#he's just a funky little dude
seance · 2 years
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I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe (for @apis-mellifera-disease)
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doctorsiren · 5 months
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Was trying to come up with an outfit for Phoenix for the Mia Fey Trilogy AU because it’s lame if he’s just in the same outfit as Maya
Also funky tattoos because :3 I said so
Bonus: someone on YouTube asked me if I could actually draw him as Doctor Strange, so here we go
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buckttommy · 2 months
also feeling infinitely tender over oliver captioning his post "finding my light" like. yeah. yeah u did, bby.
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rock-in-robins · 8 months
Bart thinking in pictures
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untimelyambition · 8 months
veeeery parasocial of me but i love jon matteson hes just a silly little dude
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changeling-fae · 8 months
You know, I think Raphael is a switch actually and not a bottom. And before people start coming at me with pitchforks, my reasoning is that his fantasy is having Haarlep play as him if he were the Archduke (or duchess when feeling adventurous) Supreme of the Nine Hells, and that means his idolized/fantasy self is the one who tops. So he’s bottoming for himself who is also topping. So I think switch.
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snowyh2o · 4 months
More late night thoughts on Hazbin Hotel Episode 5:
It’s kinda funny to me, how when episode 5 first dropped everyone in the Alastor tag were freaking out over how horrible a person he was to be treating Husk like that and that he and Valentino were exactly the same or that if this is how he treats Husk imagine how he treats his other friends/Nifty!
But my first thought, my gut reaction, was ALASTOR’S ON A LEASH?! And Wow, what a loss of control there pal.
Because Alastor’s a character who, at his core, likes to be in control. Of himself, his reactions, and the situations he finds himself in. He has a pathological need to always be smiling because it gives him a sense of control over himself and projects the idea to others that nothing bothers him and everything is always going his way.
So to lose that composure, that act so completely in front of Husk? Because of one little comment? And show exactly how much that little taunt had affected him?
That was the thing that stuck out to me. Not his treatment of Husk or their relationship. Because that was a little snippet into Alastor’s head, how he ticks, how he reacts, what sets him off.
It’s very very telling how afterwards he acts like nothing is wrong, like he hadn’t just threatened to tear Husk’s soul apart and broadcast his screams across hell. He even plays a little jaunty tune, forces levity into the situation, and pretends like there’s nothing wrong. It’s clear he’s clamping down on his emotions, and taking back control of the situation, of himself, by doing that. Like taking a deep breath after a sudden rush of intense uncontrolled emotion.
Because in a way it’s almost, embarrassing? To lose control like that, especially towards someone who’s soul he outright owns. Usually when people get on his nerves (and he thinks he can get away with it), he taunts them, mocks them, and treats them condescendingly until they take themselves out in anger, or the conversation shifts away from the topic that had him on edge. (And he tries that with Husk at first, except Husk is too perceptive and not afraid to call someone out on their bullshit.)
So for Alastor to feel like he’d lost control of the situation so much that he’d grasp at it by forcibly reminding Husk how he controls his soul is just, wow. Reminding himself of the control he has on someone else’s soul to forget he’s lost control of his own soul. Dude REALLY doesn’t have it all together as he’d like for others to believe.
Anyways, stream of consciousness thoughts. But all this to say that I’m like, 99% sure Alastor’s a little in over his head? With whatever the fucks going on with his “leash”. And he’s very desperately trying to pretend that Everything is Fine even when it’s Clearly Not.
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mewkwota · 10 months
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He's so swanky, I like this guy.
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lovelywingsart · 5 months
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I got another new bab from NaldThal on toyhouse and I love him SO MUCH
His name is Flick
He's my cracked out little gremlin child with rabid chihuahua energy and I absolutely adore him uwu
//Thal makes amazing designs and usually I try not to horde them all (also partially due to money-), but I genuinely could not go without him.
He's so dumb.
I don't think he'll be fully be one of my Resident Evil OCs, but you can bet your ass I'm eventually drawing him with Emelia and Karl.
I can tell you right now that he freaks Karl out and it's great.//
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lemonsquidsoda · 1 year
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scarecrow doodle
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imagry · 6 months
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Since I've been watching and re-watching Samgladiator's Yandere High School and I drew Sam. I thought it would be very fitting to Draw Coolment. I loved drawing him and I def plan to draw him some more
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capseycartwright · 2 years
every time we get confirmation that drunk buck is just a Silly Little Guy my heart heals
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dizzyizzyhands · 8 months
thinking a lot lately about how jann is an old soul... like, this boy does not check his phone for days at a time, doesn't know what audrey 'liking his story' means in terms of flirtation, calls people he wants to talk to (no one under 25 does this now lol), listens to 80s/90s smooth jazz, his primary mode of transportation before gt academy was his dad's '85(?) vw corrado.
i'm also gonna assume he understands all of jack's old man cultural references and they bond over it bc that is my design
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redux-iterum · 9 days
Back at it again with another Fish Tank Question!
So I've got my tank (20 gallons) with a couple live plants that I'm more or less keeping alive. My current issue is that my job takes me out of the house for days at a time so I can't tend to the tank every day of the week. Whenever I come back, it's coated in algae, both on the glass and on the sand (white puffy algae for the sand, regular green-brown algae on the glass). I have three pygmy suckermouths (that I have uniformly named "the Janitors"), but they don't seem to be able to keep up with the mess that the eight other fish cause (all male mollies).
I can clean the tank every time I'm home for a couple days, and the filter changes weekly, but I don't want to make my poor fish wait in stinky, dirty water for that. So my question is: Are there other cleaner fish I could buy to help with this problem? Are the plants the issue? Any suggestions to at least prolong the cleanliness of the water?
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eatcandlewax · 1 year
everyone take a moment to appreciate this autistic icon
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ty warframe for accurately portraying this autistic kid even though he's only around for one quest (minus the haunting). but also fuck you for having us do the emotion flashcards. they were cool n all but i struggled man.
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This is how Season 3 episode 2 went right
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