#i died a little inside making this
nanairomelette · 2 years
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mfy phnoy done!!!!!
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xiewho · 3 months
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no time to celebrate
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canisalbus · 2 months
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i've returned for 2 seconds to tell you that they're not leaving my head. (sort of unrelated but i've been thinking as well. what if vasco died before machete ? what would go down)
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I am begging gay people to realize that Disco Elysium lacking a canon relationship between Kim and Harry is not a bad thing or something the fandom needs to "make up for". The game would be much worse thematically if the flirting and longing actually went anywhere, the whooleee point is that everyone in Martinaise is sick with nostalgia or half beaten to death by their need to keep hoping for something better.
I find their relationship interesting too but it's infuriating watching people who can't enjoy media without shipping the characters in it try to bring up not having a romance option with Kim as a criticism.
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just-some-brainrot · 1 year
four , dramatically: they called me a fool.
wild, sick of four’s shit: they weren’t wrong
four: i swear to god if this is about the tomato again—
wild: it’s not a fruit!
four: YES IT IS!!
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riickgrimes · 10 months
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Belly and Conrad Icons
85 icons in total (12 individual icons in different colors and textures)
please like or reblog if using
follow the link to view my icons page (x)
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ladynicte · 1 year
I have always imagined that The Lotus Hotel and Casino is like a sacred place of Dyonisus or at least like sponsored and protected by him in some way.
And my personal headcanon is that maybe it was invented for Dyonisus to avoid sending his children to Camp and eventually to Quests and War.
And the eternal party and fun is a sort of worship of Dyonisus that eventually completely warps the mind to those who don't share his bloodline.
(Also, my way of relating this back to Nico, is that I like to think Dyonisus grows to be pretty fond of the Demigods who actually stay at The Casino and can see through the Mist, so Dyonisus already appreciated Nico cuz of all the decades he and Bianca spent at the Casino, even though Nico himself can't quite remember it.)
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cursemewithyourkiss · 5 months
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— Cary Grant and Randolph Scott's Hollywood Story: "Our Souls Did Touch"
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pixlokita · 1 year
-mom showing me how to play her favorite arcade game-
Mom: this is my jam I always won this game-
-immediately loses-
Mom: -cough- why don’t you try it-
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highlifeboat · 6 months
i used to wear my shoes around the house but then i watched a news program on how much dirt and germs you track in the house. so i started leaving my shoes at the door and wear my house slippers.
also shoes on a bed? that's disgusting!! who does that?!?!?
The on the bed I think is mainly a TV trope thing. But it does happen in media and it stresses me out.
I hope it's just a media thing.
If any of you people ever tell me you put shoes on the furniture you're being blocked and reported /hj
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goldyluna · 22 days
I just imagined keiji saying "sara, where the hell have you been loca" and I don't think I will ever recover.
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if yaz hadnt said anything and just let her walk away at the end of 11x1, how long do you think it would have taken 13 to find a new outfit?
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marsbotz · 26 days
i had a dream i had a beautiful loving friendship with gus fring to match the one where i was besties with mike. im so broken take me BACK!!!!!
#i could FIX him#alsooooo jesse was there i think he like. helped save gus at some point idk#i was like god damn best episode EVARRRR. heartbroken#i dont rlly remember the details i kinda slept like shit so im a bit scrambled#but ik we were fucking around w like.. game code? to make a pet shop?#so fucking random#we made a starfish and fucked up dog. there was a pool. a guy tried to kill gus. OH#he got shot and i had to stop him from bleeding out until the ambulance arrived#also he called. and cus they were super busy he was like ‘i can provide information aboyt felonies. also i have been shot in the chest’ LOL#wtf mike got shot in my dream abt him too. why thats so random#there was also a separate dream abt ummm. idk some sort of puzzle thing we had to do as a team…? saul was there. he set a fire as a scheme#but the fire ppl wouldnt come until he said there were ppl inside 😭#idk if i ever talked abt the mike dream here actually.#we were just friends…. besties… and he got SNIPED…….. and i tried to save him but he died#it was so sad the next day i was sad like all morning#feels similar now. miss u gus#^^^ EFFECTS OF ZERO FRIENDS#ummm anyway. more updates#i bought a meta quest like on impulse cus i saw they were cheaper now. the thing fucking sucks but vr is so awesome#ive been mostly playing beat saber cus my room is teeny tiny so i cant rlly safely turn#i started making my own map w a patricia taxxon song. SUPER fun i can see this becoming a new hobby#ive also been fucking around in vrchat a little. that shit is mindblowing#so immersive. its like unbelievable#ive only been playing that solo rn bc im shy and also testinb how well my laptop csn hsndle it LOL….#but its so awesome. i feel like a little kid#i had to get a better headstrap and face pad bc the stock pne is So bad. like i camt wear it for more thsn like 20 mins at a time#so maybe when that comes i will muster up the courage to go into public worlds#best world i have visted so far. udons bird sanctuary. i think irs called#U CAN FEED DUCKSSSSS. WAAAAGHHHH#one day i want to make my own avatar too. im feeling the inspiration
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no-mercy-bby · 4 months
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salehasposts · 4 months
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quirkle2 · 1 year
so like, aw man, this is not what you asked for but AVSNAVDJSVDA so you mentioned a theoretical timeline in which wars does have to go back to his era and has to live on his own in an era that hates him, and I still think abt that sometimes because I’m a sucker for angst. but because I’m an even BIGGER sucker for hurt/comfort, I still hold on in my heart that somehow, SOMEWAY, in that theoretical timeline, legend would not take no for an answer, and— being as stubborn as he is— somehow through magic and the spite and willpower of demanding a happy ending, manage to find wars down the line anyway.
If anyone could do it, it would probably be legend, honestly. Drag chboy back into comfort and safety and the arms of someone who loves him no matter what other people say or do. And honestly, Legend’s earned it. They both have. I know ranch au exists but the idea of both theoretical ends being soft because they just love each other That Much is one that warms me heart.
while it makes me sad that they're not All together, i personally love this idea to bits and i think legend would absolutely be the one to flip off fate and tell it to go fuck itself. the narrative of that is so heartwarming ??
he's done nothing but save the world since he was nine at the request of beings he'll never be able to truly comprehend. he's been beaten and bloodied out of necessity and he's been starved bc nine year olds that come from orchards r not taught how to hunt. the world forced him—a little kid—to destroy himself for it, and he never had any say in the matter. and eventually, he gave up trying to find a hole in the agreement or a promise of freedom between the lines. it's for the safety and security of the kingdom, after all
he never valued himself enough to try harder to escape it. but warriors? he loves wars more than anything. he'd Do anything for the guy. and when legend realizes that wars is prolly gonna get sucked back into his own shitty era, filled with shitty people who routinely bite the hands that feed them, legend felt So much dread at that thought.
warriors deserves better. warriors deserves So much better than that. and thanks to wars, legend now believes that he himself deserves better than this—ripped away from his partner as thanks for keeping humanity alive. he's in a better spot mentally, and now that he truly has smth to fight for that's not just an assigned task by a goddess, he's pretty much unstoppable
it could go two ways—either legend goes to wars' era and lives w him, or he takes wars backs to his own. since wars is in genuine danger of people attacking him in his era, once they have their tearful reunion, they prolly go back to legend's time If they were able. legend might have enough power to make two warps (wow! convenient!)
i rly love the idea of them leaving legend's current house to ravio, and they move to find a bigger space to settle down. they 100% buy a nice home on a more peaceful side of the kingdom and they live in the same space and breathe the same air and they have Never been happier. legend starts a garden and teaches wars how to care for plants n shit. wars becomes an author like he always wanted. they already have enough money to retire cuz bein a hero is a very lucrative business, so their house is Nice and they never go hungry and also they get a dog . i said so.
the end. they live like an old married couple . i Said so
#qktalks#bluesmoth#qpr wars and ledge#also yes the . the story of two people loving each other enough to bridge gaps between WORLDS . i fuckin eat that shit up#they r each others' saviors .#they buy a house together and wake up together and make breakfast togetherand oh m ygod wait h ahang on hang on ohm ygod#the WATERWORKS on display when they reunite ......my god#i kept this reasonably fluffy but i real quick wanna talk abt just how fuckin Miserable wars looks when ledge finally finds him#it's prolly been at least a few weeks ? and in that time wars has slept like a homeless man bc he Is a homeless man#he also hasn't been able to eat a lot ............ he looks a bit rough and maybe a little sickly#he hasn't had any shelter to stay in since everybody drives him away from towns n shit . people hate him now :(#and when legend shows up?#it's not even the relief of like ''oh thank god somebody who can give me basic necessities'' that makes wars break down into sobs#it's the ''ohthank god this entire world Hates me and there's finally somebody who can show me an ounce of love'' that crumbles him#he'sso fucking Starved for it#he went through 20 some years of not getting affection#but he was Used to that back then#now that he's lived it and learned how nice it is ?? he dies a lil bit inside without it#he needs love .............he Needs validation he'sso fucked up and neglected#clings to legend like he's hallucinating and he's gonna disappear if he lets go .............sobs his fucking heart out in relief#legend holds him so fuckin close. so desperately
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