#i can't remember half my MCs names 😭
aria-ashryver · 4 months
started making a thing to track my played books / MCs / LIs 🖤
its gonna take forever, but its cool seeing them all in one place! I'm only up to the Cs but maybe I'll make a massive post with the whole thing when I've done them all
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rou-luxe · 2 months
please elaborate on the grandpa clavis bc I don't know much about Alfons, so idk what to think about that 😭
hEHehEhhAaAaHAHA LET'S GO I HAVE PERMISSION TO GET THE IDEA OUT OF MY HEAD (cracks knuckles) I love them both
analysis under the cut spoilers for Clavis, light spoilers for Alfons
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I kinda quit Alfons route early to go to the English server release because my brain is too lazy to translate everything 😭 so this is just from what I know about him. this is doomed to be inaccurate 💀
warning this gets off topic in some places because my analysis ideas carried me a bit too far because I love them
The central point is that they both use pleasurable experiences to ignore reality. Alfons focuses a LOT on the pleasure part of that, as seen from erm his lack of sleep and mentions it plenty in voicelines. Alfons also applies this philosophy to people other than himself. Alfons sometimes protects MC from uncomfortable realities, like the scene where he and Ellis kill someone, and uses his power to convince MC that it was just a play (Kate LOVES plays).
As seen from his profile, Alfons heavily resents pain of any sort. I already forgot when exactly (chapter 4 premium avatar challenge?), but at some point, MC is crying and he consoles them before you know- this is just an assumption, but I think he doesn't want any sort of emotional turmoil in those close to his heart. He keeps reassuring Elbert that he is much more beautiful than MC without hesitation. Not only is he making sure MC is safe and doesn't get in a horror-esque story (nervously looks at Elbert trailer), he's also making sure that Elbert doesn't get jealous to the point of performing taxidermy on a person... because the events leading up to that would hurt them both. This makes Alfons feel so kind and considerate ngl 😭
Clavis wants to be loved by all. The game sometimes describes him as "lonely" - this is likely because he was overshadowed by Chev as a kid, and because he felt so shaken by his mother's death that he needed attention from others to feel more complete. It also connects to his pranks. He wants to feel something, anything to pretend he's not dying inside. Whether the attention he gets is positive or negative, at least he feels something.
It's mentioned quite a lot in his path that the more pained / scared Clavis is feeling, the more he smiles. It's sort of his coping mechanism. By smiling, he can pretend everything is alright (HIS MOM 😭😭 I'M GONNA FUHGKING CRY SHE MUST'VE BEEN SO SWEET AND BEAUTIFUL AND Cybird I want to see his mom).
He also does somewhat force MC to be around him, but it's not in a Silvio way, it comes off more clingy to me. He's been left alone, abandoned so many times, that he can't bare the pain of loneliness anymore. And thus we get dragged to his breakfast parties. Another coping mechanism. Clavis gets to spend time with MC every morning, gets to cook for her (...it's the thought that counts) and terrorize a couple of his half-brothers... just to forget it all. Clavis even escapes from his prison cell just to see you, the light of his life. (I love him)
"Sylvatica" comes from the scientific name for "forget-me-not". This one is completely an assumption that seems rather unlikely, but perhaps like Clavis, Alfons wants to be remembered somehow.
I can't remember if this was legit or not because I've been scrolling through Tumblr too much but I remember seeing a post that went something like: "Alfons has MC sign (something) papers because after he dies, his curse will make him forgotten and he just wants something to prove that he loved MC" or something. (That post broke my heart so bad.) Is that why he's called a "phantom"?
In summary:
They both have their own ways of ignoring reality, and they are both up to trickery (especially when it comes to MC). Both endulge in enjoyment, it's part of their lifestyle. doesn't necessarily refer to seggs but it does sure sound like it
I'm not quite sure where Alfons' ignorance originates, but all Clavis wants is to be loved. Give him the love.
Okay onto the shorter sillier theories because my heart can't take this
Clavis' epithet is "The Pleasure-Loving Beast", and Alfons' is "The Hedonistic Thrill-Seeker".
Clavis likes tricks and teasing, and so does Alfons. Though Clavis does that MUCH more often.
They also act like they're fucking around but they actually know what they're doing.
They pretend to be worse than they are 😭 (omg shakespeare too... is that my type... 💀)
Others have made this remark before but Alfons feels like a darker Clavis + more unhinged
They both like to cook. And eat. And they both have stomachs of steel.
They both have bad handwriting. Clavis is notorious for this, and Alfons says he has bad handwriting in the first letter of his path.
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Fuck I forgot I had science homework due tomorrow
edit: I forgot another one they both are self-described "gentlemen" 😭😭
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Kinda a request but also not: I would like to see jealous/possesive!MC bc I've been somewhat lurking in the tags, and I haven't seen any of it besides one person scraping an idea of both Cove and the MC being yanderes for each other. Like I'm insane about Cove, ik I'm not alone 😭.
It would be super interesting to see how a jealous/possessive!MC responds to Baxter during the step 3 prologue when he hits on Cove. 🤭
i can ramble abt this forever n ill prbly end making a part 2 to this lol pls even a few of my first post have a lotta jealous/possessive reader w a light yandere theme since im not completely in the scene but the possessiveness makes my brain churn LOL <333
tags : Suggestive, step 3, slight yandere theme, jealous/possessive reader
synopsis : you might be a bit too possessive with cove. but if he loves it and it sets the record straight, what's the problem?
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when baxter starts making subtle flirtatious comments to cove, it makes your head spin
of course you know your boyfriend is attractive!
you've seen the way tourists look at him, and when you were still in school, you heard and saw the way other students ogled and giggled to each other about how cute cove is.
unfortunately, you can't just put a collar on him with your name on it. although a small part of you thinks cove might like it.
so even after baxter gets the idea that you're both taken. (not that it needed to be said with the glare on your face and the way you straighten up, pulling cove into you)
you still go to some lengths to make sure he remembers that
instead of just holding his hand, you'll pull him into your lap of you can, wrapping your arms around him and kissing his shoulder/neck occasionally
and if you're in cove's car after a dinner date, and baxter just happens to walk out of his condo where he can see you stretched over the middle console, tangling your fingers in cove's hair and kissing within an inch of your lives...
well that's just a coincidence <3
and if you're coming back from a trip at the beach that was getting much too steamy with your hand dipping under the leg of cove's swim shorts, and run into baxter on the way back
you won't easily admit that it brings you too much happiness to see cove fidgeting, itching to get away so he can be alone with you, and how baxter's eyes widen a bit at the blooming marks on cove's skin
if you can put the grudge aside enough to hang out with baxter during the "sightseeing" moment, then of course the topic of dating and crushes comes up
baxter smiles when you say that cove has only ever been with you, and vice versa.
of course you note the melancholy look on his face, and you feel like he's being sarcastic. or at least half-hearted in his well wishes
maybe the look on your face is a bit too much on the sour side, but you don't worry about that. "cove and i will certainly spend the rest of our lives together. our souls are intertwined after all."
your smile is a bit sickly sweet, but you move on anyway
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I wanna talk a bit abt cove though...
yk how in step 2, if you punch/scare/cuss at jeremy, cove admits that he likes it?
I think he knows and sees how jealous, how possessive you are and feeds into it sometimes
it makes his heart beat (and even turns him on) that you're claiming him in any way
he sees how you pull him into your lap, or how you hold onto his arm, or how you kiss him even more when in front of baxter
he knows that when you ran into baxter, you find too much pleasure in how he squirms. and when you finally get back to his room for a little privacy, you're almost feral with how you touch and kiss him
he sees the way you leer and smirk when baxter walks by you two, and cove flushes because even though he's embarrassed bc baxter definitely saw you making out, he's also a bit... excited by it
it doesn't make sense, and it embarrasses him more just thinking abt it, but it just makes him feel so warm and tingly when you act like this that it overrides his shame <33
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Part 2 of interesting Mechat routes [Part 1] there'll be vague spoilers but nothing major
13. "Oh my god, they were roommates" + "there's only one bed" trope except they fucking hate each other
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14. "Just inherited a large manor from a distant English uncle who died under mysterious circumstances" MC Vs. "Butler, willing to do anything to protect the manor, and trying his best to mask how much he loathes his new employer under a thin veneer of politeness" LI
So many instances where you can't tell if they are gonna fuck or tear each other's throats out
Also there's this moment after MC bitch slaps him, that's like
MC: .....wait am i a sadist? Shitfuckshit I shouldn't have hit him
MC: I'm so sor-
MC: Is he a masochist?!!!
Edit: ohh this just spiralled straight into porn with a side of possible murder mystery
that being said MC has a strong "I may not like him or even trust him but only I can be a dick to him" instinct
Edit: I'm screaming they're so funny
MC: I'm going to act mean and domineering and borderline cruel because it's clear he doesn't want me here and it's clear he's hiding something about my uncle's death and this is the only way to push him into revealing secrets
LI: I'm going to throw my kink for being subservient to the point of insanity and keen for punishment in their face at any opportunity so that it'll scare them away and they don't get a chance to ruin this manor
MC&LI: oh no they're into this
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Edit: both of these characters are insane. And no I'm not talking about the 24/7 BDSM part I mean they're genuinely unhinged. What do you mean his response to feeling jealousy is to lock the both of you in a tomb that'll seal shut in 30minutes after which you'll eventually die of dehydration within days and your response to that is to fuck about it instead of oh I don't know FORCING HIM TO OPEN IT AND GETTING THE FUCK OUT ASAP!!!????
15. Two doms trying to out dom each other. 24/7 grind-hustle culture stock market invester he/they dom LI Vs. MC who said bet.
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16. Retired (?) God of Dreams running a magic coffee shop (the profile pic of one of the versions of this story looks lowkey like goth Julian Devorak (and he only looks like this here btw) and with 0 thought behind it I named my MC "Nel" for this route and then took a whole half an hour to remember my MC for Julian's route is named "Len" so magic? lucky coincidence?)
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17. Adrenaline Junkie LI (the story doesn't really interest me but his Cruella de Vil looking ass is pretty enough to drag me along)
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18. Giant muscular marshmellow soft shy excitable nonbinary butch
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19. College group project -> poly relationship. The dynamic & chemistry between the three of them is so good .
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also why do all of them have issues😭💀
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20. Wildcard fantasy storybook pirate come to life x geography nerd MC who is the best combination of fiesty, anxious & shy/flustered getting kidnapped & cursed to be their navigator to the Bermuda triangle
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
So, i want to share a few smaller headcanons that i have about the OB cast!
- When Beel is in a good mood and/or happy, you can hear the faint sound of fly wings going "Buzz Buzz." Beel also rubs his hands together before eating his meals just like how Flies rub their hands together.
- One rare occasions when Belphie can't sleep, he'll count cute Mc sheeps to fall asleep. He also snores similar to cartoon characters like "Honk shoo mimimi." He swats away any biting bugs/flies away with his tail if they annoy him during his naps.
- Raphael has a talent for Swallowing Swords/Knives/Speers.
- Mephistopheles likes "My Little Pony," and his favourite character is Rarity. He and Leviathan talk about MLP all the time. Mephistopheles has a strong kick, similar to how strong horses can kick someone.
- Thirteen likes calavera makeup, and every year, she dresses up as La Calavera Catrina to celebrate the "Day of the Dead" also called "Día de Muertos" ((Day of the Dead is a joyful time that helps people remember the deceased and celebrate their memory.))
- Solomon likes to watch his descendants fondly from afar even if he can't be part of their lives.
- Mc dressed up as a giant pickle once and scared Diavolo half to death (not really, but he was definitely spooked)
- After the brothers were cast out from the Celestial Realm, God created Jesus, making him the 8th brother.
- Every year around Christmas time, Satan accidentally receives "letters to Santa" from young children with dyslexia confusing the words "Santa" and "Satan," so Satan writes back letters to the children pretending to be Santa. (I wonder if Santa Claus exists in the OB universe?!). Satan, after coming to terms with his existence and his place in Devildom alongside his brothers, wanted to share his ideology and wisdom with humans. So he created a new religion that encourages hedonistic urges and desires but emphasizes heavily on keeping to yourself and not bothering or offending anyone else as you act on those desires. He called that religion "Satanism", unfortunately, humans misunderstood and painted him as evil and spreading rumours that is Satanism all about sacrificing Animals/children/virgins for selfish gain which pissed Satan off.
- Barbatos likes to be in control and puts everyone's needs before his own. He's always there for others, but he won't let anyone easily reciprocate. Because of his greed, he's afraid to lose himself in his passions/desires, so he keeps all his feelings bottled up. He fears his selfishness, consuming him whole and losing himself to the darkness. That being said, Barbatos once said, "I don't want to give myself completely to the darkness, and i won't as long as you're with me" to Mc. Basically, Mc is the "light" to his "darkness," and he would do anything in order to protect his light. There's a quote that i really like that fits perfectly. It goes like this; "Love is not blind. It sees you in the dark and chooses to be your light."
Anyway, that's it. This low-key got a little bit loooong, Ooooops.
-Angsty Anon.
That's it, I'm counting cute sheep MCs to help me sleep from now on. Please, that sounds so adorable 😭
Also excuse you with the Solomon one! Like my man isn't lonely enough, now he's watching his descendants from afar?? He would, too. :(
JESUS IS THE 8TH BROTHER aklj;sdfkljdskjlf what would have happened if God had made him at the same time as everybody else!??!?!
Poor misunderstood Satan! I'd be pretty pissed too if a bunch of idiot humans decided to make me evil and sacrifice babies in my name.
Ahh, Barbatos my true love. He's definitely got something about himself that he feels he needs to control to the point where he almost never lets go... one day maybe we'll learn about that mystery of his that he keeps so well hidden...
I quite liked all of these, thank you for sharing!
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
Imagine that Jack and MC are childhood friends, and MC is a fox beast man, like a Fennec, but she was a rare type that was born with two tails, so because he was different from other red foxes, his grandmother made a cape with a red hood for her to use. Then one day Jack, about 8 years old, is walking through the forest while looking for firewood, and ends up hearing a faint noise that resembles crying, he follows the sound of crying and when the sound gets stronger he smells blood , desperate he runs towards the smell, when he arrives he sees a little girl with a red cape crying, he approaches
Young Jack: Hey, are you alright? Why are you alone and crying-
He stops when she looks at him with her little eyes smelling of tears and her cheek and her knees scraped, he blushes a little
Young Jack: Wow! What happened to you!? Why are you so hurt? You know, you have to be careful when walking through this part of the forest, here there are usually lots of fox holes and other animals.
She looks at him and starts to cry even more
Young Jack: *despairs* Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! It wasn't my intention...you know, are you lost? Need help getting home?
She looks at him and pulls her hood further to hide her ears, Jack watches as she pulls another part of her cloak to hide the tails
Young MC: Yes...
Young Jack: And...are you lost?
Young MC: Yes...
Young Jack: And where are you from?
Young MC: I...I came from that part of the forest, I was running away when I ended up falling and then I realized I got lost...
Young Jack: Running away? Of than? This corner of the forest not dangerous....
Young MC: Some kids...were chasing me...
Young Jack: I see...well it's getting late and I need to take this firewood home...so...
Young MC: *desperate* No! Please don't leave me alone!
Young Jack: *sighs* Where do you live? I can take you there.
Young MC: I...i...don't remember how to get home....
Young Jack: Hmm...excuse me
He smells her and smells the same smell coming from the direction she had pointed, he points and says
Young Jack: There! I found where your house is. Come on, I'll take you there
He starts to walk but she doesn't move
Young Jack: Aren't you coming?
Young MC: I...
She gets up and her legs start to shake and then she falls
Young Jack: Are you okay?
Young MC: I can't...
Jack looks at the firewood in his hands and then at the girl, he sighs and goes over to her putting the firewood on the ground and crouches down with his back to her.
Young Jack: come
Young MC: Eh?
Young Jack: Get up here. I give you a ride
Young MC: But what about the firewood you were taking home?
Young Jack: *sighs* Don't worry about it, I can come back for it later, and my parents will understand if I don't take it home
Young MC: But...
Young Jack: If it gets dark I won't be able to take you home
Young MC: Oh sorry! I'm gone now.
With that the girl climbs on her back and is taken by the half-wolf boy home
Young MC: How do you get to know the direction of my house?
Young Jack: Your scent. I just caught your scent and I'm following the trail to your house.
Young MC: Oh! Does that mean you're a wolf?
Young Jack: How do you know?
Young MC: I read a book about wolves, it says they have the best sense of smell in the world!
Young Jack: Got it...and you're what?
Young MC: Ah...I...I...*whispers* I'm a fox...
Young Jack: I suspected
Young MC: Oh! So how?!
Young Jack: I've seen your tail too fluffy to be any other animal, and the village you come from is a place known for having a lot of foxes.
Young MC:...T-thank you...*blush lightly* W-whats your name?
Young Jack: Jack, Jack Howl, and yours?
Young MC: I-i'm MC...I seven years old! And i'm a fennec fox! Nice to meet you, Jack! *blushes*
Young Jack: *Smile* Yeah, nice to meet you too MC.
Bdjfjdkfkdk OMG THIS IS SO ADORABLE! I wanna make a damn series about it😭😭😭💕💕💕 that has everything I need. One shy sweet being, two kids becoming friends, future lovers, RED RIDING HOOD X WOLF!!!…. Jdjdkflss *cries* also she reminded me a little bit of Velouria (Fire Emblem Fates), only as a wolf!💕
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megatraven · 3 years
I’m so sorry you’ve cried a lot and I hope you have a good day🥺💙💙💙!!! A little thought to maybe make you happy/in love:
Alex literally fought the king of Gods to keep MC safe, even tho in season 2 they admitted that a demigod couldn’t beat a God. It would take either a Titan or a God to defeat the other. Half wasn’t enough in their eyes, but it didn’t matter in that moment. They acted on emotions and threw all thought and logic to the wind, and upped their power all the way to God level just to protect MC. And all throughout each season of theirs, they always made sure MC knew they loved her over anything else. In season 1, they pushed her away bc they worried for her and almost admitted that they only live FOR HER, season 2 they were blind to MC’s jealousy of Nyela (idk why but I can’t remember how to spell her name right now :() because they couldn’t imagine loving anyone else other than MC and they gave all of their God favors towards MC in the hopes of protecting her, and in season 3 (away from the Zeus final attack) they kept running around and doing their best to comfort her through this tough time bc they loved her and would NEVER give up on her. She was their heart and like they said in their S2 POV, she had it under lock and key and their necklace was only a symbol at that point.
And we must also remember the moment Alex said, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” bc it still is one of Alex’s top tier moments lol.
thank u Sarah 🥺😭💛
gosh alex really just. loves her with their entire being. that's so special 🥺 i can't imagine a love more than theirs. more perfect. more good-intentioned. more....... idk. their love is just my ideal i think and seeing it all laid out before me, no matter how many times.... gets me so emotional... i lvoe them so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💛💛💛💛
alex saying fuck is just really the perfect moment
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And again I love this lesson (bc of 13? Yep), and Dia wanted to have fun with others??? Precious. I hope I can kick his ass, love him /Poor barbatos/
Poor Levi, let this snake live peacefully lol
Lesson was so chaotic, but it's good... I miss Mammon and Lucifer? Yes, but still good
AND I'm glad that we're fooling around with 13, she claimed to be the independent one, but already attached to MC, a little, BUT, they're cute together, my MC the serious one, so it's even more funny to watch them
She's was so happy, when MC remembered name of her trap *gently holds freaky reaper*
/absolutely adore your remark about Luke and Mammon relationship! And the others lol, waiting your posts more than new lessons lol
Also butt drawing.... I'm screaming. MC is lucky to have this butt for free /sorry not sorry/
I guess next lesson will be with Raph? I hope so, but I don't mind be with 13 :3 but also want to know more about Mephisto >_>
Have a good day!
/my English can be a little rustic, sorry, I was excited lol
I really liked it too! There were lots of moments where I just laughed out loud
I'm really happy Diavolo got to join in for once! & Leviiii😖
I miss Mammon & Lucifer so much! Mammon's always been such a big focus yknow? He was there during the whole of S1, he had an entire date lesson in S2 AND lots of moments dedicated just for him, he had another entire date lesson in S3 and then a family trip that spanned two lessons! In season 4 so far he got that half a lesson where they got to hold hands and don't get me wrong I love S4 so far and I understand why he can't be in it as much but I've never being deprived of him for so long and it's showing🥲😭
Thirteen's already getting dragged into MC's harem and she doesn't even realise it yet💀😭
Luke & Mammon's relationship is my new favourite thing and I need to see more of it
The butt drawing thing killed me. The chat about it? Came for my life.
Yeah I definitely think the next one might focus on Raph and then Mephisto after that maybe? Mephisto's got more issues with Lucifer than with MC, I feel like Lucifer should be the one putting in the effort to befriend him :/
It's okay! Don't apologise! Specially for being excited! & your English is good! I can't write for shit in my second language :)))))))))))))))))
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