#i can't draw comic panels even if my life depends on it
aurora-ze-aquarius Β· 2 years
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Rookie Swap AU
Do not steal my art please
Human Jackson inspired by @notreadyfortomorrow's design on twitter (@bonnielavenders)
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dokidokiliteraturegirls Β· 4 months
Important announcement, everyone... I'll be opening up a Patreon~!
I honestly thought I'd never make a post like this, but I guess you never know what life throws at you! And lately I've fallen on some hardship ^^;; you see, back in December I lost my job due to reduction of personnel. I didn't want to say anything about it for some time because I don't really talk about my personal life in public, and it was a bit of a dour topic to bring up during Christmas/New Year's. Don't worry about me btw, I'll be fine! But it'd be nice to have some extra income to help me get back on my feet while I look for a new job. As such, I've opened a Patreon page, for people who'd like to support me πŸ’–
Now, I don't wanna make this post a house built on walls of text, but there's some stuff I really really wanna make clear!
1. Don't worry, the comic is not in jeopardy. Of course it'd be nice to have the extra money to buy a better drawing tablet before the one I'm using breaks down, but I'll finish Feel Less even if I have to draw the panels with a ballpoint pen on a napkin. So don't feel like if you don't support me the comic will end without a conclusion, okay?
2. I won't put my content behind a paywall. I've seen a lot of other webcomic artists offer bigger input opportunities and early chapter releases for paying patrons, but I don't think that'll work for Feel Less, since the story depends on everyone playing together and I don't like giving spoilers to select people. But I do want to make becoming a Patron worth your while though! So what you'll get is behind-the-scenes content, the chance to vote for what we play next on stream, a shoutout on the blog including a portrait of your choosing, and monthly commissions!
3. I don't want to make any of you feel like you owe me. This is something I really wanna stress. I know not everyone is in a financial position to support online creators they like, and I want you to know that that's okay!! You don't owe me anything. Just you being here reading and enjoying what I make is more than I could ask for πŸ’– If you can support me, that's super appreciated, but if you can't, don't feel like you're obligated~
Finally, if you want to support me in ways other than financially, I also have a twitch and youtube channel, so consider checking them out~ ^^ They're largely unrelated to the comic, but if you like my sense of humour and vibes, chances are you'll enjoy those too~
Thank you for your time! Remember that Feel Less is still scheduled to return on January 7th, and together, let's make 2024 the best year we've had yet~!! πŸ₯°
-Yui πŸ’–
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nebulous-rain Β· 4 months
Hello! My name is Moriah and I am a junior in high school. I was wondering if I might be able to get your insight on a few questions I have?
I am in my final years of high school and am starting to think about college but I have no idea what I want to pursue. I know I love art, so for a long time I have been thinking about getting an art major or going to an art school.
I’m reaching out because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR ART and I think you are a very talented artist! I have been in love with your art for so long and I am curious and wondering how you are able to fit drawing into your life?
1.) If you are going to college for art, or went to college for art, what is it like? Do you think going to school for art or having an art major is worth it?
2.) how can I fit art into my everyday life? I’m sure you have work and other things to do in your life so how do you balance it out? (I just want to know how you can draw as much as you do!)
3.) do you do art as a hobby or a career? If it is a hobby how to you balance art, work/school, and home life? If it is a career or part-time career is it an alright source of income?
Thank you so much! And sorry if these questions might seem personal. I just want to know how other artist manage to draw and create their work and still have an adult life. Thanks again, and thank you for being a huge inspiration in my life to create the art I love! Your art means so much to me!❀️❀️ ❀️
i am going to CRY this is the sweetest message ever. i'm happy you found your niche and i'm even happier that i could help inspire that!!! i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to answer all your questions, but i'll try to squeeze in some possibilities where i fall short:
1) growing up i definitely figured i was going to end up in art school because that's what everyone told me i should go into. but as i got older in high school i was kind of panicking cuz i really didn't want to turn my hobby into a job, and i figured out that i wanted to go into education!
but that's just me- my wife is actually going to college for graphic design sometime soon because she loves what she does. if it's something you really enjoy, and that you think you can monetize while still enjoying it, then it's definitely worth it! money is important but you need to put you and your happiness first.
2) to be honest, i haven't had the time or energy to do much art lately (if you look at my post dates you can see how spread out they've been the past year)- but this entirely depends on how you manage your time and your workload. i'm horrific at time management! so that's my problem. BUT, i think sneaking in drawing time in little ways helps a lot, as i tend to sketch small panels of a potential comic or animatic on notebooks and papers while i'm listening to lectures. i've even posted ms paint doodles i've drawn during class
i always have plans for what i'd like to draw once i have the time. it's kind of motivating, but also frustrating, and it's hard to efficiently empty my brain of ideas while still keeping up with everything else. this might be something you'll have to wiggle around once you get settled into a routine each semester!
3) i really wanted art to stay as a hobby for me. the idea of drawing and creating art every day for things i wasn't inspired to do made me really nervous, because what i really wanted was to make fanart and draw my little guys all day lol
if you take anything away from this, i think the most important thing is that if you want to keep art in your life, you will. if you desire having time to make art just for yourself, you'll find time to work that into your life, one way or another- but in order to do that you absolutely need to have a positive mindset about what you're going into, and if you can't find that positivity, maybe it isn't for you
thank you for asking!!! i'm not sure if this'll be any help, but i appreciate the questions <:')
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binart Β· 2 years
Hey, absolutely LOVE your art and I enjoy seeing your comics! Small question, how long does it take for you to make one page? And what is your process?
thank you!!!
THANK U!!!!!!!
it's a decidedly long-ish process and i'M KIND OF WONDERING HOW I MANAGED TO CHURN OUT TWO PER WEEK FOR A WHILE... (it was bad for my mental health i think is how). some artists can do like THREE OR EVEN FOUR PER WEEK!! but i am slow and so it takes me like 4-5 days to make one dfkjhgfdkjg
anyway first step is thumbnailing! that's when you make a tiny comic page and map out where you will have the panels, and what you want in them. also very good to figure out where your text bubbles will be at this stage.
NEXT!! transferring the thumbnail to a regular comic canvas! i like to thumbnail on paper with pencil because i eRASE STUFF A LOT (paneling is hard and i'm still learning), so i take a picture of it and then paste it onto the canvas >w>
NEXT!!! rough sketch phase. the picture quality tends to be jank as hell b/c i'm lazy & refuse to take more than one picture EVEN IF IT'S BLURRY, so i go over everything with a VERY QUICK SKETCH to lay out the same ideas. then I go in with a vector tool to make the panels!!
NEXT!!! Sometimes skipped depending on the page, is any 3D background work if I feel like i need it! which is usually always, because my perspective skills are uh. LACKING. (aND YES IT'LL TAKE LONGER TO LEARN PROPERLY IF I RELY ON 3D TOOLS BUT I DON'T CARE!! I JUST WANT TO TELL STORIES RIGHT NOW!)
this also involves MAKING the 3-d structure which i try to do if i know the scene i want to make is in a moderately complex looking area. it takes.......... so long............................ 3D modelling is hard....
NEXT!! Actual Sketch. This is me figuring out what the characters will look like Proper instead of throwing vague blobs on the page. i have to turn my brain on a higher setting for this part so it's usually a harder step for me. i also like to finish the background lineart by this stage.
NEXT!!! THE DREADED PEOPLE LINEART........ hardest stage. VERY BORING. lack the attention span for this to not be a horrific slog. HAVE TO HAVE SOME FORM OF ENTERTAINING NOISE ON OR ELSE CAN'T COMPLETE.
NEXT!! FLAT COLORS AND SHADOWS! self explanatory! i usually do the background first since it's cooler to watch characters come to life on an already completed BG.
NEXT!!!! Text stuff. Drawing out proper text bubbles, adding in text, changing the colors of the bubbles to match the characters.. this is also where i attempt to add SFX if there are any, and this is extremely difficult for me for whatever reason. STILL LEARNING LMAO.. i also blur stuff if i'm trying to show like... depth at this stage. like making one character blurry so you know they're closer to the "camera" so to speak
....................hm that's actually quite an involved & difficult process. i am only now realizing that
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stormxpadme Β· 26 days
Fandom Ask Game
7 (Scott Summers and Logan), 14, 22 (Emma Frost), 24 (Scott Summers)
Fandom Ask Game
7 - Is there a piece of clothing you think Scott Summers/Logan is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
I think Logan is really attached to that leather jacket of his, mostly because it's one of the first things he's got after losing his memories. It's been with him in those 15 year of the streets and seen a lot of fights and bad weather. It also has lots of pockets for cigars and booze. Not to mention, since he's gotten together with a certain mutant guy with red shades, he carries a spare pair of those shades with him because Scott is an idiot and loses those damn things and/or his VISOR far too often in battle.
I think, for Scott it depends a lot on the situation. In school, he's got that whole proper attire going on, complete with the tie that's supposed to look respectable for the pupils, so he doesn't like leaving his apartment without it because routine and repeated patterns are extremely helpful when you gotta live a life depending on nonstop control. In private, he's not picky as long as it's tight and well-fitting, because loose clothing means accident hazard, and reducing every risk of even a small slip has become second nature to Scott early in his life. Especially because of all those functionality restrictions, I think he's very happy when he gets to just cuddle in on his damn sofa with a comfy sweater every now and then. Especially when it's one of Logan's.
14 - Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you’ve changed your mind?
As a non-comic reader, going only by panels and wikis, I have mad respect for writing every character we haven't seen in movieverse, but since I'm mostly a Scott and Logan writer, that goes especially for Logan's family. So I sure wasn't planning on including one of Logan's source material kiddos but what can I say. Zombie!Laura from my Halloween no-longer-oneshot really grew on me, and I can't wait to really get my hands on her in the current upcoming chapter of that story.
22 - Give us a headcanon for Emma Frost.
I firmly stand by my "Emma and Bruce Wayne fucked at least once" headcanon.
24 - What’s your favourite thing about Scott Summers?
Funnily enough, that post from just yesterday or so summarized it perfectly. Give me the "annoyingly endless self-control" paired with "absolutely unhinged and self-destructive at times" any time of the day.
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Steve Rogers is a socialist
This seems to be a rather controversial take among certain groups and after getting an ask today about it I thought "what the hell, why not write a post about why I think he is?". This all is subjective so keep that in mind.
This is super long (in fact I think it's my longest post to date) so more after the cut.
I'll go chronological because it's easier that way.
The First Avenger
I would like to start with this:
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This interaction here in my opinion doesn't get as many attention as it should. At the time it would have been pretty easy to say that yes, it does trouble him that Erskine is German. The Germans were nazis after all, why make a distinction with any of them? But Steve does because he understands how hard the situation was for Germany at the time, how Hitler had manipulated them, that not everything is black and white. And Erskine wasn't one of them, that much was clear, so no, his nationality is not a problem.
And the reason Steve wanted to go to war?
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He wants to help.
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That last line comes from a socialist. You seriously think a conservative would say something like that? The right wingers here would make a huge distinction depending on nationalities (among other things).
I mean, a kid with so many illnesses, who had been raised in the era of eugenics, you seriously think he wouldn't want free healthcare for everyone? His mother was a nurse!
The Winter Soldier
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He was very much aware of what the SSR had done and he even says "we" despite the fact that he had no involvement post-war and he didn't even know about Operation Paperclip until Natasha told him.
He can see the mistakes done and he wants to do better, that's why he's standing up to Fury.
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Honey if this isn't a leftist speaking then what is it? The first thing he says is punishment can't come before trial (right for a lawyer, etc) = faith in the justice system; the last is him showing his reluctance to believe the government should be given free reign to spy and terrorize the population.
He's also quite clear in that he understands the situation of immigrants (he's the son of immigrants himself!):
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And people call him the bastion for American exceptionalism... don't make me laugh. First he compares himself to them, then he says that just because the US is not at war with someone it doesn't mean that someone isn't having struggles of their own.
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It's always the last line.. I love it. Everything he says there is glorious but that last part? He has faith in other people, he counts on everyone else to do the right thing. Steve doesn't go around thinking he's the beacon of morality and no one else would compare, he knows other people can stand up just like him, all he does is use his words as some form of inspiration... then lets them act.
And just one quick snippet from AoU:
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That scene was deleted (video) but they should have kept it. He sees that and takes his helmet off. If this guy was really a conservative he wouldn't have done that, he would have probably hated the people of Sokovia for drawing that but he didn't, he took off the helmet because he understands where that comes from and why they feel that way.
Civil War
This movie was hilariously not about him but it still gave us a few things.
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This kind of thing doesn't come from a conservative. Steve doesn't defend the system and the status quo, he actively fights against it, whoever it is: the UN, the US government.... he's completely focused on protecting the lives of the people.
And that's just from the movies (I'm sure I must have missed a few!). In the comics it's far more obvious but I'll just add some panels.
Nationalism vs Patriotism
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Steve being pro immigration
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The value of life
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And how Steve defines himself: He's a man of the people.
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So yes, I do believe he's a socialist and a leftist because all these things are what I hear from my left-wing folks here, it's what I've always believed since I was a child, this is as socialist as it gets. He's so far from a conservative and would never even think of voting republican.
Steve is a socialist.
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blackberry-gingham Β· 2 years
ooh, def Toad!!🐸
Bless you 😭😭😭 also tagging @samatedeansbroccoli since she asked for the same character 😩
Favorite thing:
Probably his severe underdog status tbh. I am not joking when I say that literally no one genuinely likes this man or even gives him the time of day in the Marvel universe.
Which is just amplified when we consider that he's actually extremely powerful, assuming we take his toad powers to their logical and scientific conclusions and all
Least favorite thing:
Dnsjskskak the way that his creators can't settle on one design for him and so he constantly swings between "ok looking at best" to "literally the most hideous, uncanny thing you've ever seen in your life" 😭
Favorite line:
At the tail end of his run in the wolverine X-Men school comic, as he's being exiled for helping Paige do her nefarious stuff and the others are like "was it worth it" or whatever and he says
"All I did, I did for love"
Like..... Bro. Ouchie.
Especially when you consider that Toad's idea of love is kind of warped in that he is just soooo easy to take advantage of. Like, he's a willing dependent in a codependency relationship. He'll do literally anything you ask... Just as long as you at least pretend to give even a fraction of a fuck about him.
So all that to say, that while he may feel his actions are justified bc "he did it for the woman he loves" and all... That's really not even the case tbh, bc he never seemed to be truly loved by her in the first place.
But also in the invasive species mission in contest of champions during the little dialogue transmission, ronin is like "time to die, frog man" or whatever and toad is like "hey fuck you, that guys not like me, he's just a guy in a suit"
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Idk, not super profound or anything, but genuinely made me laugh so it deserves a spot
Oof, once again, Toad is another guy who doesn't really have friends lol. I'd say him and Spiderman tbh.
Two dudes who are losers irl, but also super smart and all that. They can commiserate over their girl troubles, I'm sure
Me again, lmao. I will give him true love 😌🀲🏻
Probably like.... Magneto or something. Ugh, that's so foul. Just the concept hurts to type 😭
Random HC:
I'm trying to think of something I haven't said already lmao
Uuuuuh, he basically starts to fall apart once he hits middle age tbh, lol. He just wants to retire and live a normal life with his s/o after like... 43. Eating bugs starts to give him really bad heartburn and he really hates to crouch down and do that toad hop thing he's known for.
Age and dad bod weight come together for pretty shitty back pain afterwards if he does it for too long.
Unpopular opinion:
Well, there's not really many people to pitch against for me to even have a truly "unpopular opinion" tbh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…
But I guess I'd say Todd kind of annoys me tbh. I think it's his diction style more than anything tho, so 😭 That, and it's like... I get why he's more of a popular choice in fanfictions, but also.... Idk. What about the og tho 😭😭
Song I associate:
Probably listen up by Oasis off of the very excellent The Masterplan album. One bc I just associate Liam Gallagher and his voice and image so hard with Mort, but also the mood is right and the lyrics are accurate.
That and the titular song off that same album. The Masterplan, the song, is sung by Noel, Liam's brother, but idk. I really love his voice for like.... Adult Toad.
The first is more about making up your mind to be your own man, even if it means you have to go at life on your own.
The second has a lot more to unpack tbh lmao, but basically it ties into the idea that "the plan for life is that there is no plan" and while that may sound scary, and sure it can be... But we should also realize the potential it has in that good things can happen too, even when we don't expect them.
Favorite picture:
Lmao am I wrong to post one of my drawings 😭
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I'd say I'm caught between this panel of the comic, bc like.... W I D E. Plus, canon dad bod confirmed lmao
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And this scene from days of future past just bc I literally died like LMAO. Even in an alternate universe, this man is forced into a crummy job. That, and the fact that a man who's poisonous enough to take out literally anyone in an actual fucking heartbeat...
Is cooking FOOD and with no gloves or anything. Like.... This is such an absolutely God tier FDA violation 😭😭
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mewmewchann Β· 3 years
since hopes chains is illustrated, will the executions be animated???
they would if I could actually animate hAH-
Short answer: no.
Long answer: Making even an animatic of the executions will take up too much time. I've been working pretty quickly through the trial so far and I don't really wanna break that. Some parts of the executions might be illustrated though? Maybe? It'll depend on how I feel. So they won't be animated. But as for whether or not they'll be illustrated... ...Uh.
And before anyone asks about them, same goes for the closing arguments. I don't plan on drawing the comic panels because I can't draw comics to save my life, but I do plan on drawing the dramatic "KILLER REVEALED!" CGs at the end.
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