#i dont have to do anything bud. youre the one whose choosing to come back to My blog
dyketubbo · 2 years
But since you stated that you don't care if you bother Dream fans, why should they care not to bother you if you're posting anti-Dream stuff in the main tag? And it seems contradictory to say you're not seeking fans when you also said "so i can try to get fans to open up their goddamn eyes" I mean which is it. Just admit you main tag on purpose to be a little antagonistic. It's not a crime. And just the same as being able to block you, you can turn your anon inbox off.
whats your problem 😭 chill out shit isnt that deep. like i said i mean what i say. i still mean what i say. thats all there is to it, it seems like you just have a problem learning how to leave people alone. again, not surprising since it seems clear that youre likely a dream fan at this point
also on the anon point: it is My Blog. its Your responsibility to curate your experience and block blogs you dont like, just as ill try to block you through the other ask you sent and hope tumblr works. its really easy to not send an ask just so you can be a dick behind a gray circle with sunglasses. ive personally never done it, surely you can figure it out. tata
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fallingstormphoenix · 5 years
“Signs and Bonds”
Part 7 of the collaboration between me and @robinshouseofwhump! In this one, Abel figures out a way to help Occuldous communicate, and Arron and Occie strengthen their bond. ) (note; Occie and Arron are around 19 years old)
"Occuldous, hey handsome, can you please talk to me?" Abel rubbed a thumb along the boy's cheek. It had been weeks since he found him, and he only seemed to get worse, to the point that he couldn't even look at the angel in the eye anymore.
Occuldous looked down and shook his head. I’m sorry, mutts don’t deserve words, I’m sorry Master. I’m sorry. He stared at his own shaky, twitching hands laying on the soft grey blanket Abel had given him, trying to hide his nervousness in studying his scars.
"That's ok bud. Would you like to watch a movie with me and Arron? You don't have to if you dont wanna." Abel lightly rubbed gentle circles on his back careful to avoid touching scars, he really just wanted Occuldous to relax. He was so tense and scared all the time.
He nodded, looking up briefly. He liked to sit with Arron and watch movies.
"There's those beautiful eyes." Abel smiled and gently lifted him up. Luckily, he'd been gaining weight, but he was still as light as a feather. "Do you wanna pick the movie tonight?"
He shook his head, trembling a little as Abel lifted him. He feared being dropped or thrown, even though he knew Abel probably wouldn't do that. Still, he clutched his blanket against his chest, trying to calm himself. Occie knew it stressed Abel when he panicked and he didn’t want to stress him.
"Shhhh, there there bud. I got you." Abel kissed the top of his head and gently carried him to the couch.
He nodded, trying to still his trembling body, relaxing a little more when he could nestle down on the couch. It was so soft… Hugo never let him on the furniture, and Abel had had to convince Occuldous that it was allowed and safe. It felt good, laying on the ground was painful with how thin and battered he was.
"There, all comfy bud?" Abel smiled as Arron sat down next to Occuldous. "Do you want popcorn? Soda?"
"I can get it for you Occie! Whatever you want." Arron squeezed his hand, he was glad Occuldous was back… but… he wasn't really the same one he knew.
Occuldous just nestled into Arron’s lap, holding his hand. He sighed. He was content like this. He didn’t need anything really.
"You're soft…" Arron's face turned a bit warmer as he ran his other hand down the boy's bare back. "You pick or me?"
Occuldous shrugged a little, smiling at Arron. He liked when Arron strokes him, he was so careful around his scars and healing wounds that his touch never hurt.
"Haha, Steven Universe it is!" Arron giggled as he took the remote from the table and pressed play. Occuldous could never understand why Abel would give the two so many choices, like choosing what they eat or what to watch or when to sleep or what to do. It was scary, having all this freedom. He always feared making the wrong choice and the punishment that could follow. But at least right now he had Arron, with his warmth and wonderfully kind touch.
They eventually settled in, even Occuldous, whose labored breathing turned into soft inhales and exhales. He felt at peace, with Arron's skin against his, and the feeling of his heartbeat on his chest.
He touched Arron’s head hesitantly, nudging “Thank you.” across his mind.
"You're the best Occie," The demon couldn't help but hug him, his heart was on overdrive.
The season eventually ended, and the two just laid there, quiet, peaceful. Occuldous snuggled against him and sighed softly, closing his eyes to sleep.
Morning came, the sun shone through the blinds of the window, onto the two boys. Back in bed if course, the Starwitch never knew how Abel could get them in bed without waking him up.
Occuldous sat up and went to the window, he liked to look outside at the people and their vehicles far below them. It made him feel big, a rare sensation to the boy.
"Sleep well handsome?" Abel smiled in the doorway. He forgot the angel was quiet when moving too. He could only nod in response.
"I think I have a solution to our little speaking problem bud. Would you like to try it?"
Occuldous nodded hesitantly, a little trembling running up his spine, hoping it wasn’t something harsh. He trusted Abel though, Abel only wanted to make him better.
"Come with me then, just you and me ok?" He held his hand out, beckoning him out of the room.
Occuldous followed him, his trembling intensifying. It’s ok, Master won’t hurt me, if he does it’s to make me better. It’s ok.
He led him downstairs, to an oak door, the office door. He was never really allowed in, Abel would just shoo him out if he ever went in there.
"You don't need to be afraid starlight, I won't hurt you." Abel let a firm hand grip the boy's shoulder gently. "You're safe here, remember?"
He sniffled and nodded, still shaking. Master just wants to make me good. He stared down at the ground.
He brought the boy inside a large, well lit room. On the left, was a bookcase that covered an entire wall, filled to the brim with books from floor to ceiling. A couch, some lounge chairs, tables, and two desks filled the empty space in the center of the room. It always amazing to the boy, to see how many books there were.
"Sit on the couch bud, I'll grab the stuff."
Occuldous whimpered and sat down obediently, his mind racing at what the stuff could be. Nothing pleasant he was sure.
He came back with some books, papers, and a strange pair of gloves with lights on the end. "Here we are."
Occuldous whined at him, his eyes wide and confused. W-what is it?
"Have you heard of Sign Language bud?"
He shook his head, still whining and breathing rapidly. Please don’t make me talk, please? I’m sorry, I’m sorry I can’t…
"I'll show you." Abel lifted his hands up and maneuvered his fingers in the air, making eight different motions.
Occuldous tilted his head, watching him in confusion and interest. Abel does magic? He questioned silently.
"I just told you that My name was Abel"
With your hands? Occuldous looked surprised at his hands then back at his own shaky hands. He held them out to Abel slowly.
"Mmhm, do you wanna try?"
Occuldous nodded. He would be able to talk without speaking, like he could with Arron, but without the need for magic. He wanted to talk, he wanted to be able to communicate with them.
"Ok, then let's go over some basic signs."
Occuldous struggled to get his trembling fingers to shape properly, but he very proudly showed Arron the signs for “O-C-C-I-E” . He’d worked very hard to figure it out, at first he’d been nervous about getting it wrong but with Abel’s encouragement he had gotten more and more eager. And now he could sign his name!
"Woah! Thats so cool!" Arron clapped his hands eagerly. "Master taught you that?"
“Yes!” He signed, grinning from ear to ear. He knew his name and the signs for yes and no. He was absolutely ecstatic.
"I wanna learn! Can I learn with you?" Arron practically hopped up and down, and Occuldous nodded excitedly. Yes! Then you can understand too! He leaned on him, wiggling with excitement.
"What are you two doing?" The angel came out of nowhere and scooped the boy up from behind. "Showing Arron your signs bud?"
Occuldous froze at the sudden movement, his eyes wide and frightened. He nodded in answer to his question, but too spooked to move much more.
"You've been doing amazing starlight, don't you think so Arron?"
Arron grinned and nodded. “Now Occie can talk again!”
"Mmhm, we still have a lot of work to do though."
Occuldous whimpered softly. Please put me down? Please? I’m working hard, I promise. He didn’t like being held off the ground, it was dangerous, it hurt so much more to be thrown than it did to just be hit, and he was so small. Hugo used to pick him up by his collar or chains and throw him, he quivered, remembering the pain of being slammed into the wall or floor unable to beg or plead for it to stop.
"Occie, I'm not gonna throw you. I just wanted to pick you up, is that ok?
Occuldous swallowed nervously and nodded, holding onto Abel’s shirt tightly. I’m being good, I’m being good. Master is not upset. He won’t hurt me. He just wants to make me good.
"You're doing so well handsome boy, would you like to go out to dinner tonight?"
He looked up at him worriedly. He hadn’t been out of the house (except up to the roof) since he’d first come back. Going out made him nervous, he wasn’t sure what Abel would expect of him. Pets in public were expected to behave very specifically, especially in restaurants and he had never been a pet that was taken out for fun excursions.
"You don't have to bud, just wanted to ask. It'll be really nice too." He planted a gentle kiss on his forehead.
He took a deep breath and nodded. He would go, he would show Abel how grateful and good he was. Maybe Abel would give him treats as Mistress used to at her parties! He wiggled down and retrieved a pair of soft walking harnesses that he had found in the closet, a necessary part of any pet’s going-out wear and more humane than a usual collar. He gave the larger one to Arron and looked up at Abel hopefully. Can he come too?
"Arron can come little one, I don't mind."
He smiled and went to his room quickly to change into a better shirt and pants. He wanted to make Abel proud of him. He returned with a nice, though slightly too big, polo shirt and pants with no stains, and his harness on, looking up at Abel hopefully.
"My adorable little starlight." Abel smiled and gently buckled the harness in, taking care to be gentle around the scars.
Occuldous leaned against him, wanting Abel to stroke his hair, enjoying the praise.
"Good boy," Abel smiled and ran his fingers through the boy's curls. "Ready to go? Why don't you help Arron with his harness?"
Occuldous leaned into his hand, his eyes closing happily, and when Abel asked him to help Arron, he sat up immediately and went to help his friend. He picked up the harness and slid it on, buckling it in gently just like Abel did.
"Thanks Occie," the demon hugged him tightly, "I'm really glad you're here."
Occuldous smiled at his friend and nodded, gently bumping his unbroken horn against Arron’s. He was glad to be here too.
They arrived at the restaurant, only a few blocks from their home, it was on the smaller side but they had good food and it wasn’t too loud or busy. There were nice thick mats on the floor beside the chairs for pets to sit. Occuldous knelt peaceably at Abel’s side, leaning his head on Abel’s leg. He was surprised at how easy and non-stressful it was, there was no one being loud or scary and he could just rest peacefully beside Abel and wait for tidbits to be passed to him.
"I have a plate for you bud, you must be hungry huh?" The angel smiled, it was quiet, and it felt nice, but he would've felt better about them sitting at the table like he hoped.
Occuldous looked up at him, completely pliant and at peace. He felt comfortable in his place at Abel’s side, even more than he did sitting at the table at home. This is good. I’m being a good pet.
"Starlight, you ok?" Abel waved his hand in front of the boy, whose eyes were glazed over drastically.
Occuldous flinched back from the hand so close to his face. But he nodded, leaning his head on Abel’s leg, a little more attentive now, but still pliant and relaxed. I have to be good and listen. He reminded himself. He glanced towards Arron on Abel’s other side.
Arron was obviously less comfortable than Occuldous was, he kept shifting uncomfortably in the mat and he struggled to not cry. He could feel stares at him, they were malicious, and they wanted to hurt him in the silence that they were in.
Occuldous whimpered and reached out to hold Arron’s hand under the chair. He wanted Arron to relax, he wanted them to look good, to be good pets, so Abel will be proud. He rubbed the back of Arron’s hand gently, trying to make him calm down.
"S-sorry Occie… I-I-I ju-st do-n't l-like crowds…" The demon shook, this was a bad idea to go, he felt so vulnerable, around the eyes that stared at him intently and methodically. He wanted to go home, he wanted to expel the stress building up in his stomach, the lurching feeling in the air.
Occuldous took a deep breath and pushed calmness into Arron’s mind, slowly, carefully, wincing at the effort it took. It was like a wave, muting the frantic thoughts racing through Arron’s head, and the demon squeezed tightly to Occuldous's soft hand.
Occuldous squeezed his hand back, slumping forward from exhaustion. The magic was draining him quickly.
Of course, Abel noticed the stress that both boys were experiencing, gently petting both of their heads and got up. "I don't think this was a good idea, let's go home hm?" He quickly wrote a check and left it on the table. "I'll make you two some food when we get home."
Occuldous whimpered worriedly. He’d hoped he’d done enough that Abel was pleased but now they had to go home, and he’d be in trouble. He sniffled, wiping away tears as he followed Abel out. It wasn’t Arron’s fault he was so scared, but he could’ve at least behaved, Occuldous thought. I’m scared a lot, and I try to be good...
"Why are you crying starlight? I can get you food right now if you're really hungry." Abel gripped the leash firmly, he had his own fears about going out with the boys himself…
Occuldous just whimpered softly at him, looking up with big pitiful eyes. I’m sorry we messed up, I’m sorry Master. He sniffled, wanting to talk, to apologize and ask for another chance, but he stayed silent.
"Don't be sad, handsome, I'm so proud of both of you for trying." He gently bumped the boy, trying to cheer him up. "I bet that was pretty scary inside huh?"
He flinched and shook his head, he’d enjoyed it, it felt familiar. But he was so scared now, since the evening had been messed up by their behavior.
"Need help buckling in?" Abel opened the car door gently, helping the boys in the car.
Occuldous shook his head and buckled himself in with trembling hands. He tried to keep his breathing calm, and look relaxed, not wanting to stress Abel, but it was hard.
"You're doing amazing handsome." Abel started the car and soon they were on the road. The restaurant was luckily not far, one of the benefits of being in the city.
Occuldous managed to contain his panic until they got home. He waited until Abel was inside and settled in the living room before retrieving the wooden cooking spoon from the kitchen and offering it to Abel, hoping that by asking for punishment and acknowledging his mistake, he could avoid harsher punishment.
"Occuldous…." Abel started, but Occie looked up at him with pitifully hopeful eyes. Please? Y-you need to make me b-better. Please? I-i’m sorry, I-I’ll do better. I-i’m sorry, please, don’t be mad at Arron, I-I’ll take it, i-i should’ve been able to calm him.
"Occuldous, starlight, you don't need to be punished." He gently took the spoon away from the Starwitch and put it down on the table.
Occuldous whimpered at him. But we were bad, we didn’t listen… we made you have to leave… He offered him the spoon again and turned around, his arms crossed over his chest, a hand on each shoulder like he’d been trained.
"No, I'm not punishing you. You weren't bad.” Abel tried to assure the boy.
Occuldous turned back around and hesitantly leaned his head on Abel, whining softly. He didn’t understand. He’d been bad, he’d been bad and he should be punished for it, why wouldn’t Abel punish him? He fretted. Maybe a spanking was too light of a punishment, maybe Abel thought he needed more. He swallowed nervously, Abel had said not to do this, but Occie wanted to prove he knew he deserved punishment, he wasn’t trying to get out of it.
He placed his hand over a scar on his side, from one of the times the razor-tipped whip had lashed around and cut deeper that it should’ve, and pushed his magic into it, tearing it open again. He gasped softly, looking up at Abel searchingly, his dark eyes filled with panicked hope, a dark patch of blood blossoming on his shirt. I’m sorry, I-I know I-I b-broke a rule, b-but I-I… I-I didn’t want to d-drown! S-see? N-now y-you don’t have to punish me, y-you d-don’t have to do anything, I-I did it, ar-ren’t I-I a-aa g-g-go-od-d boy? He was shaking now, a little blood trickling from his nose that he quickly wiped away. He was twitching almost convulsively, his magic almost spent and his fear through the roof. A-a-am i-i-i a g-g-good-d-d b-b-boy? I-i-i t-try.. I-I-I w-want t-t-t-t-to b-be good.
A fury like no other rose in Abel's eyes, he'd never seen it before, and it was far more terrifying than he could imagine. He felt himself being grabbed by the wrist and drug back to the bedroom. Master was very very mad now, he didn't have permission to do that. He was bad, very very bad.
The soft duvet was the first thing he felt when he was practically thrown onto the bed from the doorway, and the angel stomped over like an angry giant. "How dare you Occuldous, how dare you hurt yourself like that!" Abel was furious, he was so scary, as his wings and halo appeared just as fiery as the glimmer in the angel's eyes.
Occuldous sobbed pitifully, curling up as small as he could on the bed, covering his head with his arms. I-I’m sorry, I-I’m sorry, i-I’m sorry. Master was furious, he was sure to be beaten and drowned now. I-I-I w-wanted t-to h-help! I’m sorry I’m sorry.
The angel loomed over the boy as he roughly grabbed his chin, the heat from his body almost hot enough to burn. "I want you to tell me, now, why you would do something so stupid!"
Occuldous whined, flinching away from the uncomfortable heat, he couldn’t make himself talk, he couldn’t force the right words out past the knot of fear in his throat as he looked up at the fuming angel. “S-sorry.” He managed to whisper breathily, almost wetting himself from the terror of being made to speak. “S-sorry m-Master.”
Abel's face softened slightly, and so did his grip. "Starlight, I don't want you to hurt yourself like that, it's wrong, very very wrong." He moved the hand from his chin to his cheek, cupping it gently. "You are worth so much more to me than a pet. I don't punish you for something as simple as being uncomfortable at dinner, or for talking, or not talking, or wanting food, I'm not like that."
Occuldous whimpered, still shaking, blood trickling from his nose, but it seemed the fury had passed and he was unharmed. He cautiously leaned into Abel’s hand, knowing he hadn’t earned being pet, but desiring it still. He didn’t understand why the angel didn’t punish him like his old masters, he didn’t understand why the angel hadn’t taken his fury out on him like Hugo, but he was grateful he hadn’t. His magic was spent and he was so weak.
"I do, however, punish you for self-harm." Abel frowned, he didn't like to do this to Occuldous, but he needed to learn not to do it, especially since this was his second time. "You're not leaving this room until tomorrow night."
Occuldous nodded obediently, some part of him was glad for the familiarity of punishment. Thank you Master, I-I’ll be good, I’ll be good. He forced himself to stay upright but slowly found himself leaning into Abel’s hand more and more.
"Good, but I want you to go get the medkit."
He roused himself and stumbled to the bathroom for the kit, forgetting what he was sent for when he arrived and returning with a toothbrush. He stared at it for a long minute, trying to process why he had grabbed it before handing it to Abel with a confused look on his face. What- what was I supposed to do? He couldn’t remember, his mind felt like he was lagging a few minutes behind his body. There was a faint roaring in his ears, like a distant train, slowly approaching.
"Occuldous, medkit I said, not toothbrush."
Occuldous blinked, taking another long moment to process what a medkit even was, before going back to the bathroom, this time returning halfway with the correct object before collapsing down on the floor and curling up to sleep.
Soon, Occuldous woke back up in bed, weaker than he felt, and with a splitting headache. He rolled over, he didn't wanna get up, he didn't wanna look master in the eye, he was still very bad. He’d fallen asleep without finishing what master had told him to do, and he felt awful and ashamed. He closed his eyes again and curled up smaller. He needed to recharge his magic.
The door opened, and a soft patter on the carpet was heard. The familiar feeling of a warm hand in his, Arron.
"Hey…. Master told me about last night."
He whimpered softly at him, letting his hand rest in Arron’s. Sorry. I made master upset...
"P-please don't hurt yourself Occie, I don't wanna lose you." Arron squeezed his hand tightly. "Please don't… for me?"
He rolled over to lay his head on Arron’s chest. If you behaved-. Occuldous shook his head, it wasn’t Arron’s fault. He was glad Arron could hear his thoughts, his magic was too weak to even push a thought to him if he tried.
".......are you mad at me?"
Occuldous hesitated then shook his head again.
"Well, I'm sorry if you are." Arron climbed in bed and laid next to the boy. "I can keep you company if you want."
Occuldous nodded, snuggling up against the warm demon. He was so cold, so very cold.
Peaceful silence for a bit, then a knock on the bedroom door.
Occuldous had drifted off to sleep then sat bolt upright when he heard the door, keening sharply.
"Can I come in starlight?" Abel said softly. "You don't have to let me."
Occuldous nodded, trying to get up to open the door. Still, his body was so weak, and he could barely stumble off of the mattress before falling to his knees in front of the door. Just in time for it to open. He whimpered, trying to stand back up, remembering that Abel didn’t like when he knelt in front of him.
"Occie, you shouldn't be out of bed." Abel knelt down in front of the boy. "Do you think you could eat breakfast?"
Occuldous still tried to stand and manage to sit up and nodded slowly, his body swaying in exhaustion. “Yes.” He signed, pitching forward, barely balancing himself before he fell on Abel.
"Woah there, how much magic did you use yesterday?" The angel gently lifted him up off the ground and held him tightly. "You must be tired still huh?"
He nodded, leaning against Abel. He was so tired, and cold, Abel was warm and it felt good to be in his strong arms, and they were still close enough to the ground that he felt safe. Being tossed across the room yesterday only increased his fear of being thrown, even though he had landed safely on the bed.
"Then I think its back to bed little one." Abel gently carried him to the mattress. "I'll bring you breakfast after your nap."
He whimpered softly. He was hungry, he needed to eat and to get out under the stars. He needed to recharge both his magic and his body.
"Occuldous, I'm still not happy with you after last night. If you're really good for me today then I'll let you and Arron sleep on the roof tonight. Is that fair?"
He nodded eagerly. Please?
"Then do what I asked Occuldous."
“Yes.” He signed and curled up under the blankets, closing his eyes to sleep.
The day went by very slowly, almost agonizingly slowly. Abel came in to feed him brunch, and snacks after a bit, but he still wasn't allowed out until just after 8.
Occuldous felt a little better after eating and he waited patiently to be allowed outside. He’d gone far longer without food or starlight before, but that didn’t mean he wanted to. Soon, the angel came back in, carrying pillows and blankets for outside, and Occuldous sat up, eager and curious.
"Its 8 o'clock starlight. Ready for bed?"
He nodded, carefully climbing out of bed and going to Abel’s side, who tilted his chin up with a soft hand.
"Occie, do you know why you had to stay in your room?"
He nodded and pointed at the neatly bandaged cut on his side. He looked up at Abel with big worried eyes.
"That's right, and do you think you learned your lesson bud?"
He nodded quickly, almost dizzying himself, and the angel embraced him tightly. "I love you Occuldous, you mean the world to me. I'm so so sorry for losing my temper, you didn't deserve that."
He leaned into his arms. It’s ok, I was bad.
"Arron has a surprise on the roof for you little one."
He looked up excitedly. Can i go see it now?
"Come on handsome, let's go."
Occuldous followed him, still a little lightheaded, but eager. He was gently helped up the stairs to the roof, where Arron was waiting on the bed piled with blankets.
Occuldous dove onto the large mass of softness, giggling with excitement as Arron sat beside him.
"Yay! You're here!" Arron smiled as Abel was seen going back down to the apartment
Occuldous grinned and hugged him tightly. Arron! He took a deep breath and turned his face towards the sky, his freckles glowing with starlight. “The Perseids are tonight!!” Occuldous was almost high with the amount of magic he was absorbing from the approaching meteor shower.
"Perseids?" Arron tilted his head, but looked up as the stars glowed brighter and brighter.
Occuldous pointed up at the shooting stars streaking across the sky. His eyes sparkled and danced in excitement.
"Woah! That's so cool!" The demon smiled, pulling the Starwitch close to him as they laid down and watched the sky light up.
Occuldous sighed, his face glowing still, his eyes closed. He was quivering with excess energy after an hour or two, the power overwhelming everything, making his feelings stronger. He pressed against Arron, mumbling softly, kissing and nibbling his neck a little.
"Hehe, stoooop Occieee," Arron giggled, it felt funny and tickled a bit.
Occuldous nuzzled him gently, nudging loving thoughts across his mind.
Occuldous sighed, his body ached but it a good way, like a runner’s high. He squeezed Arron’s hand tightly, staring up at the shooting stars.
"That...felt really good." Arron felt so relaxed, more than he could even think was possible.
Occuldous nodded in agreement, leaning his head on Arron’s, bumping their horns together. “It was the best.” It took almost no effort for Occuldous to push his thoughts towards Arron, as he laid partly on his chest.
They soon fell asleep together, nothing could ruin tonight.
(Tagging @quirkykayleetam @whumping-every-day @whumptywhumpdump @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @haro-whumps @imagination1reality0 @0idril0 @voidwhump @whump-my-dude @pumpkin-spice-whump-latte @painisneat )
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