#i also dont not remember stuff from from those surges of inspiration
machinedramon · 5 months
legit wondering if when I start going to the doc for all my physical shit I should ask abt who I should see abt maybe getting mood stabilizers
i'm sick of this unending cycle of getting eight million ideas and scrambling from one to the next before burning myself out on all of them and falling into a depression and hating myself for not doing any of the eight million things I was excited about
#i am losing my fucking mind here i cant fucking take it anymore#i dont think im bipolar i just think the adhd takes the wheel and fucking floors it#i dont have delusions of grandeur (not more than a flight of fancy that i know is unrealistic anyway) or like. euphoria.#i also dont not remember stuff from from those surges of inspiration#i mean i might forget something but thats bc i got distracted and my brain dumped it to focus on New Shiny Thing#this is the equivalent of my 2AM mental breakdown so bear with me here i am Going Through It when i should be sleeping#also it feels like theres shit crawling on me and there isnt but i cant sleep bc i am ITCHY WHY AM I ITCHY WHY DOES IT FEEL LIKE THIS#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#fun fact: the sensation of shit crawling on you is called formication#which is really fucking funny#like i understand its from formica meaning ant but it is literally one letter away from fornication#anyway doing my usual webmd doom spiral and guess what gets formication as a symptom sometimes: bipolar disorder#im gonna laugh if i get a bipolar dx but it doesnt seem right#all the other options were autoimmune disorders like parkinson's and MS and fibro and RA#which. i might actually have rheumatoid arthritis. but the others? theyre scary. i dont wanna deal with that.#i dont even wanna deal with RA lets be real#farmer voice: i was just fine before i went to the doctor and now all of a sudden ive got an immune disorder#wait i dont think parkinson's is an autoimmune disorder thats a neurological condition#ok carry on#more fun facts since i am now down a wikipedia rabbit hole to distract myself from my itchy self#the process of ur limb falling asleep and going numb is called obdormition#then when the feeling starts coming back the pins and needles feeling is paresthesia#formication is an uncommon kind of paresthesia#obdormition is our funny word of the day and i look forward to telling someone about it randomly or for it to show up in a crossword soon#bc u know how u find something new and suddenly it's everywhere?#yeah. i get the feeling thats gonna happen here.
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fanficmustread · 3 months
Ive seen so many arguments for the shipping things in poppys playtime. I kinda get where all of you are coming from, but let me lay down some facts that we know from chapter 1,2, 3 and all the lore we've as a whole collected. So yes toys were made but the people in them didnt technically die, lived bc poppys typically contain opium, and then their memories were mostly wiped as they were immortalized as toys. Their organs? Intact and growing, as well as bones as we can clearly see with catnap. Not to mention we know they lived because if they died it would be a failed experiment. We see this when dead mice dont live in a failed experiment before. (Or at least from what i can remember i will probably go on a deep dive soon to find all of the lore once more.) The death dates are so the playtime co doesnt get idk sued or something. Better to say "We couldn't save him/her/them 🥺👉👈" then to say "We turned this kid from a kid to A CAT TOY!! 😎😎😎" 😭😭😭 Things we dont know are if their brains develop more as time goes by, personally i think they do because they went insane. (Dont stop reading here it gets better) Thats also why they can eat, and they need protein to grow probably, which is why i think catnap is also the way he is and dogday and poppy didnt get much, if any, substance. Now what we really should be thinking of isnt what age are they so we can ship them but more is it morally okay to ship the monsters?
Personally no, no its not. I agree that theyre 10 years older sure but i dont think they have the mental processing for a deep romantic relationship. Im not trying to be rude but they were stuck in a factory underground for practically their whole lifes. I just want them to be free and happy or to die peacefully because they obviously didnt get either no matter how you read the games. Not to mention the lack of health lessons for any of those things. Heck the lack of any real teachings and all, they dont know how to mow a lawn. Or how to fly a kite, these guys never experienced a soda called a surge yet they lived in that sodas life time. Stop judging people for what they do but like also think about what you're shipping and how you can make stuff not problematic. Also if you're looking for a human au i made one on my art account @artmustdraw anyones welcome to use it like a base for most any ship with the critters. Or even a base for their own au idc just give me a like and reblog if you use it at all lol. (Kissy and huggy are already married it it and i havent decided on what im doing with Mommy longlegs yet)
One last thing, the cartoon versions of the critters arent the monster versions. Think about it like this, the bigger bodies toys didnt have any part of making the cartoon except maybe inspiring it to be made and maybe watched some of the episodes. If the experiments were done pre cartoon. In the cartoon its safe to assume that theyre all adults due to having their own houses with no parents in sight. Rather then like an orphanage where a bunch of scientists are looking at you like youre a prime rib. (Do yall get my point? I hope so anyway thats the end of my rant lol)
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Warm and Hazy Dreams
Alright guys, I’m feeling, how shall I put this, normal. That’s not a good thing for me tbh. To me, normal is just, not a good state to be in. So, to take my mind off this, I’ve FINALLY written the poly-ship fluff I said I’d write earlier. I was gonna write some really angsty stuff, but I figured that’d make me spiral even more, and it’s not worth it, no matter how good the fic would’ve been. I don’t want tonight to be one of those nights where I don’t even cry myself to sleep because there’s no sleep involved and all I do is cry. Also the most voted ship is Julie/Luke/Reggie so her ya go!!! Thx to all those who voted, I tagged y’all. This fic was actually inspired by a dream I had a few weeks ago, but with character changes, and portrayed to show it as romantic affection instead of platonic. Yall, i literally have a whole ass story in my head to explain the ACTUAL dream so if you want that just let me know. Anyways, here ya go!!!
Julie didn’t know where she was. She didn’t remember much about anything either. But, she knew she felt sleepy. Was someone talking? Was that, laughter?
It didn’t matter, all she wanted to do was close her eyes, and snuggle closer to this warmth. What was so warm? Whatever it was, it was comforting. It felt familiar. It felt safe.
She heard someone say her name, and she opened her eyes a crack. It was so hazy. She couldn’t make anything out. There was this light, as if it were early morning. It cast everything in a gray luminance.
Julie closed her eyes again. And she burrowed deeper into whatever was blanketing her in this feeling of safety. She felt so protected, and surrounded by love. 
She could comprehend the feeling of an arm wrapping around her. She could recognize that her head was laying on someone’s shoulder, and it was burried in the crook of their neck.
It all felt so relaxing. She was calm. Her breath’s were even, and she felt more carefree than she’s felt in a long time. She was just aware enough to catch the soft and quiet laughter of those around her.
“She sure is tired today, huh?”
Julie wasn’t sure who said it, but she knew they were talking about her. And in all honesty? She couldn’t care less. She was too engrossed in the warmth eminetting from the things next to her.
And she stayed like that, she wasn’t sure for how long. But eventually, she woke up enough to realize she was leaning on Luke’s shoulder, and that Reggie’s arm was wrapped around her.
Suddenly, reality seemed to shift, and she found herself laying down instead of sitting up.
But the warmth was still the same. It was safe and protecting and comforting and filled with love. Julie layed there for another moment, soaking it all in. The feeling of being wrapped in this absolutely blissful warmth.
Finally, she slowly opened her eyes. Everything was still blury, but she could make out the rays of early morning sunlight pouring out the window. And she could feel the two still asleep boys peacfully snoring on either side of her.
‘Luke and Reggie’ she thought. She shifted ever so slightly, but before she could move further, Reggie cuddled closer to her, pulling her into an even tighter embrace.
Luke’s brows furrowed, and he gently tugged Julie closer to him. This elicited a tug of war between to two sleeping boys. Julie could hardly contain her giggles.
Eventually, the three settled into a position where julie was tightly sandwitched between the two boys, with absolutely no hope of escape. Not that she would ever want to leave the little bubble of warmth the three seemed to have created.
‘How weird, I didn’t know you could fall asleep in a dream. But then again, it’s hard not to relax when I’m with these two’
And with that final thought, Julie was lulled back into a peaceful sleep, her breath even with Reggie’s heartbeat, her head burried in Luke’s chest.
If she seemed to have a bounce in her step that day, no one questioned it. No one seemed to mind that she kept spacing out, where her face breaking into a wide grin.
And Julie herself didn’t regret a thing. She felt a surge of joy whenever she thought about her dream. It emerged in her heart and bloomed until it reached every single part of her, from the top of her head to the tips of her fingers and toes.
Oh how thankful she was for warm and hazy dreams.
@random-nerd-3 @knowledgeableknees @sinfullysimple31 @dont-bury-the-gays and ( @only-here-for-jatp it seems like you need some fluff so ima tag u too)
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scarletrebel · 6 years
Puppet Week, March 8th
Day 6: Your favorite hc/ theory- whether it be your own or canon.  
i still feel like anti is going after all the other egos.
this is something i brought up a while ago, when jack started ramping us up for overnight watch. i assumed that jackieboyman was going to meet a similar fate to schneeplestein given the fact that he’d appeared again for the south park lets play. it followed the same pattern, small references to anti getting our guard up and then a character we havent seen in a while makes a return. one thing i didnt anticipate though was the fact that anti doesnt do the same thing twice. and neither does jack.
so overnight watch came and went, jackieboyman remained unharmed for now and jack let us know that he was going to be taking a break from anti. whilst, in the same breath, teasing us with all the plans he has for the egos and positively thriving and bursting with excitement every time we asked him about his big plans for the year.
so whilst i dont think there’s anything ramping up presently (dr septiceye is most likely jack fanning the flames cause he enjoys watching us go crazy, and i dont blame him aha) i feel like if anti were to have an ‘end goal’ it would be to get rid of all the other egos.
i use the term ‘end goal’ loosely, because jack has said himself that anti just ‘wants to watch the world burn’ -- but, he also has a fascination with making us suffer, and i mean that literally, because:
‘i wonder what will happen to your favorite b̷҉͟͠ǫ͘y̨͘͡ next time.’
ever since he’s said that, we’ve practically been on high alert. we’re worried for chase, for jackieboyman, for marvin, two of which we haven’t even seen since their first appearances. he wants us to watch them die without being able to do anything about it. and if he cant do that, he’ll figure out a way to make us suffer anyway, just because he can.
even though it was in the run up to overnight watch, you’ve got parallels that jack has made in regards to undertale and the genocide run to support this theory too. this ask he answered is quite ambiguous. you dont necessarily need to apply that to overnight watch, and seeing as it mentions eating souls a parallel to the genocide run can very easily be made. he even hinted to it with a thumbnail. 
the thing about jack is that he’s really, really good at throwing us off. he did it with schneep, that was the whole inspiration around the fic i wrote earlier in the week, a meager fan trying to let the good doctor know that the only reason we thought he was working with anti was because thats what we were lead to believe. we’re so busy scrambling and wondering what anti is gonna do and what’s going to come next that it’s so difficult to actually figure out what’s going to happen.
but lately jack has really buckled down with taunting us that we don’t know where schneep is, and its not just the good doctor he’s been teasing us with: he’s also been reblogging photos and art not just of chase is distress, but things that can easily be linked to anti’s involvement as well. before killjacksepticeye, (i think) he reblogged this post and liked some other things that alluded to chase brody being evil somehow, whether that was with anti’s influence or not, im not sure.
(also, one of the main reasons everyone thinks that chase is the ‘favourite boy’ anti is referring too (if not jack himself, which is equally as likely) is because there was a bit of a surge in the amount of chase brody art and headcanons and stuff right before the summer antipocalypse. now i dont know where this came from but all of a sudden it seemed like he was our favourite boy. i remember very clearly everyone fearing for chase’s safety first and foremost before any of the other egos.) 
and finally, we know that at least some of the egos talk to/know each other. schneep saved jack the first time anti killed him. he ‘helped’ chase, who then went back to his family. (and you know what jack?? an explanation of that little tidbit would be absolutely marvelous. did chase die?? did he kill himself?? what does schneep mean by ‘help’???) so you have there two/three egos that know each other. do the rest? i like to think they do, and maybe jack liked the idea too given the things he’s reblogged, whether he decides to implement that further is ultimately up to him though.
it’s all of these things that make this my favourite theory. it works so well with what we know about anti as a character. he’s desperate for attention and eager to kill. those are canon facts, so it’d make a scary amount of sense that anti just wants anything that’d get in the way of everyone adoring him gone. and if he hurts us in the process? thats just a bonus for him, i think. 
and i used to believe that it would happen in the pattern i mentioned at the beginning, but jack has explicitly said that he wants to start doing bigger and better things with anti. so if jack is still aiming to have anti hurt and/or manipulate each of the egos, its probably going to be worse than we can imagine. 
#jsepuppetweek #puppetweek
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sapphicvevo · 7 years
If you don't mind my asking, what tropes did d////l give Lance that had lasting effects? I didn't bother reading it after I saw Lance's message name be "president taquito" bc like as a latina i don't fuck with that ya feel? I'm always interested in your opinions in these types of things bc we are p similar!
lmao oh trust, i totally feel you on that. i read that and i was like... you guys really didnt see a problem with a white girl writing this fic until chapter 9?? really??? BUT, topic for another day!! i’m gonna try and remember some of it because it’s been a while, but
his last name being sanchez for one thing. at the time, nobody knew he was cuban, but even after the reveal he was, the author never even bothered to change that bc she did ‘supposedly’ edit the fic after criticism. but sanchez is still such a popularly used name for lance even tho it’s not a good cuban last name at all.
the family dynamics in that fic oh my god
basically lance has a big family in canon, we know this. but that doesnt automatically mean everyone in that pic is lances siblings. they could be aunts, uncles, cousins, w/e. and im pretty sure this fic gave lance like 6-7 siblings?? anyway legit when you find a Bad Fic it always has the lots of siblings, big family, things like that
the really traditional/homophobic relatives. i still don’t see fics where any of the other characters besides lance deal with homophobic rhetoric from their family besides lance’s even today. legit read this fic maybe not even a month or two ago where it ended with lance getting a broken arm from his dad for being in a relationship with keith.
just the demonization of lance’s dad in general is a pretty common trope, altho idk if that has to do with dl or not. it’s just common, but it could stem from that.
also the teenage pregnancy thing with the sister. like.... anyways.
(i.e. like pidge’s family is legit the typical nuclear family, but no one makes them homophobic to her or anything like that. i wonder why)
all the fucking la chancla jokes. luckily i dont see this anymore in fics, but back when i first joined the fandom there were so many memes and fanarts abt lance getting la chancla (from allura usually.... i wonder why.....) it was gross
lance only listening to gasolina/shakira. its still a popular trope i wanna die.
lance being really aggressive, keith being really passive. 
this is still really common in fics and i dont know why??  its a flip, you either get aggressive lance or aggressive keith in most fics, but dirty l@undry really took the cake with reinforcing aggressive lance. they make lance really mean/hateful/cruel to keith instead of the actual bickering in the show. idk if he was sexually aggressive like a lot of other fics make him, but he was definitely a big asshole to keith in this fic.
they gave lance a pet chicken. a pet chicken. 
i remember there was a slight surge of those types of fics where lance would have real like farm based animals as pets and im like.... uhhhh... okay lmao
some of these like.. had worse impacts than others (i.e. the family stuff mostly. especially with the homophobia and bad latino dad tropes. and lance being demonized and made to look more aggressive than he is in canon most def) but all of these legit like... really inspired and created a lot of Bad Fics afterwards and a lot of bad art/hcs on tumblr too blaghhhh
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