#i can't believe I'm defending Mew
qlventingspace · 9 months
did we talk yet about the possibility of Mew being a demi?
because that's where my mind went first when Mew didn't wanna sleep with Top.
i think that lot of our distrust for OF characters and their morals and intentions is influenced by the long wait and manymany theories we managed to come up with in the meantime.
we got swayed by the 'thriller murder vibe' and if we want or not, we expect characters to be much worse than they probably are (p'Jojo defending Mew on twt)
yes Mew might be master manipulator control freak but he might be just a demi who has been on his own and got used to not having to deal with That side of life and now some man made him Feel Things and he's just trying to navigate the situation so he can figure out how to make himself happy and fulfilled without sacrificing smth he's not ready to sacrifice.
our brains got so excited and our (incredibly awesome) theories might led us to believe the series will be different than it is.
because maybe it's not a thriller murder mystery...maybe it's just flawed normal people making flawed decisions and dumb mistakes and facing Unseen Consequences.
(and maybe it IS thriller murder mystery but flawed people making flawed decisions in the meantime still stands)
and as much as I don't Like Mew, he did nothing wrong by far. he acted like a normal person.
and I would Very much like to see a demi character not being villainized for not letting someone have sex with them
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I can't believe I'm about to defend Boston, that nasty skank bitch who can't be trusted, but Mew irked me with his comment about wanting Boston to stop sleeping around and settle down with someone. Settling down into a monogamous relationship is very nice when it is something that you strive for. Obviously it isn't something Boston is currently interested in, if he ever IS interested in having one nomatterwhatthefuckhetriestofeedNicktokeephimaround-...whew! He runs me low. ANYWAY! That is okay. The same way it is okay to want to settle into a relationship, it is okay to go out and explore and not tie yourself down. As long as one is safe, responsible, and honest about their intentions. Mew's comment, to me, came off as it should be that way because MEW thinks it needs to be that way. Which, is understandable as it's a societal norm, but there is no one way to experience life. He needs to be more concerned about the loyalty of his friend, and not his body count because one these is more concerning.
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berrychanx · 11 months
That scene where she defended the guy instead of her friends who were trying to save the earth then she almost killed them was hard to watch what kind of friend does that for a guy I'm trying to figure out this ichigo character but I'm disappointed or maybe just confused
It depends from person to person of course at that moment ichigo wouldn't think of hurting aoyama.
We can't say what we would do until we were in a similar situation
You have no idea how much I love this scene.
Its so unusual for a mahou shoujo to do this, to have the leader suffer such a shock she turns against her allies because she can't believe what just happened as reality.
To her that person is her loved one no matter what form he takes, it all happened too fast, her sense of right and wrong were absent at that moment, your sense of reality disappears after s shock/trauma.
It all feels like a nightmare.
She did it without thinking, they were gonna attack her loved one.
She acted on impulse, the attack was much more stronger because she was defending her special person. Once she came back to her senses she instantly regret what happened at the Mews didn't hold any grudge against her. They know she wasn't herself, even Mint says she would haven done the same.
Only when our lives or our loved ones lives are at risk do we know our full power and what we're capable of.
In a desperate situation like a war, where the changes for surviving is zero, it's each one for themselves.
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soulsilversprings · 4 months
LETS GOOOO! [for the ship ask game]
What made you ship it?
@deamsgirl's fics! I can't remember if I found them before or after I found the wedding photo (which I still can't believe was greenlit), but either way, I fell in love with their collective snarky, attached-at-the-hip dynamic. I'm also fuzzy on when I watched Gary's JN episodes, but his first one (JN068) is peak "So did I just meet your ex?" energy. I was sold.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
They are so fucking ridiculous (/affectionate). Usually how it goes is -- two of them are on their bullshit, and one of them either tries (and fails) to reign them in, or just encourages their shenanigans from the sidelines. You can put them in so many situations where they just fumble the same collective brain cell. It never gets old. They also just have some really cool overlap. Ash and Gary are childhood friends, Ash and Goh are current best friends and research fellows (JN never ended. to me), and Goh and Gary work on Project Mew together. So many ways for their stories to intersect and for their personalities to play off of each other
Also, their canon interactions have such gay energy, it's amazing. I'll name just a few. Going back to JN068 -- the Palletshipping moments (the hand squeeze), and the framing of Goh being in the back, feeling threatened by how close Ash and Gary are. The way that Goh already places so much stock in what Gary says. The way that Gary immediately chooses to rag on Goh with his "I'm not interested in your personality" and "I need to make sure you're qualified to be Ash's buddy" despite being completely normal to Dawn back in DP. Yeah, Ga(r)y, I see you.
JN102. AKA, the Project Mew episode where Goh seethes at the idea of working together with Gary (though, tbf, Gary revels in making his existence as irritating as possible to Goh). But then they have a heartfelt talk underneath the sunset, and they get all "bro... bro :0" over saying each other's names. (I'm not kidding, that happens). And meanwhile Ash keeps tagging along to all these missions even though he's not in Project Mew. He's just there to either go :) and support Goh, to roll his eyes at Gary and Goh bickering, or to defend Gary from even the slightest hint of haterism.
And that's not even to mention JN113, where Goh finally tells Ash "listen I appreciate you but like. you're not in Project Mew. i should do this on my own. shouldn't you be training?" Where Goh and Gary dramatically lock eyes with each otherwhile battling legendary Pokemon and learn that -- damn -- they do care and admire each other. (I'm just rambling now sdhjkgls)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
This took some thinking, and idek how unpopular these are, but... Ash is the shortest of the three, but he can easily sling them both over his shoulder. Oh, and for fics where the characters actually age, I hc that Goh is the same age the other two, but he just started his journey later because he was so determined to make Mew his starter. (But that's a hc I can compromise on. Making pokeani's timeline make sense with ours is a struggle and a half, lmao.)
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invisiblegarters · 8 months
Only Friends Character Rankings - Ep 5
Probably I should wait to do this but lbr I'm not watching that episode again lol. I am far too invested in Sand to watch it. Yep, I have become that person and while I actually enjoy all these characters I would see them all burn (metaphorically please no people roasts in this show) if it meant that Sand would get out mostly unscathed.
Alas, this is not shaping up to be that show. I said I will defend Sand's wrongs and that includes sticking around a dude who is not going to give him what he wants but damn, I do wish he loved himself more.
But let's get to it.
(Quick disclaimer: these are just my personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect an accurate interpretation of these characters or the show itself. In case that wasn't glaringly obvious)
Characters (From Most to Least Fave atm)
Sand. Oh my darling dumbass. I feel like he thought that Ray could be a bright shining thing in his life and now he's been smacked with cold hard reality courtesy of Boston. He thinks he's building his walls up but unfortunately I've seen the trailer so I know he's not, he's just papering them over and telling himself that's good enough (you need stronger materials hon). He compared Ray to a dog this ep but honestly he is starting to remind me of one, and not in the good way. That said, he is my ride or die for better or worse and so while I hate this for him eventually kicked dogs do stop coming back so I will wait for that day (well, they either stop coming back or they turn on the person kicking them).
I get now what First meant when he said that Sand has to deal with his feelings on his own. I mean I already got it but we're seeing it put in to practice here. Because Ray doesn't owe Sand anything, he's never made promises, Sand got ahead of himself and now he's gotta deal with reality on his own. Them's the breaks. And I think we all know the best thing for him would be to take a couple steps back until he can move past this thing (and I don't even think it would take that long tbh - Sand's got too much on his plate to be indulging in pesky feelings like this and if he was out of Ray's orbit I don't actually think it would be difficult for him to remember that. He just gets swept up because Ray is kind of a whirlwind and he makes it easy to forget that real life exists. But it does, and Sand's real life is a lot different from Ray's and involves a lot more pragmatism and compartmentalization).
Aside from that, I was so happy to get a Sand episode my goodness. I cheered aloud when I heard him start to narrate lol. And I do think that both the debt collectors and his dad are gonna come up again - I can't help but assume one of our main cast shares that father. My gut feeling is Top but I've seen around that it could be Boston because politician daddy and if so I would be here for it. I would also be highkey amused if it's Ray but I do not think the show will go there. Mew is another good possibility but as I am still hoping that the show will let them make out at some point and I doubt that will happen if they are blood related I am choosing to believe that's not the case.
I do like that the show is doing the work with him. Am I frustrated that I already know he's gonna keep letting this thing with Ray go on until it destroys him? Yes. But I also see where it's coming from. If Sand starts to really see what's going on with Ray re: alcohol, I think he'll slip into caretaker mode and feel he *can't* walk away, and he feels that way because he's already taking care of his mom, paying off her debts and working nonstop so that he can do that while also going to school. His life has set him up to be weak to someone like Ray, it's not entirely on him being stupid, and at least I have that as a consolation for when he inevitably makes me want to shake some sense into his beautiful dumb head.
Lastly, the way he yelled at Boston and Nick to go to Nick's room (and the fact that they *did*! And Boston's "oh shit" face. Even the sullen little eyeroll while he did as told was funny - Sand effectively reduced him to a kid again and he knew it) cracked me up. Reminded me of Mew telling Ray to lie in bed and think of what he did last episode. My SandMew feelings are intensifying I need those two to meet and maybe hook up okay show thank you (I know they won't hook up but I can dream).
Boston. Yes, Boston. My guy really out here doing the most to cause drama again and I still love him for it. This time there is no real goal except destruction and Boston being all caught up in his feelings about Top and Mew and I'm that Lady Gaga meme. You keep on doing the most darling because you are really the only reason any shit is getting done, even if the shit that is getting done is breaking everything in sight.
And also, it has to be said, he wasn't wrong about anything he said. I mean, he was awful about how he revealed things and the way he escalated the situation was absolutely bananas but he wasn't wrong.
I still see him and Ray as very similar. In this ep they both decided to love the one they're with (figure of speech don't get excited I see no love there my guys) since they can't be with the ones they want, with varying degrees of success. Until Boston decided to piss in the sandbox, that is.
Ray. I feel like this might come as a shock since I clearly don't like him much and because I love Sand to the point that I just want him out of the way of all these dumbasses, but. I also can't stress enough that Ray hasn't done anything wrong. I don't love how he keeps pushing his way past every boundary that Sand tries to put down but Sand is also very much showing him every place to push to make him give in. And yes Ray is definitely intentionally using Sand to try to move on from Mew but well, as far as he knows this is all just fun anyway. no pressure and no commitment. And right up until the end of this episode Sand was deliberately letting him think that (yes I love him but I don't think I've quite reached the point where I'm not seeing how he's contributing to his own misery. He's doing it both by not walking away and by letting Ray think he doesn't give a shit. You can't be surprised when the guy you've told to his face doesn't mean much to you assumes that that's the case).
Plus he's been up front about how he sees Sand. I want to be mad at him for it because I hate seeing Sand cry, but Ray has been very clear at every given opportunity that he does not see Sand as a possible romantic partner. He will fuck him, he will follow him around and beg for his attention, but he will not date him. Yeah, his nervous denials in front of Boston stung because Sand let himself think that wasn't the case (and because in hindsight he has to realize that Ray was so adamant because he was afraid Boston would relay this back to Mew - that was an instinctive, kneejerk no don't tell my lover I'm cheating response and Sand has to have realized that with some time to think. And what's worse, it's not the first time he's reacted that way), but he's never said otherwise. If Sand can't handle it it's on him to take the steps necessary to make it not a problem.
And now that I've said all that I reserve the right to be furious when Ray continues to use Sand knowing that he is in deeper than Ray himself is. Because while his feelings are not Ray's responsibility, deliberately toying with someone you KNOW wants more from you is shitty.
Since he was all tangled up in Sand's stuff this ep there's not much else to say about him really.
Well, yes. There is one thing. I am surer than ever he is going to get behind the wheel drunk and he's going to hurt some- no. He's going to hurt Sand. Because you don't have these two together bringing up dangerous driving this much and have it not come back to hurt everyone later. Mark my words, the First Kanaphan character in a hospital bed universe is getting a new member (if the morgue doesn't collect him first I wish I were joking I hate myself). Also the way his face flickered lightning fast from gut punched before he wiped it off when Sand said he didn't trust Ray with his life was excellent, kudos to Khaotung for that one.
Top. Look at this man getting exactly what he wants this ep. He was more fun on the whole last episode reading everyone to filth but he's still reaping the benefits of it and I can't really say I hate that for him. Also I can't really get enough of his unimpressed reaction to Boston doing literally anything. Boston could be out here doing the best of works and Top would just be like "loser" and I respect that.
Things are gonna go to shit for him very fast so I hope he enjoys his moment of winning.
Mew. MEW what are you DOING. I can't tell if his whole "oh wow we just saw a bunch of guys who want Top but Top was focused only on me" thing was in his own head or if Top deliberately took him 'round to all his hookups so that Mew can see how much he's changed, but either way, no my dude. Stop.
I keep thinking to what he told Top in the first episode. If I sleep with you, I'm going to be so obsessed. And I think we're gonna see that happening next ep.
But frankly he's mostly here because of that preview. You're really going to get Lasik surgery for this dude? MEW I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU WHERE'S MY TYRA GIF.
Nick. Pretty much the same as above. Nick, do not start trying to tone up and wearing Dad Chic to try to get Boston to love you. Top barely pulls the golf dad look off, you are much better as you are. The hell my dude. I was literally so annoyed by this the entire episode that I had a hard time paying attention to his scenes. So I guess I will have to watch those again. You also made your roommate send your fuck buddy to your room like a naughty child like Nick if you can't actually handle it when Boston does this shit you are not on the level I thought you were. Seriously disappointed in you (but not that disappointed because as I said, Sand sending them both to Nick's room was peak hilarity for me).
Relationships (Fave to Least Fave atm)
Sand and Nick. They are lovely, and I still have hope that they make out a little once things go really pear shaped. I just like every interaction they have, honestly and I'd be happy to see more.
Boston and Mew. These two fucking fascinate me. There is so much animosity there, and only Boston's is mostly up front. They both have so much disdain for the way the other chooses to live their life. and it just feels so deeply personal that I figure that there has to be a fuckton of projection going down on both sides.
And now I'm gonna step outside the characters and say that it makes perfect sense to me that this war is breaking open over a dude that now they've both slept with, especially when you think about their differing attitudes towards sex and how derisive they both are of the opposite view. Of course this thing with Top is now a competition for both of them - whoever Top chooses to be with in the end will be the one who was right, after all.
And this is why I suspect that even after he finds out about Top and Boston, Mew won't leave. Because he's gotta win at all costs, even if he doesn't even really like the person he's with (although I still think he'll sleep with Ray for real at some point, that doesn't necessarily mean he'll let go of Top).
TopMew. I dunno, I actually thought they were sweet this ep. It's all gonna go to hell in a handbasket because Toto can't stop biting (yes this a Wizard of Oz reference and yes Boston is Toto) but I do genuinely enjoy them onscreen. *shrugs* I don't know maybe I'm just weird. Also I'm really looking forward to this implosion and the sweeter they are now the worse it'll be later. Mess, mess, mess!
And someone else pointed this out but it is interesting that all of Mew and Top's dates have elements of hiding/obfuscating (someone let me know who so I can link it, it was good). In the first one they are literally hunting each other, the second they can't hear (but I do think it's relevant that they choose to listen to the same song. Or well. Mew does), and in the third they can't see each other. And my own thought to add to that is that in every last one Mew is the one who gives himself away or changes or shifts.
But remember that in laser tag Mew was the one who shot. He might be blinded now but he's getting Lasik next ep (still hate that for him and if I don't joke about it this will just turn into a rant about not changing anything about yourself for a dude so).
I am wondering though if Top is going to tell Mew about what happened with Boston after the confrontation on Mew's birthday. Because he has to know that Mew is edging closer to the truth here, and Ray isn't just gonna give up because Mew hits him once (oh it'll set him back and as I said, probably send him haring after Sand to play the blame game, but Ray ain't giving up, both I think from genuine concern and because he will (maybe rightly) assume this will leave Mew vulnerable enough he'll consider Ray an option (to be clear, I don't think that this bit will be something he is consciously aware of or plans it just feels right to me)).
I still think that Mew has clocked enough weird interactions that he suspects something is up with Boston, and that is why he called him this ep. And I further think that he laid his nerves on so thick deliberately. I just don't think that him calling Boston to toy with him negates having actual feelings for Top. I think both can be true.
BostonNick. They had me in a chokehold last ep but as I said I'm not a fan of NIck Single White Femaling Top to be more appealing to Boston. Number one, Top's fashion sucks. Number two, Top's fashion sucks.
I wanted Nick to be more unhinged than this. I am disappointed that he's not.
That said, on a scale of "I can see it" to "dear god get it away from me", I still ship it more than
SandRay. Well they weren't kidding when they said that this is gonna be the angsty, dramatic one. I do still have hope that their angst isn't all about Ray being in love with Mew though. What can I say, I'm like Sand in a lot of ways, including my stupid, unsinkable hope that the clear writing on the wall will change if I just give it enough time.
I just feel like there are more interesting, far more relationship breaking ways to go with them. Like sure, Ray's in love with Mew, he's gonna wreck shit for that specific reason. But he's also kind of a dick about Sand's entire existence? Like he just can't stop being a spoiled rotten little rich boy for two seconds, can he? Don't think I missed all of his little digs about literally every step of the "let's spend a day living how Sand lives" experience. Because I did not.
I was also genuinely surprised that Ray asked about Sand's dreams, mostly because he's shown less than zero interest in Sand as a person unless it'll get him into his bed (or his hand down his pants). I mean I was happy he did because I wanted to know, but it seemed out of left field for me.
Ray's problems with alcohol would be an interesting direction to take things. Because that's another huge issue, and one I think Sand has only just cottoned on to (oh not that Ray drinks too much - he clocked that way back - but just how very very bad it actually is). Is he gonna stick his nose in? I feel like he might.
What does give me hope that at least some of this is planned is that we are getting the Mew Problem so early. That it will continue to be one I have no doubt - I've said it before and I'll say it again, Ray will let go of that crush only if someone pries him away from it finger by finger - but surely that can't be it, not when we're getting so many other ways that these two don't work?
I also think that Sand's tendency to turtle is going to cause problems, although I understand him far more than Ray (in case it wasn't obvious). Personally the reason he frustrates me so much is I wouldn't just turtle away from any of it, I'd reel back so hard and so far that you'd never find me again, haha. So Sand's continued return to the same things that hurt him frustrates me beyond belief.
I think he should have just asked his questions. I get why he didn't, why he retreated into "you don't owe me anything and I have no right to ask" rather than hear it directly from Ray that all Boston said was true. Of course he doesn't need to hear it, Ray's reaction was enough, but also it might have done them both good to have Ray say it. I said it already, but in some ways Sand is doing this to himself, and not just by sticking around when everyone knows he should not.
I also wonder how much his ex trauma is playing into his withdrawal here. Because when Nick was saying that he feels like nothing compared to Top, Sand's response was "I know how that feels" (probably not an exact quote, but you get it). He's already played this game before and lost. I can see why he might try to just take himself out of it the second time around.
That said, the way I need that ex to show up real time and not just in flashbacks is insane. I need them to show up and I need for all those feelings Sand's clearly just shoved down to come bubbling back up and make everything worse. Please let the ex show up at the worst possible time. Please please please I'm begging. 🙏🙏🙏
I wonder how long this attempt to keep boundaries with Ray is going to last. Not long, is my guess.
In Conclusion
All these bitches are messy, some in a more fun way for me personally than others.
Yo is the best character in this entire show and I will hear no arguments.
And where are the lesbians?
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sincerely-krp · 14 days
If you've never been an admin you really can't know the amount of shit admins have to deal with. At the end of the day they're not perfect and sometimes the decision they make is what is best for the rp or the majority, not the fairest one / i was gonna stay out of it, but this just pushed me to my limit so
i'm an admin, have been since like 2016 on and off. i've adminned gen krps, au krps, both with lotsss of members. i've sent sincerely proof from being inside of the admin blogs of a gen krp which peaked around 400 members (2016-2018) and two au krps, one which had around 70 - 80 members and another that never got more than 30 (about 19 muns). these were spread between fb, mewe, and tumblr. i have never had to speak to anyone like the hot sugar admins spoke to kji (even though as i read through it was VERY clear the kji mun was an absolute nightmare to the people they hurt, i can still criticize the way the admins handled that). i also know a lot about the insidigm admins from the canva + friends that have been there sharing their conversations with base or lady/lord astor.
yes the hot sugar admin or insidigm admin DECISIONS could be valid, based in the best interest for their krp, but in no circumstance does that give them the right to speak down to their members. i've never had to use a tone like that and believe me, toxicity in fb gen krp is a whole other brand. you can admin without using manipulative or condescending language.
that being said, the right answer to the person's concerns is not to shit on them for bringing to attention to the masses behavior they found concerning, but perhaps to open a dialogue about how we can admin without being bullies. i know like three people at LEAST that had terrible anxiety about the insidigm admins, so the anon that posted saying 'yes this stuff is actually textbook manipulative' (they didn't use those words i'm just trying to get the point across) was actually really validating for them.
for once guys, just think about the behavior we all have towards each other. what do we get by defending an admin team who someone has found used manipulative language in multiple cases?
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fire and ice - chapter 23
< Chapter 22 || Index || Chapter 24 >
That morning, Fire Heart awoke before the sunrise. He'd seen Blazing Cinder in the healers' den, sleeping rather peacefully beside Stone Pelt. Now, he padded alone through the forest, barely bothering to check for prey despite being assigned to join a hunting patrol.
He grimaced. Clearly, the fight he had with Gray Stripe was quite the spectacle. He'd gotten some teasing about it from the other warriors, and Tiger's Claw didn't hide the fact that he was assigning Gray Stripe to a different patrol just to keep the two of them separate. He couldn't help but be relieved to be alone now, away from the hunting party, but was still hardly able to believe that he and Gray Stripe had fought so bitterly. Fire Heart felt lost and alone without his old friend, though he barely recognized him anymore. He wondered if they could ever be friends again. Thinking about Gray Stripe drifted his thoughts to Misty Step.
His former mentor had, suddenly, declared she had also become aware of Gray Stripe's codebreaking.
"Are you… going to tell Blue Fur?" Fire Heart had whispered, terrified of what the Clan would do to him.
  "I found Silver Stream's scent quite a few times. Figured she must have been up to something." The molly told a flabbergasted Fire Heart. "Then I eventually saw one of their meetings."
"No." She declared, surprisingly. "It's none of my business."
"But they're breaking the Code!" Fire Heart had to clench his teeth to not yell, confused. He'd learned to follow the Code and defend his Clan from this very cat. 
Misty Step's blue eyes fixed on him. "The Code was created by living cats, Fire Heart. It's not perfect. I'd fight Silver Stream if I had to, of course, even though she's like a little sister to me. But living in a Clan is about more than just the Code." Fire Heart just stared at her, unable to understand what she was telling him. She went on. "If you can… try telling Gray Stripe to be smarter about this. I'm concerned with how careless they've been, especially Gray Stripe. He's shrinking duty, and made himself sick for almost a moon."
"I've told him to stop meeting her… and Silver Stream too… they won't listen." He murmured.
"You can't make those you love do or stop doing anything." Misty Step murmured gently. "Sometimes… all you can do is offer advice, make sure they're safe… and hope they make good decisions."
Fire Heart made straight for her fence and called softly down into the garden. Then he jumped back into the woods and waited in the undergrowth for his sister to come looking.
  The rain clouds he had seen rolling in last night had covered the sun, and the snow underpaw was turning to slush. It wasn’t until he felt the softness of leaves beneath his paws that Fire Heart realized he’d wandered all the way to the oak woods that backed onto the Twolegplace, breaking him out of his thoughts. Instantly his mind went to Princess, and he wondered if his paws had carried him to her Twoleg nest for a reason.
He didn’t have to wait long before there was a scrabbling noise on the fence and he smelled her distinctive scent. Fire Heart was about to leap out to meet her when he smelled a second, unfamiliar scent.
The bracken rustled, and Princess appeared. In her mouth she carried a tiny white kit. As Fire Heart pushed his way out to meet her, she mewed a warm greeting through the bundle of fur in her teeth.
The kit was very small, Fire Heart guessed it would not be weaned for another moon or two. Princess cleared away some slush with her paw and laid it gently down on the leaves. Then she sat down and wrapped her thick tail around it.
Fire Heart was overwhelmed with emotion. This was his own kin, kittypet-born like he had been! He walked quietly over to Princess, nuzzled a greeting, then bent down and sniffed the kit. It smelled of warmth and milk — strange but somehow familiar. Fire Heart gave it a tender lick on the head and it mewled, opening its pink mouth and blinking its small blue eyes.
Princess looked at Fire Heart, her eyes shining. “I have brought him for you, Fire Heart.” she meowed softly. “I want you to take him back with you to your Clan, so you can raise him in your ways.”
Fire Heart stared at the tiny kit. “I never expected...” he began. He dragged his gaze away and stared wordlessly at his sister.
“My housefolk will choose where the rest will live. I never questioned that very much until meeting you… and realizing how good having my kin with me is.” Princess went on. “I want to decide the future of at least one of my kits. Get to see them grow. This one's name is Cloud, he was the first to open his eyes.” She raised her chin. “He has fire in him, I'm sure of it. Make him a hero, please. Like you!”
Cloud. My nephew, Cloud. The unsettling sense of loneliness that had been dragging at Fire Heart for so long began to ebb away. He pictured the white kit among the Clan, as he showed him the ways of the forest and hunted by his side through the thick ferns. At last, there would be another cat in ThunderClan who shared Fire Heart’s kittypet roots.
Princess tilted her head. “I know how upset you've been. I thought if you had your own apprentice — one who’s your own kin — you wouldn’t feel so lonely.” She stretched her neck and rested her nose against Fire Heart’s side. “I don’t understand all your Clan ways, but seeing you, and hearing you talk about your life, I know I would be honored if my son was brought up as a Clan cat.”
As the first flare of happiness settled inside him, Fire Heart thought of the rest of his Clan, and how desperately they needed fighting cats. Two of the four Clans were threatening them, there could be injuries — not to mention the ones currently sick. And what if the greencough took more lives than just Blue Fur's? ThunderClan might need this kit.
He was suddenly aware of the rain clinging to his fur. Cloud needed shelter, and soon. He looked strong, but he was still too small to withstand the cold and wet for long.
“I’ll take him.” he meowed. “This is a great gift you’ve given to ThunderClan. And I’ll make sure he'll be the finest warrior the Clan has ever seen!” He dipped his head and scooped up the kit by his scruff.
Princess’s eyes shone with gratitude and pride. “Thank you, Fire Heart.” she purred. “Who knows, maybe he’ll even become a leader and be given nine lives!”
Fire Heart gazed fondly at her trusting, hopeful face. Did his sister really believe this might happen? Then a twinge of doubt pricked him. He was taking this tiny kit back to a camp infected by greencough. What if he didn’t even make it to newleaf? But the cozy scent of the kit under his muzzle soothed him. Cloud would survive. He was strong, and he shared his blood. Fire Heart took a deep breath. He must be quick — the kit was getting cold already. He blinked a farewell at Princess and raced away into the bushes.
Cloud was heavier than he’d expected. He dangled from Fire Heart's mouth, bumping against his forelegs with faint protesting squeaks. By the time Fire Heart reached the top of the ravine, his neck was aching. He made his way down to the camp, putting one paw carefully in front of the other, wary of slipping on the fast-melting snow.
At the entrance, Fire Heart hesitated. For the first time he wondered how he would explain this kit to the Clan — he was going to have to admit to visiting his kittypet sister. But it was too late now. He could feel Cloud shivering. Fire Heart squared his shoulders and padded through the gorse tunnel. Cloud let out a deafening wail as a thorn tugged at its fur. Several pairs of eyes turned to look in amazement as Fire Heart emerged into the clearing.
Both hunting parties had returned. One by one the rest of the Clan were drawn out of their dens by the noise and the unfamiliar scent. None of the cats made a sound. They stared at Fire Heart with hostile, puzzled eyes as though he were a stranger.
Fire Heart turned slowly in the center of the clearing, the kit still dangling from his mouth, and looked at the ring of questioning eyes. His mouth began to feel dry. Why had he assumed the Clan would accept a kit that wasn’t even forest-born?
He felt a rush of relief when Blue Fur emerged from the healers' den. But her eyes widened in surprise as she saw him. “What is this?” she demanded.
A tremor of foreboding ran along Fire Heart’s spine. He could see from her stance and the way her eyes flashed that something bad had happened. He placed Cloud between his front paws and wrapped his tail over him to keep him warm. “It’s my sister’s son, Cloud.” he replied.
“Your sister?” Tiger's Claw glared at him accusingly.
“You have a sister?” called Hop Speckle. “Where?”
“The same place as Fire Heart was born, of course.” Pale Tail hissed with disgust. “Twolegplace!”
“Is that true?” Blue Fur asked, her eyes widening further.
“Yes.” Fire Heart admitted. “My sister gave it to me to bring to the Clan.”
“And why would she do that?” Blue Fur asked with menacing calm.
Fire Heart stammered nervously. “I told her about Clan life — how great it was...” His voice trailed away under the leader's incredulous gaze.
“How long have you been visiting Twolegplace?”
“Not long, just since leaf-bare began. But only to see my sister. My loyalty still lies with ThunderClan.”
He saw Black Leopard flatten her ears, and Tiger's Claw's lip curled in disgust as his fangs showed.
“Loyalty?” Dark Pine's yowl rang out across the clearing. “And yet you bring a kittypet here?”
“Isn’t having one kittypet in the Clan enough?” croaked Small Ears.
“Trust a kittypet to find another kittypet!” snarled Dusty Earth, ruffling his fur indignantly. He turned to Sand Storm and nudged her with his nose. Sand Storm glanced uncomfortably at Fire Heart and then looked down at her paws.
“Why have you brought it here?” Tiger's Claw growled.
“We need warriors...” The tiny kit squirmed beneath his belly as he spoke, and Fire Heart realized how ridiculous he must sound. He bowed his head as yowls of scorn met his words. However, the one that stung the most was Blue Fur's.
The leader stared at him with unveiled disgust. "You think you can replace my grandkit this easily, Fire Heart?"
He froze. "W-what?" 
Stone Pelt, who had entered the clearing during the commotion, answered quietly. "Tulip Pelt passed away because of greencough."
Shocked, saddened murmurs spread through camp. Fire Heart felt grief heavy in his heart. Brindle Face and Mossy Patch had lost another kit. They must have buried the kit in secret, their vigil dedicated to keeping their two remaining kits safe. His stomach then sunk when more cats mimicked Blue Fur's expression. How could they think this was what he intended? Fire Heart began to panic. Had he endangered his own position in the Clan by bringing Princess’s kit here?
Fleet Foot spoke up as the murmurs died down. “The Clan has enough to worry about already without… this.”
“It’ll be nothing but a burden.” Mouse Fur agreed with her brother. “It’ll be at least five moons before it’s ready to begin training.”
“I think he should get rid of it at once.” Tiger's Claw snarled arrogantly, padding to Blue Fur's side.
“It certainly looks too small to survive until newleaf.” Golden Flower remarked from near her mate. The golden warrior's voice had no malice, but cold affirmation.
Suddenly, a meow sounded from the crowd. "It's a kit." Misty Step padded out into the open, her tone firm. "The warrior code says we shouldn't turn away from a kit in need, even if it's from another Clan."
"It's not from any Clan, though! It's a kittypet !" Dark Pine challenged. The Clan muttered their agreements, eyeing Fire Heart with hostility. Some, however, seemed to avert their eyes.
At Fire Heart's feet, Cloud began mewling loudly. He bent down to lick the kit. He must be very hungry by now, he thought through his anxiety. By the nursery, Frost Shine sat beside Mossy Patch, tail over her back. As if stirred by Cloud's cries, the white queen got to her paws to crept over to Fire Heart and looked down at the miserable kit. Suddenly she dipped her head and sniffed the kit’s soft fur. “He’d be better off in the nursery.” she murmured. “Brindle Face still has some milk to spare, her kits haven't been able to fully wean yet. I could ask her to feed him.”
Fire Heart stared at the queen in surprise.
Frost Shine gazed back at him, her eyes warm. “I haven’t forgotten that you rescued my kits from ShadowClan.” she straightened up and turned to Mossy Patch. The molly seemed to know what Frost Shine wanted to say. She averted the white queen's eyes for a moment, then glanced at Misty Step and sighed. "It'd be up to Brindle to have the final say. But I… I don't want to see another kit die." Her meow was sad but resolute. 
Misty Step shot her sister a gentle glance then turned her gaze to her mother. "Blue Fur. This kit needs milk and warmth. Regardless of whether he stays here or not, he'll die if we don't do anything. You stood up for Fire Heart when he was a kit himself — this kit needs that same justice."
Blue Fur met her daughter's gaze thoughtfully, tail tip twitching. “Very well." She meowed, squaring her shoulders. "Take him to the nursery, keep him warm. I must leave to think about what to do.” She beckoned Tiger's Claw and Misty Step then padded to her den and disappeared inside. The deputy followed with undisguised rage. The rest of the Clan slipped away, muttering darkly. Mossy Patch entered the nursery without further word.
Fire Heart picked up the bedraggled kit and carried him to the nursery, following Frost Shine. The white molly disappeared through its narrow entrance, and Fire Heart squeezed in after her. He paused inside the thicket of brambles, blinking until his eyes got used to the dim light.
Inside the dry, dark cocoon, Brindle Face was curled around her two healthy kits. Mossy Patch was already curled around her. The queen looked suspiciously at Fire Heart, then at the kit that dangled from his jaws. In another nest, Hop Speckle's other kid slept soundly, unbothered by the meowling.
He put Cloud down and turned to Brindle Face. “I’m sorry… about Tulip Pelt.” he murmured.
The queen blinked at him, her grief raw in her eyes. The two mollies pressed their faces together.
“Brindle Face.” Frost Shine began, “I can only guess how much pain you feel. But this kit is starving, and you have milk. Will you feed him?”
Brindle Face shook her head and shut her eyes tight as if to deny Fire Heart’s presence in her den.
Mossy Patch rubbed her muzzle on Brindle Face's cheek, licking her face gently. "He won’t replace our son.” she whispered. “But he needs your warmth and care. We… we could save this one.”
Fire Heart waited anxiously. Princess' son's cries grew louder. It could smell Brindle Face’s milk and began to squirm blindly toward her soft belly. It nuzzled its way between Brindle Face’s other two kits. Brindle Face looked down as he wriggled forward, following her milk-scent. She watched, without resisting, as he latched onto her belly and began to suckle. Fire Heart ached with relief and gratitude as he saw Brindle Face’s eyes soften and the white kittypet began to purr, kneading her swollen stomach with tiny paws.
Frost Shine nodded, and touched the queen's ear with her nose. “Thank you, Brindle Face. Can I tell Blue Fur that you will care for the kit?”
“Yes.” replied Brindle Face quietly, not taking her eyes off the white kit. She nudged him closer to her belly with one hind paw. Mossy Patch rested her head on her mate's flank, watching the three kits.
Fire Heart purred and bent his head to nose her shoulder. “Thank you. I promise I’ll bring you extra fresh-kill every day.”
“I’ll go and tell Blue Fur.” meowed Frost Shine.
Fire Heart looked up at the white queen, stirred by her kindness. “Thank you.” he mewed.
“Misty Step is right. No kit deserves to starve, Clanborn or not.” Frost Shine turned and pushed her way out of the brambles.
“You can go now.” Mossy Patch murmured to Fire Heart. “Cloud will be safe with us.”
Fire Heart nodded and followed Frost Shine out into the rain. He went to the warriors' den, although he knew that until he’d heard Blue Fur’s decision about the kit, he could not settle. Fire Heart paced outside his fur matting into wet clumps under the now heavier rain. He saw Frost Shine slip out of Blue Fur's den and hurry back to the nursery.
Willow Branch was preparing to lead evening patrol out of the camp when Blue Fur finally came out of her den, followed by Misty Step and Tiger's Claw. Fire Heart stopped, his heart pounding so fast he thought his legs would give way under him. Blue Fur leaped onto the Highrock and began the familiar summons. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather below the Highrock.”
The patrol turned away from the camp entrance and padded after Willow Branch, back toward the Highrock. The rest of the Clan began to leave their dry nests, grumbling about the rain. Tiger's Claw leaped onto the rock beside Blue Fur, his face grim.
They’re going to make me take him back, thought Fire Heart. His breath began to come in shallow gasps. Darker thoughts pushed their way into Fire Heart’s mind. What if Blue Fur asks Tiger's Claw to abandon him in the forest? He’ll never survive. Oh, StarClan, what am I going to say to Princess?
When all the cats were settled, Blue Fur spoke. “Cats of ThunderClan, no cat can deny that we need warriors. We have lost lives to greencough already, and there are many moons until newleaf. Blazing Cinder has been gravely injured, and cannot train in her condition." She paused. "Fire Heart has been visiting his sister in Twolegplace. Although it is a fact his actions are unbecoming of a warrior and have affected the whole of this Clan, I do not believe he meant disloyalty by it." Blue Fur paused for a moment to survey the cats in front of her. Hope began to surge in his chest, making him dizzy. “I have decided we will take this kit into the Clan.” she declared.
No cat made a sound. Fire Heart wanted to yowl his thanks to StarClan, but he held his tongue. He took his first deep breath since sunhigh. His own kin was going to be part of ThunderClan!
"Is this really what ThunderClan is becoming?" Dark Pine suddenly snarled. "We're taking in kittypet after kittypet, to become the laughing stock of the forest? Are we truly that desperate?" Beside him, Pale Tail, Dusty Earth and - perplexingly - Swift Bird meowed his agreements. 
"Fire Heart made a fine warrior. His kin will too." Before Blue Fur could reply, Gray Stripe spoke up, making other cats turn their heads to look at him in surprise. Fire Heart could scarcely believe it - his friend had come to his defense, after all? He tried to catch Gray Stripe's eye, but the tom didn't look in his direction.
Dark Pine looked scornfully at his half-brother. "What's this? Defending Fire Heart now, Gray Stripe? Weren't you getting a taste of him just yesterday?"
"That's enough." Hissed Blue Fur. The raging grief lit her eyes once more, and her patience had clearly run thin. “As Gray Stripe pointed out.” Blue Fur repeated. “This kittypet carries Fire Heart’s blood. There is every chance the kit will make a fine warrior, as long as he's taught how to respect the Code properly. Brindle Face has decided to nurse him, so Fire Heart will take on the duty of providing for her.” The Clan leader met Fire Heart’s eyes, but he couldn’t read her expression. “Finally, the kit should have a Clan name, as he will grow up here. He shall be known as Cloud Tail from now on.”
“Will there be a naming ceremony?” Mouse Fur called from the crowd.
Fire Heart looked eagerly up at the Highrock. Would his sister’s kit be granted this privilege, as he had been when the Clan had formally accepted him?
Blue Fur looked down at Mouse Fur, eyes cold. “No.” she answered.
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