#him only remembering to bring a flashlight- ignoring the mind & admitting the consequences of it (though representing the heart & thus
fiapple · 1 year
on a watsonian level, can i not fucking stand xander? yes, the 90’s teenage boy is misogynistic, surprise, surprise.
on a doylist level, is he a bag of sparkly stickers to me, which i am willing to shake like it is the most valuable thing in the world? also yes.
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skzsauce01 · 4 years
42nd Moon Pt 1
Description: By some stroke of luck, you get off the waitlist of your biology class. You’d never have guessed you’d find your soulmate there, let alone that he already has a girlfriend... Or that he comes from a fraternity of werewolves.
Warning: none
Word count: 1.5k
Pairing: werewolf!Jisung x fem!reader,  werewolf!Hyunjin x fem!reader
A/N: Please stay healthy during this pandemic! Wash thy handz.
Chapter List
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“Is anyone sitting here?”
Jisung raises his head from the homework that he has totally done to see you gesturing to a seat in front of him.
Something about you enthralls him. He swallows down a lump in his throat before being able to answer. “Yeah, but there isn’t anyone there.” He points to the seat left of where you indicated towards.
“Thanks,” you say with a smile.
“I’m Jisung,” he introduces himself. “Just got off the waitlist?” 
“Y/N,” you return. “And yeah. I hope I‘m not too far behind.”
“Not at all,” Jisung shakes his head. “I’d show you my notes, but it’s probably better if you looked at Hyunjin’s.” He gestures to the chair you asked about earlier. “He should be here any moment.”
As if on cue, a male walks through the door and greets Jisung with a wave.
The second you lay your eyes on him, you can feel your heart stop and all the heat rush to your face. This phenomenon you have no explanation for. Sure, he is tall and very attractive, but physical traits aren’t enough for you to have this kind of reaction. As if the two of you share the same mind, he too freeze in shock upon laying eyes upon you, eyes wide and jaw dropped. 
The only thing that brings the both of you back to reality is a voice from the hall.
“Hyunjin? Are you here already?”
The one you assume is Hyunjin turns around with open arms and greets the girl who bounces through the door. She jumps into them and he wraps them around her.
“Hey, Jiyoung, what are you doing here? Don’t you have another class right now too?”
A pit gouges its way into your stomach when you see another girl latching onto your seat neighbor like that. You furrow your brows, wondering why you are feeling like this, so you shake your head and concentrate on your hands. This is ridiculous, you tell yourself. He has a girlfriend, and you don’t even know him. Still, you begin to gnaw at your cheeks, impatiently awaiting Jiyoung’s departure.
“I just wanted to see you. Here I got you this.” She reaches into her bag and takes out boba.
Hyunjin’s eyes sparkle upon seeing the drink. “Thanks, Sweetie. You’re the best.”
“Of course I am,” she grins. “Alright, I gotta go now.” She tiptoes to give Hyunjin a peck on the lips and then waves to Jisung. “Bye guys!”
Jisung waves back and waits for her to leave before teasing his friend. “Aren’t you two sweet.”
“You’re just jealous,” Hyunjin sighs with a roll of his eyes.
“Anyway,” Jisung transitions, “this is Y/N; she just got off the waitlist. Could you show her your notes?”
Hyunjin turns his head towards you with narrowed eyes. His heartbeat increases along with yours as the two of you make eye contact. 
“No,” he mutters.
Jisung blinks in surprise. “What the heck dude? It’s just your notes.” He turns to you. “Sorry, Y/N, he’s not usually like this, I swear.” And back to Hyunjin, “Come on bro. You’re the one who always says no one can read my notes; that’s why we’re asking you.”
Hyunjin grunts but digresses. He leans his head on one hand while handing you his notebook with the other while avoiding eye contact. 
“Thank you,” you say uncertainly. Your heart leaps when your fingers come into contact during the transaction.
Jisung apologizes for his friend once more and soon you are busy copying his notes. 
Jisung leans forward and whispers to his friend. “Yo, what’s wrong with you? You were totally fine when Jiyoung was here.”
“It’s nothing,” Hyunjin growls.
“Don’t turn wolf on me,” Jisung jokes. “We’re in pu--”
Jisung’s eyes widen once the gears in his brain fit together. With a gasp, he grabs Hyunjin’s wrist and pulls his sleeve up.
“What the heck?” snaps the taller of the two.
“Oh my moon,” Jisung breathes as he stares at the glowing bracelet of a tattoo on Hyunjin’s wrist. The ring of pattern is complete everywhere but a spot on the inside of the wrist, a spot he knows you have the complimenting part. “She’s your soulmate!”
“Could you say that louder?” Hyunjin hisses, pulling his sleeve back down to hide the golden glow.
“Sorry,” Jisung apologizes. “But what about Jiyoung?”
“That’s exactly why I’m being so rude!”
“But she’s your soulmate! You can’t just ignore her!”
“And Jiyoung’s my girlfriend, so what’s your point?” Hyunjin challenges.
“I’m done. Thanks, Hyunjin,” you , unaware of the conversation between the two, interrupt.
Jisung narrows his eyes at his friend while burying his nose in his forearms on the table, thinking about you and Hyunjin’s decision for the rest of the lecture.
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“You’ve got to tell Chan.”
“No I don’t! We just have to get through this semester without any incident and everything will go back to normal.”
“You can’t do that; you aren’t physically capable of that!”
“Why not? You should know better than anyone that we’re just fine without our soulmates.”
Jisung bites his lip and twiddles his thumbs.
Hyunjin realizes what he said and quickly rubs his friend on the back. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“It’s okay. I mean, I see your point and Jiyoung’s really great, but I think we should still tell Chan.”
“Tell me what?”
Jisung looks at Hyunjin. He sighs and rolls up his sleeve.
“This,” he begins. “It was glowing earlier today.”
Chan gasps. “Really? For whom?”
“A new girl in biology discussion today,” Jisung answers this time.
“Oh, I see what the problem is,” Chan frowns. “Jiyoung.”
Hyunjin nods with his head down.
“And I don’t suppose you are planning to break up with her.”
A head shake.
Chan folds his arms and looks to the sky with a soft hum. 
“We don’t have to be with our soulmates, right?” Hyunjin asks softly.
“No,” agrees Chan. “It’s just that you two are more compatible than anyone else in this universe, and she can increase your powers.”
“So what do you suggest I do?”
“Truth be told, I don’t know either,” Chan admits. “Just carry on as you were, I guess. If the universe has a plan, then it’ll be what it’ll be. Just remember--”
“I can’t mate with Jiyoung, I know,” Hyunjin finishes.
Chan gives the younger male an approving pat on the shoulder. “Don’t forget.”
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“-- and he just went “uwwwaagg” and left!”
“Seriously?” you laugh.
Jisung cannot help but smile with you. “Cross my heart! Whoever designed the frat house was not thinking when they installed glass shower doors.”
“Hey guys.” 
You both turn towards the grumble to see Hyunjin trudging up the mountain. Behind him is another male who chirps a greeting. Your biology instructor has assigned you to find an owl pellet with the person sitting next to you. Jisung, with all his brilliant ideas, decides not only do his project at ungodly hours when the pellets “are the most fresh,” but also decides to drag his friend, and consequently, you, along.
Your blood rushes to your face just like it does every time you see Hyunjin, but it’s worse this time upon seeing his fluffy bed-head poking out of his oversized hoodie.
“Why didn’t you wait for me?” Hyunjin scowls while smacking his housemate behind the head. “I used to be the one who has to drag you out of bed, but now you’re early to bio stuff all the time.”
Jisung returns the gesture. “New school year, new me, you know? I just thought I should stop being late and skipping classes all the time.”
“Whatever,” Hyunjin sighs groggily. “So what’s the plan?”
“Try to find pellets, right?”
“Yep,” Jisung agrees while flicking his flashlight on and off. “It’s simple, but let’s stay with our partners, okay? It’s pretty dark right right now.”
The rest of you agree, and Jisung and his partner go west while you and Hyunjin take east.
“How are you?” you try with small talk.
“Been better, no thanks to Jisung,” Hyunjin replies curtly.
You wrack your brain for something else to say, but end up walking with him in silence until you spot a cottonwood tree.
“There!” you point. “Some owls nest in cottonwood, so we can try looking for pellets here.”
You run to the tree and slide to your knees, scrapping the leaves aside until you find what you are looking for. You hold it up to Hyunjin with a proud smile.
“Found one!”
Hyunjin’s eyes widen a tad in surprise at your intelligence and efficiency, not to mention how brightly your smile shines even in this dark forest. He shakes his head to clear such thoughts.
It’s just the soul thing, he reminds himself and tugs on his sleeve to securely hide his glowing mark.
“R-right. Good job,” he stutters and opens a bag for you to drop your find into. “Why don’t you look over there for more, and I’ll keep checking this tree for other pellets?”
You nod and turn your back away from him. The next cottonwood is a bit further away, but at least now you won’t have to keep working in awkward silence with your crush. Once you arrive at your destination, you get on your knees and begin working. After a while, you hear a foot crunch on some leaves behind you.
“Hyunjin, I don’t think this tree has anything.”
“I’m not Hyunjin. Try again!
~ ad.gold
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inkrabbit · 3 years
Through His Property
I randomly had a thought for this, said fuck it and wrote a fic. Enjoy
Summary: After the truck’s engine gives out, Dan leads his little brother home. Too caught up in conversation, he doesn’t realize they’ve hopped the wrong fence on their journey back until it’s too late.
Word count: 1,895
“Dunno what you’re doin’ out here this late,” Walking down the road, Dan glances over at his younger brother, letting out a yawn and going to pop his neck. “Wasn’t Alex supposed to drive ya home?”
“Alex bailed,” he replies bitterly, looking anywhere but at him. “Steph shows her face and he forgets all about me.”
 Dan groans, rolling his eyes. It had been the second time this week he had to come to Sam’s aid, the teen needing a ride home from some stupid party that was too far from home. He should’ve just let him walk and experience the consequences he did when he would go to parties, but those thoughts were always dashed away when he would call, whining into the receiver about how one of his friends weren’t bringing him home for some reason.
 Tonight, however, had been different. Dan had come to pick him up like a good brother, sure, having stolen his dad’s keys and took the truck in the dead of night to drive out to some obscure address he was sent. Problems started to rise after five minutes into the ride home, the truck’s engine starting to smoke. Dan had cursed to high heavens, pulling off to the side of the road and getting out. He had popped the hood and went to unlatch it, the smoke pouring out and making him cough. He already had an idea of what was wrong, having kicked aside an empty container of oil when he got in the first time. Sure enough, the oil’s stick is completely dry when he pulls it out. Dammit. Sam had suggested they wait in the truck until someone came, but after an hour of sitting around, they decided to test their luck walking. “We’ll end up home eventually,” Dan had told him.
 They didn’t know how long they had been walking, Sam telling him the latest that was going on in his little friend group to keep them occupied. It seemed like nothing but drama, and it was quite the change from what he was used to himself. The parties he had been to were calmer, albeit a few drunken fights here and there. But the gossip he was hearing, it made him appreciate that he had only gotten into a few brawls.
 Climbing a wooden fence, the teens make their way through the old field. Dan’s on some tangent now, chastising his brother for the stupid decisions he’s making and the road he’s going down. Sure, Sam throws some things back in his face, making it a point to bring up the night he had gotten arrested for trying to hotwire a car. A stupid mistake, he would admit, but he pushed their conversation away from the subject.
“I’m just tellin’ ya,” he sighs, looking around the field. Where exactly were they? He didn’t recognize anything, but the damn clouds had dimmed the moon’s glow. Were they going the right way? “You keep goin’ down this path, and you’re gonna regret it.”
“I know,” It’s a familiar tone, irritated and tired of hearing the lecture. It was the same one he had given his parents. “I’ll be fine, alright? I know what I’m doin’.”
“Ya better hope so,” His reply is quiet, too focused on trying to pinpoint exactly where they are. He’s tracing the black silhouettes, mapping out the treeline and… had that little house always been there?
“You even listenin’ to me, Dan?” Sam reaches out to nudge his brother’s shoulder, an irritated look on his face.
“No,” he confesses blandly, finally turning to meet his gaze. “Hey, you know where we are?”
“I was just following you,” It’s not the reply he’s looking for, but now that he’s brought it up, Sam’s looking around as well. “Don’t uh… remember any of this.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinkin’,” He groans, bringing a hand up to rub his face. “Shite. Think we hopped the wrong fence.”
“Should we go back, or…?” That’s when Dan hears it. Among the crickets chirping and his brother trailing off, it’s the soft click that sends a chill up his spine. He knows where they are now, the old stories he heard growing up hitting him like a train. Out of all the properties they had to walk across, he had to pick the one that belonged to Mr. Henry, a crazy old man with an itchy trigger finger.
 The shot rings out, a deafening pop that has Sam screaming and Dan dragging him down to the ground. The bullet flies past them, embedding itself in a nearby tree. His grip is harsh as he drags the younger teen up, the two running as another shot rings out, this one closer. He shoves Sam in front of him, the two headed for the treeline in an attempt to lose him. He can feel the adrenaline take over, blood rushing in his ears as his heart starts racing. His mind feels clouded, but the one and only thought he can think of right now is to get them to safety.
 Reaching out, he grabs onto Sam’s jacket and tugs him to the side, the two crouched behind a fallen tree and panting heavily. Mr. Henry is yelling, his voice raspy as he calls out to them. He’s shining a flashlight around, his movements steady and looking for movement in the blinding light. Dan risks it as he looks around, admiring everything the flashlight picks up as it scans through the trees. He doesn’t see a whole lot, nothing that could help them get away from the man anyway. They duck down further behind the old log as the light passes over them, and he catches the fearful look in Sam’s eyes.
“We’re gonna get out of this,” he murmurs to him. When the light passes over and the man is looking elsewhere, the two move from their spot, crouched down and sticking close together. They’re running when they notice the light flood behind them, a bullet ripping into the ground and making Sam jump up. He’s quick to grab onto Dan’s jacket, the older teen stumbling forward and almost losing his footing as he’s pulled upright. He follows his brother deeper into the woods, both beyond lost at this point. Nothing looked familiar, and it only increased his paranoia. Mr. Henry probably knew these woods inside and out, and they didn’t have a clue where they were going.
 Coming up on an old shed, it finally happens. A bullet rips through Dan’s jean’s, just grazing the surface of his thigh and making him hiss out in pain. He stumbles forward when he tries to put his weight on it to keep running. Sam catches him before he can fall to the ground, leading him into the shed and dropping to the ground when another shot rings out. The bullet flies through the door, hitting the wall just under a table on the other side of the room. Willing himself forward, Dan plants his hands on the counter, panting heavily as he stares down at the old shotgun laying there. He glances over to Sam, watching him cower in the corner of the shed, whimpering softly as he tries to catch his breath. With shaky hands, he reaches over to the opened box of shotgun shells, fumbling to pour them out and into his hand. He’s moving too fast, body shaking as he tries to ignore the stinging in his leg – tries to ignore the distant screaming that’s getting closer. He can barely focus, worried that the next gunshot is going to rip right through his spine and he’s going to die right there.
 His father’s voice rings out in his head, the old lessons he had years ago when he was first interested in learning about guns. He tries to focus on what he’s meant to do, trying to calm the shaking in his hands as he places a single shell into the loading flap. The yelling is getting louder, and it makes him sick to hear an excited tone in the man’s voice. He pushes the shell forward, the click bringing him some peace. There’s no time to load more, and he finds himself for once praying, begging to no one in particular that he makes this shot count. Holding the slide release, he uses the last of his fading strength to pump the slide. Slowly limping away from the door, he takes a stand by the end of the table, barrel trained on the entrance.
“Ya thought ya could come onto me property!” Mr. Henry calls out, cackling as his footsteps grow closer. Just a little more. “Now look at ya! Trapped like the rats you are!”
 When he gets right outside the door, Dan pulls the trigger, bracing himself for the harsh recoil. It puts strain on his leg and he grits his teeth, falling a bit and leaning against the wall behind him. They hear the distinct sound of the man falling to the ground, a disgusting choking noise to follow. Sam slowly gets up, rushing over to his brother and pulling him upright, hooking his arm around his waist and letting him lean against him. Both of their ears are ringing from the shot, the shotgun being dropped to the ground. Hearts pounding, the two make their way for the shed’s now busted door. Mr. Henry was laying on the ground, choking up blood as his hand weakly holds onto his stomach.
“Looks like we ain’t trapped anymore,” Sam grumbles. He tries not to look for too long, the sight of the old man making him sick. He can see an old dock behind the shed, and he can hear the soft sound of a boat creaking on the water. He feels relieved, his grip on Dan tightening as he leads him over.
“Told ya we’d get out of this,” Dan chuckles as they make their way across the wooden dock, footsteps heavy and tired.
“Where do you think this goes?” He helps the older teen into the boat first, unsteady and almost scared. Removing the decaying rope from the wooden post, Sam slowly eases himself into the boat next, laying the rope on the floor.
“Uh… somewhere? Hell if I know,” Dan’s looking around, bringing a hand up to scratch at his beard. His free hand is clamped around his thigh, blood staining his jeans and skin.
“… ya ain’t gonna tell ma about this, are ya?” Sam’s question makes the older teen scowl as he gestures to his leg.
“Oh, sure!” he snaps, “Tell her how, not only did we screw up dad’s truck, but were chased through the woods, I got shot, and then I killed old man Henry!”
“It would be quite the story,” he chuckles. Dan just mocks him as he turns to look out at the calm waters. “Ya think we’ll get home soon?”
“We’ll get somewhere eventually,” he assures him. The silence that falls over them is peaceful as the boat slowly continues its journey through the water. The clouds have passed now, allowing the moon to illuminate their way. They still weren’t anywhere they could identify, but once they hit land, they were confident they would find their way home. Looking at Dan, Sam finally speaks:
“Do you remember where we left the truck?”
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