[PT: Sisasystem]
“A sisasystem is an umbrella term for formalized groups within systems such as subsystems, sidesystems, hemisystems, and sparsystems. This can also be used as a general term when a formalized group doesn't fit into any existing group model or term or chooses not to classify itself.” - Pluralpedia(link)
Made this mainly just due to the fact I saw a lack of one so yippee.
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[Tag] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai
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cerebralabyss · 8 months
the urge to find a bunch of new system labels to apply to my system and create a jumbled word mess of system terms
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septembersanctuary · 3 years
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(n.) A collective of merosystems/hemisystems.
"Poly-" meaning many and "-mer" meaning part(s).
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Do not use if you're anti-endogenic systems or a community exclusionist.
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cluster-brains · 3 years
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Doing some notion work bcuz i cant sleep lol
Its basically a pretty neat & expansive notes app. Its on IOS, android and has a website!
I'll add some extra information & rambles under a cut!
Anyways questions n stuff r cool! okay 2 RB or w/e uwu!!
All the main fron blood & roses -> weeping vallow are hemisystems. Islands is a page for all the island parallels & layers!
I'll explain these terms how we personally use them instead of their actual definitions cuz our system be funky lol (THESE ARE NOT THE OFFICIAL DEFINITIONS!! Just how we PERSONALLY use them for OUR system!)
Hemisystem: its basically like The Planet or Continent depending. Its basically the biggest landmass and is furthest away from the rest of the areas
Parallel: like a state/province (or continent if hemi is planet). Its mostly connected to its hemisystem and/or layers
Layer: like a town/city or even neighborhood. Its the smallest. Its mostly connected to its parallel and/or hemisystem.
Island: a parallel and/or layer that doesnt have a hemisystem (or a layer without a parallel OR hemisystem). They just kinda chill in the void with their own distinct connections n such.
Excernio: a term thats just a "separated part of the system" is basically encompasses all the above terms
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pluralterms · 3 years
This is a blog ran by September Sanctuary to archive terms and flags used in and created by the plural community!
We tag everything by: post type (term or flag), term category (system origin, member role, etc.), the coiner, and the flag maker
Our mods are our hemisystems:
[🌱] Cottage Collective - fae/they
[🔌] Cyberplex - xe/ze/cyber
[🪦] The Mortuary - they/ae
[🕳] The Underground - xe/ey/it
[⛩] Sanctum System - any neos
Check our pinned post for our DNI!
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cerebralabyss · 8 months
does anyone else find that different alters can control different body parts better than others?
ramen is so much more graceful than me. we went to lazer tag on two separate occasions, and he was able to run around and move on his feet effortlessly. i on the other hand, ran into things and rolled my ankle twice. he also had a much easier time with smooth acceleration when learning to drive, whereas it took me longer to not be janky. it’s weird, he’s just… much better at controlling our legs than i am.
on the other hand, i have an easier time writing and drawing despite having shaky hands. ramen grips his pen a lot harder and has messy handwriting.
it also seems to correlate with the ANP and EP hemisystems, oddly enough.
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cerebralabyss · 7 months
i’ve been really blurry lately, so i made a hemisystem sona of sorts.. (jax, reffy, driell)
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it’s quite literally impossible to act as one coherent person, specifically regarding me and reffy, but it makes us more comfortable when it comes to cofronting, rapid switching, etc. because we don’t feel as dissociated and disoriented if we focus on acting as “the same person” rather than choosing one or the other. no idea if that makes sense LMAO
- 🥀
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cerebralabyss · 2 months
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henlo greetings :3 name is noxious (nox 4 short)!! iss my public debut 2day /silly
split a while ago but actually realized on 04.06.2024 >u<
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wowa u clicked read more ?!? thas cwaaaazy x3 more info mainly 4 ourself to look back on buut also for anyone (probly moots :3) interested!!
my pronouns rn (V SUBJECT 2 CHANGE!!!) are it/he ,, i’m a smol hybrid creechur (mostly kitty n a notable amnt of dogge hehe)
i’m not much mmore than a “”memory”” holder atm but i’m kina the main host 4 now ?? ik we have 4 & 1/2 hosts now iss WIILLDD!!!
i didn’t split from anyone specific (v much a traumagenic split eeg) but i’m part of the EP hemisystem!!! i plan 2 integrate into reffy’s subsystem in da future when it makes sense 2 do so!! i’m aa lot like him already so it’ll b good ^u^ it actually took us aa while 2 notice i wasn’t him wawgawshwa
atm im just being treated as reffy’s evil clonee >:3 except we r all already evil /lh so im not that diffrent
das all 4 now!! if u read this umm ur gay /lh pos x3
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septembersanctuary · 3 years
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(n.) A group of members, subsystems, and/or sidesystems that may be connected to each other or disconnected to other parts of the system in some way. Systems can have more than two hemisystems.
"Hemi-" meaning "half", based on the word "hemispheres".
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In regards to the prefix and its notion, please see our merosystem post.
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Do not use if you're anti-endogenic systems or a community exclusionist.
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septembersanctuary · 3 years
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(n.) A group of members, subsystems, and/or sidesystems that may be connected to each other or disconnected to other parts of the system in some way. A synonym for hemisystem.
"Meros" from Greek, meaning "part".
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Many systems learning about the term "hemisystem" automatically assume a system can only have two hemisystems or an even number of them due to its suffix. This is an error on our part, as at the time of coining it, we only had two hemisystems and thus chose "hemi" to mean "half". Merosystem has been coined as a bit of a "fix it" synonym, giving systems the option to use hemisystem or shake off the prefix and use merosystem!
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Do not use if you're anti-endogenic systems or a community exclusionist.
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cluster-brains · 3 years
how do you section off your system? we want to be more organized as a group, but can’t find easy ways to divide us up? so how do y’all do it?
IM not sure what you mean But I'll assume just in General: we have a lotta hemisystem, parallels/sidesystems, and layers! They usually have some kind a name! And so whoever lives on it is apart of that group!
But we also have like. Friend groups, clusters, polycules, ans source mates as well that r deemed kinda separate groups at as well!
hopefully this helps heh!! ^^!!
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