radishearts · 1 month
Live laugh love the neighbourhood 🫶
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helsex-moved · 7 months
(For the drawing requests) Hypno and Ex vibing? (or Grim Reaper Zed) Or maybe a little picnic between Ex, Hels, Worm Man, and Renbob? :DD
(Also, I hope you get out of ur hell eventually, you deserve better)
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I've actually never drawn hypno before so here! I know it would have looked better fully colored but I have no energy rn so sketch it is sorry 😭
(and thank you man)
[I.D. A digital sketch of Evil Xisuma and Hypnotyzd from the waist up, Ex is on the left and Hypno is on the right. Hypno is holding a blue, flame-like soul in one hand, the blue light highlighting the two, and smiling. The rest of the drawing is colored flat grey. END I.D.]
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horse-head-farms · 5 months
hypno’s username has pregananant syndrome in this fandom
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this isn’t hate, i just find this funny! you’d think it was spelt like the actual word “hypnotized” but nope! no e. it’s “hypnotizd”
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url is a bit of a lie, this blog is for collecting old hermitcraft-adjacent fanwork
hermitcraft-adjacent meaning that if there is fanwork of a person who is still or was a hermit than the fanwork goes here, no matter if it is specifically hermitcraft or not. can only really account for tumblr posts. anything that was posted before 2020 and on january and febuary of 2020 goes here, when 6th season ended and lockdown was about to start. also works that were made past febuary 2020 but the author claimed that they are older count too. tags will be added in the list. there is untagged queue that is 20 posts a day. pfp art is by ponibuttsart
tag navigation
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
hermitcraft seasons
hermitcraft s1 ( started 13th of april 2012 - ended on 7th of june 2013 ) hermitcraft s2 ( started 9th of june 2013 - ended 9th of october 2014 ) hermitcraft s3 ( started on 17th of october 2014 - ended on 23rd of february 2016 ) hermitcraft s4 ( started on 25th of february 2016 - ended on 7th of april 2017 ) hermitcraft s5 ( started on 13th of april 2017 - ended on 14th of july 2018 ) hermitcraft s6 ( started on 19th of july 2018 - ended on 24th of february 2020)
other minecraft series
UHC modded minecraft* modventures tektopia mindcrack * used when i don't know what series are depicted at first
type of work
drawing animation modeling* building** craft*** dress-up**** * both for screenshots of armor stand or character model scenes straight from minecraft and 3d renders ** minecraft builds *** handmade things, for example paper-mache figurine **** dress-up games results
hermits tags in alphabetical order
all hermits* bdoubleo100 biffa2001 cubfan135 dinnerbone docm77 etho falsesymmetry generikb goodtimeswithscar grian hypnotyzd ijevin impulsesv iskall85 jessassin joe hills keralis monkeyfarms mumbo jumbo pungence pythongb, rendog stressmonster101 tangotek tinfoilchef vintagebeef welsknight xisumavoid zedaph zombiecleo. more to be added * technically not all in one given piece, but all in one given season which the piece is depicting also this chart by reddit user blueemymind that actually shows everyone who ever was on the server
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 years
Hypnotyzd sounds like kermit the frog
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hmshermitcraft · 2 years
Yo, I checked the ship names post, and it doesn't seem to be working?
Huh weird, well here’s the link to the ship list, though every ship name we use isn’t on here
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wildcardjoey · 2 years
Next up is my interpretations for HEP/Manburg and the Badlands/Podzol Party, as they were when the war went down
GeminiTay, missed in the Resistance list, defected to Mycemiumtopia Nov16. She has a mentor/sibling relationship to False, and her longest running contribution to the server was a custom birch tree she lived beneath, later destroyed by Bdubs in a message about Legacy. She is Purpled.
Keralis served as the architect for Manburg, but after it's initial fall, watching his work go up in flames, and wanting to allow the new nation rising from the ashes of the old to be free from the previous establishment, he left. He built monuments across the land for months before returning again. He currently lives in a desert in a giant pyramid. He took part of Ponk's role from Impulse but later he is Foolish
GoodtimeswithScar, a cartoon evil capitalist who slowly had everyone betray him and then had an anvil dropped on his head. He left a ghost behind that cannot keep his shirt on. His ghost carried on his old friendship with Pearl. He is Jschlatt.
Zedaph tends to be building and tinkering with pointlessly intricate redstone contraptions which the use of is typically either incredibly inefficient, accomplish net zero towards a task, or are intentionally detrimental. While theoretically on the side of Manburg, he was building a house durring the fighting. He is GeorgeNotFound.
Welsknight has his mideval aesthetic down par. This also comes with a mideval concept of retribution and honor, which often sees him hunting down others or their pets, and a value of his stuff as inherently more valuable because of his seniority, but also a respect to those who are willing to stand up to him for their own ideals, as Etho did in their duel. He is Sapnap.
Cubfan135, along with Wels, is one of the only two residents of Manberg. He would later discover his gift to time travel, although that will be after this event. He is Karl.
Falsesymmetry is a bounty hunter and mercenary hired on by Xisuma. The two continue working together long after money is no longer an element of the relation, as False believes Xisuma's way of bringing the server back to the way it used to be is the right way about it and she is a good freind to them, even if he is not quite competent enough to pull it off. She is ItsPunz
XisumaVoid, admin of the server, confuses people as to whether he is ruthlessly competent or completely incompetent. They value the unity of the server as well as order, and so took offense to Grian's idea of a split and Mumbo's insistence on breaking every rule set before him. With the severe numbers deficiteManburg faced, he was forced to hire the Podzol Party as mercenaries. He is Dream.
Vintagebeef, adoptive father to Etho, is older than he let's on, and an adventurer who has seen many foreign worlds. He saw an opportunity in the battle between Mandburg and Myceliumtopia and tried to get Ren on with the plan in claiming everything north and south of the Greater VoidSMP. He joined to fight with Manberg in part of a plan to perpetuate the fight between the two. He got caught up in digging a large cavern for Etho, and later continued it for Grumbot, where durring he discovered a buried UFO possessed by a malevolent green entity. He is BadBoyHalo.
Hypnotyzd is Beef's number two. An ancient fey creature, he has been friends with Beef for a long time. He joined with beef's plan for the Podzol Party. He is Skeppy.
TangoTek joined the Podzol Party as their tech guy mainly because he had yet to join a faction. An android, he has multiple bodies scattered around. He is Awesamdude.
Zombiecleo joined joined the Podzol Party of the fun of it, and the appeal of perpetuating the conflict, as well as a grudge left by Doc and Mumbo kidnapping her and forcing her to mine cobble. She is Antfrost.
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hmshermitcraft · 3 years
Not a hc but a question:
favourite ship for each hermit?
BDoubleO100- Scardubs Cubfan135- Cem Docm77- Rendoc Ethoslab- Gretho Falsesymmetry- Falsuma GeminiTay- Jevini GoodTimesWithScar- Scardubs Grian- Scarian Hypnotyzd- Jevno iJevin- Jevini ImpulseSV- Impearl Iskall85- Renskall Joehills- Jleo Keralis- XBralis Mumbo Jumbo- Grumbo PearlescentMoon- Impearl Rendog- Renskall Stressmonster101- Stressdubs Tango Tek- Poly ZIT TinFoilChef- GriFC Vintage Beef- Hypbeef Welsknight- Strels xBCrafted- XBralis Xisuma- Falsuma Zedaph- Poly ZIT ZombieCleo- Jleo
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