Souls of Glass Chapter 1
Now I get to post the first story with human Lost here! This story is done for my friend @jeyawueand it involves mostly her characters <3 Thank you so much for supporting this story on DA! I hope you all enjoy it!
Lost belongs to me, Undervirus belongs to @jeyawue
Next Chapter ----->https://sansfangirl4life.tumblr.com/post/176435858283/souls-of-glass-chapter-2
Chapter 1
Xans tapped his pale fingers on his keyboard impatiently, eyes glancing at the screen. "Hmm...still nothing, eh?"
"We don't know what caused you to turn human, Xans." Valphys sighed. "So of course there's 'nothing'. At best, something heavily altered your code." Xans tsked and leaned back, staring at the ceiling. "At worse, you can't change back unless we go into the game again."
"Fuck that. I don't mind this new form, ta be honest." He smirked and sat up, looking at himself in a mirror. His skin was alabaster pale, his hair more resembling fallen snow. His left eye shimmered blue and was filled with his usual amusement, and his right eye, although not entirely broken anymore, was still green. At the very least it functions like a normal eye. He thought and crossed his arms. His nails were slightly longer than most humans, almost like claws, and the same could be said for his bare, pale feet.
He leaned in a little closer to his reflection and grinned, his rows of human sized, sharp, pure white teeth visible. He licked his lips, a near glowing blue tongue peeking out past his soft, pale lips. "Not ta stroke my own ego or nothin'...but I think I look sexy."
"You stroke your own ego enough." Valphys huffed, shaking her head. "Just be careful, understand Xans? It's only been two months, but we still don't know if this new form is good or bad."
"Ya worry too much Valphys." Xans pat her head and she scowled as he opened the door. He pulled a bandanna around his mouth, showing off sharp teeth and he tilted his head back. "Besides, this whole world's a little more entertainin' as a human." He walked out and Valphys shook her head.
"He's going to get himself killed."
Perhaps. Valphys turned to the monitor where a face appeared and a bunch of symbols only she could fully understand. But then again, who can say?
"Are you the cause of this?"
No. Valphys snorted as the screen flickered when the face smiled. However...I will not lie. These new events are...amusing.
"Of course you'd find this 'amusing'."
You do as well.
Called it.
"You shut up." Valphys sighed. "I mean it though, this could be serious. It isn't just his code that changed. Even though he still has his powers, physically...he's a human now. Organs, skin, the works."
What are you implying?
"If his body's converted into a human's....how long will it be until his Soul does the same?" The words didn't appear for a few moments before the screen flickered again. "Something wrong?"
Yes. It seems....we're about to have a new guest.
"What have you done this time Gaster?"
.....Adding a new player to this little game.
Xans sat down at a park, looking up at the sun as it shined down on his face. Ah....it feels nice. He thought. Not that I wouldn't mind finding someone ta fuck around with...heh....but this is nice too. He leaned against a tree and enjoyed the cool shade on his skin. "Mmmm~..."
"Mommy, look!" He opened his blue eye as a child's voice called nearby. The child was pointing at him as the mother walked over.
"It's rude to point! Forgive me young man-"
"Nah, s'all good." He winked at the kid. "I know I'm rather pale, 'snow' problem." The kid giggled as the woman ushered him away. As he was about to close his eyes, a shrill ringing sound filled his ears. "Ugh..." He opened a screen up and scowled. "The fuck ya want now, Valphys?"
"You need to get back here...something happened."
"Is it Frisk? Or the others?"
"No, but-"
"Then I don't give a fuck." He hung up and began to relax when the same noise happened again. "Fuck off Valphys!!!!"
"Xans, I said it's important!"
"Maybe ta ya, but not ta me!" He hung up again only for the noise to bother him a third time. "VALPHYS-"
"It's someone new. A 'Sans', if you will." Xans stopped and looked at her. "Right now, he's unconscious."
"A new Sans, so the fuck what?"
"He's...uhh....like you." Xans stopped and looked at her. She scratched at her cheek with a claw, showing concern. "His code's been altered when he got here.....he's a-"
"No...human." Xans raised a pale brow in interest. "It seems whatever happened to you also happened to him as well. Hence why I want you over here...in case he's dangerous."
"....Tsk, using me as a meat shield now that I'm made of meat, eh?" "You know what I mean. What if something happens and Frisk comes home? I know Vapyrus is with her today." He bristled at that. "If he's dangerous-"
"Alright, alright, ya damned scientist. I'll be there shortly. Can't teleport around here, so it'll be a bit." He removed the screen and stood up, walking out of the park. He felt the cool grass be exchanged for smooth sidewalk on his bare feet as he made his way down the street. Little hot, but it's almost noon. Prolly should have worn those sandals Frisk got me. He thought as he continued. He stopped at a crosswalk, people staring at him as he pulled his hood up to avoid eye contact. As he made his way across the street, someone shoved him rudely and he restrained a hiss that built up in his throat.
He continued walking, hands in his jacket pockets as eyes followed him where he walked. Damned humans. All of them are the fucking same....can't even handle someone a little different. He slowed down slightly and smiled. Thank stars there are humans like Frisk, at least.
He arrived at Frisk's large home and opened the door, Valphys blocking his view of the new 'guest'. "Well I'm here. So?"
"I've been doing my best to examine him. He's still unconscious." Valphys said without turning around as Xans shut the door behind him. He moved further in the room and frowned.
"Yer damned screens are in mah way."
"So? Walk around a little more, or are your human feet too tired?" Valphys scoffed. "Besides, all you wanna do is gawk at him like a slab of meat."
"Tsk." Xans sneered as he yanked his bandanna down, only for him to stop as he gazed at the young man asleep on the couch. His face was covered by an oddly familiar purple and blue striped scarf. Xans could see a large, deep looking scar running under the right eye of his face and he tilted his head. His skin was also pale, but to Xans it was almost like moonlight rather than his own, alabaster appearance. As Xans moved to get closer, eyes snapped open and something red and glowing was shoved in both his Valphys's faces. "Woah, easy there."
"Where am I?! What is this place?!" His voice was quiet and smooth, but there was a rasp to it, as if he hadn't used it in years. Xans continued to gaze at the stranger despite the obvious threat in the form of a red scythe. Multi colored eyes gazed at him, the right one a crimson red like blood and the left a shimmering, near sky blue color. Both eyes held a tint of fear in them, he clearly knew he was outnumbered.
Just like Xans, his eyes were surrounded by deep, black pools, and his sneer showed off fangs. His chest heaved as he sat there, his muscles slightly visible under his baggy t-shirt and blue hoodie. His hood had fallen down, revealing a mop of black hair, tipped in snowy white. "Answer me this instant!"
"Will ya relax?" Xans said with a smirk. "We ain't gonna bite-wait, no, I might, if yer inta that kinda thing." The young man on the couch seemed confused by his reaction and he laughed. This guy will be a fun one. "Name's Xans. This here is Valphys. Yer...how should we explain? Yer-"
"This is not my home." Xans nodded as the red scythe vanished, and he blinked at the sudden smell of rust. "I...I am sorry."
"You just woke up to strangers. You have every right to be suspicious." Valphys said and pulled her screen back up. "In fact I'd be worried if a Sans wasn't on his toes like that."
"..." The figure sat there, arms crossed. "So what is this place? And why am I human?"
"Ya know, yer way to calm fer this shit."
"When you have done the things I have done...not much surprises you any longer." He spoke with an oddly detached tone as Valphys continued to scan him. "Although I will ask you...who are you?"
"The name's Xans. The one scanning ya is Valphys." Xans leaned back and floated in the air, legs crossed. "Yer on the Surface-well, the Surface of this timeline that is. A place where yer world is little more than a game on a computer." The figure glanced at the computer and then  back at Xans. "Tough shit, that's the way it is."
"I do not care."
Tsk, well he's an ass. Xans grinned. Then again, so am I. "Ya should, considerin' where yer currently at." The young man glared at Xans and he shrugged. "Jus' sayin' it how it is."
"Well, if you two are quite through..." Valphys interrupted them. "Alright, so...you are 'Sans' from the LostTale timeline. I'll skip the long prologue of your life for everyone's sake here."
"Ya didn't read through it at all, did ya doc?" Valphys narrowed her eyes and he laughed.
"Zip it Xans." Valphys sighed. "Although your age here is in your 20's, it seems your human body is like Xans's and you're more of a teenager." She continued gazing at the screens and then put them away.  He shrugged. 
"So, am I right in assuming there's already a Sans here?"
"Then...." He closed his eyes and rested his chin on his hands. "Call me Lost then."
"Pfft, was that meant ta be a pun? If so, that's a good one 'Lost'." Xans air quoted.
Lost watched as Valphys made contact with this world's Frisk and he gazed out the window. A rather nice place, I won't lie. He thought as he sighed. He looked at his own reflection and turned to Xans. "Is there a restroom?"
"Down that way." Xans gestured with his hand and Lost walked past him when something long and bony wrapped around him. "Hold on a sec." He was spun around and forced to look at the pale young man before him. His blue and green eyes were surrounded by an inky blackness, making the amusement in them show even more. "Lemme get a good look at ya..."
"You can get a better look a distance away from my face." Lost narrowed his eyes as the tail coiled tighter around him. "Let me go!" He struggled only for it to coil even more, trapping him against the albino in front of him.
"Now jus'~ hold still...." Xans leaned in, enjoying the seething look he was receiving. "Careful there Lost....yer liable ta turn someone on with the heat in yer eyes...."
"E-Excuse-" He felt a finger being pressed against his lips and he scowled. Xans leaned in and gazed more into his eyes. "I...said....let me go!" Lost's red eye flared to life and a bone nicked Xans's tail. He hissed and released him, Lost gripping the bone in his hand as he moved away. "Don't you know what personal space is?!"
"Tsk, yer a little prude, eh?" Lost's eyes flared and Xans laughed. "Like I said, yer liable to turn someone on with that look. Best be careful there, Lost." Lost huffed and turned around, ignoring the cackling of the albino behind him.
Rude....He thought and sighed. He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and began to gently touch his face. "Human, hmm?" He slowly took his hoodie off, pausing when he had pale hands on the bottom of his shirt.  He slowly lifted it after some thought, looking at his bare chest. Dark marks littered his slightly muscular chest, each of them different in size and depth. He dragged a finger along them softly, noticing how they were more a part of his skin rather than actual scars. "Figures...no matter where you go or what happens...your sins will always follow you." He closed his eyes and winced as large, feathered wings sprouted from his back. Each smooth feather was a shining blue, tipped with crimson.
He spread them out gently, then looked at his reflection again. He held his hands in front of his chest and summoned his Soul. Shutting the light off, his Soul illuminated the room in its pale blue and red glow.  The heart floated serenely in front of him as he looked at it, sighing at it's dull luster. "Even now....my brother would probably make fun of me for looking at it this way..." He smiled slightly in spite of himself and returned his Soul to his chest. "But I needed to make sure. It seems even my Soul has become human." As he folded his wings back and they vanished, he rolled his eyes as he heard a knock. "What?"
"Jus' makin' sure ya weren't jerking off to visions of my hot body." Lost glared at the door as Xans laughed. "I can practically feel ya burnin holes in the door."
"Shut your mouth, before I shove a bone in there."
"Eh, wouldn't mind a bone....er being shoved in instead." Lost groaned and rubbed his forehead as Xans's laughter grew louder. "Shame ya weren't makin' any noises in there! Coulda recorded that." Lost snarled and opened the door, glaring into Xans's teal and green eyes. "Hey now, it's that angry look again."
"Listen to me." Lost growled and jabbed a finger into Xans's chest. "I am not someone you can just amuse yourself with."
"Heh, seems that way ta m-" He felt magic crackling around Lost and he raised a pale brow. "Now yer just being downright threatening, hmm?"
"Don't toy with me." Lost said and Xans sneered at him. "I'm not some petty little human you can just fuck around with."
"And what's that supposed ta mean?"
"It means if you so much as try anything...." Lost's red eye began to glow just as Xans's teal one did the same. "Then I will make you regret it."
"Oooo~ so big and scary~...." Xans hissed. Before he could retort, a door open.
"Xans? Who's our guest?" Both heads turned as their magic dimmed down, but Lost's eyes widened as he stared.
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Souls of Glass Chapter 2
And here’s chapter two :3 I have up to 17 chapters already typed up for this story so if you’re impatient you can go to my DeviantArt page and read it all there XD 
Lost is my bb
Undervirus belongs to @jeyawue
Previous Chapter!   https://sansfangirl4life.tumblr.com/post/176426451983/souls-of-glass-chapter-1
Chapter 2
Lost stared at the young child's face in front of him. Frisk....it...it's....
"I think yer creepin' her out there, buddy." Xans patted his back and snapped him out of his daze. He sneered at the albino as Xans walked over. "How was yer day at school?"
"It was great! But uh....whos' this? A friend of yours?" Frisk took a few good looks before her eyes widened a bi. "Oh wait, is this our new guest?"
"Oh, Lost here?" Xans threw his arm over Lost's shoulder, ignoring the angry look he was receiving. "Certainly! In fact ya could say we're best~ buds!"
"Get.......off of me!" Lost spun around and punched him in the chest, sending him flying onto the floor. "Ugh..."
"Uhm, Lost right?"  Lost turned his eyes to Frisk and she could tell even at a glance how haunted he appeared. "Where are you from? Valphys gave me a small rundown but...is it true? That you're not from the 'game'?"
"Yes." Lost couldn't bring himself to look at the child in front of him, even as she walked closer. "I'm sorry for, ah, appearing like this."
"It's not your fault!" Frisk smiled. "From what it sounds like, you just...ended up here. Do you know how?" Lost frowned and crossed his arms.
Do....do I? He closed his eyes, trying to recall exactly what had happened. "I...think I was teleporting to my brother's house.....when something...happened." He tried to focus and he felt himself shiver slightly. "Something....dragged me into the Void." Lost shook his head and opened his eyes. "I can't remember the rest...I just woke up here."
"I'm sorry to hear that." Frisk chuckled. "I apologize if Xans made you uncomfortable at all. He's just....rough around the edges."
That's the mildest thing I would use to describe him. Lost thought. Wait...no. I wouldn't use that at all.
"But he means well deep down."
"....Very deep down it seems." Frisk giggled and Lost couldn't stop the small smile gracing his lips. "Heh."
"Hee hee, so you can smile." Lost looked away and scratched as his cheek, embarrassed. "Well, feel free to make yourself at home, Lost! I think we have an extra bed in the closet."
"Thank you Frisk." The girl smiled and took Lost's hand, but he flinched when she touched his oddly warm skin. "S-Sorry, I-"
"No, it's ok!" Frisk said with an easy smile. "Umm...Valphys told me about your, uhh...past." Lost flinched and looked at the floor. "I'm sorry. For what happened to your...sister." Lost adjusted the sweater around his neck, moving it to cover his mouth.
"....She would like you." He said softly. Frisk took his hand again, and this time he didn't flinch away.
"Umm, I don't want to seem rude, but people may get the wrong idea if a teenager is walking around town with a little girl's sweater wrapped around them like that." Lost shrugged and Frisk huffed. "I'll make you a scarf with the same pattern! Does that help?" Lost looked at her and nodded softly. "Alright then! Why not walk around a little outside? I'll call for you when supper's ready, ok?"
"Alright. Thank you Frisk." She smiled and walked over to Xans, who was still laying on the floor. Lost went outside and Xans opened one eye.
"You're fine Xans." she chuckled. "He really hit you good though."
"He hits hard for a rather scrawny looking guy." Xans mumbled, crossing his arms and chewing on his cheek. "Aww c'mon Frisk. No hugs?" Frisk laughed and plopped on top of Xans, hugging him. "Glad ya had a good day kiddo. I'm gonna take a shower." Xans sat up and moved Frisk over, then headed towards the bathroom.
Things are gonna be more fun around here for sure now! I'd better get cooking! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lost sat outside, looking up at the evening sky. Nice to see some views never change... He thought as wind blew gently through his hair. He looked around at the flowers blooming nearby and walked over to them, touching the soft petals. So colorful...Hope would have a field day with these. He chuckled. He felt a chill suddenly and turned around, holding his scythe out. "I know you're there.....what do you want?"
"Heh....nothing seems to escape you." A small doll floated in front of him and he growled. "It seems you recognize me too, hmm?"
"That's right. Luckily for you, I'm not your Chara."
"Doesn't mean I can't sense the LV you have."
"Same for you....or do you think everyone is blind to it?" Lost looked away and put his scythe away. "LV 25...ouch. Not even I can get that high. How many did you kill to rack up that?"
"Shut up..." Lost's fist clenched, blood dripping onto the soft, green grass below. "You know nothing..."
"Tsk, face it. You're just a murderer-"
"Same as you then." He looked at the doll and his red eye glowed gently. "How many times have you killed, hmm? How many times have you drawn a knife against others?"
"Why you-"
"We're not different in that we have killed...but why did you kill?" Lost sighed and turned back to the house. He felt something sharp against his neck and looked down, seeing a knife.
"I'm warning you now....if you touch Frisk in any way...hurt her even by accident...." He felt it move closer and he scowled. "I will make you regret being alive."
".....I already do." Lost whispered and he felt the knife move away a little. "You're too late for that Chara." He pushed the knife away as Frisk poked her head out the door.
"Supper time! I hope you're hungry Lost!"
"Famished." He smiled and walked inside, taking his slippers off at the door. "It smells really good."
"It's meat and potato stew!" Frisk beamed. "Everyone else is at the table, except Xans."
"I'm going to wash my hands and I'll be right there." Lost began to walk towards the bathroom and Frisk ran after him.
"W-Wait a moment! That's the one-" Lost opened the door and stood completely straight, eyes wide. Xans stood before him, looking into a mirror as the water warmed up. Lost's red and blue eyes grew as he realized that all he was seeing was pure, alabaster white skin. Xans turned his way and winked at him, moving his hips slightly.
"Like what ya see?" Xans smirked. "I don't mind the company ya know~...." Lost stood still as a statue as Frisk covered her eyes. "Heh, speechless then? I get that a lo-"
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Lost's sudden shout had Xans flinching as a towel was suddenly thrown in his face by magic. "COVER YOURSELF! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!"
"Yer the one that didn't kn-ow! Hey!" A bar of soap hit his chest and he fumbled back a bit. "Quit throwing shit!"
"YOU'RE SO...SO....GAAAHHHH!!!!!" Lost slammed the door hard as Xans cackled behind it. Frisk peeked at Lost, who's face had turned as red as a cherry.
"I...I tried to...warn you...." Lost simply buried his face behind his scarf and walked to the kitchen.
"You don't have to help me clean up you know Lost. Sans and Vapyrus said they would." Frisk loaded the sink as Lost cleaned the dishes. His sleeves had been rolled up, revealing long, strong pale arms with a few dark marks here and there.
"It's alright. I suppose I just....need something to do." He continued to clean as Frisk walked over with a dry towel, drying off the dishes. "And...thank you."
"For what?"
"For letting me stay." Frisk laughed and Lost raised a pale brow at the little girl.
"Of course you're allowed to stay." Frisk smiled. "I know everyone may be a little anxious, considering how you appeared, but...to me...you're family now." Lost smiled at her.
"You remind me of another little girl." He said and winked at her. "You two would get along really well."
"Really? What she like?" Frisk pulled a chair up and sat down as she listened to Lost talk, drying the dishes as they came along. Xans watched the two chat for awhile, arms crossed.
I dunno why...but there's just something...not right here. He thought. He watched as Lost smiled and ruffled Frisk's hair, causing her to bat his hands away. Ugh....whatever. He began to heads towards the door when he felt eyes on him.
"Where are you going? It's late." Lost called out as him and Frisk dried their hands.
"Out wh-"
"Out." Xans repeated and left. Frisk sighed and looked at the door.
"Does he....always do that?" Lost asked.
"He has been lately." Frisk frowned. "I don't know what he does at night but....I worry about him. He's human now so he can get hurt easily." Lost nodded and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, ignoring the burning feeling on his back as Chara glared at him.  "Thanks."
"Don't mention it." He reassured her with a warm smile and she hopped off the chair took his hand and led him to the living room. A large bed lay in the center covered haphazardly in sheets. "Uhh..."
"I told Vundyne and Vapyrus to make the bed up for you but...looks like they got into another tug of war." Lost chuckled and he fixed the sheets and pillow up slightly. "I'm sorry you have to sleep on this, but Xans claimed the couch." Lost shrugged and took his hoodie off, hanging it on a coat rack and curling up under the covers.
"It's alright Frisk. It isn't bad." He assured her.
"Ok...umm, good night!" Lost watched as she shut the light off and headed to her room. He sighed and shook his head.
If this is a dream, I know I'm not waking anytime soon. He thought. It's been a long day... He felt his eyes close and he let out a long sigh. A really.....long day....
Xans stood under a lonely street light, glancing up and down the dark sidewalk. No one around this time a night, hmm? He thought and shrugged. Ah, well-
"Now where's a rather handsome stranger like you headed off to, hmm?" He turned and grinned as a woman with dyed, black hair with purple streaks walked up to him. She was thin, her chest and butt large and Xans licked his lips a bit. "You look rather hungry too...I can't just leave you like that."
"Heh, then why not treat me, eh?" The woman handed her hand out and he smirked. "Nah....I'll pay ya after."
"Hmm, then you may need to keep a tab." Xans laughed as he gripped the woman's hand as she led him down the dark sidewalk.
"Countin' on it...."
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Souls of Glass Chapter 9
Everything eventually comes to a head, no?
Lost is my baby, and Undervirus belongs to @jeyawue
Chapter 9                        
"Lost doesn't look too good."
"Xans!" Xans turned to Sans, looking tired himself. "You've been using too much of your magic again."
"Xans, you're a fucking moron." Sans shook his head. "And on top of that Lost looks....really bad. Like...I dunno. It's not really possible for you both to get paler." He shrugged and turned. Lost was napping on the couch with Frisk sleeping next to him, Valphys fiddling on a screen while Vapyrus and Vundyne arm wrestled. "He just....doesn't look right."
"So what?"
"Xans for stars's sakes quit being such a jackass!" Sans flinched when Xans narrowed his eyes at him, but he stayed in his spot. "He's been here two months. The least you can do is try to be normal for once."
"Really? Two months?"
"Yes two months. Good grief Xans." Sans sighed and looked at him again, frowning. "Are you alright?"
"Mmm' fine..." Xans mumbled.
"Tsk, ok...whatever." Sans walked away and Xans sighed, turning and watching everyone. His gaze turned to Lost, asleep on the couch and Sans's words echoed in his head.
Something's wrong....that's what he said. But.....is there really? I mean, he seems fine. He thought. And yet.....what's this feeling I have? Uneasiness? He walked over and glanced down at Lost's face, frowning. He seems fine...yeah.
"Xans, staring like that can either make you a creeper, or you may actually appear concerned." Valphys said, not once looking up from her screen.
"Shut the fuck up..." He grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets. His large, baggy black cargo pants shifted slightly, the chains clanking against one another as he leaned against the wall next to the lizard monster. "What do you know?"
"Considering how long I've know you? A lot." Valphys huffed. "I also no you keep pictures of him in your screens. Especially ones of his rather nice as-" Xans covered her mouth and she scowled, shoving him off. "The point is....you care."
"Tsk, about what? About him?" He glanced at Lost, having shifted in his sleep and now holding Frisk. "Whatever."
"Denying the truth will only make it worse....for the both of you." Valphys pointed out. "So as Sans was saying....quit being a douchebag."
"That's all any of ya ever say!" Xans snapped, tapping his foot angrily. "And I'm not-"
"You are. But if you don't see it, I'm not pointing it out to you." She shrugged and continued looking at her screen.  "I can't clear the corruption for the data about his world....I don't like this."
"Tsk." Xans watched as Lost's sleeping face scrunched up slightly, his fingers twitching in his sleep. What is yer story Lost.....and why aren't ya telling anyone?
Lost flinched as the blade sliced his skin open, the flesh still raw from the night before. I....I can't be....doing this.... He thought weakly, gripping the sink to steady himself. But...but how else can I...atone? Vasriel's presence behind him was almost comforting as he finished, wrapping the gauze around his arms tightly, wincing as the material stung his fresh cuts.
"You're taking this seriously I see...." Vasriel spoke quietly, placing a hand on Lost's shoulder. Vlowey curled a vine around his left arm, squeezing it just enough to make Lost wince.
"I...I know this isn't right....it isn't..." Lost whispered, his limbs trembling from the pain. "But....but I...I have no other way....what else can I possibly do?" He flinched as Vasriel held him close, Vlowey's vines snaking around his neck. The thorns pricked his skin slightly, tiny droplets of blood dripping down the pale skin. "Ngh...st...stop..."
"If you wanted usssssssss to ssssssssstop....you would have made ussssssss by now." Vlowey chuckled. "After all, you have the ssssssssstrenght....the magic. Sssssssssso why let usssssssssss do thissssssss to you?"
"Hmm, perhaps he takes slight pleasure in the pain?" Vasriel smirked. Vlowey grinned and squeezed tighter, Vasriel covering his mouth as Lost attempted to scream. "Shh, hush now. Don't wish to wake anyone, do you?"
"Mmmph! Mmmngh...." Lost struggled, but vines spread over his limbs and through his clothes, preventing him from doing more than wriggling. "Mmm!"
"Look at him writhe." Vlowey cackled softly. "Ssssssssssssso good......yer flessssssssssh is rather sssssssssoft for ssssssssomeone sssssssso filthy." Vasriel leaned in close, licking the blood trickling from Lost's neck. Lost winced and panted from the touches, his body trembling where it stood.
"Mmm....tastes rather sweet....not befitting of you at all." Vasriel whispered. His hand reached up to cover Lost's eyes as the young man panted, trying to escape Vlowey's thorny grasp. "No wonder Xans craves your body....you fit well against him...." Vasriel grinned as Lost shook his head, his wrists bleeding more as Vlowey's grip grew even tighter, thorns piercing gauze and flesh. Vasriel released Lost as Vlowey retreated from his form, leaving the young albino gasping and trembling.
"W...what....what is your problem?" Lost panted, red and blue eyes glaring at the two. "What....what do you want from me?!" Vasriel moved in closer, leaning down so his face was close to Lost's and he grinned.
"What do I want?" A vine gently brushed Lost's bangs from his eyes, the orbs filled with fear. "I want to see this.....a sinner, paying for his sins." He vanished as soon as he finished speaking, leaving Lost alone in the dark bathroom. He collapsed to the floor, shaking and holding himself. He sat there for a long time, until he was finally able to stand up slowly and rewrap his injuries. His neck had been healed by Vasriel, but the feeling of his tongue on his skin lingered, making Lost squirm and rub his neck.
He's....he's....right.... Lost thought, looking down at his hands. I am filthy....tainted by my own actions.... He shivered and slid his sweater back over his body. This....I know it's bad...I know....but.... He looked at himself in the mirror, sighing. Dark circles were under his eyes from lack of sleep, his forehead coated in sweat and hair slightly disheveled. If I tell them...what then? I can't....they can't know what I've done. He sighed and rubbed at his stinging wrists. They wouldn't understand....
He left the bathroom and slid on his sandals, heading outside into the cool, autumn air. He shivered in the cool breeze, looking around only to hear arguing. Xans....at it again, hmm? He walked over as he watched a woman dressed in leather and high heel boots stomp off, Xans scowling after her. "Another rough night?"
"Tsk, why ya always gotta come out here?" Xans huffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. He had a fake lip ring on the corner of his bottom lip, along with two piercings on his right ear. He was in a black, long sleeved shirt with a blue skull on it, the eyes filled with screaming faces and his usual black jacket. He was wearing tight black jeans and simple, black boots with a slight heel on them. "Ya know I always come back home. I don't need a fucking escort."
"So I'm not allowed to be concerned for you?" Lost asked, shrugging. "For all the people you've been pissing off lately, it's going to come back and bite you." "Tsk, whatever. Yer just a fucking motherhen."
"Someone needs to actually show concern for your habits."
"What, mad that I like ta sleep around?" Lost flinched a bit and shook his head.
"Sleeping around is all you do. Ever think about actually finding someone?"
"Ya mean get all feely and heartfelt? No fucking thank ya." Xans crossed his arms and brushed past Lost. "What's the goddamned point? It won't matter once I regain my real form again."
"....What if you never do?" Lost asked quietly and Xans stopped. "What if you and I are stuck as humans forever? What then, hmm?"
Xans scowled as he pulled his hood up. "Then nothin'. I'll get my real form back...no matter what."
"Why? Is it really that much better?" Lost asked. Xans glanced at the young man behind him, scowling. Lost was wearing a long, dark blue sweater with a picture of two pieces of toast, one with jelly and the other with peanut butter that said 'We fit together', a gift from Frisk. He had baggy, gray sweatpants on and his slide on sandals. Xans looked over his form and frowned a little.
Why the baggy shit? He thought idly. Not like it matters...but.... "Course it is. I can do literally whatever the fuck I want."
"Like what you're doing now?" Lost countered. "Doing what you please....not thinking of others..."
"Oh like yer one ta fuckin' talk!" Xans huffed, still keeping his back to Lost. "What's yer story then, hmm? Got some sorta dark past ya don't wanna share?" He turned to see Lost shift anxiously in his spot, rubbing his arms. "Tsk, what, am I right?"
"My past doesn't concern you...know that I just want to forget it...." Lost whispered quietly.
'But you can't forget the past...' Vasriel's words echoed in his head and he gripped his hair slightly from the headache. 'And those you have killed are still dead....you cannot be absolved so easily Lost...'
"I...I just want to let it go. Is that so bad?" He asked. Xans didn't reply and Lost shook his head. "Whatever. Let's just get home..." Xans glared at Lost and stepped in his path. "What now?"
"Yer actin' weird." Lost scoffed and crossed his arms, looking away. "What?"
"Since when have you given a rat's ass about how I act or what I do?" Lost grumbled. "Never bothered to care before, so why now?"
"I don't care. Just wanted ta tell ya that ya look like shit." Lost flinched and backed up a bit, making Xans's chest hurt slightly. Shit....wrong thing ta say. Oh well... "Ya look like shit and ya smell off."
"I smell off? What are you, some fucking dog?" Lost glared at the sidewalk.
"Tsk, if anyone here's a dog, it's ya fer acting like a bitch." Stop...stop! His thoughts were at war with his words as Lost seemed to shrink a little more. "Yer constantly nagging me and won't leave me the fuck alone. Why, want my dick again that badly?"
"As if! I never asked for it in the first place!" Lost snapped, his red and blue eyes flaring slightly. "You practically forced yourself on me!"
"Ya were beggin' fer it!"
"I was not! Why the hell would I beg for anything like that from you?!" Lost got into his face, their foreheads pressed to one another harshly. "I didn't want it at all! You took advantage of me!"
"Tsk, cause it was that easy! Besides, it's the only shit yer ever gonna get!" Xans growled, his Soul screaming at him to be silent. "Because no one else out there is gonna want a goddamned fucking, whiny ass freak like ya!" Lost's eyes widened and Xans frowned. "W-Wait a sec, I-" Lost punched him hard in the face, sending him toppling to the ground. Shit...fucker's strong...
"Fuck. You." Lost hissed angrily, holding his hand close to his chest. "FUCK YOU XANS!" Lost's body was trembling as Xans stood up slowly, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth. "What the fuck do you know?! You don't know that....you don't-" Xans walked up and punched Lost in retaliation, sending him hard to the ground.
"I don't fucking care!" Xans snapped. "Yer right, and ya know what? Ya can go screw yerself! Everythin' was fine until you showed up 'ere! Go back to whatever fucking hole ya came from, Lost!" Lost stood on shaky legs and tried to punch again, but Xans caught his wrist, gripping it tightly. "And ya can go rot there! I don't want ya....no one else here needs ya!"
"L-Let go!" Lost tugged against the grip, his breathing coming out in harsh pants as the grip tightened. "Xans...Xans please...let go!"
"Why, just so ya can hit me again?!" His grip grew even tighter and Lost let out a pain filled scream. Xans let go as Lost yanked his arm close to himself. "What the fuck's yer problem anyways?" Lost staggered slightly where he stood, looking up at Xans. Xans frowned when he noticed the sweat dripping from Lost's head, and his heavy breathing sounded off to him. "Oi...Lost, ya-" Lost took one more step when his knees buckled from under him. Xans rushed forward, feeling Lost lean heavily against him. He pulled him close as Lost's full weight leaned on him, and he moved Lost to a nearby bench. "Lost....hey Lost!"
Lost didn't budge as Xans looked at his chalky face. He placed a hand to his forehead and flinched. "Shit...he's burning up...." He grabbed Lost and closed his eyes to teleport, but a sudden wave of nausea made him stop. Shit...I....I can't...teleport..... He tried to summon one of his screens, but just as he started to call Valphys, the screen shattered. "Wh....what?" He tried again only for it to happen once more. "Shit...shit shit no.....no...." Panic slowly filled his Soul as he looked down at Lost, his breathing growing heavier. "Fuck...fuck what do I do?!" He closed his eyes and tried to calm down. "Wait....Lost never leaves without...." He dug into Lost's pockets and found his cellphone. Yes! He flipped through the numbers and found Valphys. He clicked the button and listened to the dial tone. "C'mon....c'mon!"
"Lost? Is that you? Where the hell are you?" Valphys replied. "You didn't go out after Xans again, did y-"
"Xans? What the fuck are you doing with Lost's cell? No, better, why are you on a cellphone?"
"My magic's on the fritz and Lost...Lost passed out! He's burning up and I can't carry him all the way there! Get Sans out here now!" Valphys hung up and Xans waited, picking Lost up and holding him. Shit....fuck, hang on Lost....
Xans sat next to Frisk's bed as he watched her place a wet cloth to Lost's forehead. "He's really sick..." She whimpered. Xans gritted his teeth and turned away. "Is he going to be ok Valphys?"
"Yes. He'll be just fine." Valphys had Sans take Frisk to the living room and she glared at Xans. "Explain. NOW."
"There ain't much ta say. We argued and he just collapsed." Xans shrugged, feeling his own Soul pang painfully.
"It's more than that." Valphys pulled Lost's sleeves down and showed the virus his bandaged arms. The wrist Xans had grabbed was stained dark red and he winced.  "The cuts here are deep....and some are healing. He's been doing this for awhile." Xans felt guilt and anger roil in his chest and he gripped the sheets angrily.
"Now why the fuck is he doin' shit like that?"
"Because no one else out there is gonna want a goddamned fucking, whiny ass freak like ya!"  Xans's eyes widened as his own words echoed in his mind, and Lost's expression seemed to come into sharper focus. "I don't fucking care!"  His eyes were in pain, flickering between anger and agony. "Yer right, and ya know what? Ya can go screw yerself! Everythin' was fine until you showed up 'ere! Go back to whatever fucking hole ya came from, Lost!" The pain increased and his red and blue eyes were shining with unfallen tears.  "And ya can go rot there! I don't want ya....no one else here needs ya!"
Fuck....I fucked up.....why the hell did I say that shit? He thought, gripping his head and shaking it. "I'm such a goddamned moron..."
"We've been telling you that for the past month." Valphys huffed, scanning Lost with her screens. "He's got an infection, but it isn't too bad. He just needs rest, fluids and some warm food." She turned to Xans as he stared at Lost, his eyes scanning over Lost's prone, thin form. "Xans?"
Fuck, just look at him. He's lost weight.....it seems like 10 pounds....maybe more... His thoughts rambled on, his Soul twinging with regret. His skin's all chalky....almost gray.....he's got dark circles under his eyes.....fuck....fuck! How did I not see this sh-
"Xans!" Xans jolted and turned to Valphys, the lizard monster sighing. "Frisk has school in the morning....I need you to stay with Lost tonight."
"Why me?"
"Because I said so." Valphys said. "Plus, he'll need your body heat. Stay close." Valphys shut the bedroom door and Xans was left alone with the young albino. He watched as Lost's breathing grew ragged and he grabbed his hand tenderly.
"Fuck...Lost I....I'm sorry..." He whispered. "Yer right....I was being stupid." He admitted and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm just....not used ta this human feeling bullshit....ya know?" He frowns and grips his hand tighter. "I am sorry....so sorry....."
Vasriel watched from outside as rain fell hard against the house. "Tsk, well that's interesting.....he actually does care for him."
"What do we do now?" Vlowey asked. Vasriel smirked and held his hand out, showing a small, strand of purple code.
"Nothing for now....we sit and wait..." He chuckled. "I got what I wanted, after all..."
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Souls of Glass Chapter 7
And now we begin to get into a more depressed side of Lost QwQ My poor bb.
Lost is mine and Undervirus belongs to @jeyawue
Chapter 7
Lost slowly opened his eyes, yawning as the sun hit his face. "Ngh......" He slowly sat up, wincing at the pain in his back. Shit....ow... He looked around the small hotel room, confused for a brief moment before the memories of last night flooded back into him. Xans....holy shit.... He blushed darkly and looked around for the albino, but he didn't see or hear him. "Xans? You there?"
Hearing nothing, Lost slowly got up, rubbing his arms and looking down at the floor. His tattered shirt and pants laid there, and his face turned even redder. "I...I can't believe we did that...." He looked at his arms and finally noticed he was wearing Xans's black jacket. "Why am I wearing this?" The jacket was a little baggy on his slightly thinner frame and he fiddled a bit with the leather strings. It's comfy....warm.... He inhaled, then let out a soft sigh. Smells like him too....like... He frowned a little. No. Nope. Not going there.
He took the jacket off and went to stand, only to have pain go up his spine. He hissed and sat back down. "Ow...shit...that hurt...." After taking a few moments, he stood again and made his way to the bathroom. After taking a quick, hot shower, he felt more refreshed and dried his black hair. "Ugh....what a night..."
"I will say so." Lost's red eye glowed and he spun around, holding his scythe out at the figure behind him. "Easy there Lost......I am not going to hurt you." Lost narrowed his eyes. A tall, purple monster stood before him, wearing clothes he recognized. White eyes looked down at him, sharp horns on his head. A small flower was coiled around him and Lost sneered at it. "Sorry to startle you."
"Perhaps you could've fucking knocked." He growled, still holding his weapon. Blood leaked through his fingers and dripped onto the tile floor. "Who the fuck are you? You're clearly one of the viruses."
"Ah, my name is Vasriel. I do not live with the others." He said and Lost backed up slightly.
"Oi, don't forget me, jack asssssssssssss...." The flower loomed behind Vasriel. "The name's Vlowey......bessssssssssst not forget it!"
"I don't give two shits who either of you are. Get the fuck out of here." Lost snapped. These two...they feel different from the others. Stronger....and I can sense the malice in them. Lost frowned.
"Now that is quite rude." Vasriel smirked as he moved closer. Vlowey raised vines in the air, wrapping them around Vasriel's arms gently. "And all we wanted to do was give some advice."
"Right, like I'll believe that shit." Lost spat. He made to brush past Vasriel, but the virus goat monster easily pushed him back into the bathroom. "Get the fuck out of my way."
"Why?" Vasriel smirked. "You could just kill us. I mean....your LV is quite high.....25, isn't it?" Lost's fingers twitched and he looked down. "Are we wrong?"
".....What the hell do you want?" Lost growled, glowing eyes hidden by his bangs.
"Like I said...to give some advice." He chuckled. "You truly think so badly of us?"
"I don't know you." Lost countered.
"Just like how everyone else doesn't know you? The real you?" Lost paled as Vasriel held a screen out. It showed him killing countless people, their screams echoing in his mind. "The you that you're so desperate to hide? The you that kills without mercy?" He watched as his scythe cut through people, sometimes cleanly, other times more bloody. His blasters fired and incinerated flesh from bone, dusting monsters of all sizes.
"I....I'm not like that anymore..." Lost shook his head, looking off to the side. "I haven't been in a while....I..."
"You've changed. That's what you think, isn't it?" Vasriel smirked as Lost's weapon finally vanished. "But it isn't true...and you know that." He smirked as Lost backed up further, his back hitting the sink counter. "And if they knew the truth.....where do you think you'd be now? You think Frisk would look at you with the same kindness?"
"Stop it...."
"You think Valphys would be willing to help you get home? You think Vapyrus and Vundyne would joke and laugh with you?"
"You think Xans would waste his time on someone like you?" Lost flinched and turned away, gripping his arms tightly. "Ah....hit a sore spot, hmm?" Vasriel chuckled. "Face it. To him, you're nothing more than another fling." Lost's eyes widened as vines slowly brushed his hair from his face and a fuzzy paw pressed to his cheek. "You mean nothing to him. All he wanted out of you was your body...and even that wasn't much."
"Shut up...." Lost trembled, gripping the sink tightly. "He...I know he doesn't...see me like that but he isn't that shallow!"
"So you think. But people never change....and he is no exception." Vasriel chuckled. "Why do you think he left you here all alone?" Lost shivered as Vasriel grinned, hands placed gently on his shoulders. "I'm even willing to bet he lied about what you both did last night....and where you currently are."
"No. He isn't like that."
"Still trying so hard to cling to that delusional hope?" He smirked. A screen flashed in front of Lost, showing him Xans wandering around at night, meeting up with random people and leaving their homes at night, sometimes with a slight limp. Lost felt his chest tighten as he watched, unable to look away. "Always the same....never changing...." He then showed Lost last night, and Xans leaving him behind after waking up three hours before him. "And no one can make him change." Lost looked down and shivered, trying to hide his bare chest. "Look at yourself...."
Lost looked in the mirror, his scarred riddled chest sticking out to him the most. "Hideous. Your sins cling to your body just as dust would cling to that ghost." Lost's breath hitched and he covered his chest more. "Imagine how Xans would react if he knew the truth about you...."
"Go away!" Lost spun around, eyes glowing angrily. Vasriel backed up slightly, a grin on his face as Vlowey cackled.
"Sssssssso sssssssensssssitive~...." The flower grinned. "Do you truly think he'd care about your feelingsssssssss? I mean, he left you here all alone......and it wasssssss your firsssssssssst time assssss well...." Lost looked at the floor, shivering slightly. "You are hopelessssssssss."
"However....we are just like you."
"Huh?" Lost looked up as Vasriel stepped closer again, an almost comforting smile on his face. "What the hell do you mean by that?"
"We aren't allowed to stay there because of.....past events. They are unforgiving to those who hurt others...even if it was for the right reasons. In that regard, we are very similar, aren't we Lost?" Lost remained silent and Vasriel chuckled. "I see...you need some form of proof." He turned as Lost's cellphone went off. 
"That must be him...go ahead and answer.......and you'll see." Lost walked over and picked the phone up.
"Well mornin' ta ya, sleepyhead." Xans's light, teasing tone echoed over the phone. "Hey, ya mind gettin' some groceries on yer way home? I told them that's why yer out,oh, and I left ya a little money fer a new shirt."
"You...didn't tell them we-"
"Tsk, ya honestly think I want Frisk ta hear that? She's just a kid." Lost turned to Vasriel, who just shrugged. "Also, please be careful with mah jacket....it's important to me."
"...Alright. I'll uhh...see you at the house." He heard the call hang up and he slumped.
"See? I told you so."
"Piss off...he had a very valid reason."
"Keep telling yourself that Lost." Vasriel smirked. "Well....We'll take our leave for now. But if you ever wish to talk...just come to the park alone." He smirked. 
"Also...for your safety, best not mention that we were here." Vasriel flickered and vanished, leaving Lost alone again.
Xans isn't like that.....he....he isn't...... He thought, but his chest ached even as the words entered his mind. ....Right?
Xans hung up and sighed, running fingers through his hair. Ugh....damn. He didn't sound to happy... He thought, sitting down on the couch. "Fuck..."
"Alright Xans....what did you really do?" Sans asked, arms crossed.
"Tsk, why ya so nosy? Wish ya were there?" Xans chuckled. Sans rolled his eyes and tapped his foot. "It's none of yer business."
"True...but Lost never leaves here without telling someone. If he was grocery shopping, he'd have waited until we were awake to tell us." Xans ignored Sans, looking out the window and sighing. "Xans-"
"Whaddya want me ta say that ya can't figure out on yer fucking own?" Xans growled, his lips curled into a snarl. "Yer really pissin' me off this mornin' Sans..."
"Oh really now?" Sans frowned. "And you're being a no good, grumpy asshole. What did you-"
"We fucked, alright?" Xans sighed and rested his head on his arm, looking out the window. Sans was quiet for awhile and Xans glanced at him with his green eye. "What?"
"...You're serious right now, aren't you." When Xans didn't reply the small skeleton shook his head. "Xans-"
"I don't wanna hear yer shit."
"He isn't just a fling, you dipshit! Sure, leave those behind if you want, but this is Lost we're talking about here!" Sans snapped. "He isn't someone you can just fucking ditch! He lives here-"
"As a guest." Xans said. "This ain't his home." Xans felt a hand grab his arm tight and he glared down at the small monster. "Release m-"
"You have no right to say that. Frisk welcomed him here, same as all of us." Sans hissed through clenched teeth. "This is as much his home as ours!"
"He may be living here, but this isn't his home, and we're not his family!" Xans snapped, spinning around and holding Sans by his neck. His teal and green eyes seemed to flicker with emotions and Sans coughed, clawing at the hand squeezing him. "Get that through yer fuckin' skull, you idiot!" Sans struggled more as he was lifted off the ground, Xans baring his teeth in anger. "He ain't fucking staying here! This-" Blue magic surrounded him and he was tossed aside, releasing Sans as he hit the floor. "Fuck!"
"What the hell is your problem?" Xans looked up to see Lost walking over, his blue eye and left hand glowing. He knelt next to Sans as he coughed, rubbing his neck. "You alright?"
"I-I'm fine Lost....thanks." He said softly, standing up. Lost walked over to Xans and held a hand out. Xans looked at it before slapping it aside, getting up on his own.
"What were you doing?" Lost asked. The groceries were sitting on the counter, and Xans could see his jacket still on Lost, hugging his frame slightly.
"....Nothin'. Just a family squabble, that's all."
"Family squabbles don't usually result in you nearly choking someone to death." Lost narrowed his eyes.
"And what the fuck would ya know about our family fights?" Lost's eyes widened a little, and for a moment, Xans's stomach churned painfully at the slightly hurt look Lost's eyes held. "Ya haven't been 'ere long enough to know jack shit."
"Yer an outsider that got stuck 'ere." Xans continued, despite his own Soul panging hard in his chest. He walked forward, jabbing his finger into his chest. "Ya don't know anything about me."
"...I never said you." Lost said softly, his red and blue eyes flickering with hurt and uncertainty. Xans's eyes widened and he scoffed, backing away. His form flickered, as if to teleport, but it ended abruptly and he wobbled on his bare feet. "Xans?"
"Wh...what the....the fu...." He felt light headed, and the world tilted in his vision. The last thing he felt was arms wrapping around him as the world blackened.
When Xans opened his eyes, he could hear voices from near the entrance to Frisk's room. "He isn't going to like this...." Valphys sighed, rubbing the back of her head.
"Well tough shit." Vundyne piped in. Xans slowly sat up, rubbing his head as it pounded slightly. The two turned to him as he sighed. "Ah, he's awake. Good evening, ya dumb fuck."
"Evening? How long was I out?"
"Several hours. It's 7 in the evening now Xans." Valphys said, pulling a screen up. "Vundyne, go let them know he's awake...that way Frisk and Sans will eat something." Vundyne walked off as the doctor sat down next to Xans. "So....I'm just going to say it. You're losing your magic."
"I...I what?" Xans laughed, shaking his head. "That's fucking stupid. I'm not-"
"She isn't lying." Xans looked up to see Lost standing next to him. He was in the corner of the room, arms crossed in front of his plain red t-shirt, blue jeans hugging his legs perfectly that made Xans's gaze linger on them. "I've been losing it to."
"Then how come ya haven't passed out, eh?" Xans scowled.
"Because unlike you, he doesn't use his magic at a constant rate. Your screens, teleporting...even your tail is a constant use of magic." Valphys explained. "I've been monitoring you since you appeared here as a human, and I would have more evidence earlier if it wasn't for the 'other distraction'....." She growled slightly, glancing at the young man in the corner. Lost shrugged, his face showing indifference. "Regardless, you need to cut back on using it."
"Or what?"
"You'll lose it all and be stuck a human." Xans's eyes widened as Valphys left, his gaze then turning to Lost.
"Not surprising. Humans in this world don't have magic, so it'd make sense we'd lose our powers." Lost said. Xans huffed and looked away, irritated. "It isn't that big of a deal."
"Maybe ta you, it ain't." Xans grumbled. He sighed and rubbed his neck. "Ugh...look....sorry." Lost raised a pale brow in confusion. "I uhh....prolly should've at least left a note or something...ya know, explaining why I left."
"Or you could have stayed." Lost scowled. "Look, it's fine, alright?" Xans frowned as Lost rubbed his upper arms slightly. "I get it. You're right. This isn't my home....I'm lucky Frisk has been kind enough to let me stay." He sighed and went to say more when Frisk burst in, tackling Xans in bed.
"W-Woah kiddo-"
"You're ok! Thank goodness....I was so worried Xans!" Sans walked in also, the small doll of Chara floating in only to be slapped aside by Vapyrus, who also hugged Xans on the bed. "You just....you collapsed and-"
"Heh, I'm fine kiddo. Guess I was bone tired."
"Xans! That joke is old and no longer counts!"
"Well, tibia honest, I'm just out of new material." Sans snickered as Vapyrus screamed at him. He turned as everyone chatted, and his gaze caught Lost's. Lost's eyes seemed to hold a deep sadness to them as he watched them all.  Xans watched as he quietly slipped out of the room, with no one the wiser. Lost......shit.
Vasriel watched from a distance away, smirking as Xans left the house at night. "Typical. He never truly learns...."
"Can we follow him?" Vlowey asked with a twisted grin on his face. "I wanna sssssssssssee what he'sssssssssssss up to."
"It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, Vlowey." Vasriel shrugged. "Besides....he isn't the one we're focused on right now." He held a hand out, watching it flicker and glitch out slightly. "He won't ever let his guard down. But...." He turned around to the park, seeing Lost sitting once again at the lakeside. He looked lonely, the dim moonlight shimmering on the lake in front of him. "He will. With time and patience."
"Time is sssssssssssssomething we do not have Vasssssssriel!" Vlowey snapped. "We sssssssssssssshould find a way to sssssssspeed thingssssssss along!" Vasriel moved in closer to Lost, a grin on his face. "What do you have in mind?"
"Hmm...." He smirked and hid in the shadows, watching as Lost scanned his surroundings, sensing his presence but not seeing him. "The Soul is afraid.....perhaps....." He smirked and licked his lips. "Oh this will indeed be fun...."
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Souls of Glass Chapter 5
A timeskip and some insight into poor Lost’s depression QwQ My poor baby
Lost is mone, and Undervirus belongs to @jeyawue
Chapter 5
Three weeks later....
Lost hummed as he pushed the vacuum around the house, ear buds in his ears. "Take me down to the river bend...." He pushed it along the carpet, his bare feet enjoying the feeling of the soft material beneath it.
"Ya look goofy." Xans said as he flipped through a book, chewing on some gum. He blew a large bubble and it gave a soft 'pop' as Lost looked his way. "I mean, Vapyrus usually does this."
"Well I don't see you helping with chores. And besides, Vapyrus is outside tending to the flowers with Frisk today." Lost said, turning his music back on. Xans smirked and pulled a screen up, flipping through songs until hitting one. Lost frowned when the song changed and he glared at Xans as he laughed. "Quit messing with my music!"
"Aww, c'mon! I wanna see ya 'dansen'."
"Ugh...." Lost's blue eye flashed and Xans was lifted into the air, hanging upside down. More magic surrounded the couch as he vacuumed under it before placing it gently back down, and depositing Xans on the floor roughly.
"Serves you right." The teen huffed and continued to clean, changing his music back. Xans smirked and his large, data wings formed and he flew over Lost and back to the couch. "Why don't you help Sans clean up in the kitchen?"
"Cause I don't want to." Lost rolled his eyes and continued cleaning. Xans took a moment to look the young man over, his teal and green eyes narrowed slightly. He's getting circles under his eyes....is he not sleeping? He frowned and shook his head. Nah that ain't right. He sleeps like a log. He watched Lost finish up and put the vacuum away. "Did that wear ya out?"
"Hmm? No, I'm fine." Lost stretched and headed to the kitchen. Xans scowled a little and put his book down, following him. Sans was at the sink, scrubbing the dishes with a pink apron over his clothes. "You need any help?"
"No, I'm fine. Thanks for asking Lost. They're almost done." Sans smiled and Xans felt his scowl deepen looking at the two of them. He used his own magic to yank Lost to him and looked into his eyes.
"What the hell Xans?!" Xans smirked and leaned in close, his lips ghosting over his captive's. "Let me go Xans."
"Heh, last time ya said that....ya were begging for a different kind of 'release', no?" Just as Xans hoped, Lost's face turned beet red and he licked his lips. "If ya want....I can do that again."
"Fuck off!" Lost shoved him away and stormed outside as Xans watched him go. Sans stood in front of him, having finished and hung the apron up.
"Do you always have to be such a damned prick?" He asked. Xans looked down at him and clicked his tongue slightly. "You don't need to be so rude."
"I ain't actin' any different just because he doesn't like it." Xans said, shrugging. He turned to see Lost outside, kneeling next to Vapyrus and Frisk, helping them pull weeds. He walked outside and leaned against the door, watching them all interact. Sans teleported beside him and sighed. "What now?"
"I've noticed that he never looks at her when he talks to her."
"Who, ya mean Frisk?"
"Yeah....I asked Valphys to look some info up on why...her and Gaster are currently looking at information but it feels kinda...invasive." Xans just chuckled and Sans frowned. "You just made that dirty, didn't you...."
"Heh, I could go for an 'in depth' look if ya want."
"Ugh, Xans no." Sans shook his head. Xans leaned in close and Sans could feel the smirk against his skull.
"That wasn't what ya said a week ago Sans~...." Sans rolled his eyes and pushed him back. "Heh, just messin' with ya." Xans watched as Loat helped them plant a few new flowers, showing her how to do it. "Although he does have rather nimble fingers it seems..."
Footsteps crunched the snow beneath his feet as he wandered in the dark. He felt the cold through his hoodie and shirt, the chill air like ice in his veins. Why...why is it so cold? Was it always this cold? Lost wondered as he wandered around. There was no moon above him, yet he could see his surroundings with ease. This looks like the woods but...it feels different...
He zipped his hoodie up and continued walking when he heard a familiar growling sound. Amalgams.... He held his hand out, but when no magic formed he froze. No....no what's happening?!  The noises grew louder and he felt terror grip at his soul. I....can't fight back? What's going on?!
He turned around and began to run. The tree branches seemed to grab at his clothes, like icy hands tearing at his clothes. He tripped over something and fell face first into the snow. "N-Ngh...." He wiped his face away, only to freeze when he noticed what was on his face. "D.....dust..."
"Help us...." Lost turned around as the voice echoed in the distance. Something grabbed his leg and he tugged away. A hand made of dust released him, but tried to grab him again. "Help....please...."
"We're so scared...." Another hand grabbed his left leg, the hand hot and sticky. He looked down to see the hand was formed of blood and bone, the bone piercing his pale skin. He shook and screamed, trying to get out of their hold.
"Let me go!"
"Please help!"
"They're coming!"
"They'll eat us!"
"No...no stop....stop it please!" Lost could hear loud, pounding footsteps coming and his eyes widened. The creature was large and dripping, the smell of its breath like rotting corpses and mold. The creature loomed before him and his Soul seized up. "L...let go..."
"It's coming....."
"It's there...."
"It's here!"
"Ah!" Lost's eyes snapped open and he fell out of his bed. He rubbed his head, groaning slightly. "Ugh......damnit...." He listened for a few moments, sighing when no one stirred in the house. "Good...didn't wake anyone." He slowly stood up and sat on the edge of his bed, burying his face in his hands. "Fuck.....what the hell is with these nightmares?" He walked over to the coatrack and slipped on his blue hoodie, then he put on his usual slippers. He grabbed the small cellphone Frisk had gotten him and headed outside.
Locking the door behind him, he breathed in the night air and began to slowly walk down the street. I've forgotten why I never slept... he thought, hand stuffed in his pockets. He looked up at the sky, his sharp eyes still able to pick out a few, dim stars, the rest blocked by city lights. He wandered into the deserted park, glancing around before sitting on an iron bench.
The moon shone down gently on the pond, the small stirrings on the water making the reflection waver. It's a rather peaceful night out here... He smiled a little. It's so calm and quiet.... Lost sighed and looked down at his hands. Do I...even deserve this kind of peace? After everything I've done.... He gripped his hands into a tight fist, nails almost cutting skin. After all the lives these hands have stolen....do I dare to even think I deserve this chance?
Xans walked down the street, a slight limp to his steps. "Heh, damn that guy really hit me hard..." He smirked and licked his lips. "Then again...I was able ta give as much as he took..." He chuckled to himself before stopping. A streetlight flickered above him as he looked around. Huh.... He closed his eyes and focused before he picked up on a familiar presence. Lost? What the hell is he doin' out 'ere?
He snuck behind a tree to watch the young man gazing out at the water. He had an odd, lonely look to him that made Xans's Soul and gut twinge at the sight. The moonlight made the white tips of his hair and skin give off a faint glow. To Xans, in that brief moment, he almost looked ethereal. The moonlight was covered by a cloud and the moment passed. Huh....
"I just...don't know..." Lost whispered to himself before sighing. Xans walked over and Lost turned, red eye flashing as a faint red glow covered his left hand. 
"Take it easy there Lost." Xans raised his hands and the glow faded. "Yeesh, ya glow around every handsome guy ya come across?" Lost just shook his head and Xans frowned. Huh....he usually retorts....what the fuck?
"Sorry Xans." Xans just stared at him as he turned back around. His shoulders were slightly slumped, making him almost look small in the shadows of the trees around them. "I just...I'm tired." Xans frown deepened as Lost brought his legs up to his chest, resting his chin on his knees. Xans moved and sat next to him, wincing a little as his still sore rear sat on the iron.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"There's nothing to talk about." Lost said quickly. "Just....I'm just tired."
"......I don't really know. Everything and nothing...." He admitted softly. 
"Life...death....pain and joy.....just..." He sighed and shook his head, hiding his face behind his legs. "I don't know." Xans placed an arm around Lost's shoulders, feeling him flinch and almost pull away. But he stopped and instead let the virus pull him gently closer.
"I don' have a fucking clue what's eatin' at ya. And yer refusal to talk about it doesn't help out much." He felt Lost tighten his grip on himself and shook his head. "But...ya don't have to worry. Ya got people here ta lean on, alright?" He felt Lost slump against him and he turned to him. "Oi, Lost?" Lost's legs slid from where they had been and for a small moment, Xans felt panic grip him. "Lost?!" He looked down and sighed when he saw Lost's face. Sleeping...ya damned jerk.
He watched as Lost shifted a little closer as a breeze blew past, making him shiver. Heh...ya'd prolly be blushin' like mad right now if ya were awake... He thought. He brushed a few strands from Lost's forehead to gaze down at his face. Dark circles were visible under his eyes, and Xans noticed how his body sagged from exhaustion. He sighed and looked up at the night sky. I can't wake 'im up. He looks.....happy. Xans frowned and looked back down at him. Happy, huh? Ta be fair...he's never happy around me. Then again I tease the shit outta him, but... Lost's head slipped against his shoulder, leaving a comforting warmth.
Xans watched as his chest rose and fell, his breathing even and deep. He shifted and lifted Lost into his arms with ease. "Alrighty...let's get home, hmm? So we're not sleepin' out here and catching a cold." He closed his eyes and focused on the living room. He opened them and he frowned a bit. He was standing in the kitchen, just a few feet from the blanketed couch and roll out bed. Weird...I know I teleported us ta the living room....whatever.
He walked over and placed Lost on his bed after removing his slippers and hoodie. Hanging the jacket up and placing the slippers by his bed, he made his way under the covers on the couch. Lost had turned to face him in his sleep, letting out a soft sigh and a tiny smile graced his features. Whatever the hell is eating at ya Lost...I hope it isn't that bad. Yer with all of us after all.... He smiled a little and closed his eyes. Night Lost....ya big softie.
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Souls of Glass Chapter 4
And the smut begins~! Do enjoy XD It gets better I promise...well maybe. I’m not the most confidant in those scenes lol
Lost is mine and Undervirus belongs to @jeyawue
Chapter 4
"And over there is the mall!" Frisk pointed, holding both Lost and Xans's hands as they crossed the street. She watched as Lost's gaze followed the skyline, his eyes alight with awe. "Do you like it?"
"I....haven't really been in a city before." Lost mumbled.
"So yer a country hick?" Lost glared as Xans grinned. "Good. I like boys that know how to play 'dirty'."
"Xans, c'mon! You promised no dirty jokes!"
"Fine kiddo, I'll keep it 'clean.'." Lost rolled his eyes and Frisk giggled a little at his jokes. " Ya really need ta loosen up a bit Lost."
"No thanks." Frisk sighed and rubbed her forehead as she grabbed Lost's hand. 
"This way! There's a clothes store I want to take you both to!" Lost looked at Xans helplessly as he was dragged and Xans just gave him a big, toothy grin. 
"Oh no you don't Xans!" Xans blinked as Frisk stalked back to him, dragging Lost along like a ragdoll and grabbing his hood.
"H-Hey now! Easy Frisk!" Xans complained as he fell in line next to the other albino, both at the mercy of the young child. "Aww c'mon~ Frisk! I like mah clothes!"
"Well you need new ones."
"No complaining Xans."
"Listen, I-"
"Same for you Lost!" Both boys groaned as Frisk dragged them into the store.
"Are you really sure these will look good?" Lost asked from behind a dressing room door. Xans was in a door next door, humming to himself.
"Absolutely!" Frisk giggled, sitting outside on a bench. "Trust me!"
"But...Xans is the one who picked some of these clothes..."
"Well, trust me anyways!" Lost sighed and opened the door slightly, peeking his head out. "C'mon Lost! I wanna see!"
"Alright..." Lost walked out, glancing around. He stepped out slowly and shut the door, standing there with his hands shoved into pockets. "S-So?" He was wearing long, tight blue denim jeans, small tears here and there. On his feet were a pair of black slip on shoes, his white socks just barely visible. He had a baggy red and black striped t-shirt on underneath a leather, button up jacket. 
"Uhh....I still don't really think this suits me..."
"I think you look good Lost." Frisk smiled and circled him a bit. "Everything fits you just right!"
"Mmmmhmmm~....not arguin' there." Lost turned and blinked as he stared at the albino across from him. Xans stood there with a black coat, leather straps and buckles undone to show his black tank top underneath it. There were holes in the shoulders, showing off his pale skin as he shrugged. He had long, baggy black pants on with chains looping behind them and silver studs dotting the seams. He had on his black sandals and he crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. "Yer starin' Lost. See somethin' ya like?"
"Wow, speechless too? Must be doin' somethin' right...." Xans licked his lips and he grinned as Lost turned away, his face red. Embarrassment? Or perhaps.... He stopped as he caught a brief whiff of something sweet and dark and his grin widened. Ah...I see. Tsk tsk tsk....
"So you both like your clothes? Get changed while I go pay for them! I'll wait in the food court!" Lost nodded and turned around, heading back into the room. He took the clothes off and he handed them to Frisk after changing, smiling.
"Thank you Frisk." He said. Xans walked out and handed her his new clothes as well. The moment Frisk left, Lost sighed softly. "I feel bad making her-" A hand suddenly wrapped around his throat and he felt himself being slammed into the room he had come out of. "Wh-X-Xans!"
"Heh....ya think I didn't smell that?" Lost's eyes widened as Xans's tail locked the door, then moved to hold his wrists above him. "I didn't know black and silver could turn ya on..."
"I-I don't know what you're talking about. Unhand me!" Lost struggled, but the tail tightened around his wrists and her growled, his lips curling into a sneer and showing off his fangs. "I swear Xans, I'll-"
"Aww, c'mon Lost~...." Xans moved in close, his tongue licking his lips and moving close to Lost's own lips. "I told ya....ya need to loosen up a bit..." Xans shifted closer, his tongue flicking out and licking his ear. Lost's breath hitched and he glared at the young man, eyes glowing. "Sensitive eh?"
"Let me go Xans...." Lost growled and Xans felt his spine shiver.
"Ooooooh~ that one felt nice..." Xans chuckled. His hands trailed down to Lost's basketball shorts and he palmed the front of it with a grin. "Yer hard too....tsk tsk. Do ya have any shame at all?"
"Ngh! L-Le-ah?!" Xans squeezed him and he jerked suddenly. "Wh-What was-"
"Ya see...as humans we're a little more sensitive. We get turned on by all kinds of things." Xans explained. "Lemme show ya...." He slipped his hands slowly down Lost's pants and the teen gasped and wiggled from the gentle, teasing strokes Xans's cold fingers caused along his member. "Heh....ya see?"
"St-Stop i-ahung......" Lost writhed slightly as Xans leaned in to nibble on his neck, his hand stroking his hard on. "G-Gh....Xans....wh-why are...."
"Why am I doing this?" The slang dropped from his voice and Lost gasped as his hot breath tickled his neck. "Because I want to....and it seems your body wants to, as well." He slid Lost's pants down and knelt in front of him. He looked at Lost's half lidded eyes, watching him pant. "I remember the first time I began to feel that...." He moved closer to Lost's straining member, flicking his tongue out as pre-cum beaded at the tip. Lost let out soft, breathy moans as his wrists were released and hands tugged at Xans's hair.
"The feeling...it was so overwhelming." He continued, tongue trailing the hot skin. "Every part of me felt like it was burning.....a sweet, scorching, seductive heat..." Hands gripped his white hair harder as his mouth inched closer. "It consumed me....devoured my very Soul." He gave Lost one more glance. "It took over....and it was bliss." He slipped his mouth around Lost's member and he grinned as he heard Lost whine and moan.  He slid on him further, his cold hand reaching up to fondle Lost's sac.  Lost gasped loudly, his limbs trembling from his overstimulated nerves.
Xans continued to suck on him, enjoying the slight, salty taste coating his tongue from Lost's pre-cum. Mmm....better than what I expected....He thought as his teeth grazed the sensitive skin, making Lost moan more.
"X-Xans.....ngh....I-I.....ungh...." Lost's face was shaded crimson as his mouth opened in closed in soft pants. Drool slid down his chin as his eyes rolled back. He felt like his entire body was on fire as Xans's sinful mouth moved up and down his shaft. "G-Gh....please....."
"Mmmh?" The hum around his member made Lost groan louder as his knees shook. Xans slid off of him slowly, saliva linking his mouth to Lost's straining member. "What do ya want?"
Heh...he can't even talk straight....must really be outta it.... He thought and latched back onto him, hollowing his cheeks and sucking. Lost let out one more loud moan of Xans's name before cum filled his mouth. Xans swallowed it all, reveling in the taste. He licked everything up and moved away from Lost. Lost's legs buckled and Xans caught him, looking at his face.
Lost's eyes had fallen shut, his forehead covered in sweat. Passed out hmm? He smirked and helped pull Lost's pants back on. "Not a surprise...happened ta me too." He carefully lifted Lost into his arms, feeling the young man slide easily against his chest. "Yer gonna be a hell of a lotta fun...." He left the fitting room only to see a store employee staring at him. "Heh, it was on our bucket list." He walked past the poor, stunned woman with a big, toothy grin. The woman watched and just shook his head.
"It's days like these that make this job never boring...."
"I can't believe he just fell asleep like that!" Frisk pouted as she put the clothes in the washer. "I mean, we were having fun, right?"
"Of course we were kiddo." Xans ruffled her hair playfully. Lost was still asleep, Xans having placed him on the couch. "But he hasn't exactly been human for very long."
"Funny, his sudden exhaustion seems to be fro-" Xans covered Valphys's mouth and the yellow monster struggled, glaring angrily at Xans.
"Anyways, thanks for buying those clothes Frisk." Xans said with a smile. "When Lost wakes up, I'm sure he'll thank ya too."
"Hee hee, no problem at all!" Frisk ran off, carrying Chara's doll and Xans released Valphys's mouth.
"Ya really need to learn what to say and what not ta say with a kid around doc."
"And you need to learn some decency! There is a time and place for everything Xans!" Valphys hissed at him angrily.
"Yeah, and that was the perfect place and the right time for a good bj." Valphys threw her arms in the air, exasperated. "Sides, it was kinda one sided....I need a little care myself."
"You still have an erection?!"
"What can I say? It was a gorgeous sight."
"Oh my fucking stars Xans!" Valphys snapped. "Listen. You're human now! You can't just do whatever you goddamned please!" Xans turned around, his teal eye giving off an eerie glow.
"And ya can't tell me what the fuck ta do Valphys." His voice was low and threatening. "I'll do whoever, and whatever I wan'." He brushed past her and smirked. "Now if y'all excuse me...." He walked into the bathroom and locked the door. He slid down the porcelain, tile wall and rubbed his forehead. "Fuck me....that was a rather interesting sight..." He mumbled, looking at the tent in his pants. "I'm surprised he didn't wake up with this pressing against him...."
Xans pulled his own pants and boxers down, looking at his straining member. "Heh.....his little noises of restraint were a nice change too..." He gripped the base of his member and closed his eyes. I wonder how he'd feel....compared to my skin he's warm.....soft.....smooth..... He could picture Lost's heated red and blue eyes as he stroked himself, the feeling of his fingers tugging on his white hair. Xans felt pressure building inside him, his gut coiling as he imagined Lost's hands touching his arms and chest, his soft moans still present in his mind.
He came hard into his hand, groaning as he slid against the wall and panted. Shit......I haven't come that hard....well ever. He thought with a satisfied grin. May have to do that to him more often.... He wiped himself down with toilet paper and washed his hands.  As he left, he saw Lost sitting up and talking to Vapyrus and Vundyne. As the young man turned his way, his face turned beet red and he looked away, wringing his hands anxiously. Aww, he's so bashful~....
"Xans!" Vapyrus smiled brightly at his brother as Xans sat with them on the couch, right next to Lost. "Lost was telling us about your shopping trip!"
"Oh he was, was he~?" Xans grinned and placed a hand gently on the young man's knee, making Lost jerk slightly. "I'll bet he said it was a ful'filling' experience..."
"Hah! His face is so red!" Vundyne chuckled. "What did ya do to him Xans?"
"Oh, well-" Lost covered his mouth and he cackled behind it.
"Aww I wanna know!"
"N-No Vapyrus. It uhh....wasn't exciting." Lost mumbled. The two virus's huffed as Lost uncovered his mouth and sighed. "I....just got exhausted. It's been a long two days."
"Very true! It isn't every day you see a skeleton suddenly get all...fleshy." He pointed out. Lost huffed and walked out, Xans following him.
"Heh, don't tell me yer gonna be a prude all of a sudden." Lost stopped as they stepped into the yard, his fists clenched. "What's the matter, eh?"
"Why....why did you do that?" Lost asked, his voice shaking. Xans tilted his head as the young albino looked at him, his red eye glowing slightly. "Why did you....you....."
"Suck ya off?" He chuckled. "I wanted to. Besides....ya had a rather sweet scent...yer lust was....interesting."
"Ugh, don't remind me." He rolled his eyes. "I suppose I should thank you...even if it was against my will." He admitted. "It was....odd." Xans watched Lost shift anxiously in his slippers. "But......don't do that again. Please."
"Tsk, makin' no promises there." Lost turned around to have Xans's face close to his, hands holding his arms to his side. "However.....yer welcome. As for why I did it?" He chuckled and leaned in to whisper to his ear. "I fucking felt like it." He moved away as Lost scowled at him. "Things are different here Lost.....best get used to it quickly."
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Souls of Glass Chapter 12
Just a lot of pure fluffy floof <3 And a little smut xD Enjoy~!
Lost is my bb boi!
Xans, Vasriel and Vlowey belong to @jeyawue
Chapter 12
Xans lay awake in the dark, the soft sounds of Lost's breathing next to him. He fingered the collar around his neck, sighing. I'm his.... He thought, then turned his head to look at the sleeping form next to him. Lost was curled up slightly, his face peaceful  and hands slightly curled in front of his face. The dragon charm's eyes seemed to glint in the moonlight and he smiled a little. And he's mine. All mine.... He watched as Lost twitched in his sleep, his face scrunching as a nightmare began to form behind his rapidly moving, closed eyelids. "Shh...." He reached out and gently threaded his fingers through soft, black and white tipped strands. "It's alright Lost....jus' a bad dream..."
After a few moments, Lost calmed down and nuzzled his hand in his sleep, a soft smile crossing his features before relaxing back into a deeper sleep. He chuckled and moved to hold Lost close, their noses near touching. I....I'm not sure what I feel right now.... He thought as his Soul thrummed in his chest. Is this....contentment? Happiness? Or is it somethin' more than that?
He tucked Lost's head under his chin, running a hand up and down the pale young man's back. I don't know anymore.... He frowned. He could feel Lost's heartbeat against his chest, the rhythm soothing and gentle. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to follow the beat and match it with his own breathing. If....If I go back to the way I was...I'll lose this....won't I? The thought caused his Soul to suddenly squeeze in pain enough to make him flinch. This feeling....my hunger will return........
He stopped  moving his hand, having it rest in the small of Lost's back. I'll stop....feeling this way....right? Human Souls are very different from monster Souls...or the one I once had. If I go back to the way I was, I'll regain my powers in full, but- He was cut off as his hand slid down to Lost's shoulder blades. Hmm? He dragged his hands along carefully, feeling Lost shiver as his fingers found soft bumps across his skin. Scars? From what? He looked down at the sleeping young man and smiled. What secrets are ya still hidin', hmm?
Lost finished wiping the window down and sighed. He had rolled up the sleeves of his light blue knit sweater, the jeans he wore slightly baggy. "Alright....the office is all cleaned up. Well..." He looked at the bed in the room and scowled. 
"There's one lingering mess to pick up." Xans was sprawled out on the bed, his right leg hanging off the side as he snored loudly. He was wearing a white t-shirt that simply said 'My lazy shirt' and was back in his usual shorts. His white hair was a mess, splayed out under his head as he had his right arm on the pillow. "Hey, Xans!"
"Nghfh......leave me alone....I smell....bacon...." Lost smirked and grabbed his phone, hitting the record button. "Mmmnh.....I wanna....eat the pancakes.....the ones with....with steak and eggs...." Lost snickered under his breath. 
"Cookies....lotsa....caramel and...and.....mmmmm...."
"Xans, you need to wake u-"
"Heh......Lost.....yer all messy...." Lost's cheeks darkened as Xans lazily licked his lips. "Lemme...lick that all up fer yah...."
"Xans! Wake up!" Lost turned the phone off and shook him. The albino grumbled and peeked his green eye open, irritated. "Y-You...ah....you were....umm...." Lost coughed and stood straight up. "I-I need to clean the sheets!"
"Mmnh....do it later....." Xans yawned and curled back up, his legs tangled in the bed sheets. "Still....sleepy..."
"Xans it's 2 in the afternoon." Lost crossed his arms, tapping his slippered foot in irritation. "Get the hell up or I'm making you."
"Mmmnh...dead or alive....ya'll never get me...." He mumbled. Lost scowled and gripped his Soul with his blue magic, flipping him off the bed. Xans smirked and suddenly, large blue rhombus shaped wings sprouted from his back. He hovered in midair before landing. "Aww c'mon Lost. Ya know I was just messin'." Lost stared, the rag in his hand forgotten and falling onto the floor. "What?"
"I...I just....I've never seen your wings before." He admitted softly. Xans floated down in front of Lost and watched as he carefully reached out, touching his wings. Lost felt the smooth surface of his wings, watching them twitch a bit. They flickered in the room before vanishing, Xans's bare feet gently touching the floor. 
"Well they are made data and code." Xans chuckled as his tail whipped out. "I'm surprised ya've never seen them before. Thought ya had." His tail began to poke Lost in the cheek and he smacked it away. "Aww, it likes ya~!"
"Xans, c'mon." Lost laughed slightly despite his irritated look and grabbed it. He grinned as he stroked it and Xans felt like his whole body was struck by lightning. He moaned slightly and Lost's grin widened. "Oh.....you like that? Or does your tail like it~?"
"Y-Ya shit! L-Let it g-ungh~...." Lost gave it another stroke, his smile wide as he brought it to his mouth. "N-No~...." Xans felt his legs shake a bit as Lost's soft, pink tongue dragged along his tail, making him squirm as his member grew hard. F....fuck.....shit....... "Y-yer.....dirty...."
"You asked for it...." Lost chuckled softly. "Besides...I can't let you be in charge all the time....now can I?" Lost continued to stroke and play with his tail, nipping and kissing it as Xans growled, his fingers grabbing the bedpost of their newly bought bed, scratching at the wood. "Feel good?"
"Nnn......uh....huh...." Xans's blue tongue lolled a bit and he felt his member throb as Lost whispered against his tail. Suddenly, Lost let go and Xans blinked. 
"No more unless you do some chores."
"Y-Ya dirty little-" Lost walked up and placed a hand firmly on his erection, making him moan. "F-fuck you~...."
"Hmm.....maybe later." Lost whispered in his ear. "Or maybe it's my turn, mm?"
Fuck...why the fuck is he so hot right now? Xans thought as Lost's hand squeezed and stroked his clothed erection. "Nnnnfhhhuuuucckkkk......" Lost kept squeezing until he came hard in his pants, falling to his knees. "Y...yer.....a little minx, eh Lost?"
"Well..." Lost kissed his neck, biting it softly as Xans's tail coiled around his waist playfully. "I can't let you have all the fun, can I?"
"I dunno....you being so assertive is quite the turn on..." Lost moved away, his cheeks pink and eyes looking at the corner of the room. "Heh, ya look cute like that too."
"J-Just clean the room ok? I gotta go help get lunch ready." Lost huffed, heading out of the room. Xans stood up and looked down at his shorts, now stained with his cum.
Fucking hell....gotta shower first. He headed to the bathroom and undressed, his mind wandering. Hmm...so he's never seen my wings until know, eh? I have an idea....
"Where are we going?"
"Just be patient Lost."
"It's kinda hard to be patient when you have me in a fucking blindfold here Xans."
"Well ya need to be patient."
"You bound my hands too."
"Eh, thought ya'd appreciate some foreplay."
"Hahahahaha!" Xans stopped once they reached their destination and undid Lost's hands. "I didn't want ya takin' it off. Thought ya trusted me."
"It's not that I don't trust you Xans." Lost huffed, his eyes still covered by a thick, black blindfold. "But when you walk up to me, asking me if i like 'bondage' and then do this, how can I not be a little suspicious of what you were going to do?" Xans simply chuckled and undid the blindfold, but covered his eyes and kissed the skin behind his ear, making him shudder a bit. "X-Xans..."
"Are ya ready? I'm gonna show ya something." He whispered. "I'm willin' ta bet you'll like it~...." He uncovered Lost's eyes and the young man stared.
"W....wow...." They were on a large, grassy hill just outside the city. Lost could see the city lights below and in the distance, shimmering almost like grounded stars. The moon was high above them, full and bright. Lost took a few steps forward, his eyes wide with awe. "This......just...."
"When I first got 'ere, I found this spot when wanderin' around." Xans explained. "It has a beautiful view durin' the day...but at night....it's near enchanting." Lost nodded and continued to gaze at the scenery. Xans's eyes turned to Lost and his own eyes widened a bit. Lost's skin seemed to almost glow in the moonlight, his hair softly swaying in the cool, autumn breeze. The city lights shone brightly in his red and blue eyes, making them shine with life and amazement. He was wearing his usual blue hoodie and basketball shorts, his pink slippers on his socked feet. "Beautiful...."
"Hmm? You say something?" Lost turned his head and Xans shrugged. Xans moved behind Lost, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his face in soft, black, white tipped locks. "Xans..." Lost brought his own arms up to hold the other's, their fingers intertwining. "This is a rather beautiful spot."
"Yeah...but it's even better the higher up ya are." Lost cocked his head and yelped when he was lifted bridal style. "Wanna see?"
"Xans, put me the fuck down!" Lost struggled in his tight grip before pouting, arms crossed. "What are you sch-" Xans jumped off the steep side of the hill, and the two began to plummet. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Xans grinned and his large, data wings appeared and he flew up high, Lost clinging to him as his chest heaved.
"Ha! Ya should see yer face!"
"You motherfucker!" Xans just laughed and felt Lost's arms wrap around his neck. "You're so gonna pay for this later."
"I'm counting on it." Xans smiled and leaned down, kissing Lost gently. The albino responded instantly, humming in the gentle lip lock. The two remained there for awhile until Xans began to fly higher, giving them both a large view of the land around them. "It's always nice, being up this high."
"Yeah...it makes everything look so small." Lost commented. Xans raised a brow and Lost shrugged. "Although the wind is getting a bit stronger."
"Yeah, we'll head back." Xans began to fly down when his wings flickered. 
"What? Sh...oh shit....shit!" He tried to go faster when his wings suddenly vanished. Oh fuck no!!!! Both boys began a freefall, Xans holding Lost as tight as he could. "Shit Lost! Hang on alright?!"
"Hang on to what?! We'll be killed at this height!" Lost snapped as they fell faster. Lost looked at Xans and felt his heart clench. Xans's eyes were filled with a sense of dread, and he felt a hand on his cheek. "Xans....hang on."
"H-" Lost spun in the air, now holding Xans as large, bright wings burst from Lost's back, stopping their descent. Xans blinked a few times, in shock before looking at Lost.
"Can you...uhh...adjust yourself a bit? You're kinda hard to hold like this..." Lost was holding him with his arms around his stomach, Xans's arms and legs hanging in the air. "Please?" Xans nodded and moved around, holding onto Lost. He could see Lost's large wings and his eyes widened at their size.
They've gotta be at least four feet long! He thought. The feathers were large, light blue in shade with red tips, as if they had all been dipped in blood. Lost landed gently on the ground, being careful to place Xans down. "Holy shit....ya have wings."
"Y-yeah...." Lost mumbled, his wings tucking behind him gently. "Sorry I never showed them before, but with their size-"
"That ain't the only reason, is it?" Lost flinched a bit as Xans moved around. 
"May I?" Lost nodded softly and Xans touched the feathers, feeling them glide along his fingertips. As he touched Lost's wing bones, the young man shivered a little, his wings quivering. "Sensitive~?"
"S-Stop it." Lost huffed.
"Why hide these? They look...stunning." Xans said, walking back around as Lost's wings vanished.
"I just....it's something I just wish to forget." He admitted. "I don't like who I was. I was...." He shook his head and looked into Xans's eyes. "Please....please stop asking. Don't make me talk about it..." Xans looked into Lost's pleading eyes and nodded.
I suppose I can understand....if his past is that bad, then perhaps, fer once, it's best to leave it be. He decided and moved in close, kissing Lost and threading his fingers through his hair. He pulled the young man closer to him as they deepened their kiss, their soft moans mixing with the sound of the forest they had landed in. I've gotten soft....but....I wouldn't change a damned thing....
"I am growing bored with waiting Vassssssssriel!" Vlowey snapped as the two floated in a large, dark space, purple strings of numbers and symbols flickering around them. "When will we get a chanccccccccce to play?"
"Soon Vlowey.....very soon." Vasriel grinned, holding his hand out. He relaxed as he watched Lost and Xans kiss on his screen, then the two began to walk off. He could hear their playful arguments and soft flirting, smirking as Lost blushed and Xans's face broke out into a true, genuine smile. "I think we'll be able to have a little fun shortly."
"About fucking time! I grow weary of thissssssssssss placcccce!" Vasriel chuckled as he turned to his partner, the flower scowling.
Heh....yes. I think it's time for us to move soon.....just a little longer.... He finished an email and sent it, a grin on his face as his eyes lit up with malice and glee. Very soon.....
0 notes
Drunken Confessions
Whew man! So I did a poll on DA basically asking what kind of LostxXans oneshot I should try. ‘Bringing home a drunk friend from the bar’ was the winner so~ here you all go!
Lost is mine and Xans belongs to @jeyawue
Drunken Confessions
Xans hummed as he walked down the street, the streetlights slowly beginning to flicker on as the sun set. "Heh, bet Lost is gonna be thrilled ta see this shit." He smirked as he looked at the small, neatly wrapped present. "He's been wantin' this for awhile." He stopped as he waited for the light to change. "Normally I'd just teleport over there, but eh~ I don't feel like it." He frowned a little as he looked at the streetlight. Although...he's been kinda down lately. Wonder why that is?
Lost had been his friend for several years, ever since they had both been in middle school. He knew he could count on his friend to have his back, no matter what. So when he decided to ask someone out several months ago Lost had supported him. Ever since then though, they had both grown a little distant. Not to mention Xans had broken up with said person just as quickly as asking them out.
Since then, he'd been shamelessly sleeping around. As the light turned green he made his way down the street, keeping the present close to his chest. Yeah, I'd be stupid to miss his birthday though. He chuckled a little. I can't wait to see that shocked look on his face! His eyes always get so big they're like damned dinner plates! The simple thought had him smiling as he made his way to a small, two story house. Granted he's been studying a lot lately, college and all that. Fucking nerd.
He dug around under the ugly garden gnome sitting next to the door, an April Fools day gift from a couple years ago and nabbed the spare key. He unlocked the door and headed inside, kicking the door shut. "Oi, Lost! I'm fucking hungry!" He snickered and hid the present by the coat rack. "Lost~? C'mon, I want a sandwich!" He frowned as he looked around the house. "Huh....thought he'd be home." He made his way through the dark house, his frown growing as he shivered a bit. "Cold in here too...has he been gone all day? Usually that little weirdo has the house kinda warm. Although I'll admit, it's pretty cozy." He opened the door to the spare bedroom he usually would crash in, only to be met with nothing. "So...not here, not downstairs....his room?"
He made his way down the hall, stopping just inches from the closed door. Wait.....is this right? I feel like a fucking snoop. He frowned and looked at the floor, sighing. But if he is home....and he's this quiet....maybe something's wrong. He took a deep breath and opened the door, being met only with darkness. "Well...shit. He really isn't here. Usually he'd be studying right now." 
He turned on the light and his stomach dropped. Lost's bed was a messy tangle of sheets, pictures of him and Xans strewn across the floor. "Fuck dude, since when were you this messy? I'm the messy asshole, not ya Lost." He looked around the room, picking up all the pictures and putting them back in the shoebox labelled 'Hangouts'. "So...where the fuck is-"
'When I was six years old I broke my leg~ I was running from my brother and his friends~'
Xans grabbed his cellphone and answered the call. "Lost, where the fu-"
"Are you a friend of this kid?" A familiar voice filtered through the speaker, just not the one Xans wanted to hear.
"Yeah, I am. Why the fuck ya callin' me Grillby?" He scowled. "He isn't there....is he?"
"Yup, he is, and 100% wasted." Xans frowned, his stomach churning slightly. Wasted? Since when did Lost even drink?! "Can ya keep 'im there? I'll head over as soon as I can."
"Good, because I'm sick of listening to his bellyaching." Grillby hung up and Xans headed out the door.
Can't teleport to the other side of town! Fuck Lost, why the hell are ya there?!
Lost grumbled as he clung to an empty ketchup bottle. "Why'd ya have to take my cellphone? That isn't fair~...."
"Kid, you're wasted and you're too damned nice for this place." Grillby hummed, cleaning out a small shot glass. His firey body flickered slightly as Lost just waved his hand. "No, you're not getting another one."
"Aww c'mon~." Lost shifted in  the barstool, letting out a small hiccup. "I just wanna drown it...please lemme drown it out...." He let out a tired, sad sigh as he dragged his finger along the bar. "Why does it hurt so much Grillby?"
"I mean, he was happy! I helped him get with the guy and then he just....he just...dumps him? Sleeps around like a whore?! H-He's better than that! I know he is but....but...." He let out another , weak hiccupped sob and slowly stood up. "I'm just gonna go home....I don't wanna see him..."
"Lost, get your ass back in that stool."
"Nope~!" Lost turned and stuck his tongue out, his feet staggering as he clumsily made it to the door. "And you're not stopping me, ya hot asshole~!" He opened the door, listening to the bell chime. "Hee hee, jingle tinkle~..." He left the bar and began a slow, wobbly walk down the sidewalk. "Fucking asshole.....he's soooo late for everything nowadays~! Always 'too busy' or 'at work' or 'hanging with the boyfriend'....load a shit he is!"  He shuffled along as the streetlight above him suddenly popped and blew, making him yelp. "F-Fuck you too electricity! Heh...this little light of mine....it isn't gonna shine~..."
"Well lookie here boys." Lost stopped when he glanced around, frowning.
When did I get to this alley? Ugh, cities are so confusing....
"And where do you think you're headed?" A tall, scrawny man grabbed Lost by his hood and spun him around, glaring at his flushed face. "Yer five sheets to the wind, aren't ya boy?"
"Mmmhmm~...." Lost let out a tired, sad giggle. "And right now I'm kinda lonely...." He leaned heavily against the man as he grinned. "Are ya lonely too~?"
"Heh, he really is just a  wasted kid." Another guy chuckled. "Well he is rather pretty for a boy...whaddya wanna do?"
"I think we should make sure he'd sell well." Lost blinked slowly and felt a hand tug at his black, white tipped hair.
"O-Ow~.....sorry, but pain isn't my thing here...."
"Aww don't worry about that...we'll make sure you feel real nice." The man pinned Lost to a wall, his hands grabbing Lost's butt and squeezing. "Fairly nice build, hmm?"
"Heh, nah....too scrawny~....No one wants that...they want nice built guys like....like Xans. He....he's got a good body...all muscles and-ah!" A hand gripped his semi hard member and he began to push slightly. "O-On second thought, I don't wanna....lemme go...." When the man ignored him, he could feel his heart hammering faster. "I...I said lemme go!"
"Now hold on a moment, didn't ya say ya were lonely~?" The man grinned, grabbing both of Lost's wrists and pinning them above his head. He struggled weakly as the man checked his pockets, grabbing his wallet. "Well you can just buy our entertainment if you want."
"Let go! S-Someone, he-mmmmph?!" He felt lips being forced onto his and he screamed as a tongue was shoved in his mouth. He bit down, making the man yell and back up as he panted. "HELP! SO-" A hand landed harshly against his cheek, sending him sprawling to the ground.  He coughed as a harsh kick slammed into his stomach and he curled up, covering his head. They're...they're gonna hurt me.....no...please!
"Now...that ain't a very polite thing to do guys." Lost's hazy eyes looked up to see Xans standing at the open end of the alley, leaning against a wall. "Fer starters, he's drunk off his ass, and secondly, he said no. Don'tcha know what the word means?"
"Tsk, look at that, another pasty ass freak." One of the guys taunted. Xans just sighed and walked over.
"So, I'm gonna guess that ya aren't gonna just simply leave, eh? That's fine." His eyes glowed in the dark, the grin on his face unsettling. "That means I can give ya both a real fucking bad time!" The next few moments were blur for Lost as the alley glowed with magic. His vision was swimming and he struggled to stay conscious as Xans dodged the men, a grin on his face. As soon as he landed the first punch, Lost felt darkness claim his mind.
Xans grumbled as he readjusted his jacket. "Damn...one had a knife." He sighed. "Fuckers....think they can get away with that shit?" He turned to Lost and knelt down next to him, his stomach churning with worry. "Oi, Lost...ya ok?" He propped the limp young man against the wall, gently patting his cheeks. "Hello~? I'm not gonna be able ta carry yer ass all the way home without a little help." 
When he received no response, he frowned. "Ok then~...." He lifted Lost's shirt up and blew a giant raspberry into it, making Lost jerk awake and yell.
"Goddamn asshole!" Lost quickly yanked his shirt down, cheeks still flushed red from the alcohol. "M...my head hurts...." He whimpered, rubbing his forehead. "X...Xans? Is that you?"
"Yup. Did ya lose yer memory of the past ten minuets or are ya that blackout drunk?" Xans sighed and slung one of his arms over his shoulder. "C'mon Lost....I'm gettin' yer ass home and in bed."
"Don't...don't wanna go back yet....still have a drink to finish...." Lost mumbled as Xans slowly stood up. Lost's feet dragged slightly under him as Xans began to slowly walk them both out of the alley. "Tired of....of studying and....and bein' alone...." Xans frowned and simply shrugged.
"Ya ain't alone, stupid. I came by today ta see ya, and yer house was all dark." He explained. He held Lost by the waist and dragged him along the sidewalk until they were near his house. "Alright, gonna teleport inside ok? Please don't throw up on me."
"Heh heh....then you'd be a stinker...." Xans rolled his eyes and his left eye flashed. For a moment, then two were falling through darkness. Xans let out a deep sigh as he held Lost close. His eye flashed again and he landed on Lost's bed. Lost groaned and made a beeline for the bathroom, the sound of wretching filling Xans's ears.
I'd rather hear that than... He frowned as he recalled Lost's panicked cries for help, his shout of pain from being kicked. Fuck...if I hadn't gotten there in time, he'd....he could've....goddamnit Lost since when were ya so careless?! Lost stumbled into the room, tilting to the right and Xans had to almost jump off the bed to catch him. "Holy shit Lost, yer really drowning in alcohol, aren't ya?"
"S-Since when did...y-you begin to care again?" Lost mumbled, his body shaking. "J-Just go away...." Xans frowned and slowly slid Lost's hoodie off. 
"No~...w-we're not dating~..."
"Shut up Lost. Ya sound stupid." Xans grumbled, reaching down and taking off Lost's untied tennis shoes and socks.
"....You wouldn't wanna...." Xans frowned and looked up at Lost, hanging his hoodie from a hook on the back of his door.
"Now c'mon Lost, we've been through this. There ain't nothin' wrong with ya. Ya just need to go out and-"
"I-I don't want to go out and just 'get lucky' like you did!" Lost snapped, his red and blue eyes wide and shining. "And...and you dumped him anyways! I fucking supported you and you just...just....fuck you!"
"Hey, calm yer tits Lost. What the fu-"
"No, you shut up!" Lost gripped the bedsheets under him, his entire body trembling. "You've lied to me for the past three months! You didn't tell me you broke up, then I heard from Grillby that you were sleeping around town! Why?! Why the fuck would-"
"I needed the money, ok?" Xans sighed, running a hand through his white hair. "Look, ya need sleep, lemme just-"
"DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME XANS!" Xans turned, eyes wide as Lost stood up, his hands balled into fists and his eyes filled with anger. "I'm tired of you dodging my questions! You wouldn't answer your cellphone, you stopped coming over, no one knew what was going on with you! Why-"
"I just wanted ta buy ya somethin' nice fer yer birthday!"
"MY BIRTHDAY WAS A MONTH AGO!!!!" Xans froze as Lost sighed, holding himself. "It...it was last month....and you promised you'd be here and you never showed.....s-so...."
Fuck...fuck was it? This is October so...fuck...oh my fucking god.... "Lost, look, I'm sorry I-"
"No. Just...just stop it. Stop stringing me along." Xans walked over to Lost and grabbed his shoulders. "Quit leading me on with kindness....if you don't want to be here with me anymore than just fucking grow a pair and say so."
"Now hold the fuck on. Who the hell said anything about leaving ya here alone? Yer drunk as shit and someone nearly....well, I ain't leavin' ya here alone." Lost's shoulders began to shake and Xans pulled him close. "It's alright....I'm right 'ere ok?"
"It...it just isn't....isn't fair....." Lost sobbed against him, gripping the front of his shirt tight. "And...and I could never tell you....I just wanted a chance to....to tell you...." Xans tilted his head as he felt his shirt slowly stain with tears.
No, don't pry. He's drunk. He's so fucking wasted right now.... He thought. A good friend wouldn't pry. But... He rubbed soothing circles along Lost's back and he let out a tired sigh. I'm already a shitty friend. "Whaddya mean Lost?"
"I...I never got to tell you how I felt. Knowing you wanted someone else and I just...just couldn't. Then wh-when you started avoiding me I thought it was because I fucked up...or you...you didn't want to hang out anymore or...." Lost continued on, his voice slurred slightly from his sobs. "But I love you and-" He stopped and backed up, covering his mouth. "S-Shit I... I didn't- I'm just drunk and I...I need to-" Xans pressed a finger against his lips, looking into wide, frantic eyes.
He....he loves me... He frowned sadly as he took in Lost's disheveled appearance. His clothes were wrinkled, his skin seemed duller than the last time he had seen him. There were dark bags under his eyes, and his usually shiny hair was dull and flat. He loves me...the shitty asshole of a friend that forgot his damned birthday....who left him alone.... "Why? How long?"
"I....I don't know." Lost whispered quietly, his voice tiny and sad. "But.....since high school. I just...realized it one day, that's all. But you never seemed interested so I just never bothered to confess in the open. So I asked Muffet for help and she helped me leave those dounuts...."
"Wait, those were you?" He frowned. "Those were my favorite flavor... Berry Contrary."
"It still sounds stupid." Lost mumbled. "I guess it was all wasted then, wasn't it? So...now you know." He let out a shaky sigh and turned around. "....Just leave. Please...leave me alone." Xans frowned and looked at Lost.
He seems so small....scared..... He let out a long sigh as his Soul seemed to pound hard in his ribs. I...I can't leave him like this. And...when I saw him in the alley... His stomach churned and seemed to boil again at the thought of those men touching Lost in the way they had. Fuck it... "I ain't leavin." He walked over and turned Lost around. He gripped his chin, making their eyes lock. "And how on earth could I be so blindly stupid as to have never noticed yer feelings? I'm a shitty ass friend...and I don't deserve ya." He moved in closer, enjoying the blush on Lost's face. Fuck...how on earth did I ignore this? "But....ya know? I don't care. I'm also selfish...and I'mma about to either royally fuck up....or fix a mistake." He then leaned in close and placed a gentle kiss against Lost's pale, chapped lips.
This...this isn't happening.... Lost thought as Xans's warm, moist lips moved against his own. He responded almost instantly, tilting his head to let Xans's tongue in as he deepened the kiss. I'm hallucinating....I'm still in that filthy alley...I have to be.... When they finally moved apart, Lost had his eyes closed. "I'm asleep...right?"
"I know I'm dreamy and all that shit, but yer not sleepin' Lost." Xans chuckled. Lost opened his eyes and Xans smiled. "Now...c'mon. Smile fer me eh? Ya know, I never realized how nice your smile truly is..." Lost laughed quietly, resting his forehead against his chest. "There...ya see? All be-" He was caught off guard as Lost gave him a needy, sloppy kiss. Lost wrapped his arms around Xans's waist and they slowly moved, flopping backwards onto Lost's bed. "Lost, are ya-"
"Please Xans." Lost whispered against his lips. "I...I want you. I've wanted you for so long....please while I'm still drunk."
"Ya know, that's possibly the worst idea ya've ever had." Xans smirked. "I like it..." He moved off of Lost, taking off his hoodie, but stopping when Lost grabbed his hand. "Hmm?"
"C-Can I...undress you?" Lost blushed darkly, the alcohol still stirring in his blood. Xans nodded and he very slowly took off Xans's shirt. His hands trailed along Xans's torso, gentle slim fingers almost feathery against his white skin.
"Go ahead Lost....touch all ya want."
"I just...I'm just afraid that I'll really wake up..."
"Again, this ain't a dream." Xans took his hands and kissed the knuckles gently. "Tonight...I'm yers." Lost nodded and felt Xans's hands slide under his shirt. 
"Now....yer turn." He carefully pulled Lost's white shirt over his head, sighing as he looked at his chest. He could see his ribs slightly and he couldn't help the concerned glance he gave. "Lost....have ya been eating properly?"
"Please, can't this wait until morning?" Lost all but begged, wrapping his arms around Xans's neck. "Tonight, I just want you....let me have this." Xans nodded and he felt Lost's lips against his neck, kissing slowly. Xans sighed at the gentle touches, moving and placing a hand in his locks and tugging softly. "Ngh~..."
"If yer as hard as I think ya are, why are we still wearin' pants?" Lost chuckled a little, his fingers reaching down to play with the elastic waistband of Xans's shorts. He slowly slid them down along with his boxers and gasped when he was greeted with Xans's semi-hard erection. "Now c'mon Lost....yer jus' goin' slow on purpose...." Lost blinked and knelt down. "Lost, wh-oh fuck~..." He felt lips around his member, his tongue slowly wrapping around his member. “Shiiiit....."
"Mmmnph...." Lost hummed a little as he slid his tongue around Xans, sucking and nipping gently. One of his hands reached up and began to fondle Xans's sac, pale hands tugging harshly at his hair. "Nnh!" Xans tried not to buck in 
Lost's mouth but as Lost gave a harsh suck he thrusted his hips in response and forced Lost to swallow even more of his thick length. Lost coughed slightly before hollowing his cheeks and sucking hard. Xans moaned and felt Lost's hand give a squeeze on his sac and he sucked at the same time and he came hard in Lost's mouth. "Mmmhmm....." Lost swallowed his cum, slowly standing up to look into Xans's eyes.
"Fuck...yer like a little succubus when yer horny." Xans chuckled. "I quite like this side of ya." Lost simply smiled and he leaned in closer, licking a trail of cum that had dribbled down his chin.
"Ah...Xans please...."
"Please what?"
"I-I want you to fuck me..." He whispered as Xans bit his neck. "Gh!" He licked and sucked on his neck, leaving a dark, growing bruise. "Please~...."
"Heh, yer wish is my command, birthday boy." He chuckled as he slowly slid Lost's pants and boxers off, leaving them both bare in the moonlight bedroom. He watched as Lost fumbled on his bedside table, grabbing a tube. "Oh you dirty little minx...so that's why mah pics were all over yer bed~..." He blushed and Xans chuckled. "It's alright....we both get the real thing now, eh?" Lost shoved the tube against his chest and he smirked. He squeezed the lube out and onto his member, rubbing until it was smooth and slick. "Alright, ya ready?"
"I-I've been ready since high school..." Lost admitted, blushing harder. Xans chuckled and carefully entered Lost, feeling his legs twitch slightly. "Nnnh! F-fuck..."
"Yer s-so tight Lost...relax a bit...." Xans whispered, leaning down to place a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I won't hurt ya." He slid out and then back in, going past the first ring of muscle and easily into the next. "Shit...so tight and wet....yer such a fucking perfect fit fer me...."
"X-Xans...faster...I want more..." Lost whimpered, bucking his hips to get Xans in deeper. His legs came up and wrapped themselves around Xans's waist, trying to force him in further. "Hngh~!!!" As Xans thrusted further in, Lost gasped as he hit his prostate deep inside him. "X-Xans! Fuck, Xans!"
"Heh, maybe another day." Xans chuckled. "G-God yer so fucking good and tight....shit...." He felt Lost clamp around his member and he groaned as Lost came all over him, his hot cum mixing with the sweat on his body. "S-Shit...." He came hard in Lost, feeling Lost jerk slightly at the sensation. "Heh....not used ta it, eh Lost?"
"Uhh, Lost?" He withdrew himself from the young man under him to look at his face. "Pfft.....damn." Lost had passed out, mouth wide open as he drooled onto his pillow. He let out soft, gentle snores as he laid there, cum leaking out of him. 
"Man, aren't ya a sight." He left the room to get a wet washcloth. Wiping himself down, he went back to the bathroom and slowly cleaned Lost up.
"Mngph....don't want fries.....want burger....." Lost muttered in his sleep. "Goes good with....with mustard.....mmmm...." Xans pulled his cellphone out and quietly recorded Lost's sleepy mumbles.
"Heh, this is just golden." Xans snickered. He put his phone away and carefully tucked Lost in. He turned to leave when a hand grabbed his wrist.
"....Stay. Please stay." He sighed softly, turning to look at Lost's face and pleading eyes.
"....Alright." Xans walked to the other side of the bed, curling up under the covers. He felt Lost curl close to his chest, mumbling incoherently as he fell back to sleep. "We seriously need ta talk in the mornin' Lost."
"But I swear ta god...you'd better not throw up on me when ya get up."
0 notes
Souls of Glass Chapter 8
And now things get even worse for Lost. There IS self harm and mentions of self harm in this. If you are uncomfortable reading it, then skip this chapter.
Undervirus belongs to @jeyawue and Lost is my bb
Chapter 8
Xans waited under the bus stop's roof as rain fell down hard. That whore couldn't get me even half hard.... He thought and sighed. She ain't worth the fucking money. Bitch! His eyes scanned the lonely, greyed streets as rain pelted the pavement. "Ugh....rain....I hate the rain." He mumbled.
"Well, I like it." Xans turned quickly to see Lost sitting next to him. He was wearing a thin grey turtleneck, his blue hoodie and baggy blue jeans. He had a simple pair of sandals on, his feet dry since he had teleported. "It muffles the world.....and allows sounds far to quiet to speak up."
"Jesus Lost. Do ya gotta do that?"
"You're no different." Lost shrugged.
"Tsk, yer just filled with sunshine, aren't 'cha?" Xans stood and stretched, yawning slightly. "I'm headin' home. See ya." He vanished as soon as Lost blinked and he sighed, slumping against the seat as the rain finally trickled away.
"Well, he looked rather.....high strung." Lost glanced to his side to see Vasriel floating close by, chuckling softly. "It's almost like he's avoiding you."
"Shut the fuck up. No one asked you." Lost sighed, running a hand through his black hair. "....I'm sure he's just irritated by the thought of losing his magic."
"Sure. Yet he avoids you and talks to everyone else." Vasriel gave Lost a side glance as the young man rubbed his arms, looking away. "You know why."
"I-It isn't because of me." He whispered, his voice wavering slightly. Vlowey snickered next to Vasriel as the two moved behind Lost. Vasriel gently placed his large hands on Lost's shoulders, making him flinch. "It isn't...."
"Are you so certain? Perhaps....he senses it." Vasriel leaned down close to his ear, grinning as his hot breath brushed Lost's cold ear. "Your sins.....he can still sense them."
"No...no those.....I didn't want...." He grabbed his head and shook hard. 
"I've....been good here. I won't hurt anyone anymore...I can't sense it....so-"
"You think that absolves you?" A fuzzy paw slid up Lost's arms slowly, and the moment he pressed hard, Lost yanked his arm away. "No. This changes nothing....it fixes nothing. You caused suffering....so much pain..."
"I...I...." His body trembled as he stood, trying to move away. Vasriel simply followed as he stumbled down the streets. He stopped under a tree in the park, shivering from the chill of the rain. "I.....I caused.....so much.....pain...."
"That's right. And you know that, better than anyone." Vasriel grinned as he stood behind Lost. "You know the human saying....an eye...for an eye."
"An...an eye....for an eye...." Lost opened his eyes, the orbs dull as he looked down at his arms. "I.....I hurt....so many...."
"You did....and you could do so here. So very easily...you mustn't though."
"I...I won't..." He rolled up a sleeve slowly, staring at his arm. It was covered in gauze, the bandage stained slightly with red. "Eye for eye...bl...blood for blood...."
"Exactly." Vasriel smirked as Lost stared at his arm blankly. "You must atone."
"I...I...." Lost blinked and shook his head, putting his sleeve back down. "I.....I know it's a bad idea. Humans die from this......" He muttered to himself. Vasriel rolled his eyes and moved in front of Lost, lifting his chin up gently. "And since when did you ever give a shit about me anyways? The past two days all you've done is bother me when I'm alone!" Lost grabbed himself tightly. "L-Leave me alone!"
"It is because you are alone that I appear Lost." Vasriel moved closer, moving a tear away from his cheek as rain began to fall again. "Someone like you should not be alone.....and Xans clearly does not see that."
"He will usssssssssssse you and abandon you. You mean nothing to hissssssss arrogant assssssss...well other than asssssss a sssssssssex toy." Vlowey chimed in, leering at Lost over Vasriel's shoulder. "You ssssssshall sssssssee......he growssssssss resssssssstlessssssssss......eager...."
"Stop it...both of you stop!" Lost snapped, backing away. "He won't do anything like that."
"You don't know that." Lost stopped moving as Vlowey slid a vine around his arm. "But we do."
"You know nothing about his true nature....his base desires. Even as a human, they still exist." Vasriel watched Lost storm off as the rain began to fall again and he laughed softly. "His will weakens it seems."
"Well, he already sssssssufferssssss in sssssilenccccce." Vlowey pointed out. "Ssssssssooooo?"
"Soon Vlowey. But first....let's see what he intends to do tonight." Vasriel smirked before vanishing.
He felt hands grip his neck, tightening their hold as they shoved him down. Hot, metallic liquid seemed to rise around him as he thrashed, his eyes wide in panic. I...I'm drowning...someone....please! Countless, dead eyes stared at him from above, the liquid red as it filled his senses. Blood....it's blood...please...someone....get me out!
"Look at him writhe...."
"He can't fight back either...."
"He's helpless, just like we were." The voices echoed in his skull as the grips on his arms, neck and legs grew even tighter. He felt as if his very body would break under the invisible  hold. He felt as if his skin was melting slowly away, revealing muscle and bone beneath. "He must pay..."
"His sins...."
"Our suffering...."
"It isn't enough....more."
"You must continue..." Lost struggled in vain against the hold, and blood filled his throat as he tried to scream. The liquid choked him and he gurgled as it filled his screaming lungs.
No...no please....I...I will...I promise....let....let me go.....let-
"Lost! Wake up!" Lost's eyes snapped open and his hand shot out, grabbing the neck of the person above him. Xans's eyes widened as Lost's chest rose and fell harshly. His eyes were unfocused as his gaze shifted, still caught in his nightmare. "Lost, it's just me. Ya gotta breathe....relax...." Lost's eyes flickered to Xans's face, calm green and teal eyes meeting fearful red and blue ones. "It's me....."
"X....X....Xans....." Lost panted and he slowly released his grip. "I....I'm sorry....I...did I....wake you?"
"Pfft, fuck yeah ya did. Yer thrashing was rather loud. Surprised the whole damned house didn't wake up from that." Lost sat up slowly, the baggy t-shirt he was wearing handing loosely on his body. Xans was in one of his tank tops, the shirt fitting him closely. He was in his old shorts as he glanced at Lost. "Feel a bit better?"
"Y-Yeah....sorry." Lost felt a hand brush his hair from his face and he slapped it away, scowling. "I'm fine Xans."
"No yer not. Yer way to riled up right now." Xans smirked and moved in close to his ear. "Or was it a memory about our little.....private time the other night?"
"Fuck you." Lost hissed under his breath. "Is that all you ever think about?"
"Heh, not all the time. Just about 90% of the time."
"Ugh, you're impossible Xans." Lost scowled and went to lay back down when Xans moved swiftly, straddling his waist and hovering over him. "Xans get o-" He felt Xans's erection pressing against him and shook his head. "Hell no. I'm not doing this again with you!"
"Aww, why not? We had such a pleasurable time last time..." He smirked. Lost scoffed and Xans leaned down, kissing his lips softly. "Mmmnh...c'mon now Lost....what harm is there in having a little fun?"
"Gee, I dunno Xans." Lost growled. "Maybe the fact you ditched me all alone in a hotel and the fact anyone could-mmph?!" Another kissed silenced his argument and he found himself suddenly losing himself in the sinful movement. 
"Nghmmmm...." This...this isn't fair.....he thought. Why...how can he do this to me?
"Heh...seems like ya really want something done...don'tcha?" Xans chuckled. 
"Don't worry Lost...." He patted Lost's slowly growing erection and enjoyed the soft gasps he received. "I'll help knock ya right out." Xans slid Lost's loose, plaid pajama pants down and nearly choked on laughter. "Wow...no underwear, eh? Commando...."
"S-Shut up! And I didn't agree-" Wet heat suddenly surrounded his twitching member and he gasped loudly. He felt Xans's tail tip press hard against his mouth, then waggled slightly in the air, as if to tell him to remain quiet. With every scrape of teeth against heated flesh, and every suck, Lost could barely contain his moans as his toes curled in the sheets, his hand covering his mouth.
Cool hands fondled his sac as his eyes rolled, trying hard to suppress his moans. He came hard in Xans's mouth, listening to the albino moan and hum. Xans released him with a soft 'pop' and moved to kiss Lost. The salty taste of his own cum made Lost groan as pale lips moved sensually against his. "X-Xans...Xans, I-"
"Now it's yer turn."
"H-Huh?" Lost nearly yelped as Xans swiftly adjusted their positions, with Lost now straddling his waist. "What are you talking about?"
"Aww, don't tell me yer all bashful now~..." Xans moved a leg in soothing motions along Lost's hips, his erection poking Lost more and more. "Yer gonna leave me all high and dry 'ere?"
"....Would you let me go if I said yes?"
"Fuck no."
"Figured." Lost sighed, his eyes seeming uncertain. "Xans...I....." He sighed and Xans's brows furrowed.
Huh? Somethin' wrong with him?
"N-Never mind..." He shrugged. Lost slid down Xans's pants, staring down at his straining member. "I.....I uuhh....haven't done this before...."
"Don't worry Lost....it's very easy..." Xans chuckled. "Just put it in your mouth." Lost frowned and gave him a skeptical look. "Heh, trust me. Yer just overthinkin' it."
"Tsk." Lost looked back at it again before kneeling down closer. He opened his mouth slowly, and slipped his lips over Xans's cock. The odd, salty taste made Lost feel slightly uneasy as he tried to go further on it, his teeth scraping the heated flesh. Xans gasped and a hand shot out, gripping Lost's black and white strands. Lost groaned at the tugging and he slowly got into an even rhythm of sucking and licking, his tongue wiping the precum beading at his tip.
"F-Fuck Lost....yer tongue is a s-sinful little minx....hngh...." Xans panted as Lost bobbed up and down his erection. A shaky hand reached out, grabbing his sac and squeezing it gently, adding slight pain to the pleasure around his cock. 
"F-Fuuuuuck.....hngh....." He thrusted slightly, hearing Lost gag and he stopped. 
"Shit....sorry.....ya just feel....so wet and warm....ungh....." He didn't hold on for long, cumming into Lost's mouth. The young man made a startled sound of surprise when Xans's grip on his hair tightened. "N-Nope....swallow it...." He saw red and blue eyes grow large as he looked down, grinning. "I swallowed...so can ya." Lost swallowed slowly, the look on his face a cross between disgust and confusion. "There ya go....see? Not to bad, eh?"
"The same reason as before. I felt like it." Xans shrugged, sitting back up. 
"Now...ya feel a bit better?" Lost looked away, curling up a bit on his bed. "Oi, I sa-"
"I heard you. You only ask me that after you have your fun?" Lost's stinging words made Xans's gut twist a bit.
"Well I did it fer ya, so-"
"Don't bullshit me." Lost snapped. "You did it for yourself. Not for me." Xans scowled and went to argue but Lost got up, heading to the bathroom. He shut and locked the door, his limbs trembling slightly. Asshole....fucking prick..... He washed his face and brushed his teeth before feeling a familiar, throbbing pain in his wrists. "I....I...."
"C'mon now Lost.....you know what to do....." He looked up to see Vasriel in the mirror, placing a fuzzy paw on his arm. "Blood for blood...it's the only way." Lost's eyes dulled as he looked down at his arm again. "It'll make your nightmares go away...."
"My...my nightmares...." He shakily reached out, grabbing a small, hidden razor. He unwrapped the bandages around his right wrist, holding the blade close to his pale skin. "Blood.....for blood...." Vlowey's vines steadied his hand as he pressed the blade against his skin. Slowly, he dragged it along, skin splitting and blood welling from the cut. The blood trickled down like small rivers, flowing into the sink. Lost watched it with a dull, lifeless expression as he made another, and then another.
The pain barely registered to his fogged mind as Vasriel continued to guide him, Vlowey keeping his arm steady. It was almost as if the three were in a macabre dance of blood in skin as they guided his movements, switching to the other arm. Lost made two more cuts, hissing as cold metal cut soft flesh. "A...atone....I have...to...."
"That's right Lost. This is the only way..." Vasriel smiled, his white and black eyes filled with gruesome glee.
"The....only....way...." Lost nodded slowly as he made one more, deeper cut. 
The pain shot through his arm and he stopped, putting the blade down. He trembled where he stood, hastily washing the blood down the sink before tightly wrapping his injuries up in fresh gauze. He hugged himself, panting as his heart hammered in his chest.
"Shh...it's alright Lost." Vasriel smiled, taking the dirty, blood stained gauze. 
"We'll make sure they don't know. They wouldn't understand."
"They...they wouldn't...." Lost shook his head. "I need help....I need-"
"Do you truly think they can help you?" Vasriel whispered. "No. No one can....that is.....no one but me. I can guide you...all you need to do is listen." Lost nodded slowly as Vasriel held him close, nose buried in his hair. "Good. Don't worry Lost.....everyone else may eventually hate you....abandon you....scorn you. But I will not. For I understand your pain..."
“You....you do?"
"Isolation...misunderstandings....I am a victim of these as well." He said with a calm smile. "So....I pity you." Lost shivered as Vasriel's voice sent chills through him, ringing in his skull. "Don't be scared Lost...." He smirked as Lost relaxed slightly in his hold. "We'll always be here with you...."
Xans rested on his side, listening to Lost walk back into the living room, and lay down. Fuck....did I really screw up again? He thought. Ugh....being human like this sucks so much ass! He heard Lost shift a bit and he turned around. Lost was curled up in a tight ball, once again asleep. He watched as Lost's eyes moved behind closed eyelids, his fingers twitching. Another nightmare? He sat up and watched as Lost made soft, snuffling noises in his sleep before his body finally relaxed. Tsk, maybe not.
He walked outside and sat on the porch, turning one of his screens on. He smirked at the pictures he had of Lost. Most of them had been taken when Lost was unaware, and as Xans flicked through them, he couldn't help but chuckle a little. Half of the pictures we of parts of the young man, usually with him bent over and getting something. He really does have a nice, sweet ass.... He stopped when he reached one and looked at it.
In the picture, Lost was smiling with Vundyne and Frisk, holding some flowers in his hand. He had gardening gloves on, his face slightly dirty as Vundyne threw dirt at him and Frisk. Frisk was laughing and pointing at Lost, dirt in her hair. And...he has a rather nice smile.... He flipped to another one and once again, 
Lost was smiling as he walked into the house with groceries, Sans taking a few of the bags from him. Another picture showed him helping Frisk with her homework, the plushie of Chara floating next to him. He was looking at Xans and shouting, a small blush on his face. Heh...camera shy, aren'tcha Lost?
Still digging around, he found the video he wanted and teleported into the bathroom. He pulled his pants down and hit the play button. As Lost's soft pants and moans came over the screen, he groaned and panted, stroking himself. Hngh....f-fuck........ "Haah......ahunh...." With Lost's voice coming from the screen, and the more recent memory of Lost sucking him off, it didn't take him long to come all over his hand. "There we are....now I feel more satisfied." He chuckled as he wiped his hand down. As he walked past the mirror, he turned and looked at himself, sighing.
He leaned in and touched his face, then trailed a finger down the scar under his green eye. "Tsk, the only good thing this human body has done is give me mah sight back in this eye." He grumbled. "Well, that and allowin' me ta get laid whenever I wanna." Xans walked back in to see Lost hanging a bit onto the couch, hands gripping and reaching.
Yup, nightmare after all. Xans walked over and laid back down. Lost suddenly grabbed his arm and looked at him with haunted, glistening eyes, still foggy with sleep. "Los-"
"P-Please.....stay....tonight. Stay..." He whispered shakily. His voice was trembling, sound small and alone. The sound made Xans's soul nearly scream with the desire to comfort him, and he obliged. He pulled Lost close, holding him against his now bare chest. "Stay..."
"I will. Dun worry about it, ok?" He felt Lost relax in his hold, easily falling asleep once more. "Fuck...if anyone comes out here and sees this...." He blushed slightly when Lost scooted closer, knee accidentally rubbing his groin. "Fuuuuuck.....there's no way my dreams are clean tonight..." He let out an irritated sigh and closed his eyes. "At least....he smells nice..." He mumbled sleepily. After a few moments of Lost shifting to get comfortable, Xans finally fell into a peaceful, and fortunately dreamless slumber.
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