Homo- Nonbinary Pride Flag
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Combining this homo- flag with this nonbinary redesign. It includes those who are gay non-binary, as well as other non-binary people who feel symmaic/homo- attraction towards other gender gender(s) (of any kind), such as torians and trixians.
It could also be a term for non-binary individuals who reclaim the slang/slur homo. It's inclusive of homoaffectional anattractional folks.
Short word: homoenby/enbyhomo (counterpart to enbyhet).
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tamesbeasts · 7 years
my mood tonight is all over bc #sleep deprivation but..im still thinking abt poly beast yall. i still!!! need!!! this!!!!!!
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maxgrayarchived · 5 years
This is really interesting. I'm gonna ask about characters now, let's see. What kind of narrator/focaliser are you using? Whose perspective are you writing from (if any) and why? How many characters are you using? How do they find each other? Do any of them dislike another? If the group had to decide to throw someone out to the zombies, who would end up being sacrificed and why? What are their main survival tactics? What are their long-term goals as individuals and a group? Who is the oldest?
Ahh, my babies
What kind of narrator are you using?
Third peson limited! The best kind. It’s gonna jump around perspectives, though.
Whose perspective are you writing from and why?
All of them! I feel like apocalyptic fiction isn’t good for the most part if you write from a too limited perspective, so all major characters will have one. It’ll just depend on what’s going on in the plot and what fits the scene best.
How many characters are you using?
Idk yet lmao. Rn five characters are gonna be followed in the very beginning, although two are siblings so they’ll share a perspective.
How do they find each other?
To try and be brief: 
When the police try to take Yuki’s seeing eye dog and their dad punches them in the face, Yuki and Blair run away. They end up running into Elijah, who had gone out in the middle of the night to get something to eat. Yuki saves his ass from being a meal bc he’s too shocked at what he’s seeing, and they drive back to Elijah’s house.
Alfie and Valerie are woken up by their parents in the middle of the night, in a rush to get to the evac zone. They get stopped and a couple really bad, really chaotic things happen. Alfie’s on the verge of a meltdown and flees, and Valerie chases after him. They end up nearly killed on the street right in front of Yuki’s house ((where Yuki and Eli ended up)), and Elijah hurries them inside for safety.
Liza’s the last to join their group. They find her a few days later while they’re scavenging. She’s hiding from a zombie.
Do any of them dislike another?
Yuki and Elijah get off to a rough start, because Yuki’s a bitch and Elijah’s sensitive, but otherwise, no. I think I’m gonna try to add that in though because, conflict! So thanks for the reminder
If the group had to decide to throw someone out to the zombies, who would end up being sacrificed and why?
The main five would just… Not do that. But in a hypothetical situation where they HAD to, I’m gonna say either Yuki or Elijah. Yuki, because they’re a bitch lol and they would probably be the one to suggest it in the first place, and provoke the group to the point where they snap and throw them out.
And Elijah, simply because he would offer
What are their main survival tactics?
Stay together, give each person a role, stay alert.
What are their long-term goals as individuals and a group?
Elijah: To protect his new family. He wants to find them a place where they can be safe and relax a little bit, and live there for as long as possible.
Yuki: Home-enby wants two things: To find their father, and to get a damn boyfriend.
Liza: Doesn’t really have super long term goals, but she wants to be more independent and be capable of taking care of herself.
Alfie: He wants to be more mature. He takes pride in being “the man of the house” since they haven’t gotten back to their dad yet.
As a group, they just want to stay safe. They agreed as a group to do whatever it took to find Yuki’s, and Alfie and Val’s dads, but afterwards they see all of them settling down somewhere.
Who’s the oldest?
Out of the main five, Eli. He’s 18
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detaryuu · 4 years
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(wip) in which ame gives a warning remark before kicking someone’s ass, probably
Featuring my homeboy greg as the bartender and my homenby kona as a passed out scaly weasel
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Parcubelian Pride Flag
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Parcubelian: a term for (suptilic) homo-everything or noboric cenelians or homoattractional/homooriented genderqueer individuals; someone who don't want relationship (of any kind) or proximity with (apto)binary while still attracted, at least, to binaryn't/genderqueer folks (not necessarily nonbinary or abinary individuals).
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