#her catwalk her look her in Versace is something I Will Remember
glateias · 2 years
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versace ss23
33 notes · View notes
Game of Thrones 8.6 “The Iron Throne”
Well, our watch is over. 
I don’t know how to feel, considering this entire season was very up and down and all over the place. Not to mention extremely whiplash-inducing. From Jaime’s whole show arc meaning zip to Daenerys’ roller coaster descent into the “Burn It All” Mad Queen to Cersei’s boring death, season 8 as a whole was NOT GREAT, BOB.
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There were a few decent moments in the finale though. Sansa was crowned Queen in the North, so that was awesome. Drogon’s “but mama, wake up!” moment broke my damn heart. Ghost finally got his good boi snuggles. 
But overall? Yeesh.
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‘Kay, let’s try not to boo and hiss when the “Executive produced and written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss” credit flashes across the screen.
As the finale opens, Tyrion is seen wandering through the desecrated streets of King’s Landing, dumbfounded that the Queen he (and many of us) believed in actually did this crap.
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He separates from the others while Jon, Davos, and Co. locate Grey Worm about to commit some post-surrender slaughter of some Lannister army soldiers, in the name of the new Queen. Davos suggests he and Jon go speak with Dany while Grey Worm continues his slaughterin’. 
If there is one thing you can say for Torgo Nudho, it’s that he’s fiercely loyal.
Tyrion meanders to the crumbling remains of the Red Keep, heads right for the basement, presumably with his fingers and toesies crossed, and realizes the escape to the beachhead where he’d stored his little dinghy is blocked by a rock wall. So he heads to one of the few piles of bricks on the floor and lo and behold--
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Really, Cersei and Jaime look more like they are in the middle of a good nap. And there aren’t that many brick piles on the floor. Like they could’ve moved somewhere else in the basement and avoided dying but yanno, plot. 
Arya’s picking through the fire-lined streets of King’s Queen’s Landing until she eventually comes to the town square...place. The Redkeepplatz? Der Rotenwohnturmplatz? Where she spies some jubilant Dothraki playing with their horsies. They won, they’re feeling (temporarily) awesome.
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Of course, GoT is legally contracted to never go more than a scene or two without featuring the brooding face of Jon Snow, which it does, as he climbs up the stairs leading to Der Roten Wohnturm. Naturally, the gold and red lion banners of the Lannisters have been removed (and likely thrown into a corner somewhere for the Dothraki horses to poop on) and in their place is one big Targaryen one.
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Rather reminiscent of a dog pissing on a fire hydrant, is it not?
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So Brooding Jon and his wolfhead cane (I am still pissed that he didn’t beat off any errant Dead with it, I must say) climb up the steps under Grey Worm’s disapproving eye--remember, Jon has been kinda against slaughterin’ Lannister soldiers who already surrendered to which Grey Worm is all *Pikachu gasp face*--to meet his Queen/sort of girlfriend/aunt, who makes her grand entrance like this:
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Fabulous, dahlink! Dany is like a catwalk walker at a high-high-fashion Milan event. In fact, if Versace or John Paul doesn’t hire Emilia Clarke to recreate just this moment for the next Fashion Week (yanno, the one at Milan or Paris or New York, not at, like, Tallahassee Fashion Week), I will not buy any more of their products. Not that I could before.
No, she didn’t paste dragon wings to her back. It’s just Drogon. But the shot sure looks cool!
Daenerys catwalks out to her adoring public--quite a lot of adoring public.
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Srsly. I thought from the glimpse of trailer that all those soldiers were, idk, surrendered Lannister Army who’d sworn fealty or something. Weren’t most of her forces annihilated during the Battle of Winterfell? There were certainly not this many after Drogon Dracarysed the crap out of the K.L. gates and they burst into the city walls. 
There is raucous cheering and whooping...from the Dothraki. The Unsullied just sort of stand there and bang their poles against the ground because they are boring. 
Dany gives a rousing speech about the Dothraki being the blood of her blood, they kept all her promises to her, defeated her enemies, blah blah, and Drogon roars as if it is a football game. 
She makes Grey Worm her Master of War, which he kinda was all this time, just now it’s official. I guess he gets better pay now.
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Dany switches tongues and addresses the Unsullied in High Valyrian. The Dothraki are there like “Dafuq is she talking about?” Just as the Unsullied were before. She calls them “liberators”.
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You should really stop using that word, Dany. English teachers would red-pen all over this essay.
Dany continues in her exuberant High Valyrian that they will not stop until every man, woman, and child in the world, from Winterfell to Dorne and Lannisport to Qarth, has experienced her flavor of “mercy”.
Arya’s in the back watching like--
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Is it me or is this victory speech rather...”Hitler giving a rousing oration at a Nazi rally” esque?
Arya may not be loving this but the Unsullied, with their *tap tap* and the Dothraki excitedly raising their Arakhs and Scimitars in glee, sure do. Tho idk exactly what has the Dothraki so riled up. Dany’s still speaking High Valyrian; they have no idea what she’s saying.
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Tyrion is not happy with Dany either. Probably because she killed his brother and burned a shitload of people. He walks up to her as she winds up her Hitlerish speech and she looks at him with some of that ice borrowed from the North. In English, she accuses him of committing treason for freeing Jaime. He in turn meets her gaze and throws away his Hand to the Queen pin.
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Dany orders Tyrion taken away, presumably to be Dracarysed. And Jon is watching all this happening like this:
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We’ve all done it, don’t lie. “I know he has a swastika tattoo on his face but he’s only a Nazi on the weekends!”
Dany meets his gaze silently telling him to “respect mah authoritah”--
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--and she walks away with Unsullied flanking her. I am not sure where to. Half of the Red Keep is in ruins. 
As Jon watches, Arya appears beside him like a ghost. He asks her what she is doing here and what happened and the audience goes in tandem--
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What do you think happened, Jon?! Your girlfriend torched the city. Arya’s there in the city. You think she magically poofed there covered in dirt?
You still know nothing, Jon Snow.
Arya confesses that she came to kill Cersei, who of course died the most boring and undeserving death. Her presence right now is solely to remind Jon that Dany knows his true name and heritage and because of that he will always be a threat to her. 
Jon goes to visit Tyrion in isolation--handing over his cane, which for a second I thought was an umbrella; I now think every Great House should have a House Umbrella--and the first thing he asks is thus:
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Tyrion is disappoint but thanks Jon for coming to see him anyway. It is ironic, he pontificates. He is the one who told Dany of Varys’ treasonous acts and now he’s getting the Drac for the same thing. Well now Varys’ ashes can say “I told you so”. He then asks Jon if there is life after death. Cus, you know, Jon would know. But Jon does not remember any. Tyrion is relieved. Oblivion is all he can hope for after choking Shae, shooting Daddy Tywin with a crossbow, and betraying Dany. 
And he is prettttttttyyyy sure the war ain’t over. Dany will go on “liberating” until everyone is “free”--and of course by “free” I mean either loyal or barbecued. 
Jon is checked in at Justification Station:
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Tyrion asks him if he would’ve done it. After all, he’d been on the dragon’s back before. Jon stutters that he doesn’t know but Tyrion, and all of us, know he would not have. Tyrion is probably speaking to the same portion of the audience who loves Dany when he bites out that “Everywhere she goes, evil men die and we cheer her for it” and that portion, of which I count myself, reply--
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Why wouldn’t we? When she Dracarysed those assholes at Astapor, I fistpumped like Pauly D. 
Jon slumps down on a nearby stool. “Love is the death of duty” Maester Aemon said long ago. But, Tyrion posits, maybe duty is the death of love. Jon always tried to do the right thing by the people. Who is the biggest threat to the people now?
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Tyrion knows that he’s asking Jon to do a horrible thing, but it’s the right thing. After all, Jon is the most dangerous person in the world to her, being the rightful heir. Alas, Jon stutters that it’s Dany’s decision as Queen, I guess whether to kill him or not, tells Tyrion he’s sorry he’s gon’ be Dracarysed, and is about to leave when Tyrion tries one last ditch by bringing up Sansa and Arya. They’ll never be loyal to Dany, and Jon will have to choose.
With lots to think about, Jon goes to confront Dany, who is prowling around the mess she made of the Red Keep. Drogon, as always, is faithfully standing guard beneath a pile of ash. Or is it snow? Is there snow in the capital? Questions.
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Inside (I...guess?), Dany ventures into the once glorious throne room, which now looks like this:
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Hope you have a good Master of Coin in mind, Dany.
The new Queen is stunned and delighted about finally coming face to face with the Iron Throne.
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Yes. Hundreds of swords all melded together sounds fabulous for my back. Why does everyone want to sit in this thing so badly?
That is when Jon shows up. He begs Dany to spare the lives of the remaining Lannister prisoners. Tyrion from the impending doom of the dragon’s breath. Dany shakes her head. They cannot get by on “small mercies” when there is a whole world who needs...mercy. It will be a good world, she insists. She will make Jon see that it will be a good world. 
He asks about everyone else. The people who “don’t know what’s good”. Dany’s reply: “They don’t get to choose.”
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Dany wraps Jon in her arms and demands he be with her because they’re fated, they’ll break the wheel together, blah blah 
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And for a moment, just a moment, it almost appears to be working. They kiss passionately, there’s a glint of metal, Dany looks shocked. And then...
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Yeah, I didn’t spoil myself, though the season eight plots were easily accessible on Reddit. Probably posted by an annoyed PA who is firmly in the “this season blew” camp. In fact, I am willing to bet it’s the same guy who left The Cup in 8.4. He did it on purpose. 
But still, though I had a feeling Daenerys would not make it out of the finale alive, I was not prepared. It makes total sense for Jon to ultimately kill Dany, as he is the only one who could get close enough to her to do it aside from Grey Worm, who would never, and, of course, Drogon. There is a poetic irony to having the man who loves her ultimately be her end.
And yet...
Poor Jon. Two girlfriends, both dead. 
As Jon cradles her, Drogon starts creepin’. His dragon senses tell him that something’s happened to his mommy. Jon lays his deceased lady love on the floor and Drogon creeps up behind him, scaring the pants off him. He pads over to Dany’s inert body, trying to wake her up.
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All together now:
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I literally aww’d out loud when I first watched this. Twice. On Twitter, people have likened this scene to Simba pawing at a deceased Mufasa after the wildebeest stampede in The Lion King. It’s pretty reminiscent. “Mom? Mom? Wake up, we got the Iron Throne now!” 
Realizing that his mama really is dead, Drogon is not happy. He growls at Jon, rears up, and fire swirls at the back of his throat. Jon, for his part, remains stoic. I suppose he thinks he deserves this after becoming a Queenslayer. 
But Drogon spares him, perhaps unable to harm a Targaryen? Instead, he takes his ire out on the ironically defenseless throne made of dead men’s swords.
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He melts the fuck out of that throne until it’s nothing but molted metal. No one entirely knows why, but two theories are prevalent. One, that Drogon understood that it was really the Iron Throne that killed his mother in the end, her ambition to lead, and not Jon. Dragons are supposed to be incredibly intelligent. And two, as Leslie Jones put it, “If my mama can’t have it, ain’t nobody having it!”
Once the evil pointy chair is gone, Drogon cradles Dany’s body in his talons and flies away with her. 
And I’m dead.
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Oh, I’m so sad for Drogon. First the Night King took Viserion. Then, Captain Underpants shot down Rhaegal. Now his mom’s gone. 
I want to hug him.
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The next day, Grey Worm and Co. come for Tyrion, but instead of being Dracarysed, he’s led to the Dragonpit, where various heads of Great Houses are assembled to discuss What To Do Now--yanno, that Jon Snow killed the Queen. Yara wants him dead, as well as the Prince of Dorne. Arya threatens to cut her throat if she says that again. Davos, as usual, is the voice of reason. He tries to bribe Grey Worm with the Reach but the Unsullied do not want payment; they want justice. 
Tyrion says it’s not for Grey Worm to decide, and Grey Worm is pissed. But it’s for their King or Queen to decide, and the powerful people before him must pick one.
Grey Worm’s like--
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He is not all in on this idea but he’s gonna humor it.
Sam starts to suggest democracy but everyone’s like LOL.
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Edmure Tully, aka Tobias Menzies, aka Frank/Black Jack Randall on Outlander, who we haven’t seen since season six, rises and attempts to make a case for himself being named King. Sansa has no time for his antics.
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Burn after reading, Edmure. 
Honestly, I’d have preferred this side character we haven’t seen for two seasons over the guy they actually picked. Tyrion, who, I may remind, is the prisoner here, makes a case that the best man/woman (it’s a man) for the job is someone with “the best story”. Okay, cool, I can get behind that.
And then he says, “Who has a better story than Bran Stark?”
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Let’s see, of the remaining nobles, Sansa has overcome a shitload of adversity to become a really kickass, strong leader of her House, Arya was raised a spoiled little girl and could’ve lived off that but instead threw all those trappings aside to transform into a literal assassin, Brienne is now the first woman knight in all of Westeros, Tyrion went against his House to support a southern Queen and survived a false accusation of poisoning his nephew by his sister, Sam was sentenced to the Night’s Watch by his jackass of a father only to find love, family, and survive the Battle of Winterfell, Yara was kidnapped by her pirate uncle, lost her brother, and is now Queen of the Iron Islands, and Jon, well Jon, what didn’t Jon fucking do? 
Bran was carried around by the poor dude whose head he fucked with for a few years and spent this season being an unemotional robot.
Tyrion asks Bran if he’s up to the role and Bran replies--
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WHAT HAPPENED TO “I CAN’T BE THE LORD OF WINTERFELL, I’M THE THREE-EYED RAVEN”?! Even Isaac Hempstead-Wright said when he originally got the script, he thought it was a joke. 
We’re supposed to believe he is not up to the task of lording Winterfell but the Seven Kingdoms? No problem.
I’m sorry, the Six Kingdoms. Sansa will not agree to appoint Bran King unless he gives the North independence, which he does.
Six Kingdoms does not sound as good, y’all.
Bran’s a Six Chick now.
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So everyone votes and the newfound oligarchy of Westeros toast to their new KingBot.
They call him Bran the Broken because every royal needs a nickname. It’s kind of insulting but I highly doubt Westeros was at all #woke.
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I like my ideas better.
Bran makes Tyrion his Hand to make up for all his mistakes in the past, and Grey Worm bugs out because he’s a criminal and deserves justice. But Bran is now a KingBot and can do what he wants so there!
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Tyrion, saved from execution, reports to a reckt-looking Jon that KingBot has decided to send him to the Night’s Watch, which still exists for some reason. He will take no wife, bore no children, etc, al., we’ve heard the spiel before. 
Jon asks Tyrion if what they did was right because he feels like shit and Tyrion tells him to ask him again in ten years. So they don’t even know if killing Dany was a good thing or a bad thing.
As Jon ambles through the docks, he passes Grey Worm’s ship. One of the Unsullied lets him know in High Valyrian that all the men are on board and wistfully he nods his reply.
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Naath, being of course, Missandei’s home. Grey Worm and the Unsullied are fulfilling a promise he made to Missandei before the Battle of Winterfell--that he would accompany her back home to protect her people from slavers. Now, sans Missandei, he is keeping that promise.
At the docks, Sansa asks Jon if he can forgive her. He is a better person than I because I would’ve been like--
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Jon tells her the North has its independence because of her, they hug, and he moves onto Arya. She can’t visit him at the Night’s Watch because she is going on an adventure! She’s gonna start world-building. Arya the World-Builder!
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She’s going west of Westeros. For the glory of the Starks and the North. Maybe start a colony there and push some indigenous people onto reservations.
 Next, Jon goes down the line to bid goodbye to his new KingBot.
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Seven Six Hells, it’s a good thing this is the finale because calling BranBot “Your Grace” and bending the knee to him will never not be super odd.
Jon tells him he’s sorry he wasn’t there when KingBot needed him and KingBot assures him he was exactly where he was supposed to be with that creepy blank face. Y’all may as well have installed HAL as King.
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In the miraculously intact and debris-free Red Keep, the new Commander of the Kingsguard is searching through the Big Book of Westerosi Knights For Dummies--
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--for Jaime’s entry, I guess to complete his story, and somehow she finds the wherewithal not to be catty.
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There, Brienne. Fixed it for you.
At the small council table, Tyrion reverently sits in the seat of the Hand to the King while the rest of the council comes pouring in. Sam places a thick tome in front of Tyrion, and when he asks what it is, Sam proudly states that it’s A Song of Ice and Fire, a history of the wars following Robert’s Rebellion and death. 
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There isn’t much that takes me out of the experience more than mentioning the title of the show I’m watching. And although this is Game of Thrones, we all know it’s based on the ASoIaF book series. 
By Archmaester Ebrose, eh? You sure it wasn’t, say, Archmaester Jyrge of House Martyn?
The in-universe AsoIaF doesn’t even mention Tyrion, which is hilarious.
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Brienne and KingBot enter and everyone stands and calls him “Your Grace” and we snicker. At the table, the first thing KingBot does is ask about the missing Masters of Whisperers, Law, and War. And also where Drogon is. Sam says he is flying east but KingBot seems determined to find him.
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What’s he gonna do, warg into Drogon? You leave that poor baby alone, KingBot! In a short time, he’s lost both his brothers and his mother. He’s totally alone. Don’t bother him no more!
Before Podrick, who is now Ser Podrick, takes him away, everyone stands to salute their KingBot.
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Maybe I’m a broken record, but Bran being crowned King is like getting an A+ on the presentation when you spent the whole prep time playing Words With Friends on your phone.
When he leaves, the remaining small council members discuss rebuilding the armada and distributing wealth responsibly. Bronn has been named Lord of the Reach and is now Master of Coin. His first priority as such is--
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Tyrion also comes to the conclusion that after extensive research into the sewers at Casterly Rock, clean water=healthy people.
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The camera slowly pulls out on our happy merry men (and woman) of the council so I guess that means that is the last time we will see them.
At Castle Black--
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And so fast? Are all the builders in the North drinking Four Loko or what?
There, waiting, is Tormund, like he’s Leo at the end of Titanic. He knew Jon would be back. Because he’s “got the real North in him”.
In all corners of Westeros, the Starks are doin’ their thang. Arya is setting sail for places unknown, brandishing the Stark sigil.
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Sansa is attending her coronation of Queen in the North after winning the Northern independence.
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And Jon is among the wildlings at Castle Black. He seems to be searching for someone in particular amongst the throng. 
And then, he finds him!
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It’s Ghost! The goodest good boi in the wide world finally got his snuggles from his Daddy. 
He deserves all the love and treats because he’s the best boi.
Yes, he is! Yes, he is!
The finale closes with Tormund and Jon leading the Free Folk into the woods. Hmm..
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Is Jon destined to be the King Beyond the Wall now? We’ll never know for sure because the show is over. But there is always fanfiction. 
I am reading one right now where Jon and Dany meet in Pentos before she is crowned Khaleesi. It’s good shit. 
So, uh, pros: Sansa being crowned Queen in the North was awesome. She deserved it. I can see Arya as an explorer. Cons: KingBot. WHY?! I cannot see him being the “great king” the other characters think he will be. He has no emotion, which is why he is KingBot. The first thing he does upon calling to order his first small council meeting is wondering where the fuck Drogon is so he can kill him. And it’s not enough that he’s elsewhere in the east. KingBot has to warg into him or into something near him to get his exact location. Idkkk him being King is pretty absurd. 
The finale was a week ago and I’m still in mourning for Dany. I’m in mourning for how fast the writers took her to Mad Queen status. I like the theory that Drogon is flying to Volantis to have Kinvara of the Red Priesthood revive her so that she can come back to Westeros and kick ass and take names. 
In the meantime, and forevermore, the wheel keeps on spinning...
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saint-yaint · 5 years
Pertrichor  Chapter 4:With Style and Grace
*Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam is a botanical garden in Amsterdam its really pretty
*��pärä(Finnish)= bastard
*smaragdine=synonymous for an emerald or emerald color
We quickly got our things together and left Alicia, the Sirens, Kiwi , and I are the first to leave. The Sirens left with Foxy, Kiwi and I left together. We headed to the Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam, where the first set of shows were taking place. There was about three to four hours to get there, that I wasn't too concerned about, what I was worried about was if those damn hounds are going to show up there.Being in the dark about knowing who is feeding them information is a nuisance to me, I can't be sure if they figured out if I am here or if they doing counter measures against us. Basically I am running around here like a blindfolded chicken with my head cut off, but alas this is the hand I have been dealt with so my bitching will do nothing but add to my grey hairs and losing my nerves. I looked over to Kiwi, she wore a silk circle skirt, vintage Versace shirt and her Swarovski So Kate heels, I like to refer to them as her stress shoes they only ever come out when she has a mission she deems difficult. I just wore a Herve Leger bell sleeve bandage dress, Daffofil pumps, and my treasured mink coat, the first thing I bought after my first contract was it a frivolous purchase maybe but I love it so much. Well I will be in the front row with Eileen, so I do have the high ground in a sense because I belong there in the bright lights and they have to stay in the shadows. So if they did try to get near me it show that they either are brazen or brainless, as they won't be seen by just me, they will be seen by the world. Yet again the ride is blurry and ever changing but the sun is setting, it is tired and wants to sleep. The sky is going through it's daily metamorphosis, cool blues, vibrant purples, flashy yellows, sweet oranges, and perfect reds. Simply blending together while being perfectly distinct and independent, the perfect cohesive unit. We try to be like the sky, sadly we cannot it is unrealistic, but perfection is false and fleeting even when it is created by the universe. I got some taps on my shoulder, we maybe at our destination, I turn to Eileen.
"Yes what's up?" I yawned. I wasn't tired just wanted to yawn. I am guessing we are here?"
"You have guessed correct it's time for us to go." We got out the car and straighten our clothes a bit, a little prep for photo ops.
So many paparazzi around, there is so many lights flashing that no shadows can hide, all is revealed and no secrets exist in the light. Walking on the plush carpet beneath me I posed and smiled, shook hands and smiled. The yelling and demands for pictures were wildly varied and muddled, after a point, yet I happily obliged. I get into the venue and meet up with several designers and talk to them and do some interviewing. Eileen was talking with models, taking pictures, and catching up with old acquaintances. I walked towards Eileen and she introduced me to her connects, Hilde shortly joined us. Her infamous locks mimics the infernos of Hell itself and she wore a smaragdine dress with crystal straps hugged her thick, buxom curves, her tattoos were on full display accented by gold jewelry. She hugged us shook hands with Eileen's people and went on to mingle further. I saw Greta in her striped crop top, hat, and jeans. She waved at me and mouthed 'come here'.
"I am pleased to have met all of you!" I started to shake hands with everyone in our small crowd "I must excuse myself now but I hope to see you during the shows"  
I made my way to Greta, graciously wading and talking my way through the hoards of people. Then I finally met up with her we hugged and whispered in my ear.
"The Sirens are ready to strike whenever and they are watching out for the hounds."
"Good." As I backed out of the hug, Greta looked like a deer caught in headlights and then I was caught by my waist then spun around into an embrace.
"Oh how I missed you!" I pushed out of the hug and saw those thick black glasses and those big brown eyes. Fuck my life.
"Who the hell do you think you are, touching me like that?" His eyes were wandering and my fury grew. "Keep your eyes to yourself you ass."
"You look stunning even when you are pissed off at me." He licked his lips and continued to stare. "Well I am here because, I wanted to see what these shows were about and this seems somewhere I might see you again, and lo and behold, my wish came true."
"So I assume your friends are here too? You three seem like y'all are joined at the hip." I was sneering, I know I was even though I couldn't see my face.
"You guessed right my brothers are here with me,but I got away from them when I saw you." Greta cleared her throat, she was clearly annoyed with Rollins already.
"So lover boy, what are you doing clinging to my friend?" Greta spat "äpärä."
I looked at Greta and was appalled she cursed. "Well this is the guy I met in New York, this is-." As I expected he would cut me off.
"I am Tyler Black, my apologies for interrupting you earlier. I am a new acquaintance of Grisleda's" He rolled the 'r' in my name.He is turning up the charm, trying to humble himself as he stands before Greta. "Where are my manners?"
"Good question Mr. Black, where are they?" She looked over somewhere and smiled. Then I saw Hilde bringing Beverley with her, maybe all isn't lost.
"Hey you two!" She looked over to Rollins and looked up "Uh hello to you too." She shook his hand. Then Beverley worked her way between Seth and I, and for that I am grateful.
"Hello all." Bev is at it again with her sultry, breathy coo. She extended her hand, expecting it to be kissed. "And Hello to you sir. Haven't seen you here before."
He shook her hand instead "Tyler Black, pleasure to meet you both." Then going to shake Hilde's hand too. Then looking at his watch he looked at everyone then stared at me. "I have to go at the moment, I will see you soon."
We turned to look at each other, then Eileen's voice washed over us. "So that's him in the flesh? Beverley press his suit more, he won't crack easily. Also it's time for the shows to begin we need to get in our places."
Beverley went backstage where Oracle and Dervish still was, and us four sat in the front row whispering hello and then settling in our seats. The was movement to the left of me, and there he is again. He did say he will see me later, he looked at the stage where the emcee started to talk and then techno music started playing. Models started to walk down the catwalk, spotlights followed them. Various people and clothes moved about, I took some pictures to take my mind off of the man that was sitting next to me. I cut my eye over to where he was sitting and there they are, Ambrose and Reigns are here too, they look the part seamlessly fitting right in.A closer analysis of their faces show they don't know what the fuck they are doing here and they don't know what the fuck is going on, a damn mess. And now there is  Rollins getting closer virtually leaning on my shoulder looking my phone I use for blogging.
"What are you doing, Griselda?" Now he is making a habit of rolling the 'r' in my name. Ok I will admit it's funny but still.
"I am taking pictures, for my blog. Remember I told you this is my job or perhaps you was thinking with something else besides your brain when we were speaking in New York?" I need to maintain my composure, so I started taking pictures again. "Also you are invading my personal space. I would like for you to quit leaning on me."
He moved back and gave me some breathing room, "So are you not going to ask about what happened back there with your fierce little Finnish friend back there?"
"Oh yes, about her being actually concerned for my well being when she sees some strange man all over her friend. And why did you tell her a different name that what you told me? Who are you lying to?" I want to see what happens when he is put on the spot."Well you should explain yourself, I don't like hanging around suspicious folks like you. Also are you the only one that is lying or are your friends are too?"
He sighed "Hmm what if I told you we were lying? What would you do?" And here we go the ball is in my court, I am ready for his games now.
"I would wonder what you have to lie for? And I would want to get as far away from you as possible, you seem like nothing but trouble."
"Maybe I lie to keep people safe. Have you thought of that?"
"There is no reason and no way in the world that lying would keep people safe, so miss me with that bullshit. Now Mr. Who Ever You Are let me get back to work."
He fully retreated to his seat, maybe I struck a chord with him. His eye went dark and he faced forward clenching his jaw and grinding his teeth, I broke past his facade and tarnished his resolve even if it's ever so slightly, I was proud and won a battle against him but the war looms over my head. I grinned and beamed baring my teeth, slowly learning how to deal with Rollins' ego. It isn't inflated but he is too sureof himself and believes all of his ways are foolproof, so this important mental note will be given to Bev. The more I can push him into Bev's grasp then he will quickly be a non factor and Ambrose and Reigns will fall as well soon after him. A breakthrough finally, hopefully there will be more light. The last cycle of the final show wrapped up, standing ovations were given and afterwards people milled out the to the reception area. I walked the taxi area, Kiwi was going to have the driver to take her to a dinner her friends were hosting, I messaged her I was going to the hotel early and rest up. As I waited and checked my phone, shadows appeared in the corner in my eye. I turned around and saw Reigns, I looked to see that the other two hounds weren't near him right now.
"I am guessing you wounded Rollins' pride Miss Brunswick." His voice made me jump a little.
"He hurt his own pride when he didn't take the hint and kept coming on to me." I stared Reigns in the eye "Is he brooding because he couldn't get what he want?"
"Maybe so Brunswick. You know he ain't a man that often gets rejected by women, hell look, he got that model all over him now."
Then my eye wander and I saw Beverley and she was all over Rollins and was trying to get him to dance with her. She wasn't having much luck and it was evident when Rollins disappeared.
"Well I will be heading back to the party that's all wanted to say." He patted my shoulder "See you later Brunswick."
I got in a taxi and went to the hotel, I walked past the check in desk and walked down the gold mirrored corridor and waited for the elevator.
"So you made a beeline back to your hotel room huh?" It was Rollins, I didn't even look his way. "You're not even going to look at me? Are you?"
"No I am not, and I don't talk to strangers" the elevator door opened and I walked in he followed me in.
"A stranger, really. You really going to say that?" He got me in the corner and looked down at me, he grabbed my chin and made me look up at him."I am new to you but I am no damn stranger. Listen here Griselda, you can be catty all you want but I know you want me, all of me."
"Who the fuck you think you are? Let me answer that because I know who you are, a grown ass man who think that whispering sweet nothings in my ear is going to make me weak in the knees for you. I am no naive schoolgirl that will fall for that shit." I rolled my eyes "Look at you shaking in your damn boots, can't take it can you?
I pushed him and he caught my hands and put them over my head. "You are a goddamn brat, spoiled little brat." He looked me in the eyes, I saw the fire in his eyes and it burned me."You don't know me, you don't know shit about me. But since I am a nice guy I will tell your ass once and only once. I am Seth fucking Rollins, the man that will put your ankles behind your ears, fuck you 'till you act right, and will make sure you scream my name to the point it echoes in your ears and between your legs."
Then he kissed me roughly, slipped a card in my purse with his room number on it, he left the elevator and looked back at me. "When you are ready to act like a woman come to me, and I will treat you like a woman."
I was too sure too soon, that tiny victory,that little light I saw earlier,the sliver of hope I held in the shadows disappeared and I was lost in the dark again.
@adriennegabriella @superrezzy00 @writinglionqueen
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sevendevons · 6 years
Devon Aoki has single-handedly revamped the pretty paradigm. She is one of the newest faces in the family of Lancôme’s new millennium muses (“I definitely wasn’t the safe choice”), along with Uma Thurman, Mena Suvari and Elizabeth Jagger. Prior to landing that ambassador-of-beauty contract, the New York-born, Malibu-raised model sauntered down countless catwalks (for Balenciaga, Fendi, Givenchy and Thierry Mugler) and starred in numerous advertising campaigns (for Chanel by Karl Lagerfeld, Versace, Moschino, and currently Baby Phat). Born of a German-English-American mother and Japanese father (Rocky Aoki, the Japanese Olympic wrestler and founder of the Miami-based Benihana Japanese steakhouse chain), the freckle-faced 20-year-old will soon work her elegant schoolgirl look on the silver screen. In June, she debuts opposite Paul Walker, Tyrese, Ludacris and Eva Mendes in 2 Fast 2 Furious, the highly anticipated, shot-in-Miami sequel to the 2001 street-racing smash, The Fast and the Furious. And when she’s not capturing international imaginations as the new face of beauty and fashion, this raw talent keeps busy with plans to launch a record company and a fashion line, compares and contrasts the political philosophies of Edward Said and William F. Buckley, quotes Robert Frost and gushes about her greatest fans—especially the one who tattooed her face on his arm.
How did your mother and father meet?
My mother, [jewelry designer] Pamela [Hilburger], moved to New York from Buffalo when she was 18. She was this adventurous, whimsical young lady who wanted to discover the city. She met my dad while she was working as a coat-check girl at Genesis, a nightclub he owned. They dated for a while, fell in love, got married and had three kids together.
Are they still together?
No, they both have been remarried. My mom lives in Los Angeles and designs jewelry. She’s an artist and is really into feng shui. I appreciate how she really knows how to minimize clutter and open up the space.
Do you speak Japanese?
A little, but I never lived with my father until last year and my mother does not exactly speak Japanese! I took French in school.
Tell me about the character you play in 2 Fast 2 Furious.
I play Suki, a racer who drives a Honda 2000 supercharged and is part of a community of street kids who live and breathe for cars.
What car do you drive?
I don’t. Isn’t that terrible? If I did, I’d think about an SUV. But they’re such gas guzzlers, which doesn’t make sense to me right now, as we’re faced with war.
What are your views on the Iraqi conflict?
I’m a peaceful person, and war isn’t the answer. I have a lot of views about politics and am reading books to learn more about the subject.
Which books?
Representations of the Intellectual: The 1993 Reith Lectures, by Edward Said, who has some beautiful ideas. I’m definitely a Democrat and very liberal, but I can appreciate and understand things about Republicans. I’m also reading about the conservative party: Buckley: The Right Word, by William F. Buckley.
Talk to me about a political issue you feel strongly about.
An agreement called the Kyoto Protocol was implemented a few years ago, when many nations met to discuss how to save the world from [greenhouse] gas emissions and other pollutants. Unfortunately, the Republican Party [Bush Administration] has decided to no longer contribute to it in any positive or negative way. Problems with the environment aren’t going to go away; they’re on a downward spiral and are only getting worse. The U.S. is the biggest contributing polluter, and if we do not decide to curb output, the Protocol won’t make as much sense as if we did. Other countries have agreed to be consistent with gas emissions, but we’re no longer participating; it’s disastrous. I imagine a world where animals are not in danger, where people respect the planet. I’m not attacking the president; one man is not the seed of the problem. In fact, both Democrats and Republicans are a part of the same machine, the same economy, the same world.
You seem well-versed in world events for a 20-year-old.
I never really had to think about politics before, but it’s our era. There’s a tendency to forget about it and go on with your life. People don’t always take the time to learn about what’s going on, but I want to know what’s happening. I don’t want to be happy in my ignorance and accept that other people are making all the decisions. At this time in my life, it’s critical to have a better understanding of the politics that rule and regulate the world. I was watching the [Grammy] Awards and remember hearing Bono say something like, ‘You have to read. You have to look. You have to search and formulate your own opinions about the world around you. You can’t just regurgitate and accept.’ He’s right.
How is acting different from modeling?
Acting is a new thing for me; I’ve just started getting into it. While I’m a veteran model, which probably sounds ridiculous, now I’m going [to] castings, meeting people and starting all over again in a new field. Acting is about listening and staying present in the moment—really believing it and trying to maintain the natural process that is life. The more organic it is, the more convincing, because it’s mimicking what truly is. It’s important to be consistent with your own ideas and the collaboration process, because everyone on the set is such a vital part of the whole pie. It’s great to be involved with something so much bigger than myself.
You filmed 2 Fast 2 Furious in Miami. How do you like the city?
I love South Beach, and lived at The Shore Club for three months. What a great hotel! They were so nice to me.
How does Nobu compare with Benihana?
Benihana has been around for 40 years. It’s the best restaurant, and people who don’t think that don’t understand the experience.
Was there a time you didn’t like sushi?
Yeah, when I was younger I wouldn’t touch the stuff. You can’t ask a kid to eat uni [sea urchin]—that would be a little weird. I started with California rolls and grew to have a greater appreciation for sushi from there. It’s funny, I just went to Benihana with Tyrese and Ludacris the other day, and Tyrese ordered a fried chicken roll with ketchup! That sort of thing sounded more normal to me when I was little, but now I’m so used to eating traditional dishes. When he asked for that, I said, ‘Are you serious?’
Was your model-to-actress transition intentional?
I was never one of those people who know what they want to do from day one; I was always confused. I can’t see myself being a model when I’m 50, but I don’t have everything mapped out. There’s no blueprint of how I want things to go. So many different things present themselves to me, and it’s just about making decisions and going with what feels right. It’s like Robert Frost said: ‘Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.’ It’s about going one way and staying confident about your decisions regardless of the outcome. And anyway, who cares about the outcome? It’s all about the experience. You’re here on this planet, so you might as well take everything as it comes—really breathe it all in and make it your own.
Tell me what you’re doing besides the acting and modeling.
My father just got remarried and I felt like it was time to leave the nest. I’m living at the Trump Hotel for the time being, but I’m house-hunting, which is like a wild goose chase. Real estate agents keep showing me these really commercial buildings and high skyscrapers, but I just want something cute. I think I’d like something small—wait, not small. Definitely not small. But it’s hard to say. Do I want a two-bedroom with a marble bathroom? I don’t know. I have to just see it. I’m also working on a clothing line, a film-production company and a record label. But my dad always says to walk 10 steps in one direction as opposed to 10 steps in 10 different directions, so I need to focus.
Are you Daddy’s little girl?
Oh, yeah. That’s a big thing for me. I want to impress my father and follow in his footsteps. He’s so incredible. And I can say the same thing about my mother. She’s a survivor whose character inspires me.
Do guys get nervous meeting your dad?
Well, it’s not like I have a bunch of guys I’m bringing over. My dad does play a part in my life in every way.
You probably meet guys who are much older. What’s your dating age limit?
What is age, anyway? I used to think there was a list of things I’d need in a boyfriend, but the truth is, I just want to be comfortable and trust the person. I don’t care how old or young the person is. Actually, there is a limit on how young. I wouldn’t want to date anyone younger than me; it would be weird if he was still in high school or something. But I’ve seen couples where the guy is 70, the girl is 30 and people are scratching their heads; they don’t get it. But what is there to get? Who cares what other people are doing? Just concern yourself with yourself.
People do seem to care about what you’re doing. Have you seen ‘Devolution,’ a Devon Aoki fan website?
No, I haven’t seen it. But it’s cool.
I heard you were freaked out by a fan who tattooed your face on his arm.
That was a lie! Can I please set the record straight for once in my life? It was the worst thing, ever. After reading that article, I got so upset. A publication had asked me about my ‘craziest fan encounter,’ and I interpreted ‘crazy’ as ‘great crazy,’ or ‘weird but insane in a good and positive way crazy.’ I was so hurt when I read that they had changed my words from ‘craziest’ to ‘worst.’ Not only was it a bad reflection on me, but it would break my heart to think I had hurt anyone’s feelings.
Who got the tattoo?
A guy who went to school with my sister.
You didn’t think it was psycho?
No, not at all! I happen to think that someone inking my face onto his body is the highest form of flattery. I’m honored that people out there are interested in me; I appreciate that. I’m not scared of people who come up to me and ask me for my autograph. I’m not scared of my fans. It shows everything I’ve done is not in vain, and that there are people who see me, recognize me and support me. It’s a beautiful thing.
How would you characterize your style?
I’ve been wearing sneakers a lot. I used to be so into wearing heels and never went for comfort, but Jay-Z has a line of Reebok sneakers and they’re really cool. I also have [Cesare] Paciotti shoes, Adidas and some Puma. I’m really into sneakers these days, whether I’m going to the gym or not. Overall, I like to mix it up. I’m usually the last person to wear one designer top-to-bottom. I’ll wear an outfit that’s made up of vintage pieces, stuff from my mom, and things I’ve been given in the fashion industry.
What’s the best free thing anyone has ever given you?
Probably a couture Chanel coat that I wore on the runway, so it fit me perfectly. It is such a great piece. I get a lot of beautiful things, and try to wear pieces by newer designers, too.
Which up-and-coming designers do you like?
Benjamin Cho and Zac Posen.
What handbag are you carrying right now?
I just carry a little Chanel; it’s the greatest. You can look terrible, but if you’re carrying a nice bag that’s all that matters. It somehow makes everything so much better.
Tell me about your craziest fashion moment.
I wore a gorilla costume during a Thierry Mugler fashion show. Once I reached the middle of the runway, I ripped it off to reveal my hair and this beautiful silk dress. It was like a scene from a movie! This was probably one of the best fashion experiences I ever had on the runway. The designer came up to me and basically told me I could act because of what I did during that show.
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Chapter 35: Richard
Hello everyone! Her I am again, as every Thursday. I’m so in love with today’s chapter! Y’all can even imagine. 
I wanna say thanks for the huge suppor I received after last week’s words. You all are angels sent by the Universe to make me happy!
Remember to check Anastasia’s Instagram that is on fire:
Anastasia_Truman  ❤️️
Thanks to everyone who reads the fic, much love to you all! ♥
Read chapter 34
 -          I’m so tired of this week-on-week-off thing – Josh told Anastasia on the bus on the way to Pittsburg, as he laid his head on her lap, while she was playing with his hair.
-          Yeah. I know what you mean – Mandy spoke from the couch in front of them. Nick and Eric were there also.
-          It’s like you get used to the touring routine and then it’s cut down and then you get used to the home routine and it’s also cut down – Anastasia told them.
-          I never thought we were going to be here at this point of the tour – Eric said.
-          None of us – Josh said smiling and looking into An’s eyes – But the crew love you all so much and people like to see you onstage so…
-          It has been an incredible experience so far, though – Mandy talked again.
-          It’s been a dream come true – Nick said this time.
-          Aw! That was the sweetest thing you could ever fucking say – Anastasia said while everyone was laughing.
-          I’m working on my sweet side – Nick said smiling.
-          Work a little harder – Mandy said.
 The group was trying hard to kill time on the road, they packed the tour bus with a great videogame system, they spent time listening to music, Anastasia was having a big inspirational streak at writing and Mandy consumed her time watching Drag Queen makeup tutorials on Youtube, since she was the makeup artist of the band. Josh and Anastasia kept sharing glances during the whole trip, she knew that as soon as they’d arrive and people or crew started to gather around they were going to be back to friends mode, it was a new situation for her but somehow it wasn’t bothering her, she was even enjoying it.
Tiredness was a real issue and it was starting to show on everybody. They’d been touring for almost a year and people (especially Josh) were starting to get angry about everything and anything. Sometimes he didn’t measure the words out of his mouth and, even if he didn’t meant to, he was starting to treat people around him in not the nicest way. He wasn’t the only one, Flea and Anthony retraced themselves in such a way that none left their dressing rooms, backstage. Chad, on the other hand, was always Chad, he always had a good laugh to share and a joke to make.
One night, in Louisville, Mandy and Anastasia were having a total girl’s night wearing onesies, doing facials, eating pizza, drinking champagne (the best combination) and watching RuPaul’s Drag Race again; they were obsessed with the show. Just the two of them; like the old times. Anastasia loved spending time like that with Mandy.
-          I think if I were a drag queen my name would be “Pussy Galore” – Anastasia said sipping from her glass.
-          Oh my God! I love it! – Mandy said.
-          She would be a retired super model – Anastasia got up from the bed – From the 90’s. She used to hang out with Kate, Claudia and Linda and maybe – she walked to the window – she received a phone hit from Naomi, but she got over it now. She would have that Versace catwalk sass – She started to walk as if the room were a runway, making exaggerated poses.
-          Love that Versace sass – Mandy said while she started to clap and laugh at the same time – Pussy Galore will need a lot of padding, since you are British and God didn’t help you in that area.
-          Are you reading me? – Anastasia said turning around and looking her from her back.
-          The library is open, baby – Mandy was making a reference to one of the segments of the show – She would wear designer clothes.
-          Only big brands. Moschino – Anastasia said – And Versace, of course – This time both friends talked at the same time. Anastasia throw herself at the bed again and they both laughed. In that moment Anastasia’s phone rang and Josh’s picture appeared on the screen, he was calling. Mandy looked at her friend suspiciously – I’m gonna put him on speaker but don’t talk!
-          Hey! – Josh’s voice could be heard – What are you doing?
-          I’m having a girl’s night with Mandy and watching RuPaul’s Drag Race while I pretend I am one of them.
-          Weird, but coming from you it’s perfectly normal – He said – Is there a way you can skip that and come to my room? I got wine.
-          Mmm – The two friends shared a glance – No, Josh. Not tonight. I already told you that I’m with Mandy and we’re already drinking champagne.
-          Are you serious? – He asked and Mandy opened her mouth shocked.
-          Dead serious – Anastasia was mad he asked that.
-          Come on, An! – He said – I know you want to. Come over! – He said raising his voice - I’ll fuck you like I did in Miami.
-          I think I’m missing some kind of cue here – Anastasia was really angry at that point – I’m not some kind of mistress you call to have sex like that, Josh. What the fuck?
-          Fine! – He hung up the call.
-          Good luck with the hand, bro! – Mandy was laughing – What was that? – Mandy asked.
-          A booty call?
-          A sassy booty call, as we say in Drag Race.
-          I feel offended.
-          I’m offended too. Who does he thinks you are? His sex doll?
-          I mean, that’s basically what we have. Our relationship is based on sex, at the moment; but for him to call me the way he did, I don’t know. It was uncomfortable, awkward.
-          Forget about it, let’s continue to watch our queens, they don’t hurt us like boys do – Mandy said to her friend. But as much as that Anastasia tried, she couldn’t shake that weird feeling off her.
 She tried to sleep that night but Josh’s voice didn’t leave her mind alone. She kept hearing that phone call over and over and over again. He treated her like she was some kind of score girl that was going to be ready for sex whenever he wanted. She can understand that he was tired and angry about the tour but that didn’t give him the right to refer to her that way. In her opinion, he minimized her and she wasn’t going to allow that. Not now, not never, especially not him. If she agreed to have this relationship with Josh, where she clearly was the side chick, it was going to be under her rules, and if she didn’t feel like being with him she wasn’t going to.
“How ironic”, she thought; she went from being the girlfriend to being the other woman in less than a year. There was no point in trying, she couldn’t sleep that night. Thank the Universe next day was off and she decided to spend the whole day in bed. Josh’s attitude the night before still bothered her, so at noon she had a shower, got dressed and went straight to Josh’s room. When he opened the door she could tell he had been sleeping the entire day too, his face was bloated and his eyes were red, she knew right there that he drank that wine last night, after all.
 -          I was sleeping – He said at the door – But come in.
-          Yeah. I can tell – She entered the room – Can you tell me what the fuck was going through your mind last night? – She asked turning to be in front of him.
-          I know… Sorry – Josh said walking to the bedroom.
-          Josh, I’m not a fucking prostitute – She followed him.
-          I just had a rough day and I wanted to be with you – He said getting back into the bed – Maybe the words I used weren’t the right ones. I’m sorry – He was grabbed the sheets and blankets and covered himself up to his neck.
-          I’m so angry right now. It seems you’re just ignoring me – Anastasia was just standing there – It’s obvious I’m interrupting your rest, I’ll leave.
-          No! – Josh jumped out of bed and got on his knees over the mattress – Stay. I’m not ignoring you. I’m just tired.
-          I’m tired too… - Anastasia said.
-          Come here, lay with me – Josh said opening his arms – We’ll watch one of those documentaries on Netflix that will make us feel bad about ourselves for a couple of days. We’ll have room service – The smile on Josh’s face was something hard to resist.
 Anastasia just nodded with her head and went straight to him. He hugged her and helped her to get in bed with him. He took his laptop to put Netflix on and they decided to watch a documentary about vegans and how animals were murdered to make food. She loved that, days like those when doing nothing was the norm. She turned her face to see Josh and he was watching the screen of his notebook with the covers up to his neck, he looked so incredible cute, she looked at his jaw line, the thing she liked most, his small brown but bright eyes, his nose that he hated, she liked every inch of it. She got closer and kissed him on the cheek; he turned and looked at her smiling.
 -          What was that for? – He asked smiling still. How she loved that smile.
-          I don’t need a reason to give you a kiss – She said.
-          Good to know – He put an arm around her shoulders and pushed her to him. She rested her head on his chest and kept watching the documentary.
-          Are we clear that this isn’t going to stop me from eating meat? – She said – Yes, the thing is terrible but… dude. I can’t live without meat.
-          You just read my mind – He said.
 Before the documentary ended, both fell asleep in a hug.
Next morning, Anastasia woke up with an arm around her waist and turned her body to see Josh in front of her opening his eyes also, but she had the feeling he’s been awake for a couple of minutes. She just stared into his eyes, looked to his soul and realized the she loved that guy so much, but she needed to put distance between them if she wanted to maintain the relationship the way it was. Truth was she was falling again and falling hard, and she couldn’t afford to go deep in love with Josh again, not at the moment, not knowing that maybe in a couple of weeks he was going to be sleeping with another woman in his bed.
 -          Waking up next to you is the best way to start the day – He said making what Anastasia was about to say even harder to say.
-          Josh – She smiled – I’ve been sleeping next to you almost every night on this leg of the tour – He smiled – And I don’t think it’s healthy for my mental stability – His smile disappeared.
-          What you mean? – He asked.
-          I like what we have now. No attachments, no responsibilities. But the truth is that we used to have a relationship, a serious one, and I loved you with all my heart, and then I thought that I was over that but I wasn’t, I still love you and I can’t do it. Not with this depth and this devotion – Anastasia sat on the bed – Lauren is going to LA to be with you, and then what am I gonna do? – He looked away from her – I’m not cutting this off, I’m just saying that it’s better for me if I have some space.
-          You’re right – Josh said looking into her eyes again – I’m sorry.
-          Don’t be sorry. I know what I was getting into and as I said I’m not ending this, it’s just that I think it’s better if I share some nights with Mandy and maybe go out with the boys, not devoting myself to you as the way I’m doing it right now. I need to know that I’m gonna be ok without you also.
-          But don’t walk away from me – There it was again, that plead. Josh pronounced these words with fear on his voice.
-          Believe me when I say that I couldn’t even if I wanted to – She leaned over him and gave him a small kiss on his lips, he smiled afterwards – I’m going to my room and get ready to go to the venue. See you there!
-          Wait – He grabbed her right arm and pushed her back to him and gave her a much more passionate kiss.
 That tour leg was being quite boring but the shows came out really good even though the crowd in most cities didn’t even know who Dead Curse was. They ended up in Canada, where they performed in Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary. Winnipeg went light, but in Edmonton Anthony decided to go around the city with Flea, Josh, Carl and some crew guys. Anastasia, Mandy and Eric decided to join them and it was quite a revolution of people filming them and taking pictures; they went to the farmers market and then had lunch at a Mexican place. Apparently, Mexican food was becoming the norm at the tour.
Despite the bunch of pictures that appeared on the web and that really bothered Josh, the last shows were the best of that part of the tour. Anastasia was keeping her word and didn’t spend much time in Josh’s room, instead, she went shopping with Mandy in Kansas City and went to have a couple of drinks with Eric, Nick and some crew people. They were the best guys she had worked on a tour ever so it wasn’t hard to make time to spend with them.
Then it was time to take another plain to go back home. She needed it, she needed to sleep in her bed and restore her body and soul.
 -          I won’t leave my bed in three days – Anastasia told Mandy during the flight.
 At that moment, her phone made a short sound to alert her she had a new message: “Call me when you’re in LA. You are going to love me”, it was from her brother Mark. She waited to be home and after a bath she called him back.
 -          I already love you but if I’m going to love you more I’m interested – An said when Mark picked up the phone.
-          I have two pieces of news for you – Mark said – First, Steph said yes…
-          Well, duh! – She said after a laugh – I’M SO FUCKING HAPPY FOR YOU AND STEPH! – She screamed through her smartphone. What’s the other one?
-          I’ve been working in the studio with your favorite band since you were sixteen…
-          Oh my God! The Genius Sex Poets? – She opened her eyes big like plates.
-          That’s right! – Mark said laughing.
-          Why didn’t you tell me anything?
-          Because you were going to be busy and wouldn’t have time to be at the studio – Mark answered – Thing is, they are going to film the video for their first single this weekend in Las Vegas and Richard saw a picture of you on my Instagram profile and he wants you to appear on it.
-          Richard fucking Austin? – Anastasia asked incredulous – Shut up, Mark! You’re joking!
-          I’m not! – He said laughing.
-          He has been my platonic love since I was a teenager!
-          I know. I took you to their concerts.
-          I love them so much!
-          The new record sounds amazing!
-          Can’t wait to hear it.
-          So… what do I say to Richard?
-          Say hell yeah! – She heard her brother laughing hard on the phone.
-          We’ll leave to Vegas this Thursday.
 She couldn’t believe it! She wasn’t a person that idolized other people, but The Genius Sex Poets always had a place in her heart. They played rock music with a couple of synthesizers and made some of the catchiest songs she ever heard; they were amazing on record and even better live. Richard Austin was the front man, the lead singer, and he had this amazingly arrogant stage persona that melted her heart every time she saw them in concert, so sure of himself, cocky, his eyes were light brown as his hair, all sleek to the back. He wasn’t tall but his smile could light up the city were they came from: Las Vegas. She used to have a huge poster with his face in her room when she was a teenager, they were definitely one of her favorite bands in life.
That was perfect, because Lauren was already in town with Josh and this was the ideal plan for her to keep her mind busy and not even think about those two. She was feeling strange about it, she thought she was going to feel depressed and full of rage by Josh being with her those weeks, but in reality she was pretty laid back about it. She had a knot in her stomach but it wasn’t as heavy as other times before.
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heynael · 7 years
May, the first, 2017. Celebrities, models and designers are stepping into the most famous red carpet of New York: the annual MET Gala, aimed at raising funds for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York city. Every year, tons of familiar faces go through the overwhelming experience of respecting a specific dress code. Isn’t a designer gown enough of a dress code for the red carpet, you might ask if you’re not familiar with the MET Gala. Because this enormous event also stands for something bigger: the opening of a major exhibition at the Costume Institute. This year, the museum honors Rei Kawakubo in ‘’Rei Kawakubo / Comme des Garçons: Art of the In-Between.’’ And guess what: the dress code was hardly respected.
Americans don’t understand Comme des Garçons
Or was it hardly understood? Rei Kawakubo could easily be dubbed ‘’the maker of today’s fashion.’’ Alongside with Kenzo Takada (Kenzo) and Yohji Yamamoto, they changed the perception that the West had about fashion in the 80s by taking their brands and aesthetics to Paris. With new proportions and patterns, an ancestor of the mix’n’match, lengths and volumes, they curated a totally new visual environment that set the foundations of many designers’ careers. Kawakubo’s playful and conceptual aesthetics came at a time when France was seeing an over-sexualized woman, a warrior of sensuality, on the catwalks of the likes of Montana and Thierry Mugler.
Comme des Garçons Fall Winter 2001
Comme des Garçons Spring Summer 2017
Comme des Garçons Fall Winter 2016
Comme des Garçons Fall Winter 2001
Comme des Garçons Spring Summer 2016
Comme des Garçons Spring Summer 1996
Comme des Garçons Spring Summer 2017
Comme des Garçons Spring Summer 2016
Comme des Garçons Spring Summer 1996
Comme des Garçons Fall Winter 2017
Photos: Vogue. Click for the collection’s date. 
Comme des Garçons is the cubism of fashion just like Schiaparelli was the surrealism of fashion. It resonates in many minds for it always brings something totally innovative – some might call it insane – with inspirations and aspirations bigger than words. Just like your reflection in the mirror what you see in Comme des Garçons is highly personal. However, despite this individual approach to Kawakubo’s work, there are a few facts that are universal: the visual codes of Comme des Garçons are not of your regular red carpet gown and having Rei Kawakubo as a ball theme, boy, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime occasion to cut it loose and play the wildest cards of your fashion deck.
Karlie Kloss in Carolina Herrera. Vogue.
But your favorite Victoria’s Secret angels probably didn’t fully read the invitation. Or is it that they don’t know who Rei Kawakubo is? When I woke up this morning to find the Vogue slide of the soirée’s looks I was super excited to see pans of fabrics flying in the air, dark tulle coming out of unexpected places, large outfits that look as though they were sewed in clouds. And much more wowing sartorial performances. But all I saw was ignorance. Or disrespect. I would rather the former. Are we French more familiar to Kawakubo’s legacy?
Back to the late 70s/early 80s when Japanese designers came to Paris to seek expansion. Close to 40 years later, these names are now part of our environment, we appropriate Japanese fashion as a familiar art, something we relate to easily. And maybe Americans don’t? (Yes Kendall Jenner, I’m talking about you). This aesthetic of playful experiments has been brought to the American landscape several times though. Thom Browne is one of Kawakubo’s heirs in that he constructs in fashion not like clothing but like sculptures and pieces of art. Some of the MET gala attendees who respected the rules proudly wore his work.
Solange Knowles in Thom Browne. Vogue.
Rei Kawakubo never made a Disney movie
Taylor Hill in Carolina Herrera
Gwyneth Paltrow in Calvin Klein
Kim Kardashian West in Vivienne Westwood
Joanne Moor in Calvin Klein
Natalia Vodianova in Versace
Photos: Vogue. Tap for details.
You don’t have to wear Comme des Garçons to reference the work of Rei Kawakubo. You just have to avoid mermaid gowns (that’s for you Blake Lively), Spice Girl stage outfits (No, Gwyneth, you can’t attend a Comme des Garçons night out with a baby pink dress), or Disney princess gowns (thinking of you Taylor Hill). A classic house can also perfectly do the work. Chinese model Fei Fei Sun resorted to Alberta Ferretti yet found her way into the crowd.
Fei Fei Sun in Alberta Ferretti. Vogue.
The best surprise of the night? H&M. Or custom H&M. Which saved the looks of Ashley Graham and Jourdan Dunn. The awareness of Dunn was all the more obvious next to her friends: with Behati Prinsloo going for a Topshop wedding dress of the 90s, Joan Smalls wearing another Topshop creation which had more slits and glitters than Comme des Garçons references, Selena Gomez and her all-American Coach luxury bridesmaid dress, or Karlie Kloss in her very corporate Carolina Herrera black and white mini-dress, Dunn appeared highly conscious of what fashion is about today.
Ashley Graham in Custom H&M
Jourdan Dunn in Custom H&M
Joan Smalls in Topshop
Behati Prinsloo in Topshop
Selena Gomez in Coach
Bella Hadid in Alexander Wang
Photos : Vogue. Tap for details.
Is the MET Gala another contract
Let’s focus on models here. Or on what we call models today: society girls who appear to be tall and beautiful. Deep inside, we always knew that red carpets were business. But has it always been that obvious? When you see a Kendall Jenner sporting a La Perla dress or whatever it is at an event that calls for smart tailoring and proportions, you’re prone to ask a lot of questions. Especially when it comes after Gigi Hadid stepped the red carpet in a golden Tommy Hilfiger dress a year after launching a special collection for the American brand. Now let’s play a little game: close your eyes and think about it, of the two pictures above, focus on each face and each dress. What do you see? Dollar bills (if you don’t, do it again until you do). We know about exclusivity, sponsoring contracts, and all this but did the MET Gala, a fundraising event for god’s sake, become Instagram too?
Gigi Hadid in Tommy Hilfiger
Kendall Jenner in La Perla
Photos: Vogue. Tap for details. 
Money flows in the fashion industry and models receive more exposure than ever thanks to social medias. Of course brands would pay thousands if not billions to have their products promoted by the most sought-after model of the time. But shouldn’t this kind of events stay authentic given its nature? Remember, the MET Gala opens the annual exhibition at the Costume Institute, a tribute to a designer or a movement that was groundbreaking, that changed the way you dress and live. It’s even sadder to see how religiously previous themes were respected – then again, the crowd was not the same. When you ask models whose careers have been based on social media engagement and virtual money making, I guess you can’t expect them to embody a generation that  is totally foreign to them. You can’t take away the financial power of these women, and in that they’re extremely relevant to our society: power girls making it big with high figures, encouraging little girls to study computers, doing charity works, we always need more of them. But to fashion, I’m not sure they can bring something. Especially given that the current years are that of change for fashion, that of creating a more responsible future based on solid foundations that, if not properly understood, might collapse. That’s something we can discuss (see below).
The biggest regret I have is that Rei Kawakubo had to see this (she’s the only one, with Yves Saint Laurent, to be honored with an exhibition at the Costume Institute in life).
Scroll below for other looks that paid the best tribute to the Comme Des Garçons legacy and for discussion.
Tracee Ellis Ross in Comme des Garçons
Rita Ora in Custom Marchesa
Rihanna in Comme des Garçons
Rick Owens and Michèle Lamy
Katy Perry in Maison Margiela
Janelle Monae in Ralph & Russo
Do you think that the tribe of Victoria’s Secret heiress models are relevant to the fashion industry? Do you think they have an understanding of what they are in? Let’s discuss in the comment section below or on Twitter. You can also subscribe to the blog for upcoming fashion and beauty discussions.
Was the #MetGala2017 a Joke? May, the first, 2017. Celebrities, models and designers are stepping into the most famous red carpet of New York: the annual…
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Post by CM
There’s a troubling new trend a’brewing, and I’m not talking the resurgence of cowboy boots.
Dad sneakers, yes DAD SNEAKERS are on the rise. Also known as grandad sneakers, or ‘the new ugly shoe’ (can the imagery get any worse?) they’re the trainers/runners/sneakers/whatever-you-want-to-call them on the feet of many a street-style star, ‘fashion influencer’ or model du jour.
The disturbing footwear style got its first outing in September 2017 courtesy of Balenciaga ( helmed by Demna Gvasalia formerly of Vetements fame, ie the original instigator of the whole ugly/subversive/ironic clothes thing; remember that godforsaken DHL hoodie?), followed swiftly by equally as hideous offerings from Louis Vuitton and now Dior, Alexander McQueen, Versace, Burberry, Stella McCartney, Maison Margiela (Nike and Adidas too, obs) TO NAME BUT A FEW! are getting in on the act:
Stella McCartney
Louis Vuitton
Alexander McQueen
Some may say it’s great that comfortable footwear is in style, and featuring on nearly every catwalk of note, but not I. There’s something to be said for a fancy flat, say, or a neat little tennis shoe, but these monstrosities are on another level. Sure, it might be a statement of sorts; model types intentionally cladding their hooves in these shoes that have previously only been seen on white, middle-aged, middle-class, (mostly) American men traipsing around Europe attempting to use dollars and being bewildered when faced with a non-English speaker; but surely there are other ways to ironically and playfully stand up to the patriarchy using fashion?
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And another thing; these trainers cost upward of €500 – the Louis Vuitton Archlight pair are an eye-watering €850. Trying to replicate the look on a budget would result less Bella Hadid on her way to another exclusive engagement and more Orange is the New Black prison issue attire.
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Bella Hadid in Balenciaga trainers
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  Far from being knowing, cool and easy to pull off, chunky sneakers represent the type of style trend that can only work on thin, wealthy, well-groomed otherwise fashionable fashion folk. I for one do not want my feet to look ten times bigger than they are, without even the benefit of elongating my legs. Nor do I want to pair them with mom jeans and a t-shirt because instead of looking current and on trend I’d look like my sulky 8-year-old self all growed-up Big-style, wearing clothes picked out for me against my will.
Comfortable can still be chic my friends! Try a nice, well-made, well-fitting flat. How about a trusty pair of Converse? What about Toms? Beware the lure of affordable New Balance, cast your eye from inevitable replications in Penneys, resist the assurances that you won’t regret taking out a loan to buy a pair from magazines and affiliated blogs. Unless you want a pair of course! But in that case we can’t be friends any more.
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  When Fashion Goes Too Far: Dad Sneakers Post by CM There's a troubling new trend a'brewing, and I'm not talking the resurgence of cowboy boots.
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vdbstore-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on Vintage Designer Handbags Online | Vintage Preowned Chanel Luxury Designer Brands Bags & Accessories
New Post has been published on http://vintagedesignerhandbagsonline.com/fashion-unfiltered-how-2017-became-the-year-of-versace-fashion/
Fashion, unfiltered: how 2017 became the year of Versace | Fashion
In 1997, Gianni Versace was murdered on the steps of his Miami Beach home. His grief-stricken sister, Donatella, suddenly found herself in charge of the family company. Twenty years later, she has chosen to take this anniversary and make it extraordinary, hijacking the style agenda to the extent that fashion journalists have been calling 2017 the year of Versace. She has designed a tribute collection inspired by Gianni’s archives, announced a scholarship in her brother’s name at Central Saint Martins and, in September, in a fashion coup for the ages, reunited Gianni’s supermodel crew – Helena Christensen, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Carla Bruni and Claudia Schiffer – for a catwalk finale that melted the internet.
It’s not over. On Monday night, she received a major accolade at the Fashion awards. On Tuesday, she will open a new Versace store on Sloane Street in London. In the light-filled salon where we meet, she is warm and smiley, talking me through a set of unpublished photographs by Doug Ordway that will be exhibited in the store. A lot of her year has been spent poring over old images and old creations, opening up the archive – a 10,000 sq ft storage facility in Novara, near Milan – and examining Gianni’s most famous creations for the first time since his death. “Not in a sad way,” she says, “but a very positive way. I saw what a genius my brother was. To me, he was my brother, but to the rest of the world – such a genius.”
Authentic feel … Cindy Crawford in the early 90s. Photograph: Doug Ordway/Versace
Even the names of the archive collections, produced between 1991 and 1995, speak of another, more glamorous age: Vogue, Warhol, My Friend Elton, Icons, Baroque. The pictures she shows me are from that time, too, and present the supermodel era exactly as you would want. Here is Bruni, a future first lady of France, dancing with abandon in thigh-high patent boots. Here is a babyfaced, never-off-duty Crawford, smouldering for the camera as she queues backstage. Here is Christy Turlington, running down a beach, wearing only shimmering sequins. Compared with the unsmiling models who have walked the catwalk since, and the airbrushed campaign images and omnipresent filtered Instagram photographs we have grown used to, these pictures feel authentic (however liberally doused in hairspray the models are).
They bring back great memories, says Donatella. “This was the period that fashion became famous,” she says. “It was the beginning of fashion becoming pop culture, of being associated with music and rock’n’roll. Those two worlds were really in contact with one another. When something starts to happen, that is the most exciting moment. It was a huge change. The 90s was a huge change in fashion.
“My brother, of course, was the designer; I was working very closely with him all my life. But I started the relationship with the models that Gianni made ‘super’.” What “super” meant, she says, was showing personality. “Before that, I don’t think many designers let models have personality, nor after. The models should wear the clothes, be very serious, not smile, look in front of you, almost no soul. This was totally opposite: it was about the girls, what the girls were thinking, who they were dating. It wasn’t just about the clothes, but about who was wearing the clothes.”
Backstage sounds a hoot. She speaks in her inimitable, strongly Italian accent, one anecdote rolling into another, about models arriving six hours before the show because they all wanted François Nars, rather than his assistant, to make up their faces. She talks about the models swapping clothes after they had been allocated outfits and thinking: “I don’t know how I’ll explain this to Gianni.” She adds: “What I remember was the professionalism of these women, and the competition, which I think was very good and healthy. Everyone wanted to be better than everyone, not in a bad way.
First lady of fashion … Carla Bruni in a 1991 Versace advert. Photograph: Doug Ordway/Versace
“My brother was very concentrated about the clothes. I was, too, but my role was to make the girls feel like themselves in the clothes. Would they like it a bit longer or shorter? They were a soundboard.”
Fashion modelling is only just getting exciting again, she says, thanks to technology. “There are two generations of fashion for me: the one before the internet and the one after the internet.” Between the supermodels and now, she says, “was a moment of flatness. Now you could do this picture backstage again – there are people with enough personality there.” She likes the Instamodels, such as Gigi Hadid, who have become powerful thanks to their millions of followers on social media. “I think they are amazing. Very smart girls. Again, finally, we have girls who dare to stand out in the crowd.”
A fixture on the fashion calendar since 1989 (with the notable exception of 1998), the Fashion awards acknowledge and celebrate the finest design and style talent. The event, which is organised by the British Fashion Council, was known as the British Fashion awards until 2016, when it opened up to international fashion brands. It now has only a small number of Britain-focused awards.
The categories
Specific awards have come and gone – in 2003, for example, awards for sport, acting and music personalities were incorporated. Currently, the accolades up for grabs are: designer of the year; British designer of the year – womenswear; British designer of the year – menswear; accessories designer of the year; business leader; model of the year; British emerging talent – womenswear; British emerging talent – menswear and the Urban Luxe award. Additional awards – including the Isabella Blow award for fashion creator, the Swarovski award for positive change and the special recognition award – are normally announced before the ceremony.
Memorable moments
In 1997, designers John Galliano and Alexander “Lee” McQueen jointly took home the designer of the year award for the only time in the event’s history. Nearly 20 years later, in 2015, JW Anderson was named menswear and womenswear designer of the year – another first for the awards.
The venue
The awards called the Royal Albert Hall home for the first three years of its existence, before being celebrated at many of the capital’s other most famous landmarks, including the Coliseum, the Natural History Museum and the V&A. In 2016, it returned to its original Kensington Gore address; the plan is to keep it there.
Photograph: Richard Young/REX/Rex Features
Donatella talks about models’ ability to show their humanity as a type of female empowerment. Drawing parallels between models’ power and their treatment in the industry feels pertinent in the wake of the Weinstein revelations. Terry Richardson, who has worked with Versace, has been banned from working with Condé Nast International, while Bruce Weber, another photographer who has collaborated with the brand, has been accused of sexual harassment. The fashion industry is expected to be the next to see many of its titans fall. How does she feel about the wave of allegations against powerful men? She wishes they had come out earlier. “I am very happy they talked,” she says, “but if they came out earlier this thing would stop earlier. But I am very happy they came out.” Has she ever experienced sexual harassment? “No.” There is the first awkward silence of our conversation.
Letting loose … Helena Christensen modelling for the brand in 1991. Photograph: Doug Ordway/Versace
The 62-year-old’s Fashion awards gong is icon of the year and the hype around her company is enormous, so it is easy to forget the starting point: the horror of her brother’s murder and her first few years running the company, during which she was so shellshocked that she broke down in tears on the catwalk. Does she feel like an icon? “Yes,” she says abruptly, then laughs. “OK, should I be shy? No. This is not because I’m full of myself, but I think, in fashion history, I did a lot. I mean an icon in fashion, not an icon in general, in the world.”
I congratulate her on her self-belief. “Come on,” she says, “after all these years.” For her, an icon is “somebody who can inspire people. I think I can inspire because of my history, which is painful. My brother was killed. He was killed. He didn’t die of anything – he was killed. What I went through as a woman on my own to keep this company alive and overcome all the difficulties, and to be always compared to my brother, who was a genius, when I was not a genius in fashion, I was a different kind of person.” What she did, she says, was to feature rock stars – Prince, Madonna – before anyone else and to get Prince to soundtrack a show. “I’m not saying I cured cancer,” she says. “I am not afraid to go in the middle of the crowd and be one of them. I want to stand out from the crowd, for what I am saying first and also for the way I look. I’m not beautiful, but I have a look: blond hair, high heels, lots of makeup.”
If the look has felt cartoonish in the past, “that was really a shield, to hide myself behind this very cold person that nobody can come too close to me, because I was afraid to show my insecurity, my sadness and my despair for what happened. [It was] so that few people could come and see how I really felt.” Over the past five years or so, she says, “I’ve cut my hair shorter, I wear a bit less makeup – not that much less – [but] I never left the heels; that is something I can be proud of. I walked my whole life in high heels and never stumbled once.”
Her outlandish look has made her one of the few designers to become part of pop culture in their own right. It is one of the reasons why the Versace brand has inspired songs by Lady Gaga, Migos and Bruno Mars. It is why Etsy sells custom-made Donatella Versace dolls and countless T-shirts, phone cases and ringbinders emblazoned with her face. Clearly, she has a cult, camp appeal. Her fans recognise her as someone who uses glamour – not glamour in the sense of looking pretty for men, but in the sense of looking extraordinary – in the face of adversity.
This kind of celebrity brings its own problems. “Fame was not one of the things I was looking for,” she says. “It was more about being taken seriously and being in a good relationship with people I love.” Arguably, as a designer, Donatella never got the respect she deserved until this year. This is partly because the Versace brand is unashamedly form-fitting and glamorous, whereas a great deal of tastemakers expect serious fashion to look serious. The new London store is a case in point, all onyx and Fior di Bosco marble and lustre. The aesthetic of Donatella’s life sparkles, too: Google “Donatella Versace’s bathroom” to see what splendour looks like.
Model pro … Christy Turlington backstage in 1990. Photograph: Doug Ordway/Versace
Perhaps the biggest challenge is dealing with the fictionalised interpretation of Donatella, which has taken on a life of its own: this version appears as a recurring character on Saturday Night Live, played by Maya Rudolph; it is also embodied by Gina Gershon in the outrageous TV movie House of Versace, in which “Donatella” stashes cocaine in a mascara tube. In January, Ryan Murphy’s American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace will be shown on the BBC. The trailer is violent and flashy and seems to suggest that Gianni knew his murderer – the serial killer Andrew Cunanan – which has never been confirmed. Penélope Cruz, who has often worn Versace, plays Donatella; she has said that she spoke “a little bit” with the designer while preparing. “I needed that conversation,” she said. “I really hope that, when she sees the show, she’s going to be happy.” When I ask Donatella about it today, though, she doesn’t seem happy. “I don’t discuss fiction,” she says. So it is a fiction to you? “It is fiction,” she says, her eyes widening for emphasis.
I bring up millennials, the consumer group the industry is targeting most fervently. Millennials are all many designers talk about backstage, particularly in Milan. In Italian fashion, the charge has long been that so many houses have been run for decades by the same designers or dynasties (Armani, Prada, Versace, Missoni; even relative newcomers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are 59 and 55) that the scene has become stale. There have been rumours swirling around Versace for the past year or two that Riccardo Tisci, formerly of Givenchy – or Virgil Abloh of Off-White or Kim Jones of Louis Vuitton – might be in line for Donatella’s seat. That may be the case one day, but this year the conversation has shifted dramatically. In many ways, Donatella’s approach to millennials and social media feels remarkably modern – and not only because she has 2 million followers on Instagram (in typically understated style, when she joined the app in 2015, a press release was issued; ever savvy, in her first post, she posed with Gigi Hadid).
This year, she says, has been “a rollercoaster of emotion. Not just that day [of the supermodel reunion show], but preparing for the show, going to the archive and seeing things that I last saw 20 years ago, before Gianni’s death. I never had the courage to go back there, because it was so painful, but I found the strength.” She did it, she says, “for the young generation who didn’t know, who weren’t born when Gianni was alive. I want them to know why Gianni was so important and what Gianni was about.” And to tell her side of the story? “To show them how relevant Gianni is today. No story, no filter.”
The new Versace store is at 179 Sloane Street, London; the Doug Ordway exhibition is open now
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t-shirtclassic · 3 years
National hispanic heritage month shirt
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After making her New York Fashion Week National hispanic heritage month shirt . modeling debut at Proenza Schouler, Ella Emhoff landed a knitwear collaboration with Batsheva Hay. The 21-year-old student, model, and designer met up with Hay amid NYFW—and Good Morning Vogue was there to capture their initial conversations about materials, fit, and texture.  But first, Emhoff and her friends, Fifi Hodgkinson and Irene Hayes, discussed her rise to fame in the  so you should to go to store and get this wake of the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Emhoff’s step-mother, Kamala Harris, in January. Emhoff, who wore a Batsheva dress and Miu Miu coat on January 20, became an instant talking point, both for her wardrobe and her newly inked modeling contract. “I remember a few days before the inauguration we were talking about what you were going to wear and we were very excited—I was joking that you were going to become a style icon,” Hodgkinson says in their living room. “I have to be honest I wasn’t expecting this,” Emhoff says candidly. She had been planning to continue her fine-art studies at Parsons and her knitwear brand. Her New York apartment is already filled with three knitting looms, and as she displays in Good Morning Vogue, she has no shortage of ideas for what her knit tops, pants, and accessories might look like.  At Hay’s garment-district studio, the duo reflects on both the inauguration and what it takes to make it as a designer today. Their forthcoming knitwear collaboration will fuse their aesthetics, something feminine but with a sense of play. Hay holds up a red sequin tank as a potential silhouette, while Emhoff wonders if a small handled bag would work. National hispanic heritage month shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt “Walking and representing so many people is extra-special in this climate National hispanic heritage month shirt . Now more than ever I feel how important it is to let people know, specifically African-American women, how capable we are.” That’s model-of-the-moment Precious Lee talking. Lee overcame her naysayers and her own self doubt—“I didn’t imagine being a model because I didn’t see anybody like me,” she says— to nail her dream job last season: walking the  so you should to go to store and get this Versace catwalk. And this year is shaping up to be just as big for her, with starring roles in Area’s spring 2021 haute couture debut and Jeremy Scott’s riff on the famous fashion show scene from The Women for Moschino’s fall 2021 video.  The premiere episode of Good Morning Vogue season 2 includes not just a profile of Lee, but also a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the makings of Marni’s fall 2021 collection video, and a day in the life of the Parsons design student, model, and Batsheva collaborator Ella Emhoff. You Can See More Product: https://tshirtclassic.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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t-shirtclassic · 3 years
You can’t scare me I’m a beagle mom Halloween shirt
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After making her New York Fashion Week You can’t scare me I’m a beagle mom Halloween shirt . modeling debut at Proenza Schouler, Ella Emhoff landed a knitwear collaboration with Batsheva Hay. The 21-year-old student, model, and designer met up with Hay amid NYFW—and Good Morning Vogue was there to capture their initial conversations about materials, fit, and texture.  But first, Emhoff and her friends, Fifi Hodgkinson and Irene Hayes, discussed her rise to fame in the  so you should to go to store and get this wake of the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Emhoff’s step-mother, Kamala Harris, in January. Emhoff, who wore a Batsheva dress and Miu Miu coat on January 20, became an instant talking point, both for her wardrobe and her newly inked modeling contract. “I remember a few days before the inauguration we were talking about what you were going to wear and we were very excited—I was joking that you were going to become a style icon,” Hodgkinson says in their living room. “I have to be honest I wasn’t expecting this,” Emhoff says candidly. She had been planning to continue her fine-art studies at Parsons and her knitwear brand. Her New York apartment is already filled with three knitting looms, and as she displays in Good Morning Vogue, she has no shortage of ideas for what her knit tops, pants, and accessories might look like.  At Hay’s garment-district studio, the duo reflects on both the inauguration and what it takes to make it as a designer today. Their forthcoming knitwear collaboration will fuse their aesthetics, something feminine but with a sense of play. Hay holds up a red sequin tank as a potential silhouette, while Emhoff wonders if a small handled bag would work. You can’t scare me I’m a beagle mom Halloween shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt “Walking and representing so many people is extra-special in this climate You can’t scare me I’m a beagle mom Halloween shirt . Now more than ever I feel how important it is to let people know, specifically African-American women, how capable we are.” That’s model-of-the-moment Precious Lee talking. Lee overcame her naysayers and her own self doubt—“I didn’t imagine being a model because I didn’t see anybody like me,” she says— to nail her dream job last season: walking the  so you should to go to store and get this Versace catwalk. And this year is shaping up to be just as big for her, with starring roles in Area’s spring 2021 haute couture debut and Jeremy Scott’s riff on the famous fashion show scene from The Women for Moschino’s fall 2021 video.  The premiere episode of Good Morning Vogue season 2 includes not just a profile of Lee, but also a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the makings of Marni’s fall 2021 collection video, and a day in the life of the Parsons design student, model, and Batsheva collaborator Ella Emhoff. You Can See More Product: https://tshirtclassic.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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t-shirtclassic · 3 years
I’m an engineer to save time let’s just assume shirt
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After making her New York Fashion Week I’m an engineer to save time let’s just assume shirt . modeling debut at Proenza Schouler, Ella Emhoff landed a knitwear collaboration with Batsheva Hay. The 21-year-old student, model, and designer met up with Hay amid NYFW—and Good Morning Vogue was there to capture their initial conversations about materials, fit, and texture.  But first, Emhoff and her friends, Fifi Hodgkinson and Irene Hayes, discussed her rise to fame in the  so you should to go to store and get this wake of the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Emhoff’s step-mother, Kamala Harris, in January. Emhoff, who wore a Batsheva dress and Miu Miu coat on January 20, became an instant talking point, both for her wardrobe and her newly inked modeling contract. “I remember a few days before the inauguration we were talking about what you were going to wear and we were very excited—I was joking that you were going to become a style icon,” Hodgkinson says in their living room. “I have to be honest I wasn’t expecting this,” Emhoff says candidly. She had been planning to continue her fine-art studies at Parsons and her knitwear brand. Her New York apartment is already filled with three knitting looms, and as she displays in Good Morning Vogue, she has no shortage of ideas for what her knit tops, pants, and accessories might look like.  At Hay’s garment-district studio, the duo reflects on both the inauguration and what it takes to make it as a designer today. Their forthcoming knitwear collaboration will fuse their aesthetics, something feminine but with a sense of play. Hay holds up a red sequin tank as a potential silhouette, while Emhoff wonders if a small handled bag would work. I’m an engineer to save time let’s just assume shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt “Walking and representing so many people is extra-special in this climate I’m an engineer to save time let’s just assume shirt . Now more than ever I feel how important it is to let people know, specifically African-American women, how capable we are.” That’s model-of-the-moment Precious Lee talking. Lee overcame her naysayers and her own self doubt—“I didn’t imagine being a model because I didn’t see anybody like me,” she says— to nail her dream job last season: walking the  so you should to go to store and get this Versace catwalk. And this year is shaping up to be just as big for her, with starring roles in Area’s spring 2021 haute couture debut and Jeremy Scott’s riff on the famous fashion show scene from The Women for Moschino’s fall 2021 video.  The premiere episode of Good Morning Vogue season 2 includes not just a profile of Lee, but also a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the makings of Marni’s fall 2021 collection video, and a day in the life of the Parsons design student, model, and Batsheva collaborator Ella Emhoff. You Can See More Product: https://tshirtclassic.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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