#i can actually draw furry stuff (suprise to me too)
micromime · 11 months
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Ouu something happening to my brain.... ou Wes fursona... (dormouse)
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softjeon · 6 years
Through the Veil | Pt. 12
• Pairing: Yoongi x Jungkook • Genre: Angst / Fluff | demon!AU (→  Gifset Trailer) • Words: 8,3k | Co-Writer: Cat @cassiavioletblue​ ↳ (AO3) • Disclaimer: mentioning of alcohol and violence / death / graphic content
↳ Jungkook is pretty sure that he is a normal human being, but he is also sure that this book, he got from his grandma, is a cookbook. So when it turns out that the words he's reciting are not to cook some tasty meal but to summon something from the depth of the underworld - then maybe there are a few more suprises for him in stock. « previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter »
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Yoongi had listened to the sound of Jungkook’s breathing and knew the exact moment when he fell asleep. He had to think about the things Persephone had said. He had never feared losing someone. Pain and Heartache wasn’t something a demon should feel. He went through life alone. It always had been easier this way. But the angel boy had brought the unexpected.
With him asleep he could admit to himself that he needed to protect him, the overwhelming emotion Yoongi felt each time Jungkook was smiling at him, had to be something like love. He wouldn’t know or recognize the emotion right away. He didn’t remember love. But still it was everything Jungkook awoke in him.
Yoongi was afraid Jungkook had found a way inside of him and wrapped himself tightly around his heart. But the bond and what it entailed hat taken a hold onto him and there was no way to remove it. The feeling inside of him was so deep and strong, it wasn’t going to go away. It was there to stay. No matter how far he ran from Jungkook, where he would go or what he did, he would be there with him. Yoongi bent his head and put his mouth against Jungkook’s ear. A soft kiss was placed and Jungkook’s breathing remained slow and even as it was meant to. The demon pulled Jungkook a little closer to his body, shutting his own eyes as he drifted off to a little slumber. It felt too good to be in his arms protected, cherished and loved and Jungkook instinctively cuddled closer. The thought of separating was pushed far back into his head, where it couldn’t ruin this moment that was entirely their own.
Jungkook could feel the mattress of the bed dip and he blinked his eyes open sleepily, groaning right away, when he felt the bruises on his body sting. The feel of paws on his thighs made him look up. Buddy was panting with his tongue lazily hanging out of his mouth, cocking his head to the side as he was questioning what the human and the demon were doing there, cuddling without him. Even though the hellhound was still a puppy, he was relatively big in comparison to normal sized puppies in the real world, so Jungkook had to move away from his demon, so the dog could lay between them. Only then Yoongi stirred awake. Jungkook patted the head of the dog, who had laid himself onto Yoongi’s chest, closing his eyes, happily enjoying the caresses. He was careful with the paws though, since the dog still had sharp crawls that were dangerously close to his exposed chest. Nonetheless the younger one smiled at the demon when he saw that he was awake and quickly hid his face again. “No one will ever believe me if I tell them I lost my virginity to a demon,” Jungkook mumbled, the heat blushing his cheeks.
“Hm, maybe you didn’t complete lose it. Maybe I didn't manage to fuck all the innocence out of you and there’s something left. Should I check? Just to make sure?” He poked Jungkook playfully into his side before lowering his voice again. “I kind of like that thought a lot. You, telling people that you’re mine. That there’s someone out there who owns your heart – and owned your body.” He nosed along Jungkook’s jaw, “Oh god I’m going to miss you so bad, Jungkook.”
Jungkook closed his eyes, feeling the ache right in the middle of his heart when Yoongi said exactly what he was afraid to think about. “Don’t…let’s just enjoy this right here, please,” Jungkook let his hand caress over Yoongi’s chest lovingly. “You want to take a shower with me?” The younger one mumbled, hoping that If he said it fast and quiet that maybe Yoongi would overhear him. A rosé color dusted his cheeks and Jungkook bit his lip in shyness.
“I’d love to,” The demon couldn’t hide his grin at Jungkook’s cute display of affection that he was very obviously embarrassed about. He had never known what being “fond” of someone felt like, not in this intensity. Not until now, where Jungkook just needed to breathe and he found it completely adorable. If Hoseok was right and Yoongi had fallen for some angel magic that Jungkook was unconsciously weaving around him - then Yoongi wanted it to capture him forever. He’d even take the pain of separation just to have Jungkook in his arms now. But enough thoughts about the future. The angel boy was right, he should enjoy this as long as it lasted and not ruin it by thinking about what would come later.
Carefully he sneaked an arm under Jungkooks legs before the other could try to get up and then lifted him up off the mattress. When Jungkook opened his mouth Yoongi just commented drily, “You don’t want to walk right now. Trust me on this. You’re going to feel sore soon enough tomorrow.”
Jungkook only nodded, clinging onto Yoongi while he was carrying over to the luxurious bathroom that accompanied the beautiful rooms that were Persephone’s. The younger one loved it here and he could have gotten used to the feeling of living in a big mansion, instead of his simple and small apartment at home.
Under the shower, Jungkook turned playful quick, leaving soft little kisses all over Yoongi’s wet skin and continuing to do so while he was getting dried up by the demon. Yoongi cleaned Jungkook up as carefully as he could almost forgetting himself over it. But Jungkook made sure he cleaned all of himself too with drawing attention to all his body parts with kisses. Instead of just turning him on it made this feel oddly… domestic. As if they had been together for years and were used to this, building little routines into their everyday life, living together and around each other as naturally as the Persephone’s servants were always staying to their queen. Because she owned them in a way. And Jungkook owned him. Just differently.
Jungkook could feel the sore muscles already, but he had felt worse pain before (though it definitely was at different parts of his body), so he walked back into the room on his own. Seeing buddy, still sleepily waiting for them on the bed, he turned to Yoongi, “I think we should go out and play a little with him. Or you should…because I’m actually quite sore, but I’ll manage to go down into the garden with you.”
“I really was too gentle with you if you need to get your energy off with walking a hellhound right after,” He laughed, snapping his fingers to get buddie’s attention who was happily jumping around Jungkook. “Hey, you furry doofus. That’s mine. Let him be a little. He can’t play with you. Or bend over right now. Because if he would start playing with you as if nothing had happened then I would see it as my duty to bend him over right here and fuck him again, just this time without holding back.” Of course, he wasn’t really talking to the hound, keeping his attention on Jungkook so he didn’t see buddy coming towards him and licking his knee in an attempt to get a reaction. Yoongi made a stuttered noise that sounded very undemonic and almost fell on his ass.
Jungkook let the dirty comment slip, biting his lip in thought on how the demon would make him bend over again. He was right though, that was a movement he was sure he couldn’t do in quite some time. Jungkook quickly intertwined his hand with the demon’s and pulled him along, “Now stop bickering with Buddy and play with him.”
The entire time Yoongi was playing and throwing stick after stick repeatedly, Jungkook had a smile on his face. Unfortunately, the small ones easily broke between the sharp teeth of Buddy and the dog looked up at Yoongi with his big eyes, not really understanding why everything he caught with his mouth broke in two. The demon got heavier stuff to throw like it was nothing and the hellhound barked loudly but only after a few throws Yoongi came back to where Jungkook sat. “You’re tired already?” Jungkook chuckled low, watching the hound hunt happily after some butterfly-looking like-creatures (maybe it had been fairies, but Jungkook had no luck to take a closer look, as they always flew away from him).
“Nah, demons never get tired!” He answered, trying not to breath too heavy. That little shit had some stamina! From a hellhound shaped ball of fluff, he wouldn’t have expected to be so eager at hunting games. “If he grows he might accidentally eat your face when trying to wake you up,” He grumbled pouty and coming to sit beside Jungkook with a huff, “What are you going to do with him? And - no! Before you even ask I will not take care of that sorry excuse of an underworld creature. He’s so soft he could hide in between cotton balls and no one would spot the difference.”
“I can’t do anything can I?” Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, “He will go back to his owner I guess… I just hope he or she takes good care of him.” Pursing his lips into a pout, he leaned a little closer to Yoongi, “But you could make sure that he’s fine from time to time?” Jungkook reached out to cup Yoongi’s cheek, his thumb caressing over the soft skin.
“Promise me that -,” Jungkook’s words suddenly got caught off, when he felt a strong pull as he got sucked into the darkness. He had tried to reach out for the demon, a silent scream and panic filled expression. But he was gone and swirling around, screaming at the top of his lungs. Desperately he tried to call out for Yoongi, holding onto something but there was nothing but thin air until he fell onto the ground. Two strong arms instantly grabbed him and brought him back up on his feet and Jungkook tried to blink his eyes open, feeling too dizzy to see what was in front of him.
Yoongi tensed immediately, his claws coming out, but he couldn’t reach fast enough for the other and within a blink of an eye he was … gone. Just gone. Right into thin air.
Yoongi jumped up so quickly he startled the hellhound and in his terror, he screamed at him, a demonic yell that was simple fear and panic and shock and pure utter hopelessness as he had absolutely no idea what to do! What if the witches had gotten him and where trying to cook him again, right now, while he was standing here in the middle of the garden like a fool, wasting precious seconds! He needed to get to Persephone, he didn’t know what she would ask of him or what he would have to do in return but Yoongi had no idea who was able to snatch Jungkook away like that or why someone would do it but Persephone, being the mistress of her lands certainly knew or at least could make it known where Jungkook was and what Yoongi needed to do to get him back. He stormed along the corridors of the palace, feet drumming against the light marble, ignoring everyone else he was passing by the only thing in his mind just ‘Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook!’
The boy gazed up carefully, his first instincts telling him that he should orientate himself, maybe he could send Yoongi something through their bond, so he knew where he was – but then Jungkook saw the familiar structure of Persephone’s palace. He jerked when he felt someone breathe heavily into his neck and Jungkook turned his head to see one of the schakals holding onto his arms tightly. Almost painfully.
“Why- why are you holding me? I’m not doing anything, please,” Jungkook pleaded, hoping that this was all just a misunderstanding. His head snapped around again, when Persephone came down the stairs with a bunch of her guards following her. “Yoongi, please,” Jungkook whispered quietly, hoping that he would find him and tell him what was going on.
The schakal didn’t answer his question, just continued to sniff at him, pressing his cold, wet nose into Jungkook’s neck as if he was testing how hard he needed to push until he could make the boy’s neck snap. “Hm, interesting…,” Another sniff before the cold snout was gone from his skin as the schakal leaned over to whisper into his ear, “You let the demon have you, didn’t you? Cute, stupid little angel creature. You know you won’t be of value to him anymore now that he had you, don’t you, pretty little thing? You can’t be that dense. They only like sweet things. You don’t smell that sweet anymore. You are…tainted. Spoilt. Damaged goods. Maybe he would have fucked you once or twice again, just out of boredom. Or habit. But then you would have been discarded. You can be thankful for what’s about to happen now. This way you can preserve your childishly naive little fantasy world in which a demon fell for you, just like that and the fact that you were practically a delicacy for him didn’t had anything to do with him being nice to you.” The little sing-sang he whispered to him was purest poison, but his voice was calm and sweet nonetheless as if he was telling him the nicest things.
Jungkook felt awfully weak in the strong hold, as he avoided to listen to whatever the other was saying. But the words cut right through him. What if he was right? Yoongi had always wanted his innocence and now he had gotten it. There was nothing he could offer him anymore.
There were tears starting to dwell in Jungkook’s eyes, the words of the Schakal manifesting itself in his mind like a mantra. He whimpered quietly, and the guard had to adjust his grip on Jungkook to keep him up on his feet. “That’s…that’s not true, please,” Jungkook whispered but his mind couldn’t let go off the fact that everything the guard said was believable, even though his heart was aching for it to not be true. A tear fell onto Jungkook’s cheek and he wanted to wipe it away, but the Schakal was keeping his arms locked behind his back so he couldn’t move.
“Aww, don’t cry little one. Don’t waste your precious tears. You won’t have to watch that horned thing laugh at you. You will leave him first. But oh, who am I to spoil the surprise of my mistress. Let’s just tell her what she has in store for you. Way too generous in my opinion. I would have fed on you just for the disrespect you showed with thinking you could get away with walking around the underworld as if the laws here don’t apply to you,” When Persephone was within earshot the schakal went back to being as quiet and motionless as possible, keeping his grip around Jungkook’s arms as tight and ruthless as a vice.
Jungkook didn’t understand what the guard was referring to. He hadn’t done anything bad and even thought that Persephone took a liking in him. Speaking of her, Jungkook turned his head to where she stood but before he could say anything she raised her hand and made him shut.
“Little one,” Persephone smiled at Jungkook, “Look! I dressed up for you!” The goddess did a little pirouette to show off the dress that was flowing softly around her feet. “It’s time for you to go home,” She simply stated and walked further towards him, when she grabbed Jungkook’s chin to make the younger one look up. “It won’t hurt, I promise,” She said with a wicked expression on her face and Jungkook helplessly whined.
This would be it. He had been used, lied to, played with and now he was sent off like he was worth nothing. He averted his gaze, tears falling down his cheeks. He should have never trusted a demon.
Yoongi stormed into the private garden without giving a damn about etiquette, his fear for Jungkook’s safety overriding absolutely everything else. He had sprinted down the halls trying to get to Persephone’s throne sale when suddenly his bond had pulled him somewhere else and with utter confusion he had realized that Jungkook must be somewhere around here. But where exactly? And why?
It had taken him precious minutes to try to not explain this rationally and instead just go where the slight pull on his heartstrings was taking him, because rationally this made no fucking sense. But his heart knew where Jungkook was. And that he was afraid. Which mad Yoongi ‘s heart aching too. So, after following some small, hidden secondary corridors he finally could see a door that was leading him outside again - or at least something that meant sky over his head and grass under his feet. But it was encased by the walls of the towers of Persephone’s palace and therefore - even though the size and the beauty of the garden could have you easily oversee it - Yoongi had landed in some backyard garden that had been planted to fill the empty space somehow. It was so secluded from everything else - the only way to get there the little door he had come through, the only way to see them was to go close to the top of the towers and look through one of the sparsely built windows. But Yoongi was certain that from up there no one would want to look down to earth if you could enjoy the view.
Jungkook was pleading for Persephone not to send him off like that – without letting him say goodbye to Yoongi, even with his heart breaking – he didn’t care. Even if it meant to hear the truth, that the demon didn’t care about him. Even then, he would have wanted to kiss him one last time. He rather let his heart get shattered into a million pieces, then live without saying goodbye to the one he loved. Jungkook had wanted to set him free. So, this was it.
The hold around his arms had gotten stronger the second Yoongi had entered the scene and Persephone smirked knowingly. With a wave of her hand, the Schakal shoved Jungkook forcefully, who stumbled and fell onto his knees right in front of the demon. Jungkook pushed himself up on his hands, a quiet sob broke through him, but he didn’t dare to look up.
“Na-ah,” Persephone raised her hand again, weaving some magic around Yoongi that made him freeze in his state. There was no way he could reach for Jungkook right now. “I see you found him pretty quick,” The goddess walked up to the demon and around him, letting her hand caress over his broad shoulders, “Let’s say goodbye to our little boy here, right demon?”
The second his eyes fell on Jungkook he knew something was horribly wrong. His heart clenched painfully at the way the younger was hunching on the floor, as if he was torn between curling in on himself for protection and trying to run away from this. He was about to ask Persephone what the hell she had done with him, trying to get to Jungkook as fast as possible to make sure he was okay, to hold him close and tell him that he was safe now - when the goddess forced him to keep completely still. He shook with rage. But on the outside his body barely made a little tremble. Then the words Persephone had spoken sunk in and it felt like someone had emptied a bucket of ice water over his head.
“Good...bye? What...what are you trying to… This is not... you can’t send him away already! We barely…that’s not…,” Yoongi felt breathless and lightheaded, his mind refusing to function properly because the shock at the thought of losing Jungkook right now made him freeze even more than any magic could have done.
“Was he a good toy?” Persephone asked with a smile on her face, letting her finger trail over the delicate features of Yoongi’s face, “I’m glad my demons get to have some fun from time to time.” This was the dark part of her showing, the one that was the goddess in rage and filled with anger – the queen of the underworld not the childlike woman that likes to wander around in her garden. She kneeled to grip Jungkook’s chin to make him look up at her and then Yoongi.
“Demon, I know you barely only had your pleasure with him once, but you see,” She paused and got up again to heighten the tension, “You can fuck him again in five years if you want to. He’s stupidly in love with you…he will wait...but you’re a demon.” His whole body was shaking, but still Jungkook managed to look up and at Yoongi just when Persephone stood by the demon’s side, whispering something into his ear, “And demons don’t fall in love, don’t they?” Just then she swirled around and let Yoongi off her magic, waiting and watching him closely.
He knew it was a test. And that he would lose if he would prove her sarcastic comment wrong and fell on his knees to cradle Jungkook against his chest as he wanted to. To keep him from having to listen to such poisonous words that surely were slicing through his soft, vulnerable heart like a knife. Jungkook wasn’t used to this, those games of power and control that gods and goddesses in the underworld played for fun. It Yoongi behaved like he was in love - then she might find even more enjoyment in changing her mind and sentencing Jungkook to death, or she could lock him up somewhere just to make sure he stayed loyal to her. He needed to tell Jungkook that this wasn’t true at all - but he needed to tell him somewhere else. Far, far away from the eyes and ears of Persephone and her servants. So Yoongi turned his face into a polite mask, no anger, no fear, no love left to find there. Then he kneeled in front of Jungkook slowly, trying not to let his breath hitch at the sheer desperation he saw in the younger’s eyes. Jungkook must feel like he was dying from the inside out right now. Yoongi knew how scared he had been with taking the risk of opening to Yoongi completely. He had showed him all of him, all parts and pieces of his soul. And now he had been told that to Yoongi it had been a game to pass the time. The pity in his eyes was real just as his words were when he told him shortly, “I’m sorry Jungkook. I didn’t mean for it to end like this.”
Jungkook was searching the demon’s eyes, the hurt seeping through his chest and veins until it filled all his body. His bottom lip was quivering from the way he tried to hold back his tears. He gulped heavily before he spoke up. His voice was barely there, but with the demon being so close, Yoongi could still hear him. “You shouldn’t feel sorry. It’s my fault,” Jungkook stammered quietly, a tear falling onto his cheek and he quickly averted his gaze, “I’m sorry, I made this more complicated. It was stupid of me to think...that you…” His voice broke off as he couldn’t speak further. It hurt too much.
“Yeah. You thought I loved you right? That... that you are the most important thing in my life, that I’m waking up with you on my mind and won’t go to sleep without holding you in my arms from now on,” Yoongi swallowed and it was like trying to swallow down razorblades. He indirectly tried to tell Jungkook what it would have been like if Persephone wouldn’t have forced them to separate like this. What he had wished for so dearly.
“That we would be our own little family, you, me and that soft little hellhound of yours. That’s what you thought, isn’t it,” His fingers trembled a little when he reached out for Jungkook’s face, wiping the tears from his cheek. Jungkook cried quietly, as if his pain was too big for audible cries. As if he had surrendered to it. It was worse than him screaming at him or being rightfully angry. How could he really blame himself for trusting? He was the most precious, honest and beautiful person inside out. Anyone who harmed him or even tried to was at fault - and not Jungkook who brought nothing but joy and love and happiness to others life’s.
“As… as you gave me something of yours…,” It was almost cruel to phrase their night together like this but he didn’t want the others to hear any kind of details, so he tried to describe it as distant as possible. “I could give you something in return if you want to. For it to be fair or however you want to call it. You wanted to fly with me once, right? You were unconscious when I held you when... when he came down here. So, with the goddess’ permission...,” He courtly looked at Persephone and gave her a little respectful nod, “Then I would fly with you now, just for a moment. Then you’ll have something nice to remember as well. Not just pain and heartache.”
Jungkook couldn’t stop the tears from falling now with the way Yoongi spoke so bluntly about the things he had wished for so badly – even though he always knew in the back of his mind that he could never have it. He looked over to the guard for a second who was grinning widely and then Persephone who was watching the demon in interest and with a proud expression and then back to Yoongi. Jungkook wasn’t sure what this all was about, but something made him grab the demon’s hand nonetheless as he pulled him up to stand in front of him. His legs were shaking so badly, that Yoongi had put an arm around his waist to keep him stabilize and Jungkook couldn’t help but cry more. Persephone was happily observing it as he gave Yoongi the sign to fly.
Yoongi wasted no time and spread his wings the second Persephone gave him a sign, not caring at all how the guard would be able to see them. He had ripped out Jungkook’s heart in front of their eyes, he could bare his own soul a little too. He held Jungkook tight against himself, hugging him close in a way that hopefully gave him comfort but only when he was completely, absolutely certain that they were out of reach and hearing range did he stop, keeping them both in the air like a kestrel. His mask shattered immediately, and he tried to get Jungkook to look at him who tried his best to avoid exactly that. “Jungkook, shh… shht, my love, please don’t cry. Look at me. Baby boy, please look at me. I’m so sorry! I didn’t know that she would try to get you so quickly and ... and I didn’t know… how else to act without harming you even more with it. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said. Not the bad things at least. I just told you what I had wished for myself. I love you. I love you, my little angel boy. Please don’t cry. Please…don’t waste your precious tears on them,” He gently wiped the crystalline droplets away from the youngers face, caressing his face, kissing his cheek in between the rushed, whispered words, hoping that Jungkook wasn’t hurt too deeply already to believe him ever again.
“It’s okay,” Jungkook whispered and held onto the demon tight, kind of scared that he would let go off him and make him fall to his death. He couldn’t hold it back much longer, as the sobs broke through him and he looked at the demon with tear filled eyes. “It’s okay if you don’t want to come and visit me, Yoongi,” He whispered and hastily wiped away some tears, “I told you I will set you free if I can. I’m only human, I’m weak. I know that. You don’t love me, and you belong here, Yoongi. The bond will break the second I’m dead. It won’t be long for someone like you…you lived and eternity before. I want you to be free.” He whimpered quietly, when he felt the demon’s lips on his cheeks, the bond pulling at his heart achingly. “I’m so sorry I made this mess…I should have never tried to cook,” Jungkook was sobbing by now, his hands balling into fists and holding onto tight to the demon’s shirt, “I’m sorry…so so sorry, please.”
Yoongi just held him closer, gently stroking his back, his hair. He was choked up from seeing Jungkook so lost and so broken. Because of him. And even then, the younger only thought about what was best for Yoongi, even when he was barely able to see through his tears was he telling him what Yoongi might want to hear.
“You’re wrong”, He finally answered, voice hoarse and broken, “I don’t want to be free of you. Ever again. If I could I would bind you so tightly to me that it would be impossible to separate us. Because you are not weak, and I will come visit you as soon as I can and... and I do love you. If you believe nothing else from what I say anymore then please just believe those three little words. Because I didn’t use you I swear. And if there is a way I can prove it to you then I will do it because the last thing I want is for you to suffer at home when I put you through enough already. Please don't ever think I played you for fun. I would do everything, absolutely everything to be able to stay by your side. But... but I can’t do that without risking my life. Or yours. And I don’t... I can’t...” His voice broke off when the emotions overwhelmed him, the realization that this was it, that Jungkook would be send away now and he wouldn’t be able to see him for five full years, breaking his heart cleanly in half.
Jungkook nodded, not being able to speak through the tears and sobs. He understood, and he felt it. The love was wrapped tightly around them and Jungkook could feel it through the bond. He always kind of did but now he was sure. He cupped Yoongi’s cheek when he felt the sudden pain waving off him. Looking down, Jungkook quickly made sure if someone could see them before he leaned in, pressing his lips softly onto the demons. The kiss was full of desperation and promises and the younger one couldn’t get enough.
“I believe you,” He whispered against the demon’s lips, “I love you. I will never love anyone else but you. Please don’t let me go.” His lips pressed onto the demon’s more desperately, the bond between them humming and buzzing in content. Only Persephone’s call broke the two apart. From high up there it wasn’t clear what exactly she was saying but it must be something along the lines of her losing her patience if they didn't come down right now because they were taking up way too much of her time already.
Yoongi tensed, his wings automatically bristling up their feathers and for a moment, for one single daring moment he thought about just taking Kookie and running of. Flying away right now, leaving everything behind and risking being hunted by gods and goddesses and everything in between. But then he could feel Persephone reaching out to him, her magic wrapping securely around his wings and he knew that he wouldn’t even get away for one single wingspan before she would pull them back and punish them both for what Yoongi had tried to do.
So, he obeyed, Jungkook still in his arms, holding him so tight he was afraid that the younger would have problems catching his breath. But letting him go felt entirely impossible.
“I promise I’ll be careful…and I will stay in and not go out after the sun is down and I will wear the necklace to protect myself,” Jungkook murmured quickly, when Yoongi was making sure to go down slowly, “Just promise me…that if Buddy…if he doesn’t find his owner that you will take care of him, okay? Maybe he’s lost and…maybe he needs someone, okay? Please, I know you don’t want to…but please make sure he’s okay.”
“Of course,” When his feet hit the floor his heart sunk - as did his mask. It sunk all the way down over his face until there was nothing left from the emotional mess he inwardly was. He maybe hesitated a little too long to let Jungkook go. But no one could use such a tiny thing against them. He stepped back, his eyes still securely fixed on Jungkook’s face, trying to tell him through them what words couldn’t say any longer. That he would watch over him from afar as best as he could. That even though he had been grumpy he secretly liked the hellhound puppy so Jungkook wouldn’t have to worry about him. That he would be just as in love with him in five years as he was right now. And that they had to play along with this to be able to see each other again. Which meant it was time to say goodbye now.
Jungkook was barely a step away from Yoongi, when the guard was by his side again, holding on tight to his arm. Persephone got to the demon’s side and patted his shoulder in a weak attempt to comfort him. “Now, goodbye little one,” She said, and her face softened for a second, “It was weirdly fun to have you around. Make sure to visit us when you die.”
Yoongi swallowed hard but nothing could be done against the lump in his throat and the mess of splinters his heart had turned into. He would just have to endure this and then go home and... and hope for the next five years to pass like it was nothing. But who did he think he could feel okay, when every day without Kookie would be torture, every hour without him an ache that he wouldn’t be able to will away. He had been together with the younger for long enough now to know that he would miss him like crazy the moment he would be out of his sight.
Even though she hadn’t been kind to him the last hour, Jungkook still thanked Persephone for letting him stay and being as kind as to share food with him. Reaching out to him, she cupped his cheek and wiped away some of the boy’s tears. “You’re welcome, little boy,” She nodded and stepped aside for him to look at Yoongi one last time. A weak smile showed on Jungkook’s face as he desperately fought against the urge to reach out for the demon one last time.
Yoongi ‘s stance almost crumbled at Jungkook’s sad little smile that the younger gave him, at his wave that looked like all the energy had been drained from him. He was very obviously trying to be strong for the both. But it didn’t help. Only the knowledge of Jungkook’s certain death if he stayed with him - and his end if he tried to run from Persephone to be with Jungkook - kept him from stepping forward again to hold onto Jungkook and never let go. But so, he just stood there, watching. And then… Jungkook was gone.
A strong push made Jungkook fall forward and he fell onto his hands again, as the guard had landed roughly in his apartment. A nod was all he got, when he vanished again leaving Jungkook alone. Completely, utterly, alone. He carefully got up with shaking knees and looked around his apartment that hadn’t changed one bit from the last time he was here. Only one thing was missing.
Jungkook quickly ran into the bedroom, seeing the unmade bed – on both sides, and his heart ached painfully. He turned to his mirror, lifting his shirt up to see where death had touched him, and the marks were still there. Then he ran into the kitchen, where the pots and pans that Yoongi had used, were still standing around as if Yoongi and him had just left yesterday (which technically only was a few days ago, because the underworld and the real world had ‘different time zones’ that much he had learned).
Jungkook snapped around and ran to the coffee table, where the package with the dried pixie wings still was lying open as if Yoongi had just gotten out some to snack on it. Yoongi. There was no way he could ever reach him again. He had to wait now. Five awfully long years and only hope that he would come back to him. Jungkook hadn’t notice the tears that were falling again long before he cried out, choking on a desperate sob, the pain in his heart overwhelming everything else. There was nothing else he could feel but the pain. Today. Tomorrow and until he would come back to him.
It wasn’t long before everyone else around him just left and Yoongi knew that he was supposed to leave too. But somehow, he was still hoping that this was a joke or a bad dream or that Persephone changed her mind and would bring Jungkook back to him in the next second. So, he waited...and waited...and waited. Until he felt big paws on his leg, just above his knee.
He jerked out of his stupor and when he looked down he saw Buddy looking at him questioningly. Yoongi smiled sadly at him and for a moment he couldn’t decide between laughing or crying or screaming. So, he did nothing of it. “I’m sorry, pup. I think he... he won’t come back. For a very...long time. Like...ever.” Then he kneeled and buried his face in Buddy’s fur, stifling the sobs against the hound’s sturdy body. The hellhound just stood by his side, not really understanding but feeling that something wasn’t right. He followed the demon back to his cave, staying close to Yoongi’s legs as if he was afraid the moment he would leave, his part time owner would get sad again.
The dog suddenly barked happily, sniffing the smell of Jungkook and ran ahead and into the cave. Looking over his shoulder, he barked again, trying to tell Yoongi that the angel boy was here – he got disappointed though, when he was pushing his snout into some clothes that were Jungkook’s, searching desperately for him but then his eyes were losing their hopeful glance.
It hurt to watch Buddy search for Jungkook because the hound did exactly what he was aching to do; to run off to go search for him and then make sure the younger would never leave him again. But he couldn’t do that. Although explaining that to his heart was just as useless as trying to explain it to Buddy. So, he sat down beside him, taking one of Jungkook's shirts and then curling around it in an uncomfortable sleeping position that promised yet more comfort than everything else would have been able to give him. He wouldn’t be able to distract himself from Jungkook’s absence. So, sleep would be the only way to escape, if just for a little while. Buddy nudged the demon with his snout lovingly once, before he laid himself right next to him.
The night had been awfully long and filled with heartache and loneliness and no matter how hard he tried, there was nothing that would bring Jungkook back. The demon felt a hand on his shoulder and blinked his eyes slowly open. “Hey-,” Hoseok murmured, shaking his friend a little so he would wake faster, “Did you sleep on the stone-cold floor all night? You want to kill yourself there? You know that’s not good for your back or your wings? And we need them… Persephone called.”
Honestly, he was thankful that there was work to do that he needed to concentrate on. Because when Hoseok had woken him for the first few blissful little seconds had he forgotten that Jungkook was gone - and then it hit him fully rendering him unable to breathe or move or do anything else but beg for this awful version of reality to crumble to pieces. But there was no way out. And he still needed to do his job. So, he followed Hoseok as obedient as soulless.
Yoongi had never shown himself as obedient as he was now, and Persephone loved it. With a smile on her face, she ordered him around doing whatever she wanted. She didn’t even need to threaten him with hurting Jungkook if he wasn’t doing what she told him, instead Yoongi did whatever she asked. No matter how ridiculous it was. The goddess loved the anger in his eyes, the hurt and rage but there was something else, too. Softness. The demon had become soft. She knew that the demon loved the human boy. She had known it far before he did himself, but there had been no way that Persephone could have let Jungkook stay. Even if she wanted to.
Sitting on her throne, she let her nails tap against the marble while she was listening to the begs and pleads of a demon in front of her. Yoongi stood by her right side and she turned her head gracefully, with a smile secured on her lips. “I hate getting betrayed,” The goddess said with a steady voice and motioned for Yoongi to step forward, “Show him what we do with demons that think that they can make their own decisions.”
Yoongi wasn’t stupid, he knew that this job was kind of a sideswipe at him, a way of preventing him to make a decision himself, like going after Kookie even though he wasn’t allowed to. But unless the poor demon in front of him who had either underestimated Persephone's power or overestimated his own abilities the warning would come too late. Yoongi took one of the silver daggers that were lying on the little table just out of his reach so that he had to turn his back towards the demon for a second. He must be quite young or naive because instead of enduring whatever the goddesses would see fit as his punishment he actually tried to get up and run. Of course, Persephone didn’t move a muscle, it was Yoongi’s job to do so. But even if Yoongi would have let him go - then he would still have no chance at all to even reach the door unharmed. So Yoongi threw the dagger calmly, hitting the other right in between the shoulder blades.
The demon screamed in pain, tumbling to the floor and trying to get the dagger out of his back. Which he couldn’t. That’s why Yoongi had chosen that place. The demon whimpered when he caught up to him and stepped on his forearm to keep him from getting up. “Don’t make it worse, kid. I don’t think she’ll have me kill you if this is your first-time disobeying. But she definitely will if you try to keep running away. So just suck it up. It probably won’t even hurt as much as you’re afraid it will.” It was a blatant lie - but one that could potentially safe the others life. “Please, I didn’t…I,” The demon was howling in pain and Persephone was smiling in content. “I don’t think he understood, yet,” She ordered calmly, making Yoongi growl low, when he saw how the demon tried to reach for something.
Jungkook startled in his sleep, a gasp falling from his lips as he was breathing heavily, the heat burning up his lungs and he suddenly felt feverish. Blinking his eyes open, he looked around in his dark bedroom. It had barely been a few weeks without Yoongi and he couldn’t help but have nightmares everyday – but this was different. He clutched his chest, feeling all too hot as Jungkook slowly got up. He stumbled to the bathroom to throw water in his face, trying to cool himself down but nothing that normally worked, helped him. In the kitchen, he downed a glass of water, but nothing could soothe the heat raging in his heart, when he finally understood – it was Yoongi.
He whined helplessly. The feeling was familiar, he felt it first at the fairy’s home when the demon showed his full form for the first time in rage and then again later. He held onto the kitchen counter, panting and desperately trying to catch his breath. “Yoongi,” He choked out the demon’s name, hoping that whatever it was that made Yoongi go out full on demon would be over soon, “I can’t brea- breathe. Please, Yoongi.” Jungkook knew that he was pleading for nothing. There was no way that Yoongi could think rational now. He tried to keep his breathing calm, sitting down on the cold kitchen floor as he pulled his legs closer, whimpering with every aching pull of the bond.
It felt horribly satisfying to take his own pain out on someone else and so Yoongi tortured the younger demon just like Persephone had asked of him until the other was a bleeding, broken, sobbing mess. Yoongi wiped the bloody dagger on his clothes, ready to use it again when suddenly a wave of nausea hit him. He swayed a little, trying to find out what on earth was making him feel so dizzy. Then he felt the pull on his heart, a strangely weak and uncomfortable one. “Jungkook…,” The whisper was over his lips before he could stop himself and suddenly he saw the scene through Jungkook’s eyes. How he was torturing one of his own kind without even knowing if he really had done something bad. How he wasn’t stopping even though the demon had already begged him for mercy twice. How the eyes of the younger one were full of pain and fear. Because of him.
Yoongi tried to keep his breathing calm when the panic was starting to mess with him, his hands starting to tremble and his vision blurring. He blinked it away, furrowing his brows in concentration until he was back to normal. Then he kneeled besides the injured demon who made a scared little sound and weakly tried to protect himself even though he knew he didn’t have a chance against Yoongi. Not in the beginning and definitely not now when he was just barely conscious. Yoongi wiped the blood from his cheek and gently touched the youngers face making him look up at him. He turned down his voice so that Persephone couldn’t hear them before asking. “What is this for anyway? What did you do that made her so angry at you?”
“I…I can’t,” The demon stuttered, “It would only make it worse.” He coughed violently, trying to reach out for Yoongi, “Please, believe me I didn’t do it because I wanted to betray her. I had no choice. You understand that, right? Ple-please.”
Jungkook could feel his heartbeat calm down and he sighed in relief, but then the sadness crashed in waves over him. He hadn’t felt Yoongi much since the day he left and now everything was just too much. He hated it. Every second of it. Jungkook had tried to keep it together the past weeks, try to work and be the good boy he promised to be. He had established a routine to keep his mind from wandering off to the demon each time, but it hadn’t work, not one second. Jungkook had only suppressed everything he felt and now it all came back to him. His body was shaking with the sobs and the boy curled in on himself, letting the pain just swallow him up whole, screaming out for the demon to come back to him.
Yoongi swallowed when the sudden sadness washing over him made him entirely too vulnerable and empathetic for the demon’s pleas. He should continue to ‘play’ with him until Persephone told him to stop. Then and only then would he consider backing off. But the fearful words together with Jungkook’s emotions went right into his chest. He sighed deeply before putting the dagger away. He had more pressing matters to do right now. Like trying his hardest not to think about Kookie while making sure that everything was alright up there. “You don’t have to keep whining. I’m done with you anyways”, He told him as roughly as possible to not lose his face while in reality his voice had gone softer, if only because of thinking about Jungkook.
The demon caught the other by his collar like a rabbit and dragged him back to the goddess, where he put him at her feet. It was on her to decide what to do next with him. The demon underneath him was whimpering and Yoongi realized something while looking down at him. He wouldn’t make it, just as much as he himself wouldn’t make it without Jungkook. He couldn’t live without his smile, his laugh. He couldn’t live without his ability to calm him. The odds were stacked and fucked up against him. Gazing up, a shiver went down his spine, when Yoongi saw the wicked smile of the goddess, but she waved him off, so Yoongi did what he had to do. He turned around and walked out of the throne sale – with blood all over his hands and clothes and only one thing on his mind. 
A/N: Let’s just say one thing...we cried writing this and I also cried while editing this again! Leave us a comment on how you liked this chapter! We still got two more chapters to go! What do you think will happen next? Will there be a happy end? *sighs*
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