#i don't know which is more commonly used so i'll use both lmao
rainbownixie 2 years
tell me more about the ace mike wheeler agenda maybe?
I love this question so much you don't even know!! <3 I literally went running to grab my laptop so I could write this better because I hate explaining stuff through my phone.
I would absolutely love to write a whole essay about Mike being asexual (and grayromantic too, by the way) but I don't want this post to be too long, so that will have to wait for another day! For now, I will just say some of the reasons why I think he is ace!
(By the way, I don't want people telling me that s4 Mike is "too young" to know if he's asexual because most people start partying and making out/being sexually active at 15/16. Friendly reminder that he was kissing El like crazy when he was only 13, so he clearly knows about this stuff)
Does he ever actually shows interest in people? Like- Not even just women, but at all? We see both Dustin and Lucas focus a lot on people's physical appearance and they're both interested in that. They talk a few times about girls (I'll post an essay someday with pictures included, I promise) and both of them are highly interested in Max the moment she appears. Of course, this could also be used as a proof for Mike being gay, but have in mind that both Lucas and Dustin acknowledge the way Steve looks too! So it's not only that they're interested in girls, but they understand the sexappeal Steve has and why he's so popular. Mike, however, not only does he not care about the subject, but instantly hates talking about it.
It's not exactly proof but the way he talks to Nancy about her and Steve being sexually active (that moment in s1 while they're having breakfast and he jokes about it) is so... Asexual of him. Because I know he's only mentioning it because Nancy complained about the way he was eating first, but as far as I remember he jokes in a "disgusted" way more than in a "teasing" way. And I can totally see Mike being uncomfortable around sex conversations.
You could say "he's only a kid!" to justify the way he acts, but let's be honest here: These kids are mature enough. They know stuff. I can totally see Dustin and Lucas talking about crushes and sex like it's a common thing in s1 (they don't know much about it yet, but they're able to discuss stuff. Lmao, I was talking about stuff like this when I was 11 too) and Mike begging for them to change the subject. In fact, Will does the same thing when Joyce tells him that one day he'll fall in love, and the way he says he will never do it is a hint of him being gay. For me, although we don't have really explicit scenes about it, Mike saying the same stuff about sex would totally be because he's asexual.
In s3 he asks Dustin if Suzie is pretty and argues with him about it (just a few seconds I think), but I don't think he's like truly interested in that? Especially when s3 is commonly known as the season where Mike Wheeler is the most repressed. Maybe he asks that, not because he's interested in the way Suzie looks, but because he wants to fit in. Or maybe he just doubts Dustin is dating someone as pretty as Suzie, which is probably the case and has nothing to do about Mike being interested in girls.
I know we all think the scene in s3 where he gets scared because of the lingerie store is a proof of him being gay, but I like to see it as him being scared of the concept of sexuality and sex rather than just girls. Although that could be, too.
As an aroace person who's still fighting repression, I often use sex and romantic stuff to overcompensate for being like this. I don't talk about my actual feelings... I just act. And Mike pretty much does that with El in s3 (most of their relationship being about kissing and making out instead of talking things out). Again, this could be used for gay Mike too, but I think it could easily be both things.
I know they were just kids but when he met El he wasn't interested at all in the way she looked. Dustin and Lucas thought she was a weirdo for looking like that and, although I obviously think they weren't thinking about sexual stuff at that age, I do think they were heavily influenced by society and they already knew the difference between what's supposed to be pretty and sexy and what's supposed to be weird and ugly. They instantly thought El was weird because they were focusing on the way she looked, but Mike didn't care. He just doesn't care.
I would like to make a reference to my favorite book (Loveless by Alice Oseman) and say that, if Mike hadn't met El and had gone to the Snowball dance alone, he just wouldn't have cared about dancing. Dustin immediately went looking for a pretty girl to dance with, but Mike? And I'm not even just speaking about girls here, I just think he wouldn't care and wouldn't know the difference between people's appearances. Just like Georgia from Loveless doesn't know how to choose in the middle of a club full of people because... She just doesn't feel attracted to them.
I just... Don't see it? I can't see Mike feeling sexual attraction, I'm sorry to all of you out there who think otherwise! Everyone has their own opinions! It's really in character for him to be weirded out by sex, I think. I think it fits him to just... Not care about the way people look?
I don't think he's sex repulsed or anything because I do have in mind that he'd be super happy to be intimate with Will! I think he just might be sex neutral and sex-favorable (he doesn't really have an opinion on sex, he just doesn't care and doesn't really like to talk about it but would happily accept being with Will in that way).
The vibes. I know it's not a valid argument but just look at him. Look at him. That guy doesn't feel sexual attraction like- at all.
I would love to say more stuff but I promised myself to not make this too long and save some things for the actual post about it!
By the way, I'd love to hear everyone's opinions on this but I'd like to point out that this is a really important headcanon for me so if you're going to reply with your thoughts: Please be nice and respectful! It's just the way I see Mike's character, you don't have to agree with me!
Thanks again for the question I really love talking about asexual Mike <3
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takutomarukiweek 1 year
um, sorry for the really minor clarification lol..... i'm 100% down on the "contributors do any content with proper tagging" train!!! but is it possible to maybe list the more common spellings for how certain maruki ships are tagged?
this is both as a way for content creators to find *MORE* of what they already like, and for ppl looking elsewhere to easily filter the tag & move on btw. hopefully not a discourse thing at all
it's silly to say, but due to the abundance of names & spellings for joker's character, i kinda have trouble keeping track of every way joker can be named, listed, or tagged in portmanteau (name-smushing) ships 馃槄馃槄馃槄
see: calling him "pego" in pegoryu, but "shu" in shuakeshu, or using "ren" vs "akira" and making double the tags. (also, mixing up which name goes first in the shiptag just adds another layer of confusion lmao).
it's super no big deal if you're not interested!!! really it comes down to listing some tips like using the "takurumi" tag to get more hits, as compared to the less-known "marurumi" tag. contributors can still do what they want tho, like duh
also sorry to put twitter users on blast here lmao, but i'd appreciate if ships weren't tagged using emojis? 馃鈽曪笍 like even if they make sense they're still really hard to filter 馃檹馃檹馃檹
Hey! Don't worry, this is a perfectly alright thing to ask clarification for.
Maybe in the future I'l make a more proper and formal post, but since I don't know all of the possible ships Maruki has, I hope this will be okay for this ask in the mean time!
I do understand that a lot of ships have a lot of name variation and order, hence why I have decided to allow for all the ones you know of, especially those with Maruki has the focus character IE his name is at the beginning of the ship name. But that still means applying proper shipping tags to be used when posting.
So as an example, say for someone like Joker, and you intend on using him as a pairing character for Maruki. This will become the more commonly known "Marushu" tag, or any variation with the name preference (Akira and Ren) for Joker. This also means that tags for ships and pairings have to be in text for better searching and filtering, instead of emojis.
And lastly, regarding how to tag ships and pairings for this event, it is ideal to use the tags that the contributor knows and believes their work fits in! As long as, Maruki is the focus character, then you're good to go. Plus, I'll do my best to reblog works to this blog, so make sure to use the official tag #takutomarukiweek2023 and/or tag this blog to make sure your work can be seen.
Note: Do keep in mind that this is subjective to change as the event goes on, and as I receive feedback and suggestions as to how to improve it.
Thank you for asking this, may the rest of your day go well!
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tbzloonar 2 years
i haven't read any fantasy books help 馃拃 ah, well maybe this might be a good start. my entrances are in july so i have a lot of free time after that skskks btw tysm for wishing me luck ^_^
girl on the train, well, i don't think you can rely on someone else's opinion about it. while this applies for most of the books out there ( yk, 'don't judge a book by it's cover' both literally and metaphorically lmao ) i think it fits girl on the train a tad bit more
i'm avoiding anything that hints towards the story line, but the book relies heavily on plot twists, offering little to no character development, and in turn leaves a bitter taste about the three main leads ( at first it may seem u have more than 3 leads but in the end, it'll be clear ) i found them stereotypical. if you've watched / read enough thrillers, the plot is actually predictable. the 'psychological' part of it is just another commonly used plot device. yk it feels like the author ran out of reasons for why things are happening and stamped a potentially convincing reasoning. ( see, convincing because it is still a good one. just overused )
tldr; i think you have to read to find out. everything i said is my part of the story and my opinion. it's a good book over all, like 6.5/10 ?? 7/10 ?? yeah ?? better than the movie. the writing style is actually very intricate, which is a good thing
AND HELP I RAMBLED IM SORRY 馃檹 i have read a bunch of psychological thrillers so lmk if u need any recs !! and pls if u wish, u can talk about ur other interests, it's rlly fun talking to you ^^
AWW馃挃馃挃馃挃 if you asked anybody that knew me irl a few years ago they'd all tell you they see me mostly reading books and a 90% chance is that book is always a fantasy one. good times. not really actually but i liked when i would just read all the time
i really hate 0 character development as well as a predicted plot, but i do like plot twists so i dont know, might check it out! if i do read it, i'll let you know what i think of it ("yk it feels like the author ran out of reasons for why things are happening and stamped a potentially convincing reasoning" jesus christ gonna need a lot of tea to mentally prepare me for that LMAOO)
no worries for rambling! i really enjoy these long kind of conversations (i enjoy talking to u as well <33) also yes i do need some good recs, im kinda new to the genre and would love to read some of the books that you like
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thebadgerssett 4 years
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I think I鈥檓 gonna just start uploading what I鈥檝e completed for this silly AoT/BNA AU, so I鈥檒l start with these two!
Ended up shippier than what I set out to doodle, but who cares!聽
I originally wanted to upload everything together, but it鈥檚 taking too long for my liking because I got set back with my tablet dying, as well as messing up my wrist/hand. Luckily it鈥檚 almost 100% better after I put myself on some very strict rest, but I still have to go easy.聽
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pillarsalt 2 years
hi sorry I've never been in any radfem spaces and I find some things you talk about difficult to understand. it seems you think that the non binary identity is somehow harmful to women. how so? and what do you think about trans women? would you call yourself a terf? sorry for asking you all these questions, feel free to ignore me. I'm just curious
Hi! First of all, thanks for reaching out. I'd like to start by saying that my beliefs are totally my own and I don't claim to represent what radfems believe in general. Secondly, I had a lot to say, so I'm gonna put this under a cut.
My thing is, I don't believe in gender identity. You could call me a gender atheist. Gender roles exist as expectations imposed on people of either biological sex, male and female. You know the drill: women like makeup and are submissive, men are tough and like trucks, etc etc. I hate that shit. I think any person should be able to act any way, dress any way, do certain activities regardless of their sex (I do often critique aspects of socially imposed femininity like makeup and shaving because I believe it's demeaning and restrictive to women.) The part that people don't like: I don't think that adopting the social roles of the opposite sex make you that sex. There is no thing as brain sex - it's been disproven; and the concept of gender identity has as much weight in reality as any religion (which is to say none.)
SO. To get to your first question: I think nonbinary identities rely on sexist stereotypes of women. Commonly, women start to identify as nonbinary because they don't feel a connection with the gender roles imposed on women and think that they are therefore not women. This is terrible to me! Women can be anything, do anything, look like anyone. Nonbinary identities separate us as a sex class when we could be uplifting and supporting each other as women. What I wish for nonbinary-identified women is that they could get to know and talk to other women so that they can see they are not alone in feeling unrepresented by society's bullshit definition of womanhood. All you have to do to be a woman is be female, the rest of your life is up to you and you only.
On the subject of transwomen: Transwomen are male people who have adopted the gender roles imposed on women. Transwomen of colour and those who work in prostitution do face homophobic violence for rejecting male visual gender roles and deserve shelter, support, and respect (white transwomen are statistically safer from violence than both "cis" women and men.) I think anyone has the right to dress how they want, go by any name they want, and in personal situations I'll use preferred pronouns as a courtesy. That said, they aren't female, and they aren't included in female-only spaces. Female people (women) are oppressed on the basis of our sex and have the right to safe spaces away from males.
I'm not sure where to fit this in but I am against any kind of cosmetic surgery or non-medical hormone treatment. It's completely unethical to fuck with people's healthy bodies for any reason. Discomfort/distress that originates in the brain should be treated in the brain, there are many non-trans-identified dysphoric people who can prove that this works. This goes also for non-gender-related cosmetic surgery as well, tear the cosmetic surgery industry to the ground.
Would I call myself a TERF? Only as a joke! Radical feminism is for all women, only men are excluded. I've seen the term "MERF" (male-exclusionary radical feminist) around, but that's redundant, you could say that just by saying "radical feminist". In any case, I'm new-ish to participating in feminism and not just reading about it, so I'm not even sure I'd call myself a radfem yet. I have a lot more learning to do and women to talk to first. Definitely would say I'm rad-leaning though.
Thanks again for the great questions. I love getting this kind of thing in my inbox instead of "suck dick terf" for once lmao. If you have any more questions or want me to elaborate on something, feel free to send another. You can also DM me - I would never expose someone for their interest in feminism. Have a great day!
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rainbow-dunk 3 years
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the man. the myth. the legend. pig man himself
full build and rambling under the cut!
3 battlemaster fighter/5 juggernaut barbarian
str - 18
dex - 16
con - 16
int - 14
wis - 10
cha - 6
saves: strength, constitution
proficiencies: athletics, perception, survival, intimidation (str), animal handling
tool proficiencies: alchemist's supplies
languages: common, elvish, giant, orc
armour: light, medium, shields
weapons: simple, martial
fighting style: defense
optional class features: primal knowledge
feats: great weapon master, sentinel
speed: 40ft
maneuvers: feinting attack, menacing attack, grappling strike
ahhhhhhhh, technoblade. my beloved. this is the build that started it all. it's changed slightly over time, but the base has stayed the same. iconic.
barbarian was a given from the get-go. originally i chose juggernaut for him, because it's about moving people around the battlefield while staying immovable yourself, and if that isn't skywars/bedwars then i don't know what is. but eventually i decided on zealot. how could i not? blood for the blood god is his catchphrase for a reason. zealot is also about being unkillable, and while this specific build isn't high enough level for rage beyond death, it fits him perfectly. i also added in battlemaster to balance out the unrestrained fighting style of the barbarian class with technique and more in-battle options.
firbolg is one of my favourite dnd races, and it's one of the best suited to techno. a strength/carrying capacity increase? reclusive nature? animalistic traits? i shifted the animal focus from the more cow-styled to pig, but it works. honestly, if i didn't love pig techno so much, he could have ended up as a half orc! strength/constitution, intimidation, tusks... honestly, both races work incredibly well for him. it just so happens that i adore firbolgs. also, firbolgs are tall as FUCK and i just love the idea of techno towering over the rest of sbi at a solid 7'9". he's almost two whole feet taller than phil, it's amazing. firbolgs can also turn invisible! i just have this image of dream vanishing into darkness to try and get a good strike on techno, and techno just dropping a torch to find him, turning invisible himself and hitting dream from behind. i think those two spar a lot. firbolgs' natural magic also includes the disguise self spell, so human technoblade is absolutely a thing in this. just for one-hour periods.
okay, so i haven't really talked about ability scores in the other posts, but i just had to give techno low charisma. he's said it himself - social interactions are his worst situation. he needed something to balance him out and give him a flaw. i also gave him low-ish wisdom because he's not the best at noticing things, especially other people's intentions, and wisdom and charisma are the two abilities most commonly used when resisting charm-style effects. if techno can be forced into killing tubbo, then i feel like he'd absolutely be susceptible to those kind of things.
originally i only gave him the great weapon master feat, but i just had to add sentinel too! i love that feat a lot, and party composition wise, techno plays the role of defender in sbi. adding grappling strike in there too just adds to that. i went with a greatsword as his primary weapon because he mainly uses a sword in canon, and god damn do i love greatswords.
this ramble is alreally really long, but i just love techno a lot! design wise, i originally wanted to go with unarmoured defense and give him a sort of formalwear, but the design i tried ended up too similar to his canon one for my tastes. so i decided to try the big-cloak-and-armour route, and my brother had the brilliant idea of stylising the armour, which led to the eventual bronze half-plate with gold skeleton detailing. it's mostly a human skeleton, but i ended up going with pig bones for the feet area, just to add in the more animalistic style. i adore it so much. also, a tiny detail on the crown is that the red gems? they're shaped like human hearts. i just really like that little detail.
and, finally. the build that could have been. half-orc lycan bloodhunter. i think my build fits him a lot better, but i do really like the idea of techno's lycan form being a huge pigman. if my finalised build is pigman that shapeshifts into human-ish, the bloodhunter build is human-ish that shifts into pigman lmao. maybe i'll make that at some point. it would be fun.
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