#how dare this sorry excuse of a woman treat nes like that??
lizareads · 7 months
In the afterlife—
Mama Archeron: you're not good enough for my daughter
Eris: 𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 not good enough for your daughter
MA: excuse me?
Eris: you heard me
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Seams
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/OFC, Henry Cavill/OFC Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo, Possible NSFW Rating: M Length: Multi Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: I started this two years ago, found it again, and decided to make something of it. 
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr for the header :D 
Catch Up Here
Wednesdays for the last month and a half had been absolute hell, nearly twenty hour days, non stop costume changes and repairs, a steady flood of people coming and going out of the mid sized trailer serving as a dressing room on wheels. Nell Stewart had become accustom to the chaos and frantic pace that her job provided each and every day, grabbing a cloak from the rack labeled “Ubbe” she held the soft fur in her hands, marching it to the man who would display the glorious piece on screen.
“Thanks, Nell.” the smooth mix of Scotland and Australia met her head on.
“No problem,” Nell smirked “and Jordan, this time, don't drop it until after the shoot.”
“I make no promises.” Jordan chuckled, glancing down at the woman who fastened the broach on the grey and tan fur.
“All set, go on with ya.” Nell waved the actor out of her “office du jour”.
Next up to dress would be “Ivar” - the name always made her smile thinking of her son's not so far off name of Ivan. Ivar was undoubtedly one of the best characters to create, and one of the most annoying actors on set. Nell sighed, fingering through the pages on the cupboard before her. One last glance over the costume that she would be putting on the young Danish man.
Alex tried, he really did, yet somehow he always ended up offending the woman. How was he to sit there while she dressed and prepped him, and not want to talk to her? He had watched her with the other actors and crew, she was obviously sweet and a gentle soul. Somehow every time he got close to Nell, she ended up looking like she wanted to beat him with whatever heavy object was closest.
Taking his chances, Alex cautiously stepped into the costume trailer. He had been here seven hours and had another ten to go. Such was life, for anyone who thought acting was glamorous, fools. Whistling a merry tune with a pep in his step despite the hours he had spent crawling around in the mud on set, Alex was determined to make today different.
This was going to be the day that he got Nell to laugh with him, not at him, or worse stand stone faced while he attempted to make jokes.
“Hey, Ne...” He was met with a glare from the costume designer, her phone to her ear. “Sorry.” he muttered softly standing by the door, not daring to step any further with the mud on his costume. He had been lectured before about dragging mud through the trailer.
This woman treated him like he was her son, not somebody she worked with. A disappointing scenario.
“Are you still there, Janelle?” The man on the phone called her attention. She hated when he called her by her full name, more so she hated the feeling of electricity it sent racing through her.
Nell glanced at Alex, lowering her eyes and voice. Her private business didn't need to be aired through the entire lot.
“I can't talk right now, I'm at work.”
“I will only a take a moment, I promise. Is Ivan with you?”
“No, he's at school. Why?” She found the pants, cloak, and jerkin she would need in order to dress the man waiting for her. Handing them to Alex, she motioned for him to use the space on the left. It was the easiest room to clean later. “And don't get mud on the new costume.”
“Excuse me?”
“Sorry. Continue.” She returned to her call.
“I only wanted to speak with him, see how he is doing. How's school, the usual. I don't want to take your time, but I wanted to let you know that I have a bit of time off and...”
“And you wanted to see him?” Her ex had a habit of doing this to her. It was always the same story, they would go months upon months without seeing him, then he would call her and ask for a visit. In truth, she couldn't really complain about a man making an effort to see his son, but it would be nicer if it wasn't a once a year thing.
“If I could, yes. He can come to me, or I can come to you. Whichever works. Think on it and let me know.”
Nell tried her best to hide the sigh.
“Send me the dates. I don't want him missing school.”
“It would be next month. I believe he is on holiday then. I will have the dates sent and we can discuss it, when we're not sneaking away to take calls at work. Chat soon?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Freshly dressed from his base layer to the hooded wool cloak, Alex emerged after giving her a breath or two alone to regroup, her call hadn't sounded pleasant. He didn't want to pry, yet he felt sorry for the single mother. Alex knew her son, the bundle of energy that would sometimes tear through the trailer, accompanying his mother to work. Ivan's dark curls were as wild as he was. Alex liked the kid, he was funny.
“Alright, what do we need to adjust?” Nell turned to Alex, her phone in her pocket and her mind somewhat on work.
“It feels good.” Alex raised his arms, bending at the waist, and moving about to prove his point. “The boots, tough.”
Nell nodded. “What about them?”
More than once she had accidentally pulled the wrong boots, trying to fit Alex's feet into a pair meant for someone else.
“I can never get these done up, can you?” Alex blushed at the confession. The boots were double laced and the laces in the back were his kryptonite. Nell instructed him to sit and keeled down to assist. As a mother dressing someone was a second nature.
“You know,” Alex glanced down as she fitted his boots. “We've worked together for almost two years, I know nothing about you.”
“Oh yeah?” Her focus was on the laces of the knee high boots.
“Mmm.” He nodded, his dark hair escaping his pony tail. “Let's play a game. Three things about our self. I'll go first,” Alex made his suggestion. She was shocked he could put his phone down long enough to chat. “When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a doctor. I love anything to do with Space, and my best memory is a family trip to the beach, when I was eight.”
“Such detail.” She mocked, a smirk gracing her lips.
“I reached deep for those,” Alex nudged her with his foot. “Your turn.”
“Fine.” She huffed, sitting back on her heels. The second boot could wait, while she found three things to shut him up. “I have worked in costume design for four years full time, I hate small talk and nosy people, and I hate cake.”
“You hate cake!” Alex exclaimed wide eyed with disbelief. “What? What do you have on your birthday?”
“Pie.” Her answer was flat.
“Huh.” Alex mused, he couldn't get over the last statement. “Do you at least make cakes? You know, for when your family or friends want a birthday cake?”
“Never?” She shook her head. Alex huffed. “Not even when your son asks?”
“He doesn't like cake either.” Her voice softened.
“He doesn't like it, or you don't let him have it?” It was Alex's turn to smirk. “You know, since you hate it and all.”
“You're annoying.”
“When's his birthday? I'm going to buy him a cake, a big one! Loaded with frosting and chocolate, sprinkles galore.” Alex continued his chatter. Mainly to hear himself speak.
“Look,” She sighed, finishing up the boot lace. “I enjoy working with you and I like my job, but can we leave my son out of this? Please.”
“O-Okay.” Alex frowned. “I'm sorry.”
“It's just...it's complicated and the last thing he needs right now is...forget it.” Nell rocked back on her heels. Admiring her handy work with the costume.
“I'm sorry, truly.”
“It's fine. I've just...never mind. You're good to go.” Nell stood up, wiping her hands on her pants out of instinct.
Alex sat for a heartbeat, trying to find another way to express his apology. The crease and frown on Nell's face told him to quit while he was ahead. He could take a hint. Rising to his feet, he cleared his throat and thanked Nell for helping.
Alone with her thoughts for a moment, Nell rubbed the heels of her hands across her eyes. It would be another late night. The push to get these scenes filmed in the last season, in order for the cast and crew of Vikings to take their short term summer break. Her initial plans for the few weeks off was to pack up Ivan and take off for a vacation home.
A few weeks visiting her parents and the rest of her family, back in Canada would be ideal. She hadn't been back since Easter, when Ivan had gone to spend time with his father's family, and she wanted her son to visit his grandparents. So much for that plan, after the phone call from his father; Ivan wouldn't want to do anything other than visit his father for a few weeks.
Despite the unconventional relationship, her son idolized his father. As a boy should.
Why did he make everything complicated? This man's name came up and as if by some curse everything in Nell's world would begin to fall apart, all over again.
“I see your boyfriend was in.” Nell pushed her hair out of her eyes and slowly looked up at her co-worker. She hadn't heard Rayna come in.
Rolling her eyes, she shook her head at the teasing. “He's not. He is however annoying.”
“Aww, he's just trying to get your attention. Come on, Nelly, throw the kid a bone.” the seasoned designer laughed, handing Nell a cup of shitty set coffee.
“He's too young.”
“You're not exactly an old maid.” Rayna continued to laugh.
Nell shook her head, daily she endured a teasing from the other woman, among others on set. Alex Høgh Andersen turned into an absolute fool and a puppy around the costume designer, everybody but Nell seemed to notice his affection. What she passed off as annoying banter, was the Dane's way of flirting. A skill he needed to work on, with women who were immune to actor's charms, and on older women in general.
Thirty was far from old. So Nell was constantly told.
It had to do with having a son at twenty three. She had grown old and boring faster than she had ever wanted. Another resentment that Nell held toward her ex, he had gotten to go off and do whatever he pleased, while she had raised their son. Whoever said older men were more mature was full of shit.
“Whatever, we have work to do. I need to finish mending those dresses for next week. I don't think our extras want to come in and be naked all day.”
“Some of them might.” Rayna joked, sitting her coffee down and grabbing her sewing kit.
Throughout the day Nell continued to dress cast, principal and extra alike. She enjoyed her job, the creativity and the structure. The pride and joy when a new costume was put together, nothing beat seeing her work on the screen and in the media.
She'd once been asked why she wanted to design costumes, simple. Without a good costume, nothing would ever be accomplished. There would be no life or charisma to a story being told on the screen. Costumes had been a last resort once, when she'd auditioned for a school play and was rejected for a role on stage. Even the chorus didn't want her, leaving her to help the costume department.  Nell got hooked.
Alex had gone out to set, coming back only twice that Nell had been in the trailer. He tried his hardest to strike up another conversation, but the two times they were in the same proximity, Nell was too busy to chat. He felt horrible for making her feel like he was prying earlier and needed to tell her.
Wisely, advised against it, Alex kept his head low. For now.
Knocking off nearly twenty one hours after arriving at work, Nell stretched her arms and groaned. Tomorrow was a later start for her, which meant she would be able to walk Ivan to school and spend a little time with him. He was in bed when she'd left and would be in bed when she arrived home.
Thank god for their Bridie. Nell would be lost without the saint of a woman.
Dropping her keys on the stand inside the door, her bag was next. Letting go of the bag felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from her body. The house was quiet and smelled delicious. Bridie was in the kitchen, tidying up when Nell poked her head in.
“He's in bed, has been since eight.” the well put together blonde woman smiled affectionately.  She looked like she should be a CEO or investment banker, not a full time live out Nanny.  “Long day?”
“Extremely. I am going to run up quick. Thank you!” Nell held her hands together as if in prayer and smiled.
Tiptoeing up the short flight of stairs she followed the path to her son's room. Her bedroom at the other end of the seven foot hallway beckoned her. Not yet. Soon, bed, soon. As expected, Ivan was sleeping soundly, a Captain Underpants book fallen open on the floor and his blankets half tossed off. Her son slept like whirl wind.
Picking up the blanket and draping it over her son, Nell smiled. Dark curls sprung across his head and his tiny arms were wrapped around his pillow, snoring away somewhere in dreamland. As adorable as he looked, it hurt her heart to be gone all day. Since the final season had been announced to the cast and crew, the days at work had become longer and the time for anything else seemed nearly impossible.
Only a few more weeks and Nell would be home for a break. Except...She wanted to groan, instead opted for an eye roll.
Ivan stirred, shifting around in his bed but not waking. Tucked in and kissed by mom, he was good to resume his slumber uninterrupted.  Slumber. In the hall, Nell heard her bed calling once again. A loud Siren Song.
Downstairs a cup of tea waited on the counter, while Bridie fished around for a plate to put the freshly made sandwich on. Nell's heart swelled and her shoulders sagged, overwhelmed by the gesture. Bridie was here to look after Ivan, bless her for always watching out for Nell, too.
“I know you're going to say you've had dinner, but you need something hearty.”
“Actually, I missed dinner. I had a fruit bar and an orange that one of the lighting guys shared with me.” Nell slid onto the stool at the breakfast nook, accepting the peppermint tea and chicken sandwich. Not at all embarrassed by the moan when she took the first bite, causing Bridie to laugh.
“Pleased that you like it.” Bridie winked. “There are some muffins in the container next to the toaster, blueberry. I made his lunch up, and yours, for tomorrow. Left over shepherd's pie.” She listed off a few other details from the day. “When should I return?”
“I don't go in until eleven, I'll need you to pick him up then you can bring him to me. I'm in the office studio all day tomorrow.” Nell instructed. “Thank you, for all of this.”
“You know I love doing it.” Bridie gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder.
“I know and I love you for loving it.” Nell chuckled. Tucking her hair behind her ears, “Oh, Ivan doesn't know, but in a few weeks his father wants to visit him. I'll let you know when he has the dates sent. I think it will be while we were supposed to be gone, anyway.”
“That sounds...” Bridie paused, watching Nell's face to gauge the reaction.
“It's a good thing.” Nell tried to assure her nanny and herself. “It will be good.”
Fingers crossed.
“Well, if you need me for anything you know how to find me.” Bridie would help hide a body, no questions asked. Nell was certain of it.
“Thank you, but I think we'll be okay.” Nell stood to hug the older woman. “Now, go home. I am sure Joe is missing you like crazy. Tell him that you're his for most of the day tomorrow.”
“Good night, Nell.” Bridie waved disappearing toward the door. Nell heard the final click of the lock, signaling that she was on her own until Ivan woke for school.
Dirty plate in the sink, resting until Nell had the energy to do something about it, the cup of peppermint tea joined Nell on her way to bed. Too tired to shower or move, she kicked off her clothes and reached for an old tshirt to wear. The weather was growing warmer as summer approached Ireland.
Summer in Ireland was majestic, really any season in Ireland was majestic. Nell thought as she crawled into her bed. She had decided that the first year she had come here to be an intern. How giddy and naive she had been back then. How different life had been in 2007. How different Nell had been in 2007.
Something about Ireland and that majesty.
Phone down to charge and her alarm set, she was ready for sleep. Slipping under her duvet, she barely had time to get comfortable before sleep over took her.
@funmadnessandbadassvikings , @kawennote09, @smutgoblin , @nickysurfer28 , @peaceisadirtyword, @igetcarriedawaywithyou , @lif3snotouttogetyou, @akamaiden @angelaiswriting, @neeadinghugs, @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly, @ilvebeenabad , @naaladareia, @imgoldielikehawn @tephi101, @sdcyumyum @unacceptabletatertots, @sparklemichele , @titty-teetee , @smolasianwinterbean , @capitanostella , @captstefanbrandt @bloodyivar  , @normanallthewayforever  , @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme , @imyourliquor-youremypoison , @nikky-the-writer  , @seremedyxiii , @laketaj24 , @deleteidentity , @tornupandbored , @hoeghfabulous , @ateliefloresdaprimavera  , @mydarlingwhim , @kenzieam , @jar-of-love ,  @angelswannawearmyredshooz , @manuugxlvis , @lizency , @lost-in-my-thoughs , @ivars-snowflake , @lisinfleur , @fumblingthroughchaos @pebblesz892 , @angelaiswriting , @nelson-and-murdock , @nothingeverdies, @bluearchersstuff  @itsspecial-itsnotforeveryone, @ivarlothbroks, @badassbaker  @cris101071 @fucktrucks @ohjules @mrsadrianraines  @angelic-kisses13 @marthasantos95 @atlanticowe @hows-my-hair @omgshuddupmeg @moviegirl50 @havenoffandoms @gearhead66​ @happydaysandersen​ @rekdreams-fandom​ @lovemylife2618​ @supernaturalvikingwhore​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @geekandbooknerd​ @carlya65​
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moeruhoshi · 6 years
A forehead kiss prompt?
“I want to marry Natsu-sensei when I grow up!” One of his students grinned, holding up their pudgy arms for their teacher to pick them up, giggling as he twirled them around.
“I think Asuka-chan is too mature for an old man like me,” Natsu snickered, the other kids laughing and chanting that their teacher was old, before their snack was served and their attention was stolen away.
“As popular as ever,” Gray scoffed as he handed the expertly crafted apple bunnies to the children who were quick to fawn over the cute shapes. “They don’t know how much of an idiot you are, flame brain,”
“Not in front of the kids,” Erza hissed as she walked into the room, glaring at both men quick to zip their lips. The students laughed as they ate, telling Erza she was way cooler than Gray or Natsu since her eyes held so much power.
The three worked at a local daycare, Natsu’s father it’s owner and the other two getting jobs along with the Dragneel son as soon as they graduated college. They all liked to work with children, which their other friends found strange but admitted that when they dropped by for a visit, they had a lot of fun.
“After you finish your snack, make sure to line up to rinse your mouth then it’s nap time. Levy-chan will be coming from the library to read to us before your parents come to pick you up!” Natsu clapped and the little ones cheered, exhaustion soon claiming each one.
Their day was always quick to flow by, Erza and Gray clocking out for the night while Natsu stayed behind to wait for the parents that usually came an hour or so late. There was only ever one student left at this time, and he knew his mother was probably tripping over herself trying to rush when she knew that Natsu never minded staying late.
“Natsu-sensei?” The boy sighed as he waddled up to the teacher, his cheeks puffed out and bitty hands pulled down on the front of his smock. “Do you think mama is almost here?”
“‘Course I do, Kai! You know she’s always a bit late; I bet it’s because she’s thinking of something awesome to make you for dinner.”
“Eh~? That’s cool... Mama is cool...” He grinned cheekily as Natsu ruffled his curly blonde hair, his smile almost an exact replicate for his mother’s. The door soon swung open with a panting woman on the other side, awkwardly huddled over and holding her knees for balance, looking up with a half grin as she heard her son squeal.
“I’m sorry mama’s late again, Kai.” Lucy cooed as she came forward to greet her son who excitedly ran towards her. “Capricorn will never learn when to let me leave,”
“Don’t sweat it, Luce. We always have fun here while we wait for you,” Natsu laughed as the boy agreed and wrapped his arms tightly around his mothers neck.
“Thank you so much again for keeping him late, I hope I can adjust my schedule soon to pick him up on time,” Lucy sighed, eyes tired but smiling as her son pressed sloppy kisses against her cheek.
“Don’t force yourself,” The teacher shook his head, stuffing hands into his pastel yellow apron as he grinned. “I know you gotta lot going on, you can always count on us to help you out.”
“What do we say to the kind sensei, hmm?” Lucy’s soft smile made his heart beat a mile a minute, both mother and son shouting out a gleeful ‘thank you’ before taking their leave.
Natsu ran a hand through his hair and groaned, teeth sinking in roughly to his bottom lip. Even when disheveled and overworked, Lucy looked beyond beautiful. He’d never had the chance to work up a confession, more or less in the past because he thought she was still with Kai’s father, but learned the man didn’t even stick around to wait for his child’s birth. That pissed Natsu off, generally speaking for any woman who had been left to raise a child by her lonesome, but he’d fallen for Lucy the moment she walked in to enroll her son. Not to mention she took over her family business when her father suddenly passed away, and only at the age of twenty three. Those two were in the public eye more than they should have been, and Natsu struggled to make the effort to enter her life. Lucy’s gaze always held his for a moment before she would turn to leave, his heart sighing and fingers twitching when he would almost grab onto her and beg her to stay.
“Dammit,” Natsu cursed to himself, making his way to the back office before he noticed a familiar bag sitting in its cubby still. He’d walked in circles, contemplating he even bother visiting the Heartfilia home or just handing it over the next day when she came to pick him up. It was Friday though, and the children were given a worksheet to complete with their parents; he cheered for his found excuse before going to find her address and take off.
His motorcycle hummed to a gentle cruise as he approached her apartment building, gulping as the building seemed to reach the heavens. Lucy lived on the top floor; if he didn’t already think there was no place for him in her life, the feeling doubled. He left his wheeled partner in guest parking before striding inside and towards the elevator, even the doorman giving him a snide stare before turning back to his computer. But that pompous brat wouldn’t dare approach him, the spiky hair and studded ears were more than enough to have the overly dressed man glued to his seat. The elevator ride shook his stomach a bit, Natsu refusing to turn and face the skyline while he was moving in fear of increasing the rising nausea. He was thankful the ride ended in such a short time, shaking his body of any fear as he knocked on Lucy’s front door. There was a bit of hectic skampering on the other side, Natsu only imagining just how rowdy Kai could be at home. The door subsequently whizzed open, the sight of smoke in the background alerting his protective instincts.
“N-Natsu? What are you doing here?” Lucy asked timidly, trying to hide herself in the plain house clothes she wore.
“Kai left his bag at school... is everything alright?” His mind now preoccupied with the stream that seemed to be flowing out an open window.
“I’d say yes, but you can see the smoke,” She chuckled, swinging the door open more to let him inside. “I fell asleep while I was heating up a pan, burned some oil.”
“Natsu-sensei!” The boy cheered at the sight of his favorite teacher and quickly clung to his leg. “Did you come to play some more?”
“I came to give you your homework,” He laughed as the boy motioned to be picked up, swinging the six-year-old around as he often did at school. “You forgot your backpack.”
“I’m sorry you had to come all the way over here for that,” Lucy groaned as the pan hissed, dipping it into a bath of hot water. “I’m sure you had better things to do.”
“My life’s not all that exciting,” He scoffed, setting the boy back down who quickly attached himself to a hero show on the television. “Do you want some help? I cook all the time for the kids,”
“I can’t ask you to do that,” Lucy shook her head, Natsu rolling his eyes as he began pushing her out of the kitchen.
“My treat, besides, I don’t want you walking around while you’re tired enough to burn some oil. Go sit with Kai,” He insisted, stealing the apron tied loosely around her neck. Lucy flushed as his fingers brushed against her sensitive skin, nodding as she sunk with the comfort that came by holding her son. She watched Natsu’s broad back as he fiddled with ingredients pulled from her fridge, feeling the steady rhythm of her heart increase as she began to doze off. Just a little nap...
Natsu felt his chest beat with pride as he cooked for Lucy and Kai, ready to impress the Heartfilia heiress with his stay-at-home dad skills. Lots of vegetables and protein in a stir fry for energy, shredded beets in vinegar as a side dish since they wer Kai’s favorite, lots of rice since Natsu was a big eater, and a sweet and quick pudding he whipped up since Lucy had the ingredients. While his father owned the daycare, his mother ran a very successful bakery, making sure Natsu knew the careful ins and outs of cooking and baking; they would be proud of their son.
Natsu plated the food and called for Kai to wake his mother, Lucy’s nose assaulted with a whirlwind of spices as her eyelids fluttered open. She was shocked to see everything so delicately prepared, mouthwatering at the virtual feast Natsu seemed to have prepared in no time at all. Kai was quick to dig in, already knowing just how surprisingly good his teacher was when it came to food.
“Thank you so much, Natsu,” Lucy sighed as he walked out of Kai’s room, the boy already fast asleep after a hearty dinner and dessert, not to mention a much needed bath as well. Natsu wipes his hands with a small towel as he finished the dishes, turning to the shorter blonde not at his side. “I’ve been so out of it, I feel so bad not being able to make Kai something good to eat.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, Luce. You’re allowed to be tired too, I can help out whenever ya need me,” His grin shook her tears loose, Lucy thanking him through cries this time as she buried herself against his chest. Natsu flushed, tears were never up his alley, but rubbed circles into her back as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear to help her calm down. He smiled lightly as she sniffled, apologizing for staining his shirt. His thumb wiped away the trail of tears on her cheeks, subconsciously kissing her forehead just as he would if any of his students finished a fit. The two flushed at the gesture, but did nothing to increase their distance, Lucy finally pulling away when she needed a tissue.
“S-Sorry, I get so stressed out, I’m such a mess.” She waved him off as she blew her nose, cursing at the uncute emptying of clogged snot.
“You can talk to me,” He shrugged, a still silence as Lucy contemplated emptying the load of annoyances weighting her mind. “It’ll help, ne?”
They sat on Lucy’s couch till the moon was high and shining through the balcony, Natsu absorbing every word she had locked away for such a long time. Talking about how much she had to learn before she could officially be recognized as the next head of the Heartfilia Konzern, how many disgusting old men got on her case and only having twelve board members to help show her the way, their bond that of family since they had been around since she was little herself. They were the ones thankfully in charge while she tried to manage learning how and what to do, hating that so many partners thought they could take advantage of her now that her parents had passed. She hadn’t seen this life as her career until Kai came along, knowing that she’d want him to have a stable and easy life, even if she could achieve her dreams at that moment. Natsu applauded her strength and grinned with her as the crushing weight of her struggles lifted from her shoulders and let her feel more at ease.
“You’re really amazing, you know that, Natsu?” Lucy hummed with a soft smile as she stretched off her couch and sipped on the rest of the tea he made halfway through her rant.
“Oh I know, the kids tell me everyday.” He grinned as she laughed, the sight of her balled up in the corner of her couch under the moonlight, too pleasing for proper words.
“It’s already midnight,” Lucy groaned but thankful for the weekend ahead of them.
“Grandine’s gonna get on my ass,” Natsu stretched from his seat on the couch. “I said I’d help out at the bakery, she’s expecting me at five.”
“I didn’t mean to keep you for so long, sorry about that,” Lucy said sheepishly, Natsu shaking his head and refusing to let her feel apologetic.
“Like I said, I’ll help out any time. Talk to me if somethin’s buggin’ ya. I’ll run across town if I have to.”
“You’re too much,” she giggled and stood with him, wrapping her arms around his waist, enjoying the warmth a single hug from him could provide. He swallowed thickly, his own arms wrapping around her and trying not to memorize the softness of her being. They parted slowly, eyes speaking the words either were too shy to say but bodies too stiff to act on. Natsu purred lowly in his throat, Lucy’s tongue sweeping delicately against her lower lip, the two feeling the pressure build until it boiled over its edge.
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theclouddiver · 7 years
iKON Reaction to Someone Getting Too Close to Their S/O When She Is Pregnant {Mafia Leader AU}
anonymous asked:
Hi~ I'd like to request an iKON reaction where they are mafia leaders and are devoted to their s/o and see someone getting too close to her while she's pregnant. Loooove your blog~
I am sorry it took me such a long time to finish this, but it’s finally here! I wasn’t entirely sure what you (the anon) meant by close, so I interpreted it as physically close. I hope you like it~
Warning: contains elements of violence or abuse
Kim Jinhwan
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Jinhwan is usually calm and trusting when you are with other men because he knows that you would always excuse yourself if they got too flirty. Especially since your growing belly started to become more obvious, he was cool with you meeting other people on your own - after all, everybody would see that you were his and only his woman. Therefore, he had agreed to the meeting between you and your high school friend who once had a crush on you. However, the cautious person he is, Jinhwan decided to secretly follow you and your high school friend, just for a few minutes until he could be sure that you really were fine on your own. And your husband was glad he did: the other guy soon put and arm around your shoulder and whispered something into your ear so intimately that passersby could easily mistake him for your boyfriend. With an angry snort, Jinhwan would close the distance between him and the other man, forcefully yanking the guy’s arm away from your shoulder. No matter if there were many people around or not, your husband would pin the guy to the wall of the building right next to you and warn your friend with a dangerously low voice: “Who do you think you are, touching my wife like that? Do you know who you are messing with? If you hold your life dearly, then you better stay away from Y/N.” Once he sees the fear in the other man’s eyes, he would smirk triumphantly and walk over to you nonchalantly. Jinhwan would simply ignore the stares of any curious onlookers and walk away with you, pretending that nothing at all had happened. Song Yunhyeong
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The two of you had been at a private party, celebrating your husband’s success of making his gang the most powerful and most influential in the area, and of course alcohol was flowing freely all night. Although you stayed away from the alluring liquor because of your slowly growing belly, it did not mean that other guests did the same. The booze had raised the confidence level of one particular guy who could not stop taking his eyes off of you. Yunhyeong had been watching the two of you for a while, trying to keep calm and not overreact at the stranger’s overflowing attention for you. However, when the man reached forward and put one hand on your hip as if inviting you to dance with him, your husband decided that he had had enough and that it was time to do something against the annoying disturber. Not taking his eyes off of you for even one second, Yunhyeong would snap his finger once and watch with relish how two bodyguards came over and removed the man from his field of view. When you turn towards your husband with a questioning frown on your face, he would walk over to you, pull you close against his chest and whisper: “Don’t look at me like that, baby, you know exactly that I can’t stand when other men look at you that way… it makes me feel disgusted and I was close to personally do something to him. Of course I know you would not have liked, but at least I won’t have to ever see him again." Kim Jiwon (Bobby)
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It was true that he had told you that he liked seeing you in the red dress he had bought for you a few weeks earlier, and it was also true that the tight piece of cloth around your growing belly made you even sexier in his eyes. But Jiwon did not anticipate that other men would think the same and be so bold as to approach you although it was clear that you were pregnant. You and your husband were at the party he had organized to celebrate his last successful operation, and Bobby had been watching one of the guests flirting with you for the last few minutes. But now that the guy was touching your wrist after telling a joke and laughing together with you intimately, Jiwon had had enough of watching the scene and decided to take matters in his own hands. He quickly made his way over to you and the other obnoxious man and grabbed the guy's arm roughly. Jiwon would drag him to an empty hallway and throw him against the wall, a death glare in his eyes. Your husband would then pull a small knife out of his pocket and threateningly let it glide over the men's throat. His voice only a hiss, he would whisper: "If you don't take your dirty hands off my wife, these hands of yours will never touch anyone ever again. Understood?" Jiwon would not even bother to wait for the guy's reply and walk away casually. Once he is with you again, he would put an arm around your waist, lower his head and whisper: "I am warning you, don't you dare laugh with another man like this again or otherwise I'll make you scream my name and forget about any other male human being tonight." Kim Hanbin (B.I)
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Since he has a younger sister, he has always been a little protective and your relationship is no exception. He had hoped that once your were pregnant and people would recognize your slowly growing belly, other men would finally stop flirting with you. But, of course he was wrong - after all, you were the most beautiful woman in town. Therefore, it was no surprise that something inside of Hanbin snapped when he saw the bartender giving you a flirtatious wink and leaning dangerously close towards you. Your husband had only gone to the bathroom for a few minutes, and already you were involved in a conversation with another man. Hanbin, very annoyed at this point, would walk over to you and sit down in the chair next to you. He would put an arm around your waist immediately, signaling the bartender that you were his and only his woman. To make sure that the guy understood that Hanbin was serious, your husband would casually pull a small gun out of his jacket, throw it in the air once and put it back inside his pocket, all the while smiling and talking to you, pretending to ignore the annoying guy on the other side of the bar. Kim Donghyuk
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Although he is usually extremely polite and gentle towards you and his other gang members, his temper completely changes when something or someone truly upsets him. The two of you, as well as a few other members of his group, were in the headquarters of his organization, planning their next operation. Donghyuk would never approve a plan without your invaluable input, and tonight was no exception. However, he had noticed one of his members throwing you flirtatious looks throughout the meeting, and his rage built up even more when that same guy went over to you after the gathering and sat down next to you casually. Donghyuk completely lost his temper when the other man put an arm around your waist and pulled you towards him, so close that your faces were almost touching. Although Donghyuk had told his gang members to treat you like family, he was not okay with someone being so close to you, especially since you were pregnant, your growing belly being the proof that you belonged to Donghyuk. Your husband would furiously walk over to his team member, yank him up into a standing position and land a well-aimed blow on the man’s face. With an angry look on his face, Donghyuk would hiss: “How dare you touch her like this when I am present in the same room? I told you to treat her like your sister, but you just crossed the line… If you want to see the sun rise tomorrow, I advise you to fuck off and never show your face here ever again."
Koo Junhoe (Ju-ne)
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Since you had always had an independent personality, Junhoe had always been a little suspicious of other men who were trying to get your attention. He gave you your freedom and allowed you to meet whomever you wanted, but especially now that you were expecting his, your, child, he could not help being a little extra protective about you. He was looking outside the window of your shared apartment, waiting for you to come back from meeting your friend, when he saw you arrive in a big, black car. His face froze and a dark expression settled on it when he realized that the driver sitting next to you was male. Your husband could follow your every movement from his spot at the apartment window, and his anger only rose when he saw the man resting his hand on your thigh while smiling at you widely. A sudden wave of jealously shot through Juhoe's veins, and he waived his bodyguards closer. Without taking his eyes off of the guy in the car, he growled: "Remove this... scum from my field of vision and make sure he will stay away from Y/N forever. If the guy does not comply, don't hesitate to use force." When his bodyguards had almost left the room, your husband would add: "Oh, right, and don't let Y/N know about this. I just want her to be safe, but she does not need to know everything I do for her safety." Jung Chanwoo
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Chanwoo had always liked how you offered to talk to business partners and the leaders of other gangs during important meetings since your presence and female charm often meant the successful concluding of contracts and other agreements. However, things had changed when your husband had found out that you were pregnant and his baby was growing in your belly. Although he had told you to rest and leave the talking to him, you had insisted that you were fine and wanted to help at this important gathering with one of Chanwoo's greater rival gangs. But when your husband saw the gang leader throwing thirsty looks in your direction and you even followed the guy’s invitation to sit down next him, rage started to burn inside of Chanwoo and he no longer cared about the outcome of the meeting. Chanwoo would walk right over to the rival leader and point a gun at the other man’s head. His eyes would glow with jealousy and anger, and only through intervening in the heated situation and countless apologies could you prevent a major conflict, but Chanwoo and the other gang leader would be enemies for the rest of their lives.
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trivialqueen · 4 years
{Here’s the next section of that original story. Still currently, and creatively called, Hospital Romance Drama. As always, I’m neither a doctor, nor British.  I’m just a girl who fancies herself a writer and likes slow burns, smart women, and tall men.}
Technically speaking she didn’t have to be on the Acute Admissions Ward unless someone asked for her specifically. They employed registrars and foundation doctors, students and nurses to do the admitting and diagnosing. There was even a full-time consultant to run the whole show. The problem was, that the full time consultant was Gareth Morris, who since the opening of a private care center in the hospital, seemed to spend more and more until it was most of his time there with those patients and their checkbooks rather than providing some sort of leadership on his ward. Occasionally, when she had an idle and cynical moment, she wondered if it was an American thing. America, with its broken, private health system, if every doctor born across the pond treated the profession as a revenue stream rather than a noble vocation. But that hadn’t been the experience she remembered from Stanford during her time there. Her mentor there had been a teddy bear of a man, nothing like the task master that trained her and the sharpness of the program that shaped her. And yet, as teddy as he was, he could also be a bear. He'd roared and growled and nearly disemboweled a junior doctor for putting profit before people in his surgery.
And then there was Gareth Morris.
It wasn’t that Gareth wasn’t amiable. He was. He had an easy laugh and a winning smile. When he found out she’d studied at Stanford he’d declared her an honorary Californian and drug her out to go watch baseball at odd hours of the night. American football as well. The Giants and the 49ers. They were both Giants and 49ers fans, and they’d drink Budweiser and laugh. He was utterly charming. He was also utterly venal. A good enough general surgeon, if you could get his attention. Unfortunately, AAU rarely did. So, she popped round when she had a spare moment. The registrars she could trust to diagnose on their own, but she didn’t trust them to teach diagnosis. And there were a slew of F1s on AAU. Marcus was fairly good about calling her down to double check any CT cases, but she liked to be around, just in case.
Acute Admissions, even on a slow day, operated on a level of chaotic that took her breath away. She knew she was going soft, but the pace was something she couldn’t do full time. Maybe once, but not anymore. Every bed was full and it was loud. Harvey was never as loud as AAU seemed to always be.
“Listen to me, I’m tellin’ ya, I can’t see! I can’t see anything!” Across the way the patient thrashed, panic in his thick Scots accent. He was a large man, a footballer by his build and his Aberdeen F.C. jersey. The flail of his arm nearly put poor Jenny Yoon on her ass.
“Excuse me, please.” Magnusson was quicker on the jump than she was, pushing past an orderly to help the young Foundation doctor wrestle the man onto the bed and get the nasal cannula in place.
“Oh, Thank – Mr. Magnusson.” Jenny squeaked, even at a distance Sofia Grace could tell her eyes were like saucers. Magnusson had never been on the ward at the same time she had. She’d never seen him with a patient before, other than the one he tried to poach from her. It would be interesting to see him in a diagnostic setting, as well as to observe him firsthand interact with the junior staff. As far as she knew he’d not made anyone else cry recently, but given Jenny’s expression, his head count may yet increase.
“And you are?” He fixed her with a hard stare, still holding the patient down until he was confident the man would stop squirming and swinging.
“Dr. Yoon.”
“And I can’t see!” The man wailed from his bed, he’d stopped struggling, for the most part.
“What is wrong with the patient?” Jenny absolutely looked like she might cry.
“I don’t know.” She replied honestly. ‘Was ist deine diagnose?’ ‘Keine Ahnung.’ Sofia Grace was in that moment with her, back in her own early days. Clueless and pressed for answers.
“Why can’t I see?!” The patient was certainly willing to offer his own summary of the problem, though a diagnosis eluded him as well.
“Yes you do,” He directed at Jenny, warmly. For her part Dr. Yoon stared at him blankly, still partially holding the man down as if she feared he’d start failing again. “Nurse,” Magnusson turned to the nearest nurse, his long hand diving into his front pocket. “I assume there’s a vending machine around here, two chocolate bars, nothing with nuts, and I’d like the change back please.” He dropped a handful of coins into the nurse’s confused hands. “How long as he been here?” His attention returned to Jenny as the nurse headed for the vending machines.
“Why aren’t you listening to me? I’m telling you I can’t see!”
“As you’ve been bellowing. Now do keep quiet so we can actually diagnose you.” Magnusson snapped. He had a point, even if he didn’t have much of a bedside manner. “Thank you!”
“About seven, eight minutes ago.”
“Before his fit he was slurring aggressive confused you assumed he was drunk.”
“I can’t see anything.” The patient had not shut up but was softer in their mournful wailing.
“Yes. No… I’m sorry?” Jenny still wasn’t understanding what he was getting at. Sofia Grace fixed Magnusson with a hard stare. Surely this was when the yelling started. Or the passive aggressive heavy sigh. The devastating comments and condescension.
“TP.” Was all he said as he continued to wrestle the man into the pulse oximetry and the other nursing duties. Magnusson was far from a stout man, but he apparently had wiry strength – or the poor patient was too distracted and distraught to put up much of a fight.
“His blindness. Todd’s paresis which makes his seizure therefore-”
“Tonic-Colonic.” Jenny had finally caught on.
“You see that wasn’t so hard,” He praised. “Hypoglycemia - his blood sugar is through the floor.” Jenny had figured out what was wrong with her patient, but was now looking even more flustered, almost ill.
“Oh, but yesterday I sent him home! I assumed he was a junkie or drunk or something.”
“Everyone’s done it once, nobody does it again. What’s his name?” She’d expected one of two things in response – and neither of them was the response he gave. She had perhaps expected him to yell, reduce the young doctor to tears for such a failure. Or, perhaps he would mock and boast – ‘everyone’s done it but me of course’. Instead he was sympathetic, and honest. Everyone makes at least one utterly stupid mistake in their first year. She, herself, had been so flustered by a patient from Niger who spoke neither English nor German that she completely forgot all about the history of colonialism, African geography and geopolitics and started looking for a translator who could speak Kanuri or Yedina rather than French. She’d been so utterly mortified when Dr. Hahnemann was able to strike up an easy conversation with the woman in French that she spent the next semester trying to learn at least some French so that would never happen again. In the end all she really got out of the class were two sentences - Je compris seulement la garre – I only understand train station, which was a German idiom and utterly incomprehensible in French and Je m'appelle Hale, je ne parle pas français, mais je trouverai quelqu'un qui le pourra – My name is Hale, I do not speak French but I will find someone who can.
“Sit up Ross,” Magnusson’s voice broke through her own worst memories, “time for breakfast.” The patient, Ross, did neither. After being forced into the bed he seemed uninterested in changing tack. “Sit up.” He said again, with more force. “Now eat this, eat it.” Ross did so, slowly, “We don’t want you slipping into a coma and Dr. Yoon here slipping into an existential crisis. Normal eyesight will resume shortly.” And with that he left in a whirl of a crisp cut suit and confusion as neither Jenny nor Sofia Grace knew exactly what to make of the interaction.
AAU was a mess. An utter shamble. It was not necessarily that way because it was simply full, rather what made it a travesty was its lack of leadership. A full ward could still operate effectively, if it had proper leadership. The Acute Admissions Unit had no center, registrars and foundation doctors were pulled this way and that, putting out fires as they arose rather than attending patients with any sense of order, let alone in a way that would actually capitalize upon their skill sets. CT registrars diagnosing GS cases and vice versa because while they lacked clear leadership, they were all guided by the imperative ‘heal the sick’.
And in the middle of the fray was Ms. Hale. She was in conversation with Oliver Anderson, talking with her hands, as was her want. Of course, where there was chaos so too was there Sofia Grace Hale.
“It’s Ms. Hill,” Nurse Allie Waters was an interesting woman. She had started as a temp a few weeks ago and solidified that position into something permanent, dare say indispensable. She had good instincts, better bedside manner and patient rapport, and when she wanted to be, she could be fierce. As she was now, prying Dr. Anderson’s attention away from flirting. Nurse Waters, of course, did all of this while wearing the most ridiculous, sparkly headband regulations allowed and bubblegum pink lipstick. “You said you’d take a look?”
At Nurse Waters’ words Ms. Hale snapped to attention, eyes focusing in on the chart in her hand, as if she wanted to snap it up and read it herself. It was clear that she resisted the urge, but only just. Anderson was actually a member of AAU and as a Foundation doctor should be practicing his diagnostic and clinical skills.
“Yeah, go on then.” Anderson was more laid back in his response. He was clearly still too distracted by the number of buttons undone on Ms. Hale’s chambray blouse (two, giving a tantalizing view, her scar was the most faded at the top, blending into her ample cleavage, not that he would ever admit to checking) to pay attention to his job.
“She’s not doing very well. Her BP is very low.”
“Well,” Anderson said with cocky confidence, “let’s increase her fluids and up her obs to every fifteen minutes.” This time Ms. Hale really did grab the pale blue folder from Miss Waters.
“Which patient is this?”
“Bed three.” Ms. Hale turned, and Anderson was only able to follow in her wake.
“Hi, I’m Ms. Hale. Mind if I take a look at you?” She unwound the stethoscope from her neck as the patient consented. It was as she bent to listen to the woman’s chest that he noticed her stockings. The black seam running straight up the back of her shapely legs, the sight of which momentarily sent all blood down from his brain. Stockings were his weakness.
“Thank you.” She straightened up and Felix forced himself to focus. She was a professional, goddamnit. He was a professional, and now he was behaving no better than that damnable junior doctor. Ms. Hale motioned to that same junior doctor, as well as Nurse Waters and stepped away from the patient’s bed. Her voice was slightly softer than before, much sharper, and clearly outlined by her cayenne lips, which were decidedly not smiling.
“She’s developing cardiac failure, there’s already fluid building on the lungs. More fluids might have proved a little, hmmmm, risky?!” Dr. Anderson, at the very least, had the decency to look embarrassed.
“I’m sorry, I just haven’t had time to look at her.” Ms. Hale crossed her arms under her chest, the arch of her brow daring him to peak.
“Really,” She deadpanned. “No matter how tempting it may be you cannot just react to the symptoms, you have to react to the patient. You have to see the patient. Ms. Hill here needs cardiac enzymes, she needs careful fluid management,” Miss Waters took her cue and headed back to the bedside to implement the change. “Arrange a transfer to Harvey and notify Paul.”
“Yes, of course.”
Ms. Hale ran a hand through her curls as Dr. Anderson left her and exhaled a centering breath.
“Where the hell is Morris?!” As if on cue the ward doors swung open and Gareth Morris appeared, freshly pressed and flashing a million dollar, if apologetic smile. Felix was standing nearer to the door and his legs are infinitely longer than Ms. Hale’s and yet the petite consultant reaches the other surgeon first. Her heels clicking across the tiles.
“Gareth, what the fuck.” She hisses at the man, for once her dark eyes spit fire at someone else.
“Sorry, sorry. I’ve been back and forth all day.”
“More forth than back, perhaps.” Magnusson stepped to Ms. Hale’s side, she spared him half a look.
“Gareth, AAU has been slammed all day. Beds are full. Registrars are good enough clinicians, but you just leave them without some semblance of direction and even the most proficient wind up running around.” Morris had the decency to look somewhat ashamed, although his posture was also ridged and defensive.
“Everything was under control when I went up to check on my other patients. I can’t help if others can’t handle the heat. And you were down here, you’re always down here. Magnusson was down here, surely that should have provided some stability.”
“I am not the AAU lead consultant! I’m not even a consultant on this ward! I am here to help out and do a little teaching as far as CT diagnostics are concerned. I’m not a substitute for actual leadership.”
“It’s just me and a gaggle of nurses on the PCW, I’m splitting my time as best I can. Do you want me to ignore those patients instead?”
“No one will be ignoring anyone.” Felix felt compelled to step in. Not that Ms. Hale wasn’t doing a good job giving the American the what for, but if they were actually going to see change the ‘what for’ was only going to make Morris more defensive. His spine was already ramrod straight. “I believe, Mr. Morris, your role with our private care ward is supplemental, your primary appointment is as lead consultant on AAU. It is reasonable to expect you to split your time proportionally. Furthermore, it is reasonable that when you switch between wards, those under you know where you’ve gone and that there is some sense of a plan regarding direction and leadership in place. Ms. Hale and I will not always be on the ward to assist. Who is your ward manager?”
“Ward manager? We don’t have one.” Gud i himlen.
“What do you mean you don’t have one?!”
“Sheena left two months ago.” Beside him Ms. Hale made a soft, unimpressed sound. Something to ask about later…
“Unacceptable. Who is your deputy lead consultant?”
“A what?” Felix could feel pressure building behind his eyes.
“Your second in command.”
“Oh, well, Xav’s pretty on the ball. Aurelius too. Then of course there’s Sacha Bear…”
“Xav?” Felix only recognized Marcus Aurelius’ name out of all that Morris said. Xav he felt confident was a nickname for someone, there was no doctor, as far as he could recall being named Sacha.
“Marcus Xavier, he just joined us as a registrar last year.” Ms. Hale supplied. She was profoundly unimpressed, her cayenne red lips set in a grim line.
“You have no ward manager and apparently no other full-time consultants and no set leadership hierarchy amongst your registrars.” Felix repeated slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose. The FT audit started in three days and he was just now finding out that one of the primary wards was operating for the last two months, at least, at critical failure.
“I want a list of all your staff currently – nurses, registrars, foundation doctors, even the porters and how long they’ve been on the ward. There is a fundamental structural failure here, but it will require more of a fix than I can do at this moment. Until this is sorted, stay on AAU!” Morris looked both annoyed by the order and relieved at the promise of more resources. It was an odd combination of expressions to say the least.
Ms. Hale followed him to the elevator, her expression equally as odd.
“Something on your mind, Ms. Hale?” It was unlike her to keep her thoughts to herself.
“Did we just agree on something?” The twist of her full lips told him her musing was half in jest.
“I suppose we did.”
“And a few snowflakes fall in hell.” 
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