#i consider his degradation just about the least tragic thing in the entire game lol
whetstonefires · 4 years
what does te ne mori faciamus mean? I can find definitions for ne me mori facias from sephiroths theme but I'm having trouble getting a translation for this that makes sense. My guess is something to the effect of we will not let you die? I've been wondering this since I first read the fic but I only just realized I could ask you
a;lkfask;dlf jthat’s my attempt at Latin yeah. i’m not surprised it’s not right! because i...honestly didn’t even try. to make it correct. i just messed with the pronouns in that bit of one-winged angel, had a giggle, and moved on.
i’m...weirdly very proud right now because not only did i knowingly let myself be that sloppy in public, you’ve caught me having done so and i’m not even freaking out! this is probably a mental health milestone lmao.
but yeah the point was it’s the one where the order of events i set up means Sephiroth and Angeal are going to raise hell trying to save their friend.
i actually thought of that fic as being mostly drama and fluff, and only after several people commented on the inherent tragedy of the blood-brothers biocontamination causing a sixteen year old to develop a terminal disease did i notice that yes, in fact, there’s significant angst there. it’s just that compared to the pointless destruction and intense isolation of the tragedy set up in canon, this seemed so much nicer....
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