#i am supremely jetlagged oof
nam-nam-joon · 5 years
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Pairing: taehyung x reader
Genre: fluff
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: cuddling, otherwise none~
Summary: you initially go over to polish the balcony of your neighbour, who then invites you to stay for lunch - and a nap afterwards
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The sun had climbed high enough in the sky to fully shine its light on the tiny balcony you currently occupied, surrounded by pots, flowers both dead and barely alive. Accompanied by a small shovel and a sack of soil you’d spent the last hours trying to save what could be saved concerning the plants that had sat the winter long in the pots hanging on your neighbour’s handrail; receiving nothing but a thin sheet of snow and the unrelenting pecks of birds.
The stack of newspapers under your shins served as a pillow against the cold floor, and you took a moment to shuffle around to sit back on it more comfortably.
Taehyung had put cheap bamboo wrapping around the metal bars running around the edges of the little outside space and it provided a great shield against the, admittedly, still freezing breeze. It was nearing April now and the wind had yet to change from biting cheeks to caressing the little flowers peeking their heads out from the ground. You, however, were currently comfortably warm bathed in the bright light.
Several bones popped as you stretched your back out.
Dirt collected under your fingernails and in the creases of your hands.
You didn’t really bother wiping them clean, not just yet. There was still a weak little bush of lavender needing assistance; but before you could reach for were it currently lay between the repotted catnip and fuchsia, the glass door in your back opened.
The smell of something delicious wafted outside together with a gush of heated air.
Taeyhung’s head peeked out and down on you, a grin stealing on his features as he observed you lazily blinking up at him.
“Remind me again which of us is the cat?” He asked, amused. You chuckled and stretched your legs.
“It’s really nice out here. Warm, sunny… very pleasant. Also, fresh air. You should try it sometime, does wonders for your body.”
He wrinkled his nose in fake disgust before his face momentarily vanished back inside.
Moments later it popped out again, together with the rest of him.
In his hands were two glasses of juice, one of which he graciously extended toward you.
You accepted with a word of thanks and took a sip.
“You’re almost done?” He noted after a moment of quiet; intelligent eyes running over the mess you made on his tiles. You nodded.
“Yup. Sorted out everything that was beyond saving and put it in that basket over there, everything else is in these pots here. Only gotta put your lavender back now. When it gets warmer you can go out and shop for replacements for your… whatever that stuff with the long little branches and loads of dead little leafs was.”
He leaned back against the closed door and nodded, gaze still taking in the shrubbery while his tail softly swished back and forth behind him.
It flicked abruptly, just before he opened his mouth.
“Do you want to stay for lunch? I made noodles and soup, and there’s some leftover from the take-away BBQ I had yesterday evening. More than enough for two.”
You finished your juice and leaned forward to place the empty glass on the railing to the side. Taehyung’s eyes followed your movement and his left arm, with its hand stuck into his pants’ pocket, twitched.
He ignored the amused raise of your eyebrow and his ears turned backwards.
“Is that a thank-you for saving your greenery?”
His hand, half on the way to the glass, changed course and came up to rub his neck as his eyes finally met your gaze again.
“If you want to? Although you’re probably doing only yourself a favour here; I can’t say I care that much about them…”
“Evidently.” You tsked, soothing the harsh comment with an easy smile. “Nah, my pleasure. And yes, I’d love to grab a bite. Got some work done?”
He seemed to pause briefly before finally picking up your empty glass. “I- Yeah. It’s still way too many files to look through and write emails, but- It’s less now.”
“Some nice people with the applications?”
His strong eyebrows creased the skin between them.
“A few. Most of them don’t immediately fall out, but it’s the other documents you have to really look out for if you want to weed out those who don’t, y’know, really want to help.”
You nodded in understanding and turned back to the helpless lavender still lying on the floor.
Taehyung lingered a while longer but then returned back inside with a swish of his tail, leaving you to his pots once more.
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He kept quiet during your lunch, after you’d scrubbed your hands clean and brushed a few stray leafs out of your hair.
“Everything alright?” You asked, after both of you had picked up your spoons and started eating a few mouthfuls.
He chewed on a piece of vegetable and stared into the foggy liquid for a while. When he lifted his head and his tawny eyes found yours you noticed how worn out he looked.
The shaded rings around his eyes and the slightly matted hair hadn’t been noticeable in the bright sunlight.
“-Yes.” He hurried to answer, hiding a yawn behind his palm. “Yeah, I’m just- just tired.”
He shot you a quick, unconvincing upturn of his lip’s corners before picking his bowl up again and continue eating.
“Maybe you should take the afternoon off. Have some rest.”
As soon as the words had left your lips you saw the shift in his face, the hardening of the muscles around his jaw.
“I can’t. We have so many young ones in the shelter at the moment - we can’t afford- I can’t afford to keep them waiting for too long. They need good families, as soon as possible.”
“Okay.” Your voice was deliberately soft after his outburst. He sighed and avoided looking you, and so you reached out with your right to cover his left hand gently.
His fingers twitched but he didn’t pull away.
The tension in his shoulders eased somewhat, up until the point that his ears rose from where they had flattened to his scalp as his gaze slowly rose to yours.
“If I can help in any way - please let me know. Okay? I’m always here, just across the hall.”
A tired, but this time genuine, smile, stole on his face as he tilted his head and gave you a long look.
“I know. Thank you. You’re an awesome neighbour.”
You grinned.
“I sure hope so. Otherwise it’d be a shame if some of your new pots would magically find themselves on the terrace three stories down, hmm?”
One of his eyebrows quirked up.
“Are you insinuating you’d - you’d push them over the edge?” His eyes narrowed. “Not funny.”
The boxy smile contradicted the serious tone of his voice greatly and you laughed.
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Without him needing to ask, you picked up the dishtowel and began to dry the bowls that he placed dripping wet on the little rack.
The small smile he send in thanks warmed your insides.
Now and then you could hear a faint tune from the radio in the next room, playing calm pop music. Even the street below his kitchen window was almost devoid of cars passing by; only the occasional couple or warmly wrapped individual sauntering past.
You felt his presence on your right as he joined you standing next to the window, looking down.
The warmth on his face as he took in yours made you smile.
He opened his mouth, caught sight of something on the upper right part of your hair, and paused.
There was a quick glance of his pointy canines as he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, biting down on it before seeming to overcome the struggle taking place inside.
“Do you- Would you mind, uh- You wanna stay for a nap?”
The shyness was new, but you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t somewhat endearing.
Work must have really worn him down.
"Sure. The couch?"
Visibly relieved by your positive reaction, the cat hybrid’s tail flicked as he turned towards the living room.
“I would take the bed, usually, but with the sun… we could place the cushions on the floor and? With, with a blanket?”
You inclined your head with a small smile. “Works for me.”
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The cushions turned out to be a lot smaller for two people than expected, but after you’d given Taehyung your Okay that you didn’t mind body contact he wrapped his limbs around you, pulled himself almost completely on top of you.
After a bit of shuffling he finally rested his head next to yours, one of his arms lying across your upper chest, one leg hooked around yours.
“Want me to pet your hair?”
The quiet "Yes" almost escaped your ears.
You felt the small shiver running through him at your words and suppressed a smile. Your neighbour of the past year was more like a cat than he liked to admit, sometimes.
It took you a moment to find out where he liked your fingers rubbing soothing circles into his hair the most, lightly scratching the base of his ears, and carding through the locks at the nape of his neck, to getting him to fully relax.
The thin tail snaking around your upper thigh was the first sign you did something right, before Taehyung drifted off far enough to no longer care if he purred or not.
Day to day you hardly ever saw him embracing the animal side of him, whether it be curling his lips over his teeth but refraining to hiss when a car drove through a puddle near him and splattered him with muddy water, nor purring in comfortable situations. Or at all.
Now, you held your breath, fingers pressing down on the spot above where his ears would have been, had they been human.
The sound was minimal at first, started as a soft rumble deep down in his chest. Under your administrations it rose to a steady vibration that travelled through his body into yours, the spot where his chin met your shoulder almost tingling.
He sighed and adjusted his position, hand tightening on your side, pulling you further into him. The leg on top of yours stretched minimally before settling back into its place, his hips rolling forward once without any determination behind it.
The steady rise and fall of his purring, together with the warmth of his body and the blanket on top of you lulled you in.
The sunbeams streaming through the windows bathed your little pile into an island of light, the walls and rest of the room slinking back in shadow.
You risked a glance sideways.
Taehyung was so beautiful.
His lashes fanned over his cheekbones, his lips slightly parted for breathing.
He must have forgone shaving this morning; you could see the thick stubbles of his whiskers dotting the skin next to his nostrils as well as the thinner ones of his would-be human scruff peppering his upper lip and over his chin.
Something tugged softly on your heart.
Your hand dropped from his hair to his cheek, caressing the soft skin there.
He licked over his lips and tucked his head in, rubbing his cheek against your touch in his sleep.
“Get some rest, Tae-Tae. You deserve it.”
You whispered, foreheads only parted by an inch.
“As long as you don’t go anywhere.”
His voice was thick, words slurred by sleep, and you doubted he was fully awake.
Nonetheless did it surprise you; the absence of his purring making the room sound weirdly quiet all of a sudden.
“I won’t.” And you picked up carding his hair again, Taehyung slipping back into a deeper slumber. When his purring resumed you felt heavy, deciding to give into sleep as well.
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You blinked your eyes open an indefinite amount of time later.
The world was warm and you felt pleasantly heavy.
Upon attempting to move you found Taeyhung had now completely made himself comfortable on top of you. His face rested in the crook of your neck, breath hot and a bit wet against your skin, while his left hand held onto the pillow under your head next to your face.
You placed a hand on his side, feeling the resistance of his last rib and then the firm softness of his waist below.
He grumbled in response.
“Shouldn’t we get up?”
He groaned, pressing down on you and adjusting into a more comfortable position, as if that would be answer enough.
You gently rocked him from side to side, all the movement you could muster at this point.
“Do you have any idea how distracting you look, sitting out there, taking care of my stuff and potting my plants?”
His voice was raspy and deep, muffled by both your pullover covering your shoulder and the blanket.
“No.” You answered truthfully, fingernails running over his scalp once more.
He groaned in satisfaction.
Then he lifted his head, as if remembering your position, your person.
The purr building in the back of his throat died down.
He blinked.
“And your pets are criminally good.” He narrowed his eyes. “Have you been practicing on a hybrid I don’t know about?”
You grinned at the suspicious look on his face.
“I swear, I’ve been true and faithful. You are my one and only.”
His ears turned back and the apples of his cheeks slightly deepened in colour.
You laughed out loud, as best as you could with his considerable weight on your chest.
“Okay Kitkat, off now. I really need to use the bathroom. Don’t you have work to do, too?”
With a begrudging sigh he gave you free, sheepishly blinking at you with half his face buried in your pillow.
The end of a grin was visible on his lips.
“‘Kitkat’?” He repeated, voice caught somewhere between an amused snort and touched.
You knelt next to the pile, studying his face before he rolled on his back, taking the blanket with him and pulling it over his face until all that was visible were his eyes.
“You don’t like it?”
“No, I… I do. I do.”
“Then yes. Kitkat.”
As you left the room you could hear Taeyhung mumbling the nickname to himself.
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