#i don't like adding things to the main post of propaganda asks that's why my response is just <3
You're all forgetting how the entire focus of Death Note is how Light's ideals destroyed him.
He was doomed from the second he picked up the notebook.
He couldn't live knowing he was a simple murderer so he rationalized it by saying he was doing good by cleansing the world.
He martyrized himself so he wouldn't have to face reality.
He went too far so many times and kept going.
I get it I love hating on him too but he's the most doomed by the narrative mf to ever exist
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matan4il · 3 months
That CUPE poster is fake. I don't know why someone would try to frame a Canadian workers union like that, but that is NOT the kind of thing they post, ever. They are in support of minorities and deal with Canadian issues and working conditions, not international conflict. And they would absolutely NEVER make a horrific poster like that. See for yourself: instagram . com/cupeontario/ and instagram . com/cupe_scfp/ and they're on Twitter and stuff too. The pixelatedness of that poster speaks to how fake it is too, none of their other material looks anything like that. And while Fred Hahn has posted/retweeted some stuff about the conflict on his twitter, he has never posted anything inflammatory like that and the reply of his that is in the screenshot is replying to something completely different.
Hi Anon,
I'm gonna reply to you and to the following ask together.
https://www.tumblr.com/matan4il/742531713829404672 This is a faked image; CUPE may have problematic opinions, but it doesn't help anyone to falsify atrocious posters when the reality should be more than enough.
Here's the post in question, showing a poster with the photo of Shani Lock's stripped, raped and murdered body being kidnapped into Gaza. The poster has CUPE's logo, as well as a text that legitimizes the Oct 7 massacre. CUPE, as mentioned above, is a Candian workers union.
Here are the links to the two IG accounts of CUPE from the first ask. To fthe first anon, you're right that the poster in question does not currently appear on either, you're wrong that they don't touch upon international conflict, they def weighed in on this one (more on that later in my reply).
The poster does use the pink filter and the CUPE logo with the right font, but it's true that someone skilled enough with photoshop can fake that. At the same time, if that person was good enough to be able to copy that well CUPE's visuals, I doubt they would be "exposed" through pixelation, so rather than proof of photoshopping, the pixelation seems to be a result of zooming in on the poster to show just a part of Shani's body along with the text. That would make the pic appear pixelated, and then a screenshot was taken that way.
So far, I would say nothing's conclusive one way or another. The poster isn't on the IG accounts, but it could have been there and deleted, or could have been posted on another social media site to begin with, the visuals being the right ones doesn't prove anything, and neither does the pixelation. BUT since I noticed the dialogue about the poster seemed to have taken place on Twitter, I went to have a look there.
I found the post where someone quote retweeted Fred Hahn, asking him about that Oct 7 poster, along with Hahn's reply that CUPE had nothing to do with it, and then he added the false accusation of genocide, telling people to "focus" (because apparently Jewish pain is never the main focus, not even when we talk about the Holocaust, which is the term for the genocide of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis... there's a reason I mention this, I'll get back to it later). I will keep my mouth shut about how many ignorant, antisemitic, anti-Israel tweets I had to see as I was scrolling in order to get to the relevant one, I'll just say that workers unions that want to be safe for Jewish workers as well should do better than that, including when the heads of these unions post on their "personal" accounts (since they're not posting as a private person, they're posting as the head of said union). Here's the exchange, dated Feb 14:
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But the person who challenged Fred Hahn did mention where this poster was supposedly originally shared:
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Apparently, CUPE has local branches, with numbers, and each has their own Twitter account, so I went to CUPE 3906, and went all the way back to their tweets around Oct 7. Needless to say, this official account is full of anti-Israel, antisemitic propaganda, too. Now around the relevant date, what does their timeline look like? There's one last pre-war tweet on Oct 6, a general anti-colonial one re-tweeted on Oct 7 (even though the timing makes the context obvious, the wording doesn't explicitly mention either Israel or Gaza), and then the next, VERY interesting tweet is on Oct 11. Here's the relevant segment (obviously the tweets appear with the latest at the top, older below):
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Here is that Oct 11 tweet, which is a statement made in response to backlash they got for a tweet that they say was "made in solidarity with Palestinians."
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Only the first paragraph is truly relevant, but the last one is also telling. "As the death toll rises," they said, just a day after Israel's counter action started, and while Israel was still counting its dead from the deadliest day in the history of this conflict, and the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Still, the more important part is that if there had been nothing wrong with the tweet they refer to in the 1st paragraph, it should have still been up on their account, but it's not. Something was there and deleted, because there's now NO TWEET between Oct 6 and this statement, that could explain getting backlash... Deleting the tweet indicates they KNOW something was wrong with it, and they no longer wish to be publicly associated with it. But what was it? Have a look at this tweet, replying to CUPE 3906 on Oct 11:
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It explicitly mentions rape. If the above poster was a fake, photoshopped and shared online in February 2024, how did someone posting in October 2023 know to mention rape specifically, and not just CUPE 3906's general justification of the massacre?
I can't prove anything one way or another regarding a deleted tweet, and with the progress of fake images, no one else can either. But I feel like the general progression of events indicates to me that it's more likely the poster is real, CUPE 3906 realized they won't get away with it, deleted it, and then they all closed ranks, claiming the screenshot is fake. Again, whatever they posted in the deleted tweet had to be real bad for even people as one-sided as they are (with all of the anti-Israel and antisemitic stuff they do proudly still have up on their accounts), that they were compelled to delete it. And justifying not just the massacre, but the rape specifically, might just do that.
Now let me get back to the IG accounts that the first ask pointed to, because even though they post less frequently than the multiple Twitter CUPE accounts, they're still very clear regarding this union's bias, and I'll also get back to that Holocaust mention, as promised.
I did not find a single post of solidarity with or compassion for Jews on either IG account following the Hamas massacre. I did find, on the Ontario account (and cross posted to Twitter, too) shared on Oct 10 a post that states they stand with the colonized over the colonizer, while the image (as well as their anti-Israel tweets) makes it clear they're erasing Jewish history and native rights in the Land of Isral and Jerusalem. The image could have been inclusive, show both mosques and the Western Wall, but nope. Jews are excluded from this image of our holy city and historical capital.
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I also found a post about Holocaust Remembrance Day, which presents the Holocaust as including Jews. To make it clear, as someone who works in the field of studying this: "The Holocaust" is a term which is meant to reflect the Nazi intention to fully annihilate the Jews, something that didn't characterize their policy with other minorities. This is why we distinguish the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jews, from the persecution of other minorities by the Nazis. BOTH matter, and we talk about and educate against both, but they do have different characteristics, and so these are events, which are related, but CANNOT be reduced into one framing term. It is so problematic, talking about an event that was specifically about the Jews, as 'including Jews.' But let's say maybe that was ignorance, a lot of people don't get this distinction. CUPE's text doesn't mention antisemitism once, in a post about the most extreme antisemitic event in history, at a time when antisemitism is reaching its peak since WWII. When CUPE posted nothing else about this rise in Jew hatred, this text is just NOT good enough.
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And what makes it even more obvious that CUPE is not treating Jews as it does other minorities, is that the same account DOES include posts that are specific to other communities, and does center the term for their hatred and persecution. They shared a post about a mosque attack that occurred in 2017, and in the text, they don't hesitate standing in solidarity specifically with Muslims, and against Islamophobia. So, to CUPE, 6 murdered Muslims are worthy of centering in the post about them (rightly so), but at least 6 million murdered Jews are not. Worse, the post then goes on to repeat the false claim about a genocide in Gaza. It also mentions the rise in Islamophobia following the war, even though they posted NOTHING, on NONE of the accounts I looked at, which recognizes the much greater rise in antisemitism we've seen over the same period of time, and which was launched by an attack on Jews.
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The bilingual account, which I guess is a national one, didn't even mention Holocaust Remembrance Day. But on the very same date (Jan 27), it did mention the 2017 mosque attack, as well as Islamophobia, anti-Palestinians, but not a word on antisemitism.
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All of this together is so upsetting, shows such a deep lack of concern for the well being of Jews, such a strong bias against the Jewish state and Jewish identity, that I honestly wonder whether that one poster is truly an issue. If it was posted by CUPE 3906, as I tend to believe by all signs I've seen, it seems to be a continuation of everything CUPE is completely unashamed of. And if they didn't share that poster, well... I guess there's a certain amount of poetic justice about being accused of something you didn't do, and no one listening to you protesting against the lie, eh CUPE?
You're welcome to do with this what you will.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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irhabiya · 5 months
Hi! Hope you don't mind me sending this ask. I want to make it clear that I'm 100% anti-Zionist and I'm not trying to make discourse about anyone but something has been bothering me for a while now in this movement and I wanted to get it off my chest and see what you think. I hate how many accounts just post tweets without linking any sources and we're supposed to take them at their word, battling disinformation in a movement isn't only debunking Zionist propaganda but also making sure we don't spread misinformation within our movement too. Like how difficult is it to link to an article? And the amount of scammers and grifters worming their way into anti-Zionist circles is so concerning
yeah that's why maybe you should just fucking listen to palestinians as your main source? jesus fucking christ how many times do we have to go over this
palestinian bloggers on here are diligently adding their sources or posting live updates from palestinians on the ground in gaza, calling out scammers and grifters, making sure they promote organizations that actually reach palestinians or fundraisers from palestinians themselves and y'all will listen to anyone on earth but them.
yes of fucking course it's annoying that people are taking advantage of current events to promote themselves and post nonsense but that would be very easily rectified if you people would listen to the people who are leading the antizionist movement first and foremost, palestinians.
also maybe practice going out of your way to look up stuff every once in a while instead of holding up microphones to palestinians asking them to drop their bibliographies for every single fucking thing.
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thiefbird · 1 month
E, n, u for the letters ask please! 🖖
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Yes, but not recently! These were back in early early high school. I wrote a very short, very bad Draco Malfoy/Apple(as in the fruit) fic once. I hope to god it has been lost to time. I will not tell anyone what my fanfiction dot net username was. I also wrote a Doctor Who/Supernatural/Sherlock/X Files/Star Trek: The Original Series/Warehouse 13/The Yellow Submarine(not Beatles RPF because the only character was Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD aka The Nowhere Man)/Invader Zim crackfic extravaganza in collab with @gabrielnovakgoestomyschool (there may have been another fandom that I forgot). I do not know if it has survived the passage of time. I almost hope it did. They were all in this incredibly Escher-esque grocery store trying to get milk. I guess recently I accidentally wrote "Loghain Mac Tit" instead of "Loghain Mac Tir" when starting a post, took one look at it, and just posted it without further elaboration. I don't know if anyone ELSE thought it was funny, but I definitely did.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Anders - I love an underdog, I love a revolutionary, I love a pathetic tall man who looks like he hasn't slept in a month, I love a man who will make Those Sounds when he kisses me. Also he loves cats and complaining; same, Anders. More seriously, I think he's a deeply misunderstood character by both those around him in canon, by his writing team and Bioware as a whole, and by the general fandom(not any of my beloved mutuals, we are all in the Right About Anders club); despite this, I do think he is a cohesive character. I just don't necessarily think that he is a cohesive character on purpose. I love the implications of his bonding with Justice, and the avenues it opens up for writing. I fully believe that Anders believes that he corrupted Justice into Vengeance, and that Vengeance is a demon; I just don't believe it's true.
Stephen Maturin - Ohhh, Stephen, my beloved. Patrick O'Brian cooked you up in a lab specifically to make me insane (nevermind the fact that I was three years old when he died) - mine is a fated obsession, to the point that I actually had a crazy-dramatic, toxic relationship with an autistic Trinity College naturalist for four and a half years directly out of high school; my brain simply had not fully learned that Stephen Maturin existed (I'd seen the movie once or twice and listened to the soundtrack ad nauseum because of my mother but never payed much attention), and fixated on the next best thing. Here is my Stephen Maturin propaganda: He's a tiny, angry little man who calls animals and friends and his wife alike "honey" and "my dear" and "acushla/a chuisle" (I will never forget the "awwwwwwww" that came from my mouth the one time he called Tom Pullings honey). He calls his best friend "soul" and "joy", and his other best friend "honey-bun". He's an International Super Spy, one of the most effective in the British service, and refuses to be paid for it because he hates tyranny so much (he does not like English colonialism either, but he has decided that England is the best way to beat Napoleon). He's an Irish and Catalan revolutionary (I did say I love a revolutionary), who is somewhat in hiding in the first book because of his associations with The Society of United Irishmen, and therefore connections to the Irish Uprising of 1798. Despite this impressive resume, this man has never met a boat or ship he is not in danger of not falling out of - he has been at sea for the better part of twenty years by the end of the series, and he still must be Carefully Watched to make sure he does not drown, or get soaked through to the skin. He is an acclaimed surgeon, with a miraculous success rate. He is also a renowned natural philosopher who has discovered multiple species, including a giant tortoise. He is the least tidy or fastidious man in all of creation, and is constantly covered in blood and/or winestains and/or crumbs. He pours alcohol over surgical sites not because he knows of germ theory, but because he thinks it'll help with pain. The only non-familial friend he's had longer than Jack Aubrey(who lives longer than the first book. Sorry James, ily) is Adhemar de la Mothe, a known and flamboyantly queer Parisian. He regularly says that he does not see the harm in sodomy so long as no one is harassing the ship's boys, and that anything that adds more love to the world seems a good thing. He loses his mind over a woman, and the more awful she is to him the more he loses it.
Speaking of Diana Villiers - Oh, Diana. I am fully in understanding with Stephen over you. A beautiful, headstrong woman who can ride better than most men, stuck in the most boring atmosphere of Southern England with her aunt and cousins after the death of her husband and her father both made her leave India - I cannot blame her for many of her actions. Diana is a fascinating character, and to me she is proof of Patrick O'Brian's writing ability. Most authors of Men Go To War books don't really seem to know how to write women very well (C.S. Forester I am looking at you. I do not know who Maria is outside of her fawning over Hornblower), but Diana is a fully fledged person from the moment we meet her setting her horse over a gate, despite the fact that we never see any of the events of the twenty books through her eyes. Not only is she a fully realised character, but she is one that shows his understanding of the setting he writes in. Diana Villiers is coping with grief - not only grief for her husband and her father, but for her independence. Her life in India, keeping house for her father from her mid-teens, would have been almost as different as one can imagine from the life of a poor relation take in on charity by a widowed aunt. She feels stifled in the English countryside, forced to play second fiddle to her cousins in order to keep the peace and a roof over her head. I cannot blame her for toying with men's hearts as a source of entertainment. Going into keeping with Canning is Diana's attempt to regain at least some measure of independence, and it is successful, to some extent. She has money, she is back in a country she finds familiar and exciting - but she also has a jealous, suspicious lover who employs their servants as spies to watch her activities, and little company because she is herself a scandal. Stephen's proposal offers her a way out of her situation; it also, to her, seems like a loss of freedom, not only because Stephen loves her, but also because she loves him, and that terrifies her. So she instead runs away with Johnson to America. Johnson, of course, is worse than Canning, and she leaves him temporarily, but then her freedom in England is threatened, again, this time by suspicions of intelligence work (I always wonder just how she got tied up so tightly in Mrs Wogan's subterfuge; did Johnson have something to do with it?), and surprise! Johnson is there to whisk her away from the danger. But he's worse still, and Stephen manages to intervene(yay Stephen) and get her away and back to Europe. This just keeps happening. Diana wants something that is almost entirely impossible for a woman in the period she lives in: liberty. Anything that could interfere with her freedom and independence is avoided at any cost - even her own feelings for Stephen. Especially her feelings for Stephen. She also, to me as someone with BPD/cPTSD now pretty well in remission, reads as a very empathetic and accurate portrayal of someone with BPD/cPTSD. Personally I think Being A Woman In The Late 1700s is enough reason on its own to have it(and we don't know enough of Diana's life before the Peace of Amiens to speculate on other Sources Of Trauma other than the death of her husband and father), but a lot of her hot-and-cold feels so familiar to me. She can be so cruel, and mean it fully in the moment she's saying it, but almost immediately regret her cruelty while still doubling down because she feels she has no other options.
Wow. This got really long. I hope everyone enjoys my Aubreyad Opinions Of The Day
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handern · 5 years
In regards to your post about wanting to tell stories: s'il vous plait, tell us one of the stories you used to tell at the castle! I don't know hardly anything about Arthurian mythology and I always want to learn but it's toooooo complicated looking stuff up online and I love the way you write and tell anecdotes! :) How many knights of the round table were there anyways?
(heavy breathing)
1°) main thing to remember about arthurian legends is that it’s OLD AS BALLS and as it holds many references to celtic mythology and stuff, it probably dates from the celts themselves so contemporary or just a tad earlier (edit : I fucking wrote earlier instead of later lmao ayyye) than Cuchulain and co
every single generation re-told these tales and tried to make them fashionable again, so rather than ask how many knights were there, you have to wonder, who were the oldest characters (Key/Kay, Bedivere and Gawain are amongst the oldest and most well known, Morgan and Guenivere too) the easiest way to know is to look them up on wikipedia, if there’s one or two spellings of their names they’re very recent (late middle ages to renaissance), if there’s 10 different spellings and they have super powers, then they’re old as balls (Merlin Merzhin Menwyr etc… tho Merlin wasn’t part of the table round legends, he was a separate character who was added to the table later on)
SO for instance Gawain or Key change A LOT from a tale to another, bc fashion changed and the author therefore changed their character. Gawain is a solar hero, very close to most Celtic Solar HeroesTM (ie cuchulain or lug), his strength grew w the sun and his horse was magical, therefore he’s obv one of the oldest, and he had veeeeeery “barbaric” ways for a middle age HERO ie : running after all the chicks, drinking a lot and loving food, these are marks of a “pagan” hero rather of a middle ages one
Key, Arthur’s adoptive brother, had a much better role in earlier adaptation, he was a truther even if mean, he always said what he thought and always act as his honor dictated him to, but later in the middle ages they decided they needed a dumbass in the court and even later in one particular version he was even a traitor to Arthur, whereas in all the other ones he’s amongst the most faithful knights, even in contemporary versions where he’s a total fucking idiot w low honor.
I picked Key as an exemple bc he too has powers, which you won’t find in later additions of some knights, he could grow in seize, hold his breath for a fey days (I think it’s 3 days but might be 7 as both numbers are v common to find), he had a case of burning hands and most important, his sword has one of the powers that would later be given to Excalibur : if it cuts someone, that person will bleed to death. (reminds anyone of smth? Lugh’s lance that can never fail to kill? no? ok)
2°) every single auhtor wanted to make it so that “It Happened Near Me”, just like they made it “fashion” for their people, they made it happen near their people, so the debate “where did all these tales happen” is not a real debate, it happened wherever the author wanted it to happen so the people he was talking to would recognize the names and get a familia feel from them
3°) there a HUGE difference between the versions we told at the castle in Brocéliande and the versions the anglo-saxons have. Why? POLITICS.
Athurian legends were used as propaganda made by the Plantagenets to say “hey look, we’re descendants of king Arthur, here’s his family tree and we’re in it!! Look we even have his and Guenivere’s tomb here!!!!!” EXCEPT there was one lil issue in that the Saxons are BIG ENNEMIES of Arthur and co in the legend, so for the anglo-SAXONS it was a bit uh… Problematic. Bc in Brittany we say that Arthur went to Avalon to be healed, that he’s asleep and will come back one day to save us, but in England you can’t really say that he’s going to come back bc like uh, they’re kinda Saxons, that kinda sucks if Arthur will come back to kick their asses esp as the “saxons’ descendants” were still not really too liked in the country, to the point where a lil Arthur who should’ve been king got murdered a bit too quickly bc people started going “he’s our savior and will save us!!“ (I have to RESEARCH that part bc my memory is wonky and I know jack shit about england’s history sorry)
I’M GOING TO STOP THERE bc I could go on for hours, just one last thing about Morgan Le Fey’s character, just like I used to end my storytelling times, she used to be a very powerful fairy, living on the island of Avalon w her 7 sisters, she was not from Arthur’s family at all, she was fair and helped Arthur a few times. But then the middle ages came in, a powerful lady using magic wasn’t too fashionable (A WITCH??? HELPING ARTHUR??? yikes), so they decided to nerf her and then to make her a villain. At first she wasn’t trying to actively kill arthur, she thought she’d be much better than him on the throne. THEN about Mordred, he’s actually the son of her sister Ana or Morgause who married king Loth, it did not became a Big Thing accepted by everyone that Mordred was the son of Arthur and Morgane before the fucking XIXth century yeehaw
Next time I’ll make an essay on the Holy Grail and fucking Galahad bc it’s one of my favorite topics to scream about but this post is already way too long
also to answer your question which I absolutely failed to do : there are 350+ knights named w their coat of arms described in the whole fucking arthurian literature so 12 knights, my ass. It really depends which version you’re reading/ which version inspired most the person you’re reading from
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