#i dont have a name for the nudibranch yet
webcxre · 3 months
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various doodles from the past few days
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dustyhyena · 4 years
“i love them sm and will talk about them forever if enabled” this is me enabling u to talk about your agents 👁👁
AHHHH no duuude youre gonna open pandora’s box bro!!!!!!
OK NO BUT FR... thank u for enabling me im about to infodump 
i dont know exactly what to say abt them but i will drop some random facts about them!
august (agent 3, she/they)-
- tries really hard to be the edgy loner type but is one of the biggest nerds out there. she’s still reserved but will geek out about old video games
- on top of that she’s really good at math somehow? was an honors student and juggling agent duties on top of that was nightmarish so she had to take a break. it led to some issues...
- theyre a firefly squid! the spots on their tentacles glow brighter than most inklings and also glow depending on the intensity of their mood
- they make music sometimes and has tried to keep it a secret from everyone but unfortunately for them, riptide is a nosy little shit and found out
- speaking of riptide, she and august met earlier on and riptide didnt know that august was a secret agent until after the events of kamabo!
- her default ink color used to be more of a blood-orange to fit her name
- she ventures back down to kamabo a lot to find a bunch of lost trinkets. she’s a little interested in archeology. (by archeology i mean a bunch of ancient human relics like old recovered music and technology)
- her favorite game is earthbound im not projecting im not projec
- between her and riptide she’s supposed to be the sensible one but she’s literally dumbass #2
riptide (agent 4, she/her)-
- doubles as my inksona (which im debating on changing, but i project onto her the most)! shes dumbass and im dumbass
- has a little brother named calder who she teaches how to skate. insists that he call her “cousin/instructor throckmorton” during their lessons
- she’s the kind of squid that needs people but is also afraid of people at the same time? if that makes sense.
- she’s actually pretty self concious about herself and her skills but tries not to think abt it too much
- her favorite color used to be orange! her tentacles were orange and a lot longer when she was a kid
- SHE LOVES FROGS. frogs are her favorite animal and holding one brings her instant serotonin. (when august found out about this she immedaitely showed her mother 3 and riptide lost her MIND)
- she has a pet nudibranch who she and her brother named “nacho” from a young age (i like to think in this universe, nudibranches/sea slugs function the same as dogs) and this is what nacho looks like
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jay (agent 8, she/her)
- her personality is kind of a work in progress bc theres a lot i want her to be but shes usually the soft-spoken type (unless something gets her excited)
- SHE LOVES BIRDS. birds are how she chose her name! she just enjoys all the different calls and colors they all have, and how they were able to survive the rising sea levels.
- she’s a mix between the pacific reef octopus and the mimic octopus! she uses her pacific reef abilities to sometimes camoflauge with her surroundings when she feels really threatened. she has the lines on her tentacles a mimic octopus does but its mostly just for show. the most she can do is create a faux inkling mask (like the line that inklings have on the bridge of their noses)
- and by that extension SHE LOVES ANIMALS. jay’s usually the sensible and level-headed type, but that flies out of the window whenever she sees a cute sea bunny or bird.
- if you give her some sort of task, jay’s the kind of octoling who won’t stop until she’s sure it’s completed. she’ll overwork herself if given the chance
- i love the idea of her actually getting really into warrior cats and august (who used to be really into it when they were a little kid) is trying everything in their power not to look like a nerd in front of their crush so jay’s like “hey have you heard about this book?” and august is just like “whos bramblestar haha that’s a dumb name for a leader” completely unprompted
shep (agent 8... 2! (also jokingly called agent 9), he/him)
- he’s the oldest of the agents and is somehow the most AND least responsible
- he’s a dumbo octoling! his ears are just a little floppier and are more sensitive to sound.
- i havent shown him here yet, which is a crime, but he’s the most charismatic and outgoing of all three of the agents. sort of the older brother friend-type. he’s very busy though so he’s usually around like 60% of the time. he’s on a team!
- he can be a little overbearing at times but he’ll back off when you tell him to!
- absolutely curious about EVERYTHING
- he got his left arm fucked up from a sanitization incident down in kamabo. it didn’t affect him too bad but it made it so he couldn’t participate in any of the tests since the sanitized ink would mix with his own. he had to rely on jay down there and it led to a lot of conflict.
- but the second he was able to (and when the sanitized ink was no longer in his system), he went ALL OUT on turf and ranked. he managed to save up enough money so he and jay could get their own place as sort of a way to pay her back for getting everyone out of kamabo by herself essentially
- he works part time in a music store and from that he realized my fucking god he loves music. and parties! if you ask him to throw a party, he Will.
in conclusion:
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secretsucrit · 4 years
Your redesigns are SO COOL! Do you have any OCs? I'd love to see some of those if you do! Sorry if thats a weird question or anything, I'm just a big fan of those designs and so I bet your original characters are cool as fuck too!!
i do!! i dont post abt them too much so ive never actually shown them off before so this might end up being a long post lol
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this is plum mascard and retorbra. plum is a fashion designer who lives in paris, and retorbra is her friend and one of her models. retorbra is actually my oldest oc, i made her all the way back in my sophomore year of highschool (which was... 2013. jesus christ)plum is in her 30s, and she has a girlfriend who i cant find my ref of right now :( shes from egpyt and shes in paris training to become a pastry chef (im really gonna have to find her ref again) retorbra also has a robot girlfriend named anaheim whos into boxing who i also cant find the ref of because i name my files stuff like “fsgfsddfsg.psd” because i think ahead
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these are characters i made from emoji prompts that i ended up just loving to death. none of them are named (yet) but i adore them.
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these are my two... sonas? yeah ill call them that. first one is just a nebula object head bc im a sucker for object heads, and the other is actually a species im working on thats a mix between a raccoon and a nudibranch. still figuring out a name for that species bc theres no real way to combine ‘raccoon’ and ‘nudibranch’ and make it sound organic.
and as a bonus heres my novakid oc from starbound. i got his name from the in-game randomizer. his name is gun. gun dioxide.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Man i was just thinking again about that idea i had for a cliche gijinka app card game where the gijinkas are all Interesting Bugs instead of weird sexy anime george washington.
I've kinda got quite attatched to my idea for a leech gijinka as a super cuddly white mage who just happens to look emo and scary. And they'd be a great opportunity for nonbinary representation cos in real life leeches don't have binary sexes anyway. But i cant decide between whether i want them to look like a full plague doctor mask thing or a more cliche cutesy nurse but theyre like super tall and look like the monster girl from the ring so they get sad that people always run away before they can help them! So then i was thinking "hey, alternate skins!" Not like in the other games ive played where there's always one canon skin and all the others require hours of grinding and/or real money to buy. But just that there's like three or so randomized versions of the base character with all the same stats but a different costume. Just to spice up the pool of options a bit! Or maybe it could even be more than just the costume and you can get entirely different reinterpretations of that job class? Like the medusa jellyfish could be either a young kid or a grandpa!
Oh and i'm not really sure how to name this or anything? Cos its not really a clear category of animals, its not all insects or all worms or whatever. More like just..all the animals that are unfairly hated but have Cool Biology Facts that i can babble at u to maybe make u like them more. So i dunno.. Pests? Creepy crawlies? Some entirely made up fantasy term for them?
Also i think the setting will definately be jrpg fantasy! Just a world where all these critters are actually funky people on a comedically bad D&D quest. I wonder who the villains could be tho? Maybe theyre gijinkas of more commonly loved cute animals? Or like.. Not gijinkas but monsterfied versions? Hilariously over the top evil fluffums! hamsters are this setting's dragons! And i dunno maybe the ultimate dark lord is a dog with a cat for a royal vizier or something, cos theyre the kings of popularity.
This could also make it actually make sense why the Clione character could be a beserker like in real life! Cos theyre the most un-hated rare sea slug for looking cute, but their actual personality is big scary predator. But in this universe being seen as cute by humans = evil, so the Clione's fighty doom personality would make perfect sense! Im not sure if i should make them like a tormented Shadow esque antihero or a paladin-looking knight who has a dark streak or maybe even a viking? Cos in videogames theyre like the epitome of 'loves fighting but is still a nice hugs guy'. And it'd be neat to have a chubby buff clione instead of the more cliche bishie gijinka. But then i mean theyre literally nicknamed 'sea angels' or 'sea fairies' depending on country so yeah? Oh or maybe that could mean i make them an elf or an angel but theyre still mega buff! Viking guy with lil chibi wings and halo!
Also randomly i think that Slug will be the other nonbinary character along with Leech. Cos well there's a lot of bugs who dont fit the human gender binary but i'd probably be a bit too obnoxious if i had like 90% enbies and noone else. I always think about like 'if this is my first game project i need to go at a small and reasonable pace with all the Big LGBT Feels', yknow? But then every idea i do is always my first game project cos ive never completed any of them yet XD
Anyway i think Slug would be a more fashionable bishie kind of androgenous character, while Leech is a relateable cuddly socially awkward one who wears a mask. But definately also looks stylish in their own way, and i'm sure Slug is always complimenting them and trying to bolster their spirits! Aside from being super fashionable i also think maybe Slug would be a wandering bard? Cos somehow slow animal -> lazy human -> free spirited instead to be less cliche -> bard. Also the whole 'bard rolls to seduce every boss' meme, lol! So Slug is a very nyeheheh tricksy flirty adventuring song person who aint take nobody's shit. Instead of being sleepy they sleep on the concept of low self confidence! Full and powerful pride at all times!!! Goal in life is to be beautiful AF and handsome AF and make everyone swoon at your feet and also recite an epic poetry so cool that your enemies straight up die from the sick burn. Tho i mean i don't think anyone could actually ACHIEVE that, lol! It might be obnoxious if i actually have a character who's basically 'enby people are literally perfect in all ways'. So i just think Slug is a big ol dork who's like the Gaston archetype of the comically overconfident flirt, but like a good and heroic version who actually respects when people say no to their advances. And is also a great BFF to Leech and tries to help them get out of their shell, because well of course Slug is out of theirs XD
Also actually i dunno whether they should all just be named after the animal or have thier own names but the animal is mentioned on their profile as a job class name or something? Cos it might get awkward once we get to more specific obscure bugs with longer names or ones who only really have a scientific genus name. I'd feel like i'd have to make them all wizards cos their names sound like spells! Oh MAYBE THEYRE SPELLS!! Like each character could chant their own scientific name when they use their ultimate attack??
Oh and maybe Slug and Leech could be just based on the species in general but have their alternate costumes themed after more specific rare subspecies? Like Slug could have nudibranch themed costumes cos the vibrant colours would fit such an elegant fashioniste~ And leech could just be an opportunity to talk about how there's subspecies of leech that dont drink blood, though this character is based on the ones that do because otherwise they wouldnt really have a unique job class, lol. Maybe their rarest alt costume is a fashionable orange ensemble that symbolizes both Slug taking them out for a night on the town in their finest to feel more comfortabke in their self confidence, and also just the fact there's an orange tropical leech. Its kinda funny cos there isnt such a huge range of different colours for leeches, its mostly just different barely visible patterns and a spectrum from greenish brown to brownish black, lol. And then suddenly a bunch of wildly different red and orange ones! And nothing in between! Really does seem like a surprise makeover from your bestie, yknow?
Oh and then when i was thinking about other potential relationships between different magic bug people, i thought of Daddy Longlegs! Cos thats a name confusingly given to multiple bugs of wildly different species who're all mistaken for spiders when they really arent. And this mythical nonexistant daddy longlegs spider also has the myth of having 'the strongest poison but its fangs are too short to bite you' which is COMPLETE nonsense based on nothibg cos how would it even survive in the wild if it cant hunt? But its a real cool myth so it could be an awesome excuse to make them have a move that gambles on either an instant kill or a self debuff. ALSO THEY ARE MARRIED
I was thinking they could be a duo of fabulous zorro-looking assassin dudes who were sent to assassinate each other but instead fell in love and quit the business for good. Like 'you made me want to live again, and the only reason i threw my life away on this job was cos i wanted to die'. And to atone for all the bad mercenary stuff theyd done in the past, now theyre robin hood esque mercenaries who take jobs with world-saving hero groups like our protagonists. And they work for free as long as the cause is just! And they wish they could settle down someday and dream about having children of their own, but they feel like they dont deserve it after all that theyve done. They'd be a rare goofy bugmans that actually have a real emotional backstory! So anyway they're fancy fencing guys who're both the same class but maybe slightly different variants with different stat builds or abilities? More specialized and all. Like maybe one is speedy but weaker and one is slower but stronger? Or one relies more on luck based attacks and one is a consistant damage dealer but has a lower max damage cap? Or even one is status effects and one is attack and really even though they have the same job name theyre wildly different interpretations of it. Fitting for the entomology mistake husbands! I want them to be balanced so that they have special bonuses together but are still viable to use separately if your party setup only requires one of them. Also randomly i think their names would be Albedo and Rubedo? I was originally gonna make Rubedo the name of the leech cos i mean alchemy words and plague masks and all. But then it doesnt really SOUND like an alchemy word, it sounds like a fancy handsome dancer name. And then i started thinking about the cute once-sad-now-happy young assassin dads fighting together so well that it looks like one big dance between them, rather than a battle. And i got REAL EMOTIONAL over goddamn bug gijinkas! Man my heart is made of paper and mush!! Oh and maybe they have combo attacks together but also with all of the party members that are younger? Like special dad instinct combo! A built in ability that they automatically shield the kids from enemy attacks. YOU HIRED A MERCENARY BUT YOU RECEIVED A NICE MARRIED COUPLE WHO PROMPTLY ADOPT YOU. Oh and maybe their alternate costumes could just be each other's costumes? Like they'd already be wearing matching red and white versions of the same thing, but then albino dad wears ginger dad's version and vice versa. Or maybe their alt costumes are different complimentary colour pairs like black and gold or blue and pink? And maybe their ultra rare special costume is Big Cute Dorky Argyle Dad Sweaters! It must be capitalized cos it is IMPORTANT!
Oh and then i was also thinking about the idea i had before of bugs with a queen hive structure being like the workers are the common unit and the breeders and queens and such are rarer variants? But the workers are the only ones actually good in a fight, the others are just for collectables sake. Rare but useless, just like how the real queen bee is so big that she cant leave the hive, and never figjts a day in her life unless the kingdom has already fallen. So maybe queen bee is still unlockable as a rare character but she's just a support that makes worker bee stronger? Like you get a lil event of worker's boss coming to honor her with a knighthood for her good service, allowing her to upgrade her job class. Tho i think she still fights with construction work equipment, now its just like a golden jewelled shovel XD
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