#he really is my friend.. my friend mandricardo..
4star · 1 year
im finally done w fgo atlantis n im broken up yall. i miss the crew already.
i like that i was mostly impartial to mandricardo before playing it because i thought there was nothing more to him besides being a self deprecating guy which is. usually EXTREMELY annoying. at least for me. They really made it work though bc he actually had a personality... He made me tear up almost... I now understand that he DOES deserve to be the winner of the boyfriend poll..😭
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suns-out-sleeps-in · 10 days
Listen I like Traum(a) actually for all it's flaws and frustrating battles but why was Mandricardo not included? He's part of the paladins story and it would have been great to see Besto Friendo's dynamic with everyone as our buddy.
Mandri being cautious and protective of Ritsuka while Kadoc is around
Mandri comparing his ruling style to Vlad, Konstantinos, and Charlemagne + being an adventurer like Don Quixote which brings out ALL of his insecurities which could lead to a heartwarming moment of comforting him like Atlantis!Mandricardo did for us so they parallel each other (I'm insane I know shut up)
Someone BESIDES Mash actually being worried about us getting kidnapped like to the point of trying to run off and 'storm the castle' as it were.
I know it's brought up but Astolfo and Roland actually seeing for themselves just how different Mandri acts with us. Seeing the meeker, softer Mandricardo than the little terror that they knew and teasing him about his feelings for us making him a better person than he used to be. Very 'old friends telling embarrassing stories to their friends' crush' kinda vibes (delulu I know but let me have my Mandri/Ritsuka moment)
Mandri and Bradamante angst PLZ that would have been so good.
OMG Mandri and Roland Angst! Especially after Roland sacrifices himself and maybe Mandri is given Durendal as a result of the sacrifice? Like Roland magically gifts Mandri Durendal like Hektor did in Atlantis?! And maybe Mandri is all confused like "why do I feel like something was lost to get this?" And UGH NO I WANNA CRY 😭 THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN WAY TOO MUCH
To bring things back up we could have a sweet moment when Vlad stuns himself and telling Mandri to look after '(Y)our Master' before collapsing. I can't tell if it would be sweeter to include himself in 'our' because Ritsuka is still his Master and considers Ritsuka closer to his child than his leader or if he emphasizes the 'your' because he doesn't know if he'll survive Kazliki Bey on his own body so he focuses on Mandri because he KNOWS Mandri will do whatever it takes to keep Ritsuka safe no matter what so that could give Mandri some extra worry and responsibility because of their promise to each other, man to man, pseudo father to pseudo son in law. (Yes I KNOW I'm delulu shush)
Mandri and Charlie having a moment post reveal of knowing they would do anything to help Ritsuka as Ultimate Friend Energy
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Extra EXTRA delusional but maybe Mandri being with us when we face Kreimhild and seeing Siegfried have his romantic moment with her and we get Kadoc's disgust with Mandri's VEHEMENT embarrassment because he knows himself well enough that he would do the exact same thing if it was him and Ritsuka and just *dies* thinking of him and Ritsuka being married. (God I feel like @mako-neexu with how insane he makes me feel and that's coming from an edguda shipper but mandriguda is like my 2nd fave)
WAIT NO I'M SO INSANE ABOUT THIS but as Siegfried is rizzing up Kreimhild and explains to Kadoc and Mandri that Ritsuka knew if Kreimhild didn't immediately die Siegfried would fight with her against them, Mandri questions Ritsuka about it and a dialogue option could be 'wouldn't you do the same for the one you loved?' which insta-kills Mandri's sanity because he imagines Ritsuka(either F or M) in wedding attire (new mystic code maybe? hahaha jk not really) ((Habetrot Bride Senses LOCKED IN)) which spirals into domestic married life with Ritsuka until he finally gets triple-killed at the idea of Ritsuka saying 'i love you'.
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It would be infinitely funnier if in the ensuing battle if you choose Mandri as a support or use your own that he has a 1 turn stun debuff of Charm until he kicks into gear in the 2nd turn and gets an unremovable strength buff for the rest of the fight. He could even have a little battle banner thing that basically says "Sorry Master! I got distracted! I'm good to go now!" before he dispels the charm stun and gains the strength buff for even more delusional hilarity.
The whole thing with Holmes and Moriarty at the end and maybe seeing Angry Mandri? Like he knows how much Holmes means to Ritsuka and Mash and once Holmes falls he turns to Moriarty and just full on rages at him. Oh I'd cry but it'd be so cathartic and good.
Also I know Moriarty is basically dying at the point but having someone besides Mash as a servant when we are at the bunker and basically just silently (or not 🤭) seething at Moriarty. Like literally a 'one wrong move and I kill you' kinda Angry Mandri idk if that's too ooc but God I would kill for that.
Funny thing is I started writing this as a confession to @grandorderconfessions before realizing I had too many thoughts about it so it's become it's own post. Like I said at the beginning I still enjoyed Traum for what it is but it did confuse me why it was focused on the paladins but Mandricardo was only briefly mentioned by Roland and Astolfo during the gala scene.
Just one girl's bonkers delusions of potential romance between the last hope for humanity and a sopping wet cat of a servant (affectionate).
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fledbeast578 · 13 days
alright, alright, be a proper hater this time. 9, 10, 24 and 25
9. worst part of canon
Worst part of canon is all the bs explanations they do to try and justify why a servant isn't able to be summoned. "Oh Antonio Salieri isn't famous enough to be summoned!" "There's no mystery with Thomas Edison, he'd be a phantom spirit!"
10. worst part of fanon
I think the part I hate most are the fate stay night superfans. Yes fsn is really good, arguably my favorite entry even. But holy shit there are a few blogs absolutely obsessed with it, and every other post is ranting about how fsn is the best thing to grace the other, and how all the other fate stuff is possible and will never come close to the light that is stay night.
On the other side of the hand, I hate how much people try to make Guda special. They have to be summoned as a savior class servant or whatever, they have to be the only one who can calm down avenger class servants, they have to be the most specialist protagonist.
Another thing I hate is what I like to call "Trauma-Scaling", which is something that I've found to be relatively exclusive to fate. People will argue ad nauseam about how Shirou had the roughest childhood, or how mentally ill and traumatized Ritsuka is (Completely ignoring Vinci, Mash, etc THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN THERE WITH THEM, noooo it has to be Ritsuka with the ptsd, it has to be ritsuka who's summoned as the avenger/berseker class servant. I've seen it done well in a non cringy way once, and it was with a Gudako x Phantom comic.), and as soon as I saw the discussion start with Iori too I rolled my eyes. People genuinely seem to think what makes a good character is how traumatized they are.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Any discussion on who 'deserves' to be summoned as a servant, because it's like talking to a brick wall. Objectively, a servant being famous does not matter, from a watsonian perspective they might say it does, but it simply doesn't, the writers will add whoever they want to add. Ffs Mandricardo didn't even have a wikipedia page before he was in fgo, and people tell me THOMAS EDISON is objectively not able to be summoned in fate, and he wasn't just made the way he was because a writer thought it sounded cool.
Lu Bu is someone people are surprisingly really annoying about to, since people parrot that line about him being too dangerous to summon as any class but berserker. THIS IS IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT WE HAVE SUMMONED LIKE 12 AVENGER CLASS SERVANTS, WHOSE ENTIRE SHTICK IS SUPPOSED TO BE WANTING TO KILL HUMANITY, yet someone people can't fucking fathom us just summoning Lu Bu Rider as a rogue servant and becoming friends with him or whatever.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I am sick and tired of people saying that main characters and their servants are 'slept on' and are 'hated by the devs' because they aren't in every other event. Like motherfucker play Fate/Extra, play Fate/Stay Night (Or read the 10 or so spin-offs that have the exact same characters), these characters have an unbelievable amount of spotlight, quit bitching just because they didn't put Tamamo as the main character in fgo.
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madillhethen · 2 years
Rising out of the grave to say that I finished Atlantis (not Olympus yet) but despite how great I felt it was with the adventure, the friends and it being more on line with a Classical Greek adventure and servant oriented—Lostbelt 1 still remains my favorite.
LB1 just had something that was both new and fascinating, on top of it focusing on our rebel army, the servants and the world itself along. So it just felt more balanced in my opinion. The rest of the Lostbelts aren’t bad (and Atlantis was great) but it feels like they focused more on one area and shoved the others—like many times they were just ‘this world is problematic so let’s focus on this area. Even though Ivan had less interaction with his own LB due to him being asleep, it almost feels like the Kings in later LBs get more and more detached from their world,
Which for me makes it hard to buy ‘this Lb should survive’ when the King doesn’t have much to do with it.
But Atlantis was amazing because we met so many servants and I actually came to like Orion and Artemis despite them being one of my biggest gripes with portrayal in FGO. Also despite that some servants appeared for so little the impact they had were huge and I really loved that theme cause with the gods being ‘oh so mighty and important’ the human side was giving the message of ‘we’re not them but it doesn’t mean we matter less’ like Drake not even joining the adventure but it coming full circle with her and Poseidon, and God. Hektor’s part was probably my favorite besides Mandricardo.
He came at his greatest enemy’s behest, said what he needed to say and then used his weapon to defend us—the exact weapon that was the reason Rho Aias was created!!! (If y’all don’t know Aias the Great created the shield to defend against Durindana—Hektor’s Lance, the original Durandal—hence the scene of Archer and Cu’s fight replicating that). Mandricardo though, he was easily the reason the LB shone the most and till the end he was our friend. Jason was also really great, and I really love him and I’m glad they redeemed him. I remember being so disappointed with his portrayal in Okeanos.
Anyways the entire Argonauts were just amazing, and I think who actually made it better was Guda—you could see his growth from LB1 to now which I’m actually disappointed that it was not given to Mash… Mash a lot of the times came stagnate or just there to cockblock Corday…
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strangefellows · 1 year
oh if you want servants specifically though then Karna, Da Vinci, Tristan, David, Mordred, Ushiwakamaru, Jeanne (all flavors), Diarmuid, Nursery Rhyme, Frankenstein, and Mandricardo
First impression
Karna: Oh! More Indian servants! He's pretty.
Tristan: Oh, Tristan and Isolde guy, I know him-- wait what the fuck (spoken bc Camelot)
Mordred: I....I love....what a design....what a personality....
Ushiwakamaru: After having flashbacks to Shishiwakamaru in YYH, I was like oh...horse girl!
Jeanne: Oh! Joan of Arc, hello girl you're pretty!
Diarmuid: Oh another Irish hero? Who are you? [looks him up] ...oh your poor bastard.
Frankenstein: Oh, gorl? OH, CUTE.
Mandricardo: Who is this sad lump of self-deprecation and why is he our friend, also what the fuck is Orlando Furioso?
Impression now
Karna: I kinda love him? He's a delight and so off kilter sometimes it's sweet, he's so sincere too, what a guy.
Da Vinci: Literally the best wine aunt a protagonist could have, I miss her, but also babyvinci is adorable.
Tristan: What a moron (affectionate). He's cute, though, I love his hair, what pretty hair.
David: LMAO TWINKLORD, but also boyyyy are you okay buddy? How's it been since Temple, you good?
Jeanne: She's...pretty! And can be funny! I don't have too many strong opinions about Ruler Jeanne but I'm sure when I finish Apocrypha I'll have more.
Diarmuid: Oh, you poor sweet bastard, you deserved so much better. I like Cu better in regards to Irish Lancers, but this poor man needs a vacation. I like him.
Nursery Rhyme: BABEY X100, precious angel, darling girl.
Frankenstein: DAUGHTER!!! Tho again, need to finish Apocrypha, but as I do know Caules from Case Files, I'm glad he's her Master, he's a good kid.
Favorite moment
Karna: Him and Jinako's interactions, always. Him and Jinako in LB4. Him vs Godjuna in LB4. Him being an absolute dingus in events, what a sweet no braincells boy.
Da Vinci: Probably her dramatics in Camelot, but also she's just really great in general, what a gal.
Tristan: His fight with Barghest in the beginning of LB6 was absolutely fucking gold, that was the coolest goddamn shit.
David: Specifically his ultra hardcore amazing finale/death scene in the Turas Realta manga Okeanos chapter, good god.
Mordred: So far, his part in LB3 was absolutely incredible and I just love him in general, but I think what's coming when I finish Apocrypha is going to blow all of it out of the water easily.
Ushiwakamaru: Her confrontation with Gorgon in Babylonia, specifically the anime version where it adds the little nursery rhyme Ritsuka taught her as she goes down and it made me sob like a little girl, but also the scene where Ritsuka tells her about the rhyme in the first place, that just struck me into my SOUL.
Jeanne: Again, I'll have smth definitive in Apocrypha, but right now her big damn heroes in Temple made me cry.
Jalter: Everything??? But no, her antics in Shinjuku were absolutely delightful, as was everything about the Serva*Fes Hawaii event even if I didn't manage to finish it bc it was my first event in the game.
Diarmuid: His helping Team Artoria against Gilles was really good in Zero, but oof ow ouch as well.
Nursery Rhyme: Her entire storyline in Extra destroyed me.
Frankenstein: Another "get back to me after Apocrypha", unfortunately, she's not very in focus in FGO.
Idea for a story
Karna: Listen the Mahabharata completely on its own sounds absolutely fucking insane I want to know more about Fate's version of eents.
Da Vinci: Da Vinci talk to me about your life talk to me about the Borgias, I'm going to throw the Ezio AC Trilogy at your head until you tell me your version of all of that stuff.
Tristan: Again, my kingdom for KOTR back when they were alive shenanigans, what was that fucking castle LIKE.
Mordred: See Tristan's entry, but also just...I want to explore his relationship with his siblings more, Gawain and Gareth etc.
Ushiwakamaru: We've pretty well explored her backstory, so let's have some fun Chaldea shenanigans!
Jeanne: I don't have very many ideas here >>
Jalter: I want her to interact with more Servants, I want her to interact with the other Avengers, I want her to interact with everyone, I love her lots.
Nursery Rhyme: Her dialogues for other people + other people's at her is so fascinating, I want to see what she gets up to daily in Chaldea. Also an Alice in Wonderland pastiche with other Servants as the characters would be fucking rad.
Frankenstein: Let this girl TALK for five minutes please. Let her have a chance to be more like the monster in the book and vocalize her trauma and desires beyond grunts and noises.
Mandricardo: Just good times with our friend, please. Though he deserves to talk to the Paladins and have a crisis or three.
Unpopular opinion
Karna: I don't have enough opinions ON him XD
Da Vinci: IDK man I just love her a lot. ARE there unpopular opinions?
Tristan: Little bitch boy (affectionate) but IDK again I don't know FGO fandom as well.
David: I do feel sorry for him given the Son situation but also I'm going to toss him off a cliff for his shit in Okeanos.
Ushiwakamaru: I like her normal outfit just fine, though I also like the edited less revealing ones too. She looks fine yall.
Jeanne: ....she's kinda boring, sorry XDDDD
Jalter: I like her more as a tsundere weirdo friend of ours than I did as the EVIL ANGRY VILLAIN in Orleans
Diarmuid: None here! He's a good boy. OH WAIT I don't think his comedy duo shenanigans with Fionn are funny, Fionn needs to leave him alone.
Nursery Rhyme: shrug emoji
Frankenstein: uhhhhhhhh
Mandricardo: nope!
Favorite relationship
Karna: Him and Jinako fucks me up so hard, I'm so glad she has Karna.
Da Vinci: Da Vinci and Roman were adorable, wine aunt and neurotic dad. I also love her relationships with Gordy and Sherlock.
Tristan: The KOTR Idiot Trio is delightful. Look at these idiots, no braincells, all stupid, what a bunch of dorks.
David: I love me some complicated father/son relationships!
Mordred: See above lmfao. Artoria and Mordred Good, but also OH MY GOD HIM AND KAIRI ????? KAIRI DAD MODE?????
Ushiwakamaru: Her and Benkei is sweet NGL.
Jeanne: So far in Apocrypha her and Sieg are cute friends.
Jalter: Jalter and Salter should kiss.
Diarmuid: His mutual respectful admiration with Artoria makes me smile every time, not gonna lie.
Nursery Rhyme: Her and Alice, I WEEP. But her and the other littles in Chaldea are always precious.
Frankenstein: Her and Caules, her and Mordred.
Mandricardo: MY FRIEND MY FRIEND MY FRIEND [yells] but also GOD I want to see him interact with Roland and the other Paladins.
Favorite headcanon
Karna: I don't have any real headcanons for him...Jinako taught him to play very simple video games. He likes Candy Crush.
Da Vinci: Well she's obviously transfemme. But like, it's not even a headcanon so much, she was SO probably fucking half of Florence way back when.
Tristan: Not sure about headcanons! But he's definitely somehow the sluttiest of the KOTR Idiot Trio.
David: Local man cries in his room for an hour after Temple. Local man also possibly has a physical fight with Ozy on religious grounds at some point too. I saw him fucking roast Ozy in a fic once and it was glorious.
Mordred: He's 100% transmasc and only uses she/her still because he doesn't quite get he can just....not use those anymore. He and Caenis bond over similar situations. He has a little scar on his face.
Ushiwakamaru: Not entirely ABOUT her, but for my Fujimaru, she told Ushiwaka her late little brother used to love her and sing that rhyme, and that bit from the anime def happened.
Jeanne: I don't really have many?
Jalter: She and my Fujimaru fucked at least once, after Shinjuku. She has burn scars all over her body.
Diarmuid: Poor boy might actually be a very repressed gay, or at least very very asexual. Save him.
Nursery Rhyme: The entirety of Chaldea unanimously loves her, and she's a comfort to the human staff sometimes, who she visits and sits with to help them get some mental relief sometimes.
Frankenstein: One of the less shy staff members is teaching her and anyone who wants to learn ASL! Yay, ease of communication!
Mandricardo: Man's a Saracen he's darker than the game makes him look. You wouldn't know it to look at him but he can hold his liquor extremely well and can drink most people under the table.
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raliciel · 3 years
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also hint of Mandri lily
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undyinglantern · 3 years
it's kinda funny, really. because -and i've mentioned this a few times over the years so this is nothing new but- one time in high school my friends and i were just chilling, sitting in a circle on the floor (in the shade) after the day of classes had ended, and i can distinctly remember one of the guys mentioning how he wants to rattle my brain and know what i'm thinking about (or something along those lines), and he even gestured in the air like he was shaking my shoulders. and i finally understand now what that feeling is like, with mandricardo.
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radiantresplendence · 4 years
ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ - Boss Notes
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So, Covid 19 and other Covid-related activities have kept me pretty busy lately, but I have been keeping up with Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt’s new Lostbelt, The Interstellar City on a Mountain Range - Olympus: The Day a God was Shot Down. And I figured that I’d share my notes on the Demeter bossfight which has had a certain portion of the fandom calling this the biggest difficulty spike since the Camelot Singularity years ago. 
The Concept: Demeter is an unorthodox bossfight, as it requires you balancing your sustain and damage abilities without the use of a friend support. Instead, it has you locked into a forced story support in the front row of your team, a Caenis (NP5 10/10/10 thankfully) which is not optimal to say the least with the boss being a Caster and Caenis providing no team utility whatsoever. 
She has 3 health bars, with her first break bar being one of the two major danger timings of the fight, upon which she removes all party buffs and attempts to apply a 3 turn, 3 buff, buffblock to your entire party. 
The second breakbar turns the fight into a more-standard damage test, granting her a 150k guts and healing over time at the cost of randomly sealing her active skills at the start of her turn. 
The key to the fight is finding some balance between the damage required to kill her on her last legs and the sustain required to survive her two most dangerous timings. I should also note that she does fairly heavy area of effect damage with her normal attacks, making some degree of sustain strongly recommended for success at this fight.
The Struggle: Demeter has 3 actives skills that she likes to cycle through in a predictable rotation. On turn 1, she uses Earth’s Authority that gives her an effect similar to Tamamo’s Transformation skill on steroids. The defense buff is so potent, that unless you remove it, you will likely do negligible damage to the boss on your second turn. 
On turn 2, she will use Mourning Mother to give herself a 3 bar NP charge and a one-turn attack up. This skill isn’t dangerous now, but she will repeat it on her first action on turn 6, granting herself an immediate NP modified by the attack increase. This is the other danger timing of the bossfight, as her NP will likely do enough damage to kill your entire front line if you are not prepared. 
On turn 4, she will cast Mother’s Authority to remove any debuffs you’ve applied to her, give herself a one-turn single debuff immunity and heal herself for 25k. This discourages typical stalling strategies during any phase of the fight, but really isn’t terribly problematic. 
After turn 4, she’ll repeat her skill rotation, casting Earth’s Authority on turn 5 and Mourning Mother on turn 6. Followed by (I believe) a normal turn then repeating the established rotation. I am unsure exactly how her self skill seal on the third bar interacts with the rotation, whether it pauses it or simply skips the skill for the current turn. Either way, if you plan to be successful, you should be focusing on damage over party sustain to offset her healing at that point. 
Her Noble Phantasm is nothing terribly interesting, it deals heavy area of effect damage and applies a max health debuff. 
What Works: Caenis tends to die fairly early unless you go out of your way to keep her alive, something I wouldn’t recommend. As far as I’m concerned, her primary purpose is to apply as many attack debuffs as possible using her second skill to Demeter on turn 3, before Demeter uses her first NP. Then she is to die and be replaced by someone more suited to the fight. I’d recommend not even using Caenis’s defensive skill to ensure that she leaves the field when she needs to. 
Merlin doesn’t really help you here, as many players have learned, as his healing doesn’t effectively offset the damage that Demeter can do without a rather high NP level and his illusion magic can only mitigate one of her NPs, which in practical terms, occur once every 3 turns. She’ll also cleanse any Garden of Avalon stacks you manage to apply when you break her first bar. 
Your best bet is to use Riders over your typical support Casters, with Fragments of 2030 and defense buffs if you have them. In practice, Rider’s class advantage combined with defense buffs removes the threat of Demeter applying continuous pressure to your team, so you can focus on dealing damage when advantageous to you.
DO NOT break her first bar on turn 3 unless you want your front row completely erased. I found doing so on turn 4 much more effective as the 3 turn defense buffs that I applied turn 1 had worn off and I had a few turns before the boss could NP. 
I cleared the quest pretty easily with the following team using the Atlas mystic code. 
Caenis (support), Reines (2030), Quetzalcoatl (Victor from the Moon), Ushiwakamaru (2030), George (I don’t remember/Not Applicable), Heracles (Bond 10). 
Reines and Ushi were wiped out on the last turn, were Quetz killed the boss with a 100% crit brave chain, the last two party members didn’t even need to be there. 
Honestly, if you have Reines, she may be the best unit for this quest. I applied her defense buff turn 1, used it to mitigate almost all of the damage to herself and Quetz until it wore off, used the atlas skill haste, broke the boss’s 1st bar, and promptly reapplied Reines’ buffs. 
Through Reines’ defense buffs and Caenis’s 3 attack downs, Riders in your party will only take 5.5k or so damage from the boss’s first NP. In other words, with Reines, you don’t need to waste some form of hard protection against the boss’s fist NP and can save them for the more dangerous second NP. Realistically Quetz, Ushi, George and Herc can be replaced with whatever units you like who can effectively do damage to the boss. The Atlas mystic code can remove the boss’s buff block to make sure you can buff your damage unit when you need to. 
Alternatives to Reines: I understand that Reines is a limited SSR that due to no friend support, a lot of players won’t have access to. To that end I’ll recommend some alternatives. 
I could see using Boudica on an Arts/Rider comp with Ryouma Sakamoto and Mandricardo, so long as you’ve done some skill leveling. I can see it working much more consistently if you’ve managed to pull Da Vinci (Rider) and some good NP gain CEs. Essentially making an arts variant of the team. If you have Kintoki (Rider) I can see you paring him with Alexander for some Quick/Crit composition that exploits Rider Kintoki’s excellent generation skills and single target damage output. 
Conclusion: I really hope that this helps someone out. In my opinion, this fight is less difficult, and more requires unorthodox teambuilding from someone with a strong account to clear without the use of command spells. If you have Heracles bond 10, he can probably secure much of Demeter’s last health bar including the guts if you can make sure that he’s the only unit on the field when he comes out. 
Anyways, these are just my thoughts. If none of this works, feel free to call me out. 
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fiannalover · 4 years
fgo or dragalia for the fandom ask?
oke oke oke sooooooooo
Date: I’m trying real hard to not just say Mandricardo on both of these because he’d be reliable, we’d hit mutual “you care me so I love you” real fast, and look, he’s a cutie, so. Ok, yeah, Mandri.
Best Friend: My Kouhai has been here for me from day 1 and she’ll be here for me forever. Thank u, Mash.
Rival: This is actually really hard because I either really love or really shrugs every character here, but Jeanne Alter would fall into the job of a hotheaded but supportive rival with surprising ease.
Date: Irfan is a pretty chill partner, and honestly, it wouldn’t be that bad. We could figure out hobbies together.
Best Friend: Eugene. Introverts gotta stick together.
Rival: ... Eugene. Boardgame Rival Buddies, yay
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suns-out-sleeps-in · 10 days
Ritsuka looking for her servants when they call to her, but it's different for each
Charlie is excitedly calling and waving to her, opening his arms wide for a hug, causing her to run to him, jump into his arms, spinning around and nuzzling together. Super Cute and Fluffy 🫂(God Charlie would give great hugs I think, so warm)
Mandricardo being embarrassed thinking he disturbed them, looking away and not seeing Ritsuka barreling towards him thus he fails to catch her, sending both of them to the ground. Ritsuka is implied to be extremely affectionate towards him while Mandri is embarrassed but overwhelmingly happy, maybe even a smooch? Basically 😚😘🤭 vs. 😳😖🥴 (lipstick marks my beloved)
Oberon and Ritsuka annoying each other before they start angrily making out with each other as they fall to the ground with an exaggerated angry emoji and heart emoji. 💢 x ❤️ (🔞 ♠️👀🫣👁️👄👁️) (is this allowed? really? in front of my salad?)
CoMC teasing her by disappearing and reappearing with his shadows before cupping her face and kissing her with the softest look on his face, before the two lovingly embrace each other. 😍🤩🥰💫⭐🌟 (these two are so married it's not even funny)
I need to learn how to draw and animate this but if anyone wants to take a crack at it then PLZ tag me (plus credit plz 🥺) I know I mentioned F!Ritsuka but if you want to use M!Ritsuka it's works as well I just used she/her because I use she/her OR!! If you want to use your mastersona that's cool too! I'd love to see it! You can even use it as a template for other servants these are just the ones I'm in my feels for atm. Go nuts!
Basically the template would be;
Best Friends
For anyone that wants a simplified version.
Thanks for listening!
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yesyoumayserveme · 4 years
“Can I really make 100 Friends?!”
It’s great seeing april fools jokes for the fate series. This year also featuring ma boi Rico
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One year of high school life left.
Make some friends when you enroll! Mandricardo, who has been trying to make friends since he made his high school debut as an out-of-touch young man. Is my high school life going to end like this? Those troubled days were turned around by one word.
"Holy Grail, I want to have 100 friends by the time I graduate! Okay, then I'll put a death curse on you if you don't make 100 by the time you graduate. I'm sure you can make one with this!
You can either die without doing anything, or you can take the courage to take a step forward. Mandricardo, the shady (gloomy) Mandricardo, is about to start his last year of high school life with all his might!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
ngl I’d seriously watch this. Ganbatte my furendo!
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raliciel · 4 years
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OH MY ANON HOLD THESE and also more under the cuts
- So in this AU,  you (Gudas) is one normal student, like, super ordinary. You are not the transfer student, not at top class, just a merely person who happened to be in the class. and Mashu is the first classmate you ever interacted with.
- Your classmate’s Jason, he bullied you at your first meeting and you might hated him. but after you went though lot of hard work, it shown that he’s not that bad. Now he’s been voted for class’ leader or even one of school council. Jason is also great pal with Heracles but when you tried to talk with Heracles all he did was AHHH at you.
- Gao Changgong, he’s a Chinese who moved to Fuyuki since his first year. Perfect from outside and is a school’s inspector but lately he got kill treat from one of his brothers. Also he seem super interested in the newcomer Mandricardo because Changgong once saw him with the bad students group.
- Achilles and Hector are PE teachers and sometime seen fighting both outside and inside the school. Those two can’t get along with each other since Hector’s little brother Paris once fight with Achilles and Achilles got his legs broken, resulting in him can’t participated in a major marathon event.
- Anastasia is a pretty celeb with beautiful aesthetic. She loves selfie so much. but the thing that makes her selfie got popular is that her technique of taking one will create pictures with black aura effect around her. when people asking her about that she just does a sign “IT’S MAGIC!!”
- Charlotte Corday has been a transfer student since August. She really want to help you and everyone’s work but her skill is not that great and always overshadowed except one time she did cooking and everyone loved it.
- Mandricardo is the newcomer, he is an introvert that want friends. the reason he dress like a yankee because he though it was cool and everyone might love it but with all of those negative energy he has and his face that always look like he’s pissed, now has no friend and +1 inspector.
- Yu Miaoyi AKA that poppy teacher because her desk always has poppy bontique, said to be from history teacher Xiang Yu who’s also her husband himself.
- Henry Jekyll’s always doing great with grade and specialize in Chemistry project. There’s rumor speared among the students that he was saw covered in blood with a bat in his hand but with this rumor he hasn’t got expelled yet, so that rumor might be fake or Jekyll is too talented and the school decided to kept this rumor unrevealed.
- Chiyome pets a snake, a small dwarfs orange one I always forgot the species’ name. if you ask her she’ll said she disliked snake but this one was an exception. she even has name for it and once bringing a snake to the school.
- Another memorable mention are the Doujin artists gang: Ou’i, Jeanne Alter and Okasabehime who won’t be in the school or their house in the week the Comike event was up. They’re in the same doujin circle and also do hentai (without any teachers’s acknowledgement) and thus Houkusai, Ou’i’s father is the teacher of the school too. Did he know Ou’i is making a hentai? no but he’s also making one too.
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