#but the main purposes are organization and blacklisting like ive stated multiple times
dyketubbo · 2 years
But since you stated that you don't care if you bother Dream fans, why should they care not to bother you if you're posting anti-Dream stuff in the main tag? And it seems contradictory to say you're not seeking fans when you also said "so i can try to get fans to open up their goddamn eyes" I mean which is it. Just admit you main tag on purpose to be a little antagonistic. It's not a crime. And just the same as being able to block you, you can turn your anon inbox off.
whats your problem 😭 chill out shit isnt that deep. like i said i mean what i say. i still mean what i say. thats all there is to it, it seems like you just have a problem learning how to leave people alone. again, not surprising since it seems clear that youre likely a dream fan at this point
also on the anon point: it is My Blog. its Your responsibility to curate your experience and block blogs you dont like, just as ill try to block you through the other ask you sent and hope tumblr works. its really easy to not send an ask just so you can be a dick behind a gray circle with sunglasses. ive personally never done it, surely you can figure it out. tata
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