#has dream literally listened to owl city Ever can someone ask him
strawbnetwork · 3 years
#hi its interesting to me that michaels talking about change my clothes from a storytelling perspective#i do think about songs like that but im not musically inclined so its cool!#i dont like the repeated line to be fair i think its. less emphasis is put on it? and i think it suits the second verse but not the first#verse As Much which makes it seem unbalanced#ohh i see where michael is coming from i get it i get it#is it?#YEAHHHH no see that makes it seem much more deserved in the second verse mm mm mhm#thats storytelling babey thats so cool#going from self doubt to self assuredness or whatever#thats really cool to think about i love music in going to cry about it now it is so cool#you can definitely justify it if being what it is looking at it like. narratively or whatever but i think i agree that lyrically#itd be the cherry on top yknow?#THE CHORUS IS GOOD its so#the progression of it is really nice imo i like the gradual inclusion of dreams voice#has dream literally listened to owl city Ever can someone ask him#STRIP THE AUTOTUNE BABEYY#this is making me sooo excited for dreams future music like holy shit#YOUCAN MULTIPLE SONGSS yeah#dreams just fucking. going balls to the walls babey hes experimenting also#dreammm strip the autotune 🥺 4 me question mark 🥺🥺#going to be honest not once did i connect the song to the smp beyond. dream#michael why would you say that to me im never going to stop thibking about it now SHUT UP??#isnt your character in jail sick and twisted let him out#to be fair i dont really see it as an smp thing anyway because of the line before it yknow? snot dreams character n seems like itd be an#odd thing to throw in#LMAO EL OH EL#teehee speedrunning reference#oh god music structure#my favourite song structurally is home by seventeen its fucking sick anyway three verses is a lot#okay i have to stop tumblr is silencing me. fucked up sick and twisted
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bellfort3 · 3 years
Yeah on dreams song....it’s not bad! But I also get your point. My only criticism, ( even tho I’m not a musician) is that the auto tune ( I believe that’s what it is..someone told me that) is a little too much yknow. Auto tune isn’t bad! I just thing he didn’t need that much. It’s a good song as his first. Someone compared it to fnaf in a discord server I’m in and it does have fnaf esque, but those song have that much auto tune because they are robots. Or owl city fireflies someone else said. I think many people feel iffy about it because the amount of auto tune makes it sound off. I also got whiplash this morning seeing that he was making a sound lol. It doesn’t feel real. I only wrote all this cause I saw people saying that your point was hate? Which it isn’t. It’s merely an opinion. Anyways sorry for the rambling lol I thought a lot about this song. 💜
Thanks for the ask! I appreciate your support and yeah I’m seriously not trying to hate. How can I hate on a song I haven’t even listened to? I’ve literally only listened to the first verse before clicking off. I agree with whiplash statement-I was literally like ‘there’s no way this is real.’ I’m sure the song isn’t bad, like he obviously put work into it and shit. And like he’s not a musician as far as I know?? Like idk if he ever played any instruments like Sbi has but like props to him?? Minecraft youtuber hits 17 mil and releases a song??
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dongiovannaswife · 4 years
Would it be overkill if I asked for all of them?
How about 1, 3 through 8, and 11, 12 and 13? Oh wait, is that too much? Sorry if that's too much! ( > w < ') (I just love you and GioGio together❤)
It’d be a shame if I answered them all right here right now, during my break *eyes emoji* *eyes emoji* *eyes emoji* 
Thank you so much for sending this in! ily friend. ♥♥♥ 
@star-birthmark said: Alright so I'm gonna pull a Lena and just ask for all the questions. Is that good? Great. Love ya
I was just thinking about you doing the same to me so HA I read your mind. ASAsask. Thank you so much <3 
Under the cut for those not interested :D i did not proofread bc my head hurts ;w; 
1.       Does your F/O have a birthmark? (or any type of freckles or beauty marks?)
Beside the glorious star birthmark (which I know I have a spicy hc about uwu) Gio has this super curious and small birthmark on his back, it’s not that noticeable unless you see him closely uwuwuwu.
2.       Is your F/O the type to volunteer to their community?
I mean, he’s,,, literally a mafia boss. His posture on Passione and his work is far from honest, but I feel like he’d actually would open shelters or donate to good causes, and since I hc him as a lawyer, perhaps he volunteers from time to time so he can help people with cases, obviously he doesn’t accept any money from them, as he knows what it’s like.
3.       Does your F/O the type to be giving or to take?
Younger Giorno (I’m not talking from a romantic aspect, calm down please), is the one to always give and get surprised when he gets something in return —the adult Gio from my ship knows how to give and receive equally.
What I’m trying to say is yes, but I don’t know where yet, haven’t thought a lot about that.
4.       Does your F/O have any battle scars?
Better yet —is GER able to regenerate cells fully? That would make him like a super cell, you know. No but seriously, say GER is able to do so, and Giorno wouldn’t have any scares from the events of VA; but what if his moral called for him to do so, to let his skin carry some of them. Say, a scar from Narancia’s last moments on his chest, unnoticeable now due to the tattoo on his chest.
5.       Does your F/O wear make up? (Do you think they would be open to wearing makeup if they don’t wear it daily?)
I feel like he’d wear the casual lipstick from time to time, but not really always. Unlesss someone *wink wink* convines him to do his makeup one day so he can try it.
6.       Has your F/O ever dye their hair or worn a wig?
7.       What is your F/O fashion taste?
ignore the boob window and think about luke Hemmings or this. Exquisite, would give him kith.
8.       How tall is your F/O?
1.98 cm uwuwuwuwuw
10.   When if your F/O birthday?
9.       What is your F/O’s blood type?
April 16. ♥
11.   Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it?
He knows how to cook, yes, but he’s not that good —somehow I feel like his coffee would taste LIKE HEAVEN.
12.   What is your F/O favorite flavor?  (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory))
Sweet, definitely. When he’s a bit tired from it, though, he goes for bitter things.
13.   If your F/O could be a fan of any video game what do you think it would be?
Metal Gear Solid 4.
14.   What type of aesthetic does you F/O have?
The sense of freedom when you glance at the sunrise. If that makes sense of course.
15.   What color if your F/O eyes?
Turquoise! So pretty aaaaa uwu.
17.   If you could matching tattoos what would it be?
16.   Does your F/O have any tattoos? If not do they like or hate the concept of tattoos?
An owl on his chest, a vine on his index from his left hand and a sunflower on his ring finer; he’s thinking of getting something for the twins, but he’s not sure about what yet. 
A small Aloe Vera potted plant on our necks (based off an ask I remember getting a while ago —if that person is still around, your idea might come true buddy).
18.   Does your F/O have any piercings?
I die for the thought of him with a lip ring. But I don’t really think he has any of them, the lip ring is a matter of,,,, other impulses akdjslkd.
19.   Is your F/O a cake or pie person?
Both. Both is good. Has a leaning to pie, but loves both.
20.   Is your F/O a morning or night person?
Night person.
21.   Is your F/O a coffee or tea person?
Coffee, I don’t think he likes tea *that* much.
22.   Is your F/O half empty or half full type of person?
I’m not sure, tbh.
23.   Does your F/O have a pet? If not in canon what do you think they would have if given the chance?
Listen, a panther would make the best pet for him. But I think he’s a cat person. Not like he doesn’t like dogs, but a cat is probably something he enjoys most.
24.   Is your F/O the type to want to live in the city or live out in the country?
25.   Does your F/O like to swim?
26.   What harry potter house would your F/O be in? (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin)
Nah fam, I’m not really interested on HP, sorry.
27.   If your F/O was in “avatar: the last air bender” what type of bender would they be? (air, water, earth, and fire)
Some of you will kill me for this but I haven’t watched it, ever. :D
28.   Is your F/O LGBT+?
Nope, at least not for me. You are free to headcanon him as you wish. Pleadon’tstartdramathisisnotmeanttooffendanyone.
29.   Does your F/O have any artistic hobbies? (Knitting, drawing, painting, etc)
Drawing, but it’s most for stress relief.
30.   What’s a piece of clothing your F/O is never seen without? (glasses, a necklace, hat, etc)
The arrow he hangs around his neck or just carries around hidden.
31.   What type of scent does your F/O remind you of?
There’s this perfume I absolutely love and I can’t really describe it, but it’s WildCountry.
32.   What’s something you see often that has little to no relation to your F/O but always reminds you of them?
Flowers and vines :,)
33.   Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names for your F/O?
34.   What does your F/O house/apartment look like? (or what do you think it looks like)
If we talk about his years of “I live alone yeee” then pretty much no decoration, excepts for the plants or books he keeps —overall, what you could call monochromatic. Once we get married, we pick a style, with classical sculptures and roman like architecture
35.   What season reminds you of your F/O? (winter, spring, summer, fall)
36.   Have you ever had a dream with your F/O in it?
Yes uwu.
37.   Does your F/O play any musical instruments?
No really.
38.   What’s a song that reminds you of your F/O when you hear?
Gold by Prince.
39.   What is your relationship like with your F/O?
We,,, in love,,,, yes.
40.   How long have you been with your F/O? (or at least been interested in them?)
Interested in him,,,,,, I’m not sure if one or two years?? But in the “”””storyline”””” seven years.
41.   Where is your F/O from? (as in born)
42.   Is your F/O the type to read reviews, or just go with their gut
Better yet, contacts.
43.   What does your F/O’s Saturdays usually look like?
Some paperwork at home studio, comfy causal clothes (black jeans and white tee, barefoot).
44.   What is your F/O’s most valuable possession?
The arrow lmao.
45.   What’s a fad you can see your F/O taking part of?
Analyzing music together!! :D
46.   does your F/O prefer to work alone or with a team?
47.   How well does your F/O know tech? (such as computers, smart phones)
I feel like he knows a lot asdkad.
48.   What’s some advice your F/O would tell you?
“Stop thinking you are not enough, stop thinking no one loves you, stop thinking you are worthless; stop with all your self-destruction.”
49.   What animal reminds you of your F/O?
Lion!! :D
51.   What’s the most interesting fact you know about your F/O?
50.   What color reminds you of your F/O?
Gold AND turquoise
Canon or made by me?? The first would be his favorite musician, because OH I like that musician too, even before knowing him. The second it’s about his scars.
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neuroweird · 6 years
all of the lesbian asks, my dude
Lesbians Asks 
1 )  Femme of Butch? 
I consider myself more futch, but I like both either, all lesbians.
2 ) Do you have a “type”? If so, describe it
I have an emotional type. Someone who shares some similar interests, but has unique interests as well. Personality traits that complement each other’s, a love language I can work with. Someone with whom a relationship is an adventure and a learning experience. Someone who is adventurous with food and at least some inclination toward healthy / active lifestyles.
3 )  Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
Plaid button up under a leather jacket.
4 )  Describe your style.
Chronic pain chique? Grey tone futch with a pop of colour? 
5 )  Describe your aesthetic.
My “personal” pinterest board.
6 )  Favorite article of clothing?
My grey speckled crewneck sweatshirt. 
7 )  Favorite pair of shoes?
My running shoes, bc that’s where my orthotics are.
8 ) Current haircut? 
Just long enough to put a tiny little ponytail in it, but short enough that not all my hair fits. Also an undercut at the back.
9 )  Any haircut goals for the future?
Currently growing it out. I want it long again, which I haven’t had since I was like… 12.
10 )  Describe the best date you’ve been on.
I’m like the worst person to ask this, since I’ve only gone out with my gf. We went out for brunch on our anniversary two years ago and it was very sweet.
11 )  Describe the worst date you’ve been on.
It was with this trans guy who I didn’t know was a trans guy for the first month I knew him. He had a gender neutral (Jules) name at the time so I just thought he was butch. My friend told me that he was a trans guy and I was like “wow thank god I never misgendered him to his face”. 
He asked me  out and sort of misheard me when I said “my mom and sister love chocolate but I like savoury foods more”… so he took me to this place called Coco70 which… only sells chocolate dishes… and then we missed the more date appropriate movie we were gonna see and saw Hunger Games (2?) instead.
He was really so sweet, but I didn’t think I was right for him because he was self conscious about how much taller I am than him. He tried so hard to make it special and I appreciated that, but boy was it awkward after I told him I didn’t think I could date him anymore. 
12 )  Single? Taken? 
I’ve been in a relationship for over 5 years now, but we’re open with it. Thus I am very much open to dating other girls. 
13 )  If taken, talk about your girlfriend.
Alice is a lovely person! She adores her cat, and is an amazing writer. She’s a take no shit kind of person, and I appreciate that. She is caring to the point of stressing herself out, she loves to cook (she’s a great cook!).
14 ) If single, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend/wife?
Everything in 11, but also someone whose idea of “clean” is complementary to mine, similar desires about kids, adventurous ideas about sex? Career ambitions? Likes cats/dogs/both? Someone who would want to be active/better our health together. 
15 )  Describe your dream wedding. 
Oh my gosh. I cannot possibly do that. I have a “weddings” board on pinterest with different ideas. Nothing too extravagant, nothing too small. Balanced. It would depend on the woman I’m marrying 100%.
16 )  Do you want kids? 
I do !  I am uncertain about the method of becoming a mother, but I’m not opposed to adopting, having a donor, myself or my partner carrying the baby (or babies). It all depends really. But yes, I want to be a mother. 
17 )  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Somewhere not too hot but not too cold. I’d really love to be successful enough to have condos in cities around the world. 
18 )  Favourite lesbian movie. 
God. I’m a cliche. It’s Carol (2015).
19 )  Favourite lesbian novel/story? 
Carol. Again. I need some lesbian book recs. Can I say my own? Because I’m writing my own. 
20 )  Favourite lesbian song? 
Talia by King Princess? 
21 )  Favourite lesbian musician? 
I am… uncultured… King Princess? 
22 ) What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?
I lean on everything, and dyke spread.
23 ) Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
My girlfriend’s neighbours thought I was her bc we both had buzz cuts when I visited her, despite her being like 4-5 inches shorter than me.
24 )  If a woman wanted to woo you, what would a surefire way to accomplish that?
I love having matching jewelry with who I’m dating. Get me a necklace or a ring or something and have one for you too? I’m all yours. Also my love language is “words of affirmation” and “receiving gifts”, the latter of which means that I love gifts, but it doesn’t have to be a monetary item, it could be a cool rock.
25 )  Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
Not having to give men any attention. 
26 )  Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
I like either but I enjoy cats for size and their independence. 
27 ) Turn ons. 
I need to leave a little bit of mystery. 
28 ) Turn offs?
Lack of cleanliness, condescension?
29 )   Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
I am a huge coward, and unless there is some mutual interest I just die a little until I either break tell them I want to date them or drop hints until they do? Alice and I just literally decided to be in a relationship, there was no real dating-asking.
30 )  What is your dream career?
Screenwriter, novelist, filmmaker. 
31 )  Talk about your interests or hobbies!
I write a lot, I’m working on a few novels and screenplays. You can find my work at @melrosiewrites​ which is my writeblr. I also dabble in photoshop, and read quite a bit. 
32 )  What is the most attractive quality a woman can have?
Usually her face. A nice smile is very captivating. 
33 )  Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
It would be nice not to get petty crushes on all my friends. Does that say enough? 
34 ) Ever fallen for your best-friend?
35 )  Ever fallen for a straight girl?
36 ) The L-Word: yes or no? (love it or hate it?)
I watched it. I was a bit young for it. What a mess. 
37 )  Favorite comfort food?
French fries? Sushi?
38 ) Coffee or tea? 
Tea, with honey. 
39 )  Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above? 
Omnivore, but not against going more plant based. Definitely prepared to accommodate someone’s diet (choice or allergy based). I would like to buy more organic, free range, meat. 
40 )  Do you have any pets. 
Not at the moment. 
41 )  Early riser, or night owl? 
I prefer being up early, but I don’t like alarm clocks, I’d rather the sunlight wake me. I go to bed at like 10 PM. 
42 )  What is your sign?
43 )  Can you drive? 
I cannot. 
44 )  Who was your first lesbian crush? 
The only openly gay girl in my highschool, who’s a little dumb bc I told her twice that I liked her, but she was very surprised when I told her the second time. She is so butch and now she’s married and a mom! Her wife is expecting their child soon. I’m so happy for her.
45 )  At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
I knew I wasn’t straight when I was like 14? But I identified as bi for most of highschool. I only decided I was a lesbian when I was 18. 
46 )  At what age did you come out (if you have)?
Probably soldily after I got with Alice. So, a little over 5 years ago. 
47 ) Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
I would marry Sarah Paulson in a heartbeat. Okay. Otherwise. No serious crushes.
48 ) Talk about how your day went. 
I bought maroon gloves that match my scarf, three face masks and those loopy hairbands before class, then bought Timmies for lunch, and have been answering all of these while listening to a guest lecturer in my “the city after dark” class. I’m going to help a family friend with her daughter’s birthday party after.
49 )  Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future.
Able to afford everything I need to better my health and maintain my health. My dream wardrobe, my dream home (homes?). I want to be challenged in my creative passions, and I want to share them and be a well known screenwriter and filmmaker. 
50 ) Least favourite gay celebrity? 
Uh. Aub*ey Pl*za? She said something a bit distasteful and a bit transphobic a while back, but otherwise I just don’t really like her vibe. Not too deep. 
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star-blossom · 6 years
nct song ask
okay but firts of all, i’m doing thsi just because @renjunlonjin challanged me to do ALL the nct songs ask and, as THE demon i accepted it :) (i think ill regret it soon but.. let’s see)
asks : 
0 mile: what is your favourite number and why?
my favorite number is 10, i don’t have a why actually, i just like the number ten :v
angel: what are 3 things you find really beautiful?
the ocean; roses (are my favorite flowers); @nanasboi;
another world: which fictional world would you like to like to live in?
around: what people do you like being in company of?
answered here
baby don’t like it: what are your pet peeves?
i have some but what irritates me the most are: people walking slow in front of me.. omg like CAN YOU WALK PLEASE ??????????? and it’s even worse when they are so many that block the other ways to pass them ??? # turists
baby don’t stop: your guilty pleasure?
ithink i don’t have one.. i don’t really know what to answer here because i don0t have one.. i think.. 
back 2 u: have you ever had your heart broken?
yes, a lot actually.. i fall in love too fast and too deeply so it’s very easy to break my heart. i’m such a emotional bitch and i creat a lot of feelings for someone easily (something i hate about me) and... a lot of people broke my heart before.. 
black on black: favourite outfit?
answered here
boss: who is the person you respect the most and why?
my mom. i love her so much even i don’t show it that much actually.. we fight a lot but i love her.. ofc i do it’s my mom..  why? she’s such a warrior and i don’t want to talk about it here but i have to say she passed through a lot and i’m so glad that she’s alive today.. 
cherry bomb: when was the last time you felt sexy?
i think it was last week when my class was photographying for a school project and i was one of the models. i felt sexy but insecure at the same time, as always.. (i have always to feel insecure about something wow)
chewing gum: what is your favourite candy?
UUUUUUH i don’t have a favorite candy buuuuut, my favorite ice cream flavor is mint and chocolate aaaa it’s so good~ 
cure: what songs do you listen to in order to relax?
2U - JK cover beautiful - Crush i love you boy - suzy if i could i would feeling nothing - blackbear it’s you - henry nothing like us - JK cover paper hearts - JK cover  spring day - elise english cover stay - blackpink try Again - d.ear ft. jaehyun i do - jenyer summer rain - gfriend lucid dream - monogram timeless - nct u the truth untold - bts ft. steve aoki
omg they are a lot i know but, if you listen to some of them, tell me~ 
dream in a dream: what’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
AHAHHAHAAH funny fact: i don’t remeber my dreams. only if they are nightmares and as a nightmare, it’s not strange or funny :) i’m sorry.. 
dunk shot: your favourite sportsperson?
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fire truck: your biggest fear?
my biggest fear is to lost veryone who i love the most, my family and my friends.. not only in a “death” siatuation but lost them even in life you know? idk i would react to it.. 
go: if you could go to any place in the world, which place would that be?
i really want to travel to japan. i think japan is a beautiful country and i really ant to know that awesome country better. who knows, onw day!
but if you’re talking in another way, maybe i’ll go to meet my jungwoo baby uwu pleaseeeee
good thing: what are your talents?
do i have any? maybe photography? well since photography is something i’m learning and not a talend i born with, i don’t really know. i don’t consider myself a talented person tbh, i don’t have nothing special
heartbreaker: what has made you cry recently?
joy: what makes you happy?
music, photography, dance, my friends, the ocean, animals, men’s perfume, chocolate, roses, my utt bias... 
la la love: what’s the longest crush you’ve ever had?
was my first crush: 4 years :) wow a lot i know, and guess who got her heart broke (hint: me)
lemonade love: is there a thing you did during your childhood that you still do and if so, what is it?
play random songs and creat my own choreography, yes i do that a lot or just when i have time, as you can see, i love to dance a lot!
limitless: if you had to choose one person to spend an indefinite time on a deserted island with, who would it be?
uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh jaehyun.. idk why but i feel like he’s a good person for this 
mad city: where do you feel most like yourself?
when i’m alone. reallu i’m totally myself when i’m alone, dancing or listening to music! i love being alone 
my first and last: what was the first kpop song you heard and what was the last one you listened to?
first - monster by bigbang last - see you later by blackpink
my page: do you write a diary?
no :) i used to do it but i don’t do it anymore because i don’t have time to have one
neo got my back: have you ever had a near-death experience?
no, but tbh, i would like to experience one
once again: if you could go back in time, what moment would you go back to?
to the day my dog died.. i just wanted to say goodbye to her.. (uhh guess who’s crying...)
paradise: what is your dream vacation?
answered on “go”
radio romance: what do you think about long distance relationships? would you be comfortable being in one?
answered here
running 2 u: what’s the longest you’ve ever run?
i don’t know because i really dislike to run ahaisha 
spring blossom: what’s your favourite flower and why?
roses; they are so pretty and their smell.. nobody never gave me flowers even on my birthday or something but i really like them, they are so romantic.. OMG I LOVE ROSES
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summer 127: your favourite memory from a vacation?
i don’t have. fun fact: i never traveled out of portugal :v
sun & moon: are you a night owl or a morning lark?
totally a night owl, it’s now 1am and IM DOING THIS 
switch: if you could be somebody of the opposite sex for one day, who would you be?
answered here
taste the feeling: what is your favourite beverage?
the 7th sense: if you could be talented in one thing, what would it be?
answered here
timeless: do you have a favourite piece of art and if so, what is it?
well, timeless is considered a piece of art? if so, it’s it :)
touch: are you a cuddly person or not?
trigger the fever: have you been obsessed by something recently?
not really
try again: what’s the last thing you messed up badly?
not preparing the material to do my internship correctly, omg what a shame
vision: where do you see yourself in 10 years?
working in something related to photography
wake up: at what time do you usually wake up?
it depends.. during school days: 7 - 9 am  weekends: 1 - 2pm... :) 
walk you home: what songs remind you of home?
answered here
we young: what is one film from your childhood that you never get tired of?
whiplash: what is the most painful thing you’ve experienced?
answered here
without you: what are three things you cannot go without?
my phone my headphones my keys  :v
yestoday: did you make new year’s resolutions last year and if yes, have you achieved them?
answered here
young & free: what is your earliest childhood memory?
i don’t really like to remember my childhood.. and even talk about it, i’m sorry
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mytileneve · 7 years
11 Questions Tag - Part II
This was so long I had to split it up but thank you so much for everyone who tagged me: @tragically-broken @lronteeth @fiery-feyre
1. When you’re sad what makes you feel better? Reading and forgetting about my worries for a while or alternatively journaling and wallowing in self pity for a while. Tea also helps. 2. When was the last time someone told you they love you? I can’t really remember tbh… I don’t find it easy to say I love you to people and I guess I don’t often hear it either (how depressing 😂) 3. Have you ever lost a friend? Why? As much as I wish it wasn’t true, moving away from people definitely makes you grow apart and I’ve moved around all my life. With most people I usually still keep in touch, even though we’re not as good friends as we used to be but unfortunately with others I don’t really talk anymore 4. Would you rather have a lot of friends or a few close friends? A few close friends. 5. Have you ever been drunk before, and was the experience good or bad? I’ve been drunk and it’s usually good drunk but I’ve been bad drunk before. Crying in the club bathroom cause the Independent Woman part of your brain is too drunk to function and the Clingy Mess takes over and wants to drunk text your ex and tell him she misses him, or ‘why did I keep drinking the weird shots of different mixes of alcohol my friend kept handing me omg I’m going to throw up the entire contents of my stomach’ (those were just hypothetical scenarios, of course). But mostly it’s just laughs and fun times… 6. Have you ever been in love? No. 7. What makes you feel the most alive? Crying, I guess. It sounds weird but both good crying and bad crying to me are moments when I simply can’t contain my emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger) and I have to let them out and all of those extreme emotions are a good reminder that I’m alive. 8. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Just one? 😂 I guess I’d make myself be as kind to myself as I am to others… 9. Have you ever wanted to shave your head? YES! So many times. I’m not emotionally attached to my hair at all and I’ve chopped it to a bob from waist long hair a few times before or dyed it weird colours so I definitely wouldn’t mind doing it. I think I could rock a buzzcut. 10. Do you have any tattoos? Nope. 11. If you could do anything right now what would it be? Go outside alone and explore the city at night (haha the joys of being a woman!)
1) Which event in history you’d want to witness if you could time travel? The moment when women got the right to vote. I love reading about the suffragette movement. Or the watergate scandal (this is the journalist in me talking 😂) 2) How did you meet your best friend? We moved in together without knowing each other. 3) If you can be invisible for a day, what would you do? TRAVEL! Get on a plane incognito and travel but I guess I’d have to find my way back home before the 24h are up 4) Your first kiss story I was about 13, I felt like I was the last one to have my first kiss but I definitely wasn’t and even if I had been there wouldn’t have been anything wrong with that but I was young and stupid. It was with a dude from summer camp, we had been flirting (or as much as 13yo can flirt), he had some tic tacs and we had a running joke where he would ask me if I wanted one and then open his mouth and stick his tongue with the tic tac out and say ‘come and take it’ and the best thing 13yo me could come up with was ‘maybe I will’ and then do nothing about it. Anyway, late at night he walks me to my room, we say goodbye, I go change into my pyjamas, and get ready for bed, he knocks on the door again and when I open it he says something silly like ‘about those tic tacs…’ and then kisses me. It was very average. A lot more tongue than young innocent Bianca was expecting, and my roommate was awkwardly shuffling around the room while we kissed for a good few seconds in the doorframe with the door wide open. The next day he was flirting with me again but also with one of my friends who didn’t know I liked him. I told her that I was upset and she apologised and we proceeded to lock ourselves into a room and cry (i don’t even know, don’t ask) and the guy was sat outside the door listening to the whole conversation. Camp ended the next day and I never spoke to the dude again but randomly saw him at a couple of parties and we both refused to acknowledge each other. 5) Most embarrassing memory I have so many that I literally can’t even remember, I just block them from my brain. A random one however is when this guy stopped me on the street and started chatting with me and at one point he goes ‘sooo… how are you?’ and I didn’t hear him properly and just blurted out ‘I’m 17!’ (fun fact I was 18 at the time so I didn’t even tell him the right age…)  6) Best 3 books you’ve read this year Lord of Shadows, ACOWAR and Six of Crows 7) Worst 3 books you’ve read this year The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey,  The Ship by Antonia Honeywell and Love in the time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez 8) Make your basketball team out of book characters Pretty much every fae male SJMaas has ever written + Aelin, Mor and possibly Lysandra who can shapeshift herself to be really tall. 9) Book trope you hate Cringy ‘but omg I can’t choose I love them both’ love triangles or Insta Love with no real reasoning behind it 10) Describe your style a mix of French and British inspired styles. Really simple classic pieces and overall ‘really put together but I didn’t even try’ except I totally did
1. Are narwhals the Jedi or Unicorns of the sea to you? Unicorns. If their horns retracted and glowed and made fancy swish noises they’d be jedi 2. Cats or dogs? BOTH! 3. Favorite fruit? Pomegranates! Watermelon and avocado are in second place 4. Favorite TV show? Friends, Parks and Recreation, the Office, Game of Thrones 5. Headphones or earbuds? earbuds 6. Favorite animal? Owls 7. Favorite Disney song? I won’t say I’m in love from Hercules, I’ll make a man out of you from Mulan, Part of Your World/Kiss the Girl from the Little Mermaid. 8. Favorite cartoon from your childhood? Totally Spies. Does anyone remember that? I used to be obsessed with it. And W.I.T.C.H. 9. Apple or Android? Apple. 10. PlayStation or Xbox? I don’t really know much but my best friend has the cool Xbox Kinect thingie so Xbox 11. Do you like trains or planes better? Planes
I tag: @rhysthehighlord @runesandfaes @igniscorde7112 @peregrynn @red-queen-em-for-a-dream 
1. What’s the last song you listened to? 2. What was your favourite book when you were little? 3. What language do you wish you were fluent in? 4. What’s your favourite season and time of the day? 5. If you had to pick one of your top 5 favourite books and never be able to read that book again, which one would you pick? 6. What’s a quote/song lyric you really like? 7. Which 4 fictional characters would you go on a roadtrip with? 8. Favourite ice cream flavour? 9. Would you rather get stuck in a lift for one hour or get stuck on a balcony really high up for one hour? 10. If you could hop on a plane and go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? 11. What’s your ideal date?
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frenchibi · 7 years
Ok, hold on to your hats people because this is going to be a long-ass post. I have been told my cuts don’t work on mobile (?? TUMBLR PLS) so if this doesn’t work I sincerely apologize in advance for a lot of scrolling :’) Alright so I was tagged... like 6 times I think? And I’m just going to answer them all in here xD
Also I’m gonna tag a bunch of people and you can just... decide which ones you want to do, do several, do all of them, do none at all - whatever you prefer xD @cheatos @chxngsey @fairylights101writes @cheetahleopard @snowflakers @notinvidia @anyadisee @tallihoo @lalikaa @seijouho @astersandstuffs @phea-chan @owlkaashi-keiji @heirxx @thehibiscusthief @screamingnitrogenchallenge @fandang1
...alright, let the oversharing begin :’)
1. Tagged by @grand-king-toru (thank you, and you’re tagged in all the other ones too, obviously!!) and @queeniwaizumi (your tag was a little different but basically all your questions were in this one too so I didn’t do it separately FORGIVE ME TAT - and ofc you’re tagged too!!)
Favourite place: My apartment, or on top of a mountain, or in my car, or at my mom’s house, or in a Café in the center of my city where I can sketch people Relationship status: Single Favourite colour: Phtalo blue and magenta Pets: I have allergies :’) Last song I listened to: We Know The Way from Moana Favourite tv show: If we’re talking anime, it’s Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (by a MILE). As for non-anime shows, I’m currently enjoying A Series of Unfortunate Events very much (those books were my childhood & I’m so pumped for this series you have no idea) First Fandom: Harry Potter probably, first anime fandom was Inuyasha Hobbies: writing, drawing, singing, skiing, driving my siblings places (being the oldest is GreatTM), currently trying to learn to play the guitar Books I’m currently reading: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn (and 50 others I started in Better Days™ when I had more time for reading) Favourite book: Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, The Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness, Harry Potter by JKR, Howl’s Moving Castle by Dianne Wynne Jones, Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher by Walter Moers Worst thing you’ve ever eaten/tasted: Milk that had gone off. It’s gross. Living alone is hard, please don’t make the mistakes I did.
2. Tagged by @seidou-chan (thank you, you’re also obviously tagged in all the others as well~)
Name: call me French :D Nickname: French, Frenchie Gender: female Sign: Pisces Height: 155cm Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Hogwarts house: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw Favourite colour: (see above) xD Favourite animal: Dolphins, Turtles, Owls Time right now: 1:15pm Average hours of sleep: Ideally 8, currently 3, I probably need to see a doctor about this Cat or dog person: Allergies :’) (tbh I love both ok) Favourite fictional character from Harry Potter: Ginny Weasley (, Sirius Black, Molly Weasley, Hermione Granger, Bellatrix Lestrange) Number of blankets you sleep with: One Favourite singer or band: currently Of Monsters and Men Dream trip: Cities! I love sightseeing :D Also Skiing, always skiing. Dream job: Musical singer/actress When was this blog created: 20..13? Started out as a Supernatural blog xD When did your blog reach its peak: Still climbing hopefully What made you decide to make a tumblr: blame @notinvidia
3. Tagged by @marleeb (ty friend, we haven’t talked much yet so sorry for the spam of information here xD Feel free to do whichever of these tags interests you :D)
5 things you’ll find in my bag: Notebooks (at least 3) Assorted pens Allergy medication My wallet Haikyuu keychains :D
(see also this post)
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: An enormous bookshelf (ca 1,5k books, 850 mangas) Assorted recording devices & equipment A large easel and all sorts of art supplies (acrylics, aquarelles, watercolors, pastels, colored pencils, crayons, markers, modeling paste, ink, soapstone) The door to my kitchen xD My workspace w/ computers and legal dictionaries ^^
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life: Publish a novel Raise children Own a house with a private library and a large conservatory full of plants Perform on a large stage (did that, was amazing, love to do it again) Become a translator (lol I had no idea what i was signing up for)
5 things that make me happy: Singing (is the ultimate joy of my life) and performing w/ my choir Getting feedback for my writing (makes me ecstatic ngl) and exchanging ideas with people My brilliant, lovely, multi-facetted family My warm, patient and understanding friends Being able to create, and share my ideas to people who care about them :D 5 things I’m currently into: Moana (it has consumed my life and my life is infinitely better for it) Haikyuu (and the wonderful people I’ve met through it) My original stories (which I cannot wait to work on more) A Series of Unfortunate Events (the netflix series is so great and it really lives up to the books in my opinion??) Wasting time on tumblr and ignoring the BA-thesis that I need to be writing (and my work because why be responsible)
5 things on my to-do list: *cringes* my thesis My invoices & VAT returns Get someone to help me change a lightbulb (this is not a joke, I’m short) Finish writing two letters to friends that I’m working on :D (though this one I’m looking forward to) Finish writing the 60+ fics I’ve started and work on my original projects too :’)
(what a boring to-do list is2g)
5 things people may not know about me: I OVERSHARE ALL THE TIME (you knew that) I’m a legal translator (German/English) and I work freelance I am allergic to EVERYTHING I…really love…girls… I speak 4 languages (and a fifth one barely) :D
4. Tagged by @ghost--fox (this was a while back and I’m sorry for being so slow ;-; THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME!!! I did your other tag too, below this one :D - obviously you’re tagged in any of the above if you feel like it xD)
Rules: Put your music on “Shuffle” List the first 10 songs Tag 10 people
1. Avicii – Hey Brother 2. Nothing’s Carved In Stone – Spirit Inspiration (Zetsuen no Tempest Opening) 3. Suzanne Vega – The Queen and the Soldier (I’m gonna base an AU on this just you wait) 4. The Cab - Endlessly 5. Blue Stahli – Anti You 6. Ramin Karimloo – Show Me Light (Have I yelled about how much I love him? I love him!!) 7. All Time Low – Cinderblock Garden 8. Genesis – Follow You Follow Me (I have no regrets, love me some 80s Phil Collins) 9. Ayumi Hamazaki – Dearest (Inuyasha Ending) 10. Nightmare – Sekai Wo (Death Note Opening)
5. Tagged again by @ghost--fox :D THANK YOU!!
A - Age: 21 soon xD B - Biggest fear: not making a difference C - Current time: 2:08pm (this took long omg) D - Drink you last had: I actually bought a fresh coconut and drank it :0 (my allergies are like “uhm girl that was a bad choice” but tbh it was worth it) E - Every day starts with: Removing my retainer and taking my allergy meds F - Favorite song: Empire by Of Monsters and Men and Invincible by Hedley G - Ghosts, are they real: Idk fam H - Hometown: Munich I - In love with: being inspired & motivated?? it’s the BEST?? J - Jealous of: healthy people K - Killed someone: couldn’t even if I wanted to L - Last time you cried: Out of frustration in December M - Middle name: Johanna (after my grandmother) N - Number of siblings: 4 (3 + an older step-sister I see twice a year) O - One wish: Stop using religion as an excuse for hate crimes P - Person you last called/texted: My dad/my friend Nina respectively Q - Questions you’re always asked: Can you chill? / Can you drive me to [place]? / How’s it going with your thesis? - pls But also: Are you doing okay? / Do you need me to listen? / Sing with me? – YES THANK YOU R - Reasons to smile: Fanfiction and fanart exists. Hot chocolate, tea and fluffy blankets. Music, Art, Books, Stories. Stars & the sky. Brilliant people are making brilliant things every day. A small act of kindness from you to a stranger can make all the difference. S - Song last sang: The Lasset uns nicht zerteilen chorus from Bach’s Johannespassion in my singing lesson (in preparation for our next choir concert), and then assorted Hamilton songs on my drive home xD T - Time you woke up: 7am U - Underwear color: dark blue V- Vacation destination: Cities w/ lots of art & culture :D W - Worst habit: biting my fingernails & cuticles I HATE MYSELF X - X-rays you’ve had: lots for my teeth (wrecked a tooth and used to have braces also), one for my knee after a hiking accident Y - Your favorite food: lasagna (w/ meat or spinach honestly I like both a lot) Z - Zodiac sign: Pisces
...and lastly, 6. Tagged by  @missellaineous (this is also super old I apologize but I liked your questions so :D - feel free to do any of the other tags if you want xD)
1. What can’t you sleep without? My phone. Literally I use it as an alarm clock xD 2. What are your favorite kind of socks? :0 I like big fluffy warm ones – and also I like skiing socks because they fit really tightly and they’re also super warm xD 3. What’s your favorite snack/meal/drink? Atm I am very weak for cookies (I have… phases. At one point I ate so many gummy bears that now I just cannot), my favorite food is lasagna and my favorite drink is water or tea (no milk, no sugar, I dislike sweet drinks except if it’s hot chocolate xD) 4. What’s your favorite kind of weather? …do you know the artist Yuumei? A lot of her pictures have spectacular skies that are like… the sun breaking through dark clouds after a storm? That. That’s my favorite weather. It’s so… motivational and  hopeful? Idk, but I love it. 5. What do you like to listen to/do to relax and feel better when you’re upset? I love the songs from musicals because they’re great to sing along to and singing always improves my mood :D I have endless love for Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera and Hamilton atm. Also what always helps me is, in my mom’s words, to “talk to someone who doesn’t hate you”. Because I tend to hate on myself a lot when I’m upset (for not being better, happier, healthier, enough) and it helps to talk to my friends, who objectively don’t think I’m as awful as I tend to think I am ^^ And they’re all really kind and understanding (and/or blunt when I need someone to tell me to snap out of it). 6. What’s your favorite store to shop at? HOO BOY ok I love bookstores (because duh, books) and lately I’ve also been loving Muji a lot? xD Also we have an art supply chain here in Germany that has GREAT STUFF and I always go overboard xD 7. What color do you wear the most? Black probably, but that’s because most of my pants/leggings are black. Other than that I own a lot of blue and also a lot of red, esp. dresses :D 8. What’s your favorite (video/board/social/party) game to play? That’s hard?? I don’t play a lot of video games but I absolutely adored Undertale. Funnily enough we play card & board games a lot when we meet with my old friends from school, but tbh I don’t have a favorite. I recently learned how to play Skat, which is really enjoyable? (Google tells me apparently that’s mainly a German thing, ok.) And, eh, I’m not a big fan of parties & party games ^^ 9. Any guilty pleasures? When I have time, I watch objectively bad or cliché anime and write commentary xD Also I spend way too much time playing The Sims if I’m totally honest... and scrolling through my dash. Damn. 10. If you could go anywhere (in real life or in fiction), where would it be? Or fiction??? HOGWARTS?!?! Teach me all the magic pls?! …ok but for real though I would love to visit some of my online friends :’)
Alright that’s it, thank you all again and sorry I’m slow and this is a huge post full of way too much information, I’m gonna let myself out now
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curewhimsy · 6 years
Character Questionnaire- Reisei
Originally posted on DeviantArt
First, give us a quick run-down of your character. Reveal as much or as little as you want.
Reisei Kokuu (虚空冷静) is 22 years old, male (possibly cisgender, yet up to interpretation), and Japanese. He is a rather minor character in the Whimsica universe but he has his own short story about him and Tamika, Flowery Sky. It’s anout how the two meet, enter a relationship, and grow into adulthood. His last name means “Empty Sky”, alluding to the name of one of his poems about being lonely. His first name translates to “calm”.
Reisei is shy, soft-spoken, sensitive, and intuitive. He writes poetry and has a very serene and delicate heart. His poems are mostly about nature and using imagery to convey emotion. He is very docile and hospitable. He wants to be a doctor.
Reisei’s birthday is September 9. He is 5’9” and 200 pounds, which is overweight. His hair is a dark gray, along with his eyes. He is quite sickly, often succumbing to common ailments due to a weak immune system.
In the Whimsica universe he is a rabbit fauna, meaning he has rabbit DNA which manifests itself as long floppy ears on his head and a puffy round tail. In this magical universe he also has powers that have to do with healing, and his spells are possibly poems.
What is their nose shape? Long? Pointed? Round? Broad? Thin?
Reisei’s nose is basically a very average nose, but a bit on the round side.
If your OC had an account on deviantART what would their username be? What kind of things would they post?
His username would be something like kodoku-na-aozora (Lonely Blue Sky) or shuzuka-na-kanata (Quiet Distance)
And of course, he would post his poetry. Maybe some photography too.
How could your OC be parodied, mocked, or exaggerated? (Example: A character who tends to cry a lot is parodied by being portrayed as more emotional than they really are.)
Reisei would talk in poems. Every time he feels any sort of emotion he would go on a long, flowery, and poetic rant about how he’s feeling. He would also be very expressive, theatrical, fainting a lot and perhaps even literally being the sky.
What genre of story could you most see your character being in? Does this match their current genre?
Honestly I could most easily just see him in a very touching slice-of-life anime. I threw him in a fantasy story to switch things up though.
Does your OC prefer seriousness or comedy?
Reisei is a bit more on the serious side though he does appreciate good comedy.
If they were a genre of music, which would they be?
Very, very calming slow songs of a wide range of genres. Atmospheric music perhaps.
If they were a month, which would they be?
April, a very gentle and mild month where everything begins coming back to life. I could also see him being November, a quieter month that often feels a bit wistful.
What canon characters do they remind you of?
You know, Reisei is one of my rare characters that aren’t inspired by any characters from other media whatsoever. However I would have to say he is a bit like Mio Akiyama from K-ON, who is a lyricist and has a gentle personality. However, Reisei doesn’t have Mio’s strictness and probably wouldn’t punch Ritsu like Mio sometimes does.
Also he’s not a fictional character but. Adam Young. (Owl City)
If they were one of the seven deadly sins, which would they be?
This is strange, but Reisei would be lust. But it’s a different kind of lust. Not sexual. He has many, many different self-indulgent desires. Wanderlust perhaps.
Least favorite color?
Reisei finds beauty in all the colors as they are all part of nature and each can evoke a wide range of different emotion. Red can be of a rose as much as it can be of a gentle sunset.
Any inside jokes or memes related to your character? Are they easy to poke fun at?
Rei is gay and that’s okay. He’s actually bisexual however.
Also, what do you call a RAY that has something to SAY?
Defining characteristics?
He’s a poet who wants to be a doctor. He’s sensitive and soft-spoken. He’s often sick. He’s very sweet and generous. He’s also a bunny fauna.
What does their voice sound like?
It’s quite clear, a bit low and soft-sounding. He has a bit of a stutter.
Imagine that your character had an official character songs CD with two songs on it. List what the titles might be, what they’re about, the genre, and generally what they sound like.
Oh boy, here comes my favorite question. Reisei’s character songs would be his poems. But as songs.
Song 1: 雨空の独白 (Amazora no Dokuhaku) [Rainy Sky Monologue]
Reisei basically talking to himself about how beautiful life is yet how lonely it is when you have nobody to share it all with. It’s somewhat upbeat yet the lyrics are a bit... sad. There’s a piano in it.
Song 2: 幸せの涙 (Shiawase no Namida) [Tears of Happiness]
Song is ambiguously about Tamika. It’s basically about Reisei being thankful that she’s always there for him to the point where he’s moved enough to cry. It’s a bit slower than the first song and sounds a bit sad. It’s really both a sad and happy song. There is a piano. Sounds a bit like Nawatobi from Love Live. One line from it is “I’m very, very happy. So why is it that I’m crying?” Another line compares his feelings to a sunshower, when the sun is out during a light rain, symbolizing happy tears. “It’s strange, yet special, because it’s a time we can see beautiful rainbows.”
What if the funniest thing about your character?
What would you say are your character’s strangest or most unique traits?
His handwriting is perfect, it’s like print. He has floppy ears as a rabbit fauna. Very long floppy ears. Also, rabbits and other small rodents seem to be drawn to him. It’s like he radiates peace.
Humorous running gags that apply to them? (Example: A repeated funny thing happens to them.)
Whenever Reisei sees a mime he gets so irrationally angry for no reason.
Character’s voice type? (Soprano, alto, contralto, tenor, baritone, etc.)
He has a tenor voice type, it’s not really that deep. Just like your poems, Reisei.
Okay, that was mean. Sorry. His poems are probably wonderful.
How well are they at drawing?
Average I guess. But his handwriting is godly.
Are they idealistic and dream of a perfect world? Or do they believe that life is meant to be tough? Maybe they’re somewhere in between, perhaps?
Reisei is very much the idealistic, dreamy type. His view is that the world may not be perfect, but we should all be striving for it to be.
Blood type?
Name some TV Tropes that apply.
I’m going to skip this one because I’m lazy and can’t think of anything. Sorry.
What about your OC do you find difficult to write? (Examples: Tastes that don’t match yours, different ways of thinking)
I find it difficult to write his poems because I’m not really a good poet.
How are they different from you? How are they similar to you?
He’s quite similar to me actually. We’re idealistic and wishy-washy and soft and all that.
He’s different from me as he writes poems as I prefer to write stories. My handwriting is terrible. He’s more serious than me and I’m a big goofball.
Choose any random established character. Now, write if your OC would get along with them or not.
Reisei would get along fairly well with Umi Sonoda. They both write poems. Umi is shy, but not as shy as Reisei. Umi is a bit more serious than Reisei. I could see her being protective of him. I could see them writing songs together.
Is your character someone you would like to meet or be friends with?
Sure! He’s a very nice person and has the same views on the world as me. We could have long conversations about nice things, provided he would talk. He’s very shy.
If you were to ever be able to spend an hour with them, what would you do with them within that hour? If it involves asking them something, then what?
I would just. Have that aforementioned long conversation with him. I would also ask him about his life and such. I know my job as a writer is to make that up myself, but... hey....
Would you consider your character emotional? Why or why not?
He is very much emotional. He has all these feelings they he conveys through his writing.
Why did you create this character? What message or story are they supposed to tell?
Reisei is really just... I feel like he’s a part of me. The lonely and yearning part of me.
He’s also meant to prove that men can be soft and sensitive too and that it’s okay for them to be like that.
What inspired the creation of your character? It can be anything.
It was actually a dream that inspired the first few parts of him. I forgot it, but I think I fell asleep listening to https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JcHl1JgIW6A
I first saw him in that dream... an emotional, sickly boy who liked to create things...
On a scale of 1 to 10, how sensitive are they? (1 being lowest, 10 being highest)
I would give this guy a big fat 10. Not only is he sensitive, he’s also intuitive and almost connected with other people’s emotions.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do they fit the definition of “cute”?
I’d say 8. He’s pretty cute. He likes cute things. He plays Animal Crossing. His room is “like a girl’s room”. He collects stuffed animals. The ting that keeps him from being a 9 or a 10 is his rather plain appearance, yet I think being plain on the outside fits him.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how funny are they?
I’d give him a 5. He’s... average. He has a sense of humor but he isn’t my funniest character, nor my easiest to poke fun at. Most of his humor relies on his poems being cheesy or his silly clumsiness. Luana pokes fun at his name, calling him stingray. Again, he’s not my funniest character. He has a more serious purpose.
On a scale of 1 to 10, is your character’s life ordinary, or anything but? (1 being ordinary, 10 being outlandish)
He’s one of my rare characters with an actual normal life of some sort. By Whimsica standards maybe. But by other standards, he would be a 5. I would say 5.
Name something unexpected about your character.
Reisei is a top! In bed! He’s a TOP! You thought he was going to be a bottom but no! Reisei is a top!
Also, he likes Pokemon and is somewhat into it competitively. It’s unexpected because he doesn’t strike people as being competitive.
Are they a typical inhabitant of their world, or do they have things that set them apart from being a normal person?
By Whimsica standards he is ordinary. Very ordinary. He’s your random typical normal guy. Faunas are everywhere. It doesn’t matter if he’s part rabbit. There’s also talking rabbits and furries living in Whimsica! (The furries are called Anthromorphs)
Does your character snore?
A little bit! It’s quiet. Tamika says it’s cute.
How much has your character changed since you first created them? Write a scenario where the current one meets the first version.
The very first Reisei that popped in my head was actually a story writer rather than a poem writer. He was going to be just as quiet, but maybe not as sensitive. He was more blunt. He had black hair and blue eyes. He was skinny. He wasn’t a rabbit fauna at the time. He was also a high school student. The current Reisei met Tamika in high school and has a story that takes place in high school, but in the current timeline he is 22 during the main events of Whimsica Saga.
I’m going to skip writing the scenario though, because the change wasn’t that drastic. Also I’m lazy. Heh.
How does your character change or develop the most through the course of their story?
He goes from being very lonely and shy to coming out of his shell a bit and being able to show his true self.
What food can’t your character just not stand?
Reisei hates tomatoes. He thinks they taste like grass.
Does your character have anything else that they can’t stand?
Mimes. Also, the usual stuff like bullies and unfairness.
What are your character’s hands like? Size? Shape? Are they callused or smooth?
His hands are kind of square-shaped, smooth, a little bit hairy. (Just above the knuckles. Yes, some people have hair there.)
What’s the most cliche thing about your character? Do you like them that way, or do you seek to improve them?
Rei is cliche and that’s okay. Rei is cliche and I like him that way.
Silly poem aside, I do think he’s a little bit cliche? But usually it’s a girl character with Reisei’s personality. Reisei is a male. It makes him a little bit different I guess.
But still, I really, really like him this way. He’s pure and has a big heart.
What are misconceptions that are made about your character? This could either be in-universe or IRL people’s first impressions.
In-universe, people usually think he’s boring or don’t know who he is because he never talks.
IRL? Um... maybe the fact that nobody saw it coming that he was a top! Not a bottom!
What would they be if they were an animal?
A dark gray rabbit with big floppy ears.
If your character had a candy made after them, what kind would it be?
Marshmallows shaped like clouds and stars.
Your character is in a band. Would they be a vocalist, guitarist, bassist, drummer, or keyboardist?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
I think he would be the keyboardist.
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ventrue-rosary · 7 years
#tumblr ask meme All the hella cute questions (or as many as you can/want) ;)
1 - 7 answered here!
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
My bf Alex. You can assume he’s on my mind 80% of the time
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Hella yes I’m awkward and shy as hell
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My friend Zoe. She’s been an amazing friend lately (she always has been but we haven’t been friends for a while). Been there for me during some troubles 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
‘We will in a bit since we are going to go bed soon’. In response to room-switching with my brother for a night since Alex was staying over for comic con the following day and we both wouldn’t fit in my room
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
I’ll link the youtube videos–you should listen to them!
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it!
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Well luck maybe, even though I hardly get any good luck. Miracles? Not so sure
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Built my gaming PC
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Since it was Alex, yes, of course
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Definitely!!! Millions of galaxies out there and people honestly believe we are the only species ever to exist? Come off it
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yh but I find them too time-consuming to bother with
20. Do you like your neighbors?
My neighbors on both sides are a pain in the ass, the ones on the right side moreso though. At least the left-hand ones are polite
21. What are you bad habits?
Over-thinking, being very forgetful, having to ask people to repeat something they already told me multiple times, getting sad over things that don’t matter or haven’t even happened, begging for attention, overeating or eating nothing at all
22. Where would you like to travel?
Scotland, Ireland, America, New Zealand, Italy, France, Iceland and Japan 
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
 25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
All of it
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Go back to sleep, or if I have to be somewhere begrudgingly get up and think about how tired I am
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Well my skin is so pale I have trouble finding good concealer and foundation that matches, so if I could get darker to the stage I can find good makeup I’d love that
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
Probably Alex. I’m always a tad uncomfortable around people though because of my anxiety 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
No, only had one ex and we ended on ok terms and we’d only been dating for like a day 
30. Do you ever want to get married?
I’d love to
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
I’d never be comfortable having a threesome
33. Spell your name with your chin.
asmnjytyt. Was supposed to say Amy. I tried 
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Nope, not athletic and I hate sports 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV. I don’t really watch it tbh
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Usually nothing I’m pretty ok with silence
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
One word: Alex
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
I like Quiggins, this alternative fashion store in my town, and Worlds Apart–the only good things about my city lol. GAME, HMV, Forbidden Planet and Primark I frequent too. Tons of other places online but we’d be here all day if I listed them
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Graduated 3 years ago
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
No. Some people are beyond forgiveness
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m usually pretty quiet anyways so its just me being me
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Hell no thats weird
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Responsibilities and anxiety teaming up on me
46. What are you paranoid about?
Everything that could possibly go wrong rn 
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Don’t think so
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
All the time
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Don’t really wear it
54. Favourite store?
Oooooooh. Can’t decide
55. Favourite blog?
Follow too many good ones
56. Favourite colour?
Black, blue, red, white and purple
57. Favourite food? 
Pizza, pasta, cake, chocolate, cheesecake and sushi
58. Last thing you ate?
Shreddies with sugar on top
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Shreddies with sugar on to[
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Uhh on this cook-off we had on school where we had to prepare a three-course meal and my dessert won. I made green tea ice cream and everyone loved it
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
No, I kept my nose clean in school
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love? 
Yup, and I still am
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
It was when I was 18. Had a party at my friends house to celebrate us finishing school. She lived pretty far from the rest of us so we stayed over. She lived ina  pretty big house but a lot of us had to share beds and the like. I shared one with my new boyfriend, who ad literally asked me out like three hours ago. I wanted to sleep but I think he wanted something else. We kissed, he slipped me the tongue and started pulling at my clothes. I pulled away and asked him what he was doing. He said he didn’t know. Then we just lay down and tried to sleep. He slept easily, I didn’t get any lol
65. Are you hungry right now?
No I just ate
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I guess??
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
71. Craving something? What?
Too not be tired constantly. To know I am loved and wanted. A cat
72. What colour are your towels?
We have a wide range of colours, mostly blue though
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I have a load by my pillow
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
7/8. Either way not enough
75. Favourite animal?
Cats, dogs, pandas, red pandas, raccoons, sugar gliders, hamsters, rabbits, japanese flying dwarf squirrels, bearded dragons, geckos, budgies, owls, harvest mice, lemmings, wolves and foxes
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Chocolate fudge brownie
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Not wearing one rn
80. What colour pants?
Not wearing pants either
81. Favourite tv show?
Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, FMA, PMMM, Mob Psycho 100, Boku no Hero Academia, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures, RWBY and One Punch Man
82. Favourite movie?
You Name, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Ju-On, Ringu, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Nolan’ Batman trilogy and more I can’t really remember now…
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Haven’t even seen the second one
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls I guess
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Whats with all the mean girls question? I was really never that invested in that movie lol 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Wouldn’t say I have one thetyy were all pretty forgettable
87. First person you talked to today?
My mum
88. Last person you talked to today?
Its only 11am 
89. Name a person you hate?
I don’t exactly hate anyone who I know directly 
90. Name a person you love?
Alex and all my friends!
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Lord Dampnut
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
At least 8 hoodies, I think
95. Last movie you watched?
Doctor Strange
96. Favourite actress?
Don’t have one
97. Favourite actor?
Don’t have one
98. Do you tan a lot?
No I just burn
99. Have any pets?
One dog
100. How are you feeling?
Tired, a lil nauseous. Thats the norm when you live with chronic fatigue syndrome though
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
I wish I stood up for myself more, and didn’t take shit from anyone, no matter who they were
103. Can you spell well?
I know how to spell pretty well but I still make an appalling amount of typos. Thats just more to do with my garbage-tier typing skills though
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
I guess? I’m learning to live without them though
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
No but I’ve always kinda wanted to
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Don’t think so
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
109. Is something irritating you right now?
The bm-ing bastards on hearthstone
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
Haven’t I already answered this?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My family when I went to my uncle’s funeral
113. What was your childhood nickname?
I didn’t really have one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
Yup, for holidays
115. Do you play the Wii?
Used to
116. Are you listening to music right now?
My fire playlist on youtube. Mostly weeby shit
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Its aight
118. Do you like Chinese food?
YES119. Favourite book?
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, Game of Thrones, and Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Kinda. I think I read somwhere that every human is engineered to be wary of the dark
121. Are you mean?
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
I can’t even keep black shoes clean so probs not
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
Not really. I have enough to keep me occupied
127. What makes you happy?
Cute animals, video games, music, good food and good company
128. Would you change your name?
Probably not
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Idk. Try to be respectful of their feelings and try not to alienate them or make them feel weird
 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Again this question has been repeated
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
I was raised in a deep dark hole,
A prisoner with no parole.
They locked me up and took my soul
(Ashamed of what they made)
134. Can you count to one million?
Yes but I’m not going to. What a complete waste of time
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Idk I say a lot of dumb shit
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
I have wavy hair but I usually straighten it. I prefer curly hair though, I just can’t get my hair to cooperate
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
Winter I guess
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Gotta be milk
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
Its only started!
147. Mars or Snickers?
Snickers. I do love me some nuts
148. What’s your favourite quote?
Don’t have one
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes. After the weird shit from last year, yes.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?  (via tchitsnathan)
I actually moved all my books downstairs and I’m too lazy to go get one -__-
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