jinbeizamezama · 1 year
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You’d think a monochrome character, even a chrome one, would be easier to shade than a multi-coloured character. They’re not. 
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permian-tropos · 4 years
S, T, and U for Star Wars asks (If S is too hard to narrow down you can just pick a random cool moment, not necessarily the best)
S. Best Moment?
Holdo’s Hyperslice is still one of the best spectacle moments in the franchise because not only is it audiovisually stunning but it represents something very meaningful in the plot -- it signals the moment all main characters have a deep internal shift in perspective and motivations -- and it does so in a way that connects to the spiritual undertones of the film; it is a piercing of the veil of illusion. It is good as fuck my dudes. 
T. Favorite Species? 
I don’t think I have a long-standing favorite but in TCW this new species is introduced in the Maul arc that have big purple eyes and diamond mask faces and I think their design is cool enough that it’s a shame they’re only going to represent one criminal group... I want one of that species to be a main character in something. 
U. Favorite Planet? 
It’d have to be Jakku bc I’ve spent so much time thinking about it, not just as it is in canon but the mystery of what it once was and what happened to it to turn it into a desert. 
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permian-tropos · 6 years
Here’s the TLJ fix I thought up. People have problems with a lot of little things in the movie but this is how I’d smooth over the two biggest bumps.
It isn’t communicated clearly enough that Rose and Holdo learn and grow from their interactions with Finn and Poe. The movie leans too heavily on the idea that they’re right and Finn and Poe have to learn from them, but actual events in the movie contradict this. Here’s how I’d change that, to make the character growth mutual and exchanged in both pairs. 
Rose’s arc:
- communicate that she’s wrong to be stunning deserters. her sister just died and she’s in despair and she is angry to see people running away after Paige sacrificed herself. but this is “fighting what we hate”, not “saving what we love”! forcing other people to sacrifice themselves won’t make Paige’s sacrifice more meaningful
- on Crait Rose stops Finn from making a heroic sacrifice, which shows that she’s changed her mind about what The Cause means to her. also, “saving what we love” is what Finn was trying to do all along -- trying to save Rey -- and it should be clearer that Rose comes to respect this in the end, though she scoffs at it in the beginning 
- I think there should have also been a moment where, when she talks about fleeing Hays Minor with her sister, Finn shares that he had to flee the Order all on his own, because none of his fellow troopers were like family. (maybe even let him reflect on the squadmate he had to kill). this could then connect to them seeing the slave kids, seeing the slave kids free the fathiers for them, Finn confronting Phasma a la the deleted version and seeing that there’s a chance for other troopers to turn away from the Order.
Holdo’s arc:
- it should have been clearer that Holdo wasn’t sure about her ability to command. I thought Laura Dern’s acting conveyed this really well but the narrative didn’t back it up. apparently Holdo is kind of odd and nerdy in the book she shows up in, so playing that up and letting her be a little spectrumy too would have been neat! she quarrels with Poe because their personalities clash, not because Poe is misogynistic or something
- the hyperspace slice should have been an available tactic from the beginning. the reason why it was possible was, iirc from supplemental material, because the First Order arrogantly turned off their hyperspace dampening field (or whatever it’s called) to bait the Resistance into fleeing. Normally big ships like star destroyers have these fields that prevent ships from fleeing (because otherwise it’s hard to corner a ship on a 3D battlefield), and they also mean no one has been able to use this suicide slice. Hux was being overconfident here. Just one line of “turn off hyperspace dampeners” or w/e from him would have filled that plot hole
- if we emphasize that Holdo is really smart but really unsure, the hyperslice could have been something that she thought of, that only she could pull off because hyperspace calculation is tricky, but she already knows what Leia’s plan was and she doesn’t want to deviate. however, Poe deviated from Leia’s plans in the beginning of the film, and that deleted scene where it shows that he’s buying time for the evacuation should have been left in. maybe the gamble he takes is a bit of a Pyrrhic victory, but Holdo realizes they have to do something like that again
- Holdo might also be reluctant to use this plan because she knows it’d have to be her that does it, and in the movie she shows worry that if she dies, it will be too painful for Leia. she’s an old friend of Leia’s, and knows how much she’s lost. she doesn’t want to add to her friend’s grief. in fact, if she interacts with Rose just a little bit, you could strengthen this by having her see how distraught Rose is because of Paige’s sacrifice.
And then the ways that Finn and Poe learn from Rose and Holdo can be left in without it feeling like they’re too foolish or unreasonable at first. 
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