#i actually feel kinda bad lying everytime the safety questions come up
be-good-to-bugs · 1 year
oh [redacted] i owe you my life
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ficandchicks · 6 years
Headcanon for Present Mic, All Might, Aizawa, Sir Nighteye, and Fat Gum.
“Their child gets hurt during a training simulation at school and what they do to help them out and stuff. A lot of fluff please!”
What happened: As it turns out, you and Midoriya were really going at it with your quirks against Bakugou and Kirishima in Ground Beta. Unfortunately, one of Bakugou’s explosions was a bit too strong and had knocked you back into the wall of an already collapsing building. A few loose bricks fell and knocked you over the head. After you saw the blood on your hand, you went into shock and had to be carried back to Recovery Girl’s office.
Present Mic:
When he first finds out you got hurt, his immediate reaction was to start running.
He most definitely knocked over a few kids to get to you.
Midnight was probably going to castrate him for running into her and knocking all of her papers out of her hands.
Many people were going to castrate him.
He’d care later.
When he finally gets to Recovery Girl’s office, she scolds him for bursting into her office like a madman.
He obviously apologizes
she’s probably the most threatening person at the UA.
“They’re in there, but keep your quirk at bay.”
You were laying on a bed with your eyes closed, a bandage wrapped around your entire head for the bleeding.
It was a relief to him when your head turned to him and yours eyes opened.
“Hey, Kiddo. How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit in the head with bricks.”
He’ll sit there and listen to what happened from you, reminding you every now and then to take your time.
He was glad you were okay.“Don’t you have to go back to class?”
“Shouta can cover for me, I’m going to stay here with you for a little while longer.”
He actually sits there for the rest of the day, talking to you and cracking stupid jokes. He occasionally just starts singing, soft lullabies that he knew you loved when you were having a rough time.
You were glad that he cared so much about you to be there for you; especially since he was a pro hero. He had always been caring(maybe a little overbearing), and it was one of the best traits your father had. You couldn’t be happier that he was your dad.
And he was beyond grateful that you were his kid.
All Might:
All Might was there when it happened; it was his class.
He had specifically said to work diligently and try not to destroy any buildings, but that would never be the case with Midoriya and Bakugou in a situation together.
He knew very well that he couldn’t leave the class alone, so he asked Iida to take you to the nurse as quickly as he could without injuring you any further.
He continued the exercise very rigid, barely focusing on the other students when all he could think about was you.
‘Were you okay? Did you need to get a brain scan? Would you need to go home? Is something even worse happening?’
All Might is a major wreck when it comes to you.
By the time the end of class came, All Might was rushing through his closing statement before he ran off to get to you.
He bled all over the floor of Recovery Girl’s office when he got there, but it was okay.
No it wasn’t.
Recovery Girl scolded the shit out of him for not paying attention to your safety as well as his own. But she let him see you while she was talking.
“Don’t get too loud.”
He touches your hand before he touches your bandages, just lightly grazing the both of them. It’s enough to make you stir.
“Hey, Kid. How do you feel?”
“We can go home as soon as Recovery Girl says you can leave this bed.”
“It’ll be the end of the day before she gets to leave, I don’t want her getting worse just because she didn’t rest long enough.”
All Might just lets it happen, taking the chair next to the bed and sitting next to you. He’d sit there all night if it was to keep you safe.
You ask about the rest of training and how everyone did, and he tells you, going into detail about everyone’s takes on the task they were given. He even goes into stories you hadn’t asked him to tell, stories of his glory days and what it was like after you were born. It was nice to hear him speak softly for a change, a smile that you never really saw too often spread calmly across his face. He was content.
You were content.
You were both content.
Aizawa was not initially surprised to hear that you wound up in Recovery Girl’s office. You were just as clumsy as your mother was.
In fact, you were worse.
He was used to seeing you go down pretty easily when you didn’t mean for it, having watched you trip over yourself on numerous occasions just walking out of your room.
But it was definitely a shock that you were training when it happened.
Nobody was quite sure how, but you were a very graceful fighter.
(Aizawa often credited himself for teaching you at a young age how to fight like he does)
You never fall, you rarely lose in hand-to-hand combat, and you always have a different aura about you when you’re fighting someone.
So seeing you lying in a bed with a bandage wrapped around your head was a pretty big shock.
“She took quite the hit, but she’ll be fine.”
He sits in the chair next to you resting his eyes for about an hour until you pipe up.
“How long have you been here?”
“Forty-five minutes...maybe an hour.”
“How do you feel?”
“I’m fine.”
You two sit in comfortable silence, just taking in the fact that the other was their and everything would be okay. It was all you needed to relax.
Even in everyday situations at home, the two of you either sat in comfortable silence or would cast harmless sarcasm towards each other. It was how your personalities worked. The two of you knew how to keep the other at bay, especially when he tried to expel students because he didn’t like how they worked.
You were the perfect mix.
Sir Nighteye:
Sir was very worried when he got the call saying you had been injured during a training exercise. Your quirk was stronger than his, so the fact that you hadn’t been able to take care of yourself was troubling for him to grasp.
Many questions were asked, and many questions were answered with ease.
It didn’t take him long to trust that you would be okay until he could come and get you after he was done working.
But that didn’t stop him from worrying.
He couldn’t help it; you were his everything! You were stuck in a bed, by yourself, with a bandage wrapped around your head and nothing to do.
The thoughts running through his head were based around the same thoughts he had been having all week. He was worried he wasn’t spending enough time with you, especially with him at work all day while you go to school in a completely different city. He didn’t want to seem like he didn’t care at all.
This bitch calls in Centipede and takes the rest of the day off.
When he does get to Recovery Girl’s office, he’s greeted by your smiling face staring back at him.
“I thought you were coming later.”
“I couldn’t leave you to be alone in this situation.”
The rest of the day was the best part for both father and daughter. The two went home and just sat on the couch watching game shows and beating the contestants to the correct answer. Sir occasionally cracked a few bad dad jokes in really serious tones, and you lost it everytime. You’d try to think of a joke better than his, but he just had more experience than you did.
It was times like these you could really appreciate him. Not only for the love and support, but for the way he tried to make you smile when he knew you were in pain. You love your dad a lot, and there was no one who could ever replace him.
Fat Gum:
Fat Gum is at the school faster than you can imagine.
He didn’t listen to Recovery Girl long enough to find out what happened, all he needed to hear was your name and that you were injured.
He did not run into students.
When he did get to Recovery Girl’s office, she just looked at him with disdain. She then scolded him for not letting her finish talking so she could tell him you were okay. She also scolded him for running all the way to the school.
Fit Gum was more present than Fat Gum.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t just ignore my wonderful (son/daughter) when they’re in distress!”
“Dad, I’m fine.” You call softly, peeking out of the little curtain that recovery girl had pulled. Thanks to your quirk from your father, it was easy to heal with food in your system. Thankfully for you, Lunch Rush was glad to stop by and drop off some food.
After Recovery Girl releases you to your father, the two of you go back to his office. He lets you rest on the couch in his office while he finishes some paperwork he had carelessly left behind.
It wasn’t long before you had fallen asleep, and Fat couldn’t help but just stare at you. You were older now, not so little anymore. There was a time where you fit on that couch perfectly, but now your feet dangled over the side.
He’s not crying
He’s not a mess
He’s totally a mess.
He pulls himself together enough to finish his paperwork and wakes you up to go and eat.
Obviously, you two ate a lot.
You were stuffed by the time you got home, and you were happy about it. Your dad on the other hand was still a bit hungry despite his fat returning.
The two of you kinda just chilled on the couch the rest of the night, you leaning on his huge stomach as a pillow.
Face it, he’s comfy.
Needless to say, the both of you were just happy to be spending some quality time together after such a long day. It wasn’t often that he was able to take you out to eat now that you were in high school, so today was really special for the two of you.
Despite your head injury.
You wouldn’t trade your dad for anything in the world. He was kind, observant, and very present. You were glad that he was so caring towards you, it was always comforting to know that there was someone who would be there for you no matter what.
Let’s face it. Whether he’s Fat Gum or Fit Gum, your dad would swim around the entire world if it meant he’d be there for you when you needed it.
A/N: I’d like to thank my friend who requested this for encouraging me to create my own fic blog. 
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