#her name is Dia
xxhatchetxx · 1 year
Puts all my irken ocs in a blender and drinks them like a fucked up green smoothie
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ancientgreekyuri · 5 months
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Created the Ultimate Self insert... ( aka: I made a fusion design of my current main S/Is for fun <3 )
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crushedsweets · 10 days
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Happy birthday Dia ‼️‼️
Dia belongs to @diasartstuff
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Non Polaroid version!
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ajdrawshq · 1 month
watching the missing link stuff.. i want to play this game sso fuckign bad
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sugarwavelove · 4 days
And so! The year of hajime continues.!!
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Good luck fellow hajimePs..
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trynadollsiesplay · 10 months
I can't believe how they treated the girls in this season. A few seasons ago airheads wouldn't have made it into rainbow high. They'd have failed their first semester. But denim girlie didn't even talk to her team. Bright Pinkie made something unwearable. Is this auditions for rainbow high, because season 1, 2, or 3, student in rainbow high would have been expelled for this kind of working, and never seen again.
Dia's character was so cringy I didn't want to even get her doll. She had such potential, but she was done so dirty.
None of these girls on Runway Rush get a chance to shine. Not to mention none of the returning cast have even done anything they hinted at in the trailer. There isn't any background plots going on, just jokes to keep the main 6 in their runway look.
I'll take anything I can get, but still... Thanks. I don't like it very much 😞
I can't write to save my life, but I still think I could write something better in my sleep lol. 😭
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mlkywaycafe · 11 months
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Hi I was messing around with picrews and made a new oc—
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rubysparx · 1 year
Woooo a lot more options this time around!! Like last time, I'll probably end up posting all of these (maybe) but I wanna know what you guys desire the most !
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ffxivaltaholic · 4 months
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caramelmochacrow · 3 months
I finally watched the first. Five???? Or four episodes of sunshine and . I'm so afraid of Mari, how did they make a girl scarier than nozomi....
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discet · 2 years
An AU of your AU where one of the girls starts off at Dia Mond's ship instead of Wartwood/Toad Tower/Newtopia.
God that would be so indulgent for me to write about. Fanfic based on my fanfic.
Ah well, what else am i gonna do tonight.
So on a character arc level, I actually think there isn't a bad choice among the three. I think a more fleshed out crew would have something for each of the girls.
Anne: While probably not on board with all the violence so much, but I think she'd vibe with the comradery among thieves. She'd probably have the hardest time with the life at sea bit. Also insist on various quality of life improvements including a movie night where she figures out how to project a move onto the sails. The Civil Wart Episode equivalent ends with the whole crew drawing swords on each other.
Marcy: I think Marcy would have a fucking blast as a high seas swashbuckler. Definitely longest adjustment period among the three just cause of clumsiness. Ends up with a rope tide to her waist whenever she's above deck after nearly falling overboard three times. While Marcy and Dia had a rapport in awiw, it was ultimately marred by the implicit threat to Marcy's loved ones that loomed at all times. Without that and with Marcy making improvements to the ships armaments' and general tactics, Dia and Marcy get along fabulously. Definitely kind of bummed when her electronics run out of power though.
Sasha: Probably the most interesting case study here. Dia, unlike Grime and Yunan, isn't an authority figure. She is a straight up criminal. I think Sasha would be onboard with the crew pretty quickly in the same way she took to being a luitenent naturally in canon. But rather than being a power trip, I think it would be interesting to see her have to value and work with everyone else. No idle hands on a sailing ship. Dia wouldn't be as noble or moral a compass as Yunan is in awiw or indulge Sasha's worst controlling tendencies like Grime does in Canon. She'd be really interesting middle ground between the two. A leader who does care about her crew for their own sake, but doesn't have qualms about kicking down someone in between them and their goals. I think her development there would be really fun.
I think ultimately the catch with all of these is that as a pirate ship, Dia and her crew is gonna be well away from the rest of the plot. You'd have to probably overhaul the rest of the geography of Amphibia to let a pirate ship be relevant to the plot. Though it wouldn't be hard to change things into a island chain? But yeah, I love Dia, thanks for asking about her
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pangyham · 7 months
re: letters, my best friend, who for now i will call dia, just handed me a late birthday present: lego set(but it's not from lego, just a kit from amazon), the new pjo book, and a letter! It was quite sweet. she writes me letters every year and i cant believe ive reciprocated only ONCE. so of course i immediately drafted her a letter. i've been sat for 3 hours in front of a google doc
i had a good day today. my friends and i go to different schools so we've orchestrated efforts to meet every wednesday at my best friend's school to study together. it was not productive. it's never productive. my other friend kept urging me to play bg3 so they can watch and as much as i wanted to, i am behind on 3 readings and a discussion post due tomorrow. i always end the night with dia though and it's so routine that sometimes i feel like i take it for granted. it will be such a fond memory in 5 years.. agh.. so friend pilled
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ancientgreekyuri · 1 month
hi hope !! i remember reading ur wonderful writing abt how asterius's feelings for dia developed, but what about theseus and dia ? how did they fall in love with each other, if i can ask ? (@dmclr)
Heehee thank you for the question ^.^ I have a fic in the works about this very thing but it'll definitely take me about a million billion years to finish 💔 I'll try to keep this brief though... knowing me it's gonna be so, so long.
— Some background... Theseus and Dia met when he was about 22 and she was about 20. Theseus at this time had already making a name for himself as a hero and adventurer, and was now trying to gain his father's recognition. His father Aegeus, who at the time was already an older man, did not recognize the sword and sandals he'd intentionally left behind for his son to one day claim. But Medea, Theseus' stepmother, did. If Theseus was recognized by his father, it'd mean her own son, Medus, no longer had claim to the throne!! So she sent Theseus on a test- he was to travel to northern Attica, and slay the Cretan Bull. This bull, created by Poseidon, was rampaging the fields of Marathon... and, coincidentally, this very bull happens to be Asterius' blood-father. That's a story for another time though!
— Dianthus at this time lived in Oenoe, which was very near Marathon. Outside of the bull issue, there was a terrible drought affecting Marathon and it's surrounding territories. Oenoe, however, remained fresh and green... this was a result of Dia's powers as a nymph. Some began to see Dia as a goddess due to this! ...However, the whole situation was very distressing for Dia herself. She hated being put on a pedestal, and she hated even more that she couldn't help the surrounding lands. She felt a lot of guilt and shame about i...
— Cue Theseus coming in 😱 he's there to deal with the bull problem! A beacon of hope! And not only that... he was a very interesting stranger. Theseus at the time was merely the prince of podunk nowhere (a mountain-side village called Troezen), but he was a prince all the same. There was a nobility to him, a strength Dia had never seen before... I wouldn't call it love at first sight per say, but it was certainly fascination at first sight. At first she merely peeked in at him (Theseus did Not enjoy this but she ran off whenever he noticed her 😭), but eventually they actually talked... and Dia realized she had an opportunity. She may not be able to end the drought, but(!) if she aided Theseus in slaying the Cretan Bull, she could at least do something for her community.
— The two of them initially began talking with this in mind... but of course... they began to get a bit distracted... Theseus found himself very interested in Dia. She was unlike anyone he'd met before, and he felt understood by her in a way he'd never felt with anyone else. And Dia loved how Theseus made her feel, how he would always praise her, and his genuine warmth. It was a youthful love between them, but it blossomed all the same... (Dia wasn't Theseus' first kiss, but Theseus was Dia's first kiss!). Eventually, he proposed to her 😱 after he was recognized as Athen's heir, he would return and make her his wife. Dia agreed.
— The day Theseus slew the bull came, and he succeeded with Dia's aid. He ended up riding on it's back all the way to the city of Athens before sacrificing it to the gods (Usually Apollo or Athena depending on the source you read, I haven't decided which I prefer)! And Dia would have waited for him...but a nobleman from the neighboring region of Boeotia expressed interested in Dia, and Theseus himself was sent to Crete's labyrinth soon after being recognized as the son of Aegeus. I haven't figured out what exactly happens with Dia after this point, but Theseus never sees her again while they both live.
— The two of them only meet again in the afterlife! You'd expect something momentous, but... the way it happened is a little silly. Theseus overhearing some of Elysium's other warriors talking about a half-nymph girl with a strangely masculine name who worked within Elysium's newly constructed library... and he was like HAHN!!!!!!! And rushed over almost right away 😭 even though it'd been many, MANY years... that initial connection between them never truly went away. Theseus re-proposed to Dia fairly early on as well 😭 impulsive, sure, but Dia just as impulsively accepted! Though Theseus had some things he wanted to do before holding any type of ceremony, and one of those things was finding Asterius again.
Evil funfact: Theseus abandoned Ariadne on Naxos for a variety of different complicated-yet-selfish reasons... one of the smaller reasons (but a reason nonetheless) is that he was still hung up on Dia.
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zuble · 1 year
i haven’t really been formally introduced to mephisto in the game yet but i’m already obsessed with what i have seen. i hope he’s an asshole. i hope he’s an absolute dickhead. i need my kyouichi saionji 2.0. someone i can love to hate on and go “ahah here’s this bastard again.” and most importantly i need someone else to make fun of lucifer.
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chronal-anomaly · 10 months
The way that Lena accepts the mantle of Storyteller even if it's the opposite of everything she ever wanted. In a way, you could see it was the elephant, the black dog haunting her waking moments, the looming, lurking knowledge that there will be a day where her friends and family are dead and gone and she's there, telling their stories to people who have long forgotten their names. If only to remind herself. If only to remind the world...
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
Yall remember that lady who told me I was awesome that one time at work? Today I got my period and its maybe my worst one yet. I was fighting back tears and the urge to throw up for hours and hours and then all of a sudden THIS LADY APPEARED AND THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED. I still felt like garbage but she made me smile. Im convinced shes a guardian angel or something honestly
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