#hopefully i dont accidentally post a sketch i already posted
daily-odile · 2 months
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boxy-art · 6 years
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Decided to compile these asks to show my process with a drawing, hopefully it's helpful. Gonna number and explain these pics 1-8, going left to right, cause mobiles butt (warning long post) (1) I usually dont go into a drawing with a pose in mind already, but once i draw the head, i decide on how i want the body placed (2) After that i mess around on what i want the limbs to be doing, it's always good to make each one do something different, even slighty. If you want poses to pop more keep both sides of the drawing asymetrical (3) Once i figure out where i want the limbs put i make em thicc. Where you put the hands and feet are important too (hand could be clentched, opened, doing peace sign, ect. Feet angles can change a lot too) (4) Once i get an idea on how the drawing is shaping up i decide on a face. Expression can be divided by the eyes, brows, and mouth. Mix and match it to see what sticks with you (i also dont recommend coloring rn, like i what i did with the eyes and nose there. We're still gonna erase some stuff later) (5) Then i put the clothes on him, dudes naked. I press slightly harder on my pen here so the lines for the clothes take more priority, you can barely notice the sketch under it now. Make sure the clothes go around the pose you make so you get an idea on how everything is positioned (6) Now everythings in place, i press harder on my pencil again, letting all the lines i want take priority. So far nothing in this drawing has been erased, but you can barely see the sketch under it anymore. But we need to tidy up (7) The reason you wanna draw lightly at first is to erase the sketch lines later. So just start erasing gently. Dont worry about accidentally erasing parts you wanted to keep, you can just redraw it later. (8) Aaaaand it's finished. I cleaned up the lines and added some finishing touhes with coloring the outfit and such. Some extra tips: - If the pose is the main focus of your drawing, try and make sure it has a nice silhouette. A good pose is something you can identify just with it's figure. You dont always have to do this but it's something to keep in mind sometimes. I think back to almost all the recent smash bros and pokemon trainer model art as example. A lot of those characters really pop there. - Learn some basic anatomy. Whether for a human, animal, or whatever, knowing how your drawing is shaped gives you more room to mess with poses. You'll also be able to draw them faster in the long run too - Exaggerate more, especially if your drawings are on the more cartoony side. Always try and find ways to curve and bend your character around, if that makes sense. - Look at refs. If you see a piece of art you like, really try and pin point parts you like about it, and impliment it in your own art. Maybe you like how they draw a cloths wrinkles, or the hair, or arm angle, ect. Even look at the mirror if you need specific angles if you need to. Its amazing how much of the little details go a long way. - Constantly try out different poses. It's my secret to drawing filbert so much, just draw him doing something different everytime lol. But always try and learn something new. Draw em sitting down, leaning on a table, just anything that pushes you into draw them in different way. And again use refs if you need them. So anyway i hope this can help some of you, this may not work with every art style out there but hopefully it can give sone insight. And @ryodarocker give yourself some credit, you've come a long way with your art! You should be proud of all the progress you made, and good luck~
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koncreates · 5 years
I don't wanna post this on my art or fantroll blogs because I dont want to hurt anybody's feelings accidentally but!!! Gosh every time I do art trades I always very suddenly remember why I Do Not Do Art trades. This last one I did on my fantroll blog with @themisfitsedge was (and I am not exaggerating here) the BEST art trade experience I've had in a long time! (and the one I did with Videcoeur a few months ago was very good as well!! Highly recommend doing trades with them if either of them want to do a trade!!)
But like...
Listen, I am not picky whatsoever when it comes to quality of art. Art takes time and effort and everyone works at different skill levels and I absolutely adore seeing all the different styles I get to see through trades!! But the second someone in a trade starts acting like I owe them something over the top when
We haven't even started a trade yet
They haven't shown me their half
They give me something that I know for a fact they only spent like 20 minutes on
I get!!! kinda pissed!! I only owe you something if you Have Paid Me or have Already Shown Me Your Half and I Know that it is what we agreed on. Like... you may think you're being sneaky but it is very easy for me to tell the difference between someone who genuinely wants to trade art with me and someone who wants to get a free commission in exchange for 15 minutes of their time. (Made a great deal easier by the fact that the latter usually come out of the woodwork after I post finished trade pieces).
Without fail I always spend at LEAST an hour on my art trade pieces. The last one I did took about 5 hours to do- partially because I was learning a new program, but mostly because I want to create something that my partner will want to stare at for minutes on end and love!! Something that does their character justice and will hopefully brighten their day whenever they see it...
This is why I always ask to see my partner's half first or will only exchange the pieces at the same time. If I trust my trade partner or are their friend already then I might not, but if i don't know someone well or suspect that they might only want free art then I will always let them know that I do not post my half first.
If I get a bad vibe from your messages? I won't accept your trade request.
If you are rude to me and act entitled to my time and art? I won't accept your trade request.
If I have had a bad experience with you in the past? I wont accept your trade request.
I'm not obligated to accept your trade request if I just don't want to trade with you.
Like... I'm not a hard person to get along with and I give people WAY too many chances to treat me wrong. But damn man, if you make me feel like a shaken soda can is about to explode in my chest just by setting up a trade with you??? Then boy howdy am I NOT gonna waste my time on something I know I'll be disappointed by.
Anyway tldr spending hours working on something special for another person that was agreed on to be a colored piece by both parties, only to be given sketches on lined paper over bio homework really changes a man lmao.
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thepleasureisguilty · 6 years
A Day of Pampering Chapter 7:
Part of an ongoing rp between @ask-a-slippery-boy and myself
Chapter 1:(SFW)  https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180404620744/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-1-insomnia-and-a-night
Chapter 2: (SFW) https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180491298229/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-2-bathe-in-the-baths
Chapter 3: (NSFW ish): https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180609254064/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-3-turning-tables-in
Chapter 4: (NSFW)
chapter 5 : (SFW ish)
chapter 6: (SFW):  https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180782130404/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-6-the-counts-new
this one is SFW: contains feasting with a countess and  making Devoraks blush.
*I jump a little as you squeeze me but I don’t make a sound. I hold your arm as we follow Nadia down lucio’s hallway and to the dining room. Servents scurry around and Nadia grabs one and tells them to find Portia and have her join us.*
*The dining room is also fairly busy. We are seated across from Nadia near the end of the table.*
*I sit next to you, holding your hand under the table and watching the servants scurry about and having this sensation of wanting to help *
*Pasha comes through the doors in a hurry* “Countess, you called for me?” *she looked a little flustered, like she may have ran a bit to get here*
*Nadia held up her hand to calm her.* “To join us, for dinner.” *She gestures to the seat besides her. Portia blushed and walked over to the seat only then realizing who “us” accompanied*
“What??? Ilya??? Mast??? You both look so good! Ilyusha I didn’t even know you could wear at color..”
*nadia smirked* “they do look rather good don’t they? I dressed them up after I found them rummaging around in lucio’s closet of all places...”
*portia gave us a look and a gesture which I returned with a shrug*
*i wave at portia and give a guilty smile when she gestures at us*
Haha there really is no excuse portia *I shrug as well still grinning*
*Portia narrows her eyes at us, as if to say that she doesn’t buy that there isn’t some wild story involved, knowing us.* *Nadia simply looks amused at the whole situation.* “So, Mast, you mentioned you run a lounge? Please tell me more.”
*i flush* oh i do, its a very... Underground business. An artist collective of sorts where the group can make a few bucks and have a place to practice their art. *I try to skirt past the fact that we feast on the leftovers of nobles*
If you ever would like a portrait done Nadia, i would be honored to assist
*my eyes go up to the painting in the dining room* that was commissioned by lucio wasnt it? ... *I smile* I can tell by the color scheme and composition
*Portia and and I devolve into making strange expressions at each other. A wordless conversion that is essentially a back and forth of “what did you do?” And “I didn’t do anything”*
*my eyes occasionally switch between you two and i laugh to myself*
*nadia looks thoughtful.* “I do appreciate the underground resurgence of art in this city. I always find the most interesting things there. Theaters, markets, alike. I’d be very interested to see what yours is like.” *She looks a little surprised when you offer to make her portrait and laugh when you say the one on the wall was obviously commissioned by Lucio.* “you’ve only spend a few minutes in his closet and already you can tell the man’s taste. How amusing.”
*Portia surfaces from our “conversation”* “Mast is really talented, my lady! They drew Pepe and I the other night.” *Nadia smiles* “well I’ll have to consider it, since they come so highly recommended.”
*I blush a bit at the praise and smile* id be happy to sketch you sometime to show you my talents Nadia. Then you may determine for yourself if it is justified
*She seems pleased* we’ll have to make an appointment of some sort.
*Servants come in with carts. They set down wide but shallow bowls of creamy soup. They set down glasses of fine white wine to pair with it, and vanish quickly as they appear*
*I inspect the food, the smell is rich in spices and fish* cream of scallop? *I venture the guess smiling*
*nadia nods* “You must have a good pallet. That is correct.” * the soup is delicious. I make a satisfied sigh as I eat, but that might also be because I can hold your thigh under the table without anyone noticing*
*I humm happily as you hold my thigh and i taste the soup, it is great. Highly doubt this batch would ever be sent back to the lounge *
*I trace circles into your inner thigh. I have such a hard time keeping my hands off of you, I’m actually surprised we ever make it outside sometimes* Delicious, as always. Thank you for the invite Nadia, your hospitality is greatly appreciated.
*Portia nods* “And thank you for inviting me to join you too! It’s nice to get a quiet moment with you *she blushes* e - everyone I mean
*I give a glance to nadia as though to let her know portia wasn’t talking about me or her brother* indeed ... More wine for anyone? *i stand and reach for the carafe *
*i refill your glass* I imagine you two don’t get many quiet moments *i grin slyly* running a city is exhausting and im sure portia feels it too being your right hand
*Nadia is very perspective. Your Portia’s comment, along with your glance, do not go unnoticed to her. Everyone thanks you for the refill.* “Oh not at all!” *Portia insists* “Helping my lady is no trouble at all! Especially when she works so hard to keep the city together. You should see all the work she’s gotten done this last week! It’s incredible!” *Nadia flushes a bit under her praise* “Nonsense, Portia. You work very hard for me.” *there’s a low purr in her voice. I might not be particularly perceptive, but even I pick up on that little subtly* *I arch and eyebrow at Portia, who blushes deeply*
*i smile... Checkmate.... My brow raises to portia too* oh dont worry portia, i know for a fact how much you enjoy working for the countess, nothing you have told me would ever make me think you didnt enjoy your job *I smile earnestly knowing that my point has been made And the ball has began to roll*
*I sit back down and put my hand on your thigh, under the table*
*She turns bright red under our combined gaze. Nadia observes this with amusement and a mischievous curl of her lip. I could pick out a Dom Face (tm) from miles away. I’m deeply uninterested in knowing whatever she may be imagining for my baby sister, but I am glad to know that Nadia may be interested. If anyone would treat Pasha right, and give her the spoiling she deserves, it’s Nadia. Under the table, I put my hand on yours, and intertwine our touching legs. I attempt to act oblivious to all the different tensions happening at the table and work on finishing my soup*
*I try to hide a smirk with finishing my soup and drinking the wine, i intertwined our fingers together and reciprocate the leg touching, i am not acting oblivious at all to all the tensions in the room. I watch nadia, observing her Dom face gawking at the blushing portia... I trust that she will tell her how she feels when the time feels right. As for me and you... Everyone already knows were fucking.. No mystery to it and i like it that way... I like the fact that we and everyone knows we want eachother and it is simply up to us to determine when and how*
*As we finish our soup, servants re enter and take the bowls from us. They replace them with plates of roasted lamb, accompanied by many different sauces and sides of jeweled rice. I favor a minty yogurt for mine dish.*
*my mouth waters as i look at the plate* so... Did you know roasted lamb was my favorite meal countess?
*Nadia looks surprised* “I did not, but I am glad to hear it. Hopefully it is cooked to your liking.”
*i cut open the meat, juice pours from it and the center is a bright pink color with charred edges* perfection....
“Ah I am happy to hear it. You are my guest, and I would prefer to to afford you as much luxury as I can.” *Nadia says*
*I smile, nod, and shamelessly dig in. The noise i make is slightly erotic without meaning to be*
*I make a sensual satisfied sound that is perhaps a bit too loud when I take the first bite of the lamb. It is delicious. Portia shoots me an unimpressed expression.*
*Nadia smirks and teases* “It seems Portia was not exaggerating when she said the two of you were very well suited for each other.”
*I swallow and chuckle at nadias comment and look to you lovingly*.... I guess not *i smile and squeeze your hand before diving back into the meat*
*I beam back at you, my lips are shiny with the oils of the lamb. Being slightly uncouth next to you? My fantasy come true. This tender moment is slightly interrupted when Nadia says.* “Next time we really ought to invite Asra, and MC as well. Gather the ‘old gang’ as it where.” *I accidentally inhale a grain of rice and choke on it rather ungracefully*
*the second bite holds all the flavor, it is full bodied and juicy, theres a bit of blood left that leaves a fatty copper taste to it. The texture is divine, the meat is tender and ritch. Garlic, sage, tyme, and rosemary was rubbed into the outside of the slab before being cooked. The roasting process formed a crunchy heavily seasoned layer on the outside and a soft, tender middle...im missing something... It adds to the moisture of the flesh... White wine!... Slits made in the cut towards the end of the cooking process flooded with white wine... Ohh this truly is magnificent. I take a bite of the rice... Olive, garlic, parsley and a creamy dill flavor hit my senses... Little bits of chopped up onion...and the rice is panfried so it has bits of crunch to it... --- my enjoyment of the meal is interrupted by you choking, i offer you my water and rub your back*
A A Asra? *Cough* I-if you so wish it Countess. It um... has been a while. *Nadia raises an eyebrow* “Oh, is there a problem, I had thought the two of you had put your... past behind you.” *I cough a few more times* We did errr that is, we have... *I blush deeply*
*I raise a brow, before i put two and two together* Asra?
And old lover im assuming *i raise a brow and smirk at you*
*I drink some wine to finally stop my choking* The three of us... Nadia, Asra, and I, used to be quite close friends... “Yes,” Nadia chimed in, “This was before Julian ‘murdered’ my husband.” *I flush deeper and deeper* Well things progressed between Asra and I, but the ending was.... a little messy.... “Yes, our Doctor was thoroughly heart broken if I recall correctly.” *Nadia added helpfully* *I shoot her an exasperated expression* It was a long time ago. But... well, that last fight was a little hurtful... we both said things we shouldn’t have.
“And” *added Nadia* “They have spent plenty of time to get her since then. I personally don’t understand where your anxiety stems from.” *Nadia said. I only know that she It attempting to comfort me after knowing her for so long. Her approach is generally logical and a little cold.* “Clearly Asra has let the past go. You should not be worried about what he has left to say to you.”
True. *I pose with my fingers on my forehead dramatically* But it was not Asra’s heart that was broken on that fateful night *Truthfully I don’t know why I’m still scared to see him. Maybe because I know that he’s seen my worst qualities and isn’t afraid to point them out. I hope I can cover any genuine concern by pretending to be overdramatic*
*damn harsh... Nadias words strike... But your reaction it seems like youve dealt with this before... I give you a look when you overdramatize and bring your hands from your face and into mine* okay drama queen *i smile trying to lighten the mood* if you need to have a long talk with asra to calm your anxieties about him... Then I suggest you do it, it can even be at the lounge if you like... If you dont want to do that then i wont encourage us going on a triple date with him *I smile and touch the bottom of your chin in a "buck up" manner*
But i will have you putting on a one man show to hide your anxiety... Deal? *I smile at you hopeful *
*But do we need to talk? I’m not sure what we would say to each other. I give your hand a squeeze.* I... I don’t know if a heart to heart is exactly what a I need or not, but I’m not opposed to a triple date. *Portia blushes deeply each time we say that word* I think exposure may be the correct therapy here. *I kiss your hands* Nadia is right, we have spent time together since. I don’t think there’s much remaining as far as bad blood goes. *I kiss your hands again* Thank you for being understanding. Don’t let your lamb go cold on my account. *I smile and let you go. Returning back to my food as well*
*I squeeze your hand reassuringly and glance apologetic at nadia and portia nodding my head at each of them before returning to the lamb*
*they both seems happy that you managed to talk me down. Both have bore witness to how deep I can go into my little tangent. Nadia does not approve of emotional coddling, but she seems to appreciate your problem solving approach. Portia smiles to herself too. *
*i understand the spiral... The use of theatrics to hide real emotion or make satire out of what your feeling. I also know that one needs to be told they are doing so and given another solution to the issue*
*I don’t think I’ve ever been with anyone who really understood the motions of my emotional spirals as well as you do. I squeeze your leg under the table. This isn’t the time to talk about it really, but I do appreciate it. I appreciate you, entirely. I shoot you a loving look.*
*I reciprocate the squeeze and look back at you smiling* So, when are we planning this triple date or then? *I perk up smiling at Nadia and Portia*
*Nadia smirks and Portia turns red* “Hmm... unfortunately I don’t have much as far as free time as of late. I have lots of projects in the works, things Vesuvia desperately need. Finally I’ve removed most of my obstacles in completing them.“
If there is anything i can assist you with Nadia, please just ask *i smile at her* you have been very...kind to me. I want to be of assistance anyway i can.
*She sighs* “it’s hard to tell what I’ll be needing in the future. But I will keep you in mind should I need use of your skills. Thank you for the offer, Mast. I do look forward to our date” *she made a meaningful glance at Portia, who looked like she may jump out of her skin* “I just cannot guarantee that it will be very soon.” *She smiled mischievously* “And I would like very much to visit your lounge. Portia,” *Portia jumped to attention* “Would you like to attend with me? See what sort of trouble your brother has gotten himself into?”
*I cant help but grin in semi disbelieve and victory, a heavy sense of accomplishment washing over me as nadia asks*
*Portia gave me a look up and down, eyes lingering on my bite marks* “I’m not sure how much I want to know.”
Nadia laughed. “Yes. I did see perhaps a little too much when I found them earlier...”
“Oh gross!!! I am so sorry my lady! Ilya! I cannot believe you!”
*I flush and laugh a bit* honestly I think it was a good thing you came in when you did nadia *I blush more very embarrassed and a little proud*
*Nadia’s grin deepened, obviously getting a bit of a kick out of grossing out Portia and embarrassing me* “Oh? And why is that, Mast?”
*I turn red*
*uhoh... Was not expecting that...* uh hhh hmmm *i turn bright red nable to answer, my articulation skills have betrayed me*
*Nadia rests her head on her hands and waits patiently for you to answer clearly*
*i smirk wide and rest my head on my hands in the same fashion* you would have been blind by all the gody things we were trying on in your husbands closet...
Seriously some of the things he owned were quite terrifying. Im only glad you were spared
*i sip my wine raising my eye brows at her*
*Pasha pretends to gag. I say nothing, knowing i will only blow your cover if I try and help. Nadia, on the other hand, I’ve never seen such an evil look on her face.* “I assure you the most terrifying things in there were gifts from me. Did you have any favorites?”
Hmmm *I scratch my chin thoughtfully* I would have to say my favorite gawdy thing in there, that i saw so far* would have to be the large red cloak with white fur and black spots on it with the giant gold lion clasp in the front
*I chuckle while saying it, honestly not knowing if he owned such a thing*
*Nadia sighed, disappointed* “Oh I thought you were talking about the flogs. You’re quite right, I hated seeing that dumb cape. A lion? Honestly...”
Flogs? Oh we didnt get that far! Perhapse you could show us later? If you like *i smile* and agreed *I nod fain knowing what shes talking about* very distasteful
*Nadia places a hand on Portia’s shoulder, who looks as though she may faint* “I’ll think about it, I’d hate to scare dear Portia here. Unless red hair and easily flustered aren’t the only dominant Devorak genes...” *im not particularly surprised that Nadia knows what a massive masochist I am. It’s not exactly a secret. But Pasha... looks confused and terrified. I’d have to tease her about it later.*
*As we finish dinner, servants replace our lamb with delicate little cakes. Each seems to be a different flavor. Mine is white chocolate and raspberry*
*I chuckle at the situation and turn my attention to the little cake* Mmmm coffee and a dark chocolate
*The cake is good too. I make another sound that could possibly be interpreted as lude. Pasha looks like she could kill me.  * Nadia, this is so delicious, I am continuously impressed with your skillful chiefs.
*I make a sound at my second bite of the tiny cake* agreed this is a wonderful meal, thank you so much
*Nadia smiles* well thank you for the company. Even if it was... unexpected.
*I smile back and chuckle* dont worry nadia... Next time we break in we promise to be much more careful not to get caught *I wink at her*
*Nadia scoffed* I’d much prefer that you ask me if you may visit. I might even let you use a bath that isn’t covered in a thick layer of dust and Gods knows what else.” *she gives us a meaningful look when she said “what else” that makes me blush.*
*Portia chimes in* What you used Lucio’s /Bath/ too???
*I smile guiltily at portia* I am of course joking nadia... I would definitely ask your permission first
*Nadia relaxes* “Good I would hate to put my guards on high alert to spot you. It would probably even more embarrassing to be caught by them than by me. They won’t wait until a convenient time to stop you...” *she winks*
*I laugh embarrassed and turn a bright red again I look at you to see your reaction as well*
*I have been caught with my pants down by the palace guards before.* No, they do not. *i state this matter of factly. When I catch your eyes I smile softly at your blush. It’s so damned cute.*
*I sputter out a laugh at the no they dont attempting not to cackle*
*nadia gave Portia a sympathetic pat* siblings can be difficult
*poor portia, this entire night she has been embarrassed and practically tormented by nadia.... I know shes loving the attention though*
*I decide to cut Portia some slack and give her something else to think about besides Nadia’s close proximity and all the wild sex you and I have been having since we last spoke to her.* It’s been a few days, I have to ask, how is my niece Pepi? Is she happy? Does she miss me?
*Portia rolls her eyes* “Pepi is very happy! Unlike you, I take good care of her!” *I roll my eyes back* you asked me to watch her, and I did. She’s fine. *Portia looks offended* She’s fine because I came home in time to save her from you!
*I turn to you* ilya? Did you not take care of pepei? *I narrow my gaze at you*
*I take a deep breath* I did. I swear.
*Pasha pips in* “He did not! That giant raven of his was going to carry her off!”
No he wasn’t! He’s a good- *I flush, the words “good boy” almost come out of my mouth. I’m a little extra sensitive to the phrase these days* he’s a good bird. And I was watching to make sure anyways... also Malak isn’t even my bird. We’re just friends....
Malak is a good boy I can say that for a fact. And I'm sure pepei wouldn't let anyone man handle her *I smile*
*I shift my posture as you say the phrase. Nadia defiantly notices. Portia pouts* “Even fighters need help sometimes. And Ilya if the Raven is your friend then I’m sure he’s rowdy. He squawks up a storm whenever he sees me.”
*I blink* must be the uniform…
*she narrows her eyes* Ilya that doesn’t make any sense
*Nadia leans on her hands* “It’s hard to say, Portia. Julian seems like a /good boy/. I’m sure he wouldn’t leave your dear Pepi at risk...” *I flush deeply and grab your hand* *Pasha misses the significance* He’s not! He’s loud and rowdy and he drinks to much and everyone know it!
* give Nadia a protective look and rest my arm on your shoulder* he is portia... * I look at you* and i wouldn't want it any other way
*Nadia simply looks amused. I am turning deeper red by the second. Portia is apparently more oblivious than I am. I clear my throat*
to be continued... 
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