#he would also love david byrne bc i saY SO
glueboy-19 · 2 months
dark tower besties i need y'all to know i crave interaction so go crazy with it !!! anyways what if i said cuthbert would love crocs ..... is this anything
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panelshowsource · 7 months
random thoughts dump of the week bc none of this deserves its own post
coming down from a smol john kearns kick and really enjoyed it, guy has a ridiculously sweet presence and i really like his voice. it also brings me great joy his previous career was working in museums and as a tour guide. i would like that life, i think (i worked at universal orlando for a little bit in 2013 and was always super jealous of the vip tour guides lol). he mentioned on one of his rhlstps that despite winning arguably the biggest (british) comedy awards there are, he never released a standup special or dvd, and he kinda wants to keep it that way so he has something special between him and his live audience — and that really made me sad face. like, my guy, what about those of us who can't see you bc won't leave that damn island. (also ed gamble's new tour having no nyc date felt personal...) in another episode, he talked a little about, in great part due to social media, people want comedians they can know everything about, get the whole look of; comedians who are the same people onstage as off. he's not like that and doesn't really like the idea of that. i think there's a lot to say about that subject but i'll just leave it for now...
speaking of touring ed byrne next week!!! and jimmy and alan carr coming up!! what a fun time :')
speaking of rhlstp and ed, one thing that occurred to me and i thought was quite funny upon listening to his recent episode is that both richard and ed have that self-aware side of them that admits to bitterness, professional jealousy, annoyance with critics/haters, believing they're not as successful as they deserve to be, etc. while it can come off whiney here and there, it's not too obnoxious or anything, i just found it amusing they had this (often concealed or private) quality in common. i might even put jenny eclair in that camp (others too but that's a discourse i don't really wanna start lmao)
if another youtuber, following amelia dimoldenberg (and munya? does he count?), had to go on taskmaster i would probably vote for ollie kendal off of jolly. in my mind he and alex would be genuinely good friends outside of the show
man i miss the horne section podcast so bad
honestly, i'm a little surprised david mitchell doesn't have a podcast. he loves radio, it's not too demanding of a gig, and he's got tons of interests that could make engaging premises for podcasts... i'm sure someone has floated this to him before, so i need the reason why he said no. maybe he was busy with his book. would love a history pod fr
does anyone else ever remember when david mitchell was in rick and morty and just sit back and go O_O also when he was on graham norton with hillary clinton like lmaooo i just love the idea of the booking agents for that show being like "we're having fucking hillary clinton on who can we bring for comic relief who is a household name but not problematic but intelligent but actually funny" i mean they hit the jackpot of course but it cracks me up that that's his brand
did david ever watch succession? rob def did but i need more about it from both of them
sometimes i think about when david accepted his bafta for peep show and the music that was playing while he walked to the stage was "sex on fire" by kings of leon hahahahaha like what who was djing that night fr
where did charlie brooker go
speaking of back in the day — and i do mean back, like 15+ years ago — and my main panel show obsession was buzzcocks, there were a few non-comedians who would come on panel shows who were properly fucking funny, like martin freeman and josh groban, and i'd always pray they'd eventually come on again. and i think at the time the person at the top of my list was professor green. how random is that TT he was just always up for laugh and just so likable. i also LOVED the song "just good to be green" with lily allen in like 2010 lmaooo this really ages me :)
been really enjoying some old angus deayton-hosted stuff, like old hignfy and wilty. i got into panel shows after he'd stepped out of the spotlight, but i remember being crushed when i found out about his scandal. i also remember stephen fry standing up for him and chastising paul & ian publicly after That Episode of hignfy — which absolutely blew my mind, even though stephen has always said what he thinks — and i agreed with him and am not sure even today if i fully forgave paul & ian for how they treated angus. ik he's still here and there, but i wonder if we'll ever see him in any properly notable capacity again
just watched the latest hignfy actually and jack dee pheww he's ageing very nicely let me just say it and pheww emmanuel sonubi please and thank you. also, paul's outfit was quite nice. an enjoyment of the eyes indeed
i've been making a lot of typos in my gifs lately for literally no reason other than not proofreading my rushing and it's embarrazzing i'm gonna do better
speaking of gifs i have NOTHING!!! in my drafts folder. nothing. no content. nothing is made. nothing in the queue. [sigh] sounds like tonight we be bustin it out huh. idk about other gifmakers (i actually don't follow any other panel show blogs, but this isn't necessarily a panel show blog thing, just a regular original content thing) but i don't usually make gifs throughout the week — instead, like, marathon gif like two times a week and build up 10–20 drafts to post throughout the week. if you gif every single day or to keep up with all of the new content, it starts to become a chore, which is never fun :(
speaking of which i probably won't gif outsiders too much because people don't seem to care too much about it + the webrips are just...so ugly in gif form, even at 1080p! it's a dave thing fr, taskmaster used to be the same way -_-
okay here we go into gif mode btw i got some of your requests and will def make them!!
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
Untitled music taste headcanons - njbc (minus chip wiskers) edition (submission via @mezzoklutz)
Nate - Nate is the friend you always hand the aux cord to. He has impeccable taste, but like, by accident? He doesn’t have any genre preferences, when he likes something, he just likes it, so his music is wide-ranging. When he and Blair were together as teens, he’d always be uploading cds to her itunes library and she’d be like “what the hell is this” (but would also secretly love it). And when Vanessa and Dan (but especially Vanessa) come into his life, his range grows even wider. The artists I associate with Nate a lot are Walk the Moon, Flaming Lips (good weed music), Talking Heads (he unironically loves David Byrne), Motion City Soundtrack, and Vampire Weekend of course.
Serena - She like Nate loves damn near everything. And I think that she also has this uncanny talent of discovering an artist just before they really explode. She loves her ‘00s pop divas, but is also really into indie stuff and the psychedelics and the artists out of Laurel Canyon. If she were alive in the 60s (like she said she wished) she absolutely would have been a deadhead for a while. The artist I associate with her the most is Kesha - I think she identifies a lot with Kesha’s journey from her party-girl persona through her evolution to an artist who works through her trauma and has real grit in her. Rainbow is a cathartic album for S when it comes out. High Road too: “Cowboy Blues” is literally a SVDW character study. And “Father/Daughter Dance”?! I mean. Also add to the list: Britney, Miley, & Lana del Rey
Blair - oh my dear girl fascinates me. She is an arbiter of taste, so I think she works very hard to appear like she only likes “refined” things (using quotes bc nothing is refined) and she canonically loves opera! my girl! She plays Carmen at her sleepovers, and listens to Delibes in the bath - so we can safely assume she prefers the French romantics and Impressionists (she also loves Saint-Saens, Debussy, Ravel, and Poulenc OOH and the Boulanger sisters). Harold is so excited to take her to the opera, so I hc that that’s something they share (I love the idea of Harold being an opera queen).
sidebar - I go absolutely feral for the scene at the end of Age of Dissonance when Carter approaches her at the bar and the Flower Song from Carmen is playing!!! Galaxy-brained. The music editor on the show truly did The Most.
Okay back to Blair: she also loves the divas of the ‘80s. She’s obsessed with Cyndi Lauper! Pat Benatar is her wedding song! (I would add Whitney and Carole King to her faves as well) I think that outwardly she is the Classical & Jazz Standards Girl but the people who know her best are like: B….come on. Nate and Dan bust her on it all the time. I think she loves a little bit of everything, and has a secret love for pop and indie folk, but it takes her a while to fess up to it. The artists I associate with her the most are Chet Baker, Edith Piaf, and the composers I named above. Plus, I think she really really loves La Traviata.
One more for this part: I don’t have much to say about Eric, except that the way he lights up when he talks to Rufus about “Der Holle Rache” leads me to believe that he is a baby opera queen in the making and I love that for him. I could see him taking theory and musicology courses in college and vibing.
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hey hey!!!! for the emoji meme, 🤗💕👽😊💘🍀 AND ⚔! many emotions heart full ; u ; for the other one, would you mind doing 2, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 29, and 30? those are a lot, so you definitely don't have to do all of them ^^; also, I hope math has eased off of your back a bit! ;__; it seems like school is a nightmare for everyone right now
SARAH MY DEAREST SARAH ;____;/ math has now finally gotten the FUCK off my back after 10 (TEN) straight hours of doing matrices and getting carpet tunnel and Suffering 😭😭 but its fine cause im done now!!!!!!!!!!! i got both my 80s and im all set. i hope school isn’t too horrible for u right now too!!! ; o ; and of COURSE im gonna answer all of these!!!!! under the cut cause im a polite lesbian <3
first things first, emojis!!!!! i don’t know why im “replying” to these too but!! here!!!!! (its mostly me crying nd saying NO U gfjkdghf 😅)
🤗  given the chance I would gladly hug you   !!!!!! I WOULD HUG U TOO!!!! ;__; i love hugs,,, ilysm bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
💕  we have a lot in common   UR GODDAMN RIGHT we have excellent fucking taste and we r both epic 💖
👽 you’re out of this world   SO ARE YOU, MY FUNKY FRIEND 💃🏻💃🏻
😊 Your blog makes me smile   !!! that makes me rlly happy to hear!!!!!!! ;__; i hope it does, bc you deserve to smile 💝
💘 I love you so much   HHHGJFJKH!!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
🍀 I’m lucky to have met you   ME TOO!!!!!!!!! I feel so lucky to have you as a friend!!!!!!!!!! 🥺🥺 and even MORE lucky that you feel the same!!!!!!!! wtf!!!!!!!!!!
⚔ I trust that you would have my back   YOU BET I WOULD!!!!!!! i’m ride or die, would absolutely fight ANYone for you 🥰🥰
2. What is your favorite color?   is it ok to say rainbow 😅 i rlly do love all the colors!!! if i HAD to pick it’d be like... pink, or purple, or red or blue
6. When’s the last time you felt like you were floating?   UHH last night actually? i was on the verge of falling asleep, and i felt like i was falling a long distance, but really, really slowly... it was surreal? i sort of woke up after so it didn’t last long, but it was pretty weird
7. What do you enjoy daydreaming about most?   fic ideas mostly 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ when i have something to hyperfixate on, my brain rlly will just grab it and Not Let Go lmao.  i also like daydreaming about owning a house someday and doing rlly mundane things and just,, enjoying the peace and freedom and solitude of it all
14. Talk about one of your most cherished childhood memories.   uhhhhh. UHHH. im seriously blanking on this......... bro my memory recall sucks 😭😭 i just had to snap LJ to ask for help hjkdshgd ANYWAYS she suggested when we got our cat and like YES!!!!!!!!!!!! i’ll never forget coming home from my basketball game, seeing cat toys on my placemat at the table and being like !!!!! Oh Shit i think i Know whats Going On, and then my mom leading me downstairs, where the sibs and our dad were waiting with our new kitty!!!!!! i think LJ or our dad was trying to hold him for when i came down, but he jumped away at the last second ghdkshjdh accurate as hell tbh. anyways i love my baby and that was the BEST christmas ever, bar none <3
15. Talk about something exciting or good that happened to you this year.   I SAW DAVID BYRNE IN CONCERT!!!!!! AND THEN I WENT TO GERMANY  FOR TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!! AND IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! (and On God sarah i am GOING to type out those stories for u even if it kills me hhfjdkghh) basically all of january FUCKING SLAPPED and i’m glad that no matter what happens this year, i was able to start the decade on the highest note possible ✌🏼
16. Where do you feel most at home?   when i’m somewhere familiar, and alone. when i know that no one will come and disturb me, but they’re there if i want to reach out.
29. Do you collect anything? And what are some hobbies you have?   i guess i collect copic markers 😅😅 i have all 5 ciao sets, plus the cool grayscale set and the pastels set. which is definitely excessive BUT i don’t care, i love having markers <3 i also collect elephant figurines!!!  i don’t have many, but i got one in germany, and my brother got me two small one for xmas, and i have a jade one from my grandmother, plus a couple more!!!! i just rlly love elephants <3 and as for hobbies: DRAWING!!! AND WRITING!!!!!! if i couldn’t do either of these things i’d probably die lmao, especially drawing.  it’s like.. the ONE single craft that i’ve actually put effort into and cultivated for years and years of my life. i love drawing so much and i wouldn’t give it up for anything
30. What do you do to feel at peace? good question!!! :’) this is actually something that’s kind of bothered me for a while... i’ll read or hear about people sitting and breathing to feel at peace, just chilling somewhere and experiencing the moment; or going on drives to different places, somewhere that just puts their mind at ease.  maybe writing, or baking, or any other idealistic, pretty-sounding thing that makes them feel at peace.  but no matter what i do, nothing ever really works for me?  it’s like my brain is Always rushing, always frantic in some way, and i can’t figure out how to make it shut up. idk!!!!!!!! that’s my answer.  but i hope i find something, someday? yeah
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todaysbiggesthits · 6 years
The Exam
Best Music Moment of 2017:
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Code: dancing out the entire wedding reception playlist with my best girl on an empty concrete slab on a breezy texas night
BC: -The absolute stellar dance party at Codemin’s Wedding; most notably:
     “Carol” by The Rolling Stones
     “Enjoy the Silence” by Depeche Mode
     “Crystal” by New Order
-OK Computer’s 20th Anniversary and the listening/reflection that came with it -My four year old, Emmett, learning “Maps” on the drums pretty much on his own
JD: February: Watching the “Emotional Rescue” scene in A Bigger Splash:
March: Seeing Stop Making Sense on the big screen at my favorite theater with m’gal and a David Byrne Q&A after the screening. April: The dance party of a lifetime at Code and Arden’s wedding. November: Watching Parquet Courts play “You’ve Got Me Wondering Now” for the first time in years.
C: "Born to Run" at a good friend's, Brian Ferguson's, wedding.
Nasty: This playing at the end of Leftovers Season 3, Ep 5 - "The Most Powerful Man in the World"
Bronco: Sitting on my back porch with Brenny, sipping down some delicious whiskey drinks and listening to the new Mastodon on a surprisingly unshitty Amazon bluetooth speaker. Watching his face on the breakdown in Jaguar God was quite entertaining. Also listening to the Squalus album (the metal interpretation of Jaws) with the kids, my oldest asking what it was, and him saying he wants to watch Jaws now. He was especially fascinated by the USS Indianapolis part of the story.
Laser: This 
Chap: My 17 has been dominated by the two new ladies in my life. I made this mix for them:
and played it for them on random the morning they were born. This was the first song that came on:
and I finally broke down with emotion after the 36 hour experience while holding one of them while this song was playing:
Best Shows Seen in 2017:
BC: This first 60 seconds of this:
Nasty: Future Islands & Action Bronson
Larse: Future Islands with Maddie, Nasty, and Sam; Action Bronson at The Rave - pretty sure I got a contact high just from being in the show
C: War on Drugs
Bronco: Mastodon
Codem: lvl up - beat kitchen kitten forever - subterranean downstairs ovlov - beat kitchen pqc - the bottle girlpool - logan square auditorium moving units’ joy division cover set - the bottle PAWS - cobra lounge a. savage - the bottle pictureplane
JD: 1. William Basinski and Julianna Barwick at National Sawdust 2. No Age at Elsewhere 3. Parquet Courts and B-Boys at Elsewhere 4. Liars at Warsaw 5. Deerhunter and Eleanor Friedberger performing while Bradford Cox painted her portrait onstage at Warsaw 6. LCD Soundsystem at Brooklyn Steel 7. Yo La Tengo in Central Park 8. Andrew WK at Warsaw 9. Vince Staples at Panorama Fest 10. Wire at Baby’s All Right 11. Vagabon at Brooklyn Bazaar
Confession of 2017:
Bronco: I listened to the New Kids On The Block offering of 2017 "Thankful" (it was fucking terrible).
C: Still haven’t listened to LCD Soundsystem
Code: -knowing the backstory, the mount eerie album was probably the best album i heard this year, but it was too dang sad to listen to more than a handful of times. -i still loved that brand new song despite the lead cat being a creep. -i thought that this year was pretty rough for music, but my tune changed after looking back through my top tracks.  maybe there were just so few full albums that i liked? -i fast fwd'd through every SNL musical guest this calendar year, but i did catch the tom petty tribute from the vegas countrymin. 
BC: I don’t hate that objectively awful Chainsmokers/Coldplay song because it reminds me of this year’s BOB since Creevey played it every twenty minutes for 36 holes.
Larson: Listened to more rap this year than I think I have in past years; must be Nasty's Lincoln influence!
Nasty: I listened to more podcasts than music in 17.
Biggest Disappointment of 2017:
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Laser: LCD Soundsystem
Codem: -no chromatics this year. -the two lcd shows that i saw this year.
Chap: The albums. I would not be shocked if I didn't listen to any of my top 15 all the way through after today.
Bin: DJT
JD: Mondanile
BC: Real Estate.  I think they need to invite the perv back into the band.
Bronco: Bison, Monolord, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, And So I Watch You From Afar. They all put out albums this year, and I've like their stuff in the past, but they did little to nothing for me this time around.
Most Overrated of 2017:
Codem: slowdive, but also twod and japanese breakfast
Bin: Bodak Yellow / Cardi B
Larse: LCD Soundsystem
Bronco: -Pallbearer - just don't like the guy's voice, and though they're slow as shit, there's no good riffs or anything to connect with for me. -Code Orange - hardcore band that I just don't get. One of those 'motherfucker I'm the best!' type super close to being alt-right supremecy type bands even though they're probably completely against it. They're at the top of most metal lists this year. I've given them 4-5 spins, most in reaction to the praise they're getting, but I just don't get it. -Royal Thunder - just one big case of blue balls. All of their songs seemingly build toward a climax that never happens. It's just so blech.
JD: Did the music press even treat anything as a lasting work of art and not ephemeral content to get through a week or two of famous personality driven clicks? King Krule? 
BC: Lorde, I think?  I mean, that album’s gotten a lot of love this year and I thought the lead single – “Green Light” – was hot garbage. It spawned a conspiracy theory in my mind that Taylor Swift was proactively influencing and then purposefully sabotaging the work of her close friends (see Lorde, Haim, et al).
Make it Stop 2017
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Bronco: Sex monsters. Can we just take all white dudes in powerful positions, assume they've sexually assaulted at least one person, imprison them, and move on? We could take everything they have, give it all to Native American tribes, then force them to walk their own trail of tears to live out their lives in the desserts of New Mexico, and force them to build the wall, but it would just be a wall around their sad sex monster reservation.
Also, Taylor Swift.
Nasty: I didn't have the luxury of expending any real hate on music this year... which I'm just now recognizing as a bad thing.
JD: -Unceasing sadness and anxiety about the present and future. -Jack Antonoff
BC: Life on this planet.
Code: any rap station that i hear in an uber. that cardi b song was playing every time i caught a cab at 5:30 a.m. to play golf.
Larson: U2
Biggest TBH Regret of 2017:
BC: Not seeing NIN at RiotFest
Larson: Skipping the Car Seat Headrest show at Summerfest because I could tell Maddie didn't want to leave Jonas' party (party was fun, so not a real loss, just wish I would have seen the show).
Nasty: Not even giving new artists a chance. I'll listen to an average album from The National 10x's before I give someone new a shot.
Codebreaker: not having an opportunity to karaoke badu's tyrone
JD: -Had the worst fever of my life during LCD and could only manage standing in the back shivering. -Forgetting to go see Dinner at Baby’s All Right. -Not enough time with Bjork, Miguel, and Blanck Mass. 
Bronco: Fucked up the family calendar maintenance and ended up not being able to see the Toadies and Local H. I was pissed at my wife, but it wasn't the end of the world. I haven't listened to either in forever, and the listen I gave to the Toadies latest offering didn't knock my socks off. It was really just for nostalgic purposes. Still it sucked to have to miss it despite my best efforts to bring it to her attention multiple times.
Detective Murtaugh of 2017:
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NACK: I had two separate opportunities to see LCD, and just didn't feel like putting in the effort. Was going to put this as a regret, but I don't regret it.
Code: i skipped 7 shows that i had tickets for and left 6 shows early. two shows i left early due to brightness of lights.  mmmmmnhh
JD: Couldn’t hear for 18 hours after No Age. Needed two Tylenol for the headache I gave myself during “You’ve Got Me Wondering Now” at PQ Quartz.
BC: Having no idea who either the SNL host or the musical guest was for three straight weeks.  Tiffany Haddish? Saoirse Ronan? SZA? I’m too old for this shit…
Nasty: Carson, Maddie, Sam and I went to watch the IU game this weekend with one of Carson's co-workers (an IU grad) who is 23.... I got rolling on a rant about how important it is to enjoy your 20s because after the impending onslaught of weddings and babies life basically isn't any fun anymore. Suspect it was a little too impassioned by the end.
Bronco: I was enrolled in a three month coding bootcamp to learn Web Development. Aside from the two older ladies (50+) and the weird Brazilian idiot (45+), I was the oldest person in the room by probably an average of 13 years. They are all for the most part life-pivoting in to the dev world and they all have all the time in the world to learn new shit, do whatever they want, whenever they want...goddamnit I miss that. So maybe this is my "too married and fathered for this shit" section of the exam.
C: Wife’s Pregnancy
Laser: Every time I wake up with a fucking hangover and tell myself that I’m not gonna drink like that again only to get back on the saddle the next available opportunity.
Resolution for 2017 Update:
BC: Put a goddamn band together. How it went: 
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C: Check out some jazz/blues in Chicago. How it went: FAILED
Larson:  Focus on the shit I really care about instead of trying to listen to everything posted on the thread…I’m just going to have to be honest with myself and realize I ain’t got time for all this media! How it went: Terrible; found myself listening to Timeless Pop Rock hits playlist more than anything else.
Chap: Check out more of the recommendations on the TBH thread. Try to organize get-togethers around TWO shows. How it went: Actually not bad. I had a few solid period during nap times when I didn't feel like working. I think I was able to listen to every album I wanted to at least once.
Code: make concerted effort to listen to music that i liked in previous years in addition to music from the current year. How it went: i nailed my resolution, as i devoted four full months to the grateful dead and it was the best musical trimester of the year for me. it was really interesting to watch all of the new music pile up and never once feeling compelled to listen to something else. god damn did the '77 version of the band have it all figured out. i could listen to any uptown mississippi halfstep toodeloo from that year at any time.
Bronco: Learn the guitar. I’ve been fooling around with Rocksmith (guitar hero with real guitar) and I want to push myself to execute the more complex chords, not just stick to the powerchord simple songs like Blitzkrieg Bop, and start learning how to build and execute a solo. I also want to distill my own whiskey, build a garden shed from scratch, and learn to code. How it went: I haven't quite mastered the guitar, but I can play a few songs fairly well. I did not start working on my own whiskey or build a garden shed from scratch...yet. But I did learn to code. I am now at conversational levels of fluency with Javascript and at "donde es el bano" levels with Ruby and Python.
Nasty: See a show in NY with JD. How it went: Not great, Bob! I barely made it down the street to see Action Bronson with Laser 
JD: Seeing more shows with you guys is an evergreen resolution. How it went: To quote BC,
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Resolution for 2018:
BC: No more resolutions
C: Catch some jazz in Chicago
Laser: get my list in on time!
Chap: While I didn't have the occasion to catch shows this year, I anticipate doing so in '18 due to some changes afoot.
Codem: make more playlists for my wife
Bronco: Get in shape. I want to stick to a schedule of running all year round. I ran a 10K back in June, then needed to recover for a bit, been recovering ever since...Fat Dad needs to keep running all year round without excuse, especially given that we go skiing between Xmas and New Year's and I'm gonna be a floppy legged mess. During those runs, I'll try to listen to new material each time.
Bin: I'm just going to keep saying "get to NY for a show with JD" until I make it happen. 
JD: See you gents more often with or without a show attached. 
Most Anticipated of 2018:
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JD: MBV, No Age, Panda Bear, something surprising
Code: chromatics (i think it's really coming this year), mbv, no age, DOM, CCFX full album
Bronco: Tool. Fourth year's the charm...fuck those guys. It better suck me off when it finally does come out. Also a new Sleep album and a new High on Fire album...still waitin' on those too.
BC: Simple Minds, Vampire Weekend, Kanye
Nasty: Kanye, ASAP Rocky, Rhye, Chromeo, Vampire Weekend
Chap: After a quick glance at the list... Vampire Weekend, Kanye, Chromatics
Larse: Honestly don't even know what is on the horizon, just hope I can listen to it with this net neutrality bullshit!
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panelshowsource · 6 years
What is your absolute dream big fat quiz team? Mine would definitely have to be james acaster and miles jupp.
wow, interesting pairing anon, idk how their chemistry would be since they have really different kinds of characters. i can’t rly see james being the kind of person to make miles lose his shit constantly (miles tends to lose it at people like joe wilkinson, sean lock, johnny vegas — very big, weird characters who aren’t rly subtle…at all) but then again i dont think i’ve ever seen james and miles together?? someone correct me if i’m wrong
well first let me preface this by saying i rly don’t enjoy quantifying and comparing and ranking things and i probably only stand by answers like this 40% of the time but anyways lol for the sake of having fun and not debate …
as you do know tho bfq is not just about picking random people you like and pairing them together, it’s about how two people will work off each other, so with that in mind, i would fucking love seeing…
david & victoria coren mitchell
sean lock & miles jupp
joe wilkinson & danny dyer
…soooooooooooooooooooooooooo badly, will trade my first born
runner ups include alan carr & romesh (they’re such a riot together), sean lock & johnny vegas (chaotic evil + chaotic good, anyone?), greg davies & alex horne (ik i’m lowkey obsessed with alex horne but let me have this — or alex & sally phillips bc my loins need that reunion so badly and she’s fucking insane), rhod gilbert & greg davies (lol), david & lee (you know why!!!) OR victoria & lee bc they clearly know each other so well and they’re a great team, ed byrne & frankie boyle (this is pure instinct but i can see on mtw they’re really fond of each other and laugh at each other’s jokes and i think there’s some potential magic there), and, actually, despite the fact i think james can be very hit-and-miss on panel shows because he gets easily steamrolled cuz he’s a nice lad who doesn’t like talking over people or being generally obnoxious which is to even a mild degree part of the job description, james acaster & ed gamble would probs be great since they’re such buddies irl OR nish & ed omg … i also love mel giedroyc so much, and holly walsh and larry dean and sdkljghdfk so many potential good pairings, anon, so many … but i’m standing by my answers!!!!!! if only bfq would deliver david & victoria: team married i could finally die in peace …
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