astrangeghost · 6 months
just rediscovered a massive lore dump for an oc i used to have(kinda dropped them a while ago) and. by god. i think i need to bring them back
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
UQ-Forscher entdecken einen Zusammenhang zwischen obstruktiver Schlafapnoe und Demenz Forscher der University of Queensland haben einen Zusammenhang zwischen obstruktiver Schlafapnoe und einem erhöhten Demenzrisiko entdeckt. Professor Elizabeth Coulson vom Queensland Brain Institute and School of Biomedical Sciences der UQ und ihr Team fanden einen kausalen Zusammenhang zwischen einem Sauerstoffmangel im Gehirn während des Schlafs und der Alzheimer-Krankheit bei Mäusen. Wir fanden heraus, dass Schlafentzug allein bei Mäusen nur eine leichte kognitive Beeintr... #Alzheimer_Erkrankung #Atmung #Demenz #Forschung #Gehirn #Hypoxie #Kehle #Kognitive_Funktion #Krankenhaus #Mausmodell #Neuron #Neuronen #Pathologie #Sauerstoff #schlafen
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lara-has-a-tablet · 2 years
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the complete bell’s hells x flowers photoset, compiled for your convenience! it has seen me through the transition into grad school. damn.
links to individual pictures: imogen || laudna || dusk || FCG || chetney || ashton || orym || fearne || dorian
flower meanings under the cut!
Borage - courage, power
Cinquefoil - strength
Eryngium - independence, severity
Clematis (old man’s beard) - artifice, ingenuity
Lewisia - new beginnings
Lupine - creativity, imagination
Gentiana - passion, charm
Cornflower - hope, anticipation
Camassia - encouragement, strength, pride
Oleander - desire, destiny
Hyacinth - playfulness
Aquilegia - wisdom
Fresh Cut Grass:
Hypoxis (star grass) - health
Geranium - friendship, happiness, positive emotions
Rudbeckia - encouragement, motivation
Trillium - consciousness, embodiment
Kalmia - perseverance
Iris (blue) - power, hope, faith
Lycoris (red spider lily) - death, reincarnation
Ornithogalum - hope, trust, honesty, death
Prunus (cherry blossoms) - endurance, hope
White periwinkle - luck in marriage, comfort in loss, nostalgia
Nigella - love, symbol of the bonds that bind people together
Baptisia - protection
black dahlias - dishonesty
begonias - caution.
butterfly weed - “you’ve been warned.”
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vandaliatraveler · 10 months
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Where it narrows and plummets through a steep gorge at Valley Falls State Park, the Tygart Valley River has broken the Connoquenessing sandstone through which it passes into massive, jumbled slabs. In the margins of these wrecked pillars, where sediment and fine sand wash out, a great diversity of life has sprung up. The river is both destroyer and creator, more powerful and relentless than any god man has dreamed up.
From top: royal fern (Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis), a water-loving beauty that clumps in the nooks between the boulders; the elegant tassel rue (Trauvetteria carolinensis), with its sharply-lobed, palmate leaves; yellow star grass (Hypoxis hirsuta), whose six-petaled flowers and delicate, grass-like leaves are quite attractive; American water willow (Justicia americana), whose creeping rhizomes allow the plant to form extensive colonies at the edges of streams and rivers; silky dogwood (Cornus amomum), a thicket-forming wetlands lover; and ebony spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron), easily identified by its brown stem.
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carolinawrenn · 1 year
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Yellow star grass (Hypoxis hirsuta). Also known as common goldstar.
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moonksjthv · 1 year
taejin fics
˗ˋˏ°• simple needs by hypoxiation •°ˎˊ˗
SUMMARY || He doesn’t really know when it started, but he knows that Taehyung has been sleeping in his bed for what feels like ages.
Even when they were all sharing the same room, with beds barely big enough for one person, Seokjin would frequently wake up to a clingy Taehyung early in the morning.
Or: Three times Taehyung sleeps in Seokjin's bed and one time Seokjin sleeps in Taehyung's bed.
- fluff; soft taejin - getting together - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12450564
˗ˋˏ°• Louder Than Me by foliage <(orphan_account)> •°ˎˊ˗
SUMMARY || Seokjin had been prepared for many scenarios when he first learned he would be tutoring the boy in Biology. He had tutored his fair share of rowdy students, uninterested students and the occasional kid who, despite their best efforts, just plain didn’t get it. None of that could have prepared him for the experience of trying to teach Kim Taehyung about mitosis.
- tutor seokjin; student taehyung - smut - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8753857
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J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que j'ai survécu à mes douze heures de bus, suivies de 2h de train \o/
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Je suis arrivée à Katoomba, dans les blue mountains, pas très loin de Sydney. Et c'est juste MA-GNI-FIQUE !
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C'est un sacré bazar parcequ'il n'y a pas beaucoup de transports en commun, et qu'ils ne vont pas à l'endroit où je veux faire mes randos, forcément.
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Du coup, la Touille a fait du stop. Et ça a très bien marché 🤗 Bon, j'ai triché, je suis partie du visitor center où tous les touristes s'amassent, et j'ai attendu d'entendre évoqué le nom de ma rando pour sauter sur le pif de la personne concernée. Toujours est il que j'ai fait mon aller entourée de 4 anglais très sympas !
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La randonnée en elle même était incroyable. Elle s'appelait le Grand Canyon, donc j'ai encore descendu et remonté beaucoup de marches, mais ça valait vraiment le coup ...
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Je me suis un peu perdue une fois...en même temps, j'avais le choix entre un chemin dessiné tout naturellement (pas le bon, donc, ce serait pas drôle), ou la possibilité de traverser derrière cette cascade ... Et non, je vous entends déjà, je ne suis pas allée derrière la cascade même si c'était rigolo. J'aurais pu, mais j'essaye de préserver ma vie. (Enfin si, j'ai fini par y aller, mais parceque je n'avais plus le choix et que j'ai fini par discerner l'escalier planqué au bout du corridor !)
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En arrivant de l'autre côté du canyon, je suis tombée sur une vue splendide :
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C'est dommage que la profondeur ne rende pas très bien !
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Bref, super rando, j'ai adoré !
A l'arrivée, j'ai donc fait du stop sur le chemin du retour avant de me faire ramasser par un jeune homme allemand tout à fait charmant qui m'a carrément déposée exactement là où je voulais aller, alors que c'est n'était pas du tout sur son chemin. Les gens sont quand même sacrément sympas 🥰
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(vous voyez un peu en arrière plan pourquoi on parle des montagnes bleues : elles se parent de très jolis reflets à la tombée de la nuit) Et j'ai donc pu assister à un coucher de soleil sur une vue assez grandiose !
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Voilà, tout ça pour vous dire que mon cerveau est en hypoxie de sommeil (comment ça ça veut rien dire ?), je vous prierai donc d'être tolérants si des passages de ce post n'ont aucun sens :') des bizouuuuux
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Die Naturheilpraxis Denker & Gräf aus Neunkirchen, Kr. Siegen, hat deine Gesundheit und Lebensqualität im Focus. 20 verschieden Therapieverfahren finden je nach Erkrankung Anwendung. Diese sind durchweg sanft und dennoch hochwirksam. Behandelt werden Migräne, Rückenbeschwerden, Hexenschuss, Erschöpfungszustände, Hypertonie, Tinnitus, Allergien, Heuschnupfen, chonische Entzündungen , Schlafstörungen, Burn-Out, Diabetes, Allergien, Durchblutungsstörungen, Long-Covid und Stoffwechselstörungen. Neu: Hypoxie-Training. Heilpraktiker
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lilydefleurs · 2 years
1. Gaeul / Hepatica Triloba
"She comes bright and early. Wears a pretty lilac dress and gives out joy and happiness."
2. Rei / Honstonia Caerulea
"She comes along in early Spring; wears sweets lips, the pretty pet in dainty shades of violet."
3. Sullyoon / Dodecatheon Meadia
"I will come as soon as I'm ready and I'm not afraid of April's snows, I suppose."
4. Jinni / Anemone Patens
"She wrapped in furs and trips along before the Robin sings his song."
5. Bae / Trillium Undulation
"The styles may change, but I still cling to my tri-cornered hats each spring."
6. Jiwoo / Hypoxis Hirsula
"Yellow Star Grass hides in play among the grasses every day."
7. Lily / Polygonatum Biflorum
Solomon's Seal said, looking wise. "Each may do something if they tries."
8. Kyujin / Caltha Palustris
"She sprinkles gold stars one by one that look like bits chipped from the sun."
9. IU / Rosa Humilis
"Said Pasture Rose, "The Bumble bee Quite often leaves her babes with me."
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hypoxiahmedabad · 2 years
Best Weight Loss Clinic In Ahmedabad | Best Fitness Center In Sindhu Bhavan, Ahmedabad - Hypoxi India
Hypoxi India Clinic is one of the best weight loss center in Sindhu Bhavan, Ahmedabad. Body Shapping Center, Inch Loss Center, Fat Loss Center, Without Surgery Fat Loss Center in Ahmedabad.
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fitundheil · 7 days
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Es gibt so viele alternative Methoden die helfen gesund zu werden ohne Medikamente die Nebenwirkungen haben.
IHHT Sauerstofftherapie erklärt von Dr. Heinz Lüscher im folgenden Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcJ60mAfkSQ
Wer sich Zeit für die Gesundheit nimmt, muss sich einmal weniger Zeit für die Krankheit nehmen.
Die IHHT Therapie kurz erklärt:
Das Intervall-Hypoxie-Hyperoxie-Training (IHHT oder IHHT Therapie) stammt ursprünglich aus der Raumfahrt und ist ein hocheffektives Training für den Energiestoffwechsel auf Zellebene. Unser Körper besteht aus 80 Billionen Zellen. In fast jeder dieser Zellen liefern sogenannte Mitochondrien die nötige Zellenergie – sie bilden die kleinen Kraftwerke einer Zelle. Die IHHT verbessert die Arbeit dieser Mitochondrien. Zum einen werden durch die IHHT geschädigte Mitochondrien vernichtet, zum anderen wird die Vermehrung gesunder Mitochondrien angeregt. Nach dieser Art von Zellsanierung besitzt der Organismus des Patienten schliesslich Zellen mit zahlreichen gesunden Mitochondrien.
Das Schlüsselelement der Energieproduktion der Mitochondrien ist Sauerstoff. Daher kommt dem Sauerstoff bei der IHHT zentrale Bedeutung zu. Die Geräte führen dem Organismus kontrolliert Atemluft mit schwankendem Sauerstoffgehalt (unterschiedlichem Sauerstoffdruck) zu. Eine Phase mit Sauerstoffmangel (Hypoxie) folgt auf eine Phase mit Sauerstoffüberfluss (Hyperoxie). Jede Zelle reagiert darauf und versucht, diese zwei unterschiedlichen Reizphasen auszugleichen. Das ist der Kernprozess dieses Zelltrainings, welches schlussendlich einen ähnlichen Effekt wie Höhentraining mitbringt.
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
COVID-19-Pathologie in verschiedenen Geweben In einer kürzlich veröffentlichten Studie in Zellenuntersuchten die Forscher die Pathophysiologie der Coronavirus-Krankheit 2019 (COVID-19) in mehreren Geweben, einschließlich Lunge, Nieren, Herz und Gehirn, um ein tieferes Verständnis ihrer akuten und langfristigen Symptome zu erhalten. Lernen: COVID-19-Pathologie in Lunge, Niere, Herz und Gehirn: Die unterschiedlichen Rollen von T-Zellen, Makrophagen und Mikrothrombose. Bildnachweis: Corona Borealis Studio/Shutterstock Hi... #Atmung #Coronavirus #Coronavirus_Krankheit_COVID_19 #Covid_19 #Delirium #Demenz #Digitale_PCR #Entzündung #Gefäß #Gehirn #Herz #Hippocampus #Hypoxie #Kortex #Lunge #Lungenentzündung #Makrophagen #Neurodegeneration #Neuronen #Niere #Pandemie #Pathologie #Pathophysiologie #Polymerase #Polymerase_Kettenreaktion #Ribonukleinsäure #RNS #SARS #SARS_CoV_2 #Schwere_akute_Atemwegserkrankung #Schweres_akutes_respiratorisches_Syndrom #Sepsis #Syndrom #Transkription #Zelle
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lara-has-a-tablet · 2 years
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(i did flat colors for everybody, these’ll be coming out fast now.)
my fave lil robit.
hypoxis (or star grass) for health. geraniums for friendship, happiness, and positive emotions. rudbeckia (or black-eyed susans) for encouragement and motivation.
bh x flowers series:
imogen || laudna || dusk || FCG || chetney || ashton || orym || fearne || dorian
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vandaliatraveler · 2 years
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Valley Falls State Park is best known for the dramatic cascades and rapids formed by the Tygart Valley River as it “squeezes” through a narrow gorge on the way to its eventual confluence with the Monongahela River in Fairmont. The park was once the site of a grist mill in the mid-1800s, but the only evidence remaining today is a spillway, a grinding stone, and an abandoned quarry, now overtaken by forest. Falls notwithstanding, I’m ever in awe of the massive slabs of Upper Connoquenessing sandstone piled up on either side of the river - they provide both a testament to earth’s prehistoric past and an amazing riparian zone of rocky pools and sandy embankments where seeds from farther upstream can deposit and take root, providing homes to many uniquely-adapted species. 
From top: American water willow (Justicia americana), a showy aquatic perennial that forms large colonies in the shallow riffles of streams; an eastern American toad (Anaxyrus americanus americanus), which was busy croaking and making babies in a rocky pool near the falls; sweet azalea (Rhododendron arborescens), also known as smooth azalea, a rangy, stream-loving shrub whose strongly-scented, white flowers have distinctive red stamens; yellow star grass (Hypoxis hirsuta), an exquisite riparian member of the lily family that clumps on the moist, sandy banks of fast-moving streams; royal fern (Osmunda regalis), a spectacularly beautiful fern that loves the nooks between the boulders at the river’s edge; and ebony spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron), also known as brownstem spleenwort, an elegant, upright fern with a special fondness for the same rocky nooks.
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dealwala · 2 months
Elevate Your Fitness Journey: Exclusive Health and Fitness Deals Await!
Welcome, health and fitness aficionados, to a realm of unbeatable offers designed to propel you towards your wellness goals without draining your wallet. Here at Dealwala.com.au, we're committed to curating the finest deals that empower you to prioritize your well-being without compromising on quality or value. Join us as we unveil a treasure trove of discounts tailored specifically for the health and fitness enthusiasts among us.
The Optical Shop Campbelltown: Your gateway to clearer vision and sleeker style awaits at The Optical Shop Campbelltown. Avail yourself of their current offer, where the purchase of one pair of glasses unlocks a second pair absolutely free! It's a golden opportunity to refresh your look and sharpen your sight without breaking the bank.
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Essential Supplements: Are you ready to supercharge your fitness routine and optimize your performance? Look no further than Essential Supplements, where a generous 15% discount awaits on their premium range of products. Whether you're seeking to build muscle, enhance endurance, or support recovery, their extensive selection has everything you need to fuel your fitness journey.
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HYPOXI Studio Hornsby: Say hello to a slimmer, more sculpted physique with HYPOXI Studio Hornsby's exclusive offer. Experience the transformative power of HYPOXI's targeted fat-burning technology with three sessions priced at just $99. It's an investment in yourself that promises to deliver real, visible results.
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Oz Physiotherapy: Don't let nagging aches and pains derail your fitness aspirations. Take advantage of Oz Physiotherapy's current offer and enjoy a generous 20% discount on their expert physiotherapy services. Whether you're recovering from an injury or seeking to optimize your performance, their experienced team is here to support you every step of the way.
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LeisureDome GYM: Prepare to embark on a fitness journey like no other with LeisureDome GYM's upcoming launch. Stay tuned for exclusive sign-up promotions as they unveil their state-of-the-art facility, designed to elevate your workouts to new heights. It's your chance to join a community of like-minded individuals and make strides towards a healthier, happier you.
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With these incredible deals at your fingertips, there's no excuse not to prioritize your health and fitness goals. Head over to Dealwala.com.au today and seize the opportunity to save while you sweat. Your journey to a fitter, healthier you starts here!
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zehub · 3 months
Océans morts pour un million d’années –
L'hypoxie des océans vide des grandes zones de poissons ou nuit à la vie des organismes marins. La pollution humaine et le réchauffement climatique constituent des graves menaces pour les lacs et les océans. Les zones en hypoxie sont en extension, les océans ont perdu 2% d'oxygène en 50 ans et c'est un grand risque…
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