he followed Leslie's instructions, and quickly ingested the glass with the lemon poised under his nose.
"Ugh..." Cam grunted once it was over, and he set the glass down. He ate the piece of lemon, and set the rind beside the cup.
Leslie: His host chuckled sympathetically. "I know. But the benefits outweigh the unpleasantness. Now, the reward of tea." A far superior aroma to replace what lingered in Cameron's mouth. Passionflower and lemon balm for two. Given what they'd seen, a night of peaceful rest was little to ask for.
"Want to shower while this steeps?"
Cameron: Cam could smell the tea as it started to steep, and he greatly looked forward to the point they could start to drink it. The tastes battling in his mouth were... unpleasant. At the mention of a shower, he nodded. Maybe the water would help wash away the way his skin felt like it was crawling.
"Yeah, a shower would be great."
Leslie: "I'll get you some clothes. Towels are folded under the sink. Really, make yourself at home, sweetheart. Tonight this is your home."
Cameron: Cam nodded and then pointed at the entry points leading to the kitchen. He tried to ignore the weird little thought buzzing around his head about 'home'.
"Which way to the shower? This is my first time in your home..."
Leslie: "That wall right there. This is the easiest house you'll ever be in," he chuckled.
Cameron: "It is a lovely home," Cam hummed, and he slipped into the bathroom to start up the shower. It took a moment of fiddling with the faucet to find the right temperature, just hot enough to make his skin tingle, before he stripped and slipped into the shower. He didn't spend long in the shower, just long enough to scrub at his skin and use a bit of whatever shampoo he found there, and he slipped back out of the shower to retrieve a towel and dry himself off.
Leslie: A green flannel henley was unearthed from the trunk. Gray sweatpants and socks, not sure their sizes mattered considering it was just the two of them. Still, boxer briefs to accompany. Not long for the scent of sweet sandalwood to fill the small space.
Leslie knocked his knuckles against the door. "Got some clothes here."
Cameron: The smell of sandalwood, combined with the tea and the shower, all helped to soothe some of Cam's nerves. As the hot water washed over him he started to zone out, only to be brought back to the present when he heard the knock at the door.
"One sec," Cam shouted as he turned off the water. A quick tousle of his hair with the towel before Cam wrapped it around his waist.
"Thanks," he opened the door and held out his hand to accept the offered clothes. He kept his torso behind the door in an attempt to hide the rest of his scars. He couldn't hide the ones down his outstretched arm, but he really hoped to avoid any questions about them tonight.
"I'll be just a sec," he closed the door behind him so he could quickly change, and when he was finished he hung his towel on the nearest hook before stepping back into the kitchen.
"That was... needed," Cam sighed as a little bit more of the tension seeped out of his shoulders.
Leslie: Questions would be avoided. Cameron had explained his past, which Leslie would base those scars upon. Their night was already heavy without adding another burden of confession. If Cameron wanted to give, he would take. No more than that.
Leslie smiled upon his return. Hip against the counter, arm hugged to his ribs as he sipped the last of his tea. Ugly yellow jacket and shirt hung and tossed respectively. Standing in bare feet, jeans, and white tank. Shoulders low with fatigue.
"You look better already. Want some more tea, or some sleep?"
Cameron: "I think a little more tea might be nice, if you don't mind? You don't have to though, you do look like you're about ready to pass out." Cam was sure he could too, within a few minutes of resting his head on a pillow. He just didn't want to. It felt silly to delay the inevitable but, more tea couldn't hurt, right?
Leslie: Another tea, then. Water still hot from the kettle. Less sugar this time.
"There's spare brushes under the sink. Feel free to pick one and leave it here." Because he doubted this was going to be the one and only sleep over.
Cameron: Cam nodded and grabbed one from under the sink so he could brush his teeth. He stared at himself as he brushed, and briefly wondered why he felt so... calm. He was still- off, but usually he felt... worse, when these things came up. He ran his hands through the damp hair clinging to his forehead, and sighed.
"I just left it on the counter," Cam explained when he returned again, and leaned against the counter beside Leslie.
Leslie: A fresh cup had been made. Set aside near the sink, just above the tiny fridge.
"Can drink it now or toss in the fridge." The stove was double checked before excusing himself for the bathroom.
"Bed's just up there. Won't be long." Just a quick rinse and a brush of his teeth, returning minutes later in black and blue checkered pajama bottoms and blue shirt. Wavy ash blond hair clung stubbornly to his ears and forehead. A quick shake of his head like a dog did the trick.
Cameron: Cam sipped a little of the tea and tried to enjoy the quiet moment to himself. Instead, it made him anxious, so he set the tea into the fridge before heading up to the bed. He stopped at the edge and stared down at it for a moment before taking a seat on its edge.
"You feelin' any better after a shower?" Cam asked when he returned.
Leslie: "Showers make everything better. At least by a small margin." Torc bracelet and leather cuff watch were removed and placed on the chair. Braided leather necklace and piercing remained as he climbed into bed.
"Are you still comfortable with this?"
Cameron: "With what? Sleeping in the same bed- snuggling?" Cam asked as he watched Leslie finish his prep for bed. "Yeah. Are you comfortable? If this isn't okay I didn't think you'd offer, but - if it's not - I'll be okay." He shrugged. He craved physical contact, and he trusted Leslie, so he hadn't really questioned the offer up to this point. It sounded nice to be able to share a bed with his friend. And if it meant he had a chance of sleeping through the night? He wanted to try. Getting to cuddle with his friend was just a bonus.
Leslie: "Mhm." The white comforter and tan sheet were pulled out as invitation to his guest. "Just double checking." This was about Cameron, after all, and he wanted this to be a positive experience.
He rolled himself onto his back and stretched. Arm spilled over Cameron's side of the bed. His chest wide and inviting, pale and just warm.
Cameron: Cam paused for a moment at the edge of the bed, before joining his friend beneath the covers. With ease he nestled against Leslie's side, and draped his arm over the other's waist. "This okay?" He asked, his head against Leslie's chest.
Leslie: "Comfortable? Been told the bed's too soft." His eyes were already closed. "If I grind my teeth too loud, just give me a shove." He gestured with two fingers off somewhere. "Mouth guard thing is somewhere."
Cameron: "I's perfect," Cam replied, his eyes already closed as well as he nestled in just a little further. "And if I start to toss and turn and talk in my sleep, if stuff starts to happen- just leave the room till it quiets down, I'll fix anything that gets wrecked when I wake up..." and already he drifted off to sleep, his body relaxing against Leslie's side.
Leslie: Leslie, well aware he was not a light sleeper, had half a mind to fight unconsciousness altogether.  By the sound of it, Cameron would need saving from himself. He wondered what nightmares were like, as he couldn't recall ever having one. He pitied those poor souls wracked by the terrors of their own mind.
But sleep took him. His face against Cameron's hair, held in a non-grasp. At some point in the night he began to grind his teeth. A small moan intended as words. He nuzzled himself in.
Cameron: Cam is a clinger in his sleep, so the further Leslie nestled in Cam naturally followed suit and nuzzled into the comfort his friend's embrace.
Unfortunately, it wasn't long until he started to stir. It might have been the grinding of teeth, or Cam had simply reached the turning point of his dream, but unrest quickly settled into his limbs. A crease formed in Cam's brow and his breathing changed from its even pace to soft, uneven exhales. He shifted against Leslie and his body suddenly went unnaturally rigid before he started to tremble.
Leslie: "Mm-mm." Still not awake, but Cameron was hugged to his chest. Too much movement. Had him assuming his heat source was on the move. Forbidden. He needed those snuggles, and nuzzled himself into that green hair and against his neck.
"Good sleep," he breathed.
Cameron: At first the affection seemed to sooth the disturbance in Cam's dreams - but it wasn't long before Cam began to struggle against the comfort- or the confinement - of Leslie's arms and affection. Cam's fingers curled into blankets and Leslie's shirt, pulling and twisting in short, jerky movements as his breathing quickened. He groaned and a deep crease formed between his brows. Then Cam writhed, arching and gasping as his nightmare took another dark turn.
Leslie: It was the tugging of his shirt which finally stirred the witch. A moment taken to gather his wits. Staring at his guest with blank, tired eyes before the rest of him caught up.
"Mm, sweetheart." He settled on slow circles over Cameron's chest, rather than aggressive shaking or taps to his body. In his tired logic, it seemed the most gentle method.
Cameron: Cam shuddered, but his movements slowed, then stilled, until only labored breathing remained. The gentle touch eased the sense that he was 'confined' - and finally Cam's breathing evened until his eyes fluttered tiredly open. He stared blankly at Leslie as his own mind tried to wake up, and Cam reached up to rub a few stray tears with the heel of his palm.
"M'sorry..." He breathed softly, and he glanced around them. He was startled to find the room intact, and nothing appeared to have moved. "I didn't.... I didn't break anything?" He asked, and then it occurred to him that Leslie was still in the bed with him. He stared at Leslie, confusion obvious in his expression. "I didn't- you- you woke me up?"
Leslie: For a moment, it looked as though Leslie had nothing to say. Watching Cameron carefully, from his teary eyes to his hands wiping away what had slipped from his lashes.
"Remember what you dreamed?" Words slurred with exhaustion. He repositioned himself flat on his back, reinviting his guest to settle where he pleased.
"Everything's fine. We're fine."
Cameron: Cam stared at Leslie for a moment, and quietly looked away as he felt shame creep up his shoulders.
"Normally, during those it's hard to wake me up. I had to start locking Zeus outside of my room on bad nights because I nearly hurt him once while asleep. He's a smart dog, he's tried to wake me up..." Cam hesitated to move. He wanted to nestle back against Leslie's side, but the terror from the dream, residual guilt, and guilt for waking up his friend made him unsure if he should.
He fell silent instead and tried to chase the fading remnants of his nightmare while he stared down at his hands.
"I always do, for the most part," he replied quietly. "But I'm normally more... "in emotional pieces" when I wake up. This is probably the first time in a while I didn't wake up screaming, or having trashed my room with my powers..." he glanced at Leslie. "I'm sorry I woke you up," he could tell his friend was exhausted.
Leslie: "Nope. No mess. No pain. No... nothing." He tried to smile through the sleepy, and it was mildly silly to look at, with eyes half shut and smile just a little too wide. If Cameron needed to talk it out, by all means. He watched and listened and waited until the apology, waving it off with a shake of his head and hand.
"Nah, s'fine." That same exhaustion was gripping mercilessly. "Make it up t'me n'sleep."
Cameron: Cam hesitated another moment before he smiled softly at his friend's goofy, sleepy look. Then he snuggled back up to Leslie's side and nuzzled his head into Leslie's shoulder. "Alright..." and a few minutes later his breathing evened out, and he fell back into a surprisingly sound sleep.
Leslie: Leslie joined in no time, turning to rest his cheek against Cameron's forehead. The occasional grind of his teeth, but nothing more harmful throughout the night. Still an early riser, Leslie replaced himself with a pillow, slowly wriggling from bed and the sheets tangled at his ankle. He needed water and a good long stretch. Time to himself to reflect the goings on last night and not - again - to forget his insulin.
Cameron: Cam was not a morning person, so while he whined when Leslie left the bed, he accepted the pillow replacement and dosed for a while longer. When he finally rolled out of bed and wandered into Leslie's kitchen, he still looked sleepy and a little out of it, with bed-head sending his green hair in multiple different directions.
He yawned and rubbed the back of his neck as he sent Bronwyn a quick text:
{Hey, are you free sometime today?}
Then he set to searching for Leslie.
Leslie: Leslie was outside, on the porch in his underwear and a plain blue shirt. Stretched long with his forehead to his knees, holding center to his feet.
"You're up earlier than I thought."
Bronwyn: {Text to Cam} I'm at the shop today but it's not too busy if you want to come by
Cameron: Cam quickly typed out another text in response.
{Yeah, if you don't mind? Leslie and I need your help to help out a friend in trouble.}
Cam tucked his phone back into his pocket. Then he yawned again as scratched at his shoulder, exposing one of the large scars that started at his collar bone and moved down to the center of his chest.
"Yeah, I don't usually get up this early, but it happens. It probably helped that I slept so soundly after I first woke up.... thanks for that," Cam reached up and arched his back, stretching his arms up to the ceiling with a grunt, and a small line of his hips was exposed above his borrowed sweatpants. Then he sighed and let his arms fall back to his sides. "You got any coffee by chance?"
Leslie: Leslie kept his eyes closed. Stretched with arms over his head, perfectly flat and relaxed.
He would never understand that habit, but, he supposed, that was the way of all habits.
A single eye opened. A quick assessment of his guest.
"We've got tea, chilled tea with lemon, orange juice, and carrot juice. So, no more nightmares?"
Cameron: "Orange juice it is," Cam nodded, and he disappeared back into the kitchen. He returned with a glass filled with the orange liquid in question.  "Nah. If I had any I don't remember them. I don't think I had any more, cause normally when I have a bad night I don't feel like I slept at all, but I don't feel that way today." He took a sip of his drink and leaned against the nearest wall. "Did you sleep okay? After I woke you up?"
Leslie: Leslie sat up, raised his knees to rest his forearms and simply watched Cameron as he spoke. Realizing some things about his new friend.
"Glad you got some quality sleep. Can always stay over when you need it."
He nodded, eyes falling to his toes. "Mm. Told I talk in my sleep. I don't even remember waking up, if I'm honest."
Cameron: "Thanks.... I'll letcha know if I need it, I guess,” he sheepishly rubbed at the back of his neck and then bit his lip. It felt weird to ask for help in that way, but if Leslie was offering, and it seemed to work pretty well this time... he could try it again.
"Well, I'm glad then. I didn't hear ya talking at all, outside of the conversation we had."
Leslie: "Good! Might be surprised - or not? - how many people just go with it and just keep talking," he smiled. "So! Breakfast, and we'll make a plan for today. What are you feeling?"
Cameron: "Whatcha got? If ya don't have coffee I have a fear my suggestion for bacon, eggs and hashbrowns might go unanswered," Cam smiled in return as he teased, and he took another sip of his juice.
Leslie: "Oh ho. There's where you're wrong. What would you say to grits, eggs, and strawberry yogurt on toast?"
Cameron: "Sounds delicious, can I help at all?"
Leslie: "Can you poach or fry eggs?"
Cameron: Cam paused.
"Ummm.... I meant more with prep - I am... admittedly very bad at cooking."
Leslie: "Well, you've spent the night with a chef. We'll have you frying eggs in no time."
Cameron: Cam looked skeptical.
"Well I wish you luck, the last time someone tried to teach me how to cook didn't go the greatest..."
Leslie: "Did you burn a pan?" he asked, getting to his feet.
Cameron: "I burned the entire stove."
Leslie: "How... did you manage that?"
Cameron: "I'd... rather not talk about it." Cam sipped casually at his drink and avoided looking at his friend.
Leslie: Leslie tilted his head, nodded. He thought it would have been a funny story, but it seemed to be a source of embarrassment. He'd let it go.
"So, you're in charge of toast and strawberry slices. Watch me make eggs and grits. Do you want cheese grits or peppery?"
Cameron: Cam was grateful Leslie let it go, but for Leslie's benefit he added, "let's just say I wasn't paying a lot of attention to what I was doing- some things nearby lit on fire, and then part of the stove was on fire."
He shrugged and grinned at Leslie's question.
"Cheese please!"
Leslie: "Cheese grits coming right up." Cameron would be only mildly supervised. His tasks weren't difficult, and the kitchen small. The tiny cabin forced intimacy with every guest. Part of its charm in Leslie's opinion. Reminded him of Kelly's visit some time ago, and had him stirring the grits for a minute longer than necessary, just off in his own world.
"When are we seeing him again?"
Cameron: The tasks given to Cam were easy enough to handle, and he started with the strawberries.
"Well, when can we move him here?" Cam asked and he glanced over at Leslie.
Leslie: "You want him here?"
Cameron: "Isn't that what you said? Or were you thinking of somewhere else?" Cam couldn't remember, that portion of the evening felt like more of a blur than a real memory. "There's plenty of room at my place," he offered, although he wasn't sure how attentive he could be between kids and his night classes. "I just know we wanted to get him out of there."
Leslie: "Maybe he'd feel safer waking at his place, but I don't mind him being here. Don't mind at all. He just needs to be well enough to leave. Did you uh... message Bronwyn? I still need to call Chippy. Oh! Did you still want a peppermint and chamomile tea?"
Cameron: "We could take him to his place too, I just wanna make sure we can watch over him," Cam nodded, "I messaged her, she said she's at the shop but we can stop by. Yeah, I'll take some of that. Is there honey I could put in?"
Leslie: "Shop where?" he asked, adding water to a bright red kettle.
"Honey's on top of the fridge."
Cameron: "New Orleans," Cam explained as he glanced down at his phone. "I have a friend who can take us, unless you wanna use a porter?" He retrieved the honey and set it down on the counter.
Leslie: Leslie smiled to himself. There was something delightful in hearing familiar terms with trustworthy friends.
"How much does your friend cost?"
Cameron: Cam paused and thought to himself.
"One is free but will take longer to get a hold of - the other is very food motivated, so if I offer to get him some sort of sweet treat I'm sure he'd transport us. He knows Bronwyn too so that helps."
Leslie: Leslie smiled. "I love feeding people. Sorta my thing. Let's try him."
Cameron: Cam smiled in return and nodded. Then he sent Vincent a quick text.
{Hey bird-brain, you free by chance? My friend and I need a lift to Bronwyn's, and there's some delicious food in it for you if you don't mind helping us out!}
Bronwyn: {Text} Sorry, I got distracted!
{Text} I don't mind at all, I hope I can help. Do you need Vincent to come get you?
Cameron: Cam glanced over at Leslie and then the strawberries, and he grabbed one so he could take a quick bite.
{No worries <3 and yeah, I sent him a text but I figured he's not looking at his phone lol}
Leslie: Vincent's phone was somewhere in Bronwyn's house - or perhaps Adrik's. He couldn't keep track of that cumbersome device. At the moment, he was perched on Bronwyn's shoulder, oblivious of messages except those reading from his mobile seat.
Bronwyn: {Text} Nope, he’s looking at mine. He’s sitting on my shoulder
{Text} When should I send him for you?
Cameron: "When will we be ready for Vincent to come grab us?" Cam asked Leslie as he glanced up from his phone.
Leslie: "He can have breakfast with us." He vaguely remembered that name.
Cameron: {Now if you want, he can have breakfast with us}
Bronwyn: Bronwyn turned to her familiar. “Do ye want to have breakfast with Cam and Leslie in return for bringin’ them over?”
Leslie: "Food!" The bird chirped, hopping down from his perch to land on human feet.
"What do you think they want?"
Bronwyn: “Apparently a friend o’ theirs needs help. I’m guessin’ the friend must be hurt in some way.”
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et-lesailes · 5 years
missing linc // chapter four
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series masterlist
pairing: ceo!dad!steve x reader
word count: 2800
chapter summary: reader doesn’t hear from steve ever since the phone call until he gets drunk one night and decides to come forth about his feelings.
taglist:  @viarogers , @evanstush , @chibi-crazy , @chalamet-evans , @world-of-losers , @songforhema, @sebabestianstan101 , @tanyam93 , @bval-1, @wonderwinchester , @little-miss-exo, @poerebel , @pining-and-tired , @gogomez-509 , @patzammit, @a-distantdreamer, @malthestorytellerblog, @rainbowkisses31, @jbug491writinghelp, @quaiderade, @melannie77, @gigistorm, @lille-kattunge, @teller258316, @rohaintahquil, @deidrashouseofpain, @firstangeldragonranch, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests, @xoxabs88xox, @honeyloverogers, @capsiclesdoll, @qrndevans, @mcueveryday, @drkstrangeson, @bangtan-serendipity, @heyyouwiththeassbutt, @cptn-sgrogers, @heyiamthatbitch, @captainscanadian, @kaithezaftig, @morganhoran1671, @booktease21, @hista-girl, @steeeeverogers, @okilover02, @collete04, @sadella-adams, @rumoured-whispers, @aletteredaffair, @shannon124, @isawritesstories, @knuffeltuff, @wxntersoldiers, @kelbabyblue, @macgruberrr, @troublermalik, @deepmuffinspymaker,  @societalfailure, @brastrangled, @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall, @anxiousstark, @captainsbxbygirl, @barbar126
notes: it’s finally here! i’m posting this in a bit of a rush, i’ve got a million things to do today and a 4 hour drive to look forward to... i’m also gonna tell you guys now that ch 5 might take a few days more than usual, i’m still thinking about which direction i want to take this story and i would rather take my time than have it be rushed! 
** concerning the taglist: i’m super duper touched n happy that so many people are requesting to be added, but i will say that it is a LOT of work to go through and tag each one of you. unfortunately copy pasting does not work with tumblr notifs for some reason. and so if i’m starting to notice people who are on this taglist and not interacting with this fic (liking, replying, reblogging, etc.) i will start removing those people. but thank you so much to the ones who do interact, it means the world to me!
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“Are you fucking kidding me, Tiana? You knew she was coming over, and you really thought having your boyfriend’s tongue shoved down your throat in front of the biggest fucking window of my house was a good idea?”
“She came thirty minutes early, Steve! How could I have known? David had been right about to leave just so it wouldn’t cause any problems when she came!”
“Well it fucking did. How did you even cover that up, anyways?”
“I just told her he was over for work. At the time, I didn’t know she saw me, okay? Steve, you need to fix this.”
The businessman scoffed, running a hand through his hair in frustration as he paced the empty conference room back and forth. “This is not my thing to fix, Tiana, this is all you. If it were up to me and if you actually listened to me, there wouldn’t have even been anything to hide. You and David could be fucking like goddamn rabbits in your own fucking front yard if you wanted to, if you had just been willing to get a fucking divorce.”
There was silence on the phone, and Steve knew she was starting to cry. He knew her too well by now, he did not even need to hear any choked sobs or sniffs. They had been together since they were twenty-five, after all; as much as neither of them wanted to know the other inside and out, they did. 
“How does this not hurt you at all, Steve? How are you just-- how are you so fucking okay with me sleeping with another guy? You don’t even want to fight for me?”
“Don’t start this conversation again, Tiana.”
“I need to fucking know! What suddenly became so fucking unattractive about me that you didn’t want to be with me anymore? That you decided you didn’t love me anymore, after being together for over ten fucking years?”
“I don’t fucking know what it is, Tiana, I just know the feelings aren’t there anymore!” his voice was practically a roar now, the male completely heated upon having this argument for what felt like the millionth time. “And I know they weren’t for you, either! Yeah, I know I fucked up, but I did it because I could tell you had fallen out of love too, and you know that! And I know, that’s no excuse for what I did. But everything that’s happened since then, that’s all on you, all of this shit happens because you won’t fucking let go already!”
Silence again. This time, he could hear her cry. 
“I really fucking hate you, Steve.”
“Then let me go.” His voice returned to its normal low pitch, though he was practically breathless from his rampage. Thank God he had picked one of the more isolated conference rooms, though he couldn’t be positive that the people directly below him or above him hadn’t heard his wrath. 
She hung up and he sunk down into one of the office chairs, resting his elbows on the smooth wood surface of the table as he brought his hands to his head, closing his eyes.
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It had been about a week since you had last talked to Steve, and you were worried out of your mind. Not that he really had any reason to be talking to you; it wasn’t as though you were best friends, why would he be calling you up to talk about his life and how he was coping with his cheating wife? Still, you had been hoping for at least a text, maybe even an extremely vague update letting you know he was working things out. 
Seeing Tiana at the daycare was also incredibly awkward. You figured she knew that you had told Steve, because she seemed a little more stiff around you. You were also a bit confused by her behavior, too. You had expected she would have wanted to explain everything to you immediately, to try and defend herself and make herself seem like she was not the bad guy. Or, at the very least, flip out at you for telling Steve everything. But there was nothing. She said her hellos, goodbyes, a forced smile as she either dropped off or picked up, then left. Perhaps she just did not want you to be further involved, and even you decided that was for the best. Still, you were a bit sad upon realizing that might have been not only the first, but the last time you would ever babysit Linc. You doubted Tiana would ever want you to again. And so you savored your time with him during the days, playing with him and enjoying every ounce of his demeanor that reminded you so much of his father’s.
In a way, it was good that you and Steve were not keeping up communication. You could think about other things, other people. The more you thought about it, you had been far too intrigued by the tycoon, and it was probably for the best that you had some space from him. You felt dumb and naive for having such a huge crush on someone so unattainable, but now you could try to move on. If that was even the term for whatever this was-- it wasn’t as though you had any legitimate relationship to move on from.
Friday night came around, and you were getting ready for a date. A boy from your social psychology class had been interested in you for a while, and when he had reached out to you earlier in the week right after all of the drama with Steve and Tiana to ask how your summer was going, you took it as a sign. And so you had made the first move, asking if he wanted to grab dinner with you sometime. 
The date went fairly well-- as well as it could, anyways, after meeting a man like Steve Rogers. Peter was a cute guy, harmless and like a little puppy, but you couldn’t help but realize how much more… mature Steve had been in comparison. Had you screwed yourself over? Were you only into older men now? It wasn’t as though Peter was childish, you had just appreciated how experienced in life Steve was. He seemed so wise even from simple conversation, and the fact that he was such an amazing dad was a plus…
When Peter asked for a second date, you felt far too guilty to agree. How could you if you couldn’t stop thinking about another man? You explained to him that while the date went great and that he was an amazing guy, you were not particularly ready to jump into a relationship and that you did not want to lead him on-- and he completely understood. He asked if the two of you could at least still hang out as friends, and you couldn't help but feel touched and grateful that he was so sweet about the whole situation, immediately agreeing. Like a perfect gentleman, he brought you home and to the doorstep, giving you a hug before watching you go inside and turning to his car. 
You went to sleep feeling rather content for the first time all week, hopeful that focusing on this new friendship would help get your mind off of Steve. 
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You felt the same contentment as last night upon waking up, a determined smile spread across your lips. It was Saturday and you would go out with some friends, have a movie night, do something instead of think of a messed up relationship that wasn’t even yours. 
However, once you checked your phone as you still lay in bed, your eyes widened in shock.
Steve: I miss you
You blinked a few times, positive you weren’t dreaming even if that was what it felt like. You checked what time he sent it. 9:12 AM. You looked at the current time. 9:20. Your heart was racing and you felt exactly like you had the week prior, his annoyingly handsome face now taking up your mind. Did he mean to send that to someone else? Perhaps Tiana, maybe they had made up? You were staring at the text message so intently that you hadn’t even noticed there had been speech bubbles underneath it the entire time until another message came in.
Steve: I fjucking miss you. It’s dumb hw much I miss you,
Was he drunk? You didn’t know whether to find this hilarious or concerning, but either way you were definitely confused. Why would he miss you? And why was he drinking at 9 AM? Though the second the question popped into your mind, you realized he was probably still in Manila. Immediately going to the clock app on your phone, you looked up what time it was there. Exactly twelve hours ahead, meaning it was 9 PM for him. Still a bit early to get drunk, you thought to yourself, but maybe that meant he wasn’t doing so well…
Y/N: Do you mean to be sending these to me…?
The speech bubbles appeared almost instantly.
Steve: Well theydre definiely not for my fucking wife.
Steve: Fuck
Steve: Im sorry
Steve: I shoudlnt be doing this.
You frowned, immediately texting back.
Y/N: You’re not okay, are you? You can talk to me it’s okay
Y/N: I want to help, Steve
Y/N: Do you want me to call you?
There were a few moments of torture before the speech bubbles sprung up again.
Steve: Give me aon hour.
You stared at the message, wondering if he would actually call you in an hour or if he would be passed out. You lay on your back, staring up at the ceiling as you processed everything that had just happened.
He missed you. You shouldn’t have felt so ecstatic, but you were.
So much for forgetting about him.
Your phone dinged again and you held it up to your face in seconds. However, it was not Steve.
Peter: Good morning :) I just wanted to say again that I had a really fun night last night! I hope you slept well!
That made you smile, glad that he had the consideration to send a good morning text even after you had told him you would rather remain friends for the time being. You had really gotten lucky with him-- you had certainly had experiences with guys in the past who would react much more bitter. 
Y/N: Hi Peter! I did too, and I can’t wait to hang out again soon! Slept like a baby haha
You and Peter texted back and forth for the next forty minutes or so until he had to go, and you actually felt a little better.
You rolled over in bed to attempt to go back to sleep for a bit, mostly doubting Steve’s last text. It was a weekend, anyways, so you might as well catch up on sleep while you could. You had probably been shifting around for about twenty minutes until your phone started ringing. Opening your eyes from your terrible attempt at sleep, you blinked, genuinely shocked. Sure enough, his name was on your screen, and you bit your lip somewhat nervously as you sat up in bed to answer it.
“Hi, Steve,” you spoke softly, your voice slightly shaded with sleep due to not having used it yet. “Are you alright?”
“Hey, Y/N. I am,” he spoke surprisingly coherent, throwing you off. You had expected him to still be a drunken mess. Had he really sobered up in an hour? He definitely did sound tired, though. “I’m.. sorry about those messages from earlier. I hope they didn’t weird you out.”
The complete opposite, really. “No, of course not.” You answered, keeping your more honest thoughts to yourself. “I guess I was just… confused.” He sighed deeply and you could hear the rustling of sheets. Was he getting into bed? You hoped so, he sounded like he needed sleep. “Yeah, as you should be. Hell, I am too. I mean, I barely even know you, and all I can think about is how I want to.” You felt your heart skip a beat, a blush traveling over your cheeks. “Really?” was all you could manage, almost convinced this had to be a dream. However, you made yourself snap out of it; you were still certainly welcome to this, but you wanted to be as rational as possible. “Steve, is this just because of…”
“No.” He cut you off and he sighed again, silent for a few moments before speaking lowly. “Tiana and I, we have a complicated relationship. We have for years now.” You noticed that his answers seemed slightly short; you were waiting for further explanation, but there was none. You weren’t sure if you should inquire further-- was he letting you know that he wanted to talk about it, or was he trying to avoid the subject entirely? You slowly cleared your throat to fill the silence, then ventured to ask a question. “What’s going to happen from here?”
“I don’t know,” he answered truthfully. “In an ideal world, I’d be a single dad with no complicated relationships, and I’d just go ahead and ask you out so I can actually get to know you. But here we are.” You couldn’t help but blush deeper at how direct he was, not quite used to men being like this. Or, at least, boys your age certainly weren’t. “Our age difference… doesn’t bother you?” you asked hesitantly, and he chuckled for the first time, the deep rumble sounding like music to your ears. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that? I don’t think you even know how old I am.” You had assumed thirties, but you supposed he was right. “I’m thirty-eight,” he told you before you could even ask, pausing for a moment before continuing, “How do you feel about that?”
“I love it.” You found yourself blurting out, then hit your forehead, silently groaning as you fell back onto the bed. He was laughing now, teasing, “Oh, do you now? Wow, are you telling me you have a daddy kink?” You couldn’t help but giggle too, rolling onto your stomach. “I didn’t mean to say it like that, okay? I just meant-- I don’t know, I’ve never been with an older guy before if we’re being honest, but I want to be with someone mature. Someone who can help me be better and has experience to back it up, but of course I want to be able to support them too. Which brings me back to my question…” you trailed off somewhat nervously. “Do you really think a twenty year old girl is someone you should be interested in?”
“I think I don’t give a shit how old you are.” He replied bluntly, and you couldn’t help but laugh softly at that. “I mean, as long as you’re legal, of course, which you are. But your age has nothing to do with what I may or may not feel for you. I think you’re fun to talk to, you take amazing care of my son, who, not to mention is absolutely in love with you too-- and you have so much dedication and passion for what you do and what you want. And… it doesn’t hurt that you manage to look drop dead gorgeous no matter what you’re wearing. Even when you’re covered in my son’s drool by the end of the day.” He added playfully, and while you were blushing madly over all of his compliments, you laughed loudly at his last one. “Thank you. That might be the most romantic thing anyone's ever said to me.” You replied sarcastically, and the sound of his laugh echoed on the other end, only making you smile wider. Making him laugh felt so damn satisfying.
“Are you feeling better?” you suddenly asked, hating to ruin the moment by being so serious, but you were genuinely concerned. “I mean, both from being drunk earlier and… everything else.” He hummed lowly and you could hear the sheets rustle some more. “Talking to you helps a lot. I should have called you earlier this week, honestly.” There it was, your heart racing again. “When do you come back?” you asked, now just wishing you could see him in person. “My flight’s in the morning. I should be back sometime on Monday.” 
“Will you pick Linc up?”
“I will.” He confirmed, and you could hear by his tone that he was smiling. “How about we figure out when to spend time together once I’m back.”
“Alright. Sounds good.” You agreed, unable to help but smile, too. “Goodnight, Steve. See you soon.”
“Night, Y/N. Thanks for talking to me.”
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