#i dont like giving people false hope
bananacatmeow · 15 days
hey! I don't know how many people will read this, but if you do, please tag any who you think might not know what im about to say.
okay? let's go.
I'd start by saying i love and appreciate all of you so so much, and im very grateful i found you all in my life. please believe me when i say im so happy i walked into such a great community on here, one that appreciates me just as much as i appreciate them. i love you all so so so much.
unfortunately it pains me to say that i have to leave now. i cant specify why, but i'll let you know that im alive and well, just not in the capacity to be using any sort of social platforms as i am currently not in the right place of mind for that. (dont worry! im alright haha)
again, it has truly been a wonderful experience with all of you, it would be wrong to ask you all to wait for me, because even i don't know when i will be back, so, until then, take care of yourselves my friends, and i hope you all have wonderful lives here on forth. i hope you find love in this world, i hope you have a great life ahead and find meaning to your existence. i hope you achieve everything you ever dreamed of achieving. i hope the sun shines on you always.
im sorry for all the things i might have promised during this time that i did not get to complete. trust me, i would have if i could, but i really can't right now. im sorry. i hope you will forgive me one day.
remember that you are all wonderful people and each and every one of you deserves love and care in this world. if one day you find yourself doubting on that, remember me and remember that i still love you and will think about you till i die, i promise i wont forget.
oh this is painful to write ahaha,, i never expected id have to but.. well, anyways. theres probably more i have to say, im sure ill remember even more stuff that i should have said even after i send this but since this feels like a letter now, ill sign off properly.
with love always, ina.
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kuruk · 2 days
are there like no consistent korean web novel translators or what. every time I read a manhwa adaptation and look for the novelupdates page it's only dead links or posted by a translator that quit 8 chapters in like 5 years ago -___- I'm not sure I've been able to read a fully translated korean web novel that wasn't like on tapas at a ridiculous price.. yet you can pull up any random poorly drawn manhua adaptation that's getting no attention as a comic and you'll easily find its original novel being translated by 3 different groups and 1 of them is even doing a good job at it and hopefully isn't cutting up every chapter into 5 tiny parts so they can update every other day like the other two groups probably are and it's a good thing that one organized group decided to translate it well with detailed footnotes because one of the 3 translators is probably just editing mtl and acting like that's supposed to do anything for anyone at all and they don't even know chinese and they can barely even edit well in their native language english so I'm not sure why they thought that would go well as if translation doesn't involve rewriting and rephrasing and accounting for the way it flows and choosing what to exchange or omit but whatever... not my point though ahem I get so lucky with finding chinese web novels to read when I'm interested in an adaptation especially since there's a few dedicated better organized groups out there but I can't ever find the korean ones that everyone has somehow already read =_=
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dodecademons · 1 year
Sorry not sorry I watched Warrior Nun again. William Miller being so active with the fans and what not got me thinking about Adriel again. Becaaaause was he the villain we thought he was? Sure he was tricking people into getting possessed by wraiths. Sure he killed some people. He is bad. Fact. Morally grey man. But he was enslaved (pretty sure he mentioned that) and kinda had to serve Reya without a choice. It isn't heaven or hell, it's some third thing. Reya though, had a child get transported into her land, saw the divinium in him and decided to make him a walking bomb. Trained him so he could take punches, not necessarily fight back, (as seen per Ava and Beatrice intervening, he can fight but he needs help) and told him the only way to win was to sacrifice himself. Also told him, and Ava, that the only way to end Adriel was to sacrifice themselves and there was no other way. Idk sounds pretty convenient to me. Three powerful beings carrying some sort of power from the other dimension (world?) and Reya's only goal is to get rid of Adriel and the only way to do that is full charge sacrifice two people who also have power from that world? Turns out it didn't work, so Reya was wrong anyway. Reya also kind of just stood and watched as Ava was fighting to defeat Adriel and once she realized the divinum bomb didnt work, one down, and the tarasks did their job, two down, Reya was like "as a treat you can have your dying breaths be with your gf" because she knew Ava couldnt heal from the divinium shards, three down. IDK REYA YOU SURE DO ACT PRETTY HUMAN HUH, all this "Reya is so powerful, she is everything" talk and she sure didn't do all that much except manipulate some people huh. I mean, Adriel got away, he almost won. Just saying.
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bloodyke · 1 year
family brought some bug into the house im gonna take a covid test tomorrow
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Wish Aj classic got all the love that 3d aj gets from wildworks
same 😔 they just stopped updating it after like 2018 its very sad
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favesgrave · 1 year
what if i simply never recommend shows to anyone ever again
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closedcoffins · 2 years
saw someone call baccano! “an ode to life” and tbh i’ve never recovered
#i kno im always like ha ha silly train mafia anime but im also like#god the inherint sexiness in the belief that the people you love give life meaning#in the belief that we all have someone who wants us to carry on#in the belief that there's no wrong choice between saving the spider or the butterfly#or making decisions just because you care about one choice over the other#the inherent sexiness in the storytelling of huey laforet making all of his female homunculi blonde because he misses monica#and in christopher choosing to sharpen his teeth because he doesn't want false hope that he could ever be human someday#and melvi putting forth incredible effort to make his anger seem real when all he wants is to know what it's like to be someone#and even isaac and miria just loving eachother w/ no complications#and just the way that people follow jacuzzi not bc hes ruthless when his friends are hurt but because he is SO kind#and how claire doesn't believe the people around him are real but will do ANYTHING the ones he cares about ask of him anyway#and ladd and lua. him being convinced he wants to kill her and her being convinced she wants to be killed by him#but neither of them are willing to see it through because of their love for eachother#and luck sparing the innocence of a girl he barely knows. the gandors choosing not to be ruthless to edith#AND CZESLAW being put through hell and back a million times and breaking down once he learns to accept that some people are good#and just EVERYTHING#bye dont talk to me#out of character
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So as many of you might have noticed, I don't really do a lot of Dangan//ronpa things anymore and it's not even a preferred fandom in my sources anymore either even though I say I still enjoy it-
And yes I do still enjoy it! I love the characters (mostofthem) and the plots! But I'm gonna be real the fandom is so tiring lmao
Yea yea all fandoms have bad sides trust me I know I'm in the Genshin fandom rn and they can be tiring too- Also I'm almost 24 I've had many much fandom experience before-
But when such a large part of said fandom is filled of "this person has different opinions/headcanons/ships than me so therefore they're *insert some sort of phobic here*" or "I'm gonna just insult this person when they have very valid points and act like I won" it becomes so fucking tiring to just sit back and watch, especially when you're an adult who really doesn't care to argue with kids- (no offense btw to y'all I just don't like the idea of being almost in my mid 20s and arguing with a 13/14 year old shehhw)
So yea might do a kaito sprite edit this weekend but honestly don't expect me to do much for the dr fandom in the future:/
On another note I have been getting back into kingdom hearts so maybe I'll make some phone wallpapers for it or something uwu
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vaporfished · 2 months
And its like
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sar3nka · 1 year
Mfw the wrong person keeps hitting on me
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deathlysallows · 4 months
Multiple MC's/posing tutorial:
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Since people ALWAYS ask, and no one ever gives an in depth description on how to use all these mods I thought I would go ahead and make one! It always feels like everyone is gatekeeping their methods but really it's just a lot to explain and no one wants to type all that out so....
Anyway! Here's how I added multiple MC's into one shot and posed them all pretty!
1. You need the following mods:
2. Once you have all of the mods working you will start out making your mc into the first character you want added to your picture using the character editor mod, then get the outfit you want on etc. (You cant edit it once its out there so get it just right)
3. Youre going to use UE tools to duplicate your MC. press f10 to pull up the command bar and the in: "uetools_summon bp_biped_player_c"
(without quotes) Exactly like that then hit enter.
4. You should now have a second copy of your character hanging out by your original one. Now press f8 to open the animation mod, it now moves the most recently summoned mc instead of the one you are controlling. Use the postion and animation settings to move them where you want and find a pose you like. You won't be able to edit them once you summon the next character so make it look pretty!
5. Once you have posed your character, repeat steps 2-4 until you have posed all of the MC's you want. You cannot pose NPC's, but with other mods you can make an mc of them!
For the lighting, you dont have to wait around all day for the sun to light you up just right either. Type in "uetools_setworldsettings timedilation 20" to make time fast forward until the lighting is just right, then type "uetools_setworldsettings timedilation 1" to put it back to normal.
If you want to take a pic at night you can spawn a floating light source with the command "uetools_customlight pointlight 100 180 true"
This one you will want to mess with and practice with first. The first number where i have written 100 is a number representing the intensity of the light. 100 is very soft. The second number where i have put 180 is how spread out it is, so making it bigger will cause it to effect a greater area. Where it says true - that is what determines whether the light source you add will cast shadows. Type false is you dont want them - i usually do. The light spawns right in the center of your characters body, you will want to set custom lights up before posing any characters. Just walk around and spawn them, use "uetools_ghost" to let you fly in order to make yourself go higher or lower to change where you place the lights and then type "uetools_walk" to walk again. Custom light usually only shows up at night but in extra shadowy areas it works fine.
Sorry that was so long winded, I hope it helps someone! Doing the poses takes a really long time sometimes but its still fun to me lol
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A year in illustration, 2023 edition (part two)
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(This is part two; part one is here.)
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The West Midlands Police were kind enough to upload a high-rez of their surveillance camera control room to Flickr under a CC license (they've since deleted it), and it was the perfect frame for dozens of repeating clown images with HAL9000 red noses. This worked out great. The clown face is from a 1940s ad for novelty masks.
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I spent an absurd amount of time transforming a photo I took of three pinball machines into union-busting themed tables, pulling in a bunch of images from old Soviet propaganda art. An editorial cartoon of Teddy Roosevelt with his big stick takes center stage, while a NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo's official portrait presides over the scene. I hand-made the eight-segment TILT displays.
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Working with the highest-possible rez sources makes all the difference in the world. Syvwlch's extremely high-rez paint-scraper is a gift to people writing about web-scraping, and the Matrix code waterfall mapped onto it like butter.
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This old TWA ad depicting a young man eagerly pitching an older man has incredible body-language – so much so that when I replaced their heads with raw meat, the intent and character remained intact. I often struggle for background to put behind images like this, but high-rez currency imagery, with the blown up intaglio, crushes it.
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I transposed Photoshop instructions for turning a face into a zombie into Gimp instructions to make Zombie Uncle Sam. The guy looking at his watch kills me. He's from an old magazine illustration about radio broadcasting. What a face!
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The mansplaining guy from the TWA ad is back, but this time he's telling a whopper. It took so much work to give him that Pinnocchio nose. Clearly, he's lying about capitalism, hence the Atlas Shrugged cover. Bosch's "Garden of Earthly Delights" makes for an excellent, public domain hellscape fit for a nonconensual pitch about the miracle of capitalism.
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There's no better image for stories about techbros scamming rubes than Bosch's 'The Conjurer.' Throw in Jeff Bezos's head and an Amazon logo and you're off to the races. I boobytrapped this image by adding as many fingers as I could fit onto each of these figures in the hopes that someone could falsely accuse me of AI-generating this. No one did.
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Once again, it's Bosch to the rescue. Slap a different smiley-face emoji on each of the tormented figures in 'Garden of Earthly Delights' and you've got a perfect metaphor for the 'brand safety' problem of hard news dying online because brands don't want to be associated with unpleasant things, and the news is very unpleasant indeed.
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I really struggle to come up with images for my linkdump posts. I'm running out of ways to illustrate assortments and varieties. I got to noodling with a Kellogg's mini-cereal variety pack and I realized it was the perfect place for a vicious gorilla image I'd just found online in a WWI propaganda poster headed 'Destroy This Mad Brute.' I put so many fake AI tells in this one – extra pupils, extra fingers, a super-AI-esque Kellogg's logo.
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Bloodletting is the perfect metaphor for using rate-hikes to fight inflation. A vintage image of the Treasury, spattered with blood, makes a great backdrop. For the foreground, a medieval woodcut of bloodletting quacks – give one the head of Larry Summers, the other, Jerome Powell. For the patient, use Uncle Sam's head.
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I killed a long videoconference call slicing up an old pulp cover showing a killer robot zapping a couple of shrunken people in bell-jars. It was the ideal image to illustrate Big Tech's enshittification, especially when it was decorated with some classic tech slogans.
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There's something meditative about manually cutting out Tenniel engravings from Alice – the Jabberwock was insane. But it was worth it for this Tron-inflected illustration using a distorted Cartesian grid to display the enormous difference between e/acc and AI doomers, and everyone else in the world.
Multilayer source images for your remixing pleasure:
Scientist in chemlabhttps://craphound.com/images/scientist-in-chem-lab.psd
Humpty Dumpty and the millionaires https://craphound.com/images/humpty-dumpty-and-the-millionaires.psd
Demon summoning https://craphound.com/images/demon-summoning.psd
Killer Robot and People in Bell Jars https://craphound.com/images/killer-robot-and-bell-jars.psd
TWA mansplainer https://craphound.com/images/twa-mansplainer.psd
Impatient boss https://craphound.com/images/impatient-boss.psd
Destroy This Mad Brute https://craphound.com/images/destroy-this-mad-brute.psd
(Images: Heinz Bunse, West Midlands Police, Christopher Sessums, CC BY-SA 2.0; Mike Mozart, Jesse Wagstaff, Stephen Drake, Steve Jurvetson, syvwlch, Doc Searls, https://www.flickr.com/photos/mosaic36/14231376315, Chatham House, CC BY 2.0; Cryteria, CC BY 3.0; Mr. Kjetil Ree, Trevor Parscal, Rama, “Soldiers of Russia” Cultural Center, Russian Airborne Troops Press Service, CC BY-SA 3.0; Raimond Spekking, CC BY 4.0; Drahtlos, CC BY-SA 4.0; Eugen Rochko, Affero; modified)
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Geo x reader
Regarding SOL
You became friends with the group after crowe brought you in, at first you and geo didn't have anything going on, but somehow, he developed feelings— and it seems like he isnt the only one.
NOT PROOFREAD (this is under the assumption that geo knows about hyugos crimes)
The first meeting;
Geo wanted to get close to you, but he honestly struggled. So he opted for just being by your side and helping you out. He heard of solivan brugmansia all too well, afterall the rumors regarding him are very well known to those that heard of him.
But, did he care? No, not really. A rumor about some random student he didn’t interact with didn’t matter to him, besides, people spread false rummors around constantly. He wasn't intrested in finding out the truth behind the rummors. Until, he had realized you acquainted yourself with him.
It was after class, you and your friends were out in the hallway pondering where to hang out. Before you spot hyugo and sol. Youre unsure wether to not to bother them as they seem deep in conversation. However it seems hyugo could feel your eyes on him. His eyes locked with yours, and you take that as an opportunity to wave at him. Thus, he waves at you in return. Sol notices and his demeanor changes, a smile tugs on his lips and he gives you a dreamy look. A blush faintly noticeable on his face.
Geo looks away at his phone to seek out the subject of your attention— hes surprised, and certainly not pleased.
His brother.
Were you friends his brother? Out of all people, hyugo? And that guy— why is he looking at you like that? You dont seem to have any special feelings towards him, youre waving to him like you would anyone else. That begs the question, what are you to him?
He goes in your direction to get your attention. he taps you on the shoulder, and just like how its supposed to be, your attention is on him now.
"Huh?" you asked, curious as to why he uncharacteristically sought your attention. While you didn't know much about geo, there was this weird feeling emanating from him.
He takes a quick glance at his brother and that black-haired boy with him, and hes surprised to see the tall male with a deathly glare in his eyes, targeted at him— and also his friends. His eyes were ugly, blood red. Is that why hyugo befriended him? Because blood is somthing hes used to, right? Whatever it was, he immediately took a disliking to that man.
"brit wanted your input". He focused his attention back to you.
"O-oh yeah! How about the garden? I have a key for there." Geo gave a pleased look.
"Lets go tell her then". And with that the two of you turn your backs to sol and hyugo, heading closer to the group. Geo takes one last good look at the two boys. Unfortunately for him, he accidentally makes eye contact with his brother.
"OH MY GOD" Hyugo moves towards you and geo.
"SUBARU" eyes littered with excitement hyugo approaches him
"Shit..." geo begrudgingly accepts his fate.
It seemed Britney, jess and deryl were the most amused at the scene hyugo had caused. They were pestering geo while hyugo took that as an opportunity, as sol's wingman.
"Oh- sunny and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out wit-"
"[name], cmon, Britney's waiting" geo interrupts
"Oh yeah!- uh" you look back to hyugo, and sol, eagerly awaiting your answer, hoping you leave that purple haired prick and spend time with him instead. "Sorry, im hanging out with geo and our friends, uhm, ill talk to you guys later!". You frown, and wave bye to them as you head for your friends.
Later, in the garden, you sit next to geo. Curious of his relationship with hyugo, after all they are brothers and you’re friends with them both! isn’t that nice?
“You’re hyugos brother? what’s he lik-“
“He’s not my brother, forget what he said in the hallway, I don’t want to associate myself with him.” He interrupts, shooting you a glare before his gaze softens. “He’s…” he pauses, recollecting his thoughts. “He’s just dangerous to be around.”
“How?” he looks away as you ask.
“Things you don’t know, he gets into shady shit” he redirects his gaze back to yours, “[name], for your own sake, and safety, don’t get involved with him… or his friend.”
“Solivan?” You question at the mention of sol
“Brugmansia?” If his memory is serving him right, then he’s not good news.
“Yeah that’s his-“
“Especially him, both of them, stay away from them.” He thinks back to the hallway and the look in sol’s eyes. One of putrid hate and murder. Maybe, those rumors were true”
“That’s hard to do, I’m in a class with them— although hyugo never attends, and I’m sols partner for an art project.”
“Then don’t make conversation with him, only do what needs to be done for the art project, once it’s done, never talk to him again— or hyugo” he instructs you, for now at least. He’s thinking about what strings he could pull to change your art class for a different period, one without sol or hyugo. If he had to play dirty to keep you, and his friends safe, he’d play dirty as hell.
I don’t wanna go too deep because I wanna wait for days 3&4 for more lore and info, so I’ll probably wait and do other stuff
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
TADC cast x supportive!reader (platonic)
except its hyper specific and applies to my oc specifically because i need a little pick me up today reader is like the circus members anchor as well as a generally serving as a support system and has been in the circus for a while. havent decided on how long but definitely getting close to kinger in terms of how long theyve been stuck. kind of gives off dad energy have not shared the oc here on this blog but i have shared them elsewhere, wont say where because im embarrassed </3 this was originally gonna be a ship chart dynamic but im too tired to draw everyone plus this feels more fun using 'you/your' pronouns for the reader even though its an oc so you guys can at least like, insert yourself REMINDER requests are closed, this is a personal request from myself. any requests sent now will not be answered even after they reopen. please respect that and understand that requests are closed
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saved caine for last (yes i know hes the first one in the list hush i dont actually write these in order) i think you and him would have friendly back and forth banter. youve accepted your place in the digital circus long ago so you dont see much point in trying to interrogate him for information on a possible exit. and sure, i dont know if caine can abstract, but i think he enjoys the conversations between the two of you... that said, given how accepting you are with everything as well as having a "roll with it" outlook on the digital world, he probably uses you as plot stuff and props for IHA; be it as a false hostage or as a means to progress the adventure... definitely has a soft spot for you, i think... jax and bubble have a dark bet on when you will finally abstract/j
ah yes the optimistic duo, the hopeful pals, the sillies. you two are probably the main reason why everyone else is... mostly... fine, i mean i think having someone be so friendly and open cane make things a little easier for other people. as well as this you two mutually lean on each other for support and uplift one another when things get tough. i mention it in kingers part, but you too are also afraid of bugs but you would help ragatha clear her room of centipedes in a heartbeat, even going as far as to collect them with your bare hands.. so uh... take that as a testament to yalls friendship
now im a little stumped on this one because i really dont think the "reader" would be buddy buddy with jax... or maybe they would be... hmm.. on one hand i can see them scolding him for pushing his pranks 'too far' (ex. the ragatha centipede thing, assuming he actually did it), but i can also see a "supportive figure and rebellious kid" dynamic. except jax isnt a kid but you are old enough be his dad, probably.. i think ill just leave that here since i dont have any other ideas
youve been here for a while, so i think naturally pomni would gravitate towards you in order for possible solutions and escape routes, perhaps she would approach kinger, too... but this isnt about kinger </3. fine line between outright shattering their hope but also instilling it, neither are great options... one can lead to despair and the other to obsession; both will lead to abstraction... but theres also the fact none of your past attempts at escape had been successful, nor did you ever find any leads. as for actual potential friendship i think you would take the same route as ragatha in the pilot; show her around and explain things to her in a fairly digestible way. as well as this you tend to gravitate towards her during her first IHA until she gets the hang of them; typically making sure she doesnt get lost or hurt, as well as giving her pointers that could help with the task at hand
writing kinger first, you guys are like the dads of the circus. you more so because you still have a decent hold of yourself. you were there when queener/queenie abstracted, and you were there for kinger during the still on going grieving process. as for actually friendship ideas, you two just sit and talk to one another. thats it, really. i could go on about all the things you two do together, and i probably would since kinger is my favorite and this post is literally about my oc... but i truly dont see these two getting up to anything insane outside of IHA. kinger needs someone to help him fill the silence, and you would be there. and vice versa, i think... bonus, you dont like bugs but you still grin and bare it while listening to kinger rattle on about his cool bug facts... i think that would be nice..
optimistic dad who likes fishing and moody teen who bullies kids on roblox. thats literally the dynamic, except again, zooble is an adult and the reader has no kids... but hey its the same energy. tries to get zooble to engage with IHA but not in a pushy way but more in like... an inviting them to pair with them for comfort and security kind of way. sure you understand that they dont like them because theyre just so over everything but you want them to be included, especially since the IHA are meant to stimulate your minds and keep you guys grounded
honestly i think you just adopt half of the cast at this point, the only people who arent your kids are ragatha caine and kinger... everyone else gets passed around in split custody/j now onto gangle, you probably try to give her peptalks to make her feel better as well as fixing her comedy mask anytime it breaks. as well as this i think you and her sit down and do arts n crafts together, perhaps even making new masks altogether... i like to think gangle hears a few... things about the others and knows things since shes so quiet and in the background so theres definitely some 'gossip' between the two of you... but not in a shit talking way, no i dont think either of you are like that, rather more so just talking about the others
you call gangle, zooble, jax, and pomni generic 'dad nicknames' so like. think sport, champ, bud, pal. stuff like that, with varying reactions... i think gangle wouldnt fight it and actually appreciates it. zooble scoffs and rolls their eyes, jax plays into it while loudly and obnoxiously calling you dad. (whenever you ask him to do something he loudly goes like "okay DAAAAAAD" before likely not doing the thing that was asked of him), pomni is just confused really since shes not all that used to it. huh. guess youre a dad of 4 now
you and ragatha tend to clean up after the others, leaving you two alone and you guys just. talk as you clean. probably do impressions of the others in a really comical and dramatic as well as exchanging stories
you and kinger hunt for new pillows to add to his fort. you try to coax him into stepping out of the tent and explore the grounds, so far you're unsuccessful
touching on the gossip thing from gangles part caine probably tries to ask you for some "juicy drama" about the others. who is having issues with her, whos crushing on who, stuff like that... i think caine would try to play matchmaker if there actually is someone who has a crush on someone else... this goes for the current cast as well as those who have come and gone from the digital circus (cough cough abstracted)
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onskepa · 11 months
Hey I loved your fics!
I was wondering if you could do head cannons on scientist/avatar reader meeting ronal pre-first movie?
Hello sweetie! Thank you for loving my fics! Hope this can also satisfy you! Enjoy!
P.S: Im taking inspiration from mo'at and Grace's relationship
P.P.S: I dont know if ya wanted it platonic or romantic so I am leaving it out in the open.
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Much like the RDA setting camp near the omaticaya terriritory, they also placed camp near the Metkayina clan.
Out of everyone in the clan, Ronal was the first and most defensive of the humans. Hostile and wants nothing to do with them.
She and Tonowari would restrict the people from going beyond the reef, beyond the walls that protects them.
Ronal wasnt stupid, she heard stories from the Omaticaya clan. Constantly clashing, children dead for simply defending their land, polluting their water system.
Ronal wont let that happen. May Eywa guide her to the right path for her people and for her growing family.
And Eywa did, but not how Ronal wanted.
A scientist was either brave, brainless, or just stupid, but this small scientist managed to go into the territory and tries to show she isn't a threat.
Ronal believed that human wouldn't last long, her warriors wouldn't let the human touch land and would chase her away.
For days however, the human would keep coming, and would be chased away. The cycle would repeat for weeks until Ronal had enough.
Oddly enough, the human reminds Ronal of herself. Stubborn, strong head, and wont stop until the other caves in.
Ronal was the one to cave in.
Giving in, and hopes what she is doing is right.
The human scientist she met was odd to say. She spoke na'vi very well and fluent like it was her native language. Was able to communicate well and did the greetings very well. Which surprised everyone.
ronal took it upon herself to get to know the human and see if her fears were simply in her mind.
As days past, ronal was still wary but lowered her walls for the human. She was fascinated that the human was willing to learn many things, the animals, the culture of her people, what everything means to them.
It wasnt just ronal that the human shown kindness too. The children took fascination to the human and would ask to play with her. The parents of course were worried and would watch not far from where the children were playing with the human.
Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months.
Ronal dare say the human earned her trust, the human didnt rip or destroy anything. Didnt even take samples to take back. Simply admiring her beautiful island.
Until one day, the human came back, but not as a human. She came back as a reef na'vi.
Ronal heard of these "dreamwalkers" or "false na'vi" as they were called.
The human now in her other body, looked more comfortable. More relaxed.
"'Eylan" ronal said. The scientist looked at her confusingly. "from today onwards, I will call you 'Eylan"
And that was the start of many things. Tonowari deems 'Eylan is worthy of doing her Iknimaya. Many of the people were shocked, to give a dreamwalker a trial like that. Perhaps there was something different of the fellow scientist.
Ronal personally taught 'Eylan the ways of healing, weaving and craft, how to make her own clothing and what each item represents.
Tonowari showed 'Eylan the ways of hunting and how to fight like a warrior.
The people all showed 'Eylan different skills and methods, the life style of the people. Everyone helped to prepare 'Eylan for her iknimaya
The iknimaya was hard, tricky, and tiring. But 'Eylan showed she could do it, taming an ilu, a skimwing, how to hunt, proving her worth among the people. And she passed in more ways than one.
'Eylan earned the trust of tonowari, ronal, and the people. And it was long after that ronal finally introduced her young children to 'Eylan.
'Eylan is Metkayina now. And she earned her tattoos. A tattoo was done on her arm, symbolizing her strength and her place among the people.
Things were better when the tulkun arrived. Ronal was more than happy to show roa to 'Eylan.
Roa was happy to see ronal smiling more, seeing her eyes shine brightly, to see 'Eylan was definitely a nice surprise. She welcome 'Eylan and was able to communicate with her well.
Ronal saw 'Eylan as a friend, someone she has come to love and enjoy her Prescence.
'Eylan truly felt blessed by Eywa. To be seen as one of the people is her greatest accomplishment. The trials and turbulent was all worth it. She truly feels connected with the people and with their culture.
Most importantly, she enjoys her close relationship with ronal. And hopefully, their bond only grows stronger with time.
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And that is it for this! my first Ronal request! I am happy how it turned out. Until next time! see ya!
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'Eylan = Friend
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cosmicmermaidwitch · 10 months
pick a pile: a message from your spirit guides ❀
paid readings: ❤ kofi ❤ info ❤ rules ❤
note: this is a general message, take what resonates and leave what doesn't ! choose the picture that speaks the most to you ☆
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pile one ₊ ⊹
my dear pile one if you chose the cat, this message is for you. it seems like you have succeeded in something you might not quite recognize as a ´win´ yet. this could be a habit you put into your daily routine, or mental enlightenment in general. your spirit guides are telling you to acknowledge your wins. this could be a great opportunity to celebrate and look for ways to share your joy! but instead I sadly see you being confused and isolating yourself by overthinking your current situation. try to stay hopeful through it all. if you need advice, help or some support, your spirit guides are advising you to take it. instead of trying to be perfect at everything, appreciate the effort and work you put into everything. you have earned your success. be nicer to yourself <3
pile two ₊ ⊹
my lovely pile two if you chose the drinks, this message is for you. you've been searching and begging for some change to happen. its the constant thing that is going through your head, causing sleepless nights and overwhelming stress. you feel stuck in your path but let me tell you, your spirit guides are turning things up for you. you'll be shown a new side to things which will give you more ideas, control and stability. let it be financial and mental, new offerings and opportunities will be sent your way. it might not always look the way you imagined it but it will help you just the same way. in order for this to happen, you wholeheartedly have to leave stuff in the past. it's hard to do that, so try step by step to let go of negative habits and thought patterns that cloud your mind and soul. dont limit yourself and your abilities, you have a lot of strengths <3
pile three ₊ ⊹
my sweet pile three if you chose the outfit, this message is for you. I see your spirit guides are working hard for you. you may have suffered financially, or have had a lack of materialistic needs. but things in your life, especially the ones that caused this suffering are being removed ! this could also be people that bring you down, that cause negative outlooks and overall dont do your life any good. your spirit guides want you to be happy again, so they're on their way to turn some things around for you. this will lead to a lighter life. less stress, more help and more resources that will serve you greatly. of course, your decisions here are important too. so listen to your heart and desires, what truly makes you feel fulfilled. you deserve all the good things in life <3
reminder: a tarot reading is not absolute. this is for entertainment purposes only!! as a tarot reader, i will offer my opinion and advice, but will not interfere with the free will. any decisions made or actions taken by you as a result of a tarot reading are your sole responsibility. i will be honest in what i see and will not give false hopes or empty promises in order to keep you happy. a tarot reading does not replace professional opinion or advice.
no refunds for paid readings !
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