#i also think he'd do a good job taking care of tipsy me
Why do I always think about Jeonghan when I'm drinking lol
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paimonial-rage · 2 years
tipsy tales - anemo boys
synopsis: anemo boys and the types of drunk they are
characters: kazuha, venti, xiao, heizou, aether
notes: ranging from tipsy to asleep on your shoulder
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Kazuha - Sleepy Drunk
You always had to keep an eye on him during the more rowdy nights on the Crux. Everyone knew very well Kazuha's penchant for trying new things and it became a thing to get him to have a drink or two. The wandering samurai was always so mature and calm that there was something endearing about seeing him look so young and defenseless. While your crewmates surely meant no harm and made sure to keep an eye on him, you took it upon yourself to stick by his side. Who knew if he'd stumble off the side of the ship on his way to sleep, after all? Honestly, you wished he would be more careful, but with the way he'd never fail to fall asleep on your shoulder with your name mumbled upon his lips, you couldn't bring it up within you to complain.
Venti - Happy Drunk
You always tended to lose yourself a bit when you drank with Venti. Singing in public, dancing in the arms of another, all things you would never normally do. But with him, it was hard not to. After a long day working as a knight, your legs would immediately take you in the direction of Angel's Share. And when Venti saw you take a step inside, he'd immediately call you over with a sparkle in his eyes. The night always started off slow with you both simply chatting about your day and interesting things you heard. But as the drinks started to come and go, the lyre was brought out and people clapped along. The laughing would get louder as the cheers more enthusiastic. It was so easy to forget your stresses on nights like that. And when you woke up in bed safely the next day, you could feel the motivation to go on.
Xiao - Quiet Drunk
There was only one night of the year Xiao allowed himself to take a break from his duties. He only told you why the third year after you took the position of tending to him at the Wangshu Inn. Due to the power of the evil spirits being the weakest on that particular night every year, Rex Lapis made him vow to take that day to rest. You really didn't think he'd accept when you took a chance and poured him a glass of huangjiu, yellow wine. But he took it, drank, and placed the cup in front of you for more. As you poured him cup after cup, you couldn't help but become mesmerized. The light of the moon bathed him in an ethereal glow as he watched the stars. Though his cheeks slowly flushed and his eyes became glazed over, he did not turn his gaze away from the night sky. When you left later that night, you couldn't help but wonder how such a beautiful person could also look so heartbreakingly lonely.
Heizou - Flirty Drunk
It was no secret that you and Heizou didn't get along. Being the up and coming prosecutor of the Tenryou Commission, you were forced to work in close contact with him. While he did do a good job, that didn't stop him from doing the most infuriating things like suddenly introducing new groundbreaking evidence he never informed you of on the stand. After every case, you'd often take your frustrations out on him at the celebration party. Of course, he always had something to say. "Aw c'mon, is it such a big deal I came late? You would've won anyway, even without that last piece of evidence!" Upon you disagreeing, his lips pulled back in a cheeky grin. "Oh? Are you saying that you needed me, Prosecutor? You know I'm always willing to spend more time with you if you enjoy my presence that much." If asked later, you'd vehemently claim the flush on your cheeks was due to the heat of the summer air and nothing more than that.
Aether - Talkative Drunk
While Aether was always in popular demand, you didn't really feel you knew that much about him. You always saw him chatting and joking around with Paimon, but the moment anyone came around, only Paimon would speak. You heard it was because he was still learning the language of Teyvat, but that assumption went down the drain the day you were invited to his teapot for dinner. While everyone there was chatting away and having a good time, you saw him pick up a glass of rice wine and take a sip. When he noticed you gaping at him with wide eyes, he smiled and pressed a finger against his lips. Later when he walked you back to your room, he laughed as he told you he's been old enough to drink for quite a while, but doesn't want to explain it to others. Then he got you laughing as he mentioned all the dumb things Paimon said and did that day. Next came his thoughts on the different people he's met and things he's experienced. It was only after you closed your room door behind you and hour and a half later that you realized... he has a really nice voice.
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royboyfanpage · 2 months
oooh ok i have a roy question for you! you mentioned in your 'favorite thing about roy' post that him killing electrocutioner was in character for him (i think i agree), could you expand on that? also, regarding rise of arsenal*, is there anything else from it that you think has bits of good characterization, or at least could have if actually done well?
*which imo is pretty awful and poorly executed (and i hate the idea of antihero/villain roy SO much). dead cat panel my beloathed.
Hi, thanks for the ask!
I'm gonna preface this and say I totally agree with you on hating Rise of Arsenal. I know some people really like it, and I can respect that, but personally I really didn't like it. It did it's job of making me cry (every time I have to collect panels from it I tear up), but other than that it was very much just shock value and didn't show much care for any of the characters portrayed in it imo. I also didn't like the way that Roy killed the electrocutioner, I said in my original post that it felt like a villain origin story and I stand by that, it reminds me a little of the Joker movie in some ways which isn't a positive.
That being said, I do think that Roy killing the electrocutioner was in character. I don't think Roy's a killer, which is what RoA seemed to imply (very "one bad day"-esque), but I do think that Lian's death would be the one instance he'd make the conscious decision to take a life. I'm a little tipsy tonight so I can't think of any other examples and I don't have the energy to go searching through comics so take this all with a pinch of salt, but the one example that comes to mind is in his Arsenal mini, where he teams up with Vandal in order to save Lian. Sure, he ends up switching sides mid-fight, but Lian's alive and there's a very real chance that he can find another option to save her (which he does). But I think that comic demonstrates that Roy is willing to bend his moral code when it comes to Lian. I mean, in that same mini it shows something similar, him taking a life in order to protect someone else in the Checkmate flashback in issue 2.
I'm not saying that Roy's an anti-hero, in fact I think he's actually a really good symbol of what a hero should be most of the time, he's a genuinely good man who gets back up when he gets knocked down, and while he does have a reputation of being I guess 'sleazy' he's actually closer to being a boyscout. I can't remember where but it's like that issue in Outsiders where Grace says that Roy doesn't belong in the Outsiders, he's too much of a 'conventional hero' I guess.
But I also don't think his moral code is as strict as, say, Batman's. I know that Bruce did initially want to kill Joker after death in the family, but that whole comic was kinda a mess (Joker being an ambassador for Iran will always confuse the shit out of me), and the main conflict of UtRH was Bruce not killing the Joker, so I'm focusing more on what happened than intent. Although, that is actually another good comparison point for UtRH and RoA. Bruce had Clark there to stop him, whereas throughout RoA one of the biggest points (which I hate) is Roy's isolation. Dinah, who's consistently been one of Roy's biggest supporters, is barely present, and most of the people in his life either dismiss his grief or actively make things worse for him, which really made it easy to kill the electrocutioner. Anyway, I realise I've digressed a lot from the original ask.
Yeah, I do think that killing the electrocutioner was in character for Roy. Again with the Bat comparisons, excluding whatever the hell was going on after Jason died in Death in the Family, Bruce has to be Batman first. Bruce can't kill the Joker, because Batman can't kill the Joker. Roy? He's always been Roy first, at least in my opinion. A lot of the time his identity's at least somewhat public knowledge (Istg there's a panel where he says that, maybe in Titans '99, but either way he literally just wore sunglasses as his disguise for a big part of his hero career so I mean. Who's he hiding from.) Ever since Lian was born, he's been a father first hero second a lot of the time. It reminds me of that video of "would you kill for your kid", and I think Roy would. I think that without the fear of 'what'll Lian think', Roy would be pushed past that point needed to take a life. I don't think he'd become an anti-hero because of it, I hate pretty much everything post-RoA in the New Earth continuity in relation to Roy, but do I think he'd avenge his baby? Yeah.
And for the second half of your ask, the thing is I don't per se think Roy's characterisation was the issue. I think it was mostly the characterisation of everyone else around him. Roy should not have been that isolated during RoA. Plus the writing was all shit, it was just an excuse to have Roy relapse. I'm not saying that Roy relapsing was unrealistic after what happened to Lian, but it's clear that the writers genuinely didn't care about telling a story of grief and addiction when writing it, they just wanted something was maximum shock value.
So yeah. In conclusion, I hate RoA, it makes me cry and IMO it was really shitty writing, Roy would've killed the electrocutioner but not Like That, and where the fuck was his support system.
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You Get Sick in the Back of an Uber
AN: so this was a story i have had in my drafts for like three months and just never found motivation to finish it. i decided to finish this first out of my drafts because it was one of the ones that had the most already written for it. unlike some of my others that don't have much written yet. and this was supposed to be longer but i got lazy and ended the end with no dialogue and shorted the story. but i guess that's fine because the main part of this was the uber incident and not necessary the aftercare. (i just love to always include aftercare whether its with sex or getting sick. unless its a blurb) @harryhoney-bee suggested number 1. on my voting post so thank you for requesting i finish this one shot idea that was in my drafts.
This story contains: puke, drunken person, caring husband
{ husband!harry - dad!harry - Grammys 2021 Harry - 4 kids (any age you imagine) }
word count: 1765
When you drink too much at the Grammys, you end up having to get sick in the uber ride home and Harry cares for you.
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Back Story-
After the Grammys, Harry and I decided to go to the little after party that was being held for the Grammy attendees. We knew we couldn't stay too long because we had to get back home to our kids. They were currently with our babysitter but she couldn't stay all night. She has to go home at some point. So we made sure to watch the time.
At the afterparty, drinks were flowing. I haven't drank in a while due to the fact I had been pregnant not too long ago. This was the first night I was allowed to drink and I decided to do just that. Harry was aware of me drinking and promised to watch and take care of me. Though we were at this afterparty for him, he wanted me to let loose and have some fun as well.
But what he wasn't expecting was for me to drink the amount I did. I didn't mean to go over board. It just kind of happened. People handing out drinks left and right and next thing I knew, I was drunk. Not tipsy, drunk. When Harry noticed how drunk I was, he decided it's best to go home.
And because Harry also had drank some alcohol, he wasn't in a state to drive either. By no means was he as drunk as me though. Maybe just tipsy but he didn't want to risk it. So he decided to call an uber for us.
We're sitting in the back of the uber on our way home. It's about an hour drive since the city is crowded with traffic due to the Grammys. Right about now is when I regret drinking any alcohol tonight. Because I haven't drank in over a year, my body isn't use to the poison running through my veins. So you could say I'm a lightweight now. My head is throbbing. My vision is blurry. My stomach is turning. Lets just say I regret all my decisions tonight that lead to me feeling this way.
"Harrrrry I don't feel good." I manage to slur out.
"You probably should have stuck to champagne instead of vodka my love." Harry responds, while stroking my hair out of my face in a gentle manner.
Another 10 minutes pass and I'm feeling very nauseous. I'm trying to focus on my breathing but it's not working.
"Harry my stomach hurts." I whisper with hooded eyes.
"Like you're gonna be sick?" Harry questions with panic.
I nod my head and hear Harry asking the driver if he can pull over.
"Can you pull over? My wife is feeling ill." Harry frantically questions the uber driver up front.
"I'm sorry sir but this freeway is packed and there is no way I can get to the side of the road right now." the driver says with a bit of an attitude.
Hearing that made me and Harry both start to panic.
"Well do you have any sick bags in here?" my husband asks.
"Sorry I don't." the driver retorts in a uncaring tone. What kind of uber driver doesn't carry sick bags for when drunks potentially need a ride but feel like they are going to be sick?
I just barley hear Harry let out a frustrated sigh and turn to me.
"Try and relax love. Take deep breaths for me, alright." Harry whispers while rubbing my back as I'm slumped over his body, too disoriented to even hold my head up.
About 3 minutes later, I feel vomit rise up my throat. There isn't much I can to do. The driver already said he couldn't pull over, nor does he have sick bags. I sit up from my slouched position and clasp a hand over my mouth. My legs are bouncing up and down. I'm trying desperately not to puke but I'm doing a poor job. Harry is sitting up with me, trying to comfort me but his words are all a blur at this point.
"If you have to be sick darling, let it out. I'll pay to get this uber cleaned, okay." Harry states in my ear. I know he'd rather not have me puke on the floor of the uber, right beside him, but he can tell I'm struggling and in discomfort.
Hearing those words was all the conformation I needed. I remove my hand from my mouth and let out a gush of alcoholic bile spew from my mouth and onto the backseat floor board. Harry gathers my hair in his hands so it's not in my face. My vomit splatters all over my legs and on the bottom of Harry's Gucci suit. I'd feel terrible about that if I wasn't so out of it, but my mind is a mushed up blur.
"Shhh, that's it. You're alright." Harry reassures me. The uber driver lets out a sigh of disgust, but this is truly his fault that I'm throwing up in his uber right now anyways.
Heave after heave, I let out more of the alcohol that was poisoning my system, right onto the floor. It's not a pretty sight. I'm having a cold sweat and my body is trembling. Though Harry has a weak stomach, when it comes to his wife (me) or his kids, he can always handle a bit of throw up. Or a lot like currently. It's like a fatherly/husband instinct that comes over him and he feels only adrenaline, not yuck.
Finally I feel my stomach relax and I sit up, breathing heavy with vomit dripping down my chin. Without thinking, I wipe it off with the back of my hand and smear it on my already ruined dress. "Feeling better?" Harry asks in a low tone.
"Mhmm." I hum, not really feeling like talking. My drunken brain has cleared up some from the majority of the alcohol being out of my system, but I still feel the after affects drinking brings. I just lean my head on Harry's shoulder for the rest of the ride home and allow the cool breeze to blow on my face. The uber driver did us all a favor by rolling the windows down so we didn't suffocate on the nasty smell of my sick.
When we arrived home, Harry payed the uber driver, not giving much of a tip and told him that he'd have someone clean his car out in the morning. As well as a half assed apology for my incident beings it could have been prevented. Then carefully, Harry lifted me out the uber and carried me into our Los Angeles home. Good thing our kids were all asleep because they shouldn't have to see their mother like this. Covered in puke and half drunk.
Harry took me to our bathroom and quickly ran down stairs to pay our babysitter, hoping she didn't question my appearance when she saw my state as we came through the front door. She didn't thankfully and left soon after her check was handed to her. Harry came back up to where he left me and helped me clean up and get ready for bed.
He stripped us of our vomit covered clothes and helped me into the big walk-in shower we have in our master bathroom. Then after he delicately washed our bodies along with my hair, he helped us out and dried us off. We brushed our teeth, me with the help of my husband because I was still a bit dizzy. After we're clean of sick and smelt fresh, he helped me put some panties and a t-shirt over my nude body and boxers on himself; just incase our kids woke up and needed us for whatever reason.
Harry helped me into our large bed and tucked me in, bending down to kiss my forehead. Then he walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and a bucket incase I needed to be sick again at some point through-out the rest of the early morning. When he had all the items he intended to grab, Harry came back to our bedroom where I was already passed out with sleep.
So he just set the water on my night stand and the bucket on the floor, beside my side of the bed. Then Harry quietly exited our room and went to each of our child's bedrooms to make sure they were fine and still asleep like they should be, which they thankfully were.
When everything was done and taken care of, Harry turned the bedroom lights out and slipped in the covers with me. He helped my body scoot over and I cuddled into his warm body. I didn't realize it in my state of sleep but I knew when I awoke, I'll be thinking about how grateful I am to have a wonderful husband like Harry.
He takes such good care of me. He didn't get upset that I drank too much on his special night and accidently got wasted. He never once got upset that I basically got throw up on his expensive suit tonight in the uber. He didn't get annoyed that he had to shower both me and him past midnight, though he was exhausted. Harry loves taking care of me (and our kids) and wouldn't wish for any other life. Even when his life becomes chaotic and stressful. Harry loves his family dearly and his family love him just as much or more.
Masterlist (regular smut, fluff & sicfics)
My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
Harry Styles Series - One Shots & Blurbs Masterlist
Harry Styles blurbs, concepts, & short stories Masterlist- (short writing with little to no dialog)
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howdoyousleep3 · 3 years
Up in my subby daddy feels. 🥺😍
Daddys are soft yes and they love taking care of their babies yes BUT they also need reassurance too! 😤
I dated a guy who was total dom/daddy in the bedroom yet in everyday life strided to please as many people as possible and felt guilty if he wasn't pushing himself Super Hard and getting Results (it didn't translate to his sex life- idk how that worked for him, guess he just wanted to get results from someone else for once?? lol 🤷‍♀️) and so every once and a while he'd let me grab his face after a scene and tell him he was such a good daddy and was doing such a good job taking care of me. The first time, not gonna lie, I was tipsy so I did it but after that it kinda just became a thing?also also the first time he got teary eyed and I- i just was Desperate to do it again. Dons/daddys/mommys deserve it 💞
I'm thinking about subby daddy steve and baby bucky 🥺🥺🥺
(omg the shade has me laughing so hard whaaaaaat)
Okay but this is like...my favorite kind of sexy talk, topping from the bottom kinda talk. Like a Daddy laying on their back and letting their Baby ride them and use them and fuck them that way while running their mouth about how good their Daddy is making them feel and how good Daddy always makes them feel, how perfect Daddy is and how no one can make them feel this way but Daddy. Omg Daddy fucking their Baby missionary? Just panting and rutting into them like they can barely keep their eyes open as their Baby runs their mouth? Praise Kink x1000?
Yes please.
I miss that story. I wrote a big chunk of it last week and was like, "holy shit". Maybe I'll write some more today. 🥺
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sheriffofmagic · 4 years
Im always a big slut for hurt/comfort, so if you made it Vang0Chainz I would perish. Also Burger Chainz trying to enculture Vang0Bang0 by having a movie marathon that turns into a sleepover. Also what if Burger knew Vang0 before he lost his memory but promised Vango that he'd never tell him who he was before. im also tipsy lol im jus throwing spaghetti places. i love your blog btwww
I was going to go to sleep but i saw this ask and had to start writing immediately (must have some weird dumb pavlovian response to vang0chainz) anyway this is super dumb hopefully, maybe you’ll enjoy it. it’s almost 5am and i didnt proofread this so its definitely a huge mess but uhhhhh here’s the trash you ordered
“Will you stop fussing?” Vang0 says, snappier than he intended.
Burger Chainz pulls back from where he’d been inspecting Vang0’s hurt shoulder, a mix of hurt and embarrassment on his face.
“It’s not like this is the first time I’ve been shot,” Vang0 continues, “at least… I don’t think it is. Muscle memory or somethin’. Anyways, I mean it. I’m fine. And you hovering over me like I’m about to drop dead isn’t helping.”
Vang0’s not fine, obviously. He’s been shot which, muscle memory or not, stings like a bitch and more than anything makes him mourn for his jacket which there is no salvaging from the burn marks. A shame really, the chrome color had nearly matched that of his hair. He’d been thinking of turning it into his signature look, perfect for merchandising. Oh well. He wasn’t dead so that was a plus of sorts....
They were at Vang0 and Burger’s place (technically Vang0’s but Burger was there so often the distinction hardly felt necessary anymore) and, aside from the bullet wound, this was a pretty typical Saturday night. The TV providing a low din of noise to fill the empty spaces of whatever inane conversation was taking place between the two of them. Tonight was more tense than usual. Vang0 Bang0 was not a strong man. High charisma, low constitution. All that. Hiding pain wasn’t exactly in his repertoire but ignoring it? That he might be able to manage, especially if it stopped his massive cyborg friend from pulling the kicked puppy look for the next couple of hours.
Night City wasn’t exactly known for it’s premium broadcasting, most nights after midnight channels tended to switch to the same things. Classics. Vang0 didn’t care much for it, looking back at the past, even the fictional past, wasn’t really his thing. Burger Chainz, though, Burger Chainz loved them. Tried to hide it, Vang0 knew, but he’d referenced them often enough that Vang0 picked up. Vang0 was observant like that, even though he pretended not to be.
All this to say, it was after midnight, Vang0 was the one in pain, and yet Burger looked like he was the one on the verge of a breakdown. Vang0 took pity on him, the kind he only indulged in when the streams were turned off and the hour was late and he could pretend he and Burger were just normal friends, “What’s this one about again?” 
Burger looks startled for a moment then glances briefly between the TV and Vang0, “Uhh, it’s a rom-com. He’s emailing another kid from his school but he doesn’t know who it is.”
Vang0 bites back a sardonic comment about how if this kid really wanted to know who his secret admirer was he could cross reference the dialogue patterns and… yeah maybe he can see why he’s not the most fun person to watch movies with and- oh. Burger is still talking.
“-things were different back then, ya know? People weren’t so… nice.”
Vang0 laughs, “You think people are nicer now?”
He gestures to the wound in his shoulder and Vang0 rolls his eyes (Eye? Can monochrome robotic eyes roll?) “Well, not bad folks maybe. Criminals still aren’t great. Prone to violence and all that. But normal people? Yeah I think they’re better.”
“Well aren’t you optimistic.”
Without missing a beat Burger replies with a wry smile, “Well, I have to be don’t I? With you around. Gotta cancel out that negative energy.”
Burger goes back to watching the TV, a slight uptick in the corners of his mouth. Vang0 can only look at him half dumbstruck, half distracted by the pain (getting shot really does hurt).
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Burger Chainz glances toward him, unsure, “Mean no offense. Just- you kind of assume the worst. About situations. ‘Bout people. Sometimes, even ‘bout yourself, if it’s not outta line to say.”
“It is.”
“Okay.” An awkward silence. Punctuated by the sounds of the film, too loud to be filling this space. This isn’t the conversation Vang0 wanted to be having. Not now. Not ever, if he could help it.
“How is it wrong for me to assume the worst? Huh? People do the worst all the time. We see it every day. You see the world we live in? You want me to be optimistic here? After everything I’ve gone through?”
Burger finally looks away from the screen, for once there’s no tension in his brow, only sureness. “I don’t want you to be anything other than yourself but goin’ through life thinking every shadow is out to get ya isn’t much of a way of livin’.”
“I didn’t think I’d have to remind you of all people that I have good reason to be distrustful.”
“You don’t. I-” he sighs, “I just wish you’d be willing to things as more than just black and white.”
“Oh forgive me if I’ve had some encounters,” he gestures to his shoulder, “that paint Night City in a bad light.”
Burger hesitates, “Does it hurt?”
They lapse into silence again, both of them staring at the screen but Vang0 can tell from the rigid set of Burger’s shoulders that he’s not really paying attention. He’s too on edge. 
It’s not until after the emotional turning point of the film that Burger Chainz breaks the silence. The kid’s friends have all abandoned him, over something stupid Vang0 presumes despite not having paid much attention to what was going on. The kid was angry. Alone. And then the resolution starts and he’s so not alone anymore.
“It can’t all be bad though, right?” Burger asks tentatively.
Vang0 raises an eyebrow at him though which he means to convey Uh well, it is. In case you forgot I was shot by a person in your dumb city just a few hours ago. But which Burger Chainz apparently interprets as… honestly Vang0 has no clue how that man’s mind works.
“I- I mean. It’s not all bad all the time. Aside from the getting shot thing. Not great.”
“Can’t forget the memory wipe.”
Burger’s eye darts around the room, “R-right that too but- But. It’s not all bad. I mean, it’s pretty bad but think about it. You have an apartment and your fans and a sorta job and Dasha and- and me.”
He pauses.
“And that can’t all be bad. I’m only sayin’- the whole world ain’t out to get you, only part of it.”
This shouldn’t be comforting. At all. It should be unsettling. It should make Vang0 want to laugh bitterly and spout some brilliant sardonic response about the world being a cruel place that doesn’t care about people like him. But the music in the movie has shifted to something more hopeful. But it’s the late hours of the night where things like hope are less dangerous to feel. But Burger is looking at him with a soft look in his eyes. Like he really believes what he’s saying, the sap, and like he wants Vang0 to believe it too. He doesn’t but for just a second, Vang0 wants to. He wants to believe in a world with gentleness, the one Burger seems to be able to see where no one else can.
He sighs. Not a defeat. Not an agreement because Vang0 never yields. But an acceptance.
Vang0 tries to release the tension from his shoulders as much as he can, schooling his face into something less jaded. If anyone deserves to believe the world isn’t all sharp edges it’s Burger.
He looks between Burger and the screen, “So do these kid’s friends suck or is that just me?”
There’s a flash of disappointment across Burger’s face, but he’s never been one to push especially not with Vang0. If he drops the subject, Burger will follow. The flash is gone in an instant and a small smile grows across Burger’s face, any residual tension drifting away with it.
“Definitely not just you, they suck. You might’ve missed it but earlier they-” 
And he semi-listens to Burger re-explain the plot of the movie he hadn’t bothered to pay attention to but he finds it capturing him more now. His attention is locked somewhere between the play-by-play and the actions occurring on screen. It’s the resolution now and everything seems to be coming together just a little to easily. The friends are back and the school is welcoming and the crush is confessed and everything is wrapped up too neatly for Vang0 to feel satisfied. There’s still a panging ache in his shoulder. His head is still chattering away as it has been since he woke up. Still there is that faint voice urging him to pull away. To focus on what he’s good at and make content and be alone and convince himself that that is enough. But the volume is so low that the old pop tune playing over the credits doesn’t feel abrasive. Burger is leaning in towards him slightly, conspiratorially, as if talking about this dumb classic is as important as mission details. There’s a smile on Burger’s lips that reaches his eyes. And Vang0 is content, for this moment, to pretend that happy endings are enough.
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odinsonsobsessed · 5 years
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Talk Loki To Me  • Part Eleven
Businessman by day, someone else entirely by night… An AU where Tom Hiddleston isn’t a famous film actor. He’s just a normal guy, your roommate of two years. The two of you are really close and you think you know everything about him, until you discover his secret… He’s a popular erotic audio star, taking on the persona of Loki, a god hellbent on making you cum. And when you accidentally discover this secret of his, everything begins to change.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston/Reader  || Word Count: 1.1k || Rated M (18+)
A/N: I know this is days late and I'm sorry. I was suffering from a bit of writer's block, but I think I'm over it now! Thanks for being so patient! Also, a quick announcement about the Taglist. For those that I can't tag, I'm removing from the list and I will just send you a message when a new update is up.
Series Masterlist
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Before you could change your mind, you waltzed into your boss’ office the very next morning and informed him that you would take the job. Despite his sadness over losing his favorite employee, he was thrilled that you were making this advancement to your career and looked forward to corresponding between your branches in the future. He so eager for you to accept, he already had the paperwork drawn up for the two of you to sign as well as it already having the big bosses’ signatures on it, too.
You let out a breath you didn't realize you'd been holding when it was time to sign on the dotted line. That was it. You were moving to Manchester and there was no going back. Now you had to begin narrowing down some flats and make your final decision on which one you'd move in to.
Over the next week, you called some places and made appointments for the weekend. You'd take the train and view a few of the flats in the area. When you asked Tom if he'd like to go with you, he seemed to be in a bad mood at the time, so you dropped it and went by yourself when the time had come.
You were hoping for one of the flats closer to the office, but the best one was the furthest away. It had the best layout, the best amenities and the rent was the most affordable.
When it came time to sign the lease, it really felt final. You were actually doing this… You would pack everything you had, which wasn't much you realized, and move to another city to take on the job you'd been working toward. And unfortunately that meant leaving Tom behind.
The thought made your heart clench as you sat on the train toward home. This was your best friend and roommate you've been living with for the past three years, of course it was going to hurt to leave him. You'd miss him, a lot. His voice, his laugh, his smile… and all the things that the two of you did together. The dinners you'd come home to that he made, the times he came home tipsy and made you laugh no matter how sour your mood was, the cuddles in bed that you didn't realize you needed until he gave them to you and the times you spent binge watching a show the two of you both liked, even doing those damn audios he somehow roped you into helping him out with.
You quickly wiped a tear that slipped down your cheekbone. You swiped at another until you couldn't catch them all. You laughed at the ridiculousness of the fact that you were crying.
God, it sounded like the two of you were dating… you practically were, you were as close as any couple you knew. The two of you had sex all the time. But you weren't dating. If you were, he'd being going with you. Part of you wanted to ask him anyway, but why would he follow you like a lovesick puppy?
Out of everyone that you were leaving behind, Tom was the one you'd miss the most. And it hurt.
When you finally arrived home after a long day of flat viewing and traveling, you planned on taking a nice long bath with a glass of wine and maybe you'd just go to bed after.
Tom saw you walk past as he watched the telly on the couch. “How'd it go?”
You shrugged, not slowing up to chat. “Found one.”
He looked over at your sullen expression and paused the program he was watching. Tom stood up and followed you into the bedroom as you began to grab your pajamas to change into once you were through with your bath. “What's wrong, love?”
“Nothing.” You cringed as your voice wavered, willing yourself not to rely on him to comfort you. As much as you wanted him to as he always did, you wouldn't have him to do it in the future, so you'd better get used to it now.
Tom put his hand on your shoulder and you paused, clutching your clothes. “Don't do this. Please.” His voice broke into a whisper. “Don't shut me out. Talk to me.” He urged softly as he turned you to face him.
You gazed at him, wishing you hadn't. Like a dam that just broke, you began to cry again.
His eyebrows creased in concern, “Darling…?”
You dropped the clothes in your hand and wrapped your arms around him, pressing your face into his shoulder. He immediately slid his arms around you to your back, rubbing up and down gently. He laid his cheek against your head, “Hey… what's going on?”
You closed your eyes, “I'm scared… About the new position, about the move… I haven't lived alone in such a long time and…”
Tom sighed, stroking your hair as he listened to you ramble on about your worries. When you were finished, he pulled you back from him and cupped your cheek as he said your name, “I…”
You looked at him expectantly, waiting for his words. “I know you're going to be okay. More than okay, you're going to do great!” He smiled, “And you know if you ever need me, I'm only a phone call away. Anytime you need me to talk you off a ledge or to just listen when your days have been rough, you pick up that mobile and call me.”
“Thanks Tom… You always take such good care of me.” You sniffled, giving him a smile. Without thinking, you leaned forward to kiss him. When he kissed you back, you relaxed a little, knowing he wanted it too. When you pulled back, you knew you shouldn't… but you just couldn't help yourself.  “Will you do me a favor?”
“Yeah, sure.” His concerned expression was back again as he awaited your question.
“Will you distract me?” You bit your lip and his face relaxed into a grin.
“Of course.” He leaned in to speak into your ear, “Do you trust me?” Loki's tone flooded your ears and you wanted to melt against him. Yes, this was exactly what you needed. “Will you give yourself to me?”
You nodded with a moan as his hands slid to your hips, giving them a squeeze. “Yes, I'm all yours to do with whatever you please.” You felt him smirk against your neck as he placed kisses along your flesh.
The two of you made quick work of your clothes, letting them fall to the floor as each one was separated from your bodies. When you were both fully naked and panting, Tom quickly scooped you up and brought you over to the bed, laying you down gently. He began to kiss down your body at his own pace and you let yourself enjoy him while you could, before this deceitfully perfect arrangement eventually came to an end.
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