#i decided to redo my design of them and ended up drawing this lmao
kyuziipon · 5 months
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The prettiest sisters in the male idol industry! 🫧🖤
ID: [a digital drawing of Hajime shino and bishoujo-senpai from ensemble stars. Bishoujo-senpai is drawn with light skin, a small androgynous build, long straight blonde hair, and pink eyes. They are slightly taller than Hajime. Both are wearing girly kei outfits, with Hajime in sweet girly and bishoujo-senpai in a more mature French girly. Hajime’s outfit is pale blue, and bishoujo-senpais is in black and white. The background is a faded blue and pink, with barely visible white accents, and behind Hajime is a light pink pair of angel wings and a halo, and behind bishoujo-senpai is a light blue pair of devil horns and a tail.] /End ID
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murmurlilies · 3 months
Less about OCs, but I'm interested to know what your process is like when creating a piece as detailed as that one you posted for Valentine's Day. How do you go about it? And do you happen to do time-lapse videos?
hmm can't say I can give an explanation that's terribly interesting or satisfying lol... I'm almost entirely self-taught, so "process" is a very loose and nebulous concept for me, and it changes from piece to piece. the one common thread among my works is that they all involve obscene amounts of trial and error. I don't have any recent time-lapses because I never think to record them, but if I did you would definitely see how often I feel the need to adjust and redo every little thing.
for the Valentine's Day piece, because it was a "remake" I had the benefit of a much more solid foundation than usual to start out with. however you can still see where I ended up deviating from the sketch phase - most obvious being her pose, the design of her hair, and the details of her sandals. (there were also meant to be candles on the dresser, but I forgot and didn't feel like adding them back in later and so I decided a vague suggestion of candlelight was enough lmao)
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anyways, compared to everything else, sketching and linework are fairly straightforward and come most easily to me. there really isn't much to say, just scribble some messy lines and then whittle away at and draw over them till they magically become less messy!
when it comes to coloring and shading, things get a lot weirder and more complicated. this is where my process tends to vary the most, because it really depends on the mood of the piece. for this one I wanted something dark and seductive, so I covered the whole image in a layer of burgundy red, then painted the "lighting" on top across several Overlay layers. additional shadow details were brushed in on Multiply layers using deep purple instead of straight black, but ultimately I didn't want them to be too dark, as that initial layer of red was meant to serve as the primary "shadow" of the piece.
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this is also usually where I decide which lines I want to "color" with clipping masks, which can either make certain elements pop or feel softer. it sorta brings the whole image together, giving it a much more painterly look overall. from there all that's left is to keep making adjustments and adding little details - the glittery effect on her dress was one of the last things I added, I thought it looked really nice!
...ok now take everything I just said and throw it all in a blender. because even though it might sound fairly orderly, the truth is I'm constantly making changes to all stages of my works, even the earliest ones, all the way to the end. I'll still be making adjustments to the linework and such after I've already put so much effort into the lights and shading! it's not the most efficient way of doing things... but again, trial and error. my perfectionism gets the better of me...
anyways I apologize if NONE of this made any sense, like I said I never had any formal training in art, so I'm not very good at teaching or explaining it!! at the end of the day my process is less about what makes logical sense and more about finding what feels right in a given moment. at the very least I hope it was a fun read lmao 🥳
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laurelnose · 3 years
new year update
- I am, in fact, still alive, I guess. almost surprising, tbh! doing a little better—still not great, but better. it’s cool, I don’t expect miracles from myself.
- thank you everyone for all the well-wishes. i can’t respond to everything individually but i do appreciate all of them and all of you 💛
- i’ve been thinking about if/how I want to start re-engaging with fandom. definitely I want to change some things about the way I do fandom in 2021, as debilitating mood disorder aside, I’m pretty dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. just for one, my audience is larger than i ever expected it to get and i need to re-evaluate some stuff.
- @eskelchopchop​ tagged me in that 5-favorite-things-you-created-in-2020 thing, & I thought yeah, it’s probably a good idea to take some time to meditate a bit on the things I managed to create this year. made me realize I did make a fair amount of stuff I forgot about and that was nice to remember! so, thanks for the tag, i appreciate it. cutting for length!
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
so…we’re going to do this two different ways. here’s the self-promotion the challenge was asking for: my top five favorite fanworks I posted this year, no particular order.
On Monsters as Invasive Species: this meta essay was a response to a tumblr ask, but it was so goddamn long and at the time I did not want to post anything to tumblr, so I tidied it up for AO3, which also let me do real footnotes!! anyways it’s about monsters, invasive species, and extinction events, and i’m very pleased with how it came out. my thoughts on the topic were super knotty and I wasn’t even sure what conclusion I would end up coming to when I started trying to formulate my response to this question, so ironing all my drafts out into something coherent took some effort, but it was worth it. (& yeah i’ll still probably post the actual ask response here at some point.)
Medieval clothing studies, ft. Yennefer: just really pleased with the hatching on these! I’m trying to get more adventurous with my use of black in my inking, usually to mixed success, and I love how these ended up turning out. plus, the whole process of doing the studies was a lot of fun. also pretty proud of the matching Lambert set but that doesn’t exist on the internet lmao
The library catalogue at Kaer Morhen: extremely niche & self-indulgent oc content with some of the cuter baby geralts I’ve ever done? yes. i am still unsure if this qualifies as a “joke,” but it’s hilarious to me. plus, the number of people not in witcher fandom who said they reblogged it solely for the accurate depiction of libraries was very flattering.
baby eskeralt tackles: this was one of seventeen art prompts I did over the course of three days, which I feel was a pretty heroic drawing effort!! bit of a toss-up between this one and the eskeralt kiss for which one is my favorite, but this one turned out exactly like I wanted it to and I really love the movement and expression I achieved with it. (it just so happens the kiss is reversed in my notebooks: on paper, eskel’s on the right, and I was halfway through when I decided I wanted their scars visible and opted to flip the art in post rather than redo my entire sketch, so the baby witcher piece has a bit of an edge for actually looking the way it does in real life.)
rotfiend reproduction: this isn’t exactly meta so much as just a goofy headcanon post, but it’s a thing I created and fuck, I just love this headcanon a lot, okay, it’s so bonkers off-the-wall and yet also reasonably canon-based, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to top “rotfiend sex requires explosions.” legitimately my monster bio peaked early with this one
and for the second way: thinking about everything I created this year, I realized that while the challenge specifically asks for links, many of my favorites never made it onto the internet. so I’m just going to mention those briefly because they were my actual top five!
Sigurður Hjartarson (+ cover art)
the character design bible I did for Gill
City of Animal Electricity
The Obsidian Star
Open Hand or Closed Fist
if you made it all the way down here, thanks for reading. i have no idea which of my mutuals have or haven’t done this at this point so i’m just going to tag @she-who-drank-vodka-with-cats​ and @kerasines/@witcherrarepair and if anyone else would like to do it, feel free to say I tagged you, and may the new year be good to you 💛
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honeypiehotchner · 6 years
the right someone -- part four
Words: 2,626 (why is this one so short??? Sorry babes!!)
Summary: LOL DRAMA
Warnings: angst...I promise I’ll fix it
"What is up Atlanta! Have you guys been havin' a good time?" Screams follow Richard's exclamation as Rob works to get his mic stand back to his height. "Alright, well we've got more fun for you today. But first, there's some rules and regulations."
The fans cheer as the impromptu convention song, "Rules and Regulations," begins to play. Rob glances down to the front row briefly, but regrets doing so the moment he does. He only sees Kassie and Samantha, and your purse isn't even in the empty seat. Looks like you're not coming today.
Rob tries not to be disappointed, and changes his attitude rather quickly, turning toward Rich and smiling brightly as the song continues.
Richard notices the small bump in Rob's mood but doesn't mention it. He decides to leave it alone for now, and possibly for the whole day. They've got a lot going on today and Richard doesn't want to upset Rob even more by asking about you.
Back at home, you're grumbling under your breath with your phone up to your ear. You had gotten up this morning and planned to go with Kassie and Samantha, but you ended up getting called into work. One of the theatre companies you work for needed a sketch for a poster today, like the assholes they are, and the head coordinator of the company decided to call you to discuss designs.
You reluctantly picked up the phone, having to apologize to Kassie and Samantha about not being able to go. Thankfully they said they would say hi to Rob for you, and explain everything.
You're hoping to have this stupid sketch done by around noon or so, so then you can drive your car over to the convention. You're still wearing your wristband and everything, so you can get in, it's just a matter of getting away from work.
"Alright, so you want the outline, with the lettering in the middle and--"
"Yes, but--"
You pause and sigh, switching the call to speaker-phone and setting it on the table in front of your sketchbook. You then listen to the long, drawn out explanation of how they want the drawing to look for the billionth time this morning.
You really need coffee if you're going to have to deal with this all day.
After the five-minute-long explanation ends, you can breathe without wanting to growl.
"Okay, I will sketch these up and scan them over to you in a couple hours."
The conversation ends shortly after that, and you resist the urge to throw your phone at the wall.
You grab your eraser and redo the letter you just drew, this time doing it much lighter. Your anger got the best of you a second ago and the letter turned out much darker than the rest.
Your phone buzzes.
>Kas: Rob really misses you :(
You smile sadly, texting her back.
>Have you been able to get ahold of him?? I don't want him to think I didn't want to come ugh
You place your phone down, nervously tapping your pencil against your sketchbook as you wait for an answer. A second later, an answer comes.
>Kas: Not yet. In J2's panel at the moment. R2 just left the stage but they'll be back at the end. Maybe then.
Again, you sigh sadly. You wish you could be there.
>Okay...well I've got sketches to finish so let me get back to that. I'll text you if I can make it later. Maybe we can meet for a late lunch??
>Kas: Hopefully! Gotta go, Jensen just told me to get off my phone lmao
>Lmaooo. What did you tell him?
>Kas: I said "fine, mom." Actually got a laugh outta him. Score.
You laugh quietly, deciding to put your phone down after that. You get up and head to the kitchen, pouring yourself a cup of coffee before heading back to your sketches.
It's going to be a long day.
Two hours later, you've finally finished your sketches. You scan them and send them over to the theatre company, not bothering to wait for a reply.
After the last one sends, you grab your car keys and bolt out the door. You've got two hours before the Richard and Rob photo op -- that Kassie just informed you about half an hour ago -- so you're going to meet Kassie and Samantha for lunch somewhere.
After figuring out where you're meeting for lunch, you get on the interstate and speed for downtown like a woman on a mission. Which really, you are.
Thirty minutes later you're sitting with Kassie and Samantha at Taco Mac, trying to decide what to have for lunch. The three of you are too jittery to eat, but you know you need to.
"Oh, and sis, we never could find Rob earlier," Kassie says sadly.
"We tried looking around backstage, but no one was there. We didn't try the green room because we figured we might get in trouble if we tried walking back there by ourselves," Samantha chuckles lightly.
After you guys order your food and drinks, the conversation continues.
"I hope he doesn't let it upset him too much," You sigh, propping your head up with your hand. "I actually hate work. Today, of all days."
"Well, even if it did, we're gonna be last in line for photos," Samantha says triumphantly, grinning.
You furrow your eyebrows. "Why?"
"Because," She breathes, grinning like a mad woman.
"Robbie! Ready for photo ops?"
Rob glances up from his phone where he was checking his Twitter. Nothing from you. And mostly fans wondering where you are. It did nothing except make him sad, but he can't be sad right now.
"Yeah, I'm ready," He smiles, standing up from the couch.
Richard looks at him warily for a minute but moves on from it.
The two walk side by side toward the photo op area, and it's then that Richard throws an arm over Rob's shoulders.
"I'm sure she'll show up," Richard wants to say, but he stays quiet.
Richard and Rob get through all of the photo ops without any mishaps.
Rob tries not to let his mood drop too much as he sees the last people in line. He sees Kassie and Samantha, but he doesn't see you. But he tries not to be sad. He should have expected it, he guesses.
As Kassie and Samantha make their way over to Rob and Richard, they try not to give everything away. Samantha can't help but grin like an idiot when she and Samantha stay by Richard.
Rob looks confused, especially when Richard, Kassie, and Samantha are telling him to turn around.
Meanwhile, you're standing behind Rob with a grin on your face.
Rob turns around after a few moments of telling him to, and when he sees you, his face splits into a huge grin.
"Heard you missed me," You smile cheekily, stepping closer.
Rob nods, "Guilty."
He pulls you into him, wrapping his arms around your waist. You go with it, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Right as the camera clicks, Rob presses a kiss to your forehead.
After that photo is taken, the five of you take a couple more serious and silly ones, just for fun.
Rich and Rob still have about half an hour before their panel, so the five of you decide to head back to the green room and hang out.
Richard swings his arm around Samantha's shoulders, leaning over to whisper in her ear -- but he can't whisper, so you all heard what he said.
"I'd be careful. The angel missed you."
Samantha goes red, nodding. Her and Misha had become good friends since yesterday, actually. You aren't sure how, but they've somehow developed this brother-sister bond in the span of a day.
And true to Richard's word, the angel did miss Samantha.
"Where the fuck have you been?" Is the first thing we hear when we enter the green room.
Samantha jumps, turning to find Misha standing in front of her with his hands on his hips, looking playfully annoyed. She decides to go along with it and entertain him.
You and Rob break away from everyone and take the love seat on the far left side of the room. Thankfully no one makes a huge deal out of it, but Richard gives you both a knowing look before turning back to the group (Jensen, Jared, Misha, Felicia, etc.).
"So where were you this morning?" Rob asks after you've both settled into the couch.
"Work called me in. One of the companies I work for wanted sketches for an advertising poster and failed to tell me they needed them today," You grumble out, rolling your eyes. Rob chuckles a little at your annoyed face and tone. "But it's fine. The important thing is I got them done, and still had time to come here," You smile brightly.
He smiles back, unable to help it. "That is the definite upside."
A few minutes later, Rich and Rob's handler comes in to tell them they've got five minutes left, and that they probably should start walking now.
"I guess that's my cue," Rob smiles, sighing as he pats his hands on his legs before standing. "You'll be in the audience?"
You nod. "Front and center. Might even ask a question."
His eyes go wide for a second, but he doesn't have the opportunity to answer you because Rich grabs his arm and drags him away. Apparently, the band is already starting to play them on.
"So things are okay?"
You turn to see an expectant looking Felicia, Samantha, and Kassie, though the latter is who spoke a second ago.
You nod, smiling because you can't help it. "Things are good."
The four of you walk together to the conference room. You and your two friends sit back in your original seats while Felicia goes to stand on the side of the stage with some of the cast.
As you're settling into your seats, Rob and Rich run onstage, and screaming erupts from the crowd. It makes you jump because of how sudden it was, but then you start screaming along.
Rob's eyes immediately fall upon the front row where you're sitting. He grins and waves, but the moment only lasts a second before he's thanking the band and jumping into the panel.
You smile watching him onstage, wondering how in the world you got so caught up in this man in a matter of two days. It's crazy to think because a few weeks ago, you would've never done something like this. Your guard was so high, and then what happened? Rob happened, you guess. That's the only actual explanation.
You actually don't get up to ask a question in fear that Richard Speight would be the asshole that he is and drag you onstage. So you stay in your seat and let Samantha ask a question, which is one she asks everyone at any convention she goes to: what socks are you wearing?
Rob looks utterly confused when he hears her ask that, and it makes you laugh loudly when he looks to you for help. You shake your head, wanting him to answer anyway. You'll have to tell him it's an inside joke between the three of you later. Not today, though. His confusion is priceless.
The panel is crashed by Jared at one point, even though he has a flight to catch in about an hour or so to head back to Vancouver for filming. He came onstage to say his goodbyes and joke around with Rob and Rich before Jensen called to yell, "Dude! If you're not on the plane I'm telling them to leave you!"
Jared leaves after that, waving to everyone. Misha and Felicia are still standing side stage that you can see, but everyone else seems to have left to catch flights home.
It's then when the thought hits you again.
Rob's leaving after this panel. He might stick around for another hour or two, but he's leaving. This isn't the place he calls home. He's leaving.
You close your eyes and sigh, leaning back in your chair. You're so goddamn stupid. You knew he was leaving, so why did you let yourself come today? All it did was get you even more enthralled by him, and now you're attached. You're an idiot. A huge, straight-up idiot.
As soon as the panel ends, Rob has to go finish signing autographs from earlier, and as soon as you find this out, you know it's your escape.
"I'm gonna go," You say warily, knowing Samantha and Kassie will protest.
They do.
"What? Why? Aren't you gonna say bye to Rob?"
You shake your head. "I can't...I really-- Tell him I said bye, please? And that I'll miss him."
"I can give him your number," Samantha offers.
"Thanks," You smile, shaking your head. "But please don't."
Kassie smiles sadly. "You're running again."
"It's what I do best," You mumble, shrugging. You blink rapidly, fighting back the tears stinging at the back of your eyes. "I don't know why I thought I could--"
"It's okay," Kassie pulls you into a hug, rubbing comforting circles on your back. "You'll be okay. Go get some sleep."
"I feel like all I do is sleep," You laugh, stepping away from the hug and wiping under your eyes.
She shrugs. "You've been through a lot, so it's fine. You need the sleep."
You nod. "I'll see you guys at home."
"See you," They both wave, giving you big hugs before you nearly sprint toward the exit doors.
The elevator doors are about to close when someone else steps in. Your heart drops, willing it to not be who you think, but it isn't. It's someone worse.
"So you're running away. Doing the great escape. Didn't plan it, did ya?"
"Rich, leave me alone," You mumble, leaning against the wall as the doors close. The elevator jerks gently as it begins going down to the first floor.
"You didn't even say bye," He sounds hurt.
"Didn't know I was obligated to," You respond quickly, wanting the elevator to go faster.
"You're not. Just think it's odd that you aren't."
"Well I'm an odd person, so," You shrug, cursing as the doors open on the third floor. It's a huge crowd of people, though, so of course they say they'll wait for the next one. Bastards.
"You're really gonna hurt Rob doing this," Rich starts as the doors close again.
"Look, I know you're his best friend, but I don't need you guilt tripping me right now," You raise both eyebrows, hoping to get your point across.
"Fine. I won't. But I just wanna know why you're not--"
"I barely know him, Rich! I barely know you!" I gesture wildly. "I barely know anyone at this convention and it's insane to me how people think Rob and I are supposed to be attached at the hip!"
"Because you have been, okay? You have been since the first moment you met and you're both too dumb to realize that you're in--"
"In what, Richard?" You nearly yell from the frustration. "I barely know him. He barely knows me. We're not in love. We're not dating. We're nothing but two people who happened to become friends at a convention." You pause as the elevator doors open on the first floor. You step out, turning to glare at him. "So I'm sorry you think I'm suddenly supposed to make out with him. I'm not." You pause, the doors starting to close. "Goodnight. Be sure to tell Rob how evil I am." I know you will.
Tags: @itsfunnierin-enochian @sirraxa @sherlockedtash88 @shanghai88 @natasha-cole @familybusinesswritingbro @lullabylike Let me know if you want to be tagged!
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