#help me b4 i lose my mood to draw again
bedriddenandcrying · 11 months
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3 tickets for the Barbie movie please
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vividlybnha · 5 years
The Beat of The Music
Warning: Fluff and Just Dance
Word Count: 2390
Relationship: Iida x Reader
Author’s Note: Similar to my All Might story this one is in also for @michelledixart! Go check out their blog and comic (I am in love with them)! They also have commissions going!! <3 <3 <3   http://michelledixart.tumblr.com/post/183454237438/iida-b4
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You let your hips sway to the beat of the music. Mimicking the girl on the screen, raising your Wii remote when she did. You softly bounced your hip against Mina’s, snorting when she enthusiastically bumped you back (almost knocking you over). You could faintly hear some of the other girls cheering behind you over the music. You smiled, flipping your hand to wipe the sweat out of your eyes and pushed your body to the music.
It was (almost) entirely Mina’s fault that the common room had been turned to an impromptu party. The games and different events going on throughout the room was practically all her idea, with your brilliant help of course.
All it was supposed to be was a small Just Dance battle when you had questioned her honor in dancing and Mina, being the diva she was made it into a whole competition with rounds and an audience. Not that you minded of course.
But what you did mind was the fierce eyes on you. Usually, as you danced you’d basked in the attention, flipping your hair and letting the atmosphere fuel you and yet it was different this time. You could basically feel Iida’s gaze on you from his spot near the couch. It was piercing and silent, he tracked your body with an intensity you weren’t unknown to. You knew the boy wasn’t especially fond of you but it wasn’t that he held absolute disdain for you. You and Mina were chaotic enough to catch his attention that was for sure. Because yes, sitting on desks and talking just tad (okay, more than a tad) bit too much during class was so devilish and terrible that it got you on his radar. He always found himself next to you, hand chopping away at the air next to you exclaiming how disrespectful you to were towards the school. You would roll your eyes and depending on your mood would end up provoking him or going to your seat. You were happy to say most of the time it was provoked him.
You loved the way he snorted, scrunching up his nose and scooting closer, proclaiming that this was unhealthy behavior for a UA student. You could never hide your giggle as you turned your head, sharing a glance with Mina. “Well, I feel like it’s unhealthy behavior of a UA student to yell at their classmates.” That would always give him a run for his money as he rushed to explain his behavior.
This wasn’t one of those moments. Dancing wasn’t against the rules, was it? And you weren’t doing anything especially dirty, just following the PG-13 moves with the same vigor as always. You found yourself raking your brain for anything you could be doing wrong.
You were clean, golden and yet as you fell into a spin as the woman on the screen did you saw his gaze was still on you. It wasn’t his usual annoyed glance he gave you. It was something Iida had never looked at you with and that unnerved you.
“Looks like someone is losing to the marvelous Alien Queen!” She bounced against your hip again, winking at you as she laughed.
You bumped back and gave her a knowing look, “He’s still looking.” You whispered under your breath. She returned you with an absolutely gaudy look, eyebrows raised high and an accusing look in her eyes. You immediately shook your head. You knew that look, she has given many people that look. She had already thought you two would look cute together. “The strict and handsome class president and the hot and rebellious student,” as she put it. But then again she said a lot of things. Like how she’d seen him looking at you when you weren’t doing anything bad (which you declared was absolutely impossible) and that she swore you liked him too (which wasn’t entirely a lie, he was cute, you could admit that) but this was Mina and she was the romantic of the girls who declared anything a hint at a “blossoming class romance!” But this was anything but that. It had to be anything but that.
You could hear the music fading into the background, mixing with the cheers of your classmates. You and Mina turned and bowed before she hurriedly tugged you to the side, away from any prying ears.
“Is he still looking?” You grabbed one of the water bottles from the table, pushing yourself up to sit on it. Mina gave one quick glance and was smiling all over again. “Oh honey, you can’t even tell me I’m just making it up at this point. He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you yet.” You slightly shoved her over, turning your head to gulp down some water. If she saw the blush coating your face it would be all over.
“Well, I am sitting on the table.” You mock.
Mina gave you an unamused look before snatching the water bottle from your hands taking a swig. “Besides knowing him maybe he just thought that Just Dance was to Rated R for UA.” You started to slowly kick your legs, you could still feel his eyes. She set the water bottle down, leaning closer a devious look in her eyes. “Oh really, maybe he is coming this way to say just that.”
You could feel the anxiety pooling in your stomach, the static filling your veins. You turn to Mina glaring, “You better act natural.”
She snorted, “I should be telling you that.”
You can hear Iida call your name and you as casually as you can, timidly turn your head and smile innocently.
“Hello, Iida! Did we happen to do something wrong again?”
Iida stood rigid beside you, a neutral look on his face, “Well you are sitting on the tables again but that is beside the point!” He gave you a small bow and you couldn’t stop the shock from filling your face. “I’d like to thank you and Mina for bringing the class together for a small event! I think this will enrich our social bonds with each other and bring us closer together as classmates!” You could see just the faint hint of a smile on his face and couldn’t help but swoon. “Well, I- uh, y-” Mina set a soft hand on your knee and smiled, almost too sweet.
“I know how you can show us your welcome!”
Iida seemed to lit up at the prospect of getting a chance to show you his appreciation. “How so?”
“You have a dance with my dear friend here!”
Oh, you little shit.
You let one of your swinging feet kick her thigh and all she could do was smile sickenly back.
“A dance? Well, that seems hardly a way I’ve ever had to welcome someone but…-” He turned to look at you, almost hesitantly and smiled. “-If that is what you wish!” He turned back to the TV which held another battle between Kirishima and Kaminari (who were both dancing to their own accord). Mina smiled politely and began to move toward the group announcing dibs on next to play. “I’ll pick the perfect song for you both!” You never had such an intense urge to hurt someone before.
Iida smiled back at you, giving a soft wave before turning to walk back to his friends, “I’ll come to you for the next dance. I wish a good friendly competition!”
As soon as he left you were hissing as Mina, punching her arms as she cackled. “I’ve never seen you blush like that! And here I was thinking you truly didn’t like him! You can’t get anything like that past the Romance Queen! I know everything!” She looked far too smug for your own taste but there was nothing you can say that would prove her wrong. You simply placed your face into your palms and screamed.
“You're terrible you know that? I thought you were a good friend but you might as well be a villain. More like the Evil Queen.”
She could only cackle louder and drape an arm around you, “If that's what it takes for some sweet classroom romance I’ll be the Evil Queen all day long.” When she started making kissy faces you placed your hand on her face and shoved.
You could hear the cheers of the ending battle and the return of static rushing through you. From across the room, you could see Iida giving you a smile. You were not ready whatsoever for this. Maybe a meteor would hit the dorms? Or maybe you would spontaneously fall ill and be rushed to the Nurses? Each step closer to the TV was just reassuring you of your fate. You never thought Just Dance would be how you died.
Arriving at the TV you could already feel the sweat clinging to your back. Iida pushed his palm out, “To a friendly competition!” You politely shook it before taking the Wii remote into your hand.
“Ah! I’m sorry to interrupt but how exactly do you play?”
While you explained in the corner of your eye you could see the malicious smile on Mina’s face while she picked the song. She knew them well, the number of times you and her play in the comfort of her room would have been embarrassing had it not been for the fun you had. What song was she so excited about? No song was as embarrassing as this dance was going to be, that was for sure.
Then you heard the chorus of ‘ohh’s and snapped your head to the TV. No, oh dear God no. The grin Mina gave you could only be described as pure villainy. You could only glare at her as she blew you a kiss and wished you luck on your dance.
You gave one sheepish grin to Iida and wished him good luck. He simply smiled and returned the gesture.
The music started off slow, the guitar strings slowly ringing through the speakers mingling with the soft chords of the piano. The starting dance moves weren’t as sudden and fast as you were used to. You swayed slowly to the music drawing your arms up and down. You couldn’t help but glance over at Iida whose robotic movements were certainly not getting him any points.
“Stop being so rigid with your movements, you gotta go along with the music. Be softer. Let your body relax.” It was barely over a whisper, you almost hope he didn’t hear you but the thankful glance he shot you was more than telling. You could see the walls of his seriousness slowly succumbing to the music, his arms moving simply to the music. He looked almost elegant.
The moves quickened from elongated frays to quick fast movements. Following the girl, on the screen, you reached out. The girl on the screen was holding his hand while she twirled and yet when his hand touched yours you couldn’t help the gasp of shock leave your mouth. His grip was soft, as was the look he gave you. You hadn’t seen him look like this before. You could feel your heart flutter along with the beats of the music as he twirled you. You almost went to stop him, tell him that he didn’t really have to touch you but he held you so close and tenderly you couldn’t help but rest your head on his shoulder as you both swayed to move with the music.
He wasn’t amazing at it, better than you expected for sure but he wasn’t terrible at it and the way he held you when the characters on the screen came together made up for all of it. You couldn’t manage to pull any snarky comments or jousting remarks. You just wanted to stay in this moment. With his twirling you and pulling you close.
It almost hurt to hear the song was coming to an end, the chords growing slower and more seldom. You held in the breath you didn’t know you were holding just to notice the last move. You couldn’t prepare yourself for this one, nothing would. So when he pulled into one last twist smiling broadly and then draping you over his arm, leaning so close to you that you could feel his warmth. You could only stare.
His eyes pulled you closer, the supple flesh of his lips, the light sheen of sweat coating his face. He looked beautiful. You wanted to get closer. Feel his chest against yours, his hands digging into your hips. How would his lips feel? How would he kiss you? You found your eyes slowly making their way to his lips. You couldn’t help but lick yours.
The cheers that interrupted your moment covered your shocked yelp yet Iida didn’t seem perturbed simply pulling you to a stand and bowing.
“That was a wonderful dance, maybe we can do it again sometime?”
“I, uh-yeah! Definitely.”
“Maybe next time you can show me a few new moves.” He certainly didn’t mean it was flirtatious intent but your heart fluttered at his words nonetheless. Before you could get another word out Mina was pulling you off again, this time accompanied by more of the girls bombarding you with questions.  
“Oh my god! That was so romantic!”
“You have to teach me to dance like that!”
“How did you feel when he held you close like that?”
There was a plethora of winks, gestures and comments that you’d rather ignore. And you did. In favor of sharing one last glance with Iida. His usually perfectly laid hair was fluffed up and shined with a little sweat, you could see the droplets sliding down his face. His ragged breathing had calmed down and he was now still. He had drawn his hand over his face, covering his mouth but you could see the red reaching up past his palm. The hint of a smile. You smiled back. No taunting or teasing.
Then you were both bombarded again with questions and your attention was drawn back to the large group of girls before you.
You couldn’t stop smiling. Mina would be sure to call you out on that later but that wasn’t your concern right now because-
You could still feel his gaze.
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