#he was the first rw oc i made
kurz-qw · 9 months
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slugcat oc doodles , created by my iterator red as a gift to another iterator (aptly named "the gift", renamed "the jeweler")
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cookieeevee · 3 months
Hello Yellow and Welcome People!!
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Most people tend to call me Cookie or Cookieeevee because of my blog name, but call me Alice! I use the pronouns She/Her and They/Them (I don't mind which one you use)
I am into Rain World, OneShot, Pokemon, Warrior Cats, Kirby, Sonic, Pikmin, Ori, Chicory: a colorful tale, Steven universe, MHA, Epic Mickey, and many more
You can ask me anything, I'd love to chat with you all (Ask about ADH au or ask Lily if u want too)
Art requests are always welcomed :D
My designs of the slugcats and Iterators My Rain world OCs My other OCs
Side blogs of mine:
Cookie: @ask-cookieeevee03
Madge: rainworld-starsandclouds023
Droplet (Old, should probably reboot at some point): rainworld-ask-the-medic
SOES: rainworld-lifeisendless230
Slugcat's: rainworld-cycle-of-slugcats
just doodle/art blog: mossy-doodles85
Silly adventurers of my plush's (feel free to send me art in Messages of the sillys if you want, I will post it and credit u, if u want :3)
you can draw for me if ya want
Amazing Friends Of Mine!: @rainworld-obsessed-cat-reborn (One of my first tumblr friends! Probably one of my closes friends here! They are really silly and has great art! I thought I'd never see them again once their main blog got deleted... I'm very glad they're back now. I care for them with the might of a 1000 suns and always wish for the best of them! I'll always have their back, no matter what <3) @stargazer0001 (A great friend, who I really care for! One of the first people I go to talk to about silly ideas and aus of mine. They're art is a joy to see and our silly chats we had before were really fun! Thanks for being there for me <3) @critter2 (Super silly bud that I met because of Star! Their art is amazing and its always a blast to be around them! Sadly they aren't on often so that kinda sucks... ALSO THEY ARE WHOLESOME WHEREVER THEY THINK/KNOW THAT OR NOT!!!!) @lanternlightsovercloudyskies (I've actually never checked if we're friends or not, but see her as one! Cute silly art that a joy to see, and shes super wholesome in my opinion! I always hope for the best for her!) @bananacat76 (My silly great friend! They're super cool and wholesome, all things I wish to be. They've let me add their RW persona, Banana cat, to my RW AU and even let me make Banana Cat Enot's sibling! Lots of hugs to them! A joy see and a gift to be around ^^) @rcranger (THIS SUPER AMAZING AND COOL PERSON IS MY FRIEND!!! Hes made super cute and silly art that is a joy to see and always puts a smile on my face! Cherry has been a super great person and he need MORE LOVE so go check him out and give him some love!!)
@puffstarss (I'm pretty sure we're friends, at least to me she is! Puffs is probably one of the most kind people here! She's a big UT and UTY fan and is the owner of The Undertale Yellow Runaway Route AU! If your a fan of UTY aus and stuff be sure you check out her blog! also I will die for them like all friends of mine)
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Random things about me: My favorite colors are mint green and lavender I want to write but am too scared to put it online and I get writers block a lot... I wish people would ask me more things (on any of my blogs)... My IRL friend group and I do a lot of dark humour I draw all the time, in class, at lunch, at home, in the car, and many other places Cream is my favorite Sonic character I my 3rd favorite Sonic character is Chris from Sonic X, FIGHT ME ON IT I have four brothers and no sisters... I have many AUs which I will probably never tell anyone about because I am scared of doing that Rain world brain rot I REALLY want to play SA2 just because of the chao garden Undertale Yellow fan! I'VE DODGED DEATH!!!! If you want to be friends with me, just ask. Cuz I'm probably not gonna ask you that and I'm always happy to have more friends I need help
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topduck48 · 7 months
Bad news, I came up with some more Duck headcanons for you to ramble about! *casually dumps them in your lap*
-Duck has an autographed photo of the city of Truro (well, technically truro’s crew signed it.) in his cab from when Truro visited the island.
-after the RWS book, Duck and the Diesel Engine was published, City of Truro sent duck his own fan latter praising Duck for his bravery and quick thinking and said that Duck is the very model of the GWR. Duck almost popped his safety valve after seeing the letter, now everyone teases him and says that he has a celebrity crush which he denies, but he���s definitely one of Truro’s biggest fans. Actually, it’s not uncommon for engines to have celebrity crushes on famous engines, they could care less about human celebrities unless it has to do with their world, and human accomplishments don’t mean much to an engine, so it only makes sense for them to look up to other famous engines (don’t tell anyone, but Spencer secretly has a celebrity crush on Mallard and would destroy his safety valve when he sees her.)
-people started leaving Duck bread as a joke which annoyed him, he had to politely tell people that no, he cannot eat bread so stop trying to feed him bread. Now people give him frozen peas.
-Duck’s favorite book is a bear called Paddington for obvious reasons.
-while he was trying to teach Casey, my OC the Great Western Way ™, he let Casey shadow him while he did a run with his slip coaches and failed to explain Casey what even slip coaches are, Casey being a goods train only and never seeing slip coaches, thought that the coupling links had broke and shunted all the coaches after Duck before any of the passengers could get off thinking he was helping. It wasn’t until Duck finished his run when he realized what Casey had done and flew into the rage. After some deliberation with the “Little Western Council” (it’s not really a council) they decided to banish Casey from the Little Western under the terms that if he sets one wheel on their branchline from here on out, there will be repercussions. This was overruled by Sir Topham Hatt who made is very clear that he makes the decisions and that the “Little Western Council” has no authority at all.
-why the slip coaches didn’t say anything to Casey? I don’t know….
-in my human AU, he has a little old terrier and a cat. He will sometimes petsit Toad’s Hamster.
-Duck is a city boy, he grew up in the city and found it jarring to go from a bustling city to the more quieter and rural island.
-every Christmas Donald and Douglas’s mom would send him a knitted item, he has a nice sweater collection.
-a fan once sent him a Jeremia Puddle duck plush. He now sleeps with it every night.
-Thomas once received an ostrich egg from one of his pen pals, Nia, (Nia never came to Sodor in My AU, Thomas met her during a RWS anniversary tour and they’ve remained good pen pals.) he tried to see if maybe an ostrich egg would cook over Duck’s engine whistle since the chicken egg obviously didn’t work and the ostrich egg has more mass meaning that, according to Thomas, would theoretically not boil so quickly and explode. Unfortunately, Duck stopped Thomas before he could actually boil the egg, Thomas was holding the egg over the whistle and Percy had his hand on the whistle, but nothing came from it and Thomas had to resort to making a very big omelet with his ostrich egg. Probably a good thing too since an ostrich egg would be a nightmare to clean if it were to explode.
That’s all I have for now, here, have some bonus fanart
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Why is that bad news? That is good news, I love rambling about things.
I agree with the first and second headcanon. Duck definitely almost popped a safety valve when he saw the letter, and his whistle blew so loudly it nearly blew everyone's ears off.
I think that Duck can eat bread. I have this headcanon that engines can eat, it just goes into their firebox. Duck likes bread, and frozen peas.
I definitely agree that his favourite book is Paddington. He has the same etiquette as Paddington, and the fact that he worked there also adds to his enjoyment of it. I also love Paddington, and personally prefer him with his black hat (I still love his red hat, but his black hat is nostalgic to me)
I read about the Casey fiasco with the slip coaches on your account. I think that this is a very good idea, and very good episode material. I'm not too sure why the slip coaches didn't say anything to be honest. I love the idea of a Little Western Council, and I also think that The Fat Controller lets the council have authority over the Little Western in a second in command kind of way. The Fat Controller still has first hand authority, but he does take suggestions from the council into account.
Those are nice pets for Duck to have. I headcanon that Duck is very independent and doesn't have pets. He still loves animals though, especially ones that are less favourably received by some, such as bugs and snails.
This headcanon is why I find differing opinions so riveting, for my headcanon is the complete opposite. Duck is a country lad to me. Being from Devon, he loves open spaces and nature. While he doesn't hate the city, it can get too overwhelming for him sometimes, and he much prefers to go bird and bug spotting in the countrysides and woods.
The Christmas headcanon is a really nice headcanon, and I think that Duck sends them all some fancy attire every Christmas as well.
Oh he definitely sleeps with plushies, and a Jeremia Puddle plushie suits him really well. I think that he sleeps with a duck, frog and pumpkin plushie as well.
Duck would absolutely not allow Thomas to boil an ostrich egg on his engine's whistle. Why he allowed his driver to boil an egg on his whistle in the show is beyond me in all honesty. I think that he didn't want to do it, but his driver did it anyway. I also think that he firmly reprimanded his driver after he did it.
That art looks very natural and very good. I love the blended, natural look of the landscape and the ducks look very realistic. I love how the flowers provide flickers of bright colour amongst the mix of murky, foggy, oaky and grassy hues. I also love your Duck and Diesel design, Duck looks a bit gritty and jaded (in a good way) and Diesel looks sleek and sleazy (again, in a good way).
This is all just my opinion.
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cerenemuxse · 1 year
Finished another Magma board /.w./
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First time drawing Arthur! (Not really. First time I drew him was only his face though.
I tried painting his face as best as I could. He looks a little "meh." I gave him three moles for a but more detail. I actually have an idea on the new layout for thise moles. >:] (btw CGI Emily's face looks like Arthur's face. They look too similar.) He's mostly the same apart from his real life basis, which is LMS 1203 instead, and the lettering on his tanks is NWR instead of LMS. He was one of the many engines saved from scrapping, Emily being the first.
Also drew Rebecca and oh my goodness, she's absolutely adorable. Very out of proportion and not accurate but very cute. Look her happy face. <3 I love her sm. I decided to use her real-life basis' current livery, which is SR Malachite Green with Sunshine Yellow lining and lettering. Might add some red for additional lining (making it look similar to the BR livery, the only real livery worn during their service). Her basis is 92 Squadron, btw!
Remember those T&F and Sailor Moon connections I made awhile ago? Yeah, here you go. >:]
Here's whose who:
Edward - Sailor Moon
Rebecca - Sailor Venus
James - Sailor Jupiter
All of these were based off that promo containing the entire Steam Team (old and new) with a few guests labeled with Zodiac signs. I was surprised to find Edward be labeled as a Cancer (which is my Zodiac sign!!! :D). James was labeled as a Sagittarius and Rebecca was labeled as a Libra.
And meet a new OC, Chelsea! Her real-life basis is BR W14 Fishbourne. She existed because of the Little Blue Tank Engine found in the early books of the RWS.
Her face is supposed to resemble a fish. Her eyes and eyelashes resemble fins. Her irises are based on actual fish eyes. The creases underneath her eyes resemble gills. Her lips resemble the lips of a fish. Pouty and cute, right?
And then Debra! She belongs to my friend @nightsinfoxx15. She was fun to draw though it feels like I could've done better, tbh.
Oh yeah and there's Edward and James hiding (somewhat) with their pride flags! :D
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anonymousboxcar · 7 months
TTTE/RWS OC: Bessie the Bicycle Locomotive
A while ago, I posted about this steam engine:
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[Image ID: a steam locomotive with one large driving wheel sits on a monorail and is attached to a track running above. It has a double-deck cab, with one man (the fireman) on the bottom and another (the engineer/driver) on the top. The Wikipedia caption explains the locomotive belongs to the Boynton Bicycle Railroad. End ID.]
And now I’ve made an OC out of her! I’ve decided her name is Bessie. Enclosed below the cut is my story for her. Hope you enjoy! :)
Bessie steamed to life in 1889, in Portland, Maine. Her creator, Eben M. Boynton, believed the monorail was the way of the future, thinking it would be cheaper to build than regular tracks. He built her to fit with that early monorail vision.
She ran for a few weeks on the Boynton Bicycle Railroad in the summer of 1890. Pulling trains with two-story cars in Long Island, she realized from the odd looks she received that her design was… unusual. She developed a shy, soft-spoken personality as a result.
Bessie also worried about whether her “experimental” nature would be deemed a success or a failure. The entire railroad was something of an experiment; each train was a test run. So while often silent, she worked very hard. She kept to time and never complained. She felt like she had to be perfect.
And she was right to worry. After several weeks of easing into a routine, of learning how to be an engine, the railroad pulled her from service. The experiment was over. They had no more need of her.
As far as anyone knew, including Bessie, she wasn’t bad at her work. But they decided they could improve on her design and on their monorail model. She overheard talk of an elevated monorail and an electric locomotive as they pushed her into storage, shutting the doors behind her.
Bessie awoke an indeterminate time later to the sound of doors opening on rusty hinges. “I say!” said a voice.
As it turned out, Sir Robert Norramby was in the midst of his travels around the world. While in America, someone told him about a bicycle locomotive and a summer’s experiment. He became intrigued and managed to sniff out her location.
She braced herself for a confused stare. But Sir Robert had a wide smile as he walked around to her smokebox. “Hello! What’s your name, my dear?”
It took her awhile to remember how to speak. But he waited, beaming as her hoarse voice rattled out, “Bessie, sir.”
“What a lovely name. Tell me, Bessie, however did you wind up in this place?”
They got to talking. Bessie felt herself relaxing around Sir Robert, bewildered but also glad to be spoken to like any decent engine. And she gradually realized this was her chance to escape storage.
In the end, Sir Robert took her to Sodor at her request. He had a monorail with an overhead guiding track built at Ulfstead so she could pull tourists on a small line around the estate. On occasion, she also pulled goods trains as well.
It took some time for Bessie to settle in to her new life. For one thing, she only had a few weeks’ worth of experience from 1890. Everything was new again and she had learn as well as relearn things.
For another thing, she was still on-edge and reserved. Sir Robert seemed nice, but so did Mr. Boynton. And she knew what storage was like now. She never wanted to go back to it.
The result was Bessie holding herself to impossible standards and being too afraid to ask for help. Every slight mishap — missing platforms, not starting after the guards’ whistle, etc. — only made her more anxious and withdrawn. At night, she was the first back to the sheds and the first one asleep so no-one could talk to her.
Stephen, Glynn, and Millie noticed all of this and worried about her. They debated how to break the ice. Stephen wanted to race her, Glynn wanted to have a chat, and Millie wanted to leave her be until she made the first move.
In classic Sodor fashion, it didn’t happen as any of them suggested.
You see, one of the few comforts Bessie had was that she wasn’t too out of place. While she was a novelty, so were most of Sir Robert’s other engines. Tourists took her photograph and whispered about her, but they moved on to someone else a few minutes later.
One day, Ulfstead had special visitors. They were aristocrats from the Mainland, invited by Sir Robert as part of renewing alliances after his time away on his travels. He took them around the estate and introduced them to his engines where they rested in the sheds.
Bessie saw the visitors’ gritted smiles from a mile away. She knew very well what disdain looked like. They described her as “experimental,” “distinctive,” and “so very American,” and she knew it was a backhanded compliment.
It was like 1890 all over again. She felt like she couldn’t speak, couldn’t move an inch under their cool gazes.
And then they turned to Glynn. They called Glynn quaint, a relic of a bygone age. She saw the flicker of naked hurt on his face.
It was the same flicker she trained out of herself all those years ago. It spoke to a greasy, creeping feeling of boiler-sludge she knew he was feeling, because she had been there, too.
Bessie never wanted to be there again. She realized then that she never wanted anyone else to be there, either.
Stephen went red in the face, about to snap something at the visitors. But Bessie spoke up first, quiet and low: “Glynn has years of experience with today’s railroads, sirs. I only have weeks. He’s more modern than I am.”
Glynn’s gaze flicked over to her, startled. “Well,” he said after a pause. His voice softened with his eyes. “You’re a fast learner, Bessie. I don’t think you’re too far behind.”
“Yes, because we’re glad to help each other,” Stephen interjected, scowling at the aristocrats. “We’re one railway, sirs.”
Millie smiled a not-very-nice smile. “Is there anything else you would like to say to all of us, sirs?”
The aristocrats blinked, but Sir Robert — who watched everything with a look of dawning realization — folded his arms. “I think not,” he sighed. “Forgive me, dear engines. I suddenly have a pressing appointment with these… gentlemen.”
Those aristocrats never came back to Ulfstead. As Sir Robert apologized to them again that evening, Bessie kept thinking about they all stood up for her as well as Glynn. For the first time, she felt like she was part of a railroad. She felt like she believed them.
And so, little by little, she began to speak with them more. She asked for help when she didn’t know something. She did small talk with them at station platforms. She smiled at Glynn and Stephen’s silly arguments, giggling at Millie’s dry asides.
She couldn’t help them pull or shunt their trains, but she took on passengers or goods in her double-deck cars when they had too many or when they broke down. She told stories about America when nobody could sleep.
While still reserved in comparison to Ulfstead’s big personalities, Bessie is more at ease today. She pulls her trains without any issues, working to repay everything Ulfstead has done for her. She knows she’s home.
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ghostlycoze · 10 months
i am askng about your rw ocs :eyes:
:eyes back:
you have blessed me by giving me the opportunity to ramble about these little idiots thank you very much >:D
claps hands together
The lore of Ever Changing Fates is a total mess rn but it's very fun to just kind of mess with
I kinda like throwing ideas out there and just bouncing off people and seeing what they come up with lmao
The general deal is:
Fates is a newer generation iterator, probably around the same age as Pebbles. Long after the Ancients vanished, he kind of just went.
"Fuck it. Fuck all of this, I hate all of this. I hate being in a damn cage, look at that weird little cat. It looks happy. Why can't that be me? I wanna be a carefree little creature. >:(" (but in a more lighthearted joking way, as he always is.)
And then immediately proceeded to hatch the most unhinged plan and experimentation process ever.
As a result, his local group......... wasn't impressed. (I will detail more about his group later!)
He did not take the discouragement and lack of support well, and ended up isolating himself to continue his work without their constant messages trying to convince him to stop.
This totally didn't have lasting affects. Totally.
He succeeded, he managed to make alterations like the ear-like antennae casing (used to protect the fragile antennae, as well as used for communication and bonding with the scugs), and the tail (for storage of neurons and whatever else he may need).
Those went well. The removal from his can...... less so. (I do have some rough sketches of it, but I may leave it as a little surprise if I ever get around to writing a comic or little drawings as responses to asks maybe?)
Needless to say, as energetic and bouncy as this little guy is, he has some secrets he's hiding. And he probably needs to rest and take care of himself far more than he would like to admit
Lucky for him, he has his two scugs to take care of him!
They were originally designed as messengers, both with skills based on stealth to allow them to travel back and forth without having to worry about fighting predators much.
The white scug, inspired by white lizards, was created first; though after an injury, Fates created another to help; the black scug.
After seeing how dangerous the path was, he designed the black scug after a mole lizard to help it work best in a new path through the darker regions of his local area, which seemed to be less inhabited. It worked well!
And, after detaching from his can, the two sort of just became guards for him.
(They don't have names yet, but I'm slowly working on it!! Suggestions are totally welcome lol. I'm thinking "Light Refracted, Countless Hues" for the white scug? Not sure for the black scug though)
Aaand not only that, but there is another companion who joins Fates on his adventures!
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So this is Silent Observation (a prototype design of them at the moment), an iterator oc my friend actually made!
For some info on them, Silent is an iterator who was not part of Fates' group, but a neighbouring one. Fates stumbled upon their can, and managed to convince them to join him. Silent isn't great at resisting curiosity.
Silent is an interesting little character, who is almost always mute after their vocal systems were damaged by a group of scavengers who tried to take over their can. Silent often uses overseers to communicate simple messages, and can still make little beeps and humming noises, but not much else. They CAN talk, and
sometimes do, though it is quite painful and tends to break and skip over itself. So, they usually let chatty Fates do the talking.
And yes. Gay robots. They're lovers and we've dubbed their little ship name as clairvoyance (yknow, perceiving (observing) the future (fate)? credit to my friend for that great name idea!)
So yeah, after Fates vanished, chaos ensued— is he dead? Is he alive? Is he hurt? Where is he???
And then the sightings began. Clusters of slugcats, rushing by. One always slightly taller than the rest, built slightly differently—with garments, clothing. Purple, in green robes.
It couldn't be...
Yeah, he became a cryptid. The talk of the town, if you will. I'm sure Unparalelled Innocence was LOVING the gossip.
Especially when reports of a second creature joined; antennae, familiar robes, familiar markings.
Imagine someone suddenly sprouts wings, teaches one other person to sprout wings, and then starts flying around in front of you.
Naturally, absolute chaos. It was like Sliver of Straw's death all over again—but instead of it being about death, ascension, it was about the opposite. Life, descension, yet freedom.
Groups were divided; Those who believed it was them, and they had found a way to free themselves. Those who did not believe it was them, but it was something to be concerned about, to investigate. And those who did not believe it was anything of note at all.
(Note: this is set in a sort of AU where they find a way to slow Pebbles' rot, to stabilize Moon to a certain degree, and the group is talking again but still. Not doing the best, panicking and trying to find ways to help the two. Fates' big background-event could be the lightbulb above one of their heads to suggest the idea of tearing Pebbles and Moon from their cans to save them from their own dying bodies. Thanks, Fates lol
This AU doesn't focus on the main group much, more just my OCs. However the idea of them interacting is very fun, and I'm sure Fates' actions reach back to the main group and begin an off-the-string streak or at least have some kind of big effects lmao)
But yeah! That's a not-so-quick rundown of the beginning of this little group's adventures. I'll probably share more and detail how their lives go, how their relationship is and dynamics and certain scenes I've written about them—if I receive more asks maybe I could even try a little interactive thing I've seen others do (though I am. not much of an artist so we'll have to see lol). Regardless, I am so grateful for the excuse to talk about them a bit and I'll probably add some more on the others in Fates' group later on >:)
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hartage · 3 months
I need more lore on that very attractive Fletcher Jennings (taly)
a bit of a rundown of talyllyn (no. 1) for you :)
- his name is huw jennings, but he honestly goes by ‘talyllyn’ more than he ever goes by ‘huw’. he probably thrives off the ego rub
- he’s 29 years old physically, 159 years old technically. (24 september 1864) i could get into my lore about how they age, etc. but i feel like that could all be compressed into one giant post.
- however! speaking of an ego rub, though talyllyn is old af (turning 160 this year!) he still has a bit of a ‘princely’ manner in how he carries himself. i think a lot of people would think him to be humble like his rws counterpart (skarloey), but i think the fact that he ran nearly continuously from 1865-1945 is a little bit of a flex if i do say so myself. he wants to be celebrated for that, wouldn’t you?
- he’s got a crazy rivalry with the other engines on the railway, and chewed dolgoch out over the fact that he would rather buy ‘replacements’ (no. 3 and no. 4) from the corris than give him a full overhaul (like dolgoch and the volunteers could give him a complete overhaul with 50 GBP, but i digress)
- talyllyn has a lot of old victorian mannerisms. if you enter his room it’s like a time warp, a bit of nursing home core honestly. an old iron bed, floral prints, trinkets, the whole grandma gamut.
here’s a quote from railway adventure that i feel like is really fitting of just…no. 1
“…like everything else about the railway this room had remained firmly rooted in the Victorian age; it made no concession whatever to the 20th century, was not in the best state of repair and looked as if it had not been spring-cleaned within living memory. One end of it had been fitted up as a booking office with a long counter, a ticket cabinet and a ticket date stamping machine. This last was of the early pattern on which a change of date type can only be effected with the aid of some pointed instrument such as a penknife, and where the ink ribbon must be periodically wound back by hand.”
- according to railway adventure by LTC rolt (my main ref for no. 1) whenever no. 1 first arrived it was bouncy and wild due to its “horizontal motion” which makes me feel like he’s a lot more brisk than dolgoch.
- huw talks fast, and is a lot more charismatic. he goes “yup… indeed…aye…” in conversation while dolgoch goes “isn’t it?” and “mhm.”
- pre-preservation i feel like that no. 1 was the ‘preferred’ engine. it’s more a headcanon for me rather than fact, but i feel like the reason why no. 1 had so many overhauls in the past compared to no. 2 was because talyllyn was the one who ran better after all of the ‘teething troubles’ were fixed.
- to me, even though the two are quite old, there is still a rivalry between dolgoch and talyllyn to this day. think a big brother vs little brother rivalry. the ‘i know better’ role, y’know?
i think that’s basically all i have now. it’s kind of funny bc no. 1 is actually the least developed of my narrow gauge humanization ocs, (that’s a mouthful) but please send more asks if you want to know more!!
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october-omori · 26 days
Lore post!! And pinned!!!
First off his RW lore where he was a friend of Basil’s given the two were socially anxious and a teacher paired the two up and they vibed and actually stayed friends after the incident but when the two were 15 October moved away which just made Basil open to being bullied and stuff and made Basil take the Sunny moving situation a year later way worse but hilarious thing October and Sunny moved to the same location and just ended up staring each other down the first time they saw each other given Sunny had kinda just assumed October disappeared and October had just assumed Sunny wasn’t going outside ever so both were extra surprised and the two ended up as friends till October turned 18 and just ran back to town (but he did bring a 17 year old Sunny for 24 hours after saying “Can I kidnap you?” And just deciding to) (Basil was definitely surprised when the two just showed up on his doorstep)
Next is headspace where October would be encountered in otherworld and like he’s immediately like “Wait Basil is missing?” Then proceeds to follow the group like a sidequest till Humphrey where he remembers Basil till he disappears during the Humphrey battle into black space where he proceeds to play cards with Stranger most of the rest of the game /hj
Models by me
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Below cut is my basic info!
First off my main is @w0lfyfl00f given that’s important
I’m 17
And I do Artfight and if you attack October I’ll pixelate your omori oc!
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cardworksartblog · 1 year
Hi uhhh. So yk animation v minecraft? Yea me and a friend made an au w some ocs lol. Heres the desings for canon characters i came up w bc u guys r probably Bored. Circe and her weird bug r there too dont mind them, click/tap for better resolution and quality, yadda yadda.
Summary of the au is basically. DnD esque universe where King Mango's son Gold gets sucked into a rift in dimensions and then spat out on the other side of the world at age like 4. Abt like 7 years later Mango hears rumours abt his son possibly being Alive, and puts out a bounty as a last ditch effort to see if its true; anyone who can get his son back to him gets half the royal treasury.
Me and my friends ocs who are a band of bisexual assassins with History w mango see this and go 'oh we'll just pick some random 11 year old up and trick him lol', accidentally getting The Actual Kid mango is looking for. Theres a problem tho bc victim, whos the grim reaper, basically sends their forces after them bc good technically shouldnt be alive. Also chosen, dark and circe are bounty hunters and have a hit on the assassins bc they killed a duchess.
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Im still working on the story layout for the rw story so like. Yea enjoy hearing abt my adventures in hyperfix hell. Character tidbits under the cut lol
Character titbits;
Green may or may not be a homunculus. I do not confirm nor deny this idea as canon.
Red is the Beast King's runaway child (the beast king is herobrine).
Purple isnt pictured bc i havent designed them yet but they were basically given as a gift to mango by their father, the Fae King.
Yellow lived in a semi futuristic dystopian underground colony completely shut off from the rest of the world and escaped getting executed for trying to give the general public redstone bc of a reactor melting down and fucking exploding.
Gold gets wings and a pair of mini brass weapon scythes after they and the assassins win a fight against victim at the end of the journey. They're essentially like vic's blessing and way of admitting they were defeated fair and square.
Circe came out of the same rift that teleported gold onto a whole different side of the earth. She and gold lived at the same orphanage for a few years before she decided to run away to find answers bc her eyes are fucked up. Shes like an isekai mc but ends up being the source of the rifts and its a Whole Fucking Thing.
Sec was made by a god of creation semi intentionally, whereas chosen was made accidentally and treated like a servant and dark was made from the raw energies of the war that killed victim and turned them into a god of death instead of a god of harvest. To avoid the other gods reacting badly to a second 'chosen one' his creator sent him down to the world w no memories. Seconds whole purpose for going on adventures is to find out where he came from.
Blue was the first one to join sec on his journey and is a normal guy aside from his immunity to poisons.
The living hollowheads r all demigods lol.
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rehkloo6 · 11 months
My first OC is 6 golden stars.
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(me about to load the OC lore)
(oh god)
6 Golden Stars was an iterator who woke up in the 1st waking period of dry world. He adored scavs, took their RW DNA and placed them on dry world, got convinced that the oldest iterator (who was given the title "Head Iterator" by the ancients), Sunset Dunes (not my OC!) was hiding information from the iterator populace and sent an announcement where he was....
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...sort of bullied in private....
Then started stealing void fluid to use for his tests because Dry World has none or its a very small amount deep down in the core. Void fluid is in wells near/on every iterator can. He did this with the Inspector Class units.
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The investigator was an air attack unit, used for dropping charged siphoner/examiner eyes. Siphoners were used for stealing void fluid. Examiners were used for ground attack/defence.
Sifters were used to repair the holes Metal Eating Batflies (SD made) in his superstructure. This plan failed.
Observers were floating signs to tell you to fuck off.
Scrutinizor missiles were missiles launched by a turret on the can.
Now, the metal eating batflies were painful, so he attacks SD, collapsing/melting his superstructure with the Examiners Teslas. (he still survives). As he looses his forces, 6GS wants to make a weapon that would win the war. Right as he is about to make it, one of his legs collapses and that disrupts the effort, breaking it free.
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(typo here, in this image, i mean SD when i said 6GS)
(incase you are wondering why he can see the private messages, him collapsing made the system not recognize him as him for a second.)
The weapon was (god here we go) MIND CONTROL ROT. Its purpose was to keep SD and his buddies neutralised, but 6GS collapsed and set it free, mind controling HIM instead.
So everyone thinks 6GS is dead until he makes gibberish broadcasts to lure curious people in so their overseers can get rotted so then they can get rotted, because the rot wants to kill people.
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Snow was an iterator who wanted to explore 6GS dead corpse. Surprise surprise, he gets rotted, and now the rot has a host with a working factory.
Some time passes and an iterator by the name of Helix HNA (not my OC) makes a hypertumor to kill the rot. They are cured with some scars, 6GS is in shame, and quickly logs off the comms, while having occasional "seizures" where he thinks he is back in the rot again and immense pain and stuff. 6 golden stars is suffering, and thinks he deserved his collapse, so he wants noone to repair him.
Snow, on the other hand, continues on his work...
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he has administrator status now.
Something i forgot to tell you: SRSM really liked spying, and keeping his ancient colony in check. He spied on them and crushed rebellions. One time, during the RW/DW indepedence war, he got to lead an entire faction and did horrible things.
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He has that power back now.
As you would expect, he has gone full censory informationary 1984 mode.
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He gives himself a new, upgraded puppet.
After some time, 6GS keeps speaking out and SRSM is very tired about that.
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He factory resets him.
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He fixes his can, gives him new clothes, new eyes, a backdoor that allows SRSM to survay him at all times and take control of him sometimes, and a wiped memory.
Now heres the promotion for Dry World RP server you can interact with SRSMS 1984 shenanigans right now!!! https://discord.gg/9sPdSWpbue
(Also 6GS has a GF already, SRSM has no GF)
(little dark age animatic coming soon tooo!!!!!! thats right little dark age (im surprised noone has done a rain world animatic of it tho wierd))
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kinda long but uh!!! hopefully it's organized well. has every tag i frequently use, plus some info on the characters & their pronouns & stuff. yeah!!
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blog tags!
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self-explanatory tags
#ask game
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less self-explanatory tags
#personal info - don't mention this in the rp unless your character is REALLY GOOD friends with mine or is intentionally being a creep
#idle chatter - anything where they are talking in-character, even if the chatter is not so idle
#porl or #pearl - porl is for light-hearted jokey stuff, pearl is for actually important stuff
#flirting saga - an ongoing saga where everyone keeps flirting with my ocs. don't worry everyone is above the age of 18;;;
#plamt - my friends send my ocs plants
#canon bitches - any appearance by a canon rw character
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character tags!!
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the group oceanic
#fdm - first dewdrop of morning, fifth sunrise. the group's mechanic, and the first one to begin engaging in global comms. he/him, xe/xem and any other neos. [TH LINK]
#tsf - three small feathers in a lake of quills, also known as the sun famished. the group's doctor and self-appointed older brother, a bit of an annoyance but always means well. he/they. [TH LINK]
#bvqt - booming voice quiet temper, keeper of ten trillion beads. the second iterator made in this group, and the temporary mechanic until dew was built. enjoys a great deal of hobbies, but never seems to consider herself busy enough. ey/em (she/her OK). [TH LINK]
#rfads -
#fronds -
#wm - winter's monsoon. one of the older members, self-appointed as head of archival and conservation efforts. converted a majority of his can into a safe place for the animals that lived on the surface before it became so harsh. he/him. [TH LINK]
#upsilon / #cock - large cylindrical object with two oblong orbs, AKA countless origins, clear kin. made along with winter and is in a romantic relationship with him, he frequently makes different paints for the members of his group to use on themselves. a bit hedonistic, sometimes fails to consider others' emotions, but beneath it all is a very kind person who cares deeply about his friends and family. he/him. [TH LINK]
#goldy / #grp - a golden rock within a pebble. head of zoology since quiet stepped down. easily excitable, and because of that has negative reputation with the aquanaughts. she/her. [TH LINK]
#tablets / #tabby / #apis - an unbroken treeline surrounding the monastery of twelve or more tablets. co-head of zoology, the one who does the most field work. made the official Which Problematic Iterator Would Date You Quotev Quiz and is heading creation for the second version she/her. [TH LINK]
#gamma - sound of certain winters. not appearing here but imporant nontheless. she/her. [TH LINK]
#bobbins - Invention of Billions and Holder of Few, Bobbin-holding Seamstress of the North-East, Witness Provoked, Walking Tile, Iota of Needless Keratin. a puppet without a superstructure, made to test more versatile puppets for what later became group oceanic. was let go and aimlessly wandered for a very long time before eventually coming across a city built on an iterator. he and the iterator became friends as he lived on her superstructure amongst the ancients, being gifted many titles due to how much he gave to his community. he escaped the great ascension, fearing what might happen if he tried to join the others, and began once more to roam the land. leeching off of the communications of iterators to continue speaking to his friend, he eventually came across the group oceanic - leeching off of their comms alerted quiet, who threatened him and then offered him a place to stay. any pronouns, prefers he/him. [TH LINK]
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misc. others
#ts - thirty-seven silvers, my walking puppet / iterator sona. hes dating moonie & my partner's sona & that's kinda it for him tbh! check out my pronouny ! and here's a link to my sona list
#mc - models of clay. an old iterator whose can collapsed, sending half of it into the void sea. before that, he simply worked on the great problem, later taking care of two slugcats who stumbled across his can while trying to find a safe place to live. isn't sure how he can still access global comms. he/him. [TH LINK]
#counter - some weirdo who really, really likes garbage worms. he/they/it. [TH LINK]
#SL - from clay's group
#LIE - also from clay's group
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anomalouscorvid · 1 year
oh yeah that reminds me i had a rw dream last night. except only sort of related. it was about an old flash game (sort of like ones made in around 2010, i'd say?), apparently inspired by rw in regards to aesthetic (yes that doesn't work out when you consider that rw was released in 2017, but it was a dream, so.)
it was mostly a dream about exploring through a spaceship thing that was floating in the sky (very specifically in the sky, not actually in space, but also very definitely a spaceship), the insides of which looked kind of like the part of 5p/lttm with the five urges murals. some of the deeper, less city-ish parts of the ship looked more like the insides of 5p/lttm, too, just, like. lighter/duller, somehow. and also following the general colour scheme. lots of beige and dull green and gold
said ship also had, like. a city in it. which apparently had few enough people for almost everyone to know each other existed, but enough people for people to assume that someone unfamiliar is just from a part of the 'city' they haven't been to. (<- that was almost the precise wording used in the dream)
the people living in the city were just, like. rw ancients in terms of clothing and aesthetics. and also hair. but they were humans with ordinary dark human skin tones, not the dark grey/blue seen in rw ancients, also there were no masks anywhere. piercings were important, and each family had their own way/style of body piercings
for some reason the main character of the game looked distinctly like my own oc, z-747, but more human. that fact wasn't relevant at all, except for the fact that he was fairly unusual visually compared to the others who lived in the city, and he had just randomly woken up existing in the spaceship and didn't know anything about it.
the spaceship was also Very Dangerous to get through, lots of rooms where you had to just fling the character across the room (??? somehow) to avoid ? robot-things ? which looked more like the ancients in the rw murals than the people in the city did. but also it was hard to tell when the character died, because the only visual indicator was that he just ragdolled, but also he ragdolled in zero gravity anyway.
there were little critters like a combination of neuron flies and inspectors (they just were like that, idk) that looked like this. you could touch them to gather them and learn more about the spaceship, this was the main goal and how completion percentage was measured, but also if you'd alerted enemies in the room to your presence then these things became hostile instead. and you couldn't know for certain because all that happened with that was that they instead killed the character instantly upon contact
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i managed to get 100% first try in my first time playing it in the dream, but then i learnt that the real completion percentage actually went up to 1200%. ??
yeah the dream was more vibes than anything. still woke up thinking "oh swag i should tell people on rw tumblr about this :) wait. nvm it wasn't real"
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So, one of the W&S engines bit the dust when James arrived? What else can we know about them? Are any still kicking?
(houseboat sent in another ask apologizing for forgetting my W&S gang, but that's okay, because I don't necessarily consider characters I made up for storytelling purposes "canon"! this ask was in response to that post about early RWS headcanons, where I call it "headcanons" but honestly I'm really trying to wrestle with actual canon and make it "make sense")
So even in my most self-indulgent, escapist headcanon, the W. & S. four in my fics are all now scrapped. It was a their-choice, death-with-dignity sort of thing. They had never been super-impressed with the future (also, this was before the N.W.R.'s maintenance budget became the massive financial marvel that it would later become, and being alive—much less steaming up and working!—had come to bloody hurt). #4 went on quite some while, reluctant to make a decision; she was still in storage even when BoCo first arrived (Edward would shunt her outside for sunlight and company every fine day because you know he did). But, frankly, she was very lonely by then. James's brief tenure on the line offered her and her dirty-old-lady instincts a welcome second wind, but even if he had stayed, she would have drooped again; she never could get over missing the other three. She was finally serene on the day she "departed." (She roped Myron into being with her to watch the sun set over the harbor. Yes, if you're wondering, he was indeed always pretty terrified of her.)
However, my OCs kind of blew by that whole perscription of they were all 0-6-0Ts, which is almost the only thing the Awdrys ever gave us about them. And, unlike you ;) I rather enjoy trying to stay within the parameters of canon.
So I treat my own OCs as non-canonical.
But 0-6-0Ts, huh. The oft-kicked-about idea of Billy and Charlie having been W. & S. engines is so cursed and I can't get rid of it, fml. In fact, in that HC post, I had been this close to putting in that the "early" stories that Thomas and Edward contributed to the Thin Clergyman's collection (which he never published, due to the board thinking they were Not Very On Brand) were later adapted by the TVS writers into "Don't Be Silly, Billy" and "Charlie and Eddie."
Well, not adapted. Loosely inspired by.
William had been the old station pilot at Wellsworth; at one point (one point—never again!) he was sent to Vicarstown teach Thomas the ropes, and ol' Billy just wouldn't admit that he didn't know the first damn thing without having the old stationmaster around to micromanage him. Thomas soon sort of... figured it out, though. It became... obvious. Thomas did ignore the warning signs, however, when they were given a chance to double-head a goods train. It was Thomas's dream in life! He kept his mouth shut and got on that train! Even when William scoffed at the idea that they had to top off first! Whatever! Let's gggooooo!
They had to be rescued by the Midland 2511 loaner, and Thomas didn't get another chance to take a train for six years. By that point William had been scrapped and, I'm sorry to say, the only response from Thomas (whom, you must recall, had till then never known anything but the rather dysfunctional atmosphere at early Vicarstown) was "good riddance."
Charles was by far the friendliest and happy-go-luckiest of the W. & S. lot, and he had good fun hazing the new young recruit from the mainland. Edward had never before done any work besides taking passengers, and, very earnest about following all advice to the letter, he fell for every single practical joke going. It was pretty funny, until Charlie hid the then young-railway's only saloon coach so that Edward wouldn't be able to find it for an important directors' shindig, but then Charlie got mixed up and couldn't find the damned thing either.
The subsequent double chewing-out by then-C.M.E. Hatt probably single-handedly explains why his doctor then ordered him to not exert himself again. Ever. He nearly keeled over right in the middle of this bawling-out.
The poor saloon remained lost for the next eleven months. She was recovered from an overgrown old spur with substantial water damage, cursing Charlie's name.
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literally a loredump about my main oc, Hecktor.
backstory, origins of traits, etc etc under the cut
Hec: first it was a human design of RW Hector from way back when i first got into the fandom. then i was desperately searching through my old art for a design and there it was. boom. Only change I made was making his eyes green instead of orange. that was after i made like 20 of the rock designs and wasnt happy with it, thinking that the character was too inhuman to be taken seriously, so i felt like i had to add some illness in there with it. aka now hes an alcoholic and he has attachment issues (which the latter ties in with him being, well, yknow, a dog. ofc he's gonna get attached.) and the alcoholic part is actually based off of my dad, which is funny. he's been an alcoholic for waaay longer than i can remember, and it really sticks with me because I've been scared of the stuff my whole life, so i decided yknow what? no! i'm not gonna be scared anymore. so in all honesty i made my oc an alcoholic to help me overcome my fear of alcohol. (same thing goes for Eiure and his smoking; but i will elaborate on that when i do the Eiure lore dump.) I've also projected on Hec a LOT. so, honestly, most of the mental illness is projection haha-
Anyways, Hec is in fact a version of RW Hector (YES. THE DOG.) His ongoing goal is to find Kel, the real Kel, not the fake zombie-like ones made by Orange Joe. and, he will go MEASURES to find him, including making an ENTIRE UNDEAD ARMY of these KELs.
Since getting attached to the others, though, he's had a constant struggle with staying alive, and then, finding out he can be BROUGHT BACK AGAINST HIS WILL directly AFTER HE KILLED HIMSELF just broke him entirely. He's unsure about a lot of stuff because all of his trust and care he tries to put into his friendships.
His girlfriend has caused so many of his problems.
She has given him trust issues, a fear of being attached, a constant haunting feeling of not being enough plus juet general anxiety, as well as the thought that literally all of his friends seem to hate her, (which he still thinks is true, despite everyone slowly warming up to her) due to the murder plan that lasted literal seconds. (Thanks, Lotus.) He also feels like he's not doing enough to protect everyone due to everyone having so many problems of their own, and so he's just been bottling- and just because he's inhuman doesn't mean that it's any better for him. It's just made him so much worse to the point he's relying on alcohol and being around the others to be happy.
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feigeroman · 3 years
Thomas Headcanons: Thomas
For anyone who’s wondering about the seemingly random order in which I’m sharing my headcanons and OCs, the reason is this: I have a folder full of Word documents about all 110 engines (80 steam, 30 diesel) in my NWR roster, and basically what I’ve done is sort them out by file size, from largest to smallest. Obviously I’ve written more about some than about others, so this introduces a mostly random element to how I share them here.
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Thomas is in fact the LBSCR's original 106, built in September 1915, but immediately requisitioned by the War Department to aid in the construction of the NWR. When this was completed, it's likely that Thomas should have been sent back to Brighton. However, it was soon discovered that in his absence, the LBSCR had already built a replacement 106 - presumably they thought Thomas would be in such a state when they got him back, that they'd effectively be building a new engine anyway!
As in canon, Thomas ended up staying on Sodor permanently after the War, partly for the above reason, but mostly because his crew had settled down and married local girls. Their names were Annie and Clarabel, and both happened to get on well with Thomas. So when Thomas took charge of the Ffarquhar branch in 1925, he wanted to give names to his new coaches, and simply picked those of his crew’s wives.
This was actually one of the first headcanons I ever shared on this blog. See that post here.
As with Percy’s facade of simple-mindedness, the reasons for Thomas’ own personality changes may run deeper than most people think. I think it’s worth exploring the rough chronology of such changes, and seeing if we can figure out some in-universe reasoning for them:
First of all, Thomas arrived keen to please, a little cheeky, but ultimately determined to work hard. To be fair to him, he had been thrown in the deep end as soon as he’d arrived: Having to help build the NWR during a period of war, and then having to help run it during a period of uncertainty. With that sort of trial by fire, you can hardly blame him for not knowing how to give anything less than 100%. And when he teases the other engines, it’s almost always because he can’t conceive of anyone else giving less than their all.
Thomas’ first notable change comes after he takes charge of the Ffarquhar branch. Obviously gaining his own line gives him a slightly inflated sense of self-importance, but it also gives him something to channel all that I Must Give 110% Or Else The Entire Railway Will Collapse energy.
This is later followed by what @mean-scarlet-deceiver​ delightfully calls Thomas’ Mid-Life Crisis. With the pressures of war, the uncertainty of Nationalization, and the encroaching threat of bus competition, Thomas all but cracks at this point. Starting with his snowplough tantrum in 1947, and coming to a head with his breakfast incident in 1960, this is Thomas at his most childish and arrogant so far.
Incidentally, check out MSD’s post on this subject. They’re much better at this sort of psychoanalysis than I am.
Following the breakfast incident, Thomas mostly calms down and gets his shit together. It’s probably at this point that he realizes how high he’s let his own standards become, and that if he keeps trying to meet them, he’s never going to be satisfied. He still remains an arrogant little sod, but he’s finally learning to cut loose and enjoy himself.
Starting in the early 70s (i.e. from around S5 onwards), Thomas’ various past personalities all gradually find a balance they can all work with, as he starts becoming more relaxed, open-minded, call it what you will. Basically happy medium between his RWS/early-TVS personality, and the kids’ TV role model protagonist he became in later series.
Thomas is established to be pretty famous in-universe, both in the RWS and the TVS. He enjoys the fame, of course, but he can’t help but feel confused at how it’s endured for so long. Sure, it made sense with the books, as steam was still a regular feature on BR at the time. But the television series came out in an age of HSTs, Inter-City, and anonymous diesel engines - and yet it was massively popular! Most kids watching had likely never seen a steam engine before, so why did they latch onto it? Fortunately, Thomas doesn’t let this paradox worry him - he’s just glad that even in the modern age, steam still has a place in people’s hearts.
Apart from Annie & Clarabel, Thomas also has his very own brake van - an ex-Southern Pillbox by the name of Beverley. A fairly quiet and easygoing type, she has no great desire to explore the world beyond the confines of the railway. Like most brake vans, Beverley is also sensible and conscientious, and if trouble ever befalls Thomas and his trucks - as it often does - you can be sure that she'll be on hand to sort things out or suggest solutions to problems.
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So recently i say this ask made by @moon-sugar and i really liked the idea. But i haven't anybody who'll be interested in those besides me... And i thought for a long time and decided "oh, f*ck it, I will answer everything myself and write the answers on all my OCs at once". Just because I need to save all this information somewhere and because it was fun to do.
P.S. English not my native language so... there will be mistakes here. I'm sorry for that.
1. What's their name and how do they look?
Levi Langford: black short hair and light blue eyes, 5′10′’
Richard “Dick” Watson: dark brown short hair and dark green eyes, 6′1′’
Ilene Lawson: black shoulder lenght hair and gray-blue eyes, 5′11′
Heather O’Neal: ginger long wavy hair and dark blue eyes, 5′5′’
2. Why did they join the police?
LL: to put his mind to use
RW: had a rather rebellious youth, it was either the police force or jail time
IL: to use scientific skills
HO: wanted to help people
3. How did they get the promotion to detective and what do they think about it?
LL: didn't really want it, but wasn't going to turn it down when offered
RW: wasn't surprised by the promotion; wanted it
IL:  worked hard to get it
HO: was so excited for the promotion, though wasn't expecting it
4. Can they handle blood/gore?
LL: yes but with effort
RW: yes without problem at all
IL: yes, has a scientific approach to it
HO: no, it scares her; but if it is necessary to investigate the crime scene, she will do so as befits
5. How are they with people?
LL: polite but tries to stay aloof, sometimes very sarcastic
RW: likes to flirt and joke, very sarcastic but doesn't let people get too close to him, strict with subordinates
IL: very polite but strict, sometimes could get really shy, speaks little in general, difficult to find a common language with others, doesn't understand most of jokes
HO: the soul of any company, laughs and jokes a lot, very nice to everyone
6. What's their relationship to Bobby?
LL: ex-boyfriend; annoying jackass who betrayed
RW: ex-boyfriend; irritatingly arousing, so it’s hard to be around him sometimes
IL: ex-boyfriend; the past is the past, and have no issue with him now 
HO: ex-boyfriend; not thinking about him much but upset about how they broke up
7. Who is their Love Interest and why?
LL: Adam; at first he was attracted by his deep eyes, and then he was curious what kind of person he was. In the end, he suddenly realized that he had a crush on him and was terrified of how one person could annoys so much and be liked in the same time
RW: Mason; come on, he's hot like hell! Then he realized that he's at very ease next to him (when they both not aroused), and for the first time in many years he is ready to trust somebody; partially sees their similarity
IL: Nate; he’s sweet and nice, good looking and makes her smile again; has brains and knows how to use it. And... brains is the new sexy
HO: Felix; he is just a ray of sunshine in that boring world, funny, handsome and very, very naively cute, what she didn't saw for a long time and this sincerity captivates her
8. What's their relationship with their mom like? How did it change?
LL: they didn't meet often, but he's always enjoy seeing her;
relationships remains the same 
RW: they are close but unfortunately didn't see each other often, he tried to be her support instead of father but miserably failed it, in the end brought only more worry;
their relationship gets even better but sometimes he gets offended because she doesn't say anything about his father
IL: they always had a tense relationship;
she tries as hard as she can but doesn't know what to do, so it doesn't work 
HO: they always been very close;
she's very angry at the end and offended because of lying, that's why she's pushes her mother off
9. What do they think of the supernatural?
LL: from time to time thinks that this is all a dream, but doesn’t see this as a problem; treats new information about supernaturals with caution
RW: still confused but intrigued a little
IL: it makes the little explorer inside of her wake up, wants to know more about supernatural world
HO: just excited and wants to know as much as possible
10. How well did they handle the reveal that the supernatural exists?
LL: confused but tried to think logically and the evidence was undeniable, so accepting at the end
RW: very confused but couldn't do anything about it, therefore, accepting
IL: accepting and very interested from the scientific point of view
HO: excited because from childhood days she believed that it was true and now she found evidence of this
11. Do they have any tattoos/ piercings?
LL: no
RW: yes, tattoos - one on the left wrist, the second closer to the intimate part; pierced left ear, but doesn’t wear piercing a long time
IL: yes, pierced ears
HO: yes, pierced ears and cartilage
12. What is their highest (professional) stat and why?
LL: Deduction/Knowledge - he was always looking for a logical explanation for everything he encountered and over time it became a part of his life
RW: Combat - from a young age he got into fights, had to learn how to defend himself and how to attack too
IL: Science/Tech - she was always interested in biology and chemistry, since she believed that these two sciences answered to most of her questions
HO: People - she is compassionate, empathic and loves to help and listen people; understands the psychology on a subconscious level
13. What's their opinion of the Mayor?
LL: could've been better
RW: rich douchebag
IL: annoying but needs to be worked with
HO: a potentially good person if you find the right approach to him
14. Do they get along with Tina and Verda?
LL: yes with both but mostly with Verda
RW: good friends with Tina but keeps away from Verda if it possible because they are too different, but respects him 
IL: only with Verda because both share a love to science
HO: yes with both but mostly with Tina because she’s her BFF
15. What do they think of Unit Bravo? How has that changed throughout the story?
LL: UB in general - they annoyed him much, at the end they become his teammates which he’s annoyingly fond of;
Adam - Levi was going crazy because of his stubbornness, fell in love at the end;
Nate - just a nice guy, savior at the end!!! Because if it's not him then Levi definitely would've shot Adam again because it'll not kill him, but it was make things easier;
Mason - walking angry casanova; at the end a very loyal team member and surprisingly became a friend;
Felix - a dark horse because for a long time he couldn't understand what kind of person he was behind all his jokes; at the end is very cute and naive guy
RW: UB in general - a burden that for some reason imposed on him, at the end a bunch of family almost (but never admits it out loud);
Adam - strict, angry asshole, at the end - person who genuinely worried about his friends, for which he can be respected, which he does (but they still argue constantly);
Nate - “a person who smiles all the time is definitely hiding something“, at the end “TOLD YA!“ but believes that without him the team will lose something very important, brains, for example (this also applies to Dick, so they all need him);
Mason - a man that hot as hell, can distract and entertain him, who wouldn't be asking unnecessary painful questions and just... give him a necessary pleasure, at the end... well mostly that remains the same but now it becomes more personal and sometimes that even scary, but now he wants to try to go further and let him get close (even if it is unconsciously for the most part);
Felix - a funny guy, in the end almost like a younger brother... who is older than his mother... Oh, well...
IL: UB in general - she treated them like colleagues and nothing more, at the end it was not easy, but she began to trust them and perceive them as her teammates;
Adam - a strong leader with a very difficult character, later on she began to respect him but it's a difficult for her to properly approach to him, so they have a difficult relationship;
Nate - the only one in the UB who didn't complicated her work, at the end he’s become a man she trusted and fell in love very much;
Mason - the person from whom need to stay away, surprisingly they became close friends in the end, but no one is understood how this happened;
Felix - the noisy guy whose jokes are incomprehensible, in the end, little has changed, but she began to try to understand his jokes (she still finds it difficult)
HO: UB in general - difficult people with strong characters, later on the best team that she saw;
Adam - a difficult person who is very difficult to approach, at the end a person who is much more vulnerable on the inside than he wants to appear and he's appears like that when he frowns (note for herself - don't mess up with him in those moments);
Nate - a very nice person, at the end he’s still a very nice person;
Mason - a little scary, in the end he's turned out to be the one who barks but doesn't bite (at least he didn't bite her), a good friend of her alomost;
Felix - a cinnamon bun! At the end he’s still a cinnamon bun, which she adores much, loves his laugh and voice, the one who could light up the light for her in this world
16. Do they have any pets?
LL: no, not interested
RW: no, but as a child he had a dog
IL: no, likes cleanliness in the house, and with animals it’s difficult to maintain
HO: no, she’s allergic
17. What are their hobbies?
LL: writing, reading   
RW: singing, playing guitar
IL: photography
HO: drawing, cooking
18. What do they think of Douglas?
LL: a kid is a kid
RW: he has a shitty dad, but kid is good, sometimes it’s need to be stricter with him but sometimes he needs to be praised
IL: he needs a lot of discipline and then he will make a good cop
HO: poor kid, but cute, looks like a lost puppy
19. What does their apartment look like?
LL: an ordinary apartment, almost in a minimalist style in beige and gray-blue tones, with heavy monochromatic fabrics, a living room combined with a small kitchen, a minimalistic bright bathroom, an arranged window seat in the bedroom
RW: a dark spacious apartment with a minimum of decorations, a living room combined with a kitchen, one bedroom with a spacious bed (because of needs) and one bathroom, guitar stand in the corner of the living room
IL: strict restrained style in decoration in cold monochromatic colors, little excess in furniture, living room is lighter than bedroom, small kitchen and bathroom, working corner in the living room
HO: small apartment with large windows, bright and colorful with many decorations, paintings and lanterns, a bright bedroom with many pillows, a kitchen combined with a living room, a bathroom, easel in the bedroom
20. What is their personality?
LL: a little intimidating, cautious, sarcastic, stoic, stubborn, acts with mind, a little optimistic, prefers to act independently
RW: charming, almost uncontrollably impulsive, sarcasm is like a second nature, stoic, absolutely stubborn, prefers to listen to the heart but doesn't act blindly, have a very pessimistic thoughts but trying to hide it, could play with team but prefers not to
IL: an intimidating boss, very cautious, mostly genuine, absolutely undeniably stoic, sometimes could be easygoing but not always, acts only relying on mind, optimistic and most of the time is independent
HO: very charming, a little impulsive, genuine, very friendly, absolutely easygoing, acts on the call of the heart, very optimistic and absolutely team player
21. Their favourite/comfort food?
LL: pasta and lasagna
RW: junk food and meat, a lot of meat!
IL: vegetables and some sweets (guilty pleasure)
HO: almost everything except fish 
22. Do they go to the bar or stay at the station?
LL: stayed at the station (doesn't like crowded places)
RW: stayed at the station (get drink with Bobby)
IL: stayed at the station (doesn't drink)
HO: went to the bar (only because of Tina)
23. Their gender/sexuality?
LL: homosexual man
RW: bisexual man
IL: heterosexual woman
HO: bisexual woman
24. How did they handle the fight with Murphy? Did they get bitten?
LL: deduced a plan to take down Murphy, but it failed. Was not bitten
RW: joined in with the fight against Murphy — and it worked. Yes was, on the neck
IL: suggested a scientific way to take down Murphy — and it worked. Yes was, on the neck
HO: distracted Murphy by talking — and it worked. Yes was, on the wrist
25. What do they usually wear? Has that changed?
LL: blazer, trousers, and a pressed shirt. Yes it’s become more stylish    
RW: straight trousers, shirt, and a few accessories. No  
IL: straight trousers, shirt, and some jewellery. No 
HO: waistcoat, shirt, and jeans. No
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