#he deserves all the tummy tks ever!!!!!!
mushiewrites · 10 months
happy birthday to my baby puppy angel pie dreamie 💚
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amazingmsme · 5 months
Hannah Foster tk hcs? Cuz i love her bond with Lex and Ethan omfg
I absolutely love her omg she deserves to catch a fucking break! High key relate to her as a kid who could See Shit & Sense Things growing up
Lex & Hannah had a ton of tickle fights growing up, & Lex made sure to let her win sometimes to be fair
After she started seeing Webby & talking about her, Lex obviously just thought it was an imaginary friend & went along with it, but she started using spider tickles a lot more as a result
Ethan saw Lex tickling Hannah to make her give her phone back & he’s been an unstoppable tickle monster ever since
He’s so playful & goofy with her & it makes her even more giggly. His #1 priority is making sure she’s having fun
Lex & Ethan will team up to get Hannah & she can always tell when they’re planning something because they’ll start whispering & then she notices them staring at her & her fight or flight instincts kick in & baby she’s a flyer
She has a really soft spoken voice so I think her laugh is more on the quiet side, but if you get a really good spot she’ll squeal & shriek & Ethan loves to tease her whenever she gets loud “wow you don’t have to shout!” “I think they can hear you from space!” Stuff like that
Webby can’t/doesn’t always physically interact with Hannah, but when she’s feeling more anxious or upset than usual, she’ll hug her with all her arms & give her soft gentle comforting tickles to make her smile & forget her worries for a while
Sometimes Lex will recruit Hannah to help her wreck Ethan, or vice versa. But whenever either one wants to get the other, they always see if Hannah wants to help out
Her worst spots are her ears/neck, tummy & feet, but she’s pretty ticklish everywhere. Funny enough, she & Lex share a few tickle spots
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galacticlee3 · 2 years
Telling the Obey Me Boys You Like Tks (part one)
This edition includes the older brothers, but I’ll happily do the rest of the bros and the datables if you all enjoy! I already have some ideas hehehe
Warnings: just some soft tickle fluff! mentions of sfw tickle community
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You were doing some homework at your desk, your DDD playing your favorite music. Your door was open, but it was late at night, so you didn’t think anyone would bother you.
As you pondered over the math question, your hand subconsciously drifted down to your stomach, your blunt nails gently tracing over the skin. It made you jump and a wobbly smile made its way onto your face.
You had always used this method to self-soothe, tickling, especially gentle, always got you in a better mood
Continuing to mimic someone else's hands skittering over your stomach, you squeaked, soft huffs of laughter spilling out as you gripped the pencil tighter, eventually having too much fun to pay attention to your math. Your nails came around to your neck and under your knees, making you scrunch a bit. You switched quickly between spots, eventually giggling quietly and spinning around in your chair kicking your feet. You were just feeling really giddy until you heard a low chuckle.
There was Lucifer, leaning on your doorframe, eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face.
“Having fun there, MC?” Your face was on fire, and you scrambled for your homework to cover your face, only your eyes peeking out
“How-when-uh. W-why are you here Lucifer? It’s late.”
“Well, I was coming up to talk to you about Mammon’s recent outburst, but you seem…distracted,” he started picking at his nails idly before smirking and maintaining direct eye contact to make you squirm
You groaned and turned away from him, feeling embarrassed, not noticing how he was walking towards you
In one swift movement he picked you up from where you were sitting and planted himself down on your chair, settling you on his lap. “All you had to do was ask. Now, let's pick up where you left off, shall we?”
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Mammon is all about physical affection, whether it’s romantic or platonic, makes him feel assured and especially values it from people he’s close to
He’s always hanging off one of his brothers or swinging an arm around MC as they walk to class, he relishes having people close
So when he learns you’re ticklish, he will absolutely take advantage of it bc, it’s another way to bond with you!
and you look adorable with a giggly smile and squinty eyes, he can’t get enough of it
Feel like he’s a switch in general bc he just loves both sides of it bc it lets him have fun with his lee but when it comes to MC, he’s a playful, soft ler
Cause he’s always worried about breaking his human y’know?
Loves to cuddle with you and have you lay back on him, all cozy, and then trace shapes into your sides and tummy to make you laugh sweetly, or just quietly squirm in his arms
Although, he never wants to make you uncomfortable, so he will stop just when you’re having fun, a gentle smile on his face, he doesn’t want this time to end soon so he makes sure you’re not overwhelmed or overstimulated by the tickles, because he knows that they can be a lot for some people
but his heart will absolutely melt if you tuck your head into his chest and quietly ask for more because, you??? Enjoying this as much as he does???
if he could die again he would
Mams adores you
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Already headcanon this boy as touch starved, he loves physical affection but often has a large mental block towards it because he doesn’t feel like he is deserving of it most of the time
But after he gets closer with MC and they teach him to be more confident in himself, he finds himself becoming increasingly fond of their affection
Levi spends most of his time on forums and talking to people online, like most of us, he probably went looking for other people to talk about his feelings with and in doing so, he found the tickle community himself. Its not something he would ever admit to someone else, at least not unprovoked.
You and Levi were watching the newest episode of How Can My Best Friend Secretly Have The Same Interest as Me? in his room, both of you swaddled in blankets and smushed together.
As high pitched laughter came through the screen, you felt Levi tense up beside you as your cheeks also flushed a bit. There was a tickle scene in this episode, the main character was wrecking their nerdy best friend because he wouldn’t give their manga back. As the character on screen snorted through their giggles you couldn’t help but coo, this was just adorable!
Levi’s eyes went wide, and he squirmed a bit into you, hiding his face in your shoulder. “Levi? You okay?” His mind was racing a mile a minute, he couldn’t tell you! What if you found him weird? He was just a yucky otaku, why in the world would you want to put your hands on him, let alone tickle him, wh-
Your arms wrapped around him and you squeezed his sides with slow, gentle pressure to pull him out of his head. “Levi? Something wrong? You’re very squirmy, are you- ohhhhh~”
You smiled down at him gently with a mischievous look in your eyes, “Levi, are you ticklish?” He squeaked and leaned into the gentle squeezes, shaking his head, but not verbally denying it. “Well, I’ll just have to do some investigating I guess!” You took your hands off him and unfurled the blanket monster, seeing a wonderfully blushing demon trying to hide his wobbly smile. He could have easily pushed you off or scooted backwards, but instead he leaned into your shoulder, anticipatory giggles muffled by your shirt.
You almost combusted right then and there because he was just so cute, but you didn’t want to keep him waiting. Gentle tickles up his sides and back made him squirm and giggle into you, all while hiding his face and eventually hugging you, his arms wrapped securely around your torso as you tickles him to happy little pieces.
As it turns out, you were also a member of the community and his eyes went the widest you’ve ever seen them, you guys spent the rest of the night talking about it and he’s so grateful to have a friend who understands his love for the playful affection, especially his Henry.
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