#headers john wick chapter 2
embracethedits · 1 year
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John Wick - Chapter 2 - Headers
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here lie the master links for each of my fic categories. the “other” listings are the characters that didnt fit in a larger category or i just dont have enough stories for them to have their own. by clicking “other” it will take you to the Miscellaneous list for the characters listed below it.
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All of my fics can also be found on my Wattpad along with my full stories: Harlequin, castellum, my life in red, and my preference/headcanon book.
Please do not repost my works in any way shape or form, without my explicit permission. If it is not posted under @/shhh-no-ones-home on Tumblr or @/catsinpartyhats on Wattpad it is not me and they do not have rights to my stories.
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 i have tag lists for any fics/characters that i consistently keep up with so dont be afraid to ask to be added to them, im always glad to do it! you can either comment here under the main masterlist, under the sub-category list you would like to be tagged for, message me who youd like to be added to, or just send me an ask ( @shhh-no-ones-home ); any way works.
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the defenders
(eddie brock, jack thompson, jack russell)
Def Leppard
Guns ‘n roses
Motionless in white1
Motionless in white2
Motley Crüe
My chemical romance
(remington leith, bruno mars, mgk)
Bill and Teds excellent adventure
Bloodsucking Bastards
star wars 
Triple frontier
we can be heroes
(baby driver, the bronze, Constantine, Dracula untold, heathers, john wick, fantastic beasts)
doctor who
the Mandalorian
once upon a time
stranger things
(ahs, sherlock, spn, smallville)
(be more chill, dear evan hansen)
Misc fics
(asa butterfield, dominic cooper, darkiplier)
25 days of christmas requests 
personal art/makeup
Chris motionless reincarnate thread
Motionless in white deadstream 2
The defenders moodboards
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owlish-peacock36 · 6 years
Never Doubt I Love: Part 6 (REPOST)
So, Tumblr really deleted this chapter because of the header image... Which was literally hands on a bare back, but whatever... ANYWAY, here it is reposted WITHOUT THE HEADER IMAGE BECAUSE WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS ON TUMBLR.
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5
NSFW Warning. J/J/C Warning.
“John… I… We need to be honest with you.”
John was still staring at Claire, the unshed tears in her eyes holding him hostage.
“You see… I… We… Well…” The words stuck in her throat. Claire Fraser at a loss for words? Unheard of.
“Is everything alright?”
“Aye,” Jamie’s voice rose from behind him. “Everything’s fine. Claire is just—“
“John.” A deep exhale. “We have been friends for a very long time. The three of us.”
“Yes…” John wasn’t sure where the conversation was leading. “And I value that friendship. Above everything.”
“We know that, John. But… It's… more than that, isn’t it?”
Surely she didn’t mean… The Englishman could feel the beat of his heart strong beneath his shirt. He wondered briefly if the Frasers could hear it.
“Pardon me?” John choked, feigning innocence.
“It’s alright. You aren’t alone. We–Jamie and I–we feel the same, you know.”
Thoughts flew from John’s mind, unable to process the words. Surely it was just a misunderstanding of meaning that caused his heart to stop.
“Claire, I’m not entirely sure what–”
The woman’s mouth swallowed John’s words, erasing them from his thoughts. It was a tender pressure, soft and chaste. But, John felt his blood boil and his limbs paralyze. He was under her spell, stricken with so much want and need that his body could not respond to the increasing urgency of the kiss.
Perhaps it was a second–perhaps an hour–but the two finally broke apart with gasps of air. John pulled away quickly, only to drown in the molten gold of Claire’s eyes, dripping with concern.
“John? I’m so sorry. I just assumed that… That you felt the same. I… shouldn’t have… I’m sorry.”
Sorry? Did she take John’s surprise for disgust? Oh, no. That simply wouldn’t do.
“John, did you hear me? I’m so–”
It was his turn to interrupt her. Grasping her face with both hands, he crushed her to him, pressing his lips firmly to hers. She squealed in shock, but the sound quickly pitched to become a low moan that reverberated through John’s body. He opened his mouth to her, wanting to breathe her in, to take her completely. She met his open mouth with her own, tentative tongues dancing.
In the headiness of it all, John almost didn’t feel the large hand that landed heavily upon his shoulder. Almost.
“Mind if I join ye two?” The low burr tickled John’s ear, and he felt the warm breath upon his skin. “I dinna want to miss out on all the fun.”
Without an answer, Jamie’s lips pressed lightly against John’s neck. The Englishman could feel the rough stubble and hard jaw against his shoulder, so different from the softness of the woman in front of him.
“I’ve often imagined this.” A nip on the ear cause a shiver to run down John’s body. “You, between Claire and I. Where ye belong.”
Jamie spoke with a growl, the end of his sentence punctuated by his teeth on sensitive flesh. John groaned loudly, breaking his kiss with Claire.
“We should…” Her breathy whisper penetrated the hazy thoughts of her companions. “Get a bit more comfortable. Wouldn’t you men agree?”
She was teasing them, the firelight glinting in her eyes.
Jamie spoke first. “Oh, aye, Sassenach. Sounds like a bonnie idea.”
It was a standoff. The three stood in a triangle, eyes locked on each other. Who would be the first to break the spell?
It was Claire. Bold, beautiful Claire, her body shadowed beneath her shift. Her long fingers stretched toward her neck, loosening the tie that held the garment in place. Eyes flickered to both her men before pulling the shift from her shoulders, the fabric fluttering to the ground.
John was sure he’d never see a woman comparable to Claire. Pleasantly curved and pale, like an old sculpture of Aphrodite.
“Well… fair’s fair.” A wicked glint shone in her eyes. “Who’s next?”
Jamie’s mischievous grin matched his wife’s. He reached for the buttons of his breeks, shimmying until they pooled at his feet. He stood in just a shirt, his legs muscled and thick.
John felt emboldened. “Your shirt too, Jamie.”
“Says the man that’s fully dressed,” the Scot teased, but did as he was bid.
Where Claire was fair, Jamie was golden, his body sunkissed from years out of doors. The lines of his body were long and hard, shadows filling in where his muscles dimpled the skin. Blue eyes flickered toward John, crinkled with barely contained passion.
“Yer turn.”
Time seemed to slow as John carefully undressed before the Frasers. Cool air met his exposed skin, pebbling beneath the briskness. Every nerve ending was frayed; John could feel everything. The slight warmth of the fire behind him. The heavy breathing that tickled his hair. The scratching of wool as he lifted the shirt from his body.
There was a pause, a moment of reflection. Every pair of eyes roamed the bodies of the other two. It was incredibly arousing: bare, but not touching.
The three came to an unspoken consensus before colliding, becoming a tangle of bodies in the middle of the room. Hands flew, squeezing, testing. John sought out Jamie’s lips, kissing him roughly. His long red locks tickled the other man’s face. Claire sidled up to the men, gripping them both in her small hands.
They all moaned simultaneously.
Not wanting to leave her out, John reached for her, gently tracing a breast with his fingers. She threw her head back, and Jamie broke the kiss to attack her throat. John followed his lead.
The sound of panting and smacking lips filled the room.
“Bed…” Claire groaned.
The stumbled together, not wanted to break apart, collapsing on the over-sized Laird’s bed. Claire sat facing the men, both hands reaching to caress their lengths. John wondered briefly at her ambidexterity, but that though soon fled his mind. He leaned closer the woman, eye level with her breasts. Testing, his tongue slowly circled the pebbled nipple, eliciting a loud moan from her. Through his ministrations, he threw his hand to the right, helping Claire work Jamie’s cock.
They worked in tandem, bringing their red-haired man to the brink over and over again. But they would show no mercy. Not yet.
“Damn it, ye two!” Jamie’s complaint rang through the room. “John, lie down on yer back.”
The authoritative tone made John painfully hard, and he did as he was told.
“Claire, use yer mouth on him.”
She grinned, climbing up his body until she was eye-level with his length. A swipe of the tongue, and John almost lost himself.
“Do ye like that, John? Do ye like my wife’s mouth on ye?”
John could barely concentrate on the words, his mind focused on the warm, wet mouth that surrounded him. “Y…y…yes…”
“Good.” Jamie began pumping himself at the sight: Claire’s arse in the air, John lying prone beneath her. He made his way to John, the blond man’s lidded gray eyes following his every move.
“Will ye use yer mouth on me, then?”
Without pause, John gripped him, bringing him into his mouth. Jamie braced his hands on Claire’s arse, her head bobbing with her movements. He moaned as a tongue swirled around the tip, bolts of pleasure shooting through his body. He couldn’t. Not yet…
Removing himself from John’s mouth, Jamie positioned himself behind Claire. One, two, three licks to her slit had her mewling, the sound vibrating pleasurably through John’s body.
In one swift motion, he entered his wife, the impact felt in all three of them. He thrust hard and fast as Claire’s movements became more frantic. None of them would last much longer. Hands gripped: Jamie’s on Claire’s hips, Claire’s on John’s hips, John’s in Claire’s hair.
It was too much… too much…
John came first, finishing in Claire’s mouth. Panting, he watched the Frasers at their end. Jamie was rough, eyes closed, and Claire met his every thrust. She collapsed, trembling, and he followed soon after.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before.”
“Like what?” Two pairs of inquisitive eyes glanced John’s way, heavy-lidded and glassy from exhaustion.
It was simple. It always had been.
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letsmovieleague · 5 years
Movie League 2019 Update 3
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John Wick killed the competition easily coming in number one this weekend with a total of $56,818,067. The R rating and clunky title did not hold John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum back as it grossed more in it’s opening weekend than the openings of the first and second chapter combined. It also out-grossed Pikachu’s opening weekend which was a much more popular Movie League pick coming in at sixth on the Hive Mind list while John Wick didn’t make the Hive Mind list at all! John Wick also performed well critically and takes over as the RT high benchmark with a score of 89%. A Dogs Journey opened down in forth place with 8M dollars but was absent from any top ten picks. It was an RT low pick but with a score of 47% failed to beat the current low of 16.
Current Rankings:
Movies Left
 This weekend sees three new releases from the Movie League list: Aladdin, Brightburn, and Booksmart. Of the three Aladdin is the most prominent on the lists, coming in fourth on the Hive Mind list and being placed as high as second. Disney is hoping to continue the trend of live-action hits with Aladdin but it has had mixed reviews which could hinder it. Brightburn will not have as wide an appeal as Aladdin but does mix the popular super-hero and horror genres and credits include Guardians of the Galaxy’s James Gunn whose name could be a draw for some. Brightburn features in two top ten lists being placed as high as third. Booksmart is mostly absent from the lists but is one RT high pick and early reviews look good so that is one to watch out for. After this weekend we will have had more then 10 movies released so look for the current top ten list here on the next update!
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