#i feel like grandpa lou in rugrats like in my day
seancamerons · 8 months
So here is a genuine question so, if denim vests, dresses, pleated denim skirts, and even shoes, pretty much all denim everything, flares too, crops, shrunken blazers, and even gauchos are making a comeback...
How long will it be before sequined shrugs or regular shrugs and layering make a return from a roughly 18 year hibernation?
Like you ask yourself in a store off racks or see on teens and the early twenties and generally younger humans walking down the street, is it like 2006 again?
Even Timberlake is supposedly collabbing with Timbaland and Nelly Furtado. NSYNC, in full as a five piece, who mind you, has been split up for well over almost 20ish years, may even might reunite. It feels crazy. 2006 was what? A whole adult has been born lived their entire toddler and adloscnet eras and is now currently in 2023, an adult since then. That is crazy.
I can’t believe im saying this, but I am lowkey here for it, and dare I say interested and entertained. In the same breath boom, I feel dreadfully old. Even the members of my generation peers and the 40ish members of NSYNC. I joke about it often to myself, but ugh, it's not really a good feeling despite physically being fine as to be expected. The thirties suck.
The gods of fashion say fashion comes in cycles. I suppose this is what it means. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
I refuse to be old or become old. I make an effort though I lowkey wish I had a cocktail like Meryl Streep had in Death Becomes Her where I remain ageless and can wear all the beautiful clothes with a yoga toned body and looks to match. Life ain't like the movies, and you see all or most of the clothes you donned in middle school or high school on teen children or on the youth of today. I didn't sign up for this.
Yikes, this is how my mom probably when flares came back in the late 1990's or when I was obsessed with watching Nick at Nite or TV Land with the shows of her time like it was brand new. Let's also not forget the VH1 and 80s obsessions. It's a boomerang, it's a cycle and it's driving me crazy.
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lets-talk-cartoons · 6 years
Rugrats -- The Santa Experience
On the first day of Christmas, lets-talk-cartoons gave to me, the first recap with a Rugrats party! 
Ho ho ho dearest followers! It’s December 1st, and you all know what that means -- time to get our Christmas on! I freaking love Christmas. I’m one of those assholes that gets out the decorations as soon as the Thanksgiving food is put away. Christmas is awesome! And one of the best things about Christmas, as Angelica pointed out during the Chanukkah episode, is the Christmas specials! Yes, across all channels and all cartoons, most have some kind of special dedicated to Christmas and winter holidays. Yes, yes, yes. YES! CHRISTMAS! Ahem. This month, I’m going to give you recaps, lists, pictures.. everything our animation loving hearts desire. 
So, for our first Christmas recap, I give you... Rugrats: The Santa Experience. 
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We start off with a kick-ass new remixed Christmas theme, which is awesome and puts you right in the mood. The Rugrats and their parents are at the mall visiting Santa Claus. Chuckie is scared of Santa because he watches you all the time, and I gotta say, I’m with ya, kid. I was kind of scared of Santa too. Also that Elf on the Shelf. Who thought that was a good idea and totally not traumatizing? However, Chuckie is supposed to be a year older than all of them, so shouldn’t he have been through this rodeo before and realized that Santa brings you presents? 
Of course Angelica is the first to sit on Santa’s lap, and for Christmas she wants:  -A luxurious hair Cynthia doll  -A Teenage Fusion Nuclear Squad video game -A Mr. X Exploding Smash-Up Doll  -A Beverly Hills Cynthia lunch box  -A pony  -A 911 Emergency surgical kit with working stethoscope  -Deluxe Cynthia Beach house with real working hot tub, satellite dish, entertainment center, and an attached garage.  Santa says that’s a lot to ask for, but like, is it? Angelica only asked for seven things, and five of them are pretty attainable. I feel like a lot of kids would probably cry if they only got seven things for Christmas -- you always see the new generation of kids get like five billion things, so I think Angelica’s actually being pretty reasonable here (except for the pony part). 
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Angelica wonders why Santa doesn’t know all this already, and yanks off his beard, running through the mall screaming that he’s a fake. That’s why at my mall they only hire Santas with real white beards so kids can’t pull that trick anymore. Take that, kids! 
The manager of the department store apparently wanted to apologize for “traumatizing” Angelica and gave her a full box of free toys. Oh Lord, I feel bad for that manager. Angelica doesn’t give a rat’s ass that the mall Santa was fake, but Drew is concerned she’s traumatized forever. 
Back at the house the parents are discussing how to not traumatize their kids on Christmas. Chaz mentions that his Christmases were disappointing because he only got a rubber glove and a tongue depressor, and hopes it won’t be the same for Chuckie. That makes no sense Chaz, you are the one in control of Chuckie’s Christmas, so obviously it won’t be bad. Also, your parents were ret-conned in the later seasons to be super nice so I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. 
Betty gets the idea of renting a cabin in the mountains so they can all have Christmas together and do it right. That actually sounds quite nice to me. Look how excited Chaz and Drew are. 
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Phil doesn’t know what to get Lil for Christmas, and Angelica discovers capitalism (as well as a Gift of the Magi reference) as she just so happens to have crayons for Lil’s favorite coloring book, which Phil trades his favorite Reptar toy for, because he loves his sister. Aw.  Didi can’t seem to book a cabin in the area she wants (probably because it’s a few days before Christmas, dummy -- that’s like the people coming into my work ON THANKSGIVING asking if we had any turkeys. Plan ahead, people!) Both Drew and Chaz are still whining about how their kids’ Christmas is ruined even though neither kid actually cares that much, but Chaz gets the idea of dressing as Santa and surprising the kids by coming down the chimney. 
I feel like this is an episode of Good Idea, Bad Idea from Animaniacs. Dressing as Santa? Good idea. Coming down the chimney? Bad idea. This is how people suffocate and die, Chaz. Just use the damn door. Drew puts the kibosh on that idea anyway because he doesn’t see Chaz as a Santa and wants to hire a professional. Dude. Your kid is not that traumatized, just let Chaz do it! Also, apparently Chaz, Drew and Stu all went to school together, because Chaz reminds Drew of their fourth grade play, where he was the ‘lead’ in the Wind and the Willows. (He was the Willow). 
Back to the Gift of the Magi reference, Lil is trying to figure out what to get Phil for Christmas, and trades her coloring book for the Reptar space helmet Angelica has. I think Lil got the better deal though, because she can still use the crayons to color on paper, but without his Reptar doll, Phil can’t really do anything with the Reptar space helmet. Also the way Angelica delivers her line, “I’m BAD, Cynthia! REAL BAD!” is hysterical. 
Grandpa Lou gathers them all round to tell them about Santa, and tells them that he knows if kids are bad and won’t give them their presents if he knows they did bad things. That freaks out Angelica, but honestly, she should know this already, being three she should have had three Christmases by now. It’s still on her mind when she goes to sleep, and has a nightmare about just getting coal because of the trick she pulled on Phil and Lil. She has a little Scrooge moment when she asks her dad if it’s Christmas yet, and decides she has to reverse the wrong she did if she wants presents. 
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They all ride up to the cabin, and -- holy shit, THAT is the cabin they rented? That thing is gorgeous! How much did that cost them?! Just a few days before Christmas too??? That is not a cabin, that’s like... a ski lodge or something. 
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Angelica pulls Phil and Lil aside to talk to them, but before she can, they’re whisked away to cut down their first Christmas tree. Meanwhile, Tommy and Chuckie hatch a plan to catch Santa to see if he’s nice or bad. I love how when they check the chimney they’re like, ‘Eh, nobody in their right mind would try to come down here.’ 
Didi and Betty take Angelica and the twins to get the tree, and it turns out Didi is extremely picky about trees. Wait a minute, Didi, aren’t you Jewish? I mean I suppose since she’s with Stu and he celebrates Chanukkah with her she can celebrate Christmas with him. She has a little freakout because she finds the perfect tree but then doesn’t want Betty to chop it down. ....Um... aaaalright there Didi. Why don’t you go drink some spiked eggnog and calm down a bit there. 
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Angelica takes the chance to talk to the twins about presents and apparently is a little confused about the lore, confusing it with Thanksgiving and saying they give presents because the first pilgrims did. She also has a hilarious line about Santa slapping the Easter bunny with a lawsuit. 
Since Didi picked a weird hill to die on with that tree, the parents get a fake tree instead. Why didn’t you do that in the first place? They all get together to decorate it, and I’m happy to see they have a popcorn wreath on it which in my opinion is the best of the tree decorations ever. 
They have a nice dinner which looks freakin’ awesome, but they notice the babies are getting tired and decide to put them all to bed, upsetting Angelica because she still won’t have a chance to talk to Phil and Lil and fix her “trick.” Also it sure was lucky they just happened to get a cabin with two cribs in it. 
Tommy and Chuckie immediately fail at waiting up to see Santa. That’s pretty much what happens to me when I try to stay up all night too. Meanwhile, Chaz sneaks away from the parents caroling and dons his Santa costume. At the same time, Drew calls a place called “The Santa Experience” to ensure the professional Santa is still coming. Why did they wait til the kids were asleep for this? I’m sure The Santa Experience could have sent someone before dinner. 
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Chaz climbs down the chimney and Tommy locks him in the fireplace, and his struggles freak out the kids. Stu lets him out and he reveals to Chuckie it was just his dad the whole time. Angelica thinks there’s no Santa and therefore is saved, but at that moment the professional Santa decides to show up. AT THE DOOR. See, Chaz, you don’t have to come down the damn chimney, the professional Santas know what they’re doing. 
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He has presents for all the kids, and Angelica gets the Cynthia house she wanted, not a lump of coal. Phil and Lil get the presents they got for each other, and are touched they gave away special things to get the presents in the first place. Luckily Angelica is feeling the holiday spirit and gives them the Reptar doll and coloring book back. 
Drew gets a call from The Santa Experience to say he can’t make it, and they have the classic thing of, “If that wasn’t the Santa I hired... then... who was that?!”  It’s sweet on TV, but if it happened in real life I’d be calling the cops. 
Angelica plays with her new house, and opens the garage to see if there’s a car inside. There’s not, but there is something. Just the teeniest, tiniest lump of coal. 
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And that was the legit Santa Experience. 
THOUGHTS: This episode is great from beginning to end. The animation looks really great throughout, and you can tell the animators put their best foot forward and really worked hard on this one. The remixed holiday music works great, and really puts you in the mood for the holidays. All of the dialogue is great, especially Angelica’s. The way she screams, “can it? CAN IT?!” to Cynthia while worrying about getting coal is hysterical, as well as yelling “run for your lives!” when she finds out Santa isn’t real, and Chaz screaming about how he was the Willow in Wind of the Willows got a laugh, among tons of other lines. Angelica’s Gift of the Magi-esque plot was really sweet, even though she was just doing it so she would get toys and not coal. I didn’t quite like the B plot of Tommy and Chuckie’s Santa traps as much, but it was still engaging and really fun to watch. Great episode, and great way to kick off the season. 
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lets-talk-cartoons · 7 years
Rugrats - “At The Movies” (Season 1, Episode 3a)
I’m back yo! Sorry for the long delay between recaps. I’m currently editing my book and also am in a play so it’s a bit busy. But the Rugrats are here to save the day! 
Stu and Didi have decided to take Tommy out to his very first movie theater movie, where they are going to see The Dummi Bears in: The Land Without Smiles, basically a Care Bears Movie rip-off. Except the Care Bears Movie at least had that creepy ass book - The Land Without Smiles just looks like fluffy garbage for babies. 
Later on in the series we discover that Susie’s dad is the head writer for the Dummi Bears. I wonder if he had anything to do with this movie. 
Tommy is not that excited because he actually wanted to see Reptar, having seen the trailer on TV. When he meets up with the rest of the kids (sans Angelica) at the movie theater, he tells them about Reptar and they decide to ditch the bears and go looking for the big green dinosaur instead. 
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I find it a little strange that Stu and Didi and the rest of the parents are taking the babies to see a movie in the theater when they are all only one year old (or two years old in Chuckie’s case). Bringing your kid to the movie theater for the first time is a big deal because you have to make sure they’re prepared enough to sit quietly for an hour to ninety minutes, and it’s pretty impossible to get a one year old to do so. Plus, being one, he’s not even going to remember any of it. Angelica is the only one who’s old enough to appreciate it, and ironically she’s the only one not there. 
My first movie theater experience was when I was five, and I saw Ferngully. I can’t remember if I sat quietly through the whole thing but I do remember being terrified by the villain in it. 
The adults are all weirdly entranced by the plot of the Dummi Bears movie, which as far as I can gather, involves some kind magic list of all the sad children in the world and a life or death situation for a little girl if she doesn’t get valentines or... something. I don’t know. Makes about as much sense as the Care Bears. Grandpa Lou however is visibly disgusted. That’s kind of funny since later in the series the adults are bored to death by Reptar on Ice but he loves it. Although I guess it is an ice skating dinosaur, what’s not to like? 
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The babies go looking for Reptar but all they find are a kissing movie (apparently Lil has seen a lot of these) and make a woman think the guy she’s on a date with is groping her. 
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They notice the Concessions Stand and immediately lose interest in everything else, and honestly who wouldn’t? Movie concessions are awesome. We’re also introduced to the teenagers who apparently work at every minimum wage job in town. Tommy falls into the popcorn machine and is miraculously not burned to death. The babies wreak havok and leave a giant mess for the teens to clean up. I know the teens were distracted by a debate about skateboards, but I used to work at a movie theater and I feel like I would definitely notice if some babies were crawling around back there. 
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Chuckie notices the stairs to the projector room, so the babies head up there thinking they might find Reptar. In a way they are kind of right, because from the projector room they can see all the movies being played, including Reptar. 
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The projector assistant is also distracted by a magazine, so the babies are able to ride around on the film cans like merry-go-rounds and basically completely ruin the movies because the film breaks or gets destroyed, etc. That wouldn’t happen these days as everything is digital now - no more film cans. 
The babies realize they kind of fucked up so they hurry back to their parents who of course never noticed they were missing. 
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On the way back to the car, a couple in the parking lot mentions they couldn’t get their money back. That’s bullshit, man. If something happens so the end of the movie is ruined, they should at least get some free movie passes or something. 
Stu is distraught that he didn’t find out what happened to Little Shauna, and Didi says they’ll just have to wait for video. Considering the target audience for the movie, Stu, I’m gonna take a guess and say she lives. Or just go ask Angelica since I’m sure she’s seen the movie fifty times already. 
As they drive home, Tommy sees a giant Reptar statue, and is happy he got to see his hero once more. 
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THOUGHTS: I like this episode a lot! It’s a standard early Rugrats episode with babies causing shenanigans in a mundane place like a movie theater. There weren’t a lot of jokes or particularly funny lines though. I like the idea that Lil has somehow seen a lot of ‘kissing movies’. 
Opening Close-up: There actually isn’t one this time - it just opens with Tommy playing with his popper. 
(Bad) Parents of the Year: Not too many this time, just completely not noticing your children have disappeared from the movie theater 
Tommy's Near Death Count: Just once, in the popcorn machine 
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