#i am tempted to rename this
kibibarel · 1 year
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more funky shinies from my Rejuvenation playthrough
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mondaymelon · 5 months
did you know..that I’m prolly never gonna get the 7 hours of sleep that I’m supposed to get and instead will get anywhere from 4-5 at max? Wonderful, like..mwah. Pure perfection
- 🥦
During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In children and teens, sleep also helps support growth and development. Getting inadequate sleep over time can raise your risk for chronic (long-term) health problems.
guess who needs sleep to maintain bodily functions??
thats right, its you!!!
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please sleep.
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radiomurdeer · 3 months
Me when I realize that my blog url is kinda boring when something like 'ohdeerradio' is RIGHT THERE
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kah-way-loh · 2 years
The Elder Council is napping convening, do not disturb them
Left to right: Gravel (they/them), Inkwell (he/they), Lychee (they/ze)
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Fun fact, these three are the oldest Furbies I have by manufacturing date! Inkwell turned 24 in September while Gravel and Lychee are turning 24 later in the year!
[Image description: Gravel the 1998 brindle and gray Wolf Furby, Inkwell the 1998 black and white Skunk Furby, and Lychee the 1998 black-spotted gray and pink Leopard Furby with a black painted beak and blue sparkly eyelashes are sitting on top of a wooden surface. All of them have their eyes closed. End ID.]
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I miss barksparn how is he
Doing good! Killing Darkspawn, getting pampered by Ali, the usual~
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losing my mind because i can;t read horrance fics yet because i have to post my horrance fic first which mind you guys, i just finished almost an hour ago and i will be posting alongside my playlist of which I have already edited to make a cover but like i cannot post it yet BECAUSE I CANNOT THINK OF THE PERFECT TITLE AND I AM DYING cbsdjbfkdjask
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androgynealienfemme · 9 months
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"The main justification for invalidating butch-femme is that its an imitation of heterosexual roles and, therefore, not a genuine lesbian model. One is tempted to react by saying "So what?" but the charge encompasses more than betrayal of an assumed fixed and "true" lesbian culture. Implicit in the accusation is the denial of cultural agency to lesbians, of the ability to shape and reshape symbols into new meanings of identification. Plagiarism, as the adage goes, is basic to all culture.
In the real of cultural identity, that some of the markers of a minority culture's boundaries originate in an oppressing culture is neither unusual nor particularly significant. For instance, in the United States certain kind of bead- and ribbon work are immediately recogniziable as specific to Native American cultures, wherein they serve artistic and ceremonial functions. Yet beads, trinkets, ribbons, and even certain "indian" blanket patterns were brought by Europeans, who traded them as cheap goods for land. No one argues that Indians out to give up beadwork or blanket weaving, thus ridding themselves of the oppressors symbols, because those things took on a radically different cultural meaning in the hands of Native Americans. Or consider Yiddish, one of the jewish languages. Although Yiddish is written in Hebrew characters and has its own idioms and nuances, its vocabulary is predominantly German. Those who speak German can understand Yiddish. Genocidal Germanic anti-Semitism dates back to at least the eleventh century. Yet East European Jews spoke "the oppressors language," developing in it a distinctive literary and theatrical tradition. Why is it so inconceivable that lesbians could take elements of heterosexual sex roles and remake them?
It is June 1987, and I am sitting in a workshop on "Lesbians and Gender Roles" at the annual National Women's Studies Conference. It is one of surprisingly few workshops on lesbian issues, particularly since, at a plenary session two mornings later, two thirds of the conference attendees will stand up as lesbians. Meanwhile, in this workshop the first speaker is spending half an hour on what she calls "Feminism 101," a description of heterosexual sex roles. Her point in doing this, she says, is to remind us of the origin of roles, "which are called butch and femme when lesbians engage in them." She tells us the purpose of her talk will be to prove, from her own experience, that "these roles are not fulfilling" for lesbians. She tells us that the second speaker will use lesbian novels from the 1950s to demonstrate the same thesis. And, indeed, the second speaker has a small stack of 1950s "pulp paperbacks" with her, many of them the titles that, when I discovered them in the mind-1970s, resonated for me in a way that the feminist books published by Daughters and Diana Press did not.
I consider for several minutes. I'm well versed in lesbian literature, particularly in the fifties novels, and don't doubt my ability to adequately argue an opposing view with the second presenter. I am curious to see if she will use the publisher-imposed "unhappy ending" to prove that roles make for misery. I also decide I'm willing to offer my own experience to challenge the first presenters conclusions- though I'd much rather sit with her over coffee and talk. She is in her midforties and, although she claims to have renounced it, still looks butch. Even if she speaks of roles negatively, she has been there and I want to hear her story. Then I look around me. Everyone is under thirty. There are a few vaguely butch-looking women present who'd very likely consider themselves to be as androgynous as everyone else, and not a single, even remotely femme-looking women besides myself. I recall Alice Walker's advice to "never be the only one in the room." Quietly, I get up and walk out. I go to no other lesbian presentations at the conference."
“Recollecting History, Renaming Lives: Femme Stigma and the feminist seventies and eighties" by Lyndall MacCowan, The Persistent Desire, (edited by Joan Nestle) (1992)
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honourablejester · 7 months
On the topic of wizard character concepts, a slightly older idea of mine, stemming from the discussion of the various schools and what it might say about a wizard to consciously choose them. Specifically, the idea that people might think that abjuration wizards are cowards for clinging to the most protective aspects of magic.
Which, in my head, combined with the idea of tiefling virtue names, and a very traumatised tiefling who named themselves Craven, in the deep conviction that yes, they are a coward.
And, if you’re going to have a traumatised character, you go to Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft and give them the Haunted One background. And not just because it’s one of my favourites, but because, since we’re a wizard, as in a bookish nerd, there’s a pre-made harrowing event that traumatised the hell of us right there: “You opened an eldritch tome and saw things unfit for a sane mind. You burned the book, but its words and images are burned into your psyche.”
So. Our little baby tiefling wizard read a bad book, a bad book that fully scarred them for life and turned their hair literally white, and ever since then they’ve devoted their studies to the magic of protection, and renamed themselves in the full and sincere belief that they’re a coward. I am picturing a rail-thin hollow-eyed nerd literally hugging their spellbook for protection.
But why would a traumatised and self-professed coward go adventuring? Because they saw horrors, vast, incomprehensible horrors, and they know their pathetic magic right now wouldn’t stop a hair of it. If it can’t stop a goblin arrow, it sure as hell can’t stop an eldritch thing from beyond the stars. So they need to improve their magic, and the only way to improve defensive magic is to, well, defend. Plus. All their wards and libraries wouldn’t stop what they saw either. Sometimes the best defence is a good offence, or at the very least entails acquiring enough specific information to create targeted defence. Such as finding and preventing the access point from opening, for example.
I kind of want the book they read to be the work of a scholar afflicted by an allip. They didn’t get far enough into it to actually contract the allip’s curse and become one, but they came damn close. Hence why there was some actual physical transformation as a result. The hair-turns-white-with-shock thing is an old trope, but an enjoyable one, and I want it.
(Look, allips are one of my favourite creatures, they’re cool, shattered traumatised undead who discovered secrets man was not meant to know, and who are desperately trying to share that hideous knowledge to relieve themselves of its burden).
I think we’ll take Eldritch Adept somewhere down the line, for Armour of Shadows or possibly Devil’s Sight. And I’m flipflopping between Glasya and Levistus tiefling, because I think Armour of Agathys might also be a part of their heritage they cling to, but Invisibility would also be tempting for them. (I would love if a DM let my tiefling’s innate spells act like the ones from the updated races, as in I could have them be INT based and also cast them with spell slots. If that was the case, I feel like definitely Levistus tiefling).
So you have this patient, methodical, high-strung, twitchy, deeply traumatised scholar who has self-loathing embedded directly in their core, doggedly out here rattling and shuddering their way through the terror because there’s worse terrors waiting and they’ve got to be ready for them.
Yes, I have a type, why do you ask?
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manasurge · 3 months
Gosh, with the new leaf glider coming out soon, I'm tempted to do a makeover of my main gal to actually turn her into Mourynn so I can actually have her in game (the leaves are monstera leaves which is what I designed her with, and now that I have her the orchid wingies back (that are meant to turn into monstera versions later on), I feel so compelled to edit my main so that I can try to actually have my main OC in game... (also for art party reasons). I know I won't be able to get her to look exact (since she has an original design and all), but at least this can make me one step closer to making her look as close as possible. I am so attached to Vespaura tho, so i will feel bad to change my crystal gal... (I'll also have to rename my Scourge so that I can use my OCs name for my Mirage main, and then find someone else to use Vespaura's name on later if I do). I suppose I could rename my Chrono and give her her look... hmm. Should I glow up Vespaura so I can have an actual in-game Mourynn? (I'm so torn so maybe a poll will help me decide) (also here's hoping it is dyeable. I imagine the new glider should be since the newer ones have been, but if it isn't I will be very sad)
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bonefall · 11 months
ShadowClan WIP
It's not as nice as my other reworks, but considering what I had to start with, I think I'm doing an okay job
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I haven't deployed all the Yellowfang's Secret elders yet, but I can already see I will need them for Lizardstripe and Deerleap there...
One of the hardest parts about making trees that go back so far is that "clean" trees would ideally be crossing far to the other side, but obviously that can look messy fast
I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with Mintpool being the parent of Crow and Starling... I feel like I use QR and two-kit litters too much but I think I just need to kill the guilt. I need to do it when I have so little to work with
I wanted to keep Turtle/Quiet/Rubble as siblings but god christ I could really use one of them elsewhere
Still need to figure out where Stonewing, Kinkfur, Wildfur, and Spiderfoot come from...
But I did commit to Ferretclaw being the father of Stoatfur and Erminefur in some capacity
I am also tempted to name the "brown" version of Ivytail. She had a brown appearance in her early descriptions and I could actually work with an Ivytail sister.
If I did that, her name would be Spindle-something. I've wanted to use that prefix for a while, Spindle trees aren't well known
There's an authorial statement that made Whitewater her sister, BUT, due to the fact BB!Whitewater had kittens with Mudclaw as a sire, she needs to be much older than Ivy.
I might make Whitewater, Kinkfur, and Wildfur into siblings. Something tickles me pink that three extremely fluffy cats who are black, silver, and white are siblings.
I have given Pine to Talonclaw and Smokefall for now, and I may make Spiderfoot her sister...
What's holding me back is that I would like Spiderfoot to have kits and then run away. Deadbeat Mom <3
In canon, there is a Smokefoot because the writers goofed and forgot they killed Smokepaw. In BB, Smokefall doesn't die from his fall (but Blackstar IS hilarious about his name) SO I have renamed Smokefoot into Smogfoot.
Open to suggestions
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dollsonmain · 5 months
So, my mom got me a mini diamond painting coaster kit for Christmas (the only thing I got.....) and I'd been avoiding diamond painting because I know me, and I know that I would end up obsessing over sorting and organizing the little, plastic gems instead of doing actual projects with them.
I was considering not even opening the kit just to avoid even tempting myself with it, but also figured I should see if I would get sucked in horribly like I thought or would I be able to handle it.
The biggest problem I foresaw was ending up needing to buy and label storage containers for the gems, and the labels and containers would have to all be the same, and they'd all have to look perfectly aligned, and they'd all have to be. THE. SAME. but it would take me forever to figure out how, exactly, I wanted them just like my pony photos that I keep re-re-renaming and.......
I already had tiny zipper bags meant for beads and stuff, and I was able to find them (almost never can find them when I want them), and decanted each little un-re-closable bag of gems into a zipper bag with a bit of paper that had their number or letter on them, and that's been fine. I managed, so far, to store the gems in a simple way.
Another problem I'd foreseen was wanting all of the nice, fancy tools and stuff that people use to do their paintings.
I've been fine with the exceedingly cheap applicator pen and itty little block of wax.
I let myself overdo it in the hopes that I would lose interest BEFORE wanting to buy a bunch of stuff and I think it's working. I've done 4 out of 6 coasters yesterday and would have done all 6 but I ran out of light.
Not good, though, that I'm tempted to create my own patterns which would require purchasing sturdy paper, spray adhesive or large sheets of double-sided tape, and hunting down the right colors of gems leading to storing and labeling and.......
It's better I don't, even though it might be fun to make my own kits to sell.
I mean, it's just pixel art.
I don't know what I'll be doing with these coasters when they're done. They're still sticky all over because there are areas where there aren't gems (I know there's a setting spray but I don't want to spend money on this), and I figure if they were to get wet or hot the glue would let go and the gems fall off anyway.
As an aside, ye olden ADHD has proven to be an absolute bitch while trying to make these little coasters. I could be looking for every little A, for example, and as soon as I had covered the last dot and went to put the unused gems back in their bag am unable to remember which bag they go in or which letter or number I'd just been working on.
I have to make sure I remember to keep that bag separated while I'm working so I don't forget.
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theboyandthepeach · 3 months
//ooc: I just misread the blogs name and it was kinda a happy ending variant but also funny cus I read "The boy and his peach" and some places I know teens use peach as a substitute for b*tch and I had to share this duality cus it made me laugh
//PFFTTT that's hilarious anon
//I am now tempted to rename the blog that as a joke. Maybe for April Fool's or something.
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runwayrunway · 1 year
star of the whatsit???
Way back when aviation was still young and glamorous and basically just treated like a new type of luxury ocean liner airlines would all name their airplanes and they generally had themes. TWA would name their planes "Star of [Place]". I can't find any mention of when exactly this practice died out but the last explicit confirmation of them doing it that I could find was in 1983 with N610TW "Star of Geneva".
This wasn't uncommon. American Airlines had Flagships and United had Mainliners and these both died out too. Sure, they both have incomprehensibly huge fleets now, but that's no excuse in my opinion. Name your thousand large flying daughters. Name them. There were the Canadian Pacific Empresses and the Piedmont Pacemakers and of course there were the Pan Am Clippers.
There's still a few really great naming traditions out there, though. Like I mentioned before a lot of flag carriers do cities but I think the most stately is Air India's habit of naming theirs after emperors. I believe EgyptAir at least sometimes do pharaohs as well. A lot of airlines do influential philosophers and poets and such. And jetBlue of course does silly funny jokes. National and FedEx do regular human names (you know, if I were the owner of National I think if the plane I named after my wife were to crash in a horrible accident I would not rename another plane after her because it would be tempting fate, but that's just me). I find it inexplicably hilarious that the plane involved in FedEx flight 705 was named John Peter Jr.. What a hilarious name for a DC-10 that got barrel rolled and went back to service for another twenty years like nothing happened.
If any airlines are reading this, though, please come up with a cool standard prefix for your fleet. We need a Clipper equivalent for the modern day.
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thecedarchronicle · 8 months
more on horse names in star stable:
just noticed the Horse and -horse option and i am SO tempted to rename my faramawr Horse or Ahorse
like yes sir nothing to see here this is my normal horse named A Horse. because that is what he is! A Horse. he's Horse
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woodblxssomcrowned · 4 months
Just thinking about it...
Maeko re-naming options If there is one of these characters I want to rename , it's Maeko. Her name as is roughly translates to : Truthful, genuine + divine blessing, grace, favor + child It's not the worst. But I don't love it for her character, and if I had been putting more thought into choosing her name back in the day then I would not have picked it I wanted to go with more distinct nature themes and references, stick to three syllables and go with something that Starts with K.
花和咲 - Kanae 花 - (ka) - Flowers, blossoms, bloom, petals, shape of flower, beauty, 和 - (na) - Harmony, peace, concord 咲 - (e) - To bloom, blossom, flourish ((I personally like this one the most. It has nature themes, and I'm thinking 'Flower blooming in peace/harmony with others' in a sort of reference to Hashirama's dream)) ((because of its similarity to the name of another writer's OC that I really admire I no longer feel very comfortable with using this name, even if the kanji and meaning is different - I am now instead looking at Kaname as a very tempting option))
花和芽 - Kaname
花 - (ka) - Flowers, blossoms, bloom, petals, shape of flower, beauty, 和 - (na) - Harmony, peace, concord   芽 - (me) - Bud, sprout, beginning, something newly born and bound to grow
愛咲和 - Asana 愛 - (a) - Love, affection, fondness 咲 - (sa) - To bloom, blossom, flourish 和 - (na) - Harmony, peace, concord
花和望 - Kanami
花 - (ka) - Flowers, blossoms, bloom, petals, shape of flower, beauty, 和 - (na) - Harmony, peace, concord   望 - (mi) - Hope, wish, desire, yearning
杏咲佳 - Asayo 杏 - (a) - Apricot, apricot tree 咲 - (sa) - To bloom, blossom, flourish 佳 - (yo) - Excellent, beautiful, good
Kichiro re-naming options I do think Kichrio is a name that still works, so I don't feel super duper inclined to change it even if I have thought about it.
吉路 - Yoshiro (Good fortune, good luck, auspiciousness + road, path
幸寿 - Koju (Happiness, fortune, good luck + Long life, life, age)
Danma's name is alright and I don't feel much desire to change it
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
Well my peppino shimeji was a failure. It was a fun while tho but the programing is too complex and i am NOT going to reverse engineer programation just so i can have a little guy running around my windows. As tempting as that might be...
I do have all the edited sprites i spent hours placing and renaming to fit the shimeji files so if anyone wants to try this themselves ill send them all i have from where i last left 😁
Edit: Christ alive i don't think I'm giving up just yet now. I think I'm going to keep trying and learning how to program. If anyone wants to try to it's very much welcome also 🫡
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