#honestly can't even imagine a dog that cares about being clean but i respect the hustle holly mop <3
starocide Β· 2 years
Ramlethal, Londrekia, and Uzuki UNIB for that one character ask game
- Overall opinion of them: human personification of the autism creature i love everything about her. She's so everything
- Gender/sexuality headcanons: she doesn't know what gender or sexuality is you can't convince me otherwise
- Favorite moment in canon: the dog replacement scene in xrd sign and her becoming more independent in Strive's another story
- Favorite moment in a fanwork: haven't read gg fics sorry
- Favorite line, in canon or otherwise: I can't recall anything in particular but her whole lines in the dog replacement scene certified autism moment real
- Characters I love seeing them interact with: Sin and El, obviously but also Bedman and Raven.
- Last thing before sleeping headcanons
- Sleeping habits headcanons
- First thing after waking up headcanons:
For all of the above i feel like she just falls asleep whenever, she just stands asleep for 8 hours until she's refreshed again
- Favorite locations headcanon: don't know honestly, probably where she lives in the illyrian castle because it's finally a safe place she can be in :)
- Overall opinion of them: oh boy where do I even begin. Overall funny guy
- Gender/sexuality headcanons: gay trans man but no one wants him. Love loses.
- Favorite moment in canon: his whole interaction with merkava is no1 for me, no2 is all the other times he gets made fun of . I do like him though.
- Favorite moment in a fanwork: can't find any fics that feature him unfortunately
- Favorite line, in canon or otherwise:
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- Characters I love seeing them interact with: merkava hands down but also lex!
- Last thing before sleeping headcanons: he has to make sure that everything and I mean EVERYTHING in his room is in place and completely clean before he even goes to bed. I like Rex's hc about him being able to play the piano so I'm adding this here too.
- Sleeping habits headcanons: light sleeper, probably wakes up from even the slightest noise from the outside.
- First thing after waking up headcanons: stretches, probably takes a short walk outside wherever he's staying at.
- Favorite locations headcanon: mayhaps the mountain merkava was on but he'd probably also like quieter places like libraries or antique shops.
- Overall opinion of them: blorbo from my nights she's the best she's my worstie she's everything
- Gender/sexuality headcanons: asexual but that's probably just me projecting lol
- Favorite moment in canon: she only shows up one time but I do like the implication she regularly tries to poison her coworkers
- Favorite moment in a fanwork: :(
- Favorite line, in canon or otherwise: she only has 3 but i like her last one where she's like "alright I can't stand being next to you. enkidu let's get the fuck outta here" which could imply she actually kinda respects him but I'm reading too much into this
- Characters I love seeing them interact with: Hilda but also I'd love to see the interactions she had with chaos when he recruited her. One day
- Last thing before sleeping headcanons: i don't think she particularly cares about how messy her place is. She probably feeds her hat creature possibly a void fragment thingie.
- Sleeping habits headcanons: heavy sleeper. Snork mimimi type woman.
- First thing after waking up headcanons: she's like THE definition of that image that says "i wake up extra early so I'll have more time to be a hater".
- Favorite locations headcanon: I imagine she'd probably like small spaces without light at all. Idk.
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demonboidies Β· 5 years
𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓡𝔂 - 𝓽𝓸 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀
pt. 3
word count: 1, 802
●WARNING: mention of several mental illnesses (eating disorders, depression, anxiety, psychotic disorders, OCD, alcohol abuse, and more) I do not go into deep detail of each, more so simply mentioning the names, but if you are easily triggered please don't read. the reason I am mentioning these illnesses is because the boys(in my ff) suffer from several of them. all the mental illnesses mentioned in this chapter and their corresponding member are not based on true facts or actual evidence. this is fictional.●
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"ah, well i graduated from college a while ago. majored in world language, i had this crazy dream of being a translator. but i obviously don't do that, although i've recently applied to several companies, i haven't heard from any." you ended with a neutral smile, making eye contact with the oldest who was nodding in understanding. "but i asked Jungkook which classes he took, since he still is a youngling."
you chuckle at your wording, along with the others. Hoseok even ruffling the man's hair teasingly.
"uhm, i do programming, computer stuff...yeah, it's nothing interesting like the arts b-but it's what i d-do best." a weak smile was on his lips and you chuckle softly.
"no, that sounds cute. you seem to be like a tech nerd, please take no offense. i mean to compliment you." you said, saving your mistake last second. even if they were younger than you, the level of respect and professionalism still had to be present between all of you.
red was painted across jungkook's face...he was cute to you? taehyung and jimin clenched the utensils on their hands, annoyed with how jungkook unknowingly one upped them. yoongi and hoseok sent glares to jungkook. namjoon and jin simply smiled, although they were fuming internally.
"oh, thank you..."
you nodded, biting into the food present in front of you. the taste was extravagant, even if it was a simple dish.
"my gosh, who made this? it is delicious." you moaned out, wiping your mouth. "this is so good, and home made?"
"that would be me, darling. and of course, home made. i like being able to overlook the food the boys eat, make sure they get their nutrients and stuff. i try to limit the amount of time they eat out,but sometimes i can't control it. especially if i'm in another country." you nodded impressed with the subtle fact he dropped, whether he did it on purpose or not.
"what do you guys do? i'm intrigued now with your professions." you said, resting your heaad on your hand.
"well, i graduated already...but i run my own dance studio. you should stop by sometime! we've won a couple awards, i'm very proud of my students!" hoseok smiles wide, and you could easily tell how much dance meant to him.
"i'm taking online classes for psychology. going to college is such a hassle, online is so much easier." namjoon says with a heavy sigh which you jokingly cheers to. making the males laugh at your humor.
"we, my friend, are on the same page!" you said and he laughed, making you smile widely.
"i produce music. i post my works on soundcloud...i promise i'm not like every other soundcloud rapper. i actually care about what i make, rather than the views it'll give me. i also have interest in photography, but tae is much better than me." yoongi was quiet and fidgeting when he saw the gaze of you on him. but at his last statement, you pouted a bit.
"i'm sure you two have your own styles and qualities in your work. also i've never met a producer before, i look forward to listening to your work as your career prgresses." you smiled kindly at him and he ducked his down to hide his blush. you chuckle before moving your gaze to the eldest at the table.
"oh, my turn. about time~" the boys scoffed and his attitude when you chuckled, at ease in his presence. "i mainly stay at home and do work in my office, but when push comes to shove i do have to leave the country. i'm heir to my father's company, so i have to take responsibility sometimes...and you must be wondering. so i'll answer the question now. the reason why i'm in this wheelchair is because i was in a bad accident when i was young." he nodded solemnly, although he was smiling weakly. there was a silence as you took the words in. "thank God my face was spared though."
he cupped his cheek, initiating a innocent look as everyone broke into a smile, looking over to the man with a wonder.
how could someone be so positive after such a horrific event? which was what you were thinking.
but the rest of the boys simply sighed in relief at their hyung. he was always a good liar. and they were lucky you were completely politely innocent and oblivious to their hyung's lie. he had lied more than once to you already, cheeky person he was
"yes, your face was surely spared." you said joining in with the joke.
the rest of the dinner consisted of you bonding over little things. your love for all kinds of games (including pranks) was shared with jungkook, love for animal life with namjoon, sleep with yoongi, culinary with jin, free expression with hoseok, puppies and dogs with taehyung, and family and friends with jimin. the general direction of every conversation was satisfying as it ended with everyone having a smile on their faces.
you had helped clean up, already beginning your new task as a house maid/nurse. "so what would like me to focus on as my first days?" you asked after everything was cleaned. the youngest had to go to their rooms, to begin getting ready for bed since they had school tomorrow. all their classes were in the morning which was fortunate for you since you would be driving them there from now on...and it didn't seem like fun to constantly drive back to the house and then to the university.
namjoon, who was standing in front of you, moved to the study table in the living room, and took a Manila folders into his hands. it seemed like a thick stack of papers and as you looked closer, there were a total of 7.
"no formal work, but all 7 of us saw it appropriate to give you an introduction to our needs. what exactly is wrong with us, y'know? we trust you're experience enough for this so we are confident you'll do just fine."
you took the stack of papers and thanked him. you walked through the house to find your room, which hoseok had shown you right after dinner was finished, and you still marveled at the sight.
it was a grand gray and white minimalistic bedroom with a huge bed in the center. there was also a large ledge with a window that you could sit on to see the night sky. you maneuvered your way over to the study table, turning the lap on to begin "studying" the males.
β—π–π–Žπ–’ π–˜π–Šπ–”π–π–π–Žπ–“ / kim seokjin
disabilities/disorders: unable to move bottom half of body, a light case of schizophrenia, requires special attention on getting ready in the morning (may include dressing and showering)
meds: need daily dose for schizophrenia
your brows furrowed. that existed? you knew schizophrenia existed, but meaning a light case would specifically show what? you just shrugged and decided to what the papers were saying.
β—π–’π–Žπ–“ π–žπ–”π–”π–“π–Œπ–Ž / min yoongi
disabilities/disorders: OCD, severe depression, social anxiety, prone to panic and anxiety attacks in a crowd of many people, values his personal space-do not enter his personal bubble unless asked
meds: needs dose for OCD, depression
you nodded slowly, understanding the conditions and seeing the familiar names once again. you've had patients like him before, but everyone is different, so you will still be careful.
β—π–π–šπ–“π–Œ π–π–”π–˜π–Šπ–”π– / jung hoseok
disabilities/disorders: bipolar disorder, ADHD, OCD, fits of anger are dangerous, act hostile in any case and alert one of the other tenants immediately
meds: dose for ADHD & OCD
sudden shortness of his list made you a bit hopeful that taking care of 7 males wouldn't be as hard as it seemed. then again, you willingly signed up for this so you shouldn't be complaining in any way.
β—π–π–Žπ–’ 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖏𝖔𝖔𝖓 / kim namjoon
disabilities/disorders: depression, OCD, past with alcohol abuse (currently in rehab)
meds: dose for depression and OCD
you pouted slightly, only being able to imagine how hard it must be to recover from alcoholism. and it was saddening to see such an intellectual and kind person such as Namjoon suffer from the mental illness, although that could be said about everyone you had previously read.
●𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐 π–π–Žπ–’π–Žπ–“ / park jimin
disabilities/disorders: ARFID, anxiety, prone to panic and anxiety attacks
meds: none
reading the single line you let yourself think of the moment he introduced himself. he was enthusiastic about meeting you, it made you smile at the memory. you were suddenly thankful for getting such a sweet and honey-like expression out of the man.
β—π–π–Žπ–’ π–™π–†π–Šπ–π–žπ–šπ–“π–Œ / kim taehyung
disabilities/disorders: OCD, ADD, brief psychotic disorder - periods are short and caused by stress, not dangerous unless triggered by something you do or say
meds: dose for OCD, ADD, and best if given sleep meds during pyschotic episodes
you nodded slowly, understanding and keeping the directions in the back of your mind.
β—π–π–Šπ–”π–“ π–π–šπ–“π–Œπ–π–”π–”π– / jeon jungkook
disabilities/disorders: DID, psychotic, anxiety
meds: dose to limit psychotic episodes
the 3 things on the list made your eyebrows furrow. the 3 seemed to make a terrible combination and you began thinking of how calm Jungkook was before. You hoped you wouldn't encounter any bad alters of Jungkook, if he had any bad ones. and, honestly, you were a bit uneducated in the DID field, so you were determined to learn more tonight with the help of the internet.
and the last sheet in each file were filed letters to make sure you caught it :
you took the words seriously, seeing the urgency in the message. shutting the folders, you stacked all of them in one pile and moved to freshen up. a shower was needed as you climbed into the steaming bathroom. after washing yourself, you climbed into bed and soon you were falling asleep. you fell asleep thinking about how tomorrow would be your first day of your new job.
a/n- thank you so much for the support of this book!!! I hope you guys stay tuned and enjoy the rest of the journey with yabdere!bts
oooh, curious question
》what other times do you think jin lied to you? hmmm?
β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘SEND ME UR ASK ON WHAT U THINK ABT THATTTTTβ™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘
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