#how do i taag
peepnisruler · 2 years
hello tumblr.
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spaciebabie · 5 months
so like if i hyppothetically made porn it would only violate tumblrs community guidlines if there was genitalia in it right. so if there's no genitalia it should be fine. so if it looks good and i post it it should be fine right it should be fine .
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eyedovesart · 10 months
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caseyposting compilation from the last month or two or three or .... missy is @melonkittii s lup baby and i love her ;w; <3
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tennessoui · 2 years
I'm really sorry if this comes of as rude, I really don't mean it to be but could you tag your ObiKin posts ;-; I have the ship tag blocked due to associating it with an ex friend who was incredibly nasty to me and a few others and since the bunnywan ask wasn't tagged, it and the reblog art popped up and caught me off guard. I don't have a problem with people shipping what they want but some things just have other memories attached that aren't so fun
hi love!! i don't think you've come off as rude at all no worries there and it is a fair ask---
but i did check and i did tag that specific post/reblog (today's) both nsfw and bunnywan and obikin (as i try to remember to do when it comes to art in order to populate the tag with the art so more people see it because i find all obikin art pretty spectacular)
i didn't tag it cw: obikin or tw: obikin, but i did tag it with the ship; i don't usually, i'm not going to lie, but that's because i am primarily an obikin blog and a star wars second---and i am, factually not egotistically, quite prolific for an obikin blog. if i tagged everything i reblogged or every ask i answered about an au or a fic with 'obikin', i would genuinely feel as if i'm spamming the tag on tumblr, so i limit it to things i find incredibly obikin or things i mean for other people to see (my ficlets, a friend's art, a stellar gifset etc etc)
i do understand the connection between bad memories and something that seems innocuous for someone else, and i am literally 150% there for everyone curating their own internet experience for their best possible outcome, but i can't stress enough that i did tag that
(and in true Kit & her Keyboard fashion, i had to retag twice to make sure i spelled it right without 'spilled strawberita on her laptop in october of last year' typos)
and if you really cannot stand seeing the untagged obikin on your dash, it may be best to unfollow me, as i may reblog star wars things independent of obikin, but i am primarily a blog for that ship. absolutely no hard feelings at all if you do (if you followed me in the first place---idk how tumblr's algorithm works).
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kyoupann · 1 year
For the drabble requests, how about Hornet and Cloth interacting? (Those are my two HK faves)
Drabble requests open Please send a character and a word/sentence
Wandering through Hallownest in search of the one beast to be her last kept her mind occupied, kept it from dwelling on the painful memories of a past life she couldn't recognise as her own anymore. Cloth doesn’t go around looking for friends, she doesn’t have time to sit down and chit-chat. But there had been something about this creature clad in red that just compelled her to stop and be. They looked so small just sitting against the slab of what once was a column or maybe a bench. And she recognized it then, the look in her eyes; filled with fatigue and grief. And those were two things Cloth was too familiar with. So, she sat down next to the creature, keeping a safe distance. But still, she wanted to give this tiny creature all the encouragement she hadn’t had at the time; she wanted to do something for someone else.  She wanted to say: I get what you’re going through, it’s sad and awful. But it’s okay if you feel lost now, you’ll find a way to keep going. They didn’t need to know that she had found her reason to keep going in her own death. She wanted to say all this and yet, “It’s lovely around here, isn’t it?” is all that escaped her instead.
A little bit over the 100 word count but, here ya go! (: Just good old girlie Cloth trying to do the right thing even if unnecessary. Thanks for sending something! <3
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I've been continuing to plan out my self-indulgent version of Arcburn and just realized that I have to learn how to write a kid growing up
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I am taking a 7-day break from all of my social media :)
I will miss you all very much, but please feel free to taag me/spam my ask inbox/send me any dms and I'll get to them when I'm back
I'm doing this because I have become aware of how much time I spend doing absolutely nothing on my phone and i whatbto change that, and I have learnt from last experiences that the beat way to do this is by going cold-turkey for a bit.
I love you all so very much <3
Stay safe, love yourselves and love living
(Also, if you wanna email me my email is [email protected])
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rainy-days-and-nights · 9 months
Rules: Tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better! 💖
Tagged by @honeyteacakes இ௰இ(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)╰(*°▽°*)╯╰(*°▽°*)╯╰(*°▽°*)╯╰(*°▽°*)╯╰(*°▽°*)╯╰(*°▽°*)╯(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))(o゜▽゜)o☆(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) (emoji power sljdfvjsnfv)
Currently Watching: I haven´t watched anything really இ௰இ, but prob imma try to see “Detention” 💪🏽 something I had on the back of my mind for the longest time….
Currently reading: ATM im reading "Playground" by Aron Beauregard, but im gonna give it a few more tries cos…cos…. I don´t know if kids around 13-6 talk like that akLSNFVLNSDV I think that´s the only thing it´s kinda making me go (???). Also, my sibling bought me "The Haar" by David Sodergren!!!ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ so that´s the one imma read next!!! (or at the same time kbdjkvbkad,cladv)
Current obsession: Eating….a lot…of…almonds………ADNBVJBDJVJAD and idk how I went there but, watching courtrooms, like, full 3 hrs of trial/cross examination stuff…aaa….. Also audiobooks, mostly short stories o(*°▽°*)o
imma leave it open for anyone who wants to!!!
but still gonna taag KBKSJDVBJSBFV
@lulusolier @wolfgirl-valentine @lespicybrocoli
(no pressure to do it thoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo) JNSFJVKJDV
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creativenicocorner · 1 year
five things you might find in my fics
♡♡Thank you for tagging me @dreamcrow​! ♡♡ Oh man it’s been a while since I’ve tried doing these sort of @-in writer posts things. Which kind of left me staring at my hands going
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“Do I have a brand? Me? Writing tropes?” [cue staring at my Works page on Ao3 for a normal amount of time] 
A sign I really needed to try and do this exercise haha So again thank you for the opportunity to analyze and self reflect in a positive way! ♡
 A deep love of folklore to be sure. If ever given a chance I’d like to one day try and be a proper folklorist. But yeah, 
Vibes, in that, sitting in a moment sort of atmospheric way. A love for the sort of atmosphere a location can bring, or even a small moment (s). 
I do have a fondness for missing scenes and exploring those moments in the in-between, that are not always shown on screen or have scenes of their own. Testing my ability to see if I can truly capture a character’s ‘moments before’. Or things that could have hypothetically happened between seasons/books. 
Being deeply inspired by music while writing. Sometimes full fics or series based off of how a music piece inspires me. This can result into something, ah, very very long, or a short little something. (A childhood full of dance classes and playing the violin is probably to blame lol)
Sitting with a character and just...contemplating character logistics, and perhaps getting a little angsty about them, and creating hypotheticals and explorations for that purpose. Example, uh “Oh this character ran away from home at a young age.” me: “Alright what might that have been like?   How would that effect someone when grown or comfort someone who attempts the same thing??” (with a dose of what-ifs) Or even truly lean in to the bit, committing to the bit until the bit isn’t funny anymore, in fact, there were very major and huge consequences to a character’s choice and exploring how deep those consequences can go. (dramedy I guess?)
In an overarching way I’d say...
A love for dramedy, situational irony, what-ifs, doing my damndest to stay true to character no matter how crazy the scenario, the macabre, folklore, atmospheric, and a constant attempt at humor, punchy dialogue, the scared and horny c-c-combo, gothic/horror, the rule of cool is subscribed, as well as punching up, and no one is immune to clown shoes or being taken down a peg etc etc
And that’s uh, that on that!! Thank you for reading I hope this was enjoyable, it was really nice to do on my end. Heck I think it gave me a bit of a confidence boost too!  ___〆(・∀・)
And I taag, ah, everyone who has read this!! Muhaahaha ♡
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violecov · 1 year
The good thing: I have finished my homeworks and work!! The bad thing: Im very late at tag games. As I feel they have almost finished, i gonna do them all at once.
Fanfic Tropes/Types Tier Tag Game
taaged by: @general-illyrin !! :DD
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Yeah, this is weird. I do not really read fanfic as u all may suspect, nor that i have time. I have sometimes done, but is mainly fanfic done by my mutuals.
If anything, i do quite enjoy stories about found-family. Do not know why, but they have a special place in my heart :))
Romantic ones on the other side... are not my favourite, and unless is a pairing that i could fully support ejemCelegormxAredhrelejem, i would never touch romantic stories.
5 foods
tagged by @fluffylovesstuffs (love that name)
4 u love: chocolate cake, cookies, monster energy drink and lentils.
1 u hate: liver.
I do not know if that is how it is written, but i swear i cannot eat it. Like i will smell it and i ll leave the house.
About the energy drink, what can i say, im an engineering student.
8 shows to get to know me
tagged by: @emeraldskulblaka !!! :00
I stoped watching series a long time ago, but since this seems fun, im gonna go with series that for some reason surround me.
1 Twin peaks: I do not wanna watch it, but this friend of mine is absolutely obssesed with telling me every little detail about it. so im writting this because is the most absolutely relevant serie in my life eve if im not watching it.
2 Full metal alchemist: Some friends have formced me to watch this every saturday. It seems cool.
3 Korras legend: I have seen it and liked it a lot!
4 another: the first anime i ever saw. Do not recomend to watch it being 8 years old.
5 Sao.
6 good omens: watched it with a friend of mine during easter. She loved it and to this day is her favourite show
7 Our flag means death: haven´t seen it, but want to. Still looking for people to watch this with.
8 castlevania: played the games and later watched it. Liked it, but still prefer the games.
Woh, this is long. Too much text.
Anyway, im not tagging anyone because im kinda sure most of u have alredy done them. :DD
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kayzean · 2 years
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I posted 2,637 times in 2022
That's 1,348 more posts than 2021!
61 posts created (2%)
2,576 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,285 of my posts in 2022
#rottmnt - 608 posts
#destiny 2 - 95 posts
#rise of the tmnt - 80 posts
#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles - 78 posts
#rottmnt donnie - 71 posts
#rottmnt movie - 70 posts
#rottmnt leo - 64 posts
#tmnt - 57 posts
#star wars - 50 posts
#save rottmnt - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#donnie has always for some reason been my fav in every iteration. i don't know why but one day i was just like *points at donnie* that one.
My Top Posts in 2022:
Me every time rottmnt trends again:
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277 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
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I haven't watched this movie in years. Just listening the soundtrack turned me into an emotional mess I wonder what actually watching the movie will do to me...
280 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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This has probably already been done, but I haven’t seen it so.
318 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
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Listen i just met him and I would do anything for him.
457 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Sea Beast has shown me that we don't have enough How to train your Dragon esk movies/series and honestly it's a crime. Give me more "younger generation realize that the 'monsters' they were thaught to hate arnt actually monsters, and then go out of their way to prove it."
5,042 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lordsukunas · 3 months
one thing i do not like abt l&ds is how grindy it is
like why r the wishing times so short. why r events so short. why is everything so expensive?!
like the freegems per wish isnt that bad in the beginning but now that im 60+ its kinda hard to get. and ik theres hunter contest but that's weekly and none of my stuff is leveled high enough to actually be there
it feels like i have to remember to play the game each day (which lol ik that's how a game works) or else im missing out, esp w events like rafayel's bday
it's very fun honestly n i rlly do love it but omg pls sometimes i do not feel like talking w the silly virtual men! and back to hunters contest, i simply dont have the resources to level each n every card. maybe its just because i only do 4* n above but its kind of a waste to lvl 3*s since id just use them in hunters contest. leveling so so expensive and im always running out of stuff </3
anyway im done complaining for the day (it's all i do on this blog) but im kinda tempted to change my theme again... but that's a lot of work n then my taags would have to match and just ugh! :(( might keep it for march n then decide in april (but im also a liar so who knows)
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bonethievery · 2 years
is anyone else having an issue on tumblr mobile where when they type in the tags the letters double up an insane ammount or is that just me its made it nearly impossible to tag anything. i dont think its just my phone bc other apps r fine and uninstalling+reinstalling tumblr doesnt do shit. And its ONLY in the tags
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bigtiddygothhusband · 4 years
Heyin support of the protests if you donate to a reputable bail fund send me proof and I'll write you a poem or story of at least a thousand words to your specs, fanfic or original work
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boqvistsbabe · 3 years
Karaoke Night Pt. 1
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I just got this idea randomly earlier when I was watching some of the old videos. Its based off of the karaoke video but I am changing some things. I’m not promising how good this is…
Requested: Nope.
Word Count: 1.3k (I think)
Warnings: Nothing except a few swears (if you see anything please let me know)
Also I’m writing this on my phone (I will mostly write on my phone) so it might format weird and I also probably won’t edit until I have time. Grammar is gonna be bad and it’s probably gonna be choppy but here it is:
You were helping behind the scenes with Andrea to film the Karaoke video with the boys. You had been working with Andrea for about a year now. You worked mostly behind the scenes but sometimes you would help interview.
Today you were helping shoot a video about a few of the guys’ favorite songs, well that’s what they were told. What they didn’t know is that they might have to sing some of their favorite song. You knew most of them couldn’t sing for the life of them, others could kind of hold a tune if they really tried.
The shoot was almost done, only one person left. Nolan. Only two of the guys sang and one of them was Travis and he was just goofing off. Tk
had just finished up and him and a few of the other guys were sitting around the room so on the floor in various places. They all wanted to watch Nolan’s part for some reason so you had told them it was fine as long as they stayed quiet when the camera was going.
When Nolan walked in his eyes found you first. Of course you didn’t notice cause you were scolding Travis for knocking something over. Nolan smiled to himself, you were so comfortable with his team. He loved that about you, you just connected with the rowdy boys. Though you were much like Nolan himself, quiet and introverted.
You walked over to Andrea and asked her if she needed anything for this last section. She said there wasn’t anything she needed help with; so you started picking up the mess Travis made when he knocked over a little side table. Once you finished with that you plopped down gently next to Tk so you could watch Nolan’s segment.
You’d never tell the boys but Nolan was your favorite. He seemed to understand you and how you were feeling without you having to explain. He always took care of you when you got a little too tipsy at the bar. Always taking you home and making sure you felt okay before cuddling you until you fell asleep. Each time leaving water next to your bed for when you woke up. And you would do the same for him. When he was away on a roadie that you didn’t go on he would call you after a game no matter how it ended; just so he could hear your voice. If it was a loss you would comfort him because without a doubt he would beat himself up over it. He was your safe person and you were his.
Nolan was sat down and talking to Andrea before the camera was on just so he knew what he was doing. He had one time told you that part of the reason he didn’t like interviews was because he didn’t like being out on the spot. So you had discreetly told Andrea this so either you or her would give him a rundown before if you had the chance. This was the one time that you didn’t tell him, it was supposed to be a surprise after all.
When it started she just asked him what his favorite song was Sunglasses at Night by Corey Hart. He seemed relieved now cause he thought the questioning was done. Tk knocked his shoulder into yours and you looked at him. He had a shit-eating grin on his face cause he knew what was coming next.
“So by any chance if I played it, would you sing along with it?” Andrea asked him.
“I Uh…” Nolan’s face was turning a darker shade of pink than normal and he was looking anywhere but at Andrea.
“Hey Patty man do it, you can sing and you know it!” Tk said across the room.
“I don’t know about that bud.” Was the only response.
“Please man? Drinks are on me tonight if you do. You have the voice of an angel bud, the whole world deserves to hear it.”
By then you had gotten up and were standing next to the camera. Nolan’s eyes met yours and he looked very confused and uncomfortable.
“I-I guess I could do part of it…” he mumbled.
“Nols honey you don’t have to unless you want to.” You whispered.
“I know I just figured I might as well do it now so he doesn’t make me do it later tonight.”
You nodded in understanding. Some of the guys, their girls, and you were going to a karaoke bar tonight. You felt someone stand next to you..
“Just wait, you’re gonna be surprised.” Tk mumbled to you.
Nolan was fidgeting while he was waiting for them to be ready. They were getting him a microphone and the speaker connected so it would sound clear through the video. Since the camera was off you walked up to him and grabbed his hands in yours.
“Hey bud look at me.” you murmured. You waited till he met your eyes with his blue gray eyes.
“You can still back out of this you know? And if Tk bothers you I can beat him up.” You joked. And it worked there was that beautiful smile.
“It’s fine. I want to start singing more and he knew that; so I gues this his way of helping me.”
“I’m just hurt by the fact that you didn’t tell me that you liked singing and from what Tk has been saying you’re good.”
“I don’t know I still think it’s kind of weird that I do. And I promise I’m not that good, Tk is just… being Tk.”
“It’s not weird but okay. You do your thing.” You squeezed his hands before dropping them and walking back to stand by Tk. Everything was ready for him they just had to start the camera.
“Okay so you just agreed to sing this, how are you feeling?” Andrea asked him.
“Uh pretty nervous but oh well.” He shrugged his shoulders as he answered her question.
“Okay, are you ready?” He just nodded in response. Then the music started playing.
I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
Watch you weave then breathe your story lines
Nolan’s voice was smooth as he softly sang the words into the microphone. You know you weren’t the only one entranced by his beautiful voice. He was starting at the ground as he continued singing the next part.
And I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
Keep track of the visions in my eyes
When Nolan felt comfortable enough he looked up to meet your eyes. You were standing there looking at him like he put the stars in the sky. He didn’t understand why though, he was mediocre at best. No matter what Tk said.
You had tears in your eyes when he finished. You don’t know why, it wasn’t even a sappy song. Well you knew why, it was because Nolan’s voice was so gosh damn beautiful. You were looking at the ground trying not to look like a weirdo for almost crying over that. But of course Tk noticed.
“See I told you he was good. Y’all should sing together sometime.”
“I don’t sing.”
“Yes you do. Karly told me you do. She said you were good.”
“Well she is wrong.” With that you turn on your heel to go find Nolan. Only to bump right into him and stumble backwards. He grabbed your hands so you didn’t completely fall.
“Hey. You okay?” He questioned after looking in your eyes and seeing tears.
“Yeah. It’s just, and this is gonna sound stupid, but your voice is so beautiful.” You mumbled to him.
“Honey that’s no reason to cry.” He chuckled as he tugged you into his arms for a hug.
“It is for me,” you mumbled into his chest,” now you have to let me go so I can go home and take a nap before we go out.”
“Fine omi guess I let you go, but only cause I get to see you later tonight.” He pressed a quick kiss to the top of your head before pulling back and smiling before letting you go.
As you started your car you thought about how the night could go. You were excited.
Constructive criticism welcome but please don’t be mean. And yes I know it’s formatted badly but I don’t really care at the moment.
(You can probably tell when I started to rush it since my medicine was kicking in and I at least wanted to finish this part tonight lol)
Taagging: @dunnwithlyfe @jamiedrysdales @thatflyersfan @scheifefe @kempe @mxltifandoms06 @puckshitbitch @tysjostys @mxltifandoms06
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Hey so I have no experience in anything music-related or have studied anything about it but...
(Also BIG spoilers for dgs 2)
I just listened to all four of Asougi's themes and am Emotional so here are my thoughts:
Because while listening to it I felt like I was going through all of taags (at least in regards to Naruhodou's and the player's view of Asougi) all over again.
Like first there is Samurai with A Mission and i remember my first thoughts about Asougi as our Cool Samurai Best Boyfriend™ and how badass he is and competent and so ride or die for Naruhodou And! Their! Friendship! And just, I love this guy he is so cool.
And then case 2 happens and we get Nocturne and our amazing friend, who believed in us and supported us, our Pride and Joy is gone, and so soon too, I've seen a lot of people say that he was giving death flags but that they didn't expect it to happen so soon, in a way, the player never gets to know Asougi and that in itself it's tragic, made harder by the fact that we can see the grief of his loved ones. If i were to describe this song it would be in four words: I Miss You, Partner. Because while you can still hear Asougi there pretty easily, it's also difficult to ignore how...sad it is but also, it's wishful, it's 'I wish you were here' it's 'you would have been great' it's 'i hope you're proud of me'. Basically it is. So. Much. And am not good enough with my words to do it justice.
Then we have The Great Return and is fucking triumphant. At first is simply: Asougi is back! He's alive!. And it's kind of a reveal except not really, because not only has the player probably figured it out, but also the character themselves have suspect it for a while. It is, at least for me not an 'oh my god what a surprise!' moment, instead I'll compare it to that moment in Dragon ball (you pick which one) where Goku appears to save the day: you knew it was coming but it doesn't take away from the fact that he is here. Kazuma is finally here. Your amazing certified best friend is here.
And after that triumphant start, the music calms down, it is still triumphant in a way, but quieter, to match the reunion. We have the music as Ryuunosuke and Susato talk with Asougi, and as Ryuunosuke tell the story of how he got Karuma, how it, as an extension of Kazuma helped him move forward, and then he gives the sword back to it's original owner, and I can only imagine, how much times he would have looked at Karuma and mourned the fact he would never see it used by Asougi.
So anyway, Asougi receives back the sword and goes directly to his father's statue. The triumphant (and yet bittersweet, with the memories of their mourning) music stops. Reunion time it's over, Asougi has other things to do.
And then we have Revival of the Prosecutor. At first the theme starts and it looks like van Zieks 2.0, but then it continues and you can hear Asougi's style mixed with it. Now someone in a video commented that the way Asougi's part is barely there while van Zieks is clearly there could be because in that moment he is someone he doesn't recognize. And I want to take it a step further and say that maybe, the way Asougi's theme is clearly there, especially if you look for it could be a good metaphor of how maybe Asougi hasn't changed as much as Naruhodou would want to believe.
(Like I said before, we as the player didn't know Asougi for much, Naruhodou immediately declared him as his determined, heroic and amazing best friend. But from what little we had is easy to see, he was more than that, he was impatient, he was stubborn, prideful (this is if you played/watched his case in the side stories) and he hates corruption. When people die they tend to be idealized, it's easier to remember the good, what you miss, and the 'bad' stuff can even be remembered with fondness, and rose-colored glasses. The fact that both Susato and Ryuunosuke already seemed to have him in such high regard probably did not help. Also maybe I have a low bar when it comes to prosecutors after all the physical abuse the main cast had to suffer but while he was ruthless in his search for answers he didn't feel as bad as Naruhodou said he was)
But anyway, at the end of the day, that theme is still clearly Asougi's. He is clearly still Kazuma, even if Ryuunosuke isn't that sure who that is, and even if Kazuma denies the connection, it is still there.
I'm tired and idk how to finish this so I'll leave it like that I just wanted to get my thoughts out of my head. Also a reminder that am not professional and this is mostly me venting my Feelings about Kazuma and how I felt after hearing his themes.
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