#high-voltage direct current
dbmr-blog-news · 5 months
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srtw2guss · 1 year
Types of Standard Rectifier, single phase rectifier, Bridge rectifier circuit
1N4148WT Series 75 V 300 mA High Conductance Fast Switching Diode - SOD-523F
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cmferesearch · 2 years
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imirmarketresearch · 2 years
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poojascmi · 2 years
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High voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission of electricity is a form of DC current over long distance through overhead transmission line or submarine cables.   
Read More-http://latestcmiblogs.weebly.com/article/apac-hvdc-transmission-systems-used-for-transmission-of-power-over-long-distance
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probirbidhan · 2 years
Renewable Energy: Bangladesh to benefit from Asia Super Grid
Renewable Energy: Bangladesh to benefit from Asia Super Grid
Japan has speeded up efforts to materialize its decade-old plan to de-carbonize Asia by connecting some of the biggest economies and the power-hungry populations through a 36,000km-integrated grid of renewable energy.Bangladesh is part of the “Asia Super Grid (ASG)” initiative that aims at interconnecting electric power systems, enabling mutual benefits by exchanging abundant natural renewable…
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High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Power Supply is a crucial technology holding potential to disrupt the power transmission landscape of the world. This technology is at the forefront of the emerging “smart grid” revolution and has emerged as an economically-viable solution for bulk and long-distance power transmission
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flaybynight · 3 months
A completely self-indulgent post about farm generators in the context of TCM
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Why are these used?
Generators are usually used in rural areas to provide power and light to farms. The generator is made to be portable and small, which is good for many applications on a farm or homestead, as opposed to a household generator that only powers a home.
The Sawyers seem to use a Winco Generator Powered by Wisconsin a S12-D. Here's a video of one running.
How do they work?
A carburetor mixes air with fuel inside of a combustion engine in the right ratio. The engine burns that fuel to create heat, and the heat creates steam which builds pressure. The pressure causes a rotor to spin around, and as the rotor spins it turns magnets around. The spinning of the magnets inside the coil creates a magnetic field, which then produces an electrical current inside the wire coil. The engine spins at a certain RPM to create electricity, and a belt transfers the electrical current produced by the engine to other parts of the machine. That's the basic mechanism of a generator.
Any engine that burns fuel to create power is a combustion engine. The type the family used was specifically a piston engine. These are smaller and more lightweight, designed to be efficient with less fuel and less parts. 
Generators use a ‘light’ engine oil. It's better at lubricating the moving parts inside and less viscous than regular automobile motor oil, which would wear on the engine and cause overheating.
Generators in the 70s used more fuel than modern models, therefore were more expensive to run. They were less efficient, less reliable, bigger and noisier, and wore down quicker. There were less safety features involved. A lot of old generators wouldn't shut off when they overheated or if they got too low on oil. They didn't have things like overload protection or circuit breakers, so if the generator got overloaded or overheated it would blow a fuse. 
The fuses served as a failsafe for when the generator overheated or got overloaded. These engines would shut down when the fuse blew, protecting from any major damage. You would have to replace the broken fuse before you could get it working again. That meant people had to keep buying fuses every time something went wrong. 
Would kicking the generator turn it off?
These generators have a thick and heavy metal casing to protect the important internal components, and to keep the electric current inside. Older generators were much easier to damage. Kicking them could dent the surface of the casing and cause damage to its internal components, causing the engine to fail. Restarting the generator could fix it temporarily, but the problem would likely come up again if the internal components were actually damaged.
Connect the current to an electrified cattle grid
You can do this through direct wiring, where the current is carried directly to the grid, and through clamps, which is one way people often connect electric fences to generators. Either way you'd have to run a wire all the way from the generator to the grid. The wires would be insulated with a tough rubber casing to protect from the elements and prevent them from being a hazard if stepped on.
You would use a transformer to step down the voltage from the generator that is producing the power. The generator provides high voltage current, and the transformer turns it into a lower voltage. This is how an electric fence's shock can be used to deter animals without causing serious damage.
Your average generator outputs a voltage high enough to kill you. Without the transformer to convert the high voltage coming from the generator into a lower voltage, a shock from the grid would be lethal. If you stayed in contact with the grid you would most likely die. Do the family use a transformer? Nah. Don't think so.
Milliamps are the amount of electrical energy (current) travelling through a given circuit or point in that circuit per second. From a direct, continuous flow of electricity, 100 milliamps (0.1 volts) would be lethal. For example, sticking your finger into an electrical socket.
A current travelling through an electrified grid would have a hard time doing that kind of damage because it's only touching you for the split second you step on it. It doesn't have time to travel through your entire body and cause enough harm to kill you. That's why the victims get launched backwards and are injured but can survive, although it's possible they'll have permanent heart injuries.
How bad are we talking?
The victim's skin would suffer burns as the heat generated by the electrical current passes through it, increasing its temperature and causing a breakdown of the outer layer. This would worsen significantly as the applied voltage increased/prolonged contact.
The involuntary contractions and extensions of the muscles caused by the current can lead to muscle injury and are extremely painful.
If the current runs through their bodies for too long it would disrupt the normal electrical signals in their organs. A healthy heart beats anywhere between 60-100 times per minute at rest. While being shocked it's forced to beat at 50-60 times per minute, disrupting the heart's natural rythym.
This desynchronisation of the heart's muscles and the ventricles twitching rapidly supplies little to no blood to the body: ventricular fibrillation. Blood pressure drops as organs don’t receive enough oxygen, leading to fainting and rapid death.
Things to consider are how long the victim steps on the grid, with how much of their body, the victim’s body size and weight and the kind of shoes they’re wearing. The more insulated the shoe, the less milliamps pass through their body.
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bumblesimagines · 7 months
Midnight Beach
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Part 18
Request: Yes or No
Taglist: @nathan-no @hyubg @ash455  @gills-lounge
Never in his eighteen years of life did (Y/N) ever expect to be standing atop a train planning a full-blown heist. Searching old, abandoned property like Freedman's Church had been one thing. Sneaking onto a cargo ship to save his ex-girlfriend from her power-hungry family had been another. But planning a train heist to steal back a golden, crystal-encrusted ancient cross right from under Rafe Cameron's nose? With help from Topper Thornton? Discomfort settled in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't even imagine the lengths Rafe would go to get it back from them.
"Looks like there's at least a thousand trains here," Kiara sighed from her spot beside him, rubbing the palm of her hand against her forearm as the chill from the night gently nipped at them. Pitch darkness surrounded them and only the nearly full moon provided them with enough light to make out the trains lined up. 
"Well, we know it's car 750X on the track to Raleigh." Pope carefully recited the words scribbled on the paper, holding it so close to his face it almost brushed against his nose with the slightest movement. He dropped his hand down and leaned his head forward, squinting through the darkness and searching the trains around them. 
Kiara pursed her lips and moved her hand to the nape of her neck, fingers lightly squeezing. "Yeah, well, we're not getting out of here unnoticed with a giant cross."
"We won't have to," Pope murmured. "We can nab it somewhere further down in the country. Just gotta figure out how to stop the train." 
"You say that as if any of us have done that before." (Y/N) scoffed in quiet disbelief. The Pogues were troublemakers, everyone in Kildare knew that. They broke onto properties, ran from cops, smoked and drank from the minute the sun went up to the second it went down. Were they thieves? JJ sure was with his sticky fingers and charming smile. But Pope Heyward, the boy destined for Harvard or Duke, and Kiara 'Save the Environment' Carrera? The uncertainty was plain as day on Kiara's face but Pope had dropped the opportunity for a scholarship to help John B, and the bandana-wearing brunette hadn't even bothered responding to their texts.
"Leave that to me." JJ declared and the discomfort grew. "I got an uncle up in New Bern, right? When he got tipsy, he'd just thrown an old chain across the tracks, just for shits and giggles. And that little old chain would stop all the train traffic in coastal Carolina."
"He's right, actually. There's a low-voltage current that runs across all rail tracks. Throw a chain on it, you close that circuit. It would read as another train. Crossing lights come down. The science is actually pretty sound." Pope explained and JJ nodded enthusiastically beside him despite most of the words flying right over his head. "But, we don't have a chain."
"No, but I bet Topper's dad has jumper cables in the truck. Would that work?" Sarah turned to Pope, a smile breaking out on her face when Pope nodded. As if on cue, Topper began calling out to them from down below, his voice alone making the Pogues roll their eyes. (Y/N) lifted a thumbs up in his direction, pointedly ignoring the exasperated stare from Sarah.
"Alright, you all wait here. Me and Pope will go look for it and send a signal once we find it." Cleo said, and with the plan set in motion and beginning, the two of them climbed down the ladder. They stepped across the tracks and disappeared down one lane, the large boxy trains blocking them from view. (Y/N) nibbled on his bottom lip anxiously until he spotted movement up the side of one of the train cars. From the darkness, a flashlight flickered in their direction.
"That's it. We're green." Kiara laughed breathlessly, but the victory proved shortlived at the sound of a high-pitched horn and metal clanking. "Oh, shit-"
"Train's moving!" The train Pope had climbed on slowly inched forward, the horn blaring every few minutes. They quickly scrambled off the roof and down the ladder, approaching the truck and a pacing Topper. (Y/N) swallowed and clapped his hands over Topper's shoulders, spotting beads of sweat rolling down his temple. 
"This is so illegal, (Y/N)!" 
"I know, I know. I'm sorry you had to get involved with this, Top. I promise you everything's gonna be okay, alright? Just, take a deep breath." (Y/N) squeezed his shoulder and inhaled deeply, nodding for Topper to mimic him. Topper inhaled and his eyes squeezed shut, taking a few seconds before he exhaled and tried shrugging off the tension building up in his body. His eyes opened and flickered over to Sarah.
"W-What are you doing with the jumper cables?"
"Don't worry about it, Top," Sarah responded casually as she stuffed the jumper cables in JJ's backpack. Topper's head snapped back to (Y/N), jaw slacked and eyes widened. (Y/N) only gave a tight-lipped smile in return and patted his back apologetically. Sure, he hadn't exactly explained the whole plan to Topper during the drive to the tracks, but he doubted the blonde would've agreed if he'd known. Like Liv always said, better to ask for forgiveness than permission. 
Climbing into the passenger seat and buckling in, (Y/N) watched JJ and Kiara disappear into the night. With the jumper cables in hand, they had to beat the train to the first crossing and pray the 'science' actually worked. Topper drove down the same road until (Y/N) instructed him to drive off the road and through a small section of trees. Topper carefully maneuvered the truck and followed the tracks, anxiously tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. 
"What the hell are we doing, (Y/N)?" Topper whispered as the halted train came into view. 
"We're helping someone, Top. You're making things right with the Pogues. That's a good thing." (Y/N) answered softly and offered him a reassuring smile. It did little to ease Topper's anxieties but he nodded and stepped on the brakes once they were beside the car Pope and Cleo were searching. Sarah hopped out of the car and took Cleo's outstretched hand, climbing inside with them and helping them search. 
"What are they doing?" Topper exhaled, brows knitting at the three as they began pushing a box that read 'Cameron Development' on the side.
"They're going to put that box-" (Y/N) lightly tapped the window and unbuckled his seatbelt. "-in the trunk."
"What?! (Y/N)-" He could only smile again, climbing out of the car and moving around the truck to pop open the back. He stepped toward the train and reached up, planting his palms firmly against the wooden box and cursing softly at the weight. He helped guide the box into the box, only managing to get it halfway onto the trunk before a horn sounded off. 
"Shit, we gotta move, guys." Pope and Cleo moved around to the back of the box and shoved as hard as they could, getting the box onto the trunk. (Y/N) reached up again and took Sarah by the waist before helping her jump down and getting the box secured with the straps in the trunk. 
"Hey! Stop right there!" A man shouted at them and they quickened their pace, clambering into the car while Pope got in the back to ensure the box would be okay. Topper stepped on the gas pedal, quietly muttering under his breath as he swerved around the man and glanced back toward the security truck following them. They reached the closest intersection where JJ and Kiara were and took down the road. Sirens blared behind them and JJ drove closer to the truck, calling out to Topper to keep the truck straight. (Y/N)'s widened eyes watched as Kiara climbed onto the seat and onto the back of the truck. JJ abruptly braked and turned his bike around, pausing for a brief second before speeding toward the cop car and throwing something at them.
"They're chasing him." (Y/N) breathed. Only JJ would pull off a stunt like that to save his friends. "Top, turn around."
"If they catch us-"
"Topper, they won't catch anyone. Just- Just listen to me, alright?" (Y/N) reached out and grasped his shoulder, squeezing it tightly. Topper cursed and slammed his palms against the steering wheel, shaking his head repeatedly as he turned the truck around and stepped on the gas again, following after JJ and the cop car. He followed Pope's directions, swerving into different streets and roads until they were on the road just below the overpass where the two vehicles were. Then, dust and debris went into the air and the dirt bike hurled over the railing, clattering to the road below in pieces. The truck came to a screeching halt and (Y/N) flew out of the truck, heavy pants leaving him and eyes flickering around in search of JJ. Kiara whimpered and crumbled to the floor, panicked whispering leaving her and face burying in her hands. 
"I wish- I wish I could say I did that on purpose, but that was the gnarliest powerslide I've ever done." (Y/N) spun around and released a breath of relief at the sight of JJ, somehow miraculously alive and unharmed. JJ laughed breathlessly, face flushed and hair sticking out in all directions. Pope bolted toward him and enveloped him in his arms, shocked laughter leaving him. Sarah walked toward him, shoving him back only to pull him back into a hug. 
"You're such a dick, J." (Y/N) chuckled and wrapped an arm around him before they returned to the truck. (Y/N) climbed back into the passenger seat and spotted a flashlight beaming down on Kiara and JJ. The cop shouted down to them and everyone scrambled toward the truck. Cleo, Pope, Kiara, and JJ squeezed into the back while Sarah got in the passenger seat and sat squarely on (Y/N)'s lap. Without time to comment, (Y/N) wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest to prevent her from slipping. Topper stepped on the gas once more.
Despite their fleeting moment of victory, the truck soon filled with overlapping voices arguing and telling Topper to go faster. (Y/N) sighed and leaned his head back against the headrest, listening to Topper argue back until he finally gave in and sped up, only for the truck to jerk up and down after running over a bump in the road. Behind them, the box wiggled free of the straps and slammed into the road, prompting Topper to hit the brakes. They unbuckled their seatbelts and jumped out of the car, rushing toward the box only to see the contents within. Tires filled with cement. And not a single sign of the cross.
"It's fake." Pope stared down at the tires hopelessly and JJ sucked his teeth, ripping his cap off his head and tossing it on the road. (Y/N) took a deep breath and ran his hands over his face, the distant sound of sirens growing near and breaking the melancholy air. Pope remained by the box, frozen and eyes distant. (Y/N) gently set his hands over Pope's shoulders and squeezed lightly. 
"Come on, Pope. There's nothing else we can do."
                    ✽        ✽       ✽       ✽       ✽       ✽
"I'm sorry about... dragging you into this whole cross mess, Top." (Y/N) spoke softly, feet dangling off the side of the dock and barely skimming the top of the water. Topper sat beside him, cross-legged and holding a slightly crumbled beer can in his hand. After the previous night's events, he'd been radio silent until he pulled up on his boat with some beers and a willingness to talk.
"I won't lie that was probably the most exciting thing I've ever done. But, I definitely don't want to do it again. I mean, risking two or three years in prison? For a group of people you probably won't even be friends with in five years?" Topper shook his head and raised the can to his lips, drinking the remainder and crushing the empty can. He tossed it into the cooler and wiped his wet lips with the back of his hand. "I mean, where the hell was John B? Ya'll said he hadn't been answering. If he turns his back on them, how fast do you think he'll turn on you? Shit, he might even convince them to drop you altogether."
"I know, Top. I know my friendship with them will be running its course soon with the cross gone and everything." (Y/N) sighed heavily and stared out into the horizon, finger lightly digging into the side of the can. No cross, no gold, and likely no El Dorado either. They had no use for each other, not with each of them safe and sound in Kildare. Even with Rafe's presence, he'd never do anything that'd hurt his father, and any of them could easily out the secret. 
"God, you two are such downers!" A smile automatically spread on his face and he turned to watch Liv walk down the dock. She'd changed out of her casual attire into a swimsuit and denim, per Topper's invite to a party on one of the more secluded beaches called Mase that most typically went to by boat. She flashed them a vibrant smile and wiggled a can loose, basking in the sizzle of it opening before chugging it back in one clean go. 
"Atta girl!" Topper laughed and stood up, picking up the remaining cans as Liv playfully bowed, her large hair bun flopping over in the process. (Y/N) snorted and took her outstretched hand, pulling himself up and finishing his beer. He swiped his tongue over his lips and helped Topper with the small cooler before offering Liv his hand and watching her climb into the boat as it softly rumbled to life. 
"(Y/N)! You have a visitor!" He heard his mother's faint voice call out. He peered over his shoulder and noticed her by the sliding doors, mood slightly dampening at the sight of Sarah standing beside her. He needed a break, not another little quest that could land in in jail or a hospital. But regardless, he jogged down the dock and cut through the yard. Sarah quietly thanked his mother and waited for her to head back inside, fingers toying with the strap of her bag. Once the door shut, she turned back to him.
"You didn't tell me they were back."
"You were occupied, Sarah. Did you need something?" She swallowed and he frowned, bracing himself for whatever request, question, or favor she needed. Sarah took in a deep breath and brushed her hair back behind her ears, lips rubbing together and gaze dropping onto the ground. He could only imagine what'd it be if she hadn't spoken yet-
"I need a place to stay." She revealed timidly. "I got into a disagreement with John B and- and I can't stay with him right now. He said some hurtful things and... and I think he's keeping something from me. I just can't live with him knowing he doesn't trust me after everything we've been through. I-I tried Kiara but she's in trouble with her parents and JJ wasn't even home when I went around so... I came here."
(Y/N) dug his teeth into his lip and grunted quietly. Part of him desperately wanted to turn her down, to turn the other cheek and be done with everything and anything related to the Camerons. Another, more louder, part of him reminded him of their friendship and how she'd take him in no questions asked if he ever ended up in her spot. Besides, nobody could say no to Sarah Cameron's puppy eyes. "Fine. You, uh... You can stay in the guest bedroom again. And uh..." Liv would surely kill him for even thinking about it. "We're going to a party right now. I still have some of Liv's clothes that you can borrow if you want to come."
And so, he dealt with Liv's death stare the whole ride to the island. Sarah, ever the observant type, kept her distance from the fiery redhead and stood by Topper, quietly chatting and pointedly avoiding even looking in Liv's general direction. Despite the death stare and annoyance with Sarah not only being there but wearing one of her bikinis, she stood up from the edge of the boat and plopped down beside him with a little twinkle in her eyes.
"You know," She began loudly, lips tugging into a mischievous grin that made his stomach twist. "I heard Josie was going to be at the party, (Y/N). Little ole Josie who just couldn't keep her eyes off you back at the academy. I've seen her photos on Instagram and damn, she's getting prettier by the day. I bet, my sweet (Y/N), she'd be absolutely thrilled to talk to you."
"Is that so?" No use in trying to ignore her, she'd only persist. Her plan, whether to make things awkward or annoy Sarah, appeared to be working, given how Sarah glanced over her shoulder at them and slowly sipped on her beer. As oblivious as ever, Topper nodded eagerly in agreeance with Liv and the redhead's grin grew.
"She's right, actually. Josie got her braces taken off while you were gone and she finally did something about that bird's nest on her head. She's bangin', dude. If I weren't with Elena, I'd definitely..." Topper trailed off, finally meeting Sarah's hardened eyes and swallowing thickly. He looked forward again, clearing his throat awkwardly and vaguely motioning to Mase. "Uhm, forget about it. We're here, anyways."
"Finally!" Liv groaned and stood up, shifting her weight from foot to foot as she waited for Topper to shut the engine off and ensure the boat wouldn't drift with the tide. Once secured, she leaped over the side and rushed down the beach, arms open and body barreling into the awaiting arms of her old friends. (Y/N) laughed and climbed out, setting the cooler down in the warm sand and greeting Kelce with a hug. A few other Kooks rolled around, embracing him and Sarah and welcoming them back with wide smiles and offers of beers and snacks. 
"You gonna hit some waves today or nah, bro?" Kelce asked, motioning back toward the many surfboards scattered around.
"I'm gonna chill for now." (Y/N) dismissed and Kelce nodded, slinging an arm around Topper and heading off with him to catch some waves. He watched them go and licked his lips as a hint of uncertainty settled in. Sure, he'd been popular for a while but it'd all been due to Liv and Sarah's own popularity. Parties had always been their thing, not his. However, as he began heading down the beach and listened to the enthusiastic greetings, he felt the uncertainty slip away. 
"Hey! I didn't expect to see you here!" He almost wanted to laugh. Josie greeted him with a wide, vibrant smile, the same smile she often hid behind her hand back during the days with the braces. The hair she often kept up in a tight, frizzy bun now cascaded down her shoulders. (Y/N) remembered her as one of the more meeker girls. Someone who attended parties once in a blue moon, hid under baggy clothes, and spent her days watching others from afar. Her newfound confidence made her brighter and even happier.
"Never thought I'd see you here, Josie." He commented with a friendly smile, graciously taking the beer she offered him. Josie laughed and turned her flushing face away from him. Something bubbled in his chest. Comfort? Amusement? Pride? He couldn't pinpoint exactly which one, but he knew he didn't mind it. Having spent a month watching others get cozy while he withered from boredom, he certainly didn't mind the attention or someone new to talk to. 
"And I never thought you'd end up stranded on an island and yet, here we are." Josie brushed her hair out of her face and took a step closer, head tilting to the side curiously. "How was it? It must've been... scary. I can't even imagine being away from my family for a week, let alone a whole month." 
"It was... tough, I guess." (Y/N)'s eyes found Sarah's figure as she strode across the beach in their direction. Josie followed his gaze and turned, her shoulders immediately sagging at the sight of the blonde fast approaching. Sarah offered her a smile, exchanging a quick embrace before she lifted her hand toward him and dangled a set of keys that looked an awful lot like Topper's. Josie smiled weakly at them and slipped away before he could speak. 
"Come with me to check something out." She smiled widely and took his hand into hers, an action so fluid and casual that for a split second, it felt as if he'd gone back in time. Hanging out with Topper, attending a Kook party, being close to Sarah. All things he used to do, and things that made him happy. He debated letting go. He debated letting her down and following Josie to see where things went. But Sarah fucking Cameron and her big brown eyes that enraptured others, the freckles scattered across her cheeks that were only noticeable in the sunlight, her smile that could cheer up even the saddest of people. 
"Fine." He sighed, and he kept his hand in hers. 
They took Topper's boat to the abandoned lighthouse just a ways off the boast of the beach. It was tall and old with the red and white paint beginning to chip off. It'd been occupied once, likely a beautiful sight for the sailors rolling in during its prime. Now, it stood old and deserted, replaced by the lighthouse near the town square that everyone knew well. Sarah basked in its glory for a moment and tossed a smile over her shoulder at him before she crouched down and sat on the edge of the dock. 
"Come, sit down." She patted the spot beside her encouragingly and (Y/N) took it, feeling the furious wind against his body. It swept around Sarah's hair and forced her to continuously tuck strands away and out of her face. He looked out at the water and took in its shimmering beauty, the rays of the setting sun bouncing off it and making it glitter like a diamond. 
"It's nice out here. Better than a deserted island." (Y/N) said and tilted his head back, peering up at the sky. Orange and pale blue clashed and danced together, having their moment before they'd be replaced by the deep blue of the night sky. Sarah hummed absentmindedly, kicking her legs back and forth. While his eyes remained on the sky, hers watched the waves lap up the dock support beams. She stared at the beams, at the barnacles and kelp wrapped around the wound, eyes focused yet distant at the same time. She picked at the strings of her shorts, tugging at the thread and threatening to break it until she lifted her head.
"(Y/N)," She began softly, voice almost carried away by the wind. Her eyes glazed over with fresh tears. "I'm... I'm so sorry... I'm sorry for everything. For- For kissing John B, for ignoring you, for hurting you, for dragging you into this whole treasure hunt. I'm so sorry for everything I did. You were one of my closest friends and I broke the trust you had in me. I never- I never should've done the things I did. I never should've said what I said. I acted as if you were a burden and you never were. I'm... I'm really sorry, (Y/N)." 
(Y/N) stared at her, the rushing wind and waves filling in the silence between them. Tears slipped down the corners of her eyes and she wiped them away with her fingertips, the heaviness on her shoulders more apparent than ever. He'd never gotten a proper apology, he realized then. She'd tried once, after her breakup with John B and Ward's fake death. It'd sounded too forced, too soon, and too wrong. But now, with the tears falling from her eyes and the regret laced heavily in her voice, it all sounded real. Genuine. 
"I know." He murmured, voice barely audible. (Y/N) delicately placed his hand over hers and intertwined their fingers in a comforting and accepting gesture. She sniffled and raised her head to meet his eyes, her quivering lips pulling up and her fingers gently squeezing his. (Y/N) leaned over and pressed his lips to her warm forehead, the last tears sliding down her cheeks and dripping off her chin. He leaned back and wiped the trails away, planting his feet on the dock and standing up. Keeping their hands intertwined, Sarah stood up as well. "I forgive you, Sarah." 
By the time they returned to the beach, many of their friends and former classmates had departed with the disappearance of the sun with only a select few having set up tents to sleep in. Kelce and Topper had started a bonfire and kept it fed with branches and sticks, tossing them in as they chatted and drank. When (Y/N) turned to them questioningly, the two pointed in the direction of one of the tents where Liv's bag rested on the outside. He snorted quietly and took a seat on one of the many towels placed around the bonfire. Sarah sat beside him and they listened in on Kelce and Topper's conversation until the two boys called it a night and headed off to Kelce's tent. (Y/N) lied back on the towel and stared up at the night sky, watching the twinkling stars and searching for the constellations Sarah loved oh so dearly. 
"Remember when we used to do this?" Sarah asked, her head turned upward as well. "We'd go out to the beach at midnight and just watch the stars for a while." 
"How could I forget when you were so insistent on it? Always calling right when I was about to fall asleep." 
"You never complained!" Sarah giggled and turned to look down at him. Her eyes softened as she gazed down at him, lips parting when she exhaled shakily. His brows furrowed slightly and he tilted his head, the words just about to leave him when she swooped down and planted her lips on his. He stiffened, mind going blank at the feeling of her lips before his brain slowly caught up and his muscles relaxed. His hand cupped her cheek and he kissed her back, the familiarity of it all making his brain woozy. Sarah moved, never once pulling away from him as she straddled his waist and kissed him back harder. He let everything slip from his mind. The gold, the cross, the Pogues, John B. He let them wash away with the tide.
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foone · 1 year
transformers are cool
and I'm not even talking about the robots in disguise guys. I'm talking about the electrical component. These things:
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(amazingly despite having a desk covered in electronics it took me a minute to find one!)
They're in everything. they make AC power so... powerful, for lack of a better term. And they're fucking awesome magic.
So here's the about why we need them (under the readmore)
Quick initial bit of info you need to know: Electrical power flowing through a conductor has a few primary related characteristics: voltage, current, resistance, and power. Voltage is "how much push" the electricity has. Current is kinda like "how fast it's moving", resistance is, well, resistance: it's how much the wire resists having electricity go down it. Voltage and current combine to form power. There's the same amount of power in a high-current low-voltage flow of electricity as a low-current high-voltage one. (think of it like a fast-flowing water pipe vs a slow-flowing creek. Because the slow one has much more volume, it manages to move the same total amount of water)
So when you put electricity down a wire, you are also heating up the wire, because the wire is not a perfect conductor (unless it's a superconductor, but at the moment that requires cooling it a lot, so we don't do that outside of like MRI machines and cool physics experiments). Most of the time we don't want Hot Wires, we just want electricity to get places. (unless we're making a toaster or an oven, then we DO want hot wires). But it would be a huge waste if we had a powerplant and most of the electricity never got to all the things we need to power because we were just making the wires hot. But there's a trick to avoid this:
So the amount of energy lost to heating is proportional to the current going through it. (It's actually the current squared times the resistance). But the important thing is that low-current = low loss, high-current=high loss. So we just need low-current power lines!
But wait, don't we need current? you need a bunch of current to run things like dryers and electric ovens and so on.
yes. But we don't need to TRANSFER the power using high current. Because here's the thing, voltage and current are related. Thanks to Georg Ohm (no relation to the spiders guy) and Ohm's Law (current = voltage divided by resistance) (plus a side of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law), you can take a given current and lower the current by increasing the voltage. So we just need high-voltage power lines, and they'll be low-current, and therefore low-heating-loss. Then once it's in your house, we turn it back into low-voltage high-current, and now it's Powerful and can run your dryer or oven or whatever.
But how do we change the voltage of a current? TRANSFORMERS, THAT'S HOW!
So the basic idea of an electrical coil is that as the current in the coil changes, this generates a magnetic flux. To simplify: changing current + coils = magnetism. This is handy when we're building motors, because this is how they work: It's basically a magnet pulling itself around and around in circles.
But wait how do we get changing current? isn't the current coming down the line from the power station constant?
Nope! It's AC current: Alternating Current. This means that instead of a continuous current coming down one wire and going out the other, it's constantly changing direction, 60 times a second. It's a sine wave, it goes positive, then negative, and repeats. So the current is always changing, and if you run it through a coil, it'll create a magnetic field one way, then the other, over and over.
Well that's nifty and all but how do we use that for anything?
So it turns out the whole idea of "a changing current in a coil causes magnetism" is reversible, it works both ways. A changing magnetic field causes a change in current in a coil.
So what if we took our coil and put it next to another coil? Maybe with something in between (a "core") that conducts the magnetism, like a piece of metal?
Well then you put a changing current in one side, and you get a changing current out of the other side! Nifty. But also useless. You got out pretty much the same thing you got in, minus some losses due to heating and magnetism and such. (It's not actually useless: this is an isolation transformer, and can be used for safety reasons)
But here's the next trick: Conservation of energy. You put in a given amount of power, you create a given amount of magnetism, and that magnetism gives you a given amount of power back. Other than some small losses, it all balances. It has to, or the universe wouldn't work, and would explode.
But you what I'm describing here is a perfectly symmetric transformer. What if you had more windings in your coil on one side than you did on the other side?
Well, it turns out that the voltage you get out of a transformer is related to how many turns you have in the output side compared to the input side. So if your input side has 200 turns of a coil, and your output side has 100 turns of a coil, your output voltage will be twice the input voltage. And you can swap this around to make the output voltage half the input voltage.
The current will of course adjust to match. Twice the voltage means half the current.
And now you see how we can make powerlines work. We have our powerplant generate high voltages, then run those super-high voltages (in the range of 100,000-800,000 volts) down huge raised power lines. When they get to an area that needs power, we have a bunch of transformers that lower them to a distribution voltage (somewhere in the range of 5,000-10,000 volts), which runs to a transformer on a pole near your house, which lowers it to the standard 120 volts (in the US. most of the rest of the world uses 240 volts), which is provided to all the outlets in your house.
Then you plug a power supply into those outlets, to run your computer or power your phone, or whatever. Guess what's in there? Another transformer! It lowers the voltage even further, so it'll be 12 or 5 or whatever the device needs. (It also rectifies it into DC power, because computers run on DC, not AC. But it does this after changing the voltage, because it's easier to change the voltage of AC power than DC power).
So it's transformers all the way down.
So remember how I mentioned that they're two coils, around a core of metal? Well... you don't need the metal, technically. It helps, yes, and makes them more efficient, but you could just use air. Magnetism can go through air or plastic or all kinds of stuff without being stopped. It's less efficient, sure, but it works.
So what if we then took advantage of this? We build two half-transformers. One in a device that plugs into the wall, and another into some device that needs power, like... a phone! Normally these coils will do nothing, because they're not a complete transformer, as the other coil is nowhere near it.
But if you put the coils near each other, they'll start interacting magnetically. They become a transformer. Power is transferred from one side to the other, through the magnetic field, and now your phone can wirelessly charge without wires!
(It's actually a little more complicated than this: To avoid wasting power by running the charger-half all the time, uselessly making magnetic fields that do nothing, it periodically "pings" to see if there's a phone nearby, and measuring if the current is changed by something being charged by the short duration charge-attempt. If not, it goes to sleep and waits to try it again later, if it sees a drain in the power, it ramps up to a higher intensity to start charging the phone)
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drnikolatesla · 2 years
What Happened to Nikola Tesla’s Missing Papers After His Death?
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In 1943 immediately following Nikola Tesla’s death, the FBI ordered the Office of Alien Property (OAP) to seize all of Tesla's belongings, including the safe from his apartment, his possessions stored in the basement of the New Yorker, up to 80 trunks stored in various storage units around Manhattan, and a mysterious safety deposit box at the Governor Clinton Hotel. This is somewhat of a controversial subject in that Nikola Tesla had been a naturalized U.S. citizen for over 50 years, thus the OAP had no legal right to raid his room. The FBI's justification for allowing the OAP to investigate Tesla's belongings was based on the premise that Sava Kosanovic, Tesla’s nephew who was affiliated with the Yugoslavian government at that time, was entitled to his uncle's estate. Since World War II was currently underway and Germany controlled a large part of Europe, Kosanovic was not trusted so the FBI felt it was necessary to seize "enemy assets" without a court order. However, the main reason they seized Tesla's belongings was because there was word that he had completed a working model of his "particle beam" weapon. This device was a natural extension of his high frequency work where he produced 100 foot long sparks in his laboratory experiments at Colorado Springs in 1899. The next step was to control and direct this energy as a weapon. The device he proposed was a open vacuum tube that could charge small or large particles to millions of volts and project these highly charged “non-dispersive” particles through free air to bring down hundreds of enemy airplanes. Since the U.S. government was already skeptical of Kosanovic and was worried that Tesla’s device might get into enemy hands, they impounded all of Tesla's possessions.
John O. Trump (uncle to former president Donald J. Trump), director of MIT's High Voltage Research Laboratory, and a small team of government officials conducted an investigation into Tesla’s possessions. Since Trump was the only qualified scientist to comprehend Tesla's work, he likely spent half the time going over all of Tesla's contents. In their two days of inspection, the team found nothing of value to the U.S. or to the enemy. As for the mysterious safety deposit box, it was found by Trump to contain a wooden chest containing a 20 year old resistance box used for Wheatstone bridge resistance measurements. This, Trump noted, was a common item found in every electric laboratory before the turn of the century. Although the investigation took only two days, it would take nine years for the government to return Tesla's possessions to his family.
Did the U.S. government secretly hold onto important information and acted as if there was nothing of value in Tesla’s possessions? Presumably we'll never really know, but it is a possibility. First, letters from researchers were written to both the FBI and the OAP about Tesla's property during their impound (1943-1952), and neither department claimed they were in possession of his belongings. Each pointed fingers at each other saying to talk to the opposing party. Another reason to be skeptical is that for years, the U.S. government denied having any paperwork, microfilm, or any details on Nikola Tesla. It wasn't until the Freedom of Information Act was enacted that it was exposed that there were in fact documents and microfilm on Tesla. Furthermore, out of the 80 trunks taken from Tesla's belongings, only 60 were returned to his family. This could simply be that his possessions were broken down to save space, but this detail has caused a tremendous amount of conspiracies on this topic.
Did Tesla really complete his weapon of mass destruction? No one really knows. There are many breadcrumbs that hint it may be plausible. One story is based on a woman whose husband's grandfather used to be one of Tesla's trusted employees. He would tell actual stories of Tesla bouncing beams off the moon. A reporter who once interviewed Tesla in his later years told of Tesla describing his work with cathode-ray tubes where sometimes a particle larger than an electron would break off from the cathode, pass out of the tube, and strike him. Tesla said he could feel a sharp, stinging pain where it first hit him and also where it passed out through him. That being said, the closest we can get to the truth is Tesla's elaborate technical paper on the subject (including diagrams), that he sent to a number of allied nations including the United States, Canada, England, France, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia, titled “New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-Dispersive Energy Through Natural Media" (circa 1935). The paper described the first technical description of his charged particle beam weapon. Tesla was directly communicating with the U.S. government and Prime Minster Chamberlain of Great Britain in an effort to promote his particle beam for defense against enemy aerial attacks. His correspondence with Prime Minster Chamberlain was his attempt to prevent Nazi Germany from taking over his native homeland, but when Great Britain, France and Italy agreed to let Germany annex Czechoslovakia at the Munich Conference in 1938, his communication with the government came to an end.
In the end, we'll really never know what happened to his missing papers, or even if there are any missing papers. Tesla made many statements in his later years that his defense weapon was completed and he was going to give it to the Geneva Conference for World Peace, but it never happened. OR NAZI SPIES KILLED HIM AND TOOK ALL HIS BLUEPRINTS BUT STILL ULTIMATELY LOST WORLD WAR II FOR SOME REASON. Lol jk!
What do you all think happened to his papers?
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ourladyofomega · 11 months
So, @lysistra was nice enough to tag me to name four albums I’ve been listening to intensively in recent weeks (thank you!). It was a tough decision and I literally lost sleep over this, so everyone please be nice to me or I’ll never do this again.
And they are:
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#1: Sweeping Promises: Good Living Is Coming For You. Their debut, Hunger For A Way Out, was an essential Pandemic Autumn jam and I was drawn to it because of the d.i.y.-ethos album cover. I listened to that album the most out of any others that season. Now this came out with very little heads-up and I reached for it immediately, effectively taking me back to those Pandemic feels. They stuck with the same post-punk-driven, Pylon-influenced formula and these ten songs come with a slightly dirty, muddy splash in their production values. There’s a few new tricks that vocalist Lira Mondal has tried out and they show. They’ve also retained that d.i.y. method of creating records throughout all of their projects and their entire discography. Still not enough? There’s the orphaned single “Pain Without A Touch” and their other just-as-awesome project Splitting Image. And look at this CMYK artwork?!
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#2: Free Love: Luxury Hits. I’m elated to say that I’m the only one here amongst my mutuals who know about this Scottish electronic duo, and that started with Apero, a record that stamps my move into my current residency. Formerly Happy Meals (because they can’t be bothered naming themselves after cancerous toxicity), this married couple have that magic touch in their sound that no one else has. They have such a special soul that could take you to another world; one that could’ve possibly existed but per chance could be a reality. Luxury Hits contain two personal favorites / footnotes of mine: “Tomorrow Could Be Heaven”, one denoting an Autumn Sunday trip out to Greenpoint, and “Pushing Too Hard”, part of a soundtrack to a colorful and vivid but complicated Summer. The latter is a charmer thanks to Suzanne Rodden’s charismatic vocals, and any release of theirs is super high-resolution, sweet colors, and lush sounds. I still hope to keep Free Love as a personal gem only I can have to myself. Maybe not after you see this.
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#3: Kontravoid: Too Deep. Whenever I’m not blasting hardcore music while busting my ass at the gym, I turn to synthwave instead. After hearing the electrically-charged sounds of Kontravoid, I’m becoming more a fan. This all started when Boy Harsher featured Kontra's-“Maskerade” on a one-and-done post and the rest was game over. The original full-length has some severe high-voltage bangers (“Turn Away”, “So It Seems v.2”) and some superior anthems included (“Too Deep”, “Cost Of Life”). If you’re headed for the remix album, go on right to Fractions’ version of “So It Seems”, then tell me that you didn’t lose your shit over it because it’s that crazy.
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#4: Black Marble: A Different Arrangement. It’s Summer, and you know what that means: it’s time to reach for the record that one of my fellow dee-jays opened my eyes to. Black Marble gives me a elevated feeling of superiority thanks to not only its art direction but also its frigid beats and moderately warm but lush-as-heaven synth work. Chris Stewart’s project is so good that I saw them twice: one at Brooklyn’s Warsaw opening for Cold Cave, and closing out Sacred Bones’ 15th at Queens’ Knockout Center. Both amazing experiences. Bonus points for its’ Eighties sentiment which reminds me of Dead Or Alive’s “Brand New Lover”, and double that for being the soundtrack of me moving into a new neighborhood.
And…because I can’t settle for four albums, I’ll throw in a bonus:
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#5: SpaceGhostPurrp: IntoXXXicated. Holy shit. Talk about a venomous Naga-grade pit-viper of a rap release. This has to be the most exotic bars mixtape I ever heard. If you’re looking for a good drugs, money, and sex record? Well...then here it is! It’s super hot.
This time, I will tag: @sibelin, @charliemonroe, @kate2, @tewzz, @aleprouswitch, @sheisthesisterofnight, @restwaerme, @misterwhirly, @maldoror-est-mort, @sclr, @justmakesuresheeatsthemouse, @chickenshit-conformist, @urban-hieroglyphs, @iamdangerace, @the-land-of-rape-and-honey, @testure-1988, @rivetgoth, @theonlycure, @sweetness-doesnt-touch-my-face and anyone else who wants to play.
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mangosimoothie · 3 months
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Chapter 11: 𝕯𝖎𝖘𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖑 𝐼𝐼𝐼 (3/4)
With some help, Ryan gets an adequate morning's sleep. @bibliosims
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ATTICUS: My beloved banchan, please do try and get some rest. It’s been a long night.
[too angry to sleep] 
Text from bruddah: CODE MOM CODE MOM
Text from bruddah: ah shit you’re probably sleep now huh 
Text from bruddah: call me when you awaken from your slumber bruddah 
RYAN: Ughhh I can’t fucking deal with this right now. 
CAMILLA: Oh, good morning, Chef. You’re up early, no? 
RYAN: Haven’t slept.
CAMILLA: That’s no good. Would you like some tea or a cocktail? Or a bedtime story? RYAN: Seriously? I’m 34 years old; no, I don’t want a bedtime story, Camilla. 
CAMILLA: Just spitballing. Forget I asked. 
[STILL too angry to sleep] 
RYAN: Hey. 
CAMILLA: “I didn’t care—or, at least, I wasn’t hurt or depressed. Instead I was furious. My  friendship with Tom had always had a wild, manic quality, something unhinged and hectic and a little perilous about it, and though all the same old high energy was still there, the current had reversed, voltage humming in the opposite direction so that now instead of horsing around with him in study hall I wanted to push his head in the urinal, yank his arm out of the socket, beat his face bloody on the sidewalk…”
CAMILLA: …Are you still awake? ... Sleep well, Chef.
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bored-frog · 9 months
Dead Magical Charge
Did you ever feel what I felt?
There was a time when I used to feel a warm fuzzy magnetic pull towards you, one that made feel childish and giddy.
Something so sweet that has soured over the years, how can that be?
Your smile was my favorite treat of the day, now it is one of the many things about you I try to forget, but it's hard . . . I miss the brown eyes that would crinkle up with it.
Did you ever feel the exciting high voltage current, the kind that melted hearts?
I used to experience an electric shock every time you were near me, a small spark that had my nerves running wild, my face heated up at the proximity of your enchanting beauty, you were always so mesmerizing to me.
Each of your external features had me internally smiling, far too scared to show it on the outside, for what if you saw my true delight for you and thought it odd and disgustingly hideous, for years I would look down to hide my shameful joy to see you.
In only the briefest moments, I imagined that you felt the very same voltaic tug that burnt my insides into mush, the one that went into overdrive when it was just you and I, in a comfortable soft spoken bubble where I could not stop myself from expressing how I truly felt on the inside, a bright beam of glee rising as I bravely looked up at you; a real genuine smile from anxious little goofball.
Did I imagine it?
That tug, that pull, that fiery red string, the delicate magnetic push in your direction that had my heart thumping as every droplet of sweat seemed to secrete at the worst possible time?
Did you ever feel when the magical charge that gave me the goofiest toothy grin slowly began to decay?
Or was that just me too?
- Autumn(Me)
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mariacallous · 3 months
In the early hours of March 22, Russian forces launched what Ukraine’s energy minister called the “largest attack” on Ukrainian infrastructure in recent times. Numerous critical infrastructure facilities across the country, including the Dnipro Dam, have been hit, and many places are without power or are under rolling blackouts to reduce demand on damaged systems. Additionally, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was briefly disconnected from the grid during the strikes, posing a risk of shutdown. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called the attack a direct “war against ordinary people’s lives.”
Air raid sirens sounded throughout Ukraine early Friday as the Russian military launched massive missile strikes across the country. Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko called the strikes “the most extensive attack on Ukrainian energy infrastructure in recent times,” saying they were aimed at “causing a large-scale breakdown of the nation’s energy system.” Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, the head of Ukraine’s high-voltage transmission operator Ukrenergo, concurred, saying the attack was the largest of its kind since the start of the full-scale war.
According to Halushchenko, power generation facilities as well as transmission and distribution systems in various regions were hit and damaged. Many places are without power.
The city of Kharkiv has been left almost entirely without electricity or running water following Russian strikes on over 15 energy infrastructure targets in the area, reported Governor Oleh Syniehubov.
Russia launched 12 missiles on Zaporizhzhia, said regional Governor Ivan Fedorov. According to preliminary information, at least one person was killed and eight people were injured. Fedorov later reported that two more people are missing. At least seven residential buildings in the area were destroyed and 35 were damaged.
The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, currently under Russian control, was also on the verge of shutdown. During the attack, the overhead power line connecting the occupied plant to Ukraine’s power grid was disconnected.
Drone and missile strikes also damaged critical infrastructure in Kryvyi Rih, said Mayor Oleksandr Vilkul. The city is implementing emergency shutdown schedules and hospitals and other critical facilities are switching to generator power where possible.
Pro-Kremlin Telegram channels reported a strike on the Dnipro Dam, a hydroelectric power plant. Petro Andryushchenko, an aide to Mariupol’s legitimate mayor, said a Russian missile hit a trolley traveling along the dam. According to him, the vehicle was filled with civilians who were commuting to work.
The Ukrainian energy company Ukrhydroenergo wrote that a fire broke out at the station but that the situation is under control and there is “no threat of breach.”
Ukrhydroenergo’s CEO, Ihor Syrota, told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty that the Russian military hit the station’s Hydroelectric Power Plant 1 and Hydroelectric Power Plant 2 (HPP-1 and HPP-2). According to him, HPP-2 was severely damaged and may be beyond repair. One of the station’s supports was also hit, and crane beams were broken. “We’ll have to completely restore the machine room and electrical equipment,” Syrota said. “We’ll assess the consequences within the day and take stock of what happened.”
Authorities in Ukraine’s Sumy region have introduced a schedule of emergency blackouts to cope with damage from strikes on energy infrastructure. Russia’s attacks also reportedly damaged critical energy infrastructure in Ukraine’s Vinnytsia, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions.
Khmelnytskyi Mayor Oleksandr Symchyshyn wrote that there were dead and wounded after Russian strikes hit infrastructure facilities and homes in the city. Ukraine’s Internal Affairs Ministry confirmed the deaths of two people in Khmelnytskyi.
Missile debris fell on homes in Ukraine’s Poltava region, and rolling blackouts have been implemented in the area. Local authorities have also introduced blackouts in the Kirovohrad region to reduce the strain on the energy grid.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Russia launched over 60 drones and around 90 missiles in the attack. Commenting on the strikes, Zelensky wrote that they were clear evidence of Russia’s intent to harm Ukrainian civilians:
Russia is waging war against ordinary people’s lives. […] Russian missiles don’t have delays like aid packages to our nation do. Shahed [drones] have no indecision like some politicians. It’s important to understand the cost of delays and postponed decisions. Patriot systems should be protecting Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia; we need air defense systems to protect people, infrastructure, homes, and dams. Our partners know exactly what’s needed. They can certainly provide support. These decisions are necessary. Life must be protected from these Moscow barbarians.
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azuremist · 3 months
Current headcanons for the Voltage Mikus
Fairy, Normal and Bug are a friend trio, with Normal being aroace and Fairy and Bug being girlfriends
Bug was DEFINITELY in the church choir growing up
Normal is also probably autistic and uses her glasses to avoid eye contact
Ground and Flying are butch x femme girlfriends, and are married in all but name. Flying is a coordinator and Ground is a battler and archeologist, and she’s constantly dragging her girlfriend off to her adventures
Water, Fire and Grass are in a polyam queerplatonic relationship
Nobody has ever seen Ghost in real life; only on screens
Ghost, Electric and Poison are all friends, but rarely are able to get together in real life because of their drastically differing professions
Psychic, Dark and Dragon are all known as high-level battlers who like to battle as a trio. Psychic is usually the first one to meet new challengers, because she has a much less intimidating disposition.
They’re all trans in some direction. Not sure about the specifics yet, but I’m thinking transfem Flying, transmasc Ground, and bigender boygirl Fairy to name a few.
(Note to self: come up with better names than just their type specialty.)
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