#hopefully i can recharge soon tho
janokenmun · 10 months
ive only got so much "fuck it we ball" left in me
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fruitloid · 2 years
i promise i see the stuff in my inbox and i promise im not ignoring it i jsut cant work up the energy to commit to the requests yet, sorry gang
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pjisskullourful · 1 year
Hi! I just wanna say that you writing is just *chef's kiss* and lately you spoil us, the Ethan girlies (even tho those are comission). And i just wanna thank you for your hard work and imaginative writing . I have been a follower of yours since the 'Gay enough' era. And you opened my eyes to new possibilities and how relationship can be and also how kinks can be part of a healthy relationships (i think we all read at least one ff on tumblr that has some dubious smut scenes and toxic relationships) . Furthermore i and surely others are grateful for your blog and works since you are one of the few Måneskin fan blogs that kept writting and is still active consistently. I sincerely can say that i can't wait for the publication of the so called 'Over me' choose your own path story ( after reading the first part you are already giving us a hard time choosing bestie) and that Ethan centered imagine you announced to publish. So excited to see a softer kind of imagines comming for you. Not to say there is anything wrong with your smut writing , on the contrary, us reader can't thank you enough for it 😏 . But it is interesting to see that kind of 'get to know' the romantic interest and picturing them in a more normal settings (bookstores, cafes, quiet dinners, movie nights, doing chores) instead of the usual sexy rockstars that are seen as sex symbols. Sometimes ppl forget that Måneskin beneath the gorgeous exterior and incredible talent are just like us , people (with needs, hobbies,that have slow days in order to recharge, going out with just their friends group, etc.)
Can't wait to read your next work. Hopefully soon. Keep up the good work up queen 👑
holy fuck this is so sweet! i am so grateful that i got to wake up to this!
stream of consciousness response from me? okcurrrr
wow! thank you for saying all of this, for taking the time to send this through. it really means a lot!
*chefs kiss you on the nose* (with consent, ofcourse)
gay enough started soooooo long ago! that was literally my second request back in august of last year, so you’ve been here for ages& thank you for that. thank you for continuing to choose to spend your time here
kinking in a healthy& fun way is importnt to me for sure*99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 (wow bebe decided to stand on the keyboard instead of eating her damn breakfast, thanks dummy kitten!) anyways, as fun as it is to be flippant& etc- i do want to normalise certain things cos i know how culture can lead to behaviour. its like how lana del rey no longer performs the song ultraviolence(or said she was gonna stop, idk, i dont keep up todate with her somuch anymore, i dont know who norman rockwell is). things we excuse in the media we consume can become things we excuse in real life. so i always try my hardest to put consent, clear kink rules& safety in my shit cos this is what i have to say at the end of the day, its a reflection of me, every word& i want to believe what i say/be able to stand behind it
so keen to hear how everyone is feeling about th eupcoming decision for the conclusion of over me! somuch fun stuff coming for part two
lets get real here-- i did consider leaving. cos things have changed& i hate change, it makes me feel very unsafe. when i was getting that aggressive troll, i was wondering if there was a point to stay& keep going cos my instant reaction was to feel so isolated. that was a really emotionally defeating instance. i was planning how i would leave for real, i was planing how i could fasttrack the end of stained sheets& gay enough& thinking how to checkout cos i was questioning how worth it this all was. but at the end of the day-- the idea of leaving was even more terrifying than how awful i felt in that moment. cos i need this, quite literally. if i left, idk what i would do with myself, other than slip further into depression.at the end of the day- i do this for myself cos every word written is a moment where im not selfdestructing& mentally ripping myself to shreds. every word written is escapism for me. every word written is defiance. every word written is creativity chosen over selfdestruction& spiraling. every word written is so very significant to me cos before this i was really messed up& i wasnt writing consistently. so imma stick around& keep doing this for as long as it makes sense for me, cos i need to write, its all i really know, for more than half of my life& its ridiculously validating to have people give any kind of a crap about it
so im sticking around. i mean, i need something to keep me occupied while i wait for maneskin to get their asses to australia(have they even heard of my country?! not sure at this point)
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datboredpencil · 1 year
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2/8 sketches done for my favorite idiots :DDD I gotta nap soon to recharge tho ‘cuz thumbnailing these are so DIFFICULT *SOBS* Hopefully I can finish sketching all of them today ^^
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taestefully-in-luv · 1 year
First, how are you? How are you doing? How are you feeling about this chapter. I hope you are doing well! Love how you interact with us and I want to let you know that you’re a cool person!
Ok now for my thoughts: when oc confronted jk and Misuk, I was ready for answers but instead I got questions which I’m like bruh lol. When she asked Jungkook why and he didn’t want to say it, I thought it was about him cheating, but now looking back into it, why would he react like that? But it makes sense later on.
The build up when she walked into the attic and going through each box, I felt adrenaline coursing through my veins. I felt I was oc when she was going through it. I felt the anxiety pressing into my chest and heart. When I read it was about her baby Haru, I immediately thought he passed away. I thought something bad happened to him like a hit and run and Jungkook was working on the case.
I can see misuk wants to let her know everything and understand her reasoning. If I had amnesia, I rather have someone let me know instead of being played like a fool and have my memories back again. I rather be hurt in the moment than feel hurt AND betrayed in the future. I like misuk but she can be impulsive (don’t know if this is the correct word to describe her lol).
My theory about Haru passing away is wrong lol, but I also had a feeling that he was kidnapped. So when Jungkook confirmed it, I felt really sad for both of them. And when he explained his situation, I felt bad even more for him. I want to know more about how oc handle it.
When she bumped into Nabi and memories flashed in her mind, I legit thought we were going to dim out lmaoo but that’s not how it works. 😔
This ties a lot to the conversation with Misuk and Subin. Misuk warnings were getting me worried and thinking. And I feel like Jungkook emphasizing to oc to trust him. Like he really needs her to trust him. I feel like Nabi was at the scene when Haru was kidnapped. I believe that what looked like to OC was cheating when he and Nabi were together and while he was distracted, Haru was kidnapped. So I feel that’s why she blames him. Or Nabi is working with someone and planned the kidnapping and tried to play the innocent but the guilt is slowing getting to her. These are my theories.
Oh and I was not expecting Seokjin to not be the man from the market! Is he the captain? Hopefully because then I will be confused and lost lol. When she was looking through the notebooks, I was confused the first time, but when the reveal about Haru happened, I feel like oc was doing an investigation on her own and I think Jungkook was not aware that she was doing it! That’s why he was confused when she mentioned a man and he didn’t know. I want to know more about the notebooks!
Brinny, once again, brilliant chapter! I had to type this fast because I’m at work rn. What’s new? I’m just surprised I haven’t been caught yet but then again everyone’s at their desk working. 🤪 I can’t wait to see what oc saw in her memories about Nabi. At this point oc should just bump heads with everyone and get her memories back that way lmaoo. I can’t wait for next week!
Have a great rest of your week babes! 🖤🖤
because i’m evil 😩
i’m doing well! i am finally alone and enjoying my solitude for the first time in like 2 months so i am HEALING or ya know, recharging lol
thank you!!!!🥺 interacting the most fun part so here i am (even if it takes some time)
yes, jungkook is afraid for truth after truth to come out because he’s afraid of the same result.
ah i’m glad the build up in the attic was good! i was worried it might feel lack luster.
also, you hit the nail with misuk! (i’ll be real, i’m not sure how that saying actually goes lmao something about hitting and nails tho right) 💀
everything will make sense about jungkook soon once we realize exactly how he handled the entire situation 👀
i really like your theories with Nabi. they make sense with how the story is unfolding so far…in my opinion 😇
so nope! the man in the market is not seokjin! i wasn’t kidding when i teased others by saying “what if seokjin isn’t even in the story yet?”
no, the captian is namjoon! was said in a previous chapter. so seokjin still isn’t in the story…?🤔
hmm that’s a good point..what you said about if oc was doing her own investigation then jungkook wouldn’t know about it bc how could he? they haven’t talked in years.
i’m so happy you enjoyed this chapter!!!! seeing your thoughts truly makes my day! thank you for reading~ pls look forward to more ❤️‍🔥
have the loveliest weekend!
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versadies · 2 years
it's time to review yelan because I can y not and I love her
yelan is actually a big help to my team, her elemental skill is great, she deals a lot of damage to the enemies and it makes her fast and it's convenient to use(can be useful to get around places faster and although its short her skill can restore stamina so its superior) and I can't stop myself playing around with her skill
although I already have Barbara for the hydro application yelan can give hydro application off-field with her burst and yes Barbara can give hydro application off field too using her skill its just that...razor always freezes and gets electro-charged so yelan's burst is much more superior if you ask me so I might replace Barbara with xingqiu if I ever get him since yelan has issues with energy recharge and he's great for that but Barbara can stay for the heals. Yelan can help out more with her burst, it's very cool and she also gives a buff which increases the damage slowly and that makes it a lot easier for me especially since my world level increased, but the bad thing is that she has energy recharge issues(which I will state oft alot) and she's gonna need her burst up so I might need to build her with the emblem set, along with some energy recharge artifacts and give her the favonius warbow or any bow that gives energy recharge but I'm still gonna give yelan her signature bow despite having a non-existent crit rate because of the aesthetic (I'm blaming myself for that when I'm crying for yelan's burst)
I also heard yelan's dmg is based off of her hp and I get a lot of that so this is quite lucky for me, of course I also need to farm better artifacts for everyone since its shitty and its all on the wrong set, but I did got Barbara on the right set(its still bad but it can work) so that's a relief but anyways
yelan is amazing and even tho she's called 5* xingqiu she's a big help, this actually happened to kazuha too when he was called 5* sucrose but ended up being amazing so everyone came back crawling to him and begging for a rerun and hahaha he's out for revenge but I definitely did not regret pulling for yelan, her only disadvantage is her energy recharge issues but still, it doesnt technically matter unless it's in the spiral abyss then you should care for the energy recharge but aside from that she is much better and useful than I expected, of course I still need to figure out how to build her but she's so amazing and I recommend her(as long as you want her tho, I heard kazuha will be getting a rerun but idk we'll just wait till its confirmed and I definitely need to start farming for him)
her playstyle is fun to use I cannot stop using her skill and I actually raced with my sister a couple of times. Her background is interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing more of her lore and her personality is giving me mysterious vibes, I love it so much I hope hoyo doesn't ruin her and make her an "uwu you changed my life" like what they did with my girl shenhe and she's a great dps if anyone's planning on maining her and if not she can act like a great support or sub-dps, she is compatible with almost any team and the design is so prettyyyy, I think it matches her, I love her she's so perfect I'm sorry thoma I prefer her if we're talking abt the overall character(also yoimiya) and she is a great character so an overall 10/10
may yelan wanters be yelan havers and xiao wanters be xiao havers I will pass my luck to all of you and hopefully you'll all soon get the character you wanted (and/or weapon)
omg this was so long I'm too much of a simp
people who are tempted to go for yelan should read this review rn and go for her 💯💯💯💯💯 i myself am going for her too after using her in the event 😍😍😍
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baskrvilles · 3 years
yeah it's really felt like a crunch wrapping everything up for the holidays! sending you restful vibes - hopefully things ease up a bit soon! I was pleasantly surprised by the last couple eps too! especially this past week's it sorta felt like they were saving up their budget all season for those last few rallies lmao but I liked how they animated those like "camera pans" that follow the ball during dramatic moments it felt like s1-3 of hq again for a moment :') and the oikawa crumbs :'))) (1/2)
imagine if they get a bigger budget and keep that kind of animation up in the nekoma match that would be amazing. do you have favorite moments from that match that you're looking forward to seeing animated? and yeah I know what you mean some of those scanlations are ROUGH, but what are s/o's for if not for indulging you with things like this 😂 are there any animes you're especially looking forward to in 2021? take care! ❤️🎅 (2/2)
hey!! it's ur secret santa dropping in again to wish you a merry christmas! I know things have been hectic for you but I hope you get to have a relaxing holiday to recharge. I'm just putting the finishing touches on your gift -- can't wait to show you! ❤️🎅
i probably won’t rest until after new years but it’s okay gotta get that 💵 while i’m young lol 😤 but yesss the eps were really good i was tearing up on that long rally even tho i know what happens it’s still emotional 😭 and i know what you mean! especially that panel of the ball dropping in kita’s eye just gorgeous!! we got oikawa but i was also hoping for a crumb of iwaizumi and they let me down lmao 😭💔
i’m looking forward to the whole match! the imagery in the manga was the best ever so i’m reaaaaally hoping they come through for us!! like the parts where kenma and hinata have knives to each other’s throats and where kenma has hinata in a birdcage...just beautiful 😍 i doubt they’ll put the knife part in tho sadly 😖
honestly i haven’t even had time to think about new animes but there’s chainsaw man that i’ve been wanting to read and i heard it’s getting an anime too. also one called monster #8 those are ones i’ll start once work stops fucking me over lmao! 😂
omg and just as i’m writing this out you sent me another ask so i’m gonna add this here too! merry christmas santa!!! i can’t wait to see your gift i’m super excited!! thank you for putting up with my sort of hiatus this past month. i really enjoyed talking to you and i hope we can in the future too!! 😘💖
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hoetani · 2 years
I’m planning on chilling and spending time with my friends but mostly chilling since I’m kinda burnt out from school lately
And how are you doing !! How’s your job too ? I’m getting older and getting closer to having a job and I’m nervous as hell !! 😭 I’m sure I’ll get used to it tho
Read the latest chapter and let me tell you I was ready to throw hands 💀 really excited to see what ran is going to do now and how everything plays out!!
That sounds so good 😩 and hopefully taking some time away from all the stress will help recharge your burn-out. Doing nothing is my favourite thing to do lol.
I'm doing good thanks!! It's better, customers are relatively nice and nobody else has shouted at me 🤣 I was actually very anxious about getting a job, in school I was very quiet and shy but I think as you grow older you become more confident and getting a job has really helped with my confidence!! Although it can be tiring forcing myself to be extroverted for hours at a time. But I'm sure you'l nail it!
Hehehe that's good, I love it when my writing evokes emotions in people 😭 To be honest I don't even know what's going to happen yet but hopefully I'll have a new chapter out soon.
Sorry for the essay 😭 Have a nice day/evening cutie <3 <3 <3
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kyunsies · 3 years
Hi mädch!! I’ve been gone for so long, I missed you so much 😭😭😭 I don’t know what’s been going on with me lately, but I just haven’t had the energy to do anything, so I haven’t been online very much in the past couple of weeks... i also just started classes for the summer semester, so I’m a little stressed 😖 On the plus side though, I started doing water aerobics recently and that’s been super fun, but I def know what you mean about having no endurance. The class is mostly older women, and honestly most of them are way better at it than I am, I always end up so tired and out of breath 😅 It’s been helping me get some energy back tho, so hopefully I won’t just disappear again. Anyway, for the ask game I think peach, sky, slate, and lavender! (What’s your fav flower, angel? 👀) Also here to say once again that I love your coloring on the concept photo set, it’s just *chef’s kiss* as usual, you always make our boys look so good! Sorry this is so long sksndks I feel like I have a lot to catch up on! Hope your day goes really well bub!!!
RESPONDING TO THIS AS SOON AS I CAN BC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BBY I’VE MISSED U SO MUCH ;_____;  i literally just made a post about u yesterday !!!! :( its always good to have u back here angel, u are like home to me <3 don’t worry about disappearing sometimes!!! being online and keep connections is sometimes very draining and we just need a little to recharge before we come back and that is totally okay dear!! i will always be here for u <3 so don’t worry too much!! as for summer classes :(((( ugh babe i know it’s tough but u can get thru it okay !!! i remember the summer before my 3rd year of uni i was sooooo stressed bc i was taking an anatomy class and i had to dissect a pig all by myself and everything was so hard i cried everyday ;___; but that’s when i got into mx lol so they helped me :’) anyways what i’m trying to say is that i know it may seem daunting now but you WILL get thru it, it will end before u know it and u will be so proud of yourself !!! i’m already proud <3 
ALSO AHHH!!! an aerobics class !!! that is so exciting love !!! i hope u have a very fun time <3 don’t feel discouraged LOL those older ladies have probably been doing it for a while since it’s good for the joints LFJSLFJ but gosh </3 my endurance is kinda not that great either lol when i went to lift with my team up at uni we usually do more weight-bearing exercises and it was more like a go your own pace type of thing but my mom does these short circuit workouts and JESUS that kicked my ass <3 we’ll get there tho babe!! we’ll do it together !! :D 
for the ask game lDSJFLSFJ lets go to a beautiful field u and me !!!! let’s go on a picnic pls i will braid ur hair :( also HHH my favorite flowers are hydrangeas <3 i want them at my wedding <3 ;; also THANK U for always complimenting my work angel seriously u make me cry every time !!! i say this a lot to u and i made a post yesterday about it but i really love giffing/editing now that i’ve learned how to do it all this time i’ve been here and i work really hard to improve myself and the fact that someone out there likes what i make too makes my heart soar all the way to the moon!!! so thank u <3 and i love u <3 i hope u have a wonderful rest of the day too my sweet love!!! u are always always welcome here as u have made this your home since you’ve sent ur very first lovely ask and this will always be a safe space for u <3 MWAH <3 so good to hear from u !!!!!!!!!!!!
what do you think of me?
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dyinginwa · 4 years
2/18/20 (cont.)
so continuing on, Friday came along and I couldn’t do it. I was depressed, drained, and just couldn’t get myself up for work. My therapist on Wednesday even said I should take a mental health day if I need to, so I called out. And bitch was that a day, I fucking slept like 16 hours! I did not actually get physically out of my bed until 7pm, and I actually ate some food and then passed out for another 12 hours. I love sleeping, I just wish it was permanent sometimes.
Saturday, I went over to Rick’s place to help him take his car to a junkyard because it was dead. It could drive enough to get to the place, but that was about it. I hung out with him and his family a bit before driving to my best friends place to support her after she had been fired. She was so sad, it hurt me to see her like that :( but we played League of Legends for awhile which was fun, and then we went to a bar to get food and drinks. Food was bad, and the drinks weren’t much better. But we did decide that I am still going to move in with her and her fiance. Im honestly scared to because she doesn’t have a job now, but I hope she can find one soon. And she has money saved in case it takes longer than she plans. I just need to move out of my parents and enjoy some freedom, hopefully this is the right choice... After dinner I went home and slept a crap ton more.
Sunday, I took my dogs out for a walk which wasn’t too bad, and then I think I went to Ricks again. We just played League for a while which was nice. Rick and his wife have been playing for years, and I just started so I was just learning the basics. It was a pretty good time, but I did get really fucking depressed on the drive home, which was rough.
Monday, I started taking my coworker whose apartment flooded to work, because she is now staying like 2 minutes from my house and she can’t afford the gas to drive to work. It really drained me tho to drive her because I didn’t realize how much I value my commutes alone. It gives me a chance to think (which to be fair usually is never good) but also just not have to be social and just recharge my brain. Work was kinda rough too, and I ended up getting out 30 minutes late and I could tell my coworker wasn’t happy about it. I felt so fucking bad. I then drove her home, then went over to my best friends place to get the paperwork for the apartment and sign the lease. Ya girl officially has keys to her first apartment! I want to be happy and get excited, but I am just so nervous that things are going to go wrong. But I want to take a risk, because fuck it. What if I die in like 2 months? Its not really gonna matter.
And then today, Tuesday. Boy oh boy. I had soooo much shit to do at work, and because I was training someone I had to make up all the work I didn’t do in a short about of time. And again, I was 30 minutes late, and again I could tell my coworker was pissed. I FUCKING TRIED, OKAY? SORRY I GOT SHIT TO DO! Gahhhh it is just infuriating. To add to this, during work I found out that an old friend of mine’s mom took her life, and that really hit me. She used to work with my mom at a church daycare, so after school I would often see her and she was so fucking nice and great. I can’t say that I was close enough to mourn heavily, because I honestly haven’t seen her in YEARS. I think what hit me most is that I never knew she was suffering from depression so much that she would take her own life. She has (I think) 3 children, and several grandchildren, and still she killed herself. All I can think about is where does that leave me? When I’m 30/40/50 and I still am dealing with this same bullshit, whats the point? Why should I keep fighting a battle that I will always lose to?
I keep going from “Im gonna tell the truth and better myself and not let myself go down the hole of suicide and depression” and then something fucking happens and I just want to die. I just want to cut and starve and just let myself fully succumb to my depression. 
I’m trying, I just don’t know how long I can keep swimming if the waves keep pulling me under.
Im sorry.
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londonspirit · 6 years
One Last Time...
... for this year, that is! (Hopefully they sort their Brexit shit out soon, otherwise I have no clue when I can be back!) 
Anyhow, this trip was wonderful, mad and all around fantastic! (the usual then! *grins*) 
Flew over with my friend S., and naturally we had a one hour delay to start our vacation (we do have a bad travel karma, me thinks, not the first time). And sadly that was the reason I (again) didn’t managed to meet up with my L, cause she only had about an hour between engagements, and that was exactly the hour our flight was late. (Here’s hope we’ll manage another meet-up soon’ish before she goes back to the States, it’s been too long and I really miss her!) 
Upon arrival it was raining! Boo! But after dropping off our luggage and finding us dinner, we didn’t want to go to bed (afternoon flight there, evening arrival) so we decided to have a quick wander around. It had stopped raining which was perfect for a nightly walk.  Wow, even wet London is beautiful, and even more so at night. Streets were mostly empty (not empty enough to be scary tho) and we took much longer than expected.  Stumbled across filming by the side of the river - there were a few people in safety vests and we were already wondering when one approached us. He told us they were filming in a side alley, and not to worry, we could just walk past but shouldn’t stop. Of course we walked very slowly but we didn’t see much or anyone we knew. It was pretty dark, and all we say was a huge projection into the air. *shrugs* Still curious as to what was filmed there (we went there on the last day but no signs at all).  We were in bed way past midnight... (my usual London bed time!) 
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Monday was HAMILTON DAY! But in the evening - we had the whole morning and early afternoon to explore some more!  So we went to Greenwich - by BOAT!! That was soo cool. I’ve taken one of the boats two years ago with Sis but only for a few stops, this time we went all the way. And even thought it’s not cheap (Oyster card does make it a bit cheaper tho), it’s totally worth it - the view from the water is amazing! And since the weather was still not very tourist friendly, we had the entire back to ourselves.  I can def recommend it - you see so much from that side. Plus, it’s quick, we were in Greenwich within 15 minutes!  Found coffee and walked up that hill to the observatory! The view was foggy but still amazing. And since the coffee didn’t want to go back to the city with us, we wandered inside to find a loo.  Did you know that you can go inside and check out a few of the rooms without having to pay? Cause I did NOT! And boy, is it cool inside. Loads to see, and touch, and just perfect for a grey and misty day. We spent 3 hours or so in there, bought souvenirs, checked out the old telescope inside, climbed small stairs, looked at all the time measure methods humanity had invented over the centuries, and had a great time!  After that we returned to the hostel to get ready for the evening. 
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The smile on my face when I saw the Victoria Palace Theatre again was HUGE! I fucking LOVE this place soo much!!! Especially when it’s all lit in the dark!  Getting inside was just as smooth as ever! (And this time we even saw the dog, didn’t meet it tho as we arrived and were inside like 2 minutes later, despite a pretty long queue!)  Inside we walked around, looked at the Pretty all around and then we went to our seats. 
DUDE!!! I had booked a box back in January, but I had no idea that we would’ve had one all to ourselves. It’s just for TWO seats (not four as I expected), and it’s the coolest thing ever!  We got us drinks to pass the time (you can only take so many pics of that beautiful stage!), and once again the staff showed why they deserved all the praise! I got us two bottles of cider but since bottles aren’t allowed inside, two of the ushers made sure to fill it all into plastic cups! And when it all didn’t fit into two cups, they held the doors for me to bring it to the box and when I returned for the rest, they were already waiting for me! Those people are the real heroes! And everything with a smile and the loveliest attitude!!! 
And when it finally was time, I might have made noises. Being this close (with nobody in front of you, or behind you for that matter), being able to lean forward and chairdance, is the best thing ever!!! 
I was a bit sad that we didn’t get Obi or Jason, but Gabriel and Waylon did so well, it didn’t last long.  And boy, Mondays are an amazing day to go and see it! Every single soul on that stage was on FIRE!!! (Not sure whether that’s because they have the Sunday to recharge, or because some will have their last performances in the next weeks, but it was WORTH going  on a Monday!) 
I had booked that because I wanted to see Ash, as people kept raving about him (and I had seen Jam twice now). He did NOT disappoint.  His performance differs so much from Jam’s; not in a bad way, no. But he’s so into it, so ... THERE?! More intense?! Can’t really describe it. He’s fantastic. And being this close, seeing all those expressions, the cheek, the sass, the sadness, made this time so much better than the last two times.  Ash is incredible and sooo worth seeing! (although I missed the height difference between Jam and Rachelle, Ash is her height.) 
I was very happy that we got Giles, cause I’ve fallen fast and hard for his Burr!!! He’s put such a different twist on him, and once you got used to him, he IS Burr. What I love is that you can see all those little physical actions, he’s doing a lot with his body, and also with his face. Small things you miss when you’re further away. A raised eyebrow, a bitten lip, a suppressed grin. GOD, I will miss him soo much!!! There are times when I wanted to hug him and then there were times when I wanted to slap him. He’s such a great actor, and I will fight anyone who says differently!!!!! 
As for the rest of the cast, they were brilliant as usual; even though I really had the feeling everyone was giving even more than the 500% they already do!! SO DAMN AMAZING!!!  There was a big cheer for “Alexander Hamilton” in the beginning (as it should be), but weirdly NOTHING at the “Immigrants” line!!! O_O That shocked me a bit! I’ve been three times now, and I’ve had a different reactions every damn time! So weird!  Yorktown got an in between applause which I never seen/heard! Was very nice.  The King got all the laughs, naturally.  What else?  Oh, so Tarinn and Cleve are basically themselves in costumes on stage: they kept goofing around and grinning like idiots at themselves, which was adorable.  And I now know why people are shipping Laurens and Ham - the gazing loving at each other was INSANE!! *lol*  Rachel is madly talented but that you already know. That woman’s voice, her acting - GEEZ!! HOW?? So soo good!!!  Christine... god, that voice! Melted chocolate, poured over warm coals, making one feel all warm and fuzzy (and very sinful)  inside. GUH!!  Also: the ensemble blew me away, the perfection they put on that stage (night after night) is MAD!! I found myself watching them more and more, wondering how the human body is capable of the things they do and make it look easy as breathing!! WOW!!! 
It was over way too soon, and I even cried in the end. I have no idea where that came from but Rachelle really made me tear up during the last song. Never had that before. (And she’s the only one I’m still not fully convinced with; she’s good but this is NOT the perfect role for her)  So yeah, I did my final applause in tears!!! 
We stuck around towards the very end, and for the very first time, they let down the safety curtain!!! O_O (They did in the interval as well for a moment). 
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And then it was stage door time. It’s all well organized and sorted, and we queued up and waited. It wasn’t cold so that wasn’t too bad. Didn’t take long for the first to come out. I didn’t want anything signed, only asked for pics which seemed fine with them all. Although they were all well prepared with sharpies! Kelly is TINY, and so very sweet, and sadly the only one of the girls who came out :-(  Waylon was a bit shy, but also very nice. Gabriel was dressed for artic temps which made me giggle.  Tarinn and Cleve are... well, Tarinn and Cleve! They’re always goofing around, being super sweet to everyone and really taking their time. Cleve enjoyed being the birthday boy, and wishing him a great one, got me a tight hug! Tarinn smells really good, by the way! *hehe*  At some point the security made an announcement. I think he said they were all gone, or nobody wouldn’t come out anymore; we could stay but at our own risk, or something like that. We were at the end of the queue and didn’t catch everything.  Since we didn’t have anywhere to go, we stayed. Which was the right thing to do!  First Giles came out, and that’s when I got a bit nervous! He’s so good, and I never managed to get a pic with him. He took his time, chatted to everyone and was all around the sweetest. Once he came to us, I told him how incredible he was and how much I loved the Muse Of Fire documentary he did ages ago. I think he blushed a bit ;-p When I asked for a pic, he pulled me real close and thanked ME afterwards!! O_O  Hach, he’s amazing!!  And then Ash came out as well (lots had left already so we were only a few people). And the silly man did NOT have a pen!  The ladies behind us asked if we had one. When I pulled out my assortment of sharpies (three: black, silver and bronze!) I ALWAYS have on me, they laughed so hard.  Hey, you can never be prepared enough - as that night taught us!!! Once again, we only asked for pics, and praised him, told him how fab he was, and that we booked a Monday just for him,, which made him laugh. “Heard of me, did ya?” he said, cheeky bugger. But yeah, we did. So we got another really tight pic - that cast is so touchy feely, I swear! I love them all to pieces!!! SO SWEET!  He chatted a bit before moving along.  We waited a bit longer but that was it so we reluctantly left towards ‘home’. (Once again, it was LATE!) 
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The next morning we got up early to have one last walk around, and London was gracious and got out the sun and basically summer weather!  We didn’t want to leave but sadly we had to.  So long, my beautiful! See you next year - in February, for sure. After that... well, that depends on how you get your shit sorted!  Once more, a fantastic time was had, with the best company I could’ve wished for! Thank you, S, I know why I love traveling with you - here’s to our next time!!! 
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