#hence the feral somewhat animalistic behavior towards skulker
thenewgirl76 · 5 months
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted
Ember has yet another argument with Skulker after he blows her off once again for one of his hunting escapades. When it becomes clear that nothing she says is getting through to him she gets fed up to the point of blasting his mech suit to bits.
But she doesn't stop there. The moment a nearby natural portal leading into Gotham just so happens to appear, she doesn't hesitate to snatch up the now defenseless blob of a ghost and chuck him through it, intending to leave him at the mercy of the numerous ecto starved shades for a bit.
"Get back to me once you figure out what's more important to you!
Until then, have fun dealing with those shades without all your little toys, Mister "Ghost Zones greatest hunter!" is the last thing Skulker hears before the tear between realms closes up, leaving him all alone in a random alley.
Skulker's just in the process of dusting himself off while grumbling over Ember being so overbearingly fickle and demanding when he detects the presence of something. Something deadly, not just to him but to any ecto laced being. Something feral and ravenous. This is made all the more obvious when he starts hearing heavy breathing followed by animalistic growling.
Filled with dread Skulker slowly and reluctantly turns to face the threat. And to his shock is met with a familiar face. "Whelp, is that you?" Instead of answering the ghost child steps further into the dim lighting, giving him a clearer view of his face.
Only then does the ghostly blob with legs realize this isn't Phantom. The skin tone is completely wrong, so is the hero attire. And for some odd reason the gleaming eyes staring him down while the child drooled hungrily were glowing midnight blue instead of toxic green.
"You...You're not the whelp." This time there's a response. The lookalike takes another step forward and finally speaks. "You smell delicious," he rasps out, then gives a fanged grin, licking his lips and salivating even more profusely. "and probably taste even better."
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