#i do love that outfit on her tho it was my fave casual one in the movie
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Just some cute gifs from LES ENNEMIS AMOUREUX (1948)
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hi! i saw your intro post about your favorite characters and wanted to ask; what do you like most about dupli-kate? i found her hard to like after she had sex with rex when he was dating eve, but maybe i didn’t see the more likable or even redeemable traits after that scene. just curious!! :)
[gasps excitedly] oh my goodness i love this questionnn, uhhmm i think purple characters are all really cool. they're easily an instant fave of mines tbh (claire from trollhunters, daphne from scooby-doo, starfire from teen titans, entrapta from spop, amethyst from steven universe, miko from transformers prime, eulalie from nevermore)
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i can't focus on one specific thing that i like about her the most cause she wasn't as exposed to us audience as other side characters were like eve and cecil 😭😭 so uhhhh,,,, i hope you don't mind me dumping all these thoughts on her ahadhsahajshaha
i really liked her in the flaxxans episode!! when robot gave instructions to everyone in the team, he told kate to keep doing what she's doing. i love how it implied she's a competent hero. you'd often see teen heroes be portrayed as too eager and/or too reckless at that age (which isn't a problem, more of an observation), but she's a very focused and efficient in what she does.
also i'm on her side, she didn't do anything wrong on purpose. she seemed genuine when she saw eve look hurt and told her that rex told her that eve was "seeing invincible now" 😭😭 this one was on rex. i firmly believe she wouldn't have had sex with rex if she knew he was still involved with someone, she would have done that wayyy earlier in the show if that wasn't the case (and you see him screw it up too with saying that kate's copy is not even "the real kate" 💀)
and in the battle beast scene, she didn't have moments to really shine there like rex and black samson. but it does show, that along with shrink rae, that when it comes to team fights she acts as a good support :3
spoiler time!! this is about her in the comics, i haven't read it but i got some info about her from my moots <33 this is a pretty mild thing tho, nothing concerning the plot: she's one of the best dressed there hehe. i really like her style so i hope she gets to wear casual outfits in season 2
okay now this is pretty spoiler-y so you can skip this part just in case. if you go back to the episode that showed the mauler twins in their cells, you'll see a guy that has copies of himself in one of the cells. that's multi-paul - and he's kate's twin brother!! she got the trope of "hero character with a villain sibling". even when paul is a villain, they both care a lot about each other. special mention to our local paul ceo: @spellbook-gayboy btw!! kate and paul wrote letters to each other even when they on different teams.
UPDATE: i rewatched s1 and that scene where samson reviewed where they went wrong on their last fight with the lizard league, kate was the one that was openly humble about it. rex complained how overbearing samson is with the ordeal but she didn't turn down samson's points. she's open to criticism and is not afraid to let rex know that he could do better too.
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moontours · 3 years
I feel like you could write an essay on those hellfire looks...please consider, would LOVE to hear any thoughts!!
im so GLAD you asked bc wow do i have thoughts on the looks
to start off with: im glad that emma has three different looks, i expect nothing less from her and my fave of the three is the diamond form gown one and my LEAST favourite look is the fur coat w the x tiddy window like .... why did they do that?? i actually do like her headpiece and shoes for that look though it’s very extravagant and extra and im obsessed with it. as a general thing, i really like the accessories i think theyre really pretty! emma’s second n third looks are better than her first but by far the third one is the prettiest
for jean, im like ... conflicted bc i think it’s actually so beautiful i love her headpiece and her classic colours but i feel like its more of like. a superhero suit rather than an outfit for the gala? like the tight pants make it seem like its just another suit of hers and i really wish the bottom half was a gown bc it would look so pretty. regardless tho, one of the better looks—OBSESSED with the back and i like that its supposed to be reminiscent of the phoenix and i really like her shoes and gloves as well
ORORO MY BELOVED. i think she has the best look of the entire gala and the concept of her having a cloud as her cape is SO cool. the only problem that i have with it is the same issue i have with jean, it looks very much like her superhero suit and the one thing i wanted from this event was that they would Leave those suits behind. regardless though, she looks stunning and i love her accessories for her hair so much
NOW EVERYONE ELSE. the rest of the looks are either eh or misses for me. i think betsy has the ugliest look by far like its very much giving us colonization and i just have to ask... Why? her hair and her outfit and HER MAKEUP look so bad. scott’s look is so bad i just have to laugh tbh like i expected nothing from him i really had a feeling he was going to show up in his superhero suit and like. he pretty much did. he looks so ugly im so sorry to both me and scott stans everywhere. also i hate his visor why is it so massive im crying?? rogue i think looks really pretty! i like the bodysuit but it looks so casual and looks like something someone would do for her as a redesign for her new look, rather than something for a gala. warren is serving hes giving face and outfit and body! i believe rachel and monet’s looks are supposed to pay tribute to those specific eras for them and idk how to feel abt it. very edgy tho. kitty .... she deserves better BUT they did give her curly hair and shes wearing her star of david which are both wins. i hate her outfit though its such a mess it looks like shes wearing two different outfits that got mashed together and i think she has the ugliest shoes by far 
LIKE OKAY i know dauterman made a point of doing Mutant Fashion (more similar to High Fashion) rather than like “human looks” but IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT. i love dauterman’s art and i think his designs are usually great but half of these are very ugly to me 
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lycanhood · 5 years
Supergirl 4x11 “Blood Memory” Liveblog *SPOLIERS*
Um there are SPOILERS ahead, duh
Alright, bring on this Danvers Sisters angst. Not gonna pretend like I’m ready, but go off I guess
Ah yes this hot ass Russian!Kara jumpsuit
The fuck just happened?
Something bad about to happen to these white boys…
They have a song? Why are we just not hearing this?
Fail, James. Not as in sync as you thought, huh
Terminator 2 is Alex’s fave movie hahaha Of course it is
And so the pain begins :(
Haha Kara tossed that fratboy aside like he was a...well a fratboy
But why does Director Danvers gotta be rude tho?
Why would you think things were good, Kara? Why?
The Wizard of Oz. Noted
Who the fuck are you? You got a name?
Someone please make sure Lena isn’t going evil over there
I think, Brainy just classified Fratboys as a subspecies of human
Nia is so casual about being half alien
Whoa! I forgot Kara didn’t know!! Watch the road, girl! We all know you can’t drive
Aw Sleepy!Nia
Fun rage?
Not knowing her sister is Supergirl, must weaken Alex’s confidence somehow. She couldn’t get some info out of those fuckboys, I mean fratboys
It reminds me a bit of Midvale (3x06) when Alex solved her first case and Kara was there to back her up when she got in over her head. I wonder how much confidence that’s always lent her as a cop/agent. Always knowing in the back of her mind that if thing went really wrong Kara could swoop in to save her.
Ellis Grey, is that you?
That’s so many species of Orchids
Am I sensing some sibling rivalry/resentment?
Yikes, Meave is in for a surprise
I like how this inherited dreaming thing completely validates Nia’s gender identity. It’s cool
Smooooth, J’onn. Not suspicious at all.
Keep your voices down! Damn, the door is wide open.
Have you meet Brainy?
He nailed it.
He lived with Mon-El, Alex.
Ellis Grey has chilled out alot.
Rule #1 The Chosen One does not have a choice. That’s kinda the point.
Oh god! This is so sudden!!!! Damn, poor Nia
Her element is Fire? Interesting
I’ve had to watch this actress die too many times
Kara, her mom just died right in front of her! Be more shocked!
Well, that’s terrifying
TELL HER! It’s time
Oh God, Lena is so incredibly adorable! And competitive. And wrong about her and James :( What makes them think they are so incredibly connected and in love? Ugh, I just don’t see it
Will we ever get to see Kara in this penthouse? Even platonically?
It seems like wearing the Children of Liberty masks all the time would be kinda conspicuous
J’onn is so worried about Alex. I love them
Kara is very especially equipped to help Nia with this problem
Whoa! This makeup on these drug-dealers is so so shitty. Wow
Where was Kara hiding that supersuit?
Oh shit! Director Danvers is gonna be pissed!!
Oh god, how long do we have to endure this angst??? Kara’s face! My feelings! THE PAIN
OOOOOOH not she didn’t. FUCK
Fuck fuck fuck fuck :(
Kara, maybe you should tell her…
Teamup time!
James, don’t do anything...compromising. Talk to Lena. You two just made a promise to be honest with one another, dammit.
A costume, tailor-made and ready to go? Sweet!
Movie night with J’onn!! Awww
I still fucking love them. Even with the angst. Besides, this can’t last forever, and when Alex remembers again, the floodgate of feelings is going to be epic
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lyricdissonance · 6 years
odds please! for ask thing
1. How do you define your sexuality?i’m bisexual, i also identify as queer3. At what age did you first suspect that you are sexually attracted to other girls?first started realizing i “like like” girls instead of just “like” at 15 I believe?5. Did you have an “aha I like girls” moment or was it more of a gradual realization?gradual realization, i had a whole lot of female actresses and musicians i really admired and then realized i was also attracted to them. then i kinda brushed that aside for a while, thinking that my celeb crushes didn’t count as real crushes, before i also got crushes on girls i knew irl which made me realize i definitely wasn’t straight7. How did you become comfortable with your sexuality?reading posts by bi bloggers on here helped a whole lot, they made me realize that i didn’t have to fit a narrow definition to be “allowed” to call myself bisexual. and as someone who grew up in a conservative environment, i probably wouldn’t have discovered my sexuality when i did without tumblr since i’d never been told before that it was ok to not be straight, and i thank the internet for showing me there are other ways to live life
9. Who was the first person you came out to? How did they take it?it was by text message to a male friend who was the only other bi person i really knew at the time. he was super supportive and we haven’t talked in a while but i’d love to catch up with him someday11. How out are you?out to friends and two family members, but closeted to most of my family. which means i can be gay on tumblr and twitter but not instagram and facebook. funny how that happens13. Was anyone surprised when you came out or did people seem to already know?a few people have been surprised, but these days when i meet someone new i prefer to casually mention my sexuality rather than do a real “coming out” and i don’t normally get any reaction from that15. How soon after meeting someone do you usually tell them about your sexuality?like the last answer, if i feel like i can trust them i’ll just try to slip it into conversation. i don’t have a timeline for when i do it though, it’s just whenever i feel ok doing it17. Have you ever wished you were completely straight?not so much that as just wishing my sexuality could be not a big deal. i’d love to be out to everyone but i know it would cause problems in a lot of my family relationships19. If you are not a lesbian, about what percentage of the time do you find yourself attracted to other girls?i gave up using percentages a while ago but i’m attracted to men and women about the same amount overall21. How often do you find yourself trying to sneak a peek or stare at a cute girl?only all the time because girls are Too Cute to not do that
23. What is your current relationship status?
single af
25. Do you remember anything about the first time you kissed another girl?i’ve kissed one person and she was nonbinary, we were hanging out in her dorm common room when she went for a kiss on the cheek and i was like “well we might as well do one on the lips too”27. What is your ideal first date?wherever we go i want us to be having fun! i love going out for food or drinks but if we don’t have a connection then it’s just us staring at our plates so there’s always that risk of it being too awkward. i’d love for us to try something new where we can talk and laugh while getting to know each other29. How flirty are you?i’m the certified worst at flirting. i’m trying to be more confident but my idea of flirting right now is staring across the room31 Do you want have children someday?no but i want to volunteer with children someday and do something to help make their lives better33. How often are you asked if you have a boyfriend?not often, i think my family is used to me saying no by now lmao35. Have you ever been on your period the same time as a girlfriend?nope (see above, single af)37. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?nope39. Has a girl ever dumped you for a guy? Have you?nope and nope41. Have you ever had a crush on a straight girl?oh yes43. Would you ever date a trans woman?absolutely45. Where do you think is the best place to meet a potential lover?
a wendy’s parking lot in upstate new york 
somewhere where you can meet people who have a common interest, like a bookstore or a dance class or an lgbt event. but the romantic in me wants to believe that the love of my life could be found anywhere
47. Have you ever cut your hair super short? If not, would you ever want to?have not but would love to! even if i don’t like it i want to be able to say i tried it49. What is your opinion on septum/bull nose piercings?don’t want one for myself, but i think they’re cute51. How muscular are you?not very53. Have you ever been told that you don’t look gay, or that you’re too pretty to be gay?
hasn’t happened to me
55. Do you wear skirts and dresses? If so, how often?i may not consider myself very feminine but i do love how skirts and dresses look on me. so like once or twice a week on average?57. How much jewelry do you typically wear?i go without it a lot but i like wearing a piece of statement jewelry when i think an outfit needs it59. How often do you wear a bra?almost always when i go out, but home is a No Bra Zone61. Have you ever worn a suit?nope but i’d try it!63. Do you carry a purse?yep, i find it convenient to have all my stuff with me65. Have you ever worn any men’s clothing?because of my body shape finding men’s clothes that fit well is Hard but i’ve worn men’s shirts on occasion67. Have you ever shared clothes with a girlfriend?
no but i like this idea so cute girls who are my size please hmu
69. Who is your favorite LGBT celebrity?my faves include freddie mercury, janelle monae, st. vincent, and lady gaga71. Have you ever watched Will & Grace?nope73. How well do you feel LGBT women are portrayed on television?i’d like for us to survive to the end of the show for one thing. and not be overly sexualized. i’m glad that we’re seeing more positive and happy depictions like on b99 but we could always use more75. Do you watch any LGBT YouTubers?tbh i don’t really follow any youtubers77. Do you have a favorite LGBT themed blog or website?i follow a lot of gay blogs on here, too many to choose a favorite. and i really like autostraddle.com79. Have you read any LGBT themed literature? If so, do you have any recommendations?
i really need to start reading more lgbt lit, but shoutout to the misfits by james howe which was the first time i ever encountered gay characters in literature. i think it’s important that that book showed a gay boy who was unashamed about liking feminine things and had friends who supported him. i know my young mind was opened a little after i read it. and now that i’m looking it up again it turns out the author is gay which makes it even better!
81. Boobs or butts?Certified Boob Lover (tm)83. Ellen or Portia?
probs ellen
85. Have you ever been to a gay bar or a gay club?no but there’s a gay club that’s popular w people at my school that is on my list! 87. Do you have any LGBT relatives?my sister, no others that i know of89. How outdoorsy are you?i’m definitely more outdoorsy than i used to be! i’ve learned to enjoy a bit of hiking, kayaking, and exploring but i still don’t do well with heat and bugs lol91. How many rainbow items do you own?one rainbow rubber bracelet, and a couple of bi pride items93. Have you ever participated in the National Day of Silence?no, as far as i know it was never a big thing at my school? i knew one or two people who did it95. Have you ever attended a PFLAG (Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meeting?no, i’m kinda curious about what a meeting would be like tho97. Have you ever been part of a softball team?nope99. Do you play any video games?
well i used to be a hardcore nintendogs player back in the day
101. (on a scale of 1-10, how attractive are...) Women who wear glasses?glasses on girls are GR8 - 10/10103. Women who are covered with piercings?kinda neutral on this, i support women getting the piercings they want but "covered with piercings” isn’t really something i look for in a person - 6/10105. Women with short hair?if you have short hair i am guaranteed gay for you - 10/10107. Tall women (i.e. around 1.83 meters/6 feet or taller)?
*wearing a shirt that says I
109. What does equality mean to you?to me it means i’m treated the same as anyone else and i have all the same opportunites111. Do you eat meat at all?yes113. How do you feel about the terms “woman crush” and “girl crush”?i find them harmful to girls trying to figure out their sexuality bc the implication of a “girl crush” is that all women have crushes on women and that it shouldn’t be taken as serious attraction. that being said i think a not-insignificant amount of women who say stuff like that just haven’t realized yet that they are attracted to women (i was one of them whoops) and i hope we can find ways to talk about the “girl crush” problem that leave room for questioning people to talk about their feelings115. How do you feel when people use the word gay to mean things such as stupid, dumb, boring, or idiotic?i hardly ever hear it anymore but i don’t like it117. What are your views on gender identity and bathroom use?everyone should be able to use the bathroom that they feel safest and most comfortable in, gender neutral bathrooms need to be everywhere, and any lawmakers who want to get in the way of that can fuck outta here119. Have you ever been called a gay slur?nope121. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your sexuality or gender identity? If so, please explain.not like, personally, but the number of people who have said in my presence that they “don’t believe” in bisexuality is Too High123. Americans: How did you feel on June 26, 2015?it was really incredible, i’d been watching as state by state (including my own) had legalized same-sex marriage and suddenly it was all across america. seeing all the love and happiness being poured out on that day was amazing125. Have you ever tried to “pray the gay away”?luckily i’ve never been there, but it breaks my heart to think about people going through that127. What LGBT stereotype do you most disagree with?"bi women are just doing it for male attention” excuse you i’m clearly doing it in the hopes that jenna coleman will fly to the states and elope with me get your facts right129. What advice would you give to a girl who is struggling to figure out her sexuality?
take your time! you don’t have to 100% understand your feelings but please let yourself feel what you feel and remember you are not alone. and i want to be here for questioning girls the same way that other people were there for me when i was questioning so if you need someone to talk to i am always here.
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sans-mots · 7 years
captain america civil war is on netflix, my tummy hurts and it’s my day off so time to watch it for the first time since I saw it in theatres (I hated it that much tbh, still have only seen age of ultron once)
time to see it again
i like how they custom made a fancy red leather star notebook for the winter soldier’s operational codes
two white ladies wearing shades/baseball cap and drinking coffee not ten feet from each other and talking into thin air?? it would have been much more normal to have them be in a conversation, like expat friends meeting up for coffee, then they’d be noticeable but not weird. geez
steve just stole a dudes gas mask that’s hardcore as all hell. aint give a shit rogers
Nat’s stupid fckin flowy hair she would for real just have a pixie cut, or even her short bob from the first avengers if she actually fought like that all the time. wanda’s makes sense because she’s a long range combatant 
ok i get that rumlow’s mad at cap but wouldn’t his real beef be with sam because sam was the one who literally let a building drop on him
sam is literally the only normal acting person with his little drone I love him
i’m really glad that they actually showed human casualities as important and not just being like oops we blew up some random people who don’t matter like in every other action film
ah yes here’s where it turns into another avengers/iron man film and suddenly tony is the main character ( i love u but go back to your own franchise pls)
tony you do realize just because someone goes to mit that doesnt mean you should fund their project (weapons testing is a thing hmmmm)
alfre woodard being in marvel tv+movies a+++
steve looking beautiful and feeling guilty. wanda too. 
uh why is vision dressed like an accountant
rhodey! but also the close up being on him for new york is ambiguous-sad that ppl died or reminded tony almost died?
god zemo. this plot was so fckin convoluted and stupid. 
th fckin sharon carter speech that didnt make any sense to say at a funeral but only served to further plot
nat+steve hugging a+++
sharon and steve are so awkward there is zero chemistry. and what a waste in an overly packed film. like honestly if they had screentested someone who really had chemistry with him it would at least be worth it
sam and steve’s matching baseball caps and aviators. zero percent subtlety
“I don’t do that anymore.” so defeated oh godddddddddddddddd
“it always ends in a fight” fckin hell
bucky using steve’s shield when its still on his arm a++
tchalla’s claws tho. also i wonder if german special forces would be firing on him if they knew he was the king of wakanda lol
so turned on by the motorcycle flip. just as good as I thought it would be
rhodey “Congratulations, cap, you’re a criminal” 
“dude shows up dressed like a cat you don’t want to know more?” yess sam
IT LITERALLY MAKES NO SENSE THAT NAT IS ON THE ACCORDS SIDE AND SO SMUG ABOUT IT “technically [the shield] is the government’s property” fuck that writing
“my name is bucky” <3
zemo’s plan is still way too fckin intricate
tony you literally need a suit to fight don’t fckin try to go toe to toe with the winter soldier
the looooove helicopter (lens flare, biceps)
whats with them and falling into bodies of water.
lets use 12 mins of a captain america movie to introduce spiderman... ughhhhh 
how did tony already have a suit for peter parker without knowing the specifications of his powers?
CLIIIINNNT thank you. 
the “move or you will be moved” lady yesssss
that car is not low profile, it’s old.
ummm isn’t antman a convicted felon? isn’t he supposed to like not leave the country?
ughhh nat would so be on steve’s side i hate this arbitrary assignment of her to the accords side
“barnes is mine” tchalla that’s steve’s line
“I don’t know if you’ve been in a fight before but there’s not usually this much talking” I love you sam wilson
ew vision on his fckin high horse again.
“Arrow guy” “tic tac”
ew the fcking new york talk murder me 
YOU ARE PLAYING HOPEFUL MUSIC WHEN IRON MAN’S TEAM IS WINNING AGAINST CAP’S IN HIS OWN MOVIE AND SAD WHEN CAP WINS??? LIKE I KNOW IT’S ALL MORALLY AMBIGUOUS BUT JESUS this is supposed to be CAPTAIN AMERICA: civil war (just like, a reminder, the avengers is supposed to be about all the avengers, not jsut tony)
also t’challa’s kind of an asshole to clint like damn if you wanna be friends with nat you gotta be friends with clint 
OOOO I forgot about nat letting them get to the quinjet
also why does peter parker not know star wars??? isn’t he a loser who goes to science high school???
okay and the whole rhodey thing??? vision was literally going to drop sam out of the sky which could have also potentially killed him--rhodey just got hit instead. you can be upset about it but it’s literally not sam’s fault for NOT WANTING TO GET BLOWN OUT OF THE SKY. in fact vision should have been the one apologizing but his amygdala is synthetic so waaha wawhaa
literally the only conversation steve and bucky have is in the quinjet for five seconds and they had 12mins of spiderman backstory??? smh
honestly this movie is such a mess. zemo’s plot, the whole winter soldier(s). this should have been an avengers movie(it basically is with a cap subplot) because literally NO ONE’s motivations are clear which makes it way too hard to empathize with either side. 
i wonder if you calculated all the minutes of different people’s screentime what it would be
smh i can’t believe tony fans think it’s reasonable to get mad about steve fans acting pissy about civil war when steve was basically demoted to second lead in his own film. obvs there are some unreasonable steve/bucky peeps out there but the amount of whining tony fans do is kind of ridiculous when tony has literally such an intricately written emotional arc and steve and bucky both have diddly, as I have said before IN THEIR OWN FILM. (bucky is going to be cap one day might i remind y’all)
eww yes dolores. because all steve/bucky stories must be about bucky being a ladies man. not like he had any other defining character traits, that would be like... decent writing.
ah yes the intricate unfolding of zemo’s storyline ughh spare me. 
lol those are the best security cameras ever for roadside 1991
literally zemo just told you “empires that fall from within never rise again” and you think the best decision is to give into his eeeeeevil plan? be mad, don’t be stupid
like tonys known for being a hothead but all this manpain is so gratuitous.
“he killed my mom” tony your weapons have killed hundreds of thousands of innocents and you weren’t brainwashed when you made them. if you hadn’t had multiple chances to repent, where would you be?
“my father made that shield” yeah for steve. it wasn’t a conditional fckin offer
rhodey is literally the best person. Tony Stank
i still can’t believe the fckin straightjacketed and collared wanda it makes me so mad
good thing the end credits are of shadows and rubble cuz THAT’S WHAT THIS MOVIE IS
oh right I TOTALLY FORGOT bucky’s fate is relegated to a end credits scene ebcaues he’s not goddamn important enough it seems
the white outfit tho
“let them try” thank you tchalla for being the only person who listens to reason and actually has defined principles
i really don’t hate tony he literally dominates every film he’s in so this shoudl have been an avengers or iron man film to write such an intense storyline for him. 
they literally don’t let cap emote at all. like if you look at clips of the film its just blue steel all the way--he never gets a chance to break down and be upset. not like tony does.
tony fans need to imagine if steve came into an im4 film and just became the sole focus of the film, how they would feel that their fave character’s film was usurped. 
anyways---in conclusion i still hate this movie. unlike the first two cap movies I can’t separate my critical aspect from it enough to love or even like the film. alas. 
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Question Meme
///Yo I was tagged by both @askmonsterpiece and @askhummingbirdhanako so I’m gonna answer a bunch of stuff rn I guess. 
Post the rules
Answer questions by person that tagged you.
Write 11 questions of your own.
Tag 11 people
Gonna slap this shit under a readmore cuz it’s long. 
askmonsterpiece questions first!
Why did you pick your muse? Well, I’ve been a big fan of OP for nearly a decade and have always related to Nami? That, and she’s cute and my gay ass draws her all the time anyway so might as well have a reason to lmfao.
Do you cosplay? Yes, who? No, do you want to? I do! I’ve been doing casual cosplays for a few years now. I have cosplayed Luffy (well, fem!Luffy), Nami (Enies Lobby arc outfit, featuring @ask-captain-usopp as Sogekingu), aaand Mirai from Kyokai no Kanata. I think I’m probably forgetting one or two cosplays but whatever lmfao... on a slightly more embarrassing note for a few years I used to co-run and work at an annual Maid Cafe event at my college, which is coincidentally how I met @ask-captain-usopp.
Do you like writing as well? Gimme the deets I love to write! I actually minored in writing for my Bachelors. I have plans for a novel buuuut so far all I’ve really done is write short stories and fanfiction lmfao (No One Piece fics yet though.)
If you could swap art styles w/someone who would it be? Oh man, I’m so not used to digital art, it would be rad to swap with @unlucky-marine for a while tho--like pls show me how you draw on your phone, my life would be so much easier Q u Q 
Can you cook/bake? I love to cook and bake! I don’t bake as much as I used to, mostly cooking these past few years. My favorite thing to cook right now is this chicken bacon spinach alfredo recipe I found a few months back--hmu if you want the recipe it’s super easy.
When was the last time you gave yourself a compliment for all the great work you do? I’m the type to regularly give myself a pat on the back for getting stuff done, so yesterday after I did like 3 loads of laundry.  
Do you have any pets? Yes!!!! I have an old man cat named Maximus and a beta named Shouto. Maxy is a shorthair maine coon mix, and Shouto is a red and white fantail. If you ask me for pics I will send you 1 billion.
Would you ever eat chocolate dipped oreos? I’ve tried them before, they’re a bit too much for me haha. 
What’s the dumbest lie you’ve ever told? Uuuuuh in middle school I convinced a small child that was annoying me that I could see what he was doing because all girls had eyes in the back of their head--he believed me. I traumatized a grade schooler that day.
Are you the type to make a funny face back when your friend makes a funny face at you? I am the master at ugly faces. I often make them for no reason what so ever.   
Do you prefer your hair long or short? I like my hair long, but I have chronic migraines and the weight makes it worse--I’ve settled with mid length.
askHummingbirdHanako questions!
What Hogwarts house would you put yourself in? I think the last time I took the sorting hat quiz I went to Hufflepuff, which is fine with me tbh.
Favorite One Piece arc so far (including filler arcs!)? Thriller Bark is my fave!!!! I’m a sucker for anything Halloween themed.
If you could dye your hair any color, what would you choose? I’ve been wanting to go pastel pink for a while, I have a few wigs of that color and they’re super cute.
Fruits or vegetables? Fruit me up bby
Do you collect figurines? If so how many do you have? I do... they’re all OP and they’re mostly various figures of Nami. 
If you could choose to have ANY Devil Fruit power, what one would you want and why? I would love to have Kanjuro’s fruit power--being able to draw things to life would be hilarious and I’d get into so much trouble
Saddest One Piece death to you so far? I mean, nothing can compare to Ace but to be honest I was really concerned that Bon Clay was dead for a while which I simply could not handle.
What would your ideal vacation be? Where at and what would you do? I’d like to go to Iceland or Ireland and just chill out with some nice scenery tbh.
Favorite season of the year? FALL!!!!!!!
What do you think of Halloween? Are you excited for it? BOI. BOOOOOOI. 
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A song that fits your mood right now. ahahahaha lately I’ve just been listening to this
SO--I’m tagging....
(not 11 people because I’m lazy)
@ask-captain-usopp @ask-offduty-borsalino @ask-marine-mitsu and @unlucky-marine
(if you’ve already done this and/or don’t feel like it don’t worry!)
1. How old were you when you really got into One Piece?
2. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
3. What’s your favorite smell?
4. Would you prefer to live in a rural area with lots of trees and few people, or an urban area with few trees and lots of people? 
5. Do you have any weird skills or talents? 
6. When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up? 
7. Name one ridiculous feature your dream home would have.
8. What’s your favorite anime outside of One Piece?
9. Favorite Disney Movie and/or Miyazaki film?
10. Favorite One Piece outfit of all time? 
11. You’ve stumbled upon Franky’s magic money making machine, you now have infinite cash. What are the first 5 things you do?
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fucking-saeyoung · 7 years
RFA+Saeran reacting to MC’s birthday
A/N: Sorry I couldn’t do V (also I'm sorry Jaehee's is short) I have some horrible writers block rn and it’s also 1:30am but happy birthday to my internet mum and one of my fave tumblr accounts Admin 404 on @choisgirls
-The type of person to think homemade gifts are better than store bought
-He tells you he has a Lolol match and is going to be busy all night but hes actually making a bunch of gifts for you
-already used to not getting sleep so he will stay up all night to make sure his gifts are perfect
-is throwing a surprise party
-as for inviting the guests he probably sends out invitations slightly too early
-bby yoosung has a plan no matter how far away your birthday is
-invites all your friends and family (except for that one cousin that hates him)
-bakes a big cake
-stress mode on
-insane mother mode
-he seems like he would be pretty chill about it or freaked out trying to make everything perfect there is no inbetween
-even if he planned months in advance
-if he was going all out he’d take you to a fancy dinner
-but when you wake up in the morning he showers you with kisses and makes you breakfast
-takes you to the store and lets you get whatever you want and will buy it for you
-”should i unleash the beast tonight” ;)
-if he was being casual about it he’d still wake you up with kisses and breakfast
-you guys just chill on the couch cuddling all day
-makes a romantic candlelit dinner
-did someone say birthday selfies
-Sends you birthday memes at 12:00am
-Seven you’re right next to me stop sending memes and let me sleep
-probably more excited about this birthday than you are
-has a whole special day planned
-”and then we’re going to laser tag, then getting pizza, then-”
-it warms your heart knowing how much effort he put into this
-thank you god 707
-lets you drive one of his babies if you want
-gets you a nice ass outfit to wear for all the things you’re going to be doing
-its only him and his MC today
-You wake up to Elizabeth walking on top of you and Jumin isn’t sleeping next to you
-you get out of bed to investigate
-you walk into the living room only to find
-the living room is filled with presents
-literally filled
-Jumin would come up behind you wrap his arms around your waist and kiss your cheek
-”I’ve made you some breakfast” jumin the cook turns all of us on
-”Do you not have enough gifts, i could request some more”
-”Elizabeth even got you some gifts!”
-Y’all go to a fancy restaurant for dinner
-will close the cafe for the day or if shes still working for Jumin she will D E M A N D a day off
-lots of anger in this tiny lady dont TEST HER JUMIN HAN
-She wakes you up with breakfast in bed
-you guys cuddle and watch Zen’s plays or maybe just some random movies off netflix
-hugs, cuddles, you name it Jaehee is willing to do it
-homemade gifts are also her thing
-spends the rest of the day doing whatever you want
-treats you like royalty
-He wakes you up by giving you lots of affection
-Morning birthday sex??
-If not he just wants to stay in bed and cuddle
-Later in the day he takes you to a surprise place
-Your surprise party!!
-Friends, food, family, ice cream, presents
-you’re having a great time
-he proposes to you
-You’re crying, he’s crying, saeyoung is crying, im crying, jesus is crying
-tells you how much he loves you and thanks you for being his
-definitely some birthday sex tonight tho (if you’re asexual some harDCORE CUDDLING IS COMING YOUR WAY)
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tieflingbi · 7 years
I got tagged by @loonyloopy​!! Thank you so much!! :D
What is your favorite scene in MEA?
I really like the scene when you first settle Eos and you see the incoming shuttles who bring all the equipment for the new outpost. It’s a nice feeling of “finally something goes right for once”, haha. I also love everything about Cora’s romance scenes, especially later in the Pathfinder’s quarters when you decide not to sleep with her. 
What is your favorite quest?
Liam’s loyalty mission and whatever the one is called where you try to activate Meridian. It was cool finding out about the origins of the Angara, and Meridian itself is super gorgeous.
What is your favorite weapon?
I love my crafted Viper sniper rifle and I use it almost all the time!! In case of close combat I have my trusty Avenger assault rifle, which is my second fave (I’ve used that one almost exclusively while playing the trilogy and I’m so happy it made a comeback).
What is your favorite armor?
I love the Scavenger Armor because I finally get to wear a scarf playing BroRyder (since Bioware denies me this simple joy with the casual jacket outfit, rude). My absolute fave is the Pathfinder Armor tho, I just love the way it looks. 
What is your favorite power ability?
Incinerate, especially in combination with Shield Drain. Makes the enemy go Ka-boom!
What is your favorite planet?
Voeld and Havarl
What is your favorite addition to MEA that wasn’t in the original trilogy? 
The Jetpack!! The Pyjak!! Crafting!! Also the Nomad and the open world aspect!! And the fact that your crew moves about the Tempest and that they actually have a lot of interactions on the ship.
Who is your favorite non-romanced (one you didn’t romance but could be) character? (can be NPC or squadmate)?
Vetra, Liam, Kesh... I also really like Harry.... and Suvi.... gosh, way too many
Favorite squad/party combo?
I’ve taken only really taken Cora and Vetra along 99% of the time so.... those two. Hands down, haha.
Favorite non-bipedal animal on Andromeda?
Do the Yevara count? I spent way too much time running around that frozen lake on Voeld and following them around below the ice, there’s something mezmerizing and eerily beautiful about them. Like?? I honestly love them and I wish we could have learned more about them. (Like, are they remnant or actual animals?? The angara researchers say they assume they might be remnant but when you follow the poacher they talked about injuring a calf?? Bioware I need answers pls.)
What surprised you most when you first played MEA?
How quickly I got attached to the crew. Also tbh?? How smooth and fast-paced the combat is compared to the trilogy. You can move around more freely and I love it!! 
What is your favorite quote? 
"There's a peace in knowing that,though the universe is beyond your understanding, it doesn't need your understanding to function."
It’s probably the most memorable quote for me, because same?? Jaal says that after learning about the Jaardan.
I tag @spacedivaas​, @weresquirrel​, @thevetranyxs​, @infragalaxia​, @galifreyas​, @commspecialist & @inwersya​ !! I know I just tagged some of you in the other thing as well so really, no pressure :’D
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