#hp cw
neechees · 5 months
I just found out that the charity that Rowling "Donated" to (the one that people praised her donating so much money to because she was previously a billionaire & then after donating made her a millionaire) was actually a charity SHE was the founder of and owned, and this gave her a huge tax write off because it is a charity
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zaeedsflipflops · 1 year
i really wish the main focus of the hp game conversation would pivot away from being about transphobia. not that it isn't important, it is transphobic as it is funding a transphobe, but when that's the only thing that's brought up it means people are gonna defend themselves by bringing up the trans character or saying "ill just pirate it then" (as if it's not still giving it a platform...)
it's so worrying to me how little people bring up the game's content when talking about why no one should play it. the antisemitism is always such an afterthought in so many discussions i've seen. but the game's plot is founded on it! a primary developer who had tremendous influence on the game is openly alt-right!
i want people to be more consistently called out on why they even want to play a thoroughly antisemitic game. because even in a situation where you pirate it, play it in utter secrecy, and never speak of it to anyone, therefore "not funding or platforming transphobia," you're still playing a game that is blatantly antisemitic. and why is that okay with you? why does that seem like a fun time? why would you ever want to touch a game like that with a ten foot pole?
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dandyshucks · 19 days
if Wardell somehow broke containment from this little blog, my biggest fear is that the marauders girlies would be like "OMG IS THAT REMUS??? IS THAT REMUS MARAUDERS??? OMG MARAUDERS FANART??? THIS LOOKS LIKE REMUS!!!" bro keep your nasty HP shit away from me and my creations :[ keep that distasteful offensive AIDS/HIV allegory character away from me jfc
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
Aro Culture is using the flag colors in your everyday life and everyone assuming they're a slytherin reference 💚🤍🖤
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isorottatime · 2 years
tiktok kids “gen z is the future!!” like shut the fuck up shut the fuck up. depp v heard trail tiktokification. “gen z republican” movement. the fucking nazi tattoo. capitalist commercialisation of subcultures rooted in anticapitalism. the fucking lgbtq flag discourse while rights are being stripped. fandom being so hostile to poc. you’re not a revolutionary you’re a harry potter liberal
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Here's the thing about the hp game: you could just quietly buy it or pirate it and no one else would need to know that you're prioritizing your nostalgia over the lives of trans and Jewish people.
If you're publicly self-flagellating about that decision on social media? You're just being dishonest and looking for moral clemency. You KNOW what you're doing is fucked up, and instead of just shutting up about it (or, even better, NOT DOING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE), you've turned it into a public performance. And you are not owed absolution.
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organicclownfarm · 1 year
Funny how just bc Rowling is a bad person everyone just says harry potter is shit lmao, if she wasnt problematic everyone would still think hp is great and im saying this not even being a fan of that series
honestly i straight up can't disagree with half of this. i think if joker rotflmao had never joined twitter or learned to shut the fuck up a lot of us would HAPPILY view it through rosy nostalgia goggles and the red flags would just look like flags. shit, some people still do REGARDLESS of terfany's unhinged hateful bullshit.
when her insane manifesto dropped, that knocked a lot of peoples rose colored glasses right off and had us looking back at the long list of questionable ass things she added to those books and the world they're set in; how badly she writes the maybe 5 people of color in the ENTIRE series including but not limited to giving a character who is meant to be chinese two korean last names, naming a black man "kingsley shacklebolt", making the two indian characters 2-dimensional props. the way she wrote about a slave race who is often graphically abused but are so stoked about their own slavery that one of the heroes talking about how she thinks they should have rights is played for laughs. the fucking antisemetic caricatures. lycanthropy as a metaphor for aids while there is a character who makes a point of attacking and infecting CHILDREN. the list goes on and on. i could be here all day.
and thing is? a lot of these issues were being spoken about and criticized well before she became an out and proud bigot. the bigotry was baked in on a near atomic level and showed in nearly every page. if it wasn't racism or antisemitism, it was classism, if it wasn't classism it was disdain for welsh irish and/or scottish people or even people from different parts of fucking england, if it wasn't that it was fatphobia, on and on and on.
but like. even if u were to somehow make all of that vanish, you would STILL be left with messy and often inconsistent worldbuilding, a lot of poorly done character development, absolutely no research and it shows, plot holes, occasional pacing issues, and straight-up plagiarism.
harry potter and the world around it was, if anything, a fun sandbox. it was an easy world to place yourself in and play with and imagine as something better than it was. a lot of us loved it not just for the nostalgia but the POTENTIAL so much of it had, because it did have a lot of potential that a better author might have been able to realize.
i myself think i might have still enjoyed the world to this day if jkr never opened her mouth! it's possible to enjoy or even love a thing and still be critical of it or even if u don't love it, you can discard the canon entirely and make ur own little world out of the scraps. but after a certain point u just gotta cut your fucking loses and take the L and say "yeah this wasn't ever good i was just 9 and needed the escapism".
like death to the author or whatever but not when the author is v much alive and proudly using her royalty checks to campaign to make life even harder for a marginalized group in her country.
and i am saying this as person who's special interest for YEARS was hp and the hp world, who bought and re-read the books as an adult just before jinkies ratlicker decided to. y'know.
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haveyoumetmythief · 1 year
In honor of @strange-aeons releasing a full My Immortal read, enjoy this My Immortal insult generator
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atjsgf · 2 years
"Snape's patronus is a doe because he's obsessed with Lily, whereas James's is a stag because he compliments her!" Or maybe Snape and Lily's patroni are lesbians. Did you ever think of that
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disordersgirl · 2 years
chuck e. cheese official twt follows jkr event 15 dead 20 injured
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electrosquash · 1 year
Ja geil der NDR haut ne Doku zum H**** P***** Musical nicht mal eine Woche nach Launch des Antisemitismus-RPGs raus und löscht jegliche Kommentare die darauf hinweisen. Reicht das Werbebudget wirklich nicht aus, dass die noch den ÖR mitreinziehen müssen? Kann ich nicht wirklich glauben. Die kriegen einfach den Hals nicht voll.
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eizagonzalezs · 1 year
Hi! About the HP want thing i understand where ur coming from i made my self a wand when i was younger and its my favorite thing ever and i was destroyed when JK imploded on all of us and ruined HP al the good memories i had with the wand and playing with spells but later on i came to the conclusion that wands were used for magic way before HP and the spells are latin words and JK doesn't have monopoly over magic or latin so now my wand is just that a magic wand sometimes a fairy magic wand when i cosplay a fairy. The point is you can keep loving and looking fondly at the memories if you strip away JK's imaginary ownership she gave herself over magic. JK is not important you and your friends efforts and happiness are. and i hope JK falls into obscurity and perishes forever ❤
This is a super kind message honestly! and agreed! yeah i will keep remembering it as fun times i had with my friends in school.
thank you! I appreciate this super intelligent & kind message 🖤
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crykea · 2 years
You're okay with just killing animals because J K Rowling used them as mascots in her books? Like that's somehow the fault of badgers and lions, and now they deserve to die and be thrown in the trash? You're giving JKR more influence than she deserves if you hate random animals just because she put them in her books.
Hahah this is hilarious. Fuck jk Rowling fuck Harry Potter. I dont give a shit about either of them and I detest people who still knowingly consume Harry Potter in spite of all of the blatant racism, antisemitism, and transmisogyny wjthin the books and from the author. If you're deciding to view a drawing of some stuff animals as real life animal abuse that's on you for purposefully neglecting the message of the image. Protecting trans children is more important than any of whatever hill you're choosing to die on. Go fuck yourself.
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triciaisonline · 2 years
supporting jk*r and h*p (which she profits from still) is an obvious no-no. and the h*p universe is problematic and we know this. all of this is true and I support it as someone who was majorly in the h*p fandom.
all that said, I decided that Harr*y Ja*mes Po*tter's birthday is now August 1st because that kid doesn't deserve to have to share a birthday with the monster who made him, he deals with enough. 💖
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neuroglitch · 2 years
If you don’t mind me asking, how much do commissions cost?
Hey! Ok so it depends a lot on the level of complexity and therefore how many hours I need to put into it. I've done a couple recently, I'll show them and break down the price.
For this first one, I got a picrew and a mood as a reference, I quickly did a sketch, which turned out to be spot-on, so I could quickly do the art. I spent about 2, 2 and a half hours on it, and I asked for 25$. The client decided to tip me and I walked away with 30$ ❤️
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This one I did a while back for an anti-jkr pro-diversity project, the prompt was a bit more vague and I spent a long while going back and forth with sketches, versions and revisions. Therefore I eventually spent more time on the project than what went into the final product. With this in mind, I set the price between 60 and 90 USD, reflecting the range between time spent on the final product vs time spent on the project. The client ended up paying 80 USD and I was very grateful, but I would not have blamed them for paying 60, as the final result ended up pretty simple.
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This last one I'm very happy with, I got some pretty varied references on this OC, so it took me a couple sketches to get them right. I've included three of the sketches, the first sketch being in the upper left corner, which was refined to top right to get the character right. Then I found the right pose in sketch 3, and finally the bottom right is my final version, where I tried to reflect the character, while also being a more interesting pose. I originally thought the project (since it's "just" an icon) would land at around 20-25, but in the end we agreed on 25-30$ to reflect the amount of work I ended up putting into it.
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Close up of the final version, it has a watermark because I'm waiting for pay-day, and trying not to be overly trusting on a principal level, even though I absolutely do trust my client.
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I think all of these projects were somewhat time consuming, either by way of taking time to come up with a concept, or because of the semirealistic style, and challenges with getting the character right.
A more simple style would generally end up being cheaper. Like sometimes I do silly little "chibi"/cartoony characters, like this.
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Something like that would probably be 10-15 dollars, depending on the pose, clothes and other bells and whistles.
In general I try to take people's economy into account, and get a feel for what would work for them, and adjust my workhours and even pricing accordingly (within reason) :3
Hope this helped!
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the person who tagged barty crouch jr on that stitches photo ??? 😭
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