#i don't think i could do that on mobile
i just forgot for a sec that ears and earwax is not the same as nostrils and boogers and almost tried to plug one and exhale really hard to get that really annoying bit of earwax out
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eclaire-went-bam · 19 days
would it be weird if i got a cane ?
like ,,, i'm not disabled mobility-wise but i don't really trust my legs to not fuck up. i can hardly use stairs without support, i cant stand still without falling over, my legs often feel like wind & so i often get confused where i am because i don't feel anchored in one spot on the ground & i think a cane would help with some of that ? idk if it'd be weird for me to use a mobility device
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
The Vale army traveling North in TWOW being such a popular theory, to the point where people think it's guaranteed to happen, is crazy to me
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So! I've been working on the My Home(TM) kitchen in Design Home, and I've got it juuuuust about perfect (or as much as it can be within the limited options of design home), but I keep going back and forth on which rug I want. And then I thought, why not ask tumblr? So, behold:
Option 1:
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I've always wanted a yellow kitchen, but there was no option to make the walls yellow in design home, so a nice bright yellow rug seems like a good compromise. However, my yellow/multicolor floral accent chair doesn't shine as well against this background.
Option 2:
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The blue complements the rest of the kitchen well and gives my table and chairs a solid background to pop against. However, I worry it makes the room too dark and the color palette too cool for my goal of a bright, sunshiney kitchen.
Option 3:
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Purple is my favorite color (quelle surprise if you know me at all, lol) and it's a good inbetween tone-wise I think. However, I worry the pattern of this rug is a touch busy.
If you pick the fourth one, you're legally obligated to tell me what rug you're thinking of. Also legal disclaimer that I am not bound by the results of this poll and I'll probably make up my mind on my own eventually, but I'm curious to see how things shake out, and also I lowkey wanted to show off my home designing.
Yeah I'm a gamer (*spends hours playing a home design game on my phone*)
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bylertruther · 11 months
smth abt eddie telling dustin to look after the little sheep -> s5 is going to return to s1 form -> dustin tells mike in s1 that his obliviousness blows his mind -> the whole painting & confession & obvious general fiasco that is willelmike -> dustin's going to have to put on his bob the builder / "the world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes" sherlock holmes hat and get involved
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
Just had the idea of doing a Roxy askblog that's based on it being a secret blog she's not allowed to have and every so often if someone asks her something she just says stuff like "To the Fazspy reading this, I'm not the real Roxy." to try and throw the staff off her trail lmao
Will probably never make a blog like that, but it could be kinda funny. Maybe I bring the idea of an 'ask Roxy anything' game back where I draw the answers for it instead so it's not a whole ass blog dedicated to Roxy being a sneaky lil shit on the internet
#there's several reasons I probably won't do it but it's a fun spin on stuff#roxy exploring the closed off parts of the plex in first person lmao#taking pictures like 'look see? its right there!' and she's pointing at literally nothing because the camera doesn't see what her eyes see#could be funny!#but doing things is... I would say it's improving but not really#it's improving in a maybe it is maybe it isn't sort of way so who knows if I'll ever get to do it anyway#ANYWAY yeah I'll probs not do this. literally no one would interact with it#the people are bored of my plex history stuff anyway so like... yeah it's cool I know when something won't work#an askblog only works if it gets asks and uh yeah the amount of askblogs I've seen die off within a week here because of that is crazy#no thank you to that I think!#I'm not putting the effort into something like that just to have it die so fast#hi if you read this far go find an askblog and pester the shit out of them it's fun#I haven't seen any around for a while but I also can't view half of tumblr on my phone#so it's really fucking hard to see them even if I follow them :(#but yeah if there's any sb askblogs out there or anyone that wants to have a go at it tag me in a post.#I WILL show up to be silly in your inbox though I may not always remember the plot if there is one#again. I can't see half of tumblr on mobile and that includes blogs but I'll do my best man#askblogs are fun! they're goofy and chaotic!#highly recommend!! I haven't ran one in years but they were very fun!!#ANYWAY Roxy just making posts like 'Jerry. Sandy. I know what you two keep doing in the Gator Golf caravan. :)'#just name dropping random plex guests to be like 'I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE' for shits and giggles#'who are they?' 'oh just two morons that dont know I know Everything Ever. Don't worry about it.'#ya know?? fun! goofy shit! could be funny!#random pictures from inside the plex like 'lmao they think I cant see them' and its just a fucking wall like yeah I wonder why#maybe it's the fucking wall in the way who knows? it's a mystery sdfdsf#pop rox talks
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bunn-iiii · 2 months
I know people like to headcanon the killjoy as having certain physical disabilities but like. as a physically disabled person they wouldn't do as well as you think they would out in the zones. I mean some will but like. it's not like you can just go running around in the sand if you're in a lot of pain and I know for sure pain mess aren't a thing in the zones because the only medication is the stuff that makes you basically brainwashed.
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xbuster · 10 months
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glitterduo · 3 months
hey man how are you doing after shelbys vod :(
oohhggg itz rough :(( it's still hard to wrap my head around
( read tags for thoughts & things )
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starslung · 2 months
i wish sonic forces had gone into more detail about what GUN was doing the entire time during eggman's takeover like... were they just rolling over and letting eggman have the run of the world? did they WANT him to take over for their own means ?? were they hunkering down to fight back on their own separate from the resistance? were they working WITH the resistance to help provide resources (like wispons) ?? what was their deal
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simstoyourdismay · 2 months
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i made early chase 😛
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piplupod · 3 months
shoutout to the time i thought juggalos were just a random type of clown in the same way rodeo and pierrot is, and I off-handedly mentioned them in a conversation about clowns to one of my DQ managers when I worked there, and she fucking lost her mind laughing and I was like. damn. I didn't think my joke was THAT funny but okay. and then I never looked up what a juggalo actually was until just last year, like four years after I'd stopped working at that place 🧍
#when u dont have internet access very often u don't use ur small bits of time to look things up#esp when u dont have any unmonitored internet access fjdkdl#i was scared to look things up at school and i couldnt look up very much on the home computer#and my mobile had net nanny installed on it lmfao it was set for like... 12 yr olds#NOW GRANTED. I ACTUALLY DID MANAGE TO BREAK NET NANNY ON MY OWN COMPUTER. u have to move some files around inside the program files#and then u can basically break and un-break it as u please#so i could have it on to keep up the charade that i had it installed and it was monitoring and reporting my good boy usage#but then when i wanted to do stuff like... go on tumblr. or look up slang or whatever fhdkdl i could break the program#until i was done and then fix it so it'd go back to normal#this didnt help v much though bc i couldnt lug my laptop to school v often#and i wasnt allowed internet at home fhfkdl unless I was using my mother's laptop for looking up piano music LOL#eventually i also figured out how to break the program on my phone too but that one was more luck than anything else i think#anyways. all this surveillance made me good with tech stuff but im not Good w tech djdkdl i just know how to look things up#and i learned a bit how the backend of programs work or weird tricks for hidden folders and stuff on laptops#hey why tf am i rambling abt this in the tags fjkdl I've lost the plot#anyways good morning everyone please look up words that u may not know the meaning of before u use them#i do this too often now fhfjld. i have to look up words that i DO 100% know the meaning of just to make sure i dont have it wrong somehow#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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daemonhxckergrrl · 1 year
tfw your gaming desktop has less muscle than a 15w steamdeck ;w; but it still runs good
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stardust-falling · 1 year
Does anyone else here know/play 江南百景图?
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goldiipond · 10 months
so did we find out what the fuck was happening w tublr yesterday or was that just a completely random weird thing that happened
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signs-of-the-moon · 1 year
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#is it mature of me to post negative comments left on my fics? no#is it fun to share the weird/crazy/trolling comments I get? yeah lol#lets unpack whats going on here#so basically this person's sending insults and threats....to get me to leave positive reviews on their ''friend's'' stories#am I understanding that right?#on what planet would this tactic work? other than on like. a kid#also what year is it? who tf uses the word flame anymore? and who tf still calls upon critics united in 2023?#also having my fics posting to a ''flaming community'' is also supposed to be a threat apparently#as if I don't already knowmy writing is dogshit lmao#but like....I'm just gonna delete the comment and move on with my life. that's also an option that I'm def selecting#because none of this matters?#idc if my writing gets trolled#like once or twice I'll share that stuff (like rn) but in the longrun Im not gonna care#Im still gonna write. I write for myself#I share my fics in case anybody would like them (and I have at least 5 fans so that's more than I need to be motivated)#also I could care less if my account or fics get deleted from ff.net because that site is terrible#I haaaaate navigating it both on desktop and on the mobile app#I think it'd actually be doing me a favor if someone deleted all my shit from there lol. one less place to post to#next time somebody wants to threaten me with getting deleted from a platform do it on a more respectable website. like AO3#because this whole thing's just a joke to me#also Im certain the''friend'' is the one sending these anonymous comments to people including me#evidence: their account was made in 2012 (explains the commenter's use of the words flame and critics united)#next piece of evidence: all of the fandoms they write for a spaces for minors#(teen titans. the lion kind/lion guard. wordgirl. littlest pet shop. warriors. etc)#I glanced thru quite a few of these fics for shits and giggles and they're....not good. no details and nothing compelling in them#so the person would probably want to put others down to make them feel superior#especially minors. because they're easy to scare and make feel bad#honestly this whole thing is just dumb and sad#anyways hope you guys get a kick outta this as much as I did#I'm gonna go back to writing now. new Moon High chapter coming out soon!
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