#has it been a month and a half since kcon? yes
verrero-rocher · 8 months
hello friends!! \(⌒▽⌒)/ 
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I'm here but just not frequently because school is keeping me very busy these days and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, BUT I got to see VERIVERY at the KCON convention back in August so I'll be queuing those videos and posting them throughout the weekend if anyone is interested!!
hope you've all been well and feel free to message me (even though I might not reply right away)! 💕
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yuuana · 1 year
Music May 2023 #19: Stray Kids - Case 143 release: October 2022 genre: Kpop
I had a plan for this month ... and then CFS Goon came and ruined everything (like he always does), so ... into the bin with Plan A and on to Plan B. Starting with coming back to Stray Kids again. And yet still not to their latest release. I'll get there! Eventually!
As the title track off last year's MAXIDENT, CASE 143 is another funky little pop dance love song (which has since also been released in Japanese on this year's THE SOUND). This would be either a great or horrible entry in a "no dancing" compilation - it's hard to sit still and just listen to something when a song is this fun and happy. This is a playfully confused sort of puppy love song, though there's possibility for growing into more.
As for the video, this is another case of the first time I watched it, I got to the end and just sat there for a bit wondering what the heckin it was I'd just watched. The plush hearts, the crossing story lines (such as those are), the near-constant visual chaos, and then trying to figure out what, if anything, this is supposed to have to do with any ongoing storytelling ... it's been months and I'm still not convinced this isn't just three and a half minutes of colorful chaos for the sake of being chaotic. And you know what? I'm completely fine with that - chaos is a core piece of Stray Kids brand at this point as far as I can tell. There's also a performance version, which looks rather like it was filmed last summer when they were in LA for KCON and confirms the dance ends with the members signing "I love you" (which is what the "143" is referencing).
MAXIDENT is out now wherever you buy your favorite music (yes, physical albums can be found in places like Target and Barnes & Nobel) and up for streaming on all the usual suspects.
Want to sponsor a song selection? You sweet angel! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! DW | Twitter | Mastodon | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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seoulfulcity · 6 years
January 22, 2018: How it All Started
This is the first entry for my blog and I’m putting a lot of pressure on myself on how to begin writing about this adventure. I am not really the type to write blogs since it takes up so much time and, frankly, I am the laziest person you’ll ever come across.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of two people: you might know me personally and are interested on this adventure of mine, or you’re scouring through the internet looking for more information about studying abroad in Korea University.
Well, dear lost soul, I am in the same boat as you are. As I’m typing this, I have a window open of a blog by a great gal named Cass. Cass is from Singapore who started her adventures in Korea University six years before mine, back in the summer of 2012. Through her blog, I have learned what to expect, what to do, and what not to do while studying in Seoul; and I am very grateful for her sharing her experiences for someone like me to read. She also continued her international studies in the Fall of 2012 in Yonsei University. If you want to read up on her story, this is her blog: http://walkingup-korea.blogspot.com.
If you know me personally, then you may have known the struggles I’ve been facing through my 2017 and 2018 new year reflections. When I started the Nursing program in the Fall of 2016, I had to give up my linguistic endeavors due to the lack of time (and, boy, do I love my languages). Two semesters later, I was mentally drained by the never ending medical terms and human physiology; that’s when I found solace in learning a new language - my target being Korean.
I did my patient-care volunteer work as part of the prerequisites to get into the Nursing program in the Korean Pavilion at a hospital in the outskirts of Koreatown in downtown Los Angeles. All my patients, nurses, and secretaries were Korean; having to constantly engage with everybody, I subconsciously picked up on the language and cultural practices after six months of volunteering there. This was probably a big part of me finding Korean easier since there was already a decent amount of exposure which minimized my culture shock. Throughout my time in the Korean Pavilion, I have met the sweetest and best patients and nurses and it wasn’t until I got into Korean when I realized how much my time in the pavilion has helped me become a better nurse despite the language barrier. So, I made a promise to myself to be certified in Korean somehow so I could go back working there as a nurse in the future and making sure my patients are comfortable communicating with me.
It was also a great help that my Korean 1 professor was such a sweet lady who acted as our mother. She gave us advice and ways on how to learn Korean easier (and more fun) by introducing to us movies, dramas, and songs in the language. The entire class was very enthusiastic on learning the language so they could understand the words of what their favorite idols are singing or saying. Honestly, the daily conversations were about BTS and While You Were Sleeping. That class was great nonetheless, since we all shared the same interest in the Korean language and culture. Everybody was welcoming and understanding; and making mistakes in front of them during speaking exams weren’t nerve-wracking because they know it’s a tough language.
Come October 25, 2017. While I was on my way to my locker, I happened to pass by the International Studies Abroad booth next to the library. I stopped and pondered whether or not I should find out more about what they were offering. Since our Nursing class schedule is set until we graduate, I did not really have any time to study abroad anywhere. Even with this thought in mind, I went back to ask about the programs. That was when I found out about the summer programs offered in South Korea.
There were three university choices: Hanyang University, Korea University, and Pusan National University. Hanyang and Korea were a little on the expensive side, but PNU was very affordable for a 5-week summer course. This was when I realized I wanted it. I wanted it in 10th grade when my Spanish teacher told us we had the chance to study the language in Barcelona. I wanted it in 12th grade when my English teacher told us we could take summer courses in Melbourne. I still wanted it in my first few years in college when they offered seminars on studying abroad in Taipei and Tsukuba. I have had my eyes on University of Tsukuba the entire two years I’ve spent as a Pre-Nursing major. I have been wanting it, but I never had the chance to. And after four years burying my head in science books in the corners of the library, it registered to me that I needed a break from it all. Busan could be my perfect getaway.
I texted my dear mother about it excitedly. Now, she’s not really the one to just let us go anywhere alone, especially to a different country, so I half-expected for her to say no. I grabbed an extra booklet and prepared a mini-presentation about Pusan National University.
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I had everything jotted down: financial estimates, the university and the city’s reputations, crime rate statistics, city life, you name it. And even after the presentation, she was still kind of iffy. No surprises there. Who was I going with? Where would I get the money to pay for it? How are the accommodations there? What about North Korea? Most of her worries were understandable - putting aside the North Korean comment; so, I told her to leave it up to me to do more research on them.
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Months passed by as usual, and I didn’t find myself thinking heavily about PNU since application season doesn’t end until March. During winter break, my friend Terri, who I met in KCON LA 2017, messaged me about her abroad study in Yonsei University this upcoming spring semester (remember her since she might constantly show up in my future blogs). I recalled Yonsei being one of the top universities in South Korea, and upon further research, I found out about the SKY Universities - South Korea’s equivalent of Ivy League schools. SKY stands for Seoul National, Korea, and Yonsei. I was left thinking as to why I was settling for PNU when a SKY university was being offered in the summer? I mean, the total was twice the amount as PNU but this may be my first and only time studying abroad, and I felt like I would miss out on an amazing opportunity being educated in a prestigious university such as Korea University.
So, I met up with the International Studies adviser to ask her more about the program and Korea University itself. This was when I found out that the government of South Korea was paying for my entire summer tuition if I chose to go to Korea University. My entire tuition free… to study in a SKY university? Uhh???? YES, please? My Korean professors always praised the South Korean government for paying for all of our textbooks, workbooks, and cultural activities, and I’m always so thankful for not having to spend an extra $60 on the books; but an entire tuition being paid for by a country I have never been to? I suddenly consider myself a South Korean citizen!
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Of course, I updated my dear mother about it and she was more than happy to let me go, mainly because the financial weight has been lifted off of my (and her) shoulders. And having Korea University be a SKY may have alleviated her worries somehow (although that North Korean comment never made a comeback even though Seoul is so much closer to Kim Jong Un than it is to Busan, but nobody remind her). So, having received the yes card from the queen of the household, I finished the application, wrote my essays on how this exchange program is going to be beneficial to me blah blah blah, and requested letters of recommendation from my Korean professors, in which they have generously given me.
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Now, I am in the stage where I play the waiting game. I just need to persevere through the toughest semester of the program (we’re doing ICU, psychiatry, and EKG - please send your prayers my way). Expect me to update the status of my application and how this journey continues while I’m still in Los Angeles. Until then!
Chris 「크리스」
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Show Me the Money 6
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Wow. It has been a crazy ass season. This season was really good and a lot of dope rappers actually competed. First off, congrats to Hangzoo of Team Zico/Dean. I expected Hangzoo to make it pretty far. All of the dudes on Rhythm Power are AMAZING. They showed it off this season, although one messed up in the auditions (it was such a bummer) and Boi B sadly didn’t make it far because there was just so many good contenders this season.
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I normally wait for the season to be over to check out the winner and then check out who made it to the finals. This season I had a friend who I have known for about seven years, who I met through music of course, try out. He actually tried out last year and was invited to try out again this season. So I was on Show Me the Money’s trail about a month or two before it actually aired.
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The first rapper I want to acknowledge is Dane Amar. Dude is nice as hell and I wish he would get more recognition for his music. I have been following Dane Amar for several years now, since back when his stage name was ‘Embytian’.  Although Show Me the Money is a South Korean rap survival show, he’s actually Laotian American. The past couple years more and more non-Koreans have been trying out so I thought it was cool he went on there. His rap was aired for about five seconds in the first episode and it was the best part. Jay Park even thought he was too dope to be the first one. He was sadly eliminated in the 60 second challenge in the second round. Although he didn’t make it far, what matters is that he was aired and that he was able to make more friends through music. He was recently invited to KCON LA 2017 to be on the rap panel. He’s constantly releasing music so be sure to check out his SoundCloud. He also produces his own music too, all the more reason to check this dude out!
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Another artist I absolutely loved this season is Asol. She’s probably my favorite female rapper right now, which is why I’m kind of disappointed that they’re not airing Unpretty Rapstar this year. I have to..scratch that, NEED to see more of Asol. Kasper and Truedy came out this season as well. I don’t even know why Kasper went on and Truedy isn’t even as good as she used to be, just my opinion. But back to Asol, she’s a cute and tiny little girl. She’s 20 years old (21 in Korean age) but she brings the fire. I didn’t expect her to be so good. Apparently she has released a few things in the underground scene but I only just now came across her because of Show Me the Money. I can’t wait to see more of her. Hopefully I get to interview her in the months to come, but I can only wish.
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Another female rapper I really liked was HeeSun Lee. She is just such a down to earth person. Her flow is nice, her rhymes are nice and her personality is nice. She is a rap mom and she loves it. She’s been in the rap scene for a while now but only just decided to go on Show Me the Money to get in touch with her roots. I wish she made it further but sadly there was too much good competition this season.
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A rapper I thought that would at least make it to the top 10 and I was right: Maniac. I have been hearing about this dude forever. He was a part of the old school hip hop crews: Uptown, New Dynasty and Jiggy Fellaz. Maniac never lost his fire and it continues to grow every day. He’s so busy right now but he was nice enough to do an interview with us. I can’t wait until he releases more music.
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One of my favorite rappers that I can’t forget to mention is Olltii. I have been following him since season three in 2014. Since then, he’s released a mixtape and featured in several songs. Olltii is so witty and quick with his words he could even be crowned the Freestyle King. I honestly thought he would make it in the top 10 this year but there were just so many good new rappers this season and Olltii is already more popular than half of them. Olltii is really young, 21 to be exact (23 in Korean age), but he’s dope as hell. Even more than half the rappers that are older than him. He’s a part of this hip hop crew called ADV which includes JJKing who also competed, Lugoh and a few more people. I actually checked them out and they’re just as dope.
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Another rapper I’d like to mention is Tyno who is slowly crawling into my top 10. Although he’s ridiculously good looking, he’s actually ridiculously dope. He was not aired until the third episode but thanks to my friend that I mentioned earlier and Sherlock Holmes (aka me) I found this guy before he was aired. He’s from the United Kingdom (and yes he’s packaged with a sexy English accent) which explains the grime in his music. Unfortunately he was eliminated in the third round in the 1v1 challenge with Ness. He definitely has the talent to compete with the top ten but I guess we will see if he decides to just release music or if he actually goes on Show Me the Money season 7. Either way he’s going to get big one day.
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Another guy with a dreamy accent Mike Choe 최낙준. He’s a Korean rapper from Australia and his looks are definitely up there with his rap skills. MNET really made me mad when they did not air him like..at all. He is actually really dope and has the talent to compete with everyone who made it on a team. He actually made it far for someone who hardly got aired. He was finally eliminated in the cypher challenge when teams were being chosen. I’m definitely looking forward to him as well.
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Okay, let’s rewind back to Ness real quick. He actually made it really far in the season and I couldn’t be more happy. Although he didn’t get to do a solo performance I was pretty satisfied that he made it far. He’s dope as hell. I was kind of upset because MNET didn’t air him much since the “handsome rappers” episode with Tyno, but oh well. Of course, Young B is way more experienced than him so it was only natural that Ness was finally eliminated but he is definitely creeping up my top 10 as well.
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Photo Cred: Allie Norado
Last but not least I just need to state how dope Dae is. He made it to the third round and was eliminated by Olltii sadly. Dae has so much potential and he’s already showed it through the music he has posted already. He’s got that eung (응) sound and it is nice as hell. I can’t wait to see wait to see what he has in store for his Dae-Wons’. (yes I just came up with that.)
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There’s so many more rappers that competed this season that I also loved such as Punchnello, Killagramz, Ryno, Sleepy, Penomeco (Who’s in Fanxy Child and I’m absolutely obsessed with them right now), Woodie Go Child, Junoflo (who was a winning contender and in my top three), Nucksal, Young B, Woochan, Double K (who I’ve been following since forever and was surprised he came back on the show), Hash Swan and many more. This season was really great besides #LetsGetIt trending. Can we stop that already?
All the photos are from the artists’ social media.
Check out the interviews we have done with some of Show Me the Money 6 contestants:
Dane Amar -  https://mansaeentertainment.tumblr.com/post/163433532321/mansae-entertainment-interviews-dane-amar-show
Dae - https://mansaeentertainment.tumblr.com/post/163448821161/mansae-entertainment-interviews-dae-show-me-the 
Tyno - https://mansaeentertainment.tumblr.com/post/163685535726/mansae-entertainment-interviews-tyno-show-me-the
Heesun Lee - https://mansaeentertainment.tumblr.com/post/164010587166/mansae-entertainment-interviews-heesun-lee
Maniac - https://mansaeentertainment.tumblr.com/post/164510566316/mansae-interviews-maniac
- Sailor Mars
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astrotranslations · 7 years
ASTRO, a Good Example of Growth
Usually you would look at children and say, "They grow up differently each day," and boy group ASTRO are like that. ASTRO, who recently surpassed their 500th day since debut, have shown us attention grabbing growth with every album.
ASTRO held their first fanmeeting last February at the Jangchung Gymnaisum and met with 5000 fans. Soon after, they went full force touring 4 Asian countries and captured the hearts of international fans. The title track 'Baby' off their 4th mini album, 'Dream Part. 01', which they finished promoting for last month, was nominated no.1 on a music broadcast for the first time since their debut. ASTRO, who also successfully wrapped up their first solo concert which they dreamt about for so long, have their Japan Zepp tour ahead of them this month. They are what you would call 'a good example of growth'.
10: How have you been doing since concluding promotions for 'Baby'? JinJin: Firstly, we held 'The 1st ASTROAD to Seoul' at the Olympic Hall located in Olympic Park, Seoul last month on the 15th and 16th. We went on a 2 nights 3 day long break after that ended. We’re now preparing for our Japan Zepp tour. We’ll also be making an appearance at KCON 2017 LA and KBS2’s Music Bank in Jakarta so we’re diligently practicing.
10: How do you feel having held your first solo concert? Rocky: I thought a solo concert was a faraway dream but standing on that stage myself, it made me think, "We’ve already grown this much," and I was fascinated. I think the future will be filled with even more exciting events.
10: What was the moment you remembered the most during the concert? Eunwoo: When we first appeared. The first song (we performed) was 'HIDE&SEEK'. We appeared from the smaller stages instead of the main one in order to match the song’s title. I’m reminded of how the fans were surprised yet still cheering for us. We recently released our official lightstick, 'robong-ie', and seeing the audience be illuminated by robing-ie’s purple light made a smile stay on my face. I had to go up on stage putting on a cool facial expression but I was smiling like a clown. Moonbin: It was when we sang 'Every Minute' that left an imprint in my memory. It’s a song that I like and during that song, we appeared on stage wearing formal outfits, giving off a serious image. The fans were satisfied. Sanha: As for me, it’s when our fans did the slogan event. We were singing our b-side track, 'Star’, and the fans held up slogans on which were written, 'We’ll alway be on your side'. I got emotional and was thankful.
10: Holding a solo concert was one of the dreams you mentioned in an interview with tenasia last year in November. JinJin: That’s right! Like mentioned before, we assembled 'AROHA' and held a fan meeting. This was also a goal we prayed for (at the time of the interview). Since debut and up till now, the scale of our concerts grow bigger each time. The number of fans who support us have grown as much. Thank you. I applaud ASTRO too (laughs)! Moonbin: The things we once set as our goals are being achieved one by one. I realise that rewards follow because we work hard and so I think positively. Now I’ve become greedy for goals at higher levels. We’ve even risen up to the honourable spot that is being nominated no.1 with 'Baby'. We’ll prepare even harder for the next album and try for that no.1.
10: What are ASTRO’s new dreams? Sanha: A CF model for a refreshing drink (everyone laughs)! We’ll show you our own kind of refreshingness!
10: You recently celebrated your 500th day since debut, how does it feel looking back at the moments that have passed you by? Rocky: We’ve really grown as compared to our debut song, 'HIDE&SEEK'. There are a lot of things to learn on site. We only worked hard during 'HIDE&SEEK' but we’ve lightened up ever so slightly now.
10: If there’s anything you think you need to improve on further? Eunwoo: I want to solidify ASTRO’s colour. So that when someone says ASTRO, reactions like "I can trust to watch them" and "I’m looking forward to them" will follow. I think we’re till lacking in that aspect. Moonbin: I also think we have to work on maintaining our stamina. Usually our schedules will get heavier when we reach the 2nd and 3rd week of promotions so it’s hard. I hope that all of us will work earnestly on maintaining our staminas so that we can sustain till the end the energy we had during the start of promotions.
10: You talked about your team’s colour but isn’t there a very fine line between keeping your identity and staying stagnant? Rocky: That’s why we worried a lot. ASTRO have only shown bright music and refreshing concepts up till now. You can think that we’ve only stuck to similar things. So I wondered about what else we could do. The conclusion I reached is that if we suddenly change then we might hear unfavourable reactions like, "What happened to ASTRO?" I want to keep ASTRO’s refreshing image and show how we’re slowly evolving as the members develop on their own skillsets. JinJin: We can’t just do 'refreshing' concepts until the end of time. We’re simply wearing the clothes that fit our age. We can become a group who is able to naturally wear clothes more masculine and more sexy than now and clothes of different colours. ASTRO is a team that still has a lot we want to do. Our anticipations are greater than our worries.
10: The youngest, Sanha, has reached an age (17 years old) where he’s eligible for an identification card. Sanha: Yes! I went to the district office to make one and they took my fingerprints. It was really fascinating (everyone laughs). JinJin: I first saw Sanha when he was in his 6th year of elementary school. He was smaller than me but now he’s become the tallest in our team. He had on braces and put blush on cheeks when we freshly debuted but… the member who’s changed the most in ASTRO is Sanha. (a proud smile) I’m thankful he’s grown up well.
10: Your labelmate, WekiMeki, will be making their debut on the coming 8th. You’ve gotten a junior so how does the youngest, Sanha, feel (laughs)? Sanha: (embarrassed) It’s kind of weird for me to be saying it myself but… I’m proud (laughs). I hope that WekiMeki will achieve good results and that they enjoy themselves all they can. Eunwoo: Sanha sunbae-nim has given his advice (everyone laughs)! Moonbin: They’ve all worked hard so I think they’ll do well. It’s important that a senior leads their juniors. I want for us to grow even more than now and become reliable seniors.
10: Eunwoo challenged his first drama through KBS2’s The Best Hit, how was it? Eunwoo: The excitement from performing and the elation I feel from acting are a little different. 'The Best Hit' was a production where there was a lot for me to learn on set. I had a ton of worries in the beginning. So I diligently practiced on my acting and prepared a lot. I think everyone looked over me fondly. I was able to discover yet another side of me. I grew confident and I want to greet the public through a different production.
10: What did the other members think of Eunwoo’s acting? Rocky: It was slightly hard (everyone laughs). I’m kidding. It was fascinating and fun how Eunwoo hyung, who was right next to me, was appearing on TV. I first started watching the drama thinking that I could tease Eunwoo hyung about it but I could tell how he was slowly getting immersed into his character so I started to enjoy the drama itself. MJ: The name of Eunwoo’s character in his drama was 'MJ' (laughs). His character was one who was snappish so I saw a different side to the Eunwoo I knew. I applaud him. Eunwoo: MJ hyung gave me a mission. He told me, "Work hard in your drama and promote MJ," (everyone laughs). Moonbin: So now if you search 'MJ' on portal sites, Eunwoo’s name also pops us (laughs).
10: MJ went on MBC every1’s Weekly Idol’s Masked Idol corner alone. You were selected as the first masked idol at that time. MJ: I actually wanted to reveal myself around the 2nd or 3rd episode but I won no.1 on the 1st episode for the corner so my identity was revealed (laughs). What I felt as I filmed for a variety program alone was that I should be more confident in myself. I’m the style who stays frozen in the first half because of my nerves and will only relax as time passes.
10: Moonbin was a child actor so do you have ay plans to act? Moonbin: I want to try it if the opportunity arises. I want to appear in KBS2’s School series. I’m turning twenty this year so I still have some greed in wanting to act as a high school student.
10: I heard that JinJin and Rocky have recently started to study song composition? JinJin: I studied up by myself since my trainee days. Rocky recently developed a greater greed for it so we talked about it to the company after our concert ended. We’ve been receiving lessons from a professional composer since a while ago. We’ll pick up even the little details and I hope that we can participate in ASTRO’s album later on.
10: What’s your music style like, the both of you? Rocky: We’re in the learning stages so I can’t specifically pin point anything but we’re sort of different. I recently became infatuated with G-Dragon sunbae-nim’s 'Untitled, 2014' so I’ve developed an interest for music with a slow tempo. JinJin: I’m the type to chase after trends. I was obsessed with the genre 'future bass' at one point but then fell for 'tropical house' when we were promoting 'Baby'. If I get addicted to a certain genre, I would find music from famous DJs or producers in that area and learn some more as I listen to them.
10: What’s the field that Sanha’s interested in? Sanha: I want to try becoming a radio DJ. Reading the stories from listeners and communicating with them is fun. I hope it’s for a program that’s from 8 to 10. I want to become a DJ who listens to his listeners’ concerns and comforts them well (laughs).
10: You held a tour in 4 Asian countries last February, what are your thoughts on your international popularity? Eunwoo: There are a lot of international fans when I look through the comments on ASTRO’s SNS. It’s hard meeting them. So I feel apologetic and it makes me think that I’ve to work harder. When we were on our Asia tour, the fans welcomed us really passionately and enthusiastically so I was thankful. It makes me wonder if it’s alright that we’re receiving this much love and it’s because of that that we gain strength.
10: Is there anything special you felt during your overseas performances? JinJin: The sound system when we held our showcase in Japan was goos so I was really shocked. And seeing as how the Japanese fans have a different culture of enjoying performances, that also felt new to us and it was fascinating. They would appreciate the moment whenever we sang and then enthusiastically cheer for us when the stage ended. Moonbin: Fans from Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong are contrastingly really passionate. Even at the slightest move of our body or hand, they like it. America and Mexico had 'hot' reactions too.
10: What are your goals for your overseas promotions? Moonbin: I want to hold a world tour. JinJin: I want to hold a Japan Dome tour too. Moonbin: My dream is for us to do even better and then stand on the Super Bowl stage.
10: What is ASTRO’s secret to receiving love from home and abroad? JinJin: There’s a certain kind of energy we exude when the members are all together. I often hear the words, "My mood gets lifted watching you guys," and I think that’s our strength. Moonbin: Our bright team atmosphere is thanks to MJ hyung. He always sets the mood. MJ: I’m more thankful to the other members. I was included in ASTRO the latest but they were next to me showing their support and it’s because they helped me that I was able to fit in. Rather than me creating the atmosphere, I think the rainbow called 'ASTRO' is formed because each of our personalities converge.
10: Are there times when you would share your concerns with each other? Rocky: I often talk about my worries regarding music when we practice. The more serious or embarrassing topics are reserved for our 'family meetings'. It’s a meeting we hold whenever we conclude a promotion cycle. We would eat together and have a heart to heart talk. Moonbin: We also talk about the things we were disappointed with. You’re bound to explode if you continue to keep things bottled up so we would talk things out now and then.
10: When can we expect ASTRO’s new album? JinJin: We want to put out one more album this year if possible. Our goal is to become no.1 singers when that happens (smiles).
Source: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=312&aid=0000273532
Translations by @99pm​h Take out with full credits
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baekwin · 4 years
No worries about being absent because of the elections! It was definitely a huge madness — in my house too since there are apparent political divisions so I was like ahhhh haha I hope everything is better now :DI only like Twitter because everything gets updated so fast ;_; I’m trying to move away from it but where else can I find news so fast? But I just want EXO updates haha And not everything else LOL (1/?)
I love teaching and sometimes I know it’s not me but it can be super frustrating, especially during this time (because sometimes parents are not very… helpful). I hope you can find a better job or maybe just take the time to relax. It sounded like your job was very stressful! I had to google to see what a Biomedical engineer did and wow! Especially during this time, you would be an essential worker (I guess technically so am I? But I’m lucky to be able to see teach from home, but 2nd sem) (2/?)
i think i’m gonna try something new and respond per paragraph this time, idk why i didn’t think of this before kjsdhfjs anyway yeah election madness! my house was keeping sane only because of the nevada memes LMAO there were some real gems in there. even though i don’t even have twitter, i was just creeping on there the whole couple weeks because yeah it just updated so fast!! 
hmm yeah i’m sure it’s been very frustrating. i’m sure you’ve had to navigate the transition to remote learning and that must have been hard and i’m proud of you for it!! 🥰 i know you already know about my new job so i don’t need to update you (thank you for checking in on me btw!!!! so sweet 🥺)
(3/?) we’ll see ;_; then I’ll have to go back to CA for sure and away from my family) and then mix it with not so good things from coworkers, it could be very toxic too! To answer your question, I’ve been living in WA due to the pandemic but technically, I’m supposed to be in CA because work-wise haha I have family in CA but more like cousins and aunts… while my intermediate moved up to WA with my older brother/kids and my mom right before the pandemic. I can’t imagine being without them during this time.
oh okay gotcha, hence the kind of back and forth. that’s nice that you still have extended family out in CA though! yeah i’ve been living at my parents’ place for a couple months, will be moving back to start work. i agree though, the one good thing is being with family during this time - it has honestly been really nice to be here because I was alone in my apartment for 7 months and so it’s nice to wake up and have someone else there and just people to talk to throughout the day. also it’s literally been 9.5 months since my roommate and I both lived in our apartment together (she went to her parents place march-october and came back when i left for mine) so i hope it won’t be too weird of an adjustment for either of us LOL
(4/?) So far the glasses are working! I think I was still adjusting and did get a headache or two but sometimes with teaching, I get them. Too many decisions at once haha (But it’s super cold here, I’m dying a bit lol My brother came down with me to SD before school started again and he was all “IT’S TOO HOT” hahaha) Ahh! Yes! When NU’EST, VIXX and even BAP came for the first KCON, I was like oh!!! How nice!
I’m glad the glasses have been working!! meanwhile i’ve just been watching a lot of tv in my time off lately so i might need a real eye exam soon and i hope i havent developed a prescription >< hahaha san diego is probably too hot compared to washington, he’s right!! i live near the bay so it’s moderate all year which is nice.
(5/?) Because of course I heard of them but never really listened. I wasn’t even that into EXO haha I was transitioning from other groups but I had knew all the songs so I was like yay! What is love! I had liked Soo for the same reason you liked Baek! But nowadays, I say I don’t have a bias, but I think it’s really become Baek… sorry Yixing ;_; I love the boy but his music style isn’t really what I like while Baek’s songs, pretty much are ^^;
yes i really got into a lot of new artists after that kcon!! of course it was short lived, because college started a year and a half later and i immediately got too busy to keep uo with anything lol. and omg i can’t believe what is love did the same thing to both of us, exo has really had power since day 1 ;; hehe who’s to say you can’t have multiple biases for different reasons?! literally that’s all exo does, sucker us all into different members all the time. i don’t blame you one bit lmao
(6/?) I love EXO-royalty concept! Every time I think we’d get it, we don’t. But definitely love all the performances with them wearing outfits close to it! Haha I agree. LMR was pretty “cutesy” compared to other ones but not like Power. What did you think about Jongin’s teasers so far! I had the timing off and was just putting my phone away for something when it came on and I was like WHAT!? I had it in my head that was going to be tomorrow morning at 7am but it was Wednesday at 7pm lol But yay!
yeah those awards shows outfits keep me going in the meantime lmao. i really hope they do royalty after all the military service is over....they really are the kings of kpop let’s be honest. OMGGGGGG don’t even get me started on jongin right now he is the only man!!!! the only one!!! literally i don’t think i listened to a single other song for 48 hours after the album dropped lmao. what’s your favorite track?! and which was your favorite out of the film? my favorite is definitely reason, and i think my fave video was nothing on me (which is also my second fav track) but literally everything is good. i’m so proud of him and happy for him, he deserves all the success!! 
:(((( I think tumblr ate #7
(8/8) And then I’m super excited with Baekhyun’s Japanese album! I ordered all the versions ^^; but yay for preorder so it’s not charged… yet lol Do you have a favorite one so far? We didn’t get much but the covers and small behind the scenes of shooting it haha I tried to make this short, but I think I talk to much! Sorry about that! I hope you great day! I got my Photoshop working so I’m going to see what I can do to start making for you :D Oh! Happy thanksgiving… if you do it XD - ss anon 🤶
omg all the versions! they’re so cute, i bet they’ll have some nice photocards and stuff in there! i don’t think i have a favorite one, i just thought the bubble gum one was adorable hehe. omg yay for getting photoshop working, i’m excited!! I think i’ll be happy no matter what you make me, i love having a secret santa! speaking of, i need to get going on my gift for my person lmao i think i got a little too ambitious but we’ll see 😅happy (late) thanksgiving to you too! my family doesn’t really do much but we made some mini pumpkin pies which i’m still snacking on lmao anyway have a good night (or day, whenever you see this) 💕
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