#i SWEAR you guys it was gonna be released on the 24th and then it was suddenly shuffled to the 30th. im gonna cry
steakout-05 · 16 days
australia please stop postponing the garf movie date for the love of god please stop i BEG of you *gnawing on my cage* *clawing up my enclosure* *about to literally explode*
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liliansun · 2 years
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synopsis: Not only had he been the boy next door, he was your best friend. Practically inseparable, you were too comfortable with how things were. Now that you're not the only girl he's looking at, things begin to take a turn. Better or for worse?
genre: fluff, angst, comedy, college au, best friends to lovers, boy next door/childhood friends
warnings: swearing, slight suggestive(?) due to mentions of sex, I doubt there’s more to add but if there is I will
estimated wc: 5k+
teaser wc: 500+
estimated release date: was supposed to be 24th - 27th of April,, sike I posted it early → promise me love link!
please send an ask/comment to be added to the taglist!
taglist: @kac-chowsballs @todorokiskitten @jayk2025 @msxflower @woniecf @luvrjn @hobistigma @gongiz @kyleeanne @shysakuno @jaeyunify @jaylaxies @candidupped @icywhatim @ja4hyvn @hooniesoul @rutowonz @acciomylove @soobin-chois @saucytaehyung @enhacolor @ethereal-engene @ant-ton-ya @gyuszn @doublesung @njmverse
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“Looks like the two lovebirds decided to grace us with their presence today.” Mark added on, earning a slap by the one next to him. “Leave them alone, you’re gonna scare her away.” Chenle said as he waved to you. Renjun also waved, sitting beside Chenle. You waved at them all, noticing one was missing. “Where’s hyuck?” You asked, looking at the boy next to you. “He’s in the library, why?” The entire table started to make an ooo sound as they looked at you two.
“Trouble in paradise, y/n? Maybe someone has heart eyes for our poor haechan?” Mark said, leaning more towards you. Playfully flicking him on the forehead, you rolled your eyes. “I’m only asking because he’s always with you guys, butt out mark.” Jisung, who was sitting on the opposite end of the table, spoke up. “Mark, stop teasing her, you’ll feel the wrath of Jaemin if you don’t.” Jaemin only smiled at the comment about him before turning to you. You didn’t pay attention to the way his eyes were staring at you, instead focusing on the food in front of you. Unwrapping your sandwich, you started to enjoy your lunch while the boys continued to tease and make jokes with one another. Jaemin was occupying his time by watching the way you eat. It seems kind of creepy, but ever since you could remember he always did that. You had gotten used to it, not minding him and his quirky actions.
As you’re finishing up lunch, Jeno stands up to gather his things. “Oh hey, y/n you’re coming to the party this weekend right?” Lifting your head, you shrug in response. “C’mon, it’ll be fun! Plus, Chenle and I will be there so you can ditch these hooligans.” Renjun said. You laughed, considering their offer. “I don’t know guys, I have a test in a couple weeks and-“ before you could finish, Jaemin cut you off. “C’mon, I’ll be with you the whole time.” You scoffed, standing to grab your bag. “Yeah right, you always leave me to go get into another girl’s pants.”
The entire table went silent as you and Jaemin went back and forth. “I promise I’ll be by your side the entire night. Pinky swear.” Hesitantly, you interlocked your pinky within his. To others, this may seem childish or even silly to pinky promise someone something so simple, but to you and Jaemin, this meant loyalty. Smiling, he interlocked his pinky with yours and the silent exchange between you two was picked up by the other five boys. “Alright alright, we have to go to class, but we’ll see you later!” Mark said, walking off with Jeno and Renjun. Chenle and Jisung waited for Jaemin to join them.
“See you later y/n.” He said as he saluted you before turning his back to you and left the cafeteria. Watching his figure disappear behind the cafeteria doors made you realize the audience that you and him had created. Many wandering eyes watched you exit the building, some in jealously and others in pure curiosity. Making your way back across campus, you finished off your final few classes and headed home after.
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©️LILIANSUN., 2022
please do not copy, paste, translate or repost my work, this includes the header. please give feedback, it helps encourage writers to become more creative and makes us feel more purposeful when we write.
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spookysmujer · 4 years
Peligro, O.Diaz
Summary: Oscar’s S/O getting hurt by a rival gang.
warnings: swearing, slight verbal/phyiscal abuse, fluff
requested by: @gemini0410​
a/n: Thank you for the two requests! I apologize for taking so long to get these out but I appreciate you trusting in me to bring to life your ideas, I hope these are worthy of your liking. I want to thank all the new followers as well as the OG ones for showing me so much love even though I am barely active. Finally back in commission, also I just celebrated my 24th birthday! hehe. As always please consider: following, leave a heart and comment on my content, reblog it and turn on this notifs!! Thank you babes!
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(gif belongs to @merakiaes ✨)
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“Where you at now?”
The crisp wind is blowing against your face as you walk through the empty parking lot of the local animal clinic. The once brightly lit sky is now a deep dark blue. It’s a calming sight to see after that nearly 12 hour shift. 
“Still at the clinic. Just as I was 10 minutes ago when you asked then.” You chuckle a bit as you get your keys out from your purse, pressing your phone to your ear with your shoulder. You hear Oscar’s light chuckle as well. He’s a worry wart, though he rarely shows around most. But with you, he’s always worried about your well being.
Your shift ended up a double when your co-worker called out sick last minute. And apparently everyone else couldn’t make it in. So you were running back and forth between the receptionist desk and assisting the veterinarian. But alas, you finally locked up the shop and now on your way home. Granted it’s an empty bed you are heading to.
Oscar had a drop to make across the city, a few hours away. Which is the reason for his persistent worry on your location. Things have been hot lately, shit constantly going on between the Santos and other gangs. And the fact that you had to work later than expected and out past 9:00 PM has Oscar on edge. Add the fact that he isn’t there to help you get home safely or home to him.
“Okay, I’m in the car now. Setting my purse on the passenger seat, turning on the car.” You tease, a grin permanently etched onto your face as you do the things you listed to him. “Keep teasing, nena. You know how things have been, I just want to make sure you get back to the crib safely.”
You smile to yourself, switching your phone call to bluetooth to be hands-free as you make the 20 minute drive home. Oscar stays quiet most of the ride home, the silence a comfort for the two of you. A long day of sick animals for you and a long day of meet-ups for him.
He suddenly hears the engine of your car shut off and a door close. This confused him as you’ve only been driving for only 10 minutes and you didn’t say anything about making home, “Where are you now?”
“I’m starving, I stopped at Dwayne’s. He extended his hours so I am about to get a fat, juicy burger with a side of fries and big ol soda!” You are drooling as you make your way into the shop.
The two of you bicker for a few moments later but you reach the counter and get your order in. He tells you to sit in and eat but you barely had energy left. If you were to grub on your food whiling dining in then you’d most definitely knock right out.
“Then get home. I don’t know why you didn’t have food delivered to you when you were at work. What part of it’s not safe on the streets right now are you not fuckin’ hearing?” Oscar has finally snapped as you get back in your car. You sigh loudly. 
But before you can sass or even comply with him, the sound of the phone call ending sounds in your ears. You pull your phone down to see that it had died thus the sudden ending of the call.
You mutter as you lean over to see if you left your phone charger in the glove compartment, but to no avail. The amount of ‘shits’ you spew out is enough to fill a swear jar. You can hear Oscar from all the way over here. He’s on edge with the drop, with being away and now this shit. 
The idea of Oscar being more stressed then need be because of you causes you to lean your head back and close your eyes for a second. Just get your culo home, Y/N. You say to yourself as you sit upright in the seat.
As you turn the key into the ignition to start the car, a spurting sound comes from under the hood. You try a few more turns, cursing more loudly as the car fails to turn on. You look around and the only other car in Dwayne’s parking lot is the worker in the restaurant. 
Before you can get out of the car to head back in to ask for some help or to use a phone, a few more cars pull in. You sit back as the cars park across from you, not recognizing any of them. It’s when its occupants exit the car, you feel your heart skip a beat. 
19th Street.
The purple and white sticking out against the moonlight. You watch as they all cluster together as a few enter the restaurant. You’re stuck, your car isn’t working and your phone is dead. And the only saving grace is heading inside but at this moment what would that really do? How would the poor young worker be able to help you out with the bunch of wannabe gangsters out numbering the two of you.
In the midst of your thoughts, you hear the sound of gravel crunching nearby. When you look up you see of few of the members heading towards your car. Panic sets in deeper. 
“Ay, Spooky’s chick. You far from your Spooky, ain’t you?” 
You try to ignore it but you feel a bunch of eyes on you. The comment of being Spooky’s girl gets the attention of the rest of those that were standing by their cars. Your heart rate begins to pick up now.
“Yo, I’m talking to you!” 
And in this moment, you realize why Oscar always worries for you. Not just because things are hot with the two gangs at the moment because most of the time you aren’t aware of your surroundings. For example, Oscar always tells you to lock your car door when you get in. It don’t matter if it’s early in a crowded area, always lock your doors. But with the phone call, you were distracted and didn’t.
So when your door is quickly opened, you mentally damn yourself.
“Oh, yeah that’s Spooky’s ruca. Get her fine ass outta the car.”
You try your best to to move over the middle console to the passenger side or through the back seats. You figure if you can do that then you can get out from that side of the car. But barely over the middle console, you feel hands pull at you.
Never show weakness. You hear Oscar’s words.
You kick and thrash as hard as possible as you hold onto the inside of the car, fighting them off with every ounce of strength you have.But it’s useless as more hands reach in and get a good grip on you. They pull you out of your car with ease.
“Get off me, I swear to God I’ll put a bullet in your fuckin’ head!” Your voice is sturdy and holds power in it. Something else Oscar has always reminded you about.
They only laugh at your words, “ Big words for a lil hyna, huh? I wonder just how good that mouth of hers really is.” The sick and vile thoughts of what they could do to you begin to cloud your thoughts. As they all laugh and catcall you, you spit harshly in one of their faces. 
This earns you a harsh slap across the face, the sting registering instantly. A hand grasps your face, squeezing your cheeks as they step closer to you now directly in your face. Your arms are being bound behind you from other, leaving you defenseless.
“Big words, you ain’t doing shit. You can’t do shit not without your big bad Santo, can you? Not to worry babygirl. I can show you how a real gangster does it.” He gets closer, feeling your waist with his free hand as his other still holds onto your face.
A sudden shot goes off, alerting everyone around you. They all reach for their guns and turning towards the sound of the shot. And a big wave of relief washes over you. Dwayne stands with a shotgun aimed their way, not a look of fear on his face as 6 glocks are pointed back at him.
“I suggest you all leave. You got your food, now get the hell off my property.” He says making sure to have a sight on everyone.
Your heart is beginning to calm as headlights shine onto you, a few cars pulling into the parking lot and familiar faces appearing. A few Santos quickly pulling out their guns and aiming to the members of 19th street.
Sad Eyes stands tall, towering over everyone. “Do as he says or all your moms have funerals to plan tomorrow. If not, Spooky is on his way and bet, you gonna wish you were already fuckin’ dead.”
Those of 19th street give a glance at the one who has your face in his grasp. He nods and they lower their weapons, as he releases his grip on your face. The one who had a hold on you releases too.
Once they hop back in their cars, the Santos put their guns away, Sad Eyes walks over to you to make sure that you are seriously hurt. You nod and push away his hand that went to assess your red cheek, “I’m fine. How’d you get here so fast?”
He chuckles, “As soon as you told him you had to work later than you were suppose to, he told us to head back. He was right to, shit been getting way too out of hand especially with 19th street. Still not carrying the glock, I see.” 
You shake your head, averting your gaze to avoid the told you so look from him. Your attention is pulled from Sad Eyes when headlights shine again through the parking lot. The infamous cherry red impala pulls up. The engine is barely cut when he’s out of the car and in front of you.
Sad Eyes steps back as the rest of the Santos do as well. “Let me make you all something to eat,” Dwayne says out loud as everyone piles inside to give you and Oscar privacy. 
“My phone died, I’m sorry. I-I didn’t notice how low my battery was and then my damn car wouldn’t start and the-” The water works begin, the lip trembling and the reality of what just happened hits you all at once. Oscar lets you cry in his chest.
He fights between wanting to lecture you or comfort you. Tonight could have ended badly had his gut not told him to send out some of his guys. And with you failing to always be aware of your surroundings, right now he could be on his way to the morgue to identify you.
His arms eventually wind around you, his face pressing into your hair. For a moment, he melts and relishes in the fact that you are okay and that you are in his arms.
“You’re safe. And I’m here. Everything else is in the past and we let that shit go. But best believe this, nena. When the streets are hot, you turn down doubles and I want you with me as much as physically possible. Because the fuckin’ thought of you hurt because of me...” He trails off, his voice now a bit shaky.
You peer up at him and smile slightly, he leans down to press a kiss to your lips. Gently caressing your aching cheek, pecking a soft kiss on it. You sigh in relief as he holds you close to him and not wanting to let go.
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Out of Action or Lessons to be Learnt
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage Contains Potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and smutty content. Chapter-specific warning: This chapter contains mention of pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, and food cravings as well as mood swings
Summary: Kirby tries to survive the new developments in her life, Rod becoming slightly overprotective doesn't really help much.
Kirby's POV:
After the show on Sunday (24th June) Roddy decided to invite Orton and Schultz out to dinner with us.
"So you got your woman pregnant?"
"Yes, David. Why'd you ask?" I answered for Roddy
"When's it due?"
"Well, Schultzy," I had to do some calculations in my head, "Around the end of next Feb."
"So, Rod, Kirby, y'all got any ideas for names yet?" Orton quizzed
"I ain't got no names, you got any names, Kirbs?"
"I like the name 'Casey' it's a good, neutral name, y'know."
"Your woman's a quicker thinker than you, boy."
"Yeah, Rod, ya married a feisty one."
"As Kirby'll tell ya lads, it's a marriage of equals."
We finished our meals, paid and left, heading to the next show. Tuesday, Twenty-Sixth, Providence, Rhode Island. Then the next show, Wednesday, Twenty-Seventh, Columbus, Ohio. After the Wednesday show Rod and myself spent some time with Orndorff and Orton. Then the next show, Thursday, Twenty-Eighth, Rod was meant to do a show in Dayton, Ohio, without me but he no-showed.
"Rod, McMahon called, something about a show in Dayton?"
"Oh, I forgot to tell them I was looking after you."
"Roddy, I'm fine, you should've done the show."
"Kirbs, I care more about making sure ya alright than doing every show, I need to know that you're okay."
"Roderick. Would you listen to me?!"
"Kirby, don't you go telling me what to do!"
Rod had gotten right up into my face, soon he seemed to notice the tears welling up in my eyes.
"Kirby, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"Woah, Rod. Rod, it's alright, you're okay, Hon. Roddy, come here."
I pulled him into my arms, feeling him gently caress my stomach.
"Kirbs, d'ya think I'll make a good father?"
"Of course you'll make a good father, Rod."
The following day, the moment I woke up I had to rush to the bathroom and throw up, Rod rushed in after me, checking that I was alright and helping me clean myself off. We had to attend a show in Elizabeth, New Jersey the next day. The next show after that was Tuesday, the Second of July, Glen Falls, New York, after the show Rod asked me to come with him to a local bar to meet an 'old friend' of his, or in other words, Rod was asking me to keep him calm.
"Kirby, this is Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine. Greg, my beautiful wife, Kirby Piper."
"You're the gal I keep hearing about from people."
"Well, that depends on what you've heard."
"I heard that you were, or are, pregnant."
"That's true," Orton butted in, "Rod and I got told that on TV."
"Yeah, Piper's Pit, last month. I'm glad you found yourself a person who makes you happy, Rod."
"I, uh, I watched the matches you two had in Eighty-three."
"What did you think of them?"
"They're good, excellent even, though, the dog collar match. I can't watch that ever again."
"Why not?"
"Cause I worry about you, every time I watch it, Roddy."
The next show was Thursday, the fifth, in Hazelton, Pennsylvania. Jimmy Snuka and Roddy. I accompanied Rod to ringside, grabbing a seat at ringside. I had to run to the back about five minutes into the match. Rod rushed to the back after me, I could hear him getting counted out.
"Kirbs, Kirby, are you alright?"
"Rod, Rod, c'mere you idiot."
"Ya tired, Honey?"
I placed my forehead in the crook of his neck, "I'm exhausted right now."
"C'mon, I'll take ya back to the hotel and let ya rest."
Rod drove us back to the hotel and Orndorff stopped by with a new guy.
"Hi Paul."
"Hey, Kirbs, are you alright?"
"I'm better than earlier."
"She was non-stop apologising to me on the way here. Adrian, this is my wonderful wife, Kirby."
"Hi, you're, uhm, Dick Murdoch's tag partner?"
"Yeah, Adrian Adonis, nice to meet ya."
"Kirby Piper, pleasure to meet you too, Adrian. Rod?"
"Yes honey?"
"Can I slap Snuka?"
Rod let out a chuckle, "If you want to, hon. It would make my day."
Orndorff and Adonis shared a knowing look before Paul spoke up.
"Why do you two want to attack Snuka?"
"Because he's a dickhead." I stated flatly before covering my mouth in shock, "I didn't mean to say that."
"Why not, you're right. If he hurts or threatens you, he's dead meat, honey."
"Rod, don't. You can't be in your children's life if you're locked away in prison."
"Children, plural?"
"We all know that this child ain't gonna be the last." Adrian added
"True. Thank you Adrian."
"So, what was your reaction to the pregnancy, Kirby?"
"Uhm, well, if I'm honest with you, Adrian, at first I couldn't believe it. I think my first words were 'oh no'."
"Your first reaction was 'Oh no'?" Rod stated, sounding slightly hurt
"Rod, I wrestle for a living. Pregnancy lasts between eight and ten months. That means I'm out for a long while."
"Alright. Alright."
"I love you, Roddy."
After Orndorff and Adonis left Rod changed his focus back to me.
"C'mere you," He pulled me towards him, chest to chest, before kissing me roughly and backing me towards the bed, "You sexy goliath."
"You are such a hot head, Roderick."
"You married me though, didn't ya." He hoisted my leg, pressing his groin into mine.
"As if I'd turn you down, my love."
On Saturday (the seventh) I was at ringside, watching Roddy lose by DQ, the moment Rod left the ring he walked over to me, pulling me to my feet only to dip me into a kiss.
After the show we went back to the hotel with Valentine, Adonis and Orndorff.
Me and Paul were in the hotel room just chatting away when we heard a crash from the hallway, followed by several smaller crashes and then a banging at the door.
Greg threw the door open and Paul helped get Adrian and Roddy inside.
"What the fuck happened?"
The room went silent and Greg went to get help as me and Paul watched over Adrian and Roddy.
No response. I took my shirt off (a plain white T-shirt, which would not be white for much longer) and used it to try and stem the bleeding from the cut on his outer thigh.
He groaned in a pained response
"Roderick, talk to me."
We spent the night in the hospital, Rod needed stitches to the wound on his thigh and Adrian needed stitches to the wound on his right pectoral, Adrian would be in the hospital for two days at the least and both would be back in action by Friday.
Jesse came to visit and Rod introduced him to me and vice versa, introducing me as 'My beloved wife, the mother of my unborn child and the woman who saved my life, twice.'
While Rod slept off the pain in his leg, Jesse raised some questions to me.
"Did you see him get hurt?"
"No, Jesse, I saw the injury after Valentine dropped him on the bed."
"How long have you two been together?"
"We've known each other since January, Schultz introduced us. We started dating each other at the end of January, from the twentieth. Got married on the first of June, not too long after that, he got me pregnant."
"This is the, second, time."
"Second time for what?"
"Roddy being injured."
"Yeah, same leg too."
"Some fans are fucking insane."
"I'm just glad they haven't gone after me, Rod would lose his mind if anything happened to me, or the baby."
"You should hear him in the locker room."
"He's always talking about me?"
"Always, usually to Adonis. Those two are usually stuck to each other by the hip. If he's not with Adonis, he's with Orton, or Schultz, or Orndorff, or Valentine, or even me."
"He constantly talks about me?"
"Either you, or more recently, the baby."
"He's the kindest, most respectful man, I've ever met, Jesse."
"Thank you, baby." Rod mumbled out.
"Roddy," I jumped slightly, rushing from Jesse's side to sit next to Rod on the hospital bed, "Are you alright, my love."
"C'mere," Rod pulled me in, lazily and sloppily kissing me on the lips.
"I, uh, I got you guys this," Jesse handed Roddy a book, "I know it's early, but you can never be too prepared y'know."
After Roddy was released from the hospital, we decided to spend the night alone.
"Roddy, I, good God I don't want this to come off as if I'm scared. Rod, I don't want to let you out of my sight."
"Kirbs, come here," He pulled me into a hug, "If I never let you outta my sight, then ya never have to let me out of your sight."
We slept and I got up earlier than Rod, I did my morning routine before deciding to flick through the parenting book that Jesse gave us.
Around half an hour later I finished going through the book and heard Rod yawn and the hotel bed creak under his weight.
"What a beautiful sight to wake up to."
"Roderick, you charmer. How's the leg, my love?"
"Slowly getting better. Kirbs?"
"Uh huh?"
"Damien said that, your Da, called him, as in Damien. We need to go to our place and pick some stuff up that your Mam and Da sent over."
"If we leave after you get dressed, we can get home, spend Tuesday and Wednesday there and then drive to the show on Thursday so we can be there for Friday."
"I love how your brain works."
"I love you too, Rod."
By the time we got back to the house it had actually taken us around a day and a half, we reached the house, got what mail had accumulated and left for the show in Chicago, getting to a hotel on Thursday night.
I had separated the mail into four stacks, bills, family mail, fan letters, and unsorted as of yet.
"Bills, fan letter, fan letter, somethin' from my family, fan letter, fan letter, family mail, bill."
"Cannae talk right now, Rod. Family mail, fan letter, fan letter, fan letter, family mail."
"Cannae talk right now, Roddy. Bill, Bill, fan letter, bill, family mail, fan letter, fan letter."
"Kirby, my love, Kirby?"
"I Can nae talk right now Roderick. Fan letter, Fa-"
Rod cut me off by grabbing my face and kissing me roughly.
"Kirby, you can go through that later, right now, ya need ta sleep, baby."
While Rod was doing the show, I stayed at the hotel, and went through all the mail. I ended up going to a local supermarket and an ATM in order to pay the bills, sending money off to each company and opening my fan letters, many of which were actually hate mail, ignoring the hatred of both me and my husband, I opened some of the mail my family had sent, most of which were small boxes of my things or wedding presents.
Rod walked in with Jesse and Adrian close behind him.
"Oh, there's ma beautiful wife."
"Did ya win, love?"
"Double disqualification."
"Oh, Hon."
"No, it's fine. What's in the mail babe?"
"I've dealt with the bills, uhm, wedding gifts from my family, some of my old stuff from my younger years. I've put most of it in the back of the D200. I haven't opened your fan mail."
"Yes, Adrian."
"How's the baby?"
"The baby's fine. How are you guys doing?"
"We're good, Kirbs" Jesse stated, rather matter-of-factly.
We spent around an hour hanging out with Jesse and Adrian before Jesse departed, Adrian stayed with me while Rod went out to get the boys some beer.
"So, Roddy's good to you?"
"Yeah, He's the best man I've ever had in my life. He's not possessive, he's rather protective, especially when he's jealous, he tries his hardest to make sure I'm happy and the baby's okay."
"You know, he's my best friend, right?"
"I suspected that you two were close after seeing you guys stick around each other at a couple shows."
The door swung open and Rod placed an ice cold beer against Adrian's neck.
"Hey, hey. stop that man."
"Boys, don't fight, especially when there's a pregnant woman nearby."
"I'm sorry baby, c'mere."
Rod put the rest of the six pack on the floor and walked over to me, kissing me gently on the forehead and then on the lips, several times, getting needier every time and deepening the kiss, backing me up until he could straddle my lap before realising what he was doing.
"Sorry about that, Adrian. I got a bit carried away. She is the most attractive woman I've ever met."
"Nah, don't worry about it, you two are married. You should show that you love each other, you've got a kid on the way and before ya know it, you'll be parents. Ya kids have gotta know that ya love each other, and that love is meant to be shown, ya know."
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theinkquiry · 5 years
Christmas at the Tower
Prompt: Quick snapshots of what’s going on at Avengers Tower this Christmas
Starring: Peter and Tony, Steve and Bucky, Clint and Nat, & Thor and Loki
A/N: I haven’t posted in a ridiculously long amount of time, but I decided to get my ass in gear for the holidays. I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of 2018 and get lots of great gifts this year!
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December 24th, 11:59 PM- Iron-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Tony yawned as he watched his bots drill in the final pieces on his new Reindeer Revolver 2.5. A t-shirt launcher style machine that could fire reindeer plushies with maximum speed, silence, and accuracy. That’ll show Barton. He grabbed his mug and tried to take a big gulp, only to be met with a few cold drops of coffee and disappointment.
“FRIDAY, whip me up a fresh brew.” Tony put down the mug and rubbed his eyes.
“Apologies, Mr. Stark. Mr. Parker has insisted you get a good night’s rest instead.” The AI replied. Tony could hear the smugness in her robotic voice.
“Since when did the kid-”
“He’s here, Mr. Stark.” FRIDAY cut him off.
Right on cue, the elevator chimed. Tony swiveled around just in time to see a tinsel-covered Peter barrelling towards him. He barely had time to get up before he caught the boy in his arms. A crinkling package the size of his upper body blocking most of his view.
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Stark!” Peter hopped back, holding out his slightly crushed gift.
Tony took the package off the boy’s hands with a chuckle. “Aren’t you supposed to be in bed, kid?”
“I wanted to be the first one to give you your present. Aunt May helped me with the wrapping, but I picked it out and put the bow on top.” Peter pointed to the little robots wearing Santa hats. He looked up at the man with bated breath.
Tony shook the package back and forth, holding it up to his ear. “Is it… a new robot?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “Come on, Mr. Stark, just open it already!”
“Alright, alright. Here we go!” Tony peeled off the tape, trying not to ruin the packaging. Taking a look at Peter, he tore open the wrappers faster. The boy looked like he would combust if Tony didn’t open it right that moment. Leaving the loose paper on the floor, he held up a familiarly dressed teddy bear.
“It’s you!” Peter exclaimed. “At first I thought it would be kinda dumb, but then Build-A-Bear just had to go and release the new Ironman bear. But when I went it was like, totally off. They couldn’t even get your hair right, so I got a regular bear and did it right. If you press the arc reactor, it’ll make laser noises. Isn’t that cool?”
Peter seemed to shrink as he rambled on. The poor kid, Tony thought. He was at a loss for what to say. He put in so much effort just to get a bear to look just like him. It had the little sunglasses and a tiny suit and everything. And true to his word, the arc reactor let out sound effects upon being pressed.
“This is, by far, the most handsome bear I’ve ever seen. Wouldn’t you agree, FRIDAY?” Tony held it up for inspection.
“Indeed, sir,” FRIDAY responded.
“You really like it?” Peter clasped his hands together.
Tony nodded and pat his head. “Of course I do! Look at this guy, he’s just like me! Only thing missing is a little matching spider-son bear. Hey, FRIDAY remind me to get that in the works tomorrow-”
“On it, sir.”
“-Thank you for the gift, Peter. I really appreciate it. This is by far going to be the best gift I’ve gotten.”
Peter looked like he was going to burst into tears. “I’m so glad you like it, Mr. Stark.”
“Aw, don’t cry on me kid. C’mere.” Tony opened his arms for a hug and was promptly tackled to the floor by the boy. It wasn’t as soft as he’d expected, but he laid there on the floor and hugged Peter as tightly as he could. He didn’t even mind breathing in the tinsel and aroma of burnt cookies from his holiday sweater.
“Sorry, Mr. Stark.” Peter scratched his head after helping the older man up.
“Don’t sweat it, kid. These kinds of reflexes are what makes you a top mark Avenger,” Tony grinned. Peter’s smile alone could have made ten Christmasses for the billionaire. “Say, why don’t we go up for some late night cocoa, get some rest, and then you can help me put the finishing touches on my Reindeer Revolver tomorrow morning?”
“Really?” Peter’s mouth was agape.
“Sure!” Tony nodded. “Your Aunt May can help too. She makes the best gingersnap cookies, I swear.”
The two stepped into the elevator and rode it all the way up to the main living space. A twinkling tree and pile of gifts greeted them upon entering the room. Tony pulled out two mugs as Peter fished out the cocoa powder and milk.
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Stark.”
“You too, kid. You too.”
December 25th, 8:00 AM- Two Old Hoots
It wasn’t exactly the most traditional thing to be out and about on Christmas morning. Everyone was probably back at the tower enjoying the premium heating and eating chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. Part of him wanted to be back there with them, laughing and celebrating, but another part of Steve told him that he needed to be here. Walking around Central Park on the jolliest day of the year all by himself.
It was tranquil and cold. It had snowed just two days ago, covering the park in fluffy white flakes and crystal ice. There wasn’t a single soul in sight, except for the occasional squirrel and bird. Deeper into the park, the city noises faded away and all Steve was left with was his own thoughts and the whispering wind.
Here it felt less like he didn’t belong. It was familiar, even if a lot has changed in the park itself as well. He could close his eyes and imagine the winters he used to know. Him and Bucky sledding down hills and collapsing in a giant pile of stitched jackets and snow at the bottom. Peeking through shop windows for toys that they couldn’t afford. Sitting near the fireplace and talking about nothing for hours, huddling closer for warmth.
Opening his eyes and being greeted with none of it. Sometimes Steve was so confused on how he felt about just existing. If he really was supposed to be here, or if he should have just spent another Christmas taking an ice nap. He exhaled, releasing a single cloud of cold breath into the air.
“Thought I’d find you here.”
Steve turned his head. A few steps behind him stood Bucky, wrapped up in a giant knit hat and scarf. His hands shoved into his pockets, and hair covering part of his face.
“How’d ya know?” Steve went back to gazing at the frozen lake.
He heard Bucky stand next to him and wrap an arm around his shoulders. “Call it intuition or years of training as the perfect tracker.”
Steve let out a single snort.
Bucky sighed. “We missed you at the tower this mornin’. I figured you just needed to clear your head. Presents already got opened though, so I figured I’d bring yours to you.”
Steve cocked his eyebrow and Bucky fished out two rectangles from inside his coat.
“It ain’t everything. Peter got you something the size of the tree, and I wasn’t gonna lug it all the way out here for your sorry ass. But these two are from me.”
Steve snorted. “That’s one way to start a Christmas.”
“Says the guy who got up at the crack of dawn to mope in a park.” Bucky elbowed the supersoldier. “Now are you gonna open ‘em?”
He gingerly unwrapped the package, revealing a picture frame. Turning it around, Steve gasped. “It’s…”
A very old photograph was tucked between the glass. Steve hadn’t seen it in decades. He recognized it as an old picture from his youth with Bucky. The two goofing off and having the grandest old time at Brighton Beach. His ma used to have it up near the radio back in the old Brooklyn apartment.
“Tony helped me track it down. I figured you could use it just about now.” Bucky squeezed his shoulder. Steve rested his head on his chest, letting a few rare tears escape from his eyes.
“It’s perfect, Buck.” He clutched the frame close to his chest and felt a wave of emotion sweep over him.
“Don’t you want to open up the other one too?”
Steve wiped away the tears with his sleeve, laughing. He handed over the first gift to Bucky while opening the second one. It was another picture, except taken in the 21st century. A snapshot of mornings at Avengers Tower. Taken by Peter, by the looks of it. The young boy tried to get into frame while holding the camera, only managing to capture the top half of his face. Steve knew he was smiling though. In the corner, Stark was scrolling through his phone but looked up just in time to shoot a casual smile. Nat had one of her friendlier blank faces on as she sipped on a cup of tea. In the back, Bruce and Thor could be seen chatting animatedly about something while Clint stuck his tongue out, holding a mug that read “Best Bird Dad.”
And right in the middle was Steve and Bucky curled up on the couch. The latter still grumpy from being woken up too early, but Steve was smiling.
Looking at it, he was overcome with a strange sense of peace. It didn’t feel like the good old days, but it did feel like home.
He looked up at Bucky, puzzled. The man only shrugged. “I know you miss it. The simpler days. Trust me, I know how you feel. We’ve lost so much and we’ve struggled. I don’t know how to explain it all that well, but I know that we ain’t alone.”
“I miss ‘em too. My ma, your ma, Becky… I know it’s not the forties anymore, but I just wanted you to know that you’ve still got a family. And you’ve still got me.”
Steve took another look at the two pictures. He still got a family.
“Now let’s head back before Tony eats all of the cookies. Peter said he saved some for me, but that kid’s big heart leads to trouble. All Tony needs to do is flash his sad dad eyes.”
The two burst out laughing as they headed out, hand in hand.
“Maybe it’s a sign that you should lay off the sweets then, punk.” Steve punched his arm.
“Jerk.” Bucky shoved him.
Walking back to the tower, Steve’s heart felt lighter.
December 25th, 2:39 PM- Reindeers, Hawks, and Spiders
“Ow! That is it!” Clint stomped his foot and got up from the couch. A plush reindeer fell from his lap. Scooping it up, the archer marched down the hall and knocked on Natasha’s door ten times.
Nat opened the door to find a fuming Clint. “Merry Christmas to you too, Barton.”
“Cut the bullshit, Nat. I need your help.” Clint invited himself in and sat down on the purple beanbag chair. Nat had to buy it after the thirtieth time Clint came barging in like this.
Nat looked both ways in the hall before shutting her door. She was just in the middle of a movie marathon and a piping hot cup of jasmine tea. “What can I do that Prancer there can’t?”
Clint scoffed. “First of all, this is Vixen. You can tell by the antler shape. Second of all, revenge.”
The redhead stayed silent, making exaggeratedly loud sips.
“Stark’s stupid reindeer gun has been pelting me with these freaking deer all day long! All because I left one on his desk.”
“Really. Just one?” Nat didn’t sound convinced.
Clint whistled. “Yeah, one… every day for the entire month.”
Nat groaned. “This was your own doing!”
“Come on, Nat! You gotta help me. I got like, twenty in my room alone! I can’t even leave a room without being pelted in the face with one of these.”
“What do you want me to do?” Nat folded her arms.
Clint thought for a moment. “Stark has a little spider minion. Now it is time for me to recruit one of my own.”
“You do realize that, unlike Peter, I can’t shoot webs?”
“Oh don’t worry Nat,” Clint rubbed his hands together. “You don’t need to…”
Tony checked the lab, his room, and even the freezer. Peter was nowhere to be found. Not that the kid had to be next to him at all times, he just had a habit of always being near Tony. Especially when they’re in cahoots like they are now. Peter had been helping the man get Clint back for all the deer pranks. Something told him that not all was right in the Tower. It was way too long since Tony had run into Clint or Peter. In fact, Nat seemed to have disappeared as well. When Tony came by to deliver another batch of cookies, the spy was missing from her usual obscure Russian Christmas movie marathon. He re-entered the living room, coming face to face with the prankee himself.
“End of the line, Stark.” Clint held up two reindeer plushies by their hind legs, pointing them like guns.
Tony drew up his launcher. “I would be very careful with those, Barton.”
The tension in the air was palpable. The two men stared the other down, all the while guarding their weapons. Tony could only fire three plushies at a time. He’d need to go back to the lab or his office for refills. There was actually a sack of three dozen more behind the tree, but Barton didn’t need to know that. The price he had to pay for easy transport. Clint, on the other hand, had at least five more shoved under his sweater, but he would need to successfully hit each time. He may be a good shot, but he sure as hell wouldn’t be faster than an actual deer blaster.
Peter was having the time of his life. He didn’t know what miracle made it come true, but God or Santa must have been real that Christmas day because Natasha finally let him decorate her sweater!
“Aren’t those supposed to be used for Halloween?” She asked as he glued plastic spiders onto her red sweater.
“Yeah, but they fit your aesthetic.” Peter pointed out.
As he stood back to admire his work, which was a ton of spiders with smiley faces on them dancing around a sign that read I hope your Christmas is Deadly Fun!
Even Nat had to admit it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. The sound of glass breaking upstairs and a lot of shouting ruined the mood, though.
Peter could feel his Spidey sense go off as he rushed upstairs. The redhead trailed not far behind.
Upon entering the room, it was clear that they had just witnessed the aftermath of a war zone. Piles of reindeer plushies littered the floor. Tony and Clint lay on the floor, covered in Comets and Dashers. A few ornaments were knocked down from the tree, making a giant glittery mess on the floor.
“He started it!” They both shouted at the same time. Peter laughed, taking out his phone to get pictures as Nat shook her head.
“You two are cleaning this mess up.”
December 25th, 7:00 PM- You’re a Green One, Mr. Loki
“I don’t understand why we need to do all of this,” Loki grumbled as Thor plopped an elf hat on him. The younger sibling hadn’t quite taken to the holidays they celebrated on Midgard like his older brother. Upon learning of this fact about himself, the young Spider-boy had dubbed him ‘Mister Grinch’ and got a very good laugh out of everyone from it.
Loki only frowned. They were on their way to visit the Avengers for Stark’s holiday get-together, but the God of Mischief was dragging his feet.
“Come now, brother. Our friends are expecting us. The young lad Peter expressed to me his desire for you especially to join them again this year.” Thor said.
“Really now?” Loki scoffed. “And for what, to unveil to me more names of mockery?”
Thor only grinned. “I know you hold a soft spot in your heart for our Midgard friends. Let us go! You’ll surely feel the spirits of the holidays once we arrive!”
“I don’t think that’s what they meANT!” Loki yelped as Thor whisked them away with his hammer to Midgard.
Upon arriving at the tower, the pair were greeted with raised glasses and hugs all around. The latter coming mostly from Peter.
“Merry Christmas, my fellow Avengers!” Thor’s voice boomed. Loki slunk behind, trying not to draw so much attention. It seemed to work for the most part, as the heroes were all crowding around Thor.
Natasha walked up to him. “Did you bring the God Mead?”
Thor held out the bottle. “Yes, but I’d recommend extreme caution if you were to drink it. It could bring trouble to your tiny mortal bodies.”
“That’s just what I need.” Nat took it and went to pour herself a glass without another word.
Everyone else seemed to be having a blast on their own. Barely sparing a glance at the man all alone and brooding in the corner. The little boy-spider, however; was not as keen to leave him alone.
“Mr. Loki!” Peter rushed up to him. “I got you this!”
Loki didn’t have time to react as Peter put a felt hat in his hands. Unfolding the fabric, he could see that it was another elf hat with the words God of Mischi-ELF embroidered poorly onto it.
“Get it?”
Loki did not, but nodded anyway to spare the boy his feelings. This seemed to work, as Peter continued to talk about lots of other things at a very rapid pace. He could see how he was beginning to take after the antics of Stark.
“I wasn’t gonna sew it on, but I thought I could give embroidery a try and let me tell you, it was not easy. I looked up like thirty different YouTube tutorials. Aunt May tried to help, but I was too far gone by then. Still, I don’t think this was bad for my first time.”
“I could teach you.” Loki knew not what forces prompted him to speak those words. Yet, seeing the young boy’s face light up made a form of pride bubble up inside him.
“Really?” Peter whispered. “You know how to do embroidery?”
Loki shrugged. “Sure. My mother taught me.”
“Wow, Mr. Loki! Thank you so much! Wait ‘til Ned hears about this. I get to learn to embroider from a God!” Peter scurried off to hand Thor a similar hat that read Holly, Jolly, Godly on it.
As discreetly as he could, Loki quietly replaced the hat he was already wearing with the one Peter made for him. Looking at himself in the window reflection, the trickster though that it didn’t look half bad.
“Alright, everyone! Time for pictures!” Tony called. “You too, Mischi-elf.”
Gathering around the tree, Loki sulked in silence as Stark, Clint, and Steve bickered on how best to execute the photo.
“Nice hat.” Natasha appeared next to him.
Loki stared at her sweater curiously. “I could say the same for your Earth garment.”
“Peter.” She answered. The two shared a smile right as they announced the photo was to be taken.
Although it still looked like Loki was being his usual gloomy self in the photograph, if one looked closely they could see the faintest hint of a smile.
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mitchellmarnthews · 7 years
William Nylander ~ Pick up lines
Just a quick message to say that I'm closing my requests tonight until the 24th of July, as I wont have like any time to write next week, so I'm finishing up the ones currently in my inbox and then going on a hiatus from writing for a week sorry!
Requested: Yes
“Could you do 29 for William Nylander”
Writing Prompt 29.“It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” 
Warnings: Bad pick up lines
For @dad-marchand
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The music pounded in your ears, as you danced alongside your best friends in the club. The sheer amount of people crammed onto the small dance floor left you feeling a little dizzy and way more drunk than you actually were.
Breaking away from your friends, after yelling out an excuse of getting some air, you stumbled through the crowd and up to the bar.
On the way there, someone pushed past you sending you flying into what felt like a brick wall. A really handsome brick wall apparently.
You stared up at the man in question and muttered out a quick apology.
"It's all good, you okay? You seem a little unsteady." He replied with a laugh.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You told him, fighting your blush.
He just nodded and was clearly trying to fight the laugh that he wanted to release.
"Can I buy you a drink? As an apology." You asked.
He placed his hand on the small of your back and led you in the direction of the bar.
The warmth of his hand on your bare skin caused you to blush again, and you had never been more grateful for dimly lit clubs in your life.
After arriving at the bar, you got the bartenders attention and ordered a drink for yourself and ...
Damn, you should probably find out his name.
"Uh, hey, I don't think I introduced myself, I'm Y/N."
"William," he told you with a smile. "Beautiful name, by the way." He told you with a wink.
Oh great, your cheeks probably looked like a fire truck now.
Your drinks arrived and you took a quick sip to attempt to calm yourself as you stood in the presence of this gorgeous blonde.
"So, are you from around here? I don't recognise you, and I'm sure I would have remembered that face."
You let out a chuckle at that, and quickly informed him, "No, I'm in town for a holiday with my friends. I'm from Winnipeg."
"Oh god, please don't tell me you're a jets fan...."
You let out another laugh at the disgusted look on his face, and decided to mess with him a little.
"Oh yeah, huge fan. Never miss a game."
You tried your best to keep a serious face as you said that, but after seeing his reaction, you couldn't help but burst out laughing, nearly spitting out the sip of the drink you had taken whilst waiting for his reply.
"Oh haha, very funny," he replied with a slightly annoyed face.
You just thought he looked cute when he pulled the face, which you informed him, and he pouted.
"Well now that you've got your laugh in, who do you actually support?"
"Oh, I haven't actually watched hockey in a few years. I used to watch it with my brother when I was younger, but it's been a while now."
"Oh so that's how you didn't recognise me. I knew there would be a reason."
"Cocky much?" You asked with a smirk.
He leaned in close and whispered, "Nah, this face is just kinda hard to forget."
Due to his close proximity and words, you felt a shiver coarse through your body.
He obviously noticed your reaction and a giant smirk appeared on his face, clearly satisfied with his work.
"So, how did a beautiful girl like you end up all alone?"
You took a sip of your drink, before replying, "I'm not, my friends are on the dance floor somewhere. I was just too hot and had to get out of the big crowd."
"You certainly are."
Oh god, this guy was terrible, but it was terrible in a kind of endearing way.
"Seriously though, if I was rating you out of ten, it would be nine, cause I'm the one you're obviously missing." He told you with a deadly serious expression.
"Oh god, that was awful. Does that actually work, like at all?" You asked, curious to the answer.
"Yeah, actually, girls usually eat that up." He actually looked confused as to why it hadn't work on you.
You couldn't help but laugh again.
"Maybe I should just go back to my friends." William said as he let out at huff, and pouted at you. "Before I go though, I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?"
You let out a groan and buried your face in your hands.
"I swear this always works, let me get my friends and they'll tell you."
He looked around and attempted to find his friends in the club, but it was obvious he had no idea where they were.
Deciding to once again mess with him and the fact he had no idea where he had left his friends, you replied with,  “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
He whipped round and looked a little startled and shocked by your comment, before bursting out laughing, causing you to do the same, due to his infectious laugh.
You noticed a few heads turn round and stare at you, but you couldn't care less. For the first time in a while, you were actually enjoying being in the company of a guy. No matter how stupid some of the things he said were.
"You know, I think we're gonna get along just fine, Y/N." He told you, raising his glass in a toast.
You clinked your glasses together.
"Me too, William. But no more terrible pick up lines, I've had enough for one night."
"Are you sure? I've got a ton more."
"How about instead we go to the 24 hour diner down the street and get some coffee."
"Yeah, okay. Let me go tell the guys where I'm going and I'll be back."
Realising you had to do the same, you made a plan to meet back at the bar in five minutes.
You found your friends in the middle of the crowd, informed them of your plans, although they were probably all too out of it to even care.
Finding your way back to the bar, you were greeted with the sight of William with his arm raised, waiting for you to link up yours.
"M'lady, your coffee and pancakes await."
Thanks for reading!
Up Next: Morgan Rielly
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thezombiemamma · 7 years
  K… (eeep!) KCO… (eeek!) No. Wait. I need a moment… (AAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!)
Okay, I’m good now… (I think.) Let me see if I can’t try this again… *breathes deeply*
KCON USA announced just yesterday that both Highlight and SF9 will be joining the concert lineup for the New York edition of KCON 2017 USA and OH MY GOSH I’M SO FREAKING EXCITING I THINK I’M GONNA… *breaks into happy dance*
Sorry but the fangirl in me is having a complete breakdown at the moment. As if I weren’t already excited enough, the world’s largest Korean culture convention and music festival has just done the unimaginable by announcing two of the groups ranked highest on my “must see in person at least once before I die” list. Oh my gosh! I think I need someone to pinch me, just to make sure this isn’t just some crazy-realistic dream!
It seems almost impossible that there may be some out there who might not know who these two groups are, but for those who are wondering why I’m freaking out so much, here’s a little introduction…
Highlight is a 5-member group consisting of Yoon Doo Joon, Yong Jun Hyung, Yang Yo Seob, Lee Gi Kwang and Son Dong Woon and yes, once upon a time, they were 5 out of the 6 members of Beast (B2ST) but all of that pain is in the past. Leaving behind both Beast and Cube Entertainment, Highlight debuted under Around US Entertainment on March 20, 2017 with the EP, “Can You Feel It” and their title song, “Plz Don’t be Sad!” topped almost all Korean music shows including “The Show,” “Show Champion,” “M! Countdown,” “Music Bank,” and “Inkigayo.” As heartbreaking as it was to watch these guys go though so much, it’s also been heart-warming, seeing them overcome so many obstacles and come out stronger on the other side. I really couldn’t be happier to have this chance to cheer them on in person. It really is a dream come true! *squee*
SF9 is FNC Entertainment’s 9-member rookie group, consisting of Young Bin, In Seong, Jae Yoon, Da Won, Ro Woon, Zu Ho, Tae Yang, Hwi Young and Cha Ni. The company’s first dance boy group, their name stands for Sensational Feeling 9 and OH MY GRACIOUS! The feelings these boys invoke are all kinds of sensational! The group debuted on October 5, 2016 with their first single album, Feeling Sensation. The first mini album, Burning Sensation, was released on February 6th and landed at No.6 on Billboard’s World Albums Chart for the week of February 15, 2017. On April 18, 2017, they released the second mini album, Breaking Sensation, and the title song “Easy Love” immediately became a new favorite of mine. Any drama lovers out there might recognize these boys from the mini choose-your-own-adventure web drama, Click Your Heart,  which aired in March, 2016. This is where my love for these boys first began and I swear, with every passing day, I find myself falling harder for their many, many charms. Oh my gosh! Just imagining being at an artist meet and greet with these guys is making me giddy! AUGH! Suddenly June can’t get here fast enough!
KCON 2017 NY will take place on June 23rd and 24th at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ. Combination ticket packages will go one sale May 12th at 10am PT and single night tickets will go on sale May 15th at 10am PT. Detailed information about the ticket tiers and benefits can be found at http://www.kconusa.com/kcon-ny-tickets/.
For the latest KCON news, you’re invited to visit www.kconusa.com and follow @KCONUSA on Twitter, where additional artist line-up and other information are being announced. You can also join the conversation with #KCON17NY and, of course, you can always squee with me either here, on Twitter, or on Facebook.
HIGHLIGHT and SF9 To Join KCON 2017 NY Lineup K... (eeep!) KCO... (eeek!) No. Wait. I need a moment... (AAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!) Okay, I'm good now... (I think.) Let me see if I can't try this again...
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